SMAI-M20-L09: Aspects of Supervised Learning: C. V. Jawahar
SMAI-M20-L09: Aspects of Supervised Learning: C. V. Jawahar
SMAI-M20-L09: Aspects of Supervised Learning: C. V. Jawahar
C. V. Jawahar
IIIT Hyderabad
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Class Review (L09)
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Problem Space:
Learn a function y = f (W, x) from the data.
for classification
for regression
Learn useful features
Supervised Learning:
Notion of Training and Testing
Notion of Loss Function and Optimization
Need of Generalization and Worry of Overfitting
Classification Algorithms:
Nearest Neighbour Algorithm
Linear Classification; Linear Regression
Decide as ω1 if P(ω1 |x) ≥ P(ω2 |x) else ω2
Performance Metrics
Mathematical Foundations: Linear Algebra, Probability, Optimization
SVD, Eigen Decomposition
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This Lecture Session:
Micro-Lecture Videos
1 Minimum Error Classification
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Questions? Comments?
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Discussions Point - I
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Discussion Point - II
1 Can we guess/compute/complete the missing elements of the matrix:
7 ? ?
? 8 ?
? 12 6
? ? 2
21 6 ?
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Discussion Point - III
Consider the binary classification problem where both classes are univariate
Gaussian (assume µ1 ≤ µ2 ) . i.e., P(ωi |x) = N (µi , σi2 ). Optimal decision
is “Decide as ω1 if x ≤ θ else ω2 ”.
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What Next:? (next three)
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