E A L D W S: Quivariant Rchitectures For Earning in EEP Eight Paces
E A L D W S: Quivariant Rchitectures For Earning in EEP Eight Paces
E A L D W S: Quivariant Rchitectures For Earning in EEP Eight Paces
Designing machine learning architectures for processing neural networks in their raw weight matrix
form is a newly introduced research direction. Unfortunately, the unique symmetry structure of deep
weight spaces makes this design very challenging. If successful, such architectures would be capable
of performing a wide range of intriguing tasks, from adapting a pre-trained network to a new domain
to editing objects represented as functions (INRs or NeRFs). As a first step towards this goal, we
present here a novel network architecture for learning in deep weight spaces. It takes as input a
concatenation of weights and biases of a pre-trained MLP and processes it using a composition of
layers that are equivariant to the natural permutation symmetry of the MLP’s weights: Changing the
order of neurons in intermediate layers of the MLP does not affect the function it represents. We
provide a full characterization of all affine equivariant and invariant layers for these symmetries and
show how these layers can be implemented using three basic operations: pooling, broadcasting, and
fully connected layers applied to the input in an appropriate manner. We demonstrate the effectiveness
of our architecture and its advantages over natural baselines in a variety of learning tasks.
1 Introduction
Deep neural networks are the primary model for learning functions from data, from classification to generation. Recently,
they also became a primary model for representing data samples, for example, INRs for representing images, 3D objects,
or scenes (Park et al., 2019; Sitzmann et al., 2020; Tancik et al., 2020; Mildenhall et al., 2021). In these two cases,
representing functions or data, it is often desirable to operate directly over the weights of a pre-trained deep model. For
instance, given a trained deep network that performs visual object recognition, one may want to change its weights
so it matches a new data distribution. In another example, given a dataset of INRs or NeRFs representing 3D objects,
we may wish to analyze the shape space spanned by them by directly applying machine learning to their raw network
representation, namely their weights and biases.
In this paper, we seek a principled approach for learning over neural weight spaces. We ask: "What neural architectures
can effectively learn and process neural models that are represented as sequences of weights and biases?"
The study of learning in neural weight spaces is still in its infancy. Few pioneering studies (Eilertsen et al., 2020;
Unterthiner et al., 2020; Schürholt et al., 2021) used generic architectures such as fully connected networks and attention
mechanisms to predict model accuracy or hyperparameters. Even more recently, three papers have partially addressed
the question in the context of INRs (Dupont et al., 2022; Xu et al., 2022; Anonymous, 2023). Unfortunately, it is
not clear if and how these approaches could be applied to other types of neural networks because they make strong
assumptions about the dimension of the input domain or the training procedure.
Equal contributor
Equivariant Architectures for Learning in Deep Weight Spaces
It remains an open problem to characterize the principles for designing deep architectures that can process the weights
of other deep models. Traditional deep models have been designed to process data instances with well-understood
structures like fixed-sized tensors or sequences. In contrast, the weights of deep models live in spaces with a very
different structure, which is still not fully understood (Hecht-Nielsen, 1990; Chen et al., 1993; Brea et al., 2019; Entezari
et al., 2021).
Our approach. This paper takes a step forward toward learning in deep-weight spaces by developing architectures that
account for the structure of these spaces in a principled manner. More concretely, we address learning in spaces that
represent a concatenation of weight (and bias) matrices of Multilayer Perceptrons (MLPs). Motivated by the recent
surge of studies that incorporate symmetry into neural architectures (Cohen & Welling, 2016; Zaheer et al., 2017;
Ravanbakhsh et al., 2017; Kondor & Trivedi, 2018; Maron et al., 2019b; Esteves et al., 2018), we analyze the symmetry
structure of neural weight spaces. Then we design architectures that are equivariant to the natural symmetries of the
data. Specifically, we focus on the main type of symmetry found in the weights of MLPs; We follow a key observation,
made more than 30 years ago (Hecht-Nielsen, 1990) which states that for any two consecutive internal layers of an MLP,
simultaneously permuting the rows of the first layer and the columns of the second layer generates a new sequence of
weight matrices that represent exactly the same underlying function. To illustrate this, consider a two-layer MLP of
the form W2 σ(W1 x). Permuting the rows and columns of the weight matrices using a permutation matrix P in the
following way: W1 7→ P T W1 , W2 7→ W2 P will, in general, result in different weight matrices that represent exactly
the same function. More generally, any sequence of weight matrices and bias vectors can be transformed by applying
permutations to their rows and columns in a similar way, while representing the same function, see Figure 1.
After characterizing the symmetries of deep weight spaces, we define the architecture of Deep Weight-Space Networks
(DWSNets) - deep networks that process other deep networks. As with many other equivariant architectures, e.g., Zaheer
et al. (2017); Hartford et al. (2018); Maron et al. (2019b), DWSNets are composed of simple affine equivariant layers
interleaved with pointwise non-linearities. A key contribution of this work is that it provides the first characterization
of the space of affine equivariant layers for the symmetries of weight spaces discussed above. Interestingly, our
characterization relies on the fact that the weight space is a direct sum of group representations, and reveals that our
linear equivariant layers, which we call DWS-layers, have a block matrix structure. Each block maps between specific
weight and bias spaces of the input network. Furthermore, we show that these blocks can be implemented using three
basic operations: broadcasting, pooling, or standard dense linear layers. This allows us to implement DWS-layers
efficiently, significantly reducing the number of parameters compared to fully connected networks.
Finally, we analyze the expressive power of DWS networks and prove that this architecture is capable of approximating
a forward pass of an input network. Our findings provide a basis for further exploration of these networks and their
capabilities. We demonstrate this by proving that DWS networks can approximate certain functions defined on the
space of functions represented by the input MLPs. In addition, while this work focuses on MLPs, we discuss other
types of input architectures, such as convolutional networks or transformers, as possible extensions.
We demonstrate the efficacy of DWSNets on two types of tasks: (1) processing INRs; and (2) processing standard
neural networks. The results indicate that our architecture performs significantly better than natural baselines based on
data augmentation and weight-space alignment.
Contributions. This paper makes the following contributions: (1) It introduces a symmetry-based approach for
designing neural architectures that operate in deep weight spaces; (2) It provides the first characterization of the space
of affine equivariant layers between deep weight spaces; (3) It analyzes aspects of the expressive power of the proposed
architecture; and (4) It demonstrates the benefits of the approach in a series of applications from INR classification to
the adaptation of networks to new domains, showing advantages over natural and recent baselines.
2 Previous work
In recent years several studies suggested operating directly on the parameters of NNs. In both Eilertsen et al. (2020);
Unterthiner et al. (2020) the weights of trained NNs were used to predict properties of networks. Eilertsen et al. (2020)
suggested to predict the hyper-parameters used to train the network, and Unterthiner et al. (2020) proposed to predict
the network generalization capabilities. Both of these studies use standard NNs on the flattened weights or on some
statistics of them. Dupont et al. (2022) suggested applying deep learning tasks, such as generative modeling, to a
dataset of INRs fitted from the original data. To obtain useful representations of the data, the authors used meta-learning
techniques to learn low dimensional vectors, termed modulations, which were used in normalization layers. Unlike this
approach, our method can work on any MLP and is agnostic to the way that it was trained. In Schürholt et al. (2021)
the authors suggested methods to learn representations of NNs using self-supervised methods, and in Schürholt et al.
(2022a) this approach was leveraged for NN model generation. Xu et al. (2022) proposed to process neural networks by
applying a neural network to a concatenation of their high-order spatial derivatives. Peebles et al. (2022) proposed a
Equivariant Architectures for Learning in Deep Weight Spaces
Figure 1: Symmetries of deep weight spaces, shown here on a 3-layer MLP. For any pointwise nonlinearity σ, the
permutations τ1 , τ2 can be applied to rows and columns of successive weight matrices without changing the function
represented by the network.
generative approach to output a target network based on an initial network and a target metric such as the loss value or
return. Finally, in a recent submission, Anonymous (2023) suggested a methodology for processing of INRs by using a
set-like architecture (Zaheer et al., 2017). See Appendix A for more related work.
3 Preliminaries
Notation. we use [n] = {1, ..., n} and [k, m] = {k, k + 1, . . . , m}. we use Πd for the set of d × d permutation matrices
(bi-stochastic matrices with entries in {0, 1}). Sd is the symmetric group of d elements. 1 is an all ones vector.
Group representations and equivariance. Given a vector space V and a group G, a representation is a group
homomorphism ρ that maps a group element g ∈ G to an invertible matrix ρ(g) ∈ GL(V). Given two vector spaces
V, W and corresponding representations ρ1 , ρ2 a function L : V → W is called equivariant (or a G-linear map)
if it commutes with the group action, namely L(ρ1 (g)v) = ρ2 (g)L(v) for all v ∈ V, g ∈ G. When ρ2 is trivial,
namely the output is the same for all input transformations, L is called an invariant function. A sub-representation of a
representation (V, ρ) is a subspace W ⊆ V for which ρ(g)w ∈ W for all g ∈ G, w ∈ W. A direct sum of representations
(W, ρ0 ), (U, ρ00 ) is a new group representation (V, ρ) where V = W ⊕ U and ρ(g)((w, u)) = (ρ0 (g)w, ρ00 (g)u). A
permutation representation of a permutation group G ≤ Sn maps a permutation τ to its corresponding permutation
matrix. For an introduction to group representations, refer to Fulton & Harris (2013).
MultiLayer Perceptrons. MLPs are sequential neural networks with fully connected layers. Formally, an M -layer
MLP f is a function of the following form:
f (x) = xM , xm+1 = σ(Wm+1 xm + bm+1 ), x0 = x (1)
Here, Wm ∈ Rdm ×dm−1 and bm ∈ Rdm , [Wm , bm ]m∈[M ] is a concatenation of all the weight matrices and bias vectors,
and σ is a pointwise non-linearity like a ReLU or a sigmoid. Note that dm is the dimension of xm , m = 0, . . . , M .
Equivariant Architectures for Learning in Deep Weight Spaces
Figure 2: Block matrix structure for linear equivariant maps between weight spaces. Left: an equivariant layer for
the weight space V to itself can be written as four blocks that map between the general weight space W and general
bias space B. Right: Each such block can be further written as a block matrix between specific weight and bias
spaces Wm , B` . Each color in each block matrix represents a different type of linear equivariant function between the
sub-representations Wm , B` . Blocks of the same type have different parameters. Repeating colors in different matrices
are not related. See Tables 4-7 for a specification of the layers.
where Wm := Rdm ×dm−1 and Bm := Rdm . Each summand in the direct sum corresponds to a weight matrix and bias
vector for a specific layer, i.e., Wm ∈ Wm , bm ∈ Bm . We define the symmetry group of the weight space to be the
direct product of symmetric groups for all the intermediate dimensions in the MLP m ∈ [1, M − 1]:
G := Sd1 × · · · × SdM −1 . (3)
Wm = PτTm Wm Pτm−1 , b0m = PτTm bm , m ∈ [2, M − 1] (4c)
WM = Wm PτM −1 , bM 0 = bM . (4d)
In this section, we describe the main building blocks of DWSNets, namely the DWS-layers. The first subsection
provides an overview of the section and its main results. In the following subsections, we discuss the finer details and
explain how these results can be formally proved.
We note that a similar formulation first appeared in Ainsworth et al. (2022)
Equivariant Architectures for Learning in Deep Weight Spaces
Characterizing all affine equivariant and invariant maps for the weight space V requires finding bases for three linear
spaces: (1) the space of linear equivariant maps between the weight space V to itself; (2) the space of constant
equivariant functions (biases) on the weight space; and (3) the space of linear invariant maps on the weight space. As
we show in Section 5.4 and Appendix B, we can readily adapt previous results in order to find bases for (2)-(3), and the
main challenge is (1), which will be our main focus.
To find a basis for the space of equivariant layers we will use a strategy based on a decomposition of the weight space V
into multiple sub-representations, corresponding to the weight and bias spaces. This is based on the classic result that
states that any linear equivariant map between direct sums of representations can be represented in block matrix form,
with each block mapping between two constituent representations in an equivariant manner. A formal statement can be
found in Section 5.2. Importantly, this strategy simplifies our characterization and enables us to implement each block
First, we introduce another, coarser, decomposition of V into two sub-representations V = W ⊕ B. Here, W :=
m=1 Wm is a direct sum of the spaces that represent weight matrices, and B := m=1 Bm is a direct sum of spaces
that represent biases. We further divide the layer L into four linear maps that cover all equivariant linear maps between
the weights W and the biases B: Lww : W → W, Lwb : W → B, Lbw : B → W, Lbb : B → B. Figure 2 (left)
illustrates this decomposition.
Our next step is constructing equivariant layers between W, B, namely finding a basis for Lww , Lwb , Lbw , Lbb . This is
done by splitting them again into the sub-representations from Equation (2), i.e., Wm , B` and characterizing all the
equivariant maps between these representations. We show that all these maps are either previously characterized linear
equivaraint layers on sets (Zaheer et al., 2017; Hartford et al., 2018), or simple combinations of pooling, broadcasting
and fully connected linear layers. This topic is discussed in detail in Section 5.3.
Figure 2 illustrates the block matrix structure of each linear map Lww , Lwb , Lbw , Lbb according to the decomposition to
sub-representations {Wm , B` }m,`∈[M ] . Each color represents a different layer type as specified in Tables 4-7.
Formally, our result can be stated as follows:
Theorem 5.1 (A characterization of linear equivariant layers between weight spaces). A linear equivariant layer
between the weight space V to itself can be written in block matrix form according to the decomposition of V to
sub-representations Wm , B` . Moreover, each block can be implemented using a composition of pooling, broadcast, or
fully connected linear layers. Tables 4-7 summarize the block structure, number of parameters, and implementation of
all these blocks.
The layer L : V → V is implemented by executing all the blocks independently and then summing the outputs according
to the output sub-representations. As mentioned in the introduction, we call the layers from Theorem 5.1 DWS-layers
and the architectures that use them (interleaved with pointwise nonlinearities), DWSNets. Readers who are not interested
in the technical details can continue reading in Section 6.
As mentioned above, a key property we will leverage is the fact that every equivariant linear operator between direct
sums of representations can be written in a block matrix form, where each block is an equivariant map between the
corresponding sub-representations in the sum. This property is summarized in the following classical result:
Proposition 5.2 (A characterisation of linear equivariant maps between direct sums of representations). Let
(Vm , ρm ), m ∈ [M ], (V`0 , ρ0` ), ` ∈ [M 0 ] be orthogonal representations of a permutation group G of dimensions
dm , d0` respectively. Let (V, ρ) := m=1 Vm , (V 0 , ρ0 ) := `=1 V`0 be direct sums of the representations above. Let
Bm` be a basis for the space of linear equivariant functions between (Vm , ρm ) to (V`0 , ρ0` ). Let Bm`
be zero-padded
d0 ×d 0
P P 0
versions of Bm` : every element of Bm` is an all zero matrix in R for d = m dm , d = ` d` except for the
(m, `) block that contains a basis element from Bm` . Then B = ∪m` Bm` is a basis for the space of linear equivariant
functions from V to V .
We refer the readers to Appendix E for the proof. Intuitively, proposition 5.2 reduces the problem of characterizing
equivariant maps between direct sums of representations to multiple simpler problems of characterizing equivariant
maps between the constituent sub-representations. A similar observation was made in the context of irreducible
representations in Cohen & Welling (2017).
Equivariant Architectures for Learning in Deep Weight Spaces
In this subsection, we explain how to construct a basis for the space of linear equivariant functions between a weight-
space to itself: L : V → V. These layers will serve as basic components in our network and will be composed in order
to construct deeper networks. We will first find a basis assuming a single feature dimension, and then discuss a simple
way to extend our result to the general case in Appendix B . As mentioned in Section 5.1, each linear function L can be
split into four maps: Lww , Lwb , Lbw , Lbb , which themselves map a direct sum of representations to another direct sum
of representations. To find a basis for all such linear equivariant maps, we use Proposition 5.2 and find bases for the
linear equivariant maps between all the sub-representations Wm , B` .
To provide intuition, we begin by discussing the bias-to-bias part Lbb : B → B which is the simplest case. As a next
step, we discuss the basic operations that will be used to implement all the equivariant layers we propose and conclude
by presenting the rules that we use in order to define the equivariant maps between all sub-representations.
Bias-to-bias layers. Lbb is composed of blocks that map between bias spaces that are of the form T : Rdj → Rdi .
Importantly, the indices i, j determine how the map T is constructed. Let us review three examples: (i) When
i = j = M , G acts trivially on both spaces and the most general equivariant map between them is a fully connected
dM ×dM
linear layer. Formally, this block can be written as bnewi = Abold
i for a parameter matrix A ∈ R . (ii) When
i = j < M , G acts jointly on the input and output by permuting them using the same permutation. It is well known
that the most general permutation equivariant layer in this case is a DeepSets layer (Zaheer et al., 2017). Hence, this
T old
block can be written as bnew
i = a1 bold
i + a2 11 bi for two scalar parameters a1 , a2 ∈ R. (iii) When i 6= j < M we
have two dimensions on which G acts by independent permutations. We show that the most general linear equivariant
layer first sums on the dj dimension, then multiplies the result by a learnable scalar, and finally broadcasts the result
on the di dimension. This block can be written as bnew i = a11T bold
j for a single scalar parameter a ∈ R. We refer the
readers to Table 5 for the characterization of the remaining bias-to-bias layers. The block structure of Lbb is illustrated
in the rightmost panel of Figure 2 where the single block of type (i) is colored in blue, blocks of type (ii) are colored in
red, and blocks of type (iii) are colored in gray and cyan. Note that blocks of the same type have different parameters.
Basic operations for constructing layers between sub-representations. In general, implementing linear equivariant
maps between the sub-representations Wm , B` requires three basic operations: Pooling, Broadcast, and fully-connected
linear maps. They will now be defined in more detail. (1) Pooling: A function that takes an input tensor with one or
more dimensions and sums over a specific dimension. For example, for x ∈ Rd1 ×d2 , P OOL(di ) performs summation
over the i-th dimension; (2) Broadcast: A function that adds a new dimension to a vector by copying information
along a particular axis. BC(di ) broadcasts information along the i -th dimension; (3) Linear: A fully connected linear
map that can be applied to either vectors or matrices. LIN (d, d0 ) is a linear transformation represented by a d0 × d
matrix. Two additional operations that can be implemented using operations (1)-(3) * which will be useful for us are: (i)
DeepSets (Zaheer et al., 2017): the most general linear layer between sets; and (ii) Equivaraint layers for a product of
two sets as defined in Hartford et al. (2018) (See a formal definition in Appendix A).
Definition of Layers between Wm , B` . Let T : U → U 0 be a map between sub-represntations, i.e., U, U 0 ∈
{Wm , B` }m,`∈[M ] . Both the domain and the codomain of T represent a specific weight or bias space and are associated
with one or two indices reflecting the layers in the input MLP they represent. For example, one such layer is between
U = Rd1 ×d0 and U 0 = Rd1 . We will now define three useful terms that will help us define a set of rules for constructing
layers between these spaces. We call an index m ∈ [0, M ], a set index (or dimension), if G acts on it by permutation,
otherwise, we call it free index. From the definition, it is clear that 0, M are free indices while all other indices, namely
m ∈ [1, M − 1] are set indices. Additionally, if indices in the domain and codomain are the same, we call them shared
Based on the basic operations described above, the following rules are used to define equivariant layers between sub-
representations Wm , B` . (1) In the case of two shared set indices, which happens when mapping Wm , m ∈ [2, M − 1]
to itself, we use Hartford et al. (2018). (2) In the case of a single shared set index, for example, when mapping
Bm , m ∈ [1, M − 1] to itself we use DeepSets (Zaheer et al., 2017). (3) In case both the domain and the codomain
have free indices, we use a dense linear layer. For example when mapping BM to itself. (4) We use pooling to contract
unshared set input dimensions and linear layers to contract free input dimensions and, (5) We use broadcasting to extend
output set dimensions, and linear layers to extend output free dimensions. Tables 4-7 provide a complete specification
of linear equivariant layers between all sub-representations {Bm , W` }m,`∈[M ] .
Proving that these layers form a basis. At this point, we have created a list of equivariant layers between all
sub-representations. We still have to prove that these layers span the space of linear equivariant maps between the
corresponding representations. We do this by using a dimension-counting argument: we calculate the dimension of the
See Albooyeh et al. (2019) for a general discussion on implementing permutation equivariant functions with these primitives.
Equivariant Architectures for Learning in Deep Weight Spaces
Figure 3: Sine wave regression. Test MSE (log scale) for a varying number of training examples.
space of linear equivariant maps for each pair of representations and show that the number of independent parameters in
each proposed layer is equal to this dimension. The proof is presented in Appendix D.
Multiple channels and biases. We refer the reader to Appendix B for a characterization of the bias terms (of DWSNets)
and a generalization of Theorem 5.1 to multiple input and output channels.
Here, we provide a characterization of linear G-invariant maps L : V → R. Invariant layers (which are often followed
by fully connected networks) are typically placed after a composition of several equivariant layers when the task at
hand requires a single output, e.g., when the input network represents an INR of a 3D shape and the task is to classify
the shapes. We use the following characterization of linear invariant maps from Maron et al. (2019b):
Proposition 5.3. Let G ≤ Sn be a permutation group and P its permutation representation on Rn . Every linear
G-invariant map L : Rn → R is of the form L(x) = i=1 wi aTi x where wi are learnable scalars, ai ∈ Rn are
indicator vectors for the orbits of the action of G on [n] and O is the number of such orbits.
This proposition follows directly from the fact that a weight vector w has to obey the following equation w = ρ(g)w
for all group elements g ∈ G. In our case, G is a permutation group acting on the index space of V, i.e., the indices of
all the weights and biases of an input network. In order to apply Theorem 5.3, we need to find the orbits of this action
on the indices of V. Importantly, each such orbit is a subset of the indices that correspond to a specific weight or bias
vector. These orbits are summarized in Table 8. It follows that every linear invariant map defined on V can be written as
a summation of the maps listed below: (1) a distinct learnable scalar times the sum of Wm for m ∈ [2, M − 1] and the
sum of bm for m ∈ [1, M − 1]; (2) a sum of columns of W1 , and the sum of rows of WM weighted by distinct learnable
scalars for each such column and row (3) an inner product of bM with a learnable vector of size dM .
In this paper, we primarily focus on MLP architectures as the input for DWSNets. However, the characterization can be
extended to additional architectures. We discuss possible extensions to two architectures, namely convolutional neural
networks (CNNs) and Transformers (Vaswani et al., 2017), in Appendix H.
6 Expressive power
The expressive power of equivariant networks is an important concern since by restricting our hypothesis class we
might unintentionally impair its function approximation capabilities. For example, this is the case with Graph neural
networks (Morris et al., 2019; Xu et al., 2019; Morris et al., 2021). Here, we provide a first step towards understanding
the expressive power of DWSNets by demonstrating that these networks are capable of approximating feed-forward
procedures on input networks.
Equivariant Architectures for Learning in Deep Weight Spaces
Table 1: INR classification: The class of an INR is defined by the image that it represents. We report the average test
Proposition 6.1 (DWSNets can approximate a feed-forward pass). Let M, d0 , . . . , dM specify an MLP architecture
with ReLU nonlinearities. Let K ⊂ V, K 0 ⊂ Rd0 be compact sets. DWSNets with ReLU nonlinearities are capable of
uniformly approximating a feed-forward procedure on an input MLP represented as a weight vector v ∈ K and an
input to the MLP, x ∈ K 0 .
The proof can be found in Appendix F. We note that the inherent ability of DWSNets to evaluate input networks could
be a very useful tool, for example, in order to separate MLPs that represent different functions. As another example,
below, we show that DWSNets can approximate any “nice" function defined on the space of functions represented by
MLPs with weights in some compact subset of V.
Proposition 6.2. (informal) Let g : FV → R be a function defined on the space of functions represented by M -layer
ReLU MLPs with dimensions d0 , ..., dM , whose weights are in a compact subset of V and their input domain is a
compact subset of Rd0 . Assume that g is L-Lipshitz w.r.t || · ||∞ (on functions), then under some additional mild
assumptions specified in Appendix G, DWSNets with ReLU nonlinearities are capable of uniformly approximating g.
The full proof can be found in Appendix G. We note that Theorem 6.2 differs from most universality theorems in the
relevant literature (Maron et al., 2019c; Keriven & Peyré, 2019) since we do not prove that we can approximate any
G-equivariant function on V. In contrast, we show that DWSNets are powerful enough to approximate functions on the
function space defined by the input MLPs, that is, functions that give the same result to all weights that represent the
same functions.
7 Experiments
We evaluate DWSNets in two families of tasks. (1) First, taking input networks that represent data, like INRs (Park
et al., 2019; Sitzmann et al., 2020). Specifically, we train a model to classify INRs based on the class they represent or
predict continuous properties of the objects they represent. (2) Second, taking input networks that represent standard
input-output mappings such as image classification. We train a model to operate on these mappings and adapting them
to new domains. We also perform additional experiments, for example predicting the generalization performance of an
image classifier in Appendix K. Full experimental and technical details are discussed in Appendix J.
Baselines. Our objective in this section is to compare different architectures that operate directly on weight spaces,
using the same data, loss function, and training procedures. As learning on weight spaces is a relatively new problem,
we consider five natural and recent baselines. (i) MLP : A standard MLP applied to a vectorized version of the weight
space. (ii) MLP + augmentations:, apply the MLP from (i) but with permutation-based data augmentations sampled
randomly from the symmetry group G. (iii) MLP + weight alignment: We perform a weight alignment procedure
prior to training using the algorithm recently suggested in Ainsworth et al. (2022), see full details in Appendix J. (iv)
INR2Vec: The architecture suggested in Anonymous (2023) (see Appendix A for a discussion)* . (v) Transformer: The
architecture of Schürholt et al. (2021). It adapts the transformer encoder architecture and attends between different rows
in weight and bias matrices to form a global representation of the input network.
Data preparation. We train all input networks independently starting with a different random seed in order to test
our architecture on diverse data obtained from multiple independent sources. To support future research and the
reproducibility of our results, we will release the datasets and our source code.
We do not use their pre-training since we are interested in comparing only the architectures.
Equivariant Architectures for Learning in Deep Weight Spaces
Figure 4: Dense representation: 2D TSNE of the resulting low-dimensional space. We present the results for DWSNets
and the second best performing baseline, INR2Vec (architecture). See Appendix K.2 for full results.
7.1 Results
Regression of sine wave frequency. To first illustrate the operation of DWSNets, we look into a regression problem.
We train INRs to fit sine waves on [−π, π], with different frequencies sampled from U (0.5, 10). Each sine wave is
represented as an MLP trained as an INR network, and the task is to have the DWSNet predict the frequency of a given
test INR network. To illustrate the generalization capabilities of the architectures, we repeat the experiment by training
the DWSNet with a varying number of training examples (INRs). Figure 3 shows that DWSNets performs significantly
better than baseline methods even with a small number of training examples.
Classification of images represented as INRs. Here, INRs were trained to represent images from MNIST (LeCun
et al., 1998) and Fashion-MNIST (Xiao et al., 2017). The task is to have the DWSNet recognize the image content, like
the digit in MNIST, by using the weights of these INRs as input. Table 1 shows that DWSNets outperforms all baseline
methods by a large margin.
Self-supervised learning for dense representation. Here we wish to embed neural networks into a semantic coherent
low dimensional space, similar to Schürholt et al. (2022a). To that end, we fit INRs on sine waves of the form
a sin(bx) on [−π, π]. Here a, b ∼ U (0, 10) and x is a grid of size 2000. We use a SimCLR-like training procedure and
objective (Chen et al., 2020): Following Schürholt et al. (2022a), we generate random views from each INR by adding
Gaussian noise (with standard deviation of 0.2) and random masking (with probability 0.5). We evaluate the different
methods in two ways. First, we qualitatively observe a 2D TSNE of the resulting space. The results are presented
in Figure 4 and Figure 8. For quantitative evaluation, we train a (linear) regressor for predicting a, b on top of the
embedding space obtained by each method. See results in Table 3.
Learning to adapt networks to new domains. Adapting a network to a new data distribution is an important task.
Here we train a model to adapt an input classification model to a new domain. Specifically, given an input weight
vector v, we wish to output residual weights ∆v such that a classification network parametrized using v − ∆v performs
well on the new domain. We note that it is natural to require that ∆v will be permuted if v is permuted, and hence a
G-equivariant architecture is appropriate. At test time, our model can adapt an unseen classifier to the new domain using
a single forward pass. Using the CIFAR10 (Krizhevsky et al., 2009) dataset as the source domain, we train multiple
image classifiers. To increase the diversity of the input classifiers, we train each classifier on the binary classification
task of distinguishing between two randomly sampled classes. For the target domain, we use a version of CIFAR10
corrupted with random rotation, flipping, Gaussian noise and color jittering. The results are presented in Table 2. Note
that in test time the model should generalize to unseen image classifiers, as well as unseen images.
In this section, we evaluated DWSNets on several learning tasks and showed that it outperforms all other methods,
usually by a large margin. Furthermore, compared to the most natural baseline of network alignment, DWSNets scale
significantly better with the data. In reality, it is challenging to use this baseline due to the fact that the weight-space
alignment problem is hard (Ainsworth et al., 2022). The problem is further amplified when having large input networks
or large (networks) datasets.
Equivariant Architectures for Learning in Deep Weight Spaces
Limitations. One limitation of our method is that an equivalent layer structure is currently tailored to a specific MLP
architecture. However, we believe that this can be alleviated in the future, for example by sharing the parameters of the
equivariant blocks between inner layers. In addition, we found it difficult to train DWSNets on some learning tasks,
presumably because finding a suitable weight initialization scheme for DWSNetswas very hard. See Appendix K.4 for
a discussion on these issues. As a final point, the implementation of our DWSNets is somewhat complicated. Our code
and data will be made public so that others can build on it and improve it.
Future work. Several potential directions for future research could be explored, including modeling other weight space
symmetries in architectures, understanding how to initialize the weights of DWSNets, and studying the approximation
power of DWSNets. Other worthwhile directions are finding efficient data augmentation schemes for training on weight
spaces, and incorporating permutation symmetries for other types of input architectures.
9 Acknowledgements
The authors wish to thank Nadav Dym and Derek Lim for providing valuable feedback on early versions of the
manuscript. In addition, they would like to thank Yaron Lipman for helpful Discussions. This study was funded by
a grant to GC from the Israel Science Foundation (ISF 737/2018), and by an equipment grant to GC and Bar-Ilan
University from the Israel Science Foundation (ISF 2332/18). AN and AS are supported by a grant from the Israeli
higher-council of education, through the Bar-Ilan data science institute (BIU DSI). IA is supported by a PhD fellowship
from DSI BIU.
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Equivariant Architectures for Learning in Deep Weight Spaces
A Related work
Processing neural networks. In recent years several studies suggested using the parameters of NNs for learning
tasks. Baker et al. (2018) tries to infer the final performance of a model based on plain statistics such as the network
architecture, validation accuracy at different checkpoints, and hyper-parameters. In a similar vein, both (Eilertsen et al.,
2020; Unterthiner et al., 2020) attempt to predict properties of trained NNs based on their weights. (Eilertsen et al.,
2020) tries to predict the hyper-parameters used to train the network, and (Unterthiner et al., 2020) tries to predict
the network generalization capabilities. Both of these studies use standard NNs on the flattened weights or on some
statistics of them. Our approach, on the other hand, introduces useful inductive biases for these learning tasks and is not
limited to the scope of these studies. In (Xu et al., 2022), it was proposed that neural networks can be processed by
applying a neural network to a concatenation of their high-order spatial derivatives. The method focuses on INRs, for
which derivative information is relevant, and depends on the ability to sample the input space efficiently. The ability of
these networks to handle more general tasks is still not well understood. Furthermore, these architectures may require
high-order derivatives, which result in a substantial computational burden. Dupont et al. (2022) suggested applying
deep learning tasks, such as generative modeling, to a dataset of INRs fitted from the original data. To obtain useful
representations of the data, the authors suggest to meta-learn low dimensional vectors, termed modulations, which
are embedded in a NN with shared parameters across all training examples. Unlike this approach, our method can
work on any network and is agnostic to the way that it was trained. Several studies (Lu & Kumar, 2019; Jaeckle &
Kumar, 2021; Knyazev et al., 2021; Litany et al., 2022) treated the NNs as graphs for formal verification, generating
adversarial examples, and parameter prediction respectively. Peebles et al. (2022) proposed a generative approach to
output a target network based on an initial network and a target metric such as the loss value or return. Schürholt et al.
(2022b) published a dataset of vectorized trained neural networks, referred to as model-zoo, to encourage research
on NN models. Since these models have a CNN architecture, they are not suitable for us. In (Schürholt et al., 2021)
the authors suggest methods to learn representations of trained NNs using self-supervised methods, and in (Schürholt
et al., 2022a) this approach is leveraged for NN model generation. The empirical evaluation in the paper shows that our
method compares favorably to this baselines. Similar modeling was utilized in a recent submission by Anonymous
(2023). In this study, the authors propose a methodology for processing of INRs that combines two components: (1) a
neural architecture that operates on stacks of weights and bias vectors assuming a set structure, and (2) a pre-training
procedure based on task ensuring that the output of this network is capable of reconstructing the INR. It should be
noted that this work (1) relies on the ability to evaluate the INR as a function, which is feasible only in low dimensional
spaces; and (2) assumes all data was generated using a meta-learning algorithm so that their representations would be
aligned. Moreover, from a symmetry and equivariance perspective, their formulation assumes that the rows of all weight
matrices and all biases have a global set structure, which implies that their networks are invariant to permutations
of rows and biases across weight matrices. Unfortunately, in general, such permutations could result in a change in
the underlying function. Therefore, from a symmetry and equivariance perspective, their work improperly models
the symmetry group. Finally, in recent years several studies inspected the problem of aligning the weights of NNs
(Ashmore & Gashler, 2015; Yurochkin et al., 2019; Wang et al., 2019; Singh & Jaggi, 2020; Tatro et al., 2020; Entezari
et al., 2021; Ainsworth et al., 2022; Wang et al., 2022). As stated in the main text, solving the alignment tasks is hard
and these strategies suffer from scaling issues to large datasets.
Equivariant architectures. Complex data types, such as graphs and images, are often associated with groups of
transformations that change data representation without changing the underlying data. These groups are known as
symmetry groups, and they are commonly formulated through group representations. Functions defined on these
objects are often invariant or equivariant to these symmetry transformations. A good example of this would be a
graph classification function that is node-permutation invariant, or an image segmentation function that is translation
equivariant. When trying to learn such functions, a wide range of studies have demonstrated that constraining learning
models to be equivariant or invariant to these transformations has many advantages, including smaller parameter space,
efficient implementation, and better generalization abilities (Cohen et al., 2018; Kondor & Trivedi, 2018; Esteves
et al., 2018; Zaheer et al., 2017; Hartford et al., 2018; Maron et al., 2019b; Elesedy & Zaidi, 2021). The majority of
equivariant and invariant models are constructed in the same manner: first, a simple equivariant function is identified.
In many cases, these are linear (Zaheer et al., 2017; Hartford et al., 2018; Maron et al., 2019b), although they may also
be non-linear (Maron et al., 2019a; Thomas et al., 2018; Azizian & Lelarge, 2021). The network is then constructed
by composing these simple functions interleaved with pointwise nonlinear functions. This paradigm was successfully
applied to a multitude of data types, from graphs and sets (Zaheer et al., 2017; Maron et al., 2019b), through 3D data
(Esteves et al., 2018) and spherical functions (Cohen et al., 2018) to images (Cohen & Welling, 2016).
Spaces of linear equivariant layers. For a group G and representation (V, ρ), (W, ρ0 ), solving for the space of linear
equivariant layers L : V → W amounts to solving a system of linear equations of the form Lρ(g) = ρ0 (g)L for all
g ∈ G, where L is our unknown equivariant layer. Wood & Shawe-Taylor (1996); Ravanbakhsh et al. (2017); Maron
et al. (2019b) showed that if G is a finite permutation group, and ρ, ρ0 are permutation representations, then a basis for
Equivariant Architectures for Learning in Deep Weight Spaces
the space of equivariant maps is spanned by indicator tensors for certain orbits of the group action. Alternatively, (Finzi
et al., 2021) derived numerical algorithms for solving these systems of equations.
Learning on set-structured data. Among the most prominent examples of equivariant architectures are those designed
to process set-structured data, where the input represents a set of elements and the learning tasks are invariant or
equivariant to their order. The pioneering works in this area were DeepSets (Zaheer et al., 2017) and PointNet (Qi
et al., 2017). In subsequent work, the linear sum aggregation has been replaced with attention mechanisms (Lee et al.,
2019) and the layer characterization has been extended to multiple sets (Hartford et al., 2018) and sets with structured
elements (Maron et al., 2020; Wang et al., 2020). As shown in Section 4, our weight-space symmetry group is a product
of symmetric groups acting by permuting the weight spaces. A key observation we make in Section 5 is that our basic
linear layer can be broken up into multiple linear blocks that implement previously characterized equivariant layers for
Here we define the layers from (Zaheer et al., 2017; Hartford et al., 2018) as they play a significant role in our
DWS-layers. DeepSets (Zaheer et al., 2017): For an input X ∈ Rn×d , that represents a set of n elements, P the
DeepSets layer is the most general Sn -equivaraint linear layer and is defined as LDS (X)i = W1 Xi + W2 j Xj ,
where W1 , W2 ∈ Rd ×d are learnable linear transformations. (ii) Equivaraint layers for multiple sets: these are layers
for cases where the input involves two or more set dimensions. Formally, let X ∈ Rn×m×d where m, n represent
set dimensions, meaning we don’t care about the order of the elements in these dimensions, and d is the number of
feature channels. Hartford et al. (2018) showed that the most general Sn × Sm -equivariant linear layer is of the form
LHar (X)ij = W1 Xij + W2 i Xij + W3 j Xij + W4 ij Xij , where, again W1 , W2 , W3 , W4 ∈ Rd ×d .
In our case, we can think of G as a subgroup of the permutation group on the indices of V, i.e., all the entries of the
weights and biases of an input network. The orbits of G, in that case, are subsets of the indices associated with specific
weight and bias spaces, {Wm , B` }, and we can list them separately for each bias of weight space. Table 8 lists these
orbits. As an example, the bias term corresponds to Wi for i ∈ [2, M − 1] is constant matrix w · 11T for a learnable
scalar w; The bias term that corresponds to W1 is constant along the columns, and the bias term that corresponds to
WM is constant along the rows. Effectively, the complete bias term for V is a concatenation of the bias terms for all
weights and biases spaces.
See (Maron et al., 2019b) for a different way of deriving that.
Equivariant Architectures for Learning in Deep Weight Spaces
Figure 5: Block matrix structure for linear equivariant maps between weight spaces (same as in the main paper). Left:
an equivariant layer for the weight space V to itself can be written as four blocks that map between the general weight
space W and general bias space B. Right: Each such block can be further written as a block matrix between specific
weight and bias spaces Wm , B` . Each color in each block matrix represents a different type of linear equivariant
function between the sub-representations Wm , B` . Repeating colors in different matrices are not related. See Tables 4-7
for a specification of the layers.
color condition sub condition from space to space (Wj → Wi ) implementation # params
1 j =i i=j =1 d1 × d0 → d1 × d0 LDS (d0 , d0 ) 2d20
Diagonal 2 i=j =M dM × dM −1 → dM × dM −1 LDS (dM , dM ) 2d2M
3 1<i=j <M di × di−1 → di × di−1 LHar (di , di−1 ) 4
4 j =i+1 i=1 d2 × d1 → d1 × d0 P OOL(d2 ) → LDS (1, d0) 2d0
One above diagonal 5 i=M −1 dM × dM −1 → dM −1 × dM −2 LDS (dM , 1) → BC(dM −2 ) 2dM
6 1<i<M −1 di+1 × di → di × di−1 P OOL(di+1 ) → LDS (1, 1) → BC(di−1 ) 2
7 j =i−1 i=1 d1 × d0 → d2 × d1 LDS (d0 , 1) → BC(d2 ) 2d0
One below diagonal 8 i=M −1 dM −1 × dM −2 → dM × dM −1 P OOL(dm−2 ) → LDS (1, dM ) 2dM
9 1<i<M −1 di−1 × di−2 → di × di−1 P OOL(di−2 ) → LDS (1, 1) → BC(di ) 2
10 j >i+1 i = 1 and j < M dj × dj−1 → d1 × d0 P OOL(dj , dj−1 ) → LIN (1, d0 ) → BC(d1 ) d0
11 i = 1 and j = M dM × dM −1 → d1 × d0 P OOL(dm − 1) → LIN (dM , d0 ) → BC(d1 ) d0 dM
Upper triangular
12 i > 1 and j = M dM × dM −1 → di × di−1 P OOL(dM −1 ) → LIN (dM , 1) → BC(di , di−1 ) dM
13* i > 1 and j < M dj × dj−1 → di × di−1 P OOL(dj , dj−1 ) → LIN (1, 1) → BC(di , di−1 ) 1
14 j <i−1 j = 1 and i < M d1 × d0 → di × di−1 P OOL(d1) → LIN (d0 , 1) → BC(di−1 , di ) d0
15 j = 1 and i = M d1 × d0 → dM × dM −1 P OOL(d1 ) → LIN (d0 , dM ) → BC(dM −1 ) d0 dM
Lower triangular
16 j > 1 and i = M dj × dj−1 → dM × dM −1 P OOL(dj , dj−1 ) → LIN (1, dM ) → BC(dM −1 ) dM
17* j > 1 and i < M dj × dj−1 → di × di−1 P OOL(dj , dj−1 ) → LIN (1, 1) → BC(di , di−1 ) 1
color condition sub condition from space to space (Bj → Bi ) implementation # params
1 i=j i=j <M di → di LDS (1, 1) 2
2 i=j =M dM → dM LIN (dM , dM ) d2M
3 i<j j =M d j → di LIN (dM , 1) → BC(di ) dM
Upper triangular
4* j <M d j → di P OOL(dj ) → LIN (1, 1) → BC(di ) 1
5 i>j i=M d j → di P OOL(dj ) → LIN (1, dM ) dM
Lower triangular
6* i<M d j → di P OOL(dj ) → LIN (1, 1) → BC(di ) 1
color condition sub condition from space to space (Wj → Bi ) implementation # params
1 i=j i=j =1 d1 × d0 → d1 LDS (d0 , 1) 2d0
Diagonal 2 1<i=j <M di × di−1 → di P OOL(di−1 ) → LDS (1, 1) 2
3 i=j =M dM × dM −1 → dM P OOL(dM −1 ) → LIN (dM , dM ) d2M
4 j =i+1 j <M dj × dj−1 → dj−1 P OOL(dj ) → LDS (1, 1) 2
One above diagonal
5 j =M dM × dM −1 → dM −1 LDS (dM , 1) 2dM
6* j >i+1 j <M dj × dj−1 → di P OOL(dj−1 , dj ) → LIN (1, 1) → BC(d1 ) 1
Upper triangular
7 j =M dM × dM −1 → di P OOL(dM −1 ) → LIN (dM , 1) → BC(di ) dM
8 j =i−1 j = 1 and i < M d1 × d0 → di P OOL(d1 ) + LIN (d0 , 1) → BC(di ) d0
Lower triangular
9 j <i−1 j = 1 and i = M d1 × d0 → dM P OOL(d1 ) + LIN (d0 , dM ) d0 dM
10 j > 1 and i = M dj × dj−1 → dM P OOL(dj−1 , dj ) → LIN (1, dM ) dM
11* j > 1 and i < M dj × dj−1 → di P OOL(dj−1 , dj ) → LIN (1, 1) → BC(di ) 1
Proof of Theorem 5.1. As mentioned in the main text, by using proposition 5.2, all we have to do in order to find a
basis for the space of G-equivariant maps L : V → V is to find bases for linear G-equivariant maps between specific
weight and bias spaces {Bm , W` }m,`∈[M ] . To that end, we first use the rules specified in Section 5 to create a list of
Equivariant Architectures for Learning in Deep Weight Spaces
Table 8: Orbits for the action of G on the indices of V. These orbits define linear invariant layers and equivariant bias
layer types and their implementation. Then, one has to show that the layers in Tables 4-5 are linear, G-equivariant
and that their parameters are linearly independent. This is straightforward. For example, the mappings between
subspaces (e.g., Wj → Bi ) are clearly equivariant, as the composition of G-equivariant maps is G-equivariant. Finally
and most importantly, we show that the number of parameters in the layers matches the dimension of the space of
G-equivariant maps between the sub-representations, which can be calculated using Lemma E.1. Following are some
general comments before we go over all layer types:
• We use the fact that |S1n | σ∈Sn tr(P (σ))k = bell(k) (Maron et al., 2019b) (for the case k = 1, 2) where
for a permutation σ ∈ Sd , P (σ) ∈ Rd×d is its permutation representation. bell(k) is the number of possible
partitions of a set with k elements.
• An index on which G acts by permutation is called a set index (or dimension). Other indices are called free
• Calculations of the dimensions of the equivariant maps spaces are presented below for the most complex
weight-to-weight case. We omit the other cases (e.g., weight-to-bias) since they are very similar and can be
obtained using the same methodology.
• Generally, shared set dimensions add a multiplicative factor of bell(2) = 2 to the dimension of the space of
equivariant layers, and free dimensions add a multiplicative factor equal to their dimensionality. Unsahred set
dimensions add a multiplicative factor of bell(1) = 1 so they do not affect the dimension of the equivariant
layer space.
• In all cases below, G is defined as in Equation 3, but the representations ρ, ρ0 of the input and output spaces,
respectively, differ according to the involved sub-representations
G-equivariant linear functions between weight matrices. A map between one weight matrix to another weight
0 0
matrix is of the form L : Rd×d → Rs×s . We will split into cases that cover all types of maps as appears in Table 4,
and compute the dimensions of the spaces of the equivariant layer below:
1. (Two shared set indices). In that case, the layer is 4-dimensional (bell(2)2 = 4) as we use the linear layers and
dimension counting from (Hartford et al., 2018).
2. (Two shared indices, one set and one free) Assume s = d are set indices, s0 = d0 are free indices ρ(g) =
ρ0 (g) = P (σ) ⊗ Id0 for σ ∈ Sd and
1 X 1 X
tr(ρ(g)) · tr(ρ0 (g)) = tr(P (σ))2 d02 = bell(2)d02 = 2d02
|G| |G|
g∈G g∈G
Equivariant Architectures for Learning in Deep Weight Spaces
We note that the summation over G includes groups in the direct product that are trivially represented. This
extra summation cancels the corresponding terms in |G|
3. (One shared index, two set indices mapped to one shared set index, and one unshared free index). Assume
s = d are shared set indices, d0 is another set index and s0 is free. ρ(g) = P (σ) ⊗ P (τ ), ρ2 (g) = P (σ) ⊗ Is0
for σ ∈ Sd , τ ∈ Sd0 .
1 X 1 X
tr(ρ(g)) · tr(ρ0 (g)) = tr(P (σ))2 tr(P (τ ))tr(Is0 ) = bell(2)s0 = 2s0
|G| |G|
g∈G g∈G
4. (One shared set index and unshared free index mapped to one shared set index, and one unshared set
index). Assume s = d are shared set indices, s0 is another set index and d0 is free. ρ(g) = P (σ) ⊗ Id0 ,
ρ0 (g) = P (σ) ⊗ P (τ ) for σ ∈ Sd , τ ∈ Ss0 .
1 X 1 X
tr(ρ(g)) · tr(ρ0 (g)) = tr(P (σ))2 tr(P (τ ))tr(Id0 ) = bell(2)s0 = 2d0
|G| |G|
g∈G g∈G
5. (One shared index, two set indices mapped to one shared set index, and one unshared set index) Assume
s = d are set indices, d0 , s0 are other set indices ρ(g) = P (σ) ⊗ P (τ ) . ρ0 (g) = P (σ) ⊗ P (π) for
σ ∈ Sd , τ ∈ Sd0 , π ∈ ss0 .
1 X 1 X
tr(ρ(g)) · tr(ρ0 (g)) = tr(P (σ))2 tr(P (τ ))tr(P (π)) = bell(2)bell(1)2 = 2
|G| |G|
g∈G g∈G
6. (One shared set index and unshared free index mapped to one shared set index and one unshared free index)* .
Assume s = d are set indices, d0 , s0 are other free indices ρ(g) = P (σ) ⊗ Id0 . ρ0 (g) = P (σ) ⊗ Is0 for σ ∈ Sd .
1 X 1 X
tr(ρ(g)) · tr(ρ0 (g)) = tr(P (σ))2 tr(Is0 )tr(Id0 )) = bell(2)bell(1)2 = 2d0 s0
|G| |G|
g∈G g∈G
7. (No shared indices, two set indices to one set and one free). Assume d, d0 , s are unshared set indices, and s0 is
a free index. ρ(g) = P (σ) ⊗ P (τ ). ρ0 (g) = P (π) ⊗ Is0 for σ ∈ Sd , τ ∈ Sd0 , π ∈ Ss .
1 X 1 X
tr(ρ(g)) · tr(ρ0 (g)) = tr(P (σ))tr(P (τ ))tr(P (π))tr(Is0 ) = bell(1)3 s0 = s0
|G| |G|
g∈G g∈G
8. (No shared indices, one set and one free indices map to other set and free indices). Assume d, s are unshared
set indices, and d0 , s0 are free index. ρ(g) = P (σ) ⊗ Id0 . ρ0 (g) = P (τ ) ⊗ Is0 for σ ∈ Sd , τ ∈ Sd0 .
1 X 1 X
tr(ρ(g)) · tr(ρ0 (g)) = tr(P (σ))tr(P (τ ))tr(P (Id0 ))tr(Is0 ) = bell(1)2 d0 s0 = d0 s0
|G| |G|
g∈G g∈G
9. (No shared indices, one set one free map to two set indices). The calculation is the same as (7).
10. (No shared indices, two sets map to two sets). Assume d, d0 , s, s0 are set indices ρ(g) = P (σ) ⊗ P (τ ).
ρ0 (g) = P (ω) ⊗ P (π) for σ ∈ Sd , τ ∈ Sd0 , π ∈ Ss , ω ∈ Ss0 .
1 X 1 X
tr(ρ(g)) · tr(ρ0 (g)) = tr(P (σ))tr(P (τ ))tr(P (π))tr(P (ω)) = bell(1)4 = 1
|G| |G|
g∈G g∈G
Equivariant Architectures for Learning in Deep Weight Spaces
there are no overlaps between blocks. To end the argument we use the assumption that Bm` are bases. Equivariance is
also straightforward: take a vector v = ⊕vm , vm ∈ Vm and a zero padded element LP ∈ Bk` P
that corresponds to an
element L ∈ Bk` , then L ρ(g)v a zero-padded version of Lρk (g)vk . On the other hand ρ (g)LP v is a zero-padded
version of ρ0` (G)Lvk and we get equality from the assumption that L is equivariant.
We now turn to prove that B is a basis. We do that by showing that the number of elements B is equal to the
0 0
P of the space Pof linear maps between (V, ρ) and 0(V , ρ ). We start by calculating the size of B. Clearly,
|B| = m` |Bm` | = m` dim(E(ρm , ρ` )) where E(ρm , ρm ) is the space of linear equivaraint maps from ρm to ρm0 .
On the other hand, using Lemma E.1 we get:
1 X
dim(E(ρ, ρ0 ) = tr(ρ(g)) · tr(ρ0 (g)) (5)
! !
1 X X X
= tr(ρm (g)) · tr(ρ0` (g)) (6)
|G| m
g∈G `
1 XX
= tr(ρm (g)) · tr(ρ0` (g)) (7)
g∈G m`
X 1 X
= tr(ρm (g)) · tr(ρ0` (g)) (8)
m` g∈G
= dim(E(ρm , ρ0` )) (9)
Where we used the fact that the trace of a direct sum representation is the sum of the traces of the constituent
sub-representations, and Lemma E.1 again in the final transition.
Lemma E.1 (Dimension of space of equivariant functions between representations). Let G be a permutation group,
and let (V, ρ) and (V 0 , ρ0 ) be orthogonal representations of G, then the dimension of the space of equivariant maps
from (V, ρ) and (V 0 , ρ0 ) is |G|
1 0
g∈G tr(ρ(g)) · tr(ρ (g))
Proof. We generalize similar propositions from (Maron et al., 2019b, 2020). Every equivariant map L is in the null
space of the following set of linear equations: Lρ(g) = ρ0 (g)L. Since ρ0 (g) is orthogonal we can write ρ0 (g)T Lρ(g) =
L which in turn can be written as ρ(g) ⊗ ρ0 (g)vec(L) = vec(L) for all g ∈ G. The last equations define the
space of linear functions L that are fixed by multiplication with ρ(g) ⊗ ρ0 (g). A projection onto this space is
given by π = |G| g∈G ρ(g) ⊗ ρ0 (g), and its dimension is given by the trace of the projection, namely tr(π) =
1 0
|G| g∈G tr(ρ(g)) · tr(ρ (g)) using the multiplicative law of the trace operator and Kronecker products.
Equivariant Architectures for Learning in Deep Weight Spaces
(Hornik, 1991), (4) Non-linearity: From our assumption, we can directly simulate the input networks non-linearities
(otherwise, given another non-polynomial continuous activation, we can use the universal approximation theorem to
uniformly approximate it).
Let fˆ denote our current approximation for f (x; v). To form the input to the equivariant network, we concatenate
a broadcasted version of x, X ∈ Rd1 ×d0 to W1 to form a tensor in Rd0 ×d1 ×2 . Our plan is to define a sequence of
equivariant layers that will mimic a propagation of x through the MLP f (·; v). Our current approximation fˆ will be
stored in an extra channel dimension.
We first wish to simulate W1 X where denotes the Hadamard product. Let fm1 denote a K1 -layers MLP
which approximate fm1 (x, y) ≈ x · y sufficiently well. We use K1 consecutive mapping P W1 → W1 to simulate
fm1 . Concretely, the mapping W1 → W1 is a DeepSets layer, L(Z)i = L1 (zi ) + L2 ( j6=i zj ). We set L1 to the
corresponding linear transformation from fm1 and L2 = 0. We now have fˆ ≈ W1 X at the location corresponding
to W1 . Next we use the layer W1 → B1 perform summation over the d0 dimension to obtain fˆ ≈ W1 x as a second
feature channel at location B1 . Note that W1 → B1 is again a DeepSets layer that supports summation. We now have
[b1 , fˆ] ∈ R2×d1 at location B1 . Next we use the DeepSets mapping B1 → B1 to perform summation over the feature
dimension to obtain fˆ ≈ W1 x + b1 . Finally we apply non-linearity using the activation function of the equivariant
network to obtain fˆ ≈ σ(W1 x + b1 ).
We proceed in a similar manner. First broadcast fˆ to a second feature dimension at location W2 using the DeepSets +
Broadcasting layer B1 → W2 . The mapping W2 → W2 is a LHar layer, so we can use a similar approach for simulating
an MLP to approximate fˆ ≈ W2 σ(W1 x + b). Following the same procedure described above we can simulate the first
M − 1 layers of F , obtaining fˆ ≈ xM −1 at the position corresponds to BM −1 .
Next, we use the DeepSets mapping BM −1 → WM to broadcast fˆ to a second feature dimension where WM is in the
first feature dimension. Since WM → WM is a DeepSets layer, we can simulate the Hadamard product of the two
feature dimensions to obtain fˆ ≈ WM xM −1 . Next we use WM → BM to perform summation over dM −1 and map
it to a second feature dimension at location BM , with BM at the first dimension. Finally, we use the linear mapping
BM → BM to sum the two feature dimensions to obtain fˆ ≈ f (x; v) = xM .
We have constructed a sequence of DWSNets-layers that mimics a feed-forward procedure of an input x on an MLP
defined by a weight vector v. Importantly, all the operations we used are directly supported by our architecture, with
the exception of the Hadamard product which was replaced by an approximation using the universal approximation
theorem. To end the proof, we point out that uniform approximation is preserved by the composition of continuous
functions on compact domains (see Lemma 6 in (Lim et al., 2022) for a proof).
Equivariant Architectures for Learning in Deep Weight Spaces
We split the proof into two parts, each stated and proved as a separate lemma.
Lemma G.2. Let M, d0 , . . . , dM specify an MLP architecture. Let C1 ⊂ Rd0 , C2 ⊂ V be compact sets. For any
x(1) , ..., x(N ) ∈ C1 there exists a DWSNet F with ReLU nonlinearities that for any v ∈ C2 outputs F (v) with the
following property ||F (v) − (f (x(1) ; v), ..., f (x(N ) ; v))||∞ ≤ .
Proof. Given input v ∈ C2 , representing the weights of an MLP f with a fixed number of layers and feature dimensions,
and x(1) , ..., x(N ) ∈ C1 which are fixed inputs to the MLP, we wish to design a DWSNet F , composed of our linear
equivariant layers, such that F (v) approximates (f (x(1) ; v), ..., f (x(N ) ; v)). We do that in two steps. First, using the
bias terms, our first layer concatenates a broadcasted version of (x(1) , ..., x(N ) ), X ∈ Rd1 ×d0 ×N to W1 to form a
tensor in Rd1 ×d0 ×(N +1) . We then use a similar construction to the one in the proof of Theorem 6.1 to find a network
that approximates f (x(i) ), i = 1 . . . N in parallel.
Lemma G.3. Under all previously stated assumptions, if x(1) , ..., x(N ) are an -net on the input domain C1 w.r.t the
infinity norm, i.e. maxx∈C1 mini∈[N ] ||x − x(i) || ≤ then there exists an MLP h such that for all weights v ∈ C2 we
||h(fv (x1 ), ..., fv (xN )) − g(fv )|| ≤ 4L1 L2
Proof. We define R(C2 ) = {(y (1) , ..., y (N ) ) : ∃v ∈ C2 s.t. ∀ i : f (x(i) ; v) = y (i) }. As the values
(f (x(1) ; v), ..., f (x(N ) ; v)) are not enough to uniquely define g(fv ) we will define a continuous approximation using
smoothing. We define for all (y (1) , ..., y (N ) ) ∈ R(C2 ) the function ḡσ (y (1) , ..., y (N ) ) as the average of of g(fv ) over
Aσ (y (1) , ..., y (N ) ) = {v ∈ C2 : ||(y (1) , ..., y (N ) ) − (f (x(1) ; v), ..., f (x(N ) ; v))||∞ ≤ σ},
i.e., Z
(1) (N ) 1
ḡσ (y , ..., y )= g(fv )dv.
volσ (y , ..., y (N ) )
Aσ (y (1) ,...,y (N ) )
We claim that ḡσ is a continuous function of y (1) , ..., y (N ) due to the smoothing done: Define y = (y (1) , ..., y (N ) ) and
ỹ = (ỹ (1) , ..., ỹ (N ) ) with ||y − ỹ|| ≤ δ. We can look at ḡσ (y) − ḡσ (ỹ) as two
integrals, oneover Aσ (y) ∩ Aσ (ỹ) and
one over Aσ (y)4Aσ (ỹ). The first part is equal to Aσ (y)∩Aσ (ỹ) g(fv )dv vol σ (ỹ)−volσ (y)
volσ (y)volσ (ỹ) which goes to zero as δ
goes to zero as the volume is continuous, bounded away from zero, and the integrand g is also bounded. The integral
on the symmetric difference is bounded by C · (volσ+δ (y) − volσ (y)) + C · (volσ+δ (ỹ) − volσ (ỹ)) where C is a
bound on the integrand. This is because each point in the symmetric difference needs to be more than σ away from
ỹ or y, but no more than σ+δ away. This also goes to zero as the volume is continuous in σ proving that ḡσ is continuous.
Now that we showed that ḡσ is continuous, we will show it is a good approximation to g. If v ∈ V and f (x(i) ; v) = y (i)
then ḡσ (y (1) , . . . , y (n) ) is an average of g(fv0 ) over a set of v 0 that differ on the -net by at most σ. Let x ∈ C1 and x(i)
be its closest element of the net then
|f (x; v) − f (x; v 0 )| ≤ |f (x; v) − f (x(i) ; v)| + |f (x(i) ; v) − f (x(i) ; v 0 )| + |f (x(i) ; v 0 ) − f (x; v 0 )| ≤ 2L1 + σ
i.e., ||fv − fv0 ||∞ ≤ 2L1 + σ. We can set σ = L1 and by the Lipschitz property of g we get that the difference in the g
values of all averaged weights we average in ḡσ is at most 3L1 L2 . This means that ||g(fv )−ḡσ (y0 , ..., yN )|| ≤ 3L1 L2 .
Finally, we note that since ḡσ is a continuous function over R(C2 ), which is compact as the image of a compact set by
a continuous function, it can be approximated by an MLP h such that |h(y (1) , ..., y (N ) ) − ḡσ (y (1) , ..., y (N ) )| ≤ L1 L2
to conclude the proof.
Proof of Theorem G.1. From compactness of C1 we have a finite 1 -net x(1) , ..., x(N ) . From Theorem G.2 there exists
an invariant DWSNet F̄ such that F̄ (v) = (y (1) , ..., y (N ) ) such that ||y (i) − f (x(i) ; v)|| ≤ 2 . From Theorem G.3 there
exists an MLP h such that ||h(f (x(1) ; v), ..., f (x(N ) ; v)) − g(fv )|| ≤ 4L1 L2 1 . We note that as h is a ReLU MLP on a
compact domain it is L3 -Lipshitz for some constant L3 . Now F = h ◦ F̄ is a DWSNet that has
|F (v) − g(fv )| = |h(F̄ (v)) − g(fv )| ≤ |h(F̄ (v)) − h(f (x(1) ; v), ..., f (x(N ) ; v))|
+ |h(f (x(1) ; v), ..., f (x(N ) ; v)) − g(fv )| ≤ L3 2 + 4L1 L2 1
Equivariant Architectures for Learning in Deep Weight Spaces
The first we bound by the Lipschitz property of h and the fact that F̄ is an 2 approximation and the second from lemma
G.3. We note that while h depends on x(1) , ..., x(N ) , and as such so does L3 , it does not depend on F̄ or 2 , so we are
free to pick 2 based on the value of L3 which concludes the proof.
H Extensions
Extension to nonlinear aggregation mechanisms. Similarly to previous works that considered equivariance and
invariance to permutation action (Qi et al., 2017; Zaheer et al., 2017; Velickovic et al., 2018; Lee et al., 2019) we can
replace any summation term in our layers with either a non-linear aggregation function like max, or more complex
attention mechanisms.
Extension different architectures. In this paper, we primarily focus on MLP architectures as the input for the
equivariance network. However, the characterization can be extended to additional architectures. Here we discuss the
extension to two additional architectures, namely convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and Transformers (Vaswani
1 2
et al., 2017). Convolution layers consist of weight matrices Wi ∈ Rki ×ki ×di−1 ×di and biases bi ∈ Rdi , where di−1
and di represents the input and output channel dimensions, respectively. As with MLPs, simultaneously permuting
the channel dimensions of adjacent layers would not change the function represented by the CNN. Concretely,
consider a 2-layers CNN with weights F (·; W1 , W2 , b1 , b2 ) and let τ ∈ Sd1 . Let W̃1 , W̃2 and b̃1 denote the weight
matrices obtained by applying τ to the di dimension of W1 , W2 and b1 , respectively. We have F (·; W1 , W2 , b1 , b2 ) ≡
F (·; W̃1 , W̃2 , b̃1 , b2 ).
Transformers consist of self-attention layers followed by feed-forward layers applied independently to each position.
Let WiV , WiK , WiQ ∈ Rd×d denote the value, key, and query weight matrices and let P ∈ Πd0 . One symmetry in this
setup can be described by setting WiQ 7→ WiQ P and WiK 7→ WiK P which would not change the function.
We chose to work directly with the direct sum of the weight and bias spaces since it allows us to easily derive simple
implementations for the layers. It should be noted that other strategies can be employed to characterize spaces of linear
equivariant layers, including decomposing V into irreducible representations (as done on many previous works, e.g.,
Cohen & Welling (2017); Thomas et al. (2018)). An advantage of this strategy is that it simplifies the structure of
the blocks discussed above: one can use a classic result called Schur’s Lemma (Fulton & Harris, 2013), which states
that linear equivariant maps between irreducible representations are either zero or a scaled identity map. On the other
hand, one might need to translate such a characterization back to the original weight and bias decomposition in order to
implement the maps.
Data preparation. In order to test our architecture on diverse data obtained from multiple independent sources, we
train all input networks independently starting from different random seed (initialization). As preprocessing step, the
networks are normalize as follows: let vi denote the ith weight vector in our dataset and let vij the jth entry in vi . Let
m(v) denote the average vector over the dataset and s(v) the vector of standard deviations. We normalize each entry as
vij ← (vij − m(v)ij )/s(v)ij . We empirically found this normalization to be beneficial and aid training. We split each
dataset into three data splits, namely train, test and validation sets.
Datasets. We provide details for the network datasets used in this work. For INRs, we use the SIREN (Sitzmann et al.,
2020) architecture, i.e., MLP with sine activation, otherwise, we use ReLU activation (Agarap, 2018).
Sine waves INRs for regression. We generate dataset of 1000 INRs with three layers and 32 hidden features, i.e.,
1 → 32 → 32 → 1. The input to the INR is a grid of size 2000 in [−π, π]. We train the INRs using the Adam optimizer
for 1000 steps with learning-rate 1e − 4. We use 800 INRs for training and 100, 100 INRs for testing and validation.
MNIST and Fashion-MNIST INRs. We fit an INR to each image in the original dataset. We split the INR dataset into
train, validation and test sets of sizes 55K, 5K, 10K respectively. We train the INRs using the Adam optimizer for 1K
steps with learning-rate 5e − 4. When the PSNR of the reconstructed image from the learned INR is greater than 40,
we use early stopping to reduce the generation time. Each INR consists of three layers with 32 hidden features, i.e.,
2 → 32 → 32 → 1.
Equivariant Architectures for Learning in Deep Weight Spaces
Figure 6: INR reconstruction for Fashion-MNIST: INR reconstruction for Fashion-MNIST images (left) and INR
reconstruction of the same images after (weight) data augmentation (right).
CIFAR10 image classifiers. The data consists of 5000 image classifiers. We use 4000 networks for training and the
remaining divided evenly between validation and testing sets. Each classifier consists of 5 layers with 64 hidden
features, i.e., 3 · 322 = 3072 → 64 → 64 → 64 → 64 → 10. To increase the diversity of the input classifiers, we train
each classifier on the binary classification task of distinguishing between two randomly sampled classes. We fit the
classifiers using the Adam optimizer for 2 epochs with learning-rate 5e − 3 and batch-size 128.
Fashion-MNIST image classifiers. We fit 200 image classifiers to the Fashion-MNIST dataset with 10 classes. Each
classifier consists of 4 layers with 128 hidden features, i.e., 282 = 784 → 128 → 128 → 128 → 10. We fit the
classifiers using the Adam optimizer for 5 epochs with learning-rate 5e − 3 and batch-size 1024. To generate classifiers
withe diverse generalization performance, we save a checkpoint of the classifier’s weights along with its generalization
performance every 2 steps throughout the optimization process. We use 150 optimization trajectories for training, and
the rest are divided evenly between validation and testing sets.
Sine waves INRs for SSL. We fit 5000 INRs to sine waves of the form a sin(bx) on [−π, π]. Here a, b ∼ U (0, 10) and x
is a grid of size 2000. We use 4000 samples for training and the remaining INRs divided evenly between validation
and testing sets. We train the INRs using the Adam optimizer with a learning-rate of 1e − 3 for 1500 steps. Each INR
consists of three layers and 32 hidden features, i.e., 1 → 32 → 32 → 1.
Hyperparameter optimization and early stopping. For each learning setup and each method we search over the
learning rate in {5e − 3, 1e − 3, 5e − 4, 1e − 4}. We select the best learning rate using the validation set. Additionally,
we utilize the validation set for early stopping, i.e., select the best model w.r.t. validation metric.
Data augmentation. We employ data augmentation in all experiments and for all methods. For non-INR input
networks, we augment the weight vector with Gaussian and dropout noise. For INRs we can apply a wider range
of augmentations: For example consider an INR for an image f : R2 → R3 . Let x denote a grid in [0, 1]2 which is
the input to the INR. We can apply data augmentation to the weight vector to simulate augmentation on the image it
represents. As a concrete example let R ∈ R2×2 denote a rotation matrix. By multiplying W1 with R we are rotating
the image represented by the INR. Similarly, we can translate the image, or change its scale. For INRs, we apply
rotation, translation, and scaling augmentations, along with Gaussian and dropout noise. See Figure 6 (right) for an
example of data augmentations.
Initialization. We found that appropriate initialization is important when the output of the model is used to parametrize
a network, e.g., in the domain adaptation experiment. Similar observations where made in the Hypernetwork liter-
ature (Chang et al., 2019; Litany et al., 2022). We use a similar initialization to p that used in Litany et al. (2022).
Specifically, for weight matrices we use Xavier-normal initialization multiplied µ 2din /dout . For invariant tasks we
set µ = 1. For tasks where the output parameterize a network we set µ = 1e − 3.
Methods to control the complexity of DWSNets. Since our network complexity is controlled by d0 and dM , the
number of parameters can grow large when the input and/or output dimensions are large. To control the number of
parameters we first apply a linear transformation to the input/output dimension to map it to a lower dimension space,
e.g., LIN (d0 , d00 ) with d00 d0 . We can then apply another linear transformation (if needed) LIN (d00 , d0 ) to map the
output back to the original space. We note that since d0 , dM are free indices, it can be modified between layers while
still maintaining G-equivariance.
Equivariant Architectures for Learning in Deep Weight Spaces
Figure 7: Predicting the generalization performance of NNs: Given the weight vector v the task is to predict the
performance of f (·; v) on the test set. We report 100×MSE averaged over 3 random seeds. Black lines illustrate a
linear fit to the predicted-vs-actual data points.
Approximation for model alignment. In the literature several studies suggested methods to align the weights/neurons
of NNs (e.g., (Ashmore & Gashler, 2015; Singh & Jaggi, 2020; Ainsworth et al., 2022)). Here, we chose the method
presented in (Ainsworth et al., 2022). Ainsworth et al. (2022) suggested an iterative approach for aligning many models
termed MergeMany. The basic idea is to run the alignment algorithm at each iteration between one of the models and an
average of all the other models. This algorithm is guaranteed to converge. However, the convergence time depends on
both the number of models and the allowed alignment error. For instance, on the MNIST classification task, we waited
more than 24 hours before stopping the algorithm and it still didn’t finish even one iteration with an error of 1e − 12 (the
default error in the official GitHub repository). Therefore, we ran this method according to the following scheme; we
first fixed the error to 1e − 3, then we randomly chose a sub-sample of 1000 models and ran the MergeMany algorithm
on them only. The result from this process was a new model (the average of the aligned models) which we used for
aligning the remaining training models and the test models to get a training set and test set of aligned models.
Additional experimental details. Unless stated otherwise, we use DWSNets with 4 hidden equivariant layers, and a
final invariant layer, when appropriate. Additionally, we use max-pooling (as the P OOL components) in all experiments.
The baseline methods are constructed to match the depth of the DWSNets, with feature dimensions chosen to match the
capacity (number of parameters) of the DWSNets, for a fair comparison. We train all methods with ReLU activations
and Batch-Normalization (BN) layers. We found BN layers to be beneficial in terms of generalization performance and
smoother optimization process. We train all methods using the AdamW (Loshchilov & Hutter, 2019) optimizer with a
weight-decay of 5e − 4. We use the validation split to select the best learning rate in {5e − 3, 1e − 3, 5e − 4, 1e − 4}
for each method. Additionally, we use the validation split to select the best model (i.e., early stopping). We repeat all
experiments using 3 random seeds and report the average performance along with the standard deviation for the relevant
Regression of sine waves. We train a DWSNets with two hidden layers and 8 hidden features. All networks consist of
∼ 15K parameters. We use a batch size of 32 and train the models for 100 epochs.
Classification on INRs. We train all methods for 100 epochs. All networks consist of ∼ 550K parameters. We use a
batch size of 512.
Predicting the generalization error of neural networks. We train all methods for 15 epochs (∼ 15K steps). For DWSNets
we map d0 = 784 to d00 = 16, and use a 4-hidden layers network with 16 features. All networks consist of ∼ 4M
parameters. We use a batch size of 32.
Learning to adapt networks to new domains. We train all methods for 10K steps. For DWSNets we map d0 = 3072
to d00 = 16, and use a 4-hidden layers network with 16 features. All networks consist of ∼ 4M parameters. At each
training step, we sample a batch of input classifiers and a batch of images from the source domain. We map each weight
vector v to a residual weight vector ∆v. We then pass the image batch through all networks parametrized by v − ∆v
and update our model according to the obtained classification (cross-entropy) loss. We use a batch size of 32 for input
networks and 128 for images.
Self-supervised learning for dense representation. We train the different methods for 500 epochs with batch-size of 512.
The DWSNets is consists of 4-hidden layers with 16 features. We set the dense representation dimension to 16. All
networks consist of ∼ 100K parameters. We use a temperature of 0.1 to scale the NT-Xent loss (Chen et al., 2020).
Equivariant Architectures for Learning in Deep Weight Spaces
K Additional Experiments
K.1 Predicting the generalization error of neural networks.
Given an MLP classifier, we train a DWSNet to predict its generalization performance, defined as the test error on a
held-out set (see also (Schürholt et al., 2022a)). To create a dataset for this problem, we train 200 MLP image classifiers
on the Fashion-MNIST dataset. We save checkpoints with the classifier’s weights throughout the optimization process,
together with its generalization error. Then, we train a DWSNet to predict the generalization performance from the
classifier’s weights. Figure 7 shows that DWSNet achieves the lowest error, significantly outperforming most baselines.
Here we give the full results for learning a dense representation that was presented in Section 7. Figure 8 shows that
DWSNets generates an embedding with a clear and intuitive 2D structure. That is, we can notice a representation that
groups models with similar frequencies and amplitudes together and a gradual change between the different regions.
On the other hand, other baselines don’t seem to have this nice explainable property.
B2B 65.87 ± 0.37
W2W 84.75 ± 1.11
W2W + B2B 85.23 ± 0.01
DWSNets 85.71 ± 0.57
Here we investigate the effect of using only part of the blocks in our proposed architecture in Table 9. We do so
on the classification task of MNIST INRs. Not surprisingly, the W2W block is the most contributing factor to the
overall performance as it conveys most of the information. Nevertheless, adding the other blocks increase the overall
Here we discuss two challenging cases that we encountered while experimenting with our method.
Equivariant Architectures for Learning in Deep Weight Spaces
Learning to prune. One possible application of DWSNets is to learn how to prune a network. Namely, given an input
network it learns to output a mask that dictates which parameters from the input network to drop and which ones to keep.
To evaluate our method on this task we used INRs generated based on the div2k dataset (Agustsson & Timofte, 2017).
The loss function was to reconstruct the original image while regularizing the mask to be as sparse as possible. We tried
different techniques to learn such a mask inspired by common solutions in the literature (e.g., (Hubara et al., 2016)).
Unfortunately, DWSNets showed a tendency to prune many parameters of the same layers while keeping other layers
untouched. We believe that this issue can be solved by a proper initialization and we see this avenue as a promising
research direction for leveraging DWSNets.
Working with INRs. In some cases, we found it challenging to process INRs. Consider the problem of classifying
CIFAR10 INRs to the original ten classes. In our experiments, we found that while significantly outperforming baseline
methods, DWSNets achieve unsatisfactory results in this task. A possible reason for that is that the INR, as a function
from R2 to R3 is only informative on [0, 1]2 . Hence, it is possible that when processing these functions (parameterized
with the weight vectors), with no additional information on the input domain, the network relies on the underlying,
implicit noise signal originating from outside the training domain, i.e., R \ [0, 1]2 . If that is indeed the case, one potential
solution would be to encourage the INR’s output to be constant on R \ [0, 1]2 .