Presentation Draft FMEFM
Presentation Draft FMEFM
Presentation Draft FMEFM
David Sacco
December 8, 2016
Start with a PDE you wish to solve (in our case, Laplace’s
Use a specific (or multiple) Hilbert Space to approximate solutions
to PDE’s
Find the variational problem to the model problem.
Assuming the variational problem has an existing unique solution,
we use the basis of a subspace of our Hilbert Space(s) to rewrite
the weak form into a discrete form.
Write down the discrete form into a matrix equation, then solve
numerically with a triangulation of the domain.
For this project, we aim to solve the following problem numerically via
a mixed method.
Model Problem
Let Ω ⊂ R2 be a bounded polygonal domain. We consider the following
−∆u = f in Ω, u = 0 on ∂Ω
where f ∈ L2 (Ω).
∇ · σ = f and σ = −∇u in Ω, u = 0 on ∂Ω
where f ∈ L2 (Ω).
for all T , x ∈ T , and all E ∈ EΩ . Here, EΩ is the set of all interior edges
of the triangulation, [p]E = p|T+ − p|T− is the jump of p across the
edge shared by the two neighboring triangular elements, and νE is the
outward pointing normal at the midpoint of the edge E.
David Sacco Mixed Finite Element Method December 8, 2016 5 / 26
The Raviart-Thomas Element
Basis for RT0 (Ω)
The basis functions for the Raviart-Thomas Space, RT0 (Ω), are given
by (
± 2|T ±|
(x − P± ) for x ∈ T±
ψE (x) =
0 elsewhere
Quasi-uniformity of T
Let Ω be a polgyonal domain. Th is said to be quasi uniform if there
exists ρ > 0 such that
min{diam(BT ) : T ∈ Th } ≥ ρhdiam(Ω)
We regard um m
h and σh to be the finite element method solutions, and
k · ks the L2 norm when s = 0, and the H s norm for s > 0.
Theorem 1
Let Ω be a polygonal domain. For the axillary function σ corresponding
to mixed model problem, we have that
Theorem 2
Let Ω be a polygonal domain. For the solution u to the model problem,
with f the forcing term, and um
h the mixed finite element solution, then
ku − um 2
h k0 ≤ C(hkuk1 + h (kuk2 + kf k1 ))
Linear System
xk ψj · ψk dx + xM +l ∇ · ψj dx =0
k=1 Ω l=1 Tl
xk ∇ · ψk dx = f dx
k=1 Tl Tl
This definition focuses on the 3rd and 4th columns of Ed2El. It also is
worth noting that this defines elements in the 3rd column as T+ , while
the 4th column describes T− . This also tells how to choose the ± in the
basis functions.
CL requires us to compute ∇ · ψ dx. Fortunately ∇ · ψ is constant,
since ( |E|
± |T± | on T±
∇ · ψE =
0 elsewhere
Let Ω = [0, 1] × [0, 1]. For this numerical example, we consider the
problem (
−∆u = (2(x2 − x) + 2(y 2 − y)) in Ω
u = 0 on ∂Ω
The exact solution is
σ(x, y) = ((2x − 1)(y 2 − y), (x2 − x)(2y − 1))
The error for the experiment coincides with the theoretical estimates as
kσ−σh ku−um
h k0
h ku − um m
h k0 kσ − σh k0 m k
0 ku−um k
h/2 0
.5 0.015539 0.061658 1.737737 1.81479
.25 0.008562 0.035482 1.928159 1.96097
125 0.004366 0.018402 1.981351 1.99115
.0625 0.002192 0.009287 1.995273 1.99795
.03125 0.001097 0.004654 1.998797 1.99942
.015625 0.000548 0.002328 1.999656 1.99985
0.0078125 0.000274 0.001164 − −