Regularity of The Interfaces With Sign Changes of Solutions of The One-Dimensional Porous Medium Equation
Regularity of The Interfaces With Sign Changes of Solutions of The One-Dimensional Porous Medium Equation
Regularity of The Interfaces With Sign Changes of Solutions of The One-Dimensional Porous Medium Equation
Shigeru Sakaguchi
Partially supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (10640175), Ministry of
Education, Science, Sports, and Culture, Japan.
⁄ 0022-0396/02 $35.00
© 2002 Elsevier Science
All rights reserved.
1. Introduction.
2. Preliminaries.
3. The interface is a continuous curve.
4. Continuous differentiability of the interface.
5. The curve of the spatial maximum points.
6. Appendix: Proof of Lemma 2.1.
Then it was shown in [Sak 1, Sak 2] that there exist a time T > 0 and a
continuous function x=x(t) on [T, .) such that C(t)={x(t)} for each
t F T. Namely, after a finite time for each time the set C(t) consists of the
unique spatial maximum point of u( · , t). If we put v=“x u, then v satisfies
the porous medium equation with sign changes
Therefore, the curve x=x(t), the curve of the spatial maximum points of
u, is regarded as an interface with sign changes of the solution v of the
porous medium equation.
On the other hand, in Bertsch and Hilhorst [BH] the interfaces where
the weak solutions change their sign were studied in detail for the initial-
boundary value problems of the generalized porous medium equation over
f(s)=˛ kk |s||s|
m1 − 1
m2 − 1
if s F 0,
if s < 0,
˛ “t v=“ 2x (f(v))
f(v)(−L, t)=a, f(v)(L, t)=−b
v(x, 0)=v0 (x)
in Q=(−L, L) × R+,
for t > 0,
for x ¥ (−L, L),
˛ “v=g
v=“ (f(v))
x in Q=(−L, L) × R+,
on “p Q,
˛ v0
g= f −1(a)
f (−b)
(−L, L) × {0},
{ − L} × [0, .),
{L} × [0, .).
˛ v=gt
“ v=“ (f(v))
x in Q0, T ,
on “p Q0, T ,
FF {f(v) “ 2x t+v “t t} dx dt
Q0, T
=F {f(g)(L, t) “x t(L, t) − f(g)(−L, t) “x t(−L, t)} dt
+F {v(x, T) t(x, T) − g(x, 0) t(x, 0)} dx (1.9)
for any t ¥ C 2(Q0, T ) satisfying t(L, t)=t(−L, t)=0 for t ¥ [0, T]. Also, a
function v=v(x, t) is said to be a weak solution of problem (1.7), if for any
T > 0 v is a weak solution of problem (1.8). Our main result is an improve-
ment of the result of Bertsch and Hilhorst [BH, Theorem 1.3, p. 113]:
of Theorem 1.1 implies that TÄ =0. Namely, in the fast diffusion case for
the porous medium equation the interface x=x(t) becomes C 1 instantly.
(Note that m=p − 1 for Eq. (1.3).)
(iv) In [BH], the locally Lipschitz continuity of f on R is assumed,
and concerning assumption (1.6) the monotonicity of the initial data v0 on
some neighborhood of x0 is assumed. This monotonicity is essential in
[BH] in order to use the transformation (x, t) Q (f(v), t) (that is, they
consider the value of f(v) as a new independent variable near the inter-
face). In [BH] under this monotonicity assumption for initial data the
authors proved that when > d0 f −(s)/s ds=. or − > 0−d f −(s)/s ds=. for
some d > 0, TÄ =0 (see [BH, (iv) of Theorem 1.3, p. 113, or p. 123]). In the
present paper, without this monotonicity assumption for initial data, we
prove (3) and (4) of Theorem 1.1. Namely, when > d0 f −(s)/s ds < . and
− > 0−d f −(s)/s ds=., or when > d0 f −(s)/s ds=. and − > 0−d f −(s)/s ds < .
for some d > 0, we can not prove that TÄ =0 without this monotonicity
assumption for initial data. The reason is that technically we need a time
in order to gain the monotonicity of v with respect to the space variable
x on some neighborhood of the interface, when > d0 f −(s)/s ds < . or
− > 0−d f −(s)/s ds < . (see the proof of Lemma 3.4 in the present paper).
(v) In view of the proof of Theorem 1.1 in the present paper (in
particular see (4.12) for the determination of TÄ ), by the same proof as in
[BH, pp. 126–127] we can get the same formula as in [BH, (1.6), p. 113 or
p. 127]:
“x (f(v))(x, t) − “x (f(v))(x(t), t)
x −(t)=− lim for any t > TÄ .
x Q x(t) v(x, t)
Note that for any nonnegative weak solution u of (2.1), since u is continu-
ous on R × [0, .), u is also a weak solution of problem (1.7) with initial
and boundary values g=u|“p Q , as is noted in [DK, Proof of Corollary 2.11,
p. 273] (see [AC, Proof of Proposition 1.2, pp. 353–355] for its proof).
It is known that there exists a unique nonnegative weak solution u of
(2.1) (see [Gil 3, Theorems 1 and 4, p. 182 and p. 199]). Also, comparison
principles for nonnegative weak solutions of initial-boundary value
problems are proved in [Gil 3]. We shall use the following class of non-
negative weak solutions of (2.1) instead of Barenblatt solutions of the
porous medium equation. We give a proof of the following lemma in
Section 6 (Appendix) for convenience.
(3) For D={(x, t) ¥ R × R+; u(x, t) > 0}, u, “x (f(u)), and “t (f(u))
belong to C 2, 1(D), where C 2, 1(D) is the set of functions in D twice and once
continuously differentiable with respect to x and t, respectively, and u satisfies
the equation of (2.1) in the classical sense in D.
(4) u(x, t)=u(−x, t) for any (x, t) ¥ R × R+.
(5) >R u(x, t) dx=>R f(x) dx for any t > 0.
(6) For each t > 0, u( · , t) is monotone nonincreasing on [0, .),
further, “x u(x, t) < 0, provided u(x, t) > 0 and x > 0. In particular, u(0, t)=
maxy ¥ R u(y, t) > 0 and u(0, t) is monotone nonincreasing in t.
(7) u(x, t) Q 0 as t Q . uniformly in R.
(8) Under the condition that > d0 f −(s)/s ds < . for some d > 0, if we
put g(t)=sup{x ¥ R; u(x, t) > 0} then g is a real-valued, continuous, and
monotone nondecreasing function on [0, .), satisfying limt Q . g(t)=.
and {x ¥ R; u(x, t) > 0}=(−g(t), g(t)) for any t F 0, and putting C=
−1 1
2(> 0f (M0 ) f −(s)/s ds) 2 yields
g(t2 ) E g(t1 )+C(t2 − t1 ) 2 for any t2 > t1 F 0.
(Note that C a 0 as M0 a 0.) Furthermore, for each y > 0, g is uniformly
Lipschitz continuous on [y, .).
(9) Under the condition that > d0 f −(s)/s ds=. for some d > 0, u > 0 in
R × R+.
Remark 2.2. Instead of Barenblatt solutions of the porous medium
equation, we shall use symmetric nonnegative weak solutions vŒs of
“t v=“ 2x (f(v)) given by
v(x, t)=u(x − y, t − s) for (x, t) ¥ R × [s, .),
where u is a nonnegative weak solution of (2.1) with u0 (x)=f −1(g)(x) for
some g ¥ G and where y ¥ R and s F 0. For convenience let us write
v(x, t)=vsym (x, t)=v(x, t; y, s, g). (2.3)
In particular we put v(x, t; y, s, 0) — 0.
In order to prove Theorem 1.1 let us quote a comparison principle from
Dahlberg and Kenig [DK, Lemma 2.3, p. 271], which implies the unique-
ness of the weak solution of (1.8) as well as of (1.7).
Let us introduce approximate problems for (1.5), and for convenience let
us prove existence of the solution v. For this purpose we shall first intro-
duce a sequence of functions approximating the inverse function f −1 of f.
Since for the solution v of (1.5) we have from Lemma 2.3
if 0 < r E R,
if r F R,
m(r, R)=˛
min b (s) r E |s| E R if 0 < r E R,
− −
min{b (−R), b (R)} if r F R.
b (s)= 0 ˛ b(s+e) − b(e)
b(s − e) − b(−e)
if s > 0,
if s=0,
if s < 0.
Let r ¥ C .
0 (R) be an even function satisfying
F r(s) ds=1, r F 0 in R, and r(s)=0 if |s| F 1.
Namely, r is a standard mollifier. Set re (s)=e −1r(s/e) and put for any
integer n F 3
bn (s)=(re f b e)(s) − (re f b e)(0) with e= .
Then, as is shown in [Hua, Theorem 2.1, pp. 964–965], we see that for
each n F 3 bn ¥ C .(R), b −n > 0 in R, bn (0)=0, bn (R)=R, and
Furthermore, we have
In order to preserve the nodal property of the initial data f(v0 ) for later use
(see Lemma 2.5 in this section), let us regularize f(v0 ) by using the heat
equation. Precisely, let H ¥ C .([ − L, L] × (0, 1]) 5 C(Q0, 1 ) be the unique
classical solution of the problem:
˛ “t H=“ 2x H
H( ± L, t)=f(v0 )( ± L)
H(x, 0)=f(v0 )(x)
in Q0, 1 =(−L, L) × (0, 1],
for t ¥ (0, 1] respectively,
for x ¥ (−L, L).
˛ min
x ¥ [ − L, L]
f(v0 )(x) E Vn E max
Furthermore we have:
Proof. With the help of (2.14) and the fact that v ¥ C(Q), the latter half
follows from the standard theory of uniformly parabolic equations [Fr].
(Besides the regularity for f(v) follows from the fact that “t (f(v))=
f −(v) “ 2x (f(v)) in D in the classical sense.) Therefore it suffices to prove the
former half. Let us first prove that v is continuous at any point on
{ − L, L} × (0, .). Consider the boundary { − L} × (0, .). Take any e > 0.
Since the initial data v0 ¥ C([ − L, L]) satisfies (1.6), there exist two con-
stants a+ and a− such that
v− E v E v+ in Q.
Since the initial data v0 ¥ C([ − L, L]) satisfies (1.6), then there exists a
function h ¥ C .([ − L, L]) such that
For n F 3 let Ṽn ¥ C .(Q̄) be the unique classical solution of the problem:
˛ min
x ¥ [ − L, L]
h(x) E Ṽn E max
W− E h E W+ on [ − L, L]. (2.22)
Then both W+ and W− satisfy the partial differential equation of (2.19) for
any n F 3. Hence it follows from (2.22) and the comparison principle that
Since W− (−L)=Ṽn (−L, t)=W+(−L) for any t F 0, this implies that for
any n F 3
max{|“x Ṽn (−L, t)|, |“x Ṽn (L, t)|} E K for any t F 0. (2.24)
1 b ' (Ṽ ) “ Ṽ
“t Z= − “ 2x Z − n − n x 2 n “x Z in Q.
b n (Ṽn ) (b n (Ṽn ))
The same argument as in proving (2.14) implies that there exists a unique
weak solution ṽ ¥ C(Q) 5 L .(Q) of the problem,
˛ “t ṽ=“ 2x (f(ṽ))
f(ṽ)( ± L, t)=h( ± L)
ṽ(x, 0)=b(h)(x)
in Q,
for t > 0 respectively,
for x ¥ (−L, L),
such that
ṽ E v in Q. (2.27)
|f(ṽ)(x1 , t) − f(ṽ)(x2 , t)| E K |x1 − x2 | for any points (x1 , t) and (x2 , t) ¥ Q̄.
xg2 t2
F {bn (Ṽn )(x, t2 ) − bn (Ṽn )(x, t1 )} dx=F {“x Ṽn (xg2 , t) − “x Ṽn (xg1 , t)} dt.
xg1 t1
Hence by (2.21)
:F xg 2
{bn (Ṽn )(x, t2 ) − bn (Ṽn )(x, t1 )} dx E 2K |t2 − t1 |.
{ṽ(x, t2 ) − ṽ(x, t1 )} dx E 2K |t2 − t1 |. (2.29)
Here, since xg ¥ [xg 1 , xg2 ] and xg2 − xg1 =(t2 − t1 ) 1/2, from (2.28) we have
for j=1, 2 and for any x ¥ [xg1 , xg2 ]
1 1
b(f(ṽ)(xg , tj ) − K(t2 − t1 ) 2) E ṽ(x, tj ) E b(f(ṽ)(xg , tj )+K(t2 − t1 ) 2).
Then, by combining these inequalities with (2.29) we conclude that for any
xg ¥ [ − L, L] and for any t2 > t1 F 0 with (t2 − t1 ) 2 < 2L
˛ b(f(ṽ)(x g
2 2
, t ) − K(t − t ) ) E b(f(ṽ)(x , t )+K(t − t ) )+2K(t − t ) ,
g 1
These inequalities together with (2.28) imply that ṽ ¥ C(Q̄). Therefore, since
ṽ(x, 0)=b(h(x)) for x ¥ [ − L, L], from (2.18) and (2.27) we get (2.17).
Similarly we get
v1 − v2 ˛ >< 00 on
{ − L} × [0, T],
{L} × [0, T].
“x (v1 − v2 )(x, t) < 0 for a unique x ¥ (−L, L) satisfying (v1 − v2 )(x, t)=0.
On the other hand, putting H nj (x)=H j(x, 1n ) for each n F 3 yields that for
each j=1, 2
In view of (2.32) and the continuity of v1 and v2 , we can take four sequences
{G nj+ }, {G nj − } (j=1, 2) in C .([0, T]) such that
˛ G nj ± ( · ) Q f(vj )( ± L, · )
G j±
n =f(vj )( ± L, 0)
G 1n − − G 2n − > 0 and G 1+
as n Q . uniformly on [0, T] respectively,
in a neighbourhood of t=0, respectively, (2.34)
n − Gn < 0 on [0, T].
˛ “t (bn (V nj ))=“ 2x V nj
V nj ( ± L, t)=G nj ± (t)
V (x, 0)=H (x)
in Q0, T =(−L, L) × (0, T],
for t ¥ [0, T], respectively,
for x ¥ (−L, L).
Then by the same argument as in proving (2.14) we get for each j=1, 2
uniformly on any compact set in Q0, T . Let Nn (t) be the number of sign
changes of V 1n ( · , t) − V 2n ( · , t), or of bn (V 1n )( · , t) − bn (V 2n )( · , t), on
[ − L, L] for each t ¥ [0, T]. Observe that putting Un =V 1n − V 2n yields
1 “ c(x, t)
“t Un = “ 2x Un − t U in Q0, T , (2.37)
c(x, t) c(x, t) n
where c(x, t)=> 10 b −n (V 2n +hUn ) dh. Also, by using (2.33) and the third line
of (2.34), we observe that for each t ¥ (0, T] the number of sign changes of
Un on the parabolic boundary “p Q0, t equals 1. Then we can use the result
of Sattinger [Sat, Corollary 5, p. 84] or of Matano [Ma 1, Lemma 2.6,
pp. 408–409] again, and we see that
Hence, by letting n Q ., from (2.32) and (2.36) we see that the number of
sign changes of v1 ( · , t) − v2 ( · , t) on [ − L, L] equals 1 for any t ¥ [0, T].
It remains to consider the case where f ¥ C 3(R) and f −(s) > 0 for any
s ¥ R. In this case it follows from the theory of uniformly parabolic equa-
tions [LSU] that both v1 and v2 belong to C 2, 1(Q0, T ), and these satisfy the
differential equation in the classical sense. Let us put U=f(v1 ) − f(v2 ) and
if U(x, t)=0 for some (x, t) ¥ (−L, L) × (0, T), then “x U(x, t) < 0. (2.40)
Indeed, let U(x̃, t̃)=0 for some (x̃, t̃) ¥ (−L, L) × (0, T). Suppose that
“x U(x̃, t̃) F 0. When “x U(x̃, t̃) > 0, in view of (2.32) we immediately see
that N(t̃) F 3, which is a contradiction. When “x U(x̃, t̃)=0, we have
Lemma 3.1. For any t > 0 there exist x− (t) and x+(t) with − L < x− (t)
E x+(t) < L such that
v(x, t) =0
if x < x− (t),
if x− (t) E x E x+(t),
if x > x+(t).
Let tg > 0. Since v(−L, tg )=b(a) > 0, we let wg be the component of Q(tg )
containing − L. Note that wg is a half-open interval, since v(L, tg )=
b(−b) < 0. Suppose that there exists another component of Q(tg ), say w.
Then w 5 wg =”. Let Sw and Sw g be the components of {(x, t) ¥
[ − L, L] × [0, tg ]; v(x, t) > 0} containing w and wg , respectively. Hence,
since v(−L, t)=b(a) > 0 and v(L, t)=b(−b) < 0 for any t F 0, it follows
from (1.6) that Sw g contains the whole of Q(0) × {0}(=[ − L, x0 ) × {0}).
First let us show that Sw =Sw g . Indeed, suppose that Sw 5 Sw g =”. Then
Sw 5 ([ − L, L] × {0}) is empty. Observe that
vFg>0 on c (3.3)
for some positive constant g > 0. By (2.14) there exists n0 F 3 such that for
any n F n0
bn (Vn ) F 12 g on c. (3.4)
v F 12 g in W̄.
This contradicts the fact that v has a zero on “W 5 ((−L, L) × {tg }).
Therefore the proof of Lemma 3.1 is completed. L
Lemma 3.2. Suppose that > d0 f −(s)/s ds < . or − > 0−d f −(s)/s ds < .
for some d > 0. Then x− (t)=x+(t) for any t > 0. Furthermore, if one
puts x(t)=x− (t) for any t > 0 and x(0)=x0 , then x(t) is continuous on
[0, .) and (1) of Theorem 1.1 holds. When > d0 f −(s)/s ds < . and
− > 0−d f −(s)/s ds < . for some d > 0, x(t) is uniformly Hölder continuous
with exponent 12 on [0, .), that is, (5) of Theorem 1.1 holds.
Remark 3.3. When > d0 f −(s)/s ds=−> 0−d f −(s)/s ds=. for some d > 0,
we shall prove (1) of Theorem 1.1 in Lemma 3.10. If we assume moreover
that f(s)=−f(−s) for any s ¥ R, we can prove this by using an antisym-
metric solution as in [Sak 2, Proof of Lemma 2.3, pp. 1055–1057].
Proof of Lemma 3.2. Once it is proved that x− (t)=x+(t) for any t > 0,
the continuity of x(t) together with x(0)=x0 follows from the continuity
of v and (1.6). So let us show that x− (t)=x+(t) for any t > 0. For d > 0 we
distinguish the following three cases:
Since we can deal with cases (i) and (ii) similarly, let us consider case (i)
only. In this case the equation has the property of finite speed of propaga-
tion for nonnegative solutions, and it has the property of infinite speed of
propagation for nonpositive solutions. Suppose that there exists t0 > 0 such
that x− (t0 ) < x+(t0 ). Then we have
Indeed, by putting xg =lim inft ‘ t0 x− (t), we suppose that xg < x+(t0 ). Then
there exists a sequence {tj } with tj ‘ t0 as j ‘ . such that
˛ “t vj =“ 2x (f(vj ))
f(vj )(−L, t)=a
vj (x, tj )=max{v(x, tj ), 0}
in (−L, .) × (tj , .),
for t > tj ,
for x ¥ (−L, .),
where zj (t)=sup{x ¥ (−L, .); vj (x, t) > 0}. Indeed, the constant C is
given by C=2(> M −
0 f (s)/s ds)
2 with M=max
x ¥ [ − L, L] v0 (x) in [Gil 2].
Therefore, in view of (3.7) we can choose j sufficiently large to get
zj (t0 ) < x+(t0 ). On the other hand, by Lemma 2.3 we get
Therefore, we have
Then, since − > 0−d f −(s)/s ds=., so the property of infinite speed of
propagation implies that
This contradicts the fact that v(x+(t0 ), t0 )=0 because of zj (t0 ) < x+(t0 ).
Consequently we get (3.6).
˛ “t v+=“ 2x (f(v+))
f(v+)(−L, t)=a
v+(x, t0 )=max{v(x, t0 ), 0}
in (−L, .) × (t0 , .),
for t > t0 ,
for x ¥ (−L, .),
˛ “t v− =“ 2x ( − f(−v− ))
− f(−v− )(L, t)=b
v− (x, t0 )=max{ − v(x, t0 ), 0}
in (−., L) × (t0 , .),
for t > t0 ,
for x ¥ (−., L),
˛ “t v=“ 2x (f(v))
f(v)(−L, t)=a, f(v)(L, t)=−b
v(x, t0 )=v(x, t0 )
in Qt0 , . =(−L, L) × (t0 , .),
for t > t0 ,
for x ¥ (−L, L),
Then it follows from the result of [Gil 2, Theorem 5, p. 260] that z j(t) is a
monotone nonincreasing and continuous function in [tj , .) with
z j(tj )=x+(tj ) such that
z j(t) F x+(tj ) − C(t − tj ) 2 for any t > tj (3.18)
Indeed, since v F 0 in [x− (t0 ), z j(t0 )] × [tj , t0 ], if v(x̃, t̃) > 0 for some (x̃, t̃)
in the interior of this rectangle, then by comparing v with a symmetric
nonnegative weak solution v( · , · ; x̃, t̃, g) given in Remark 2.2 we see that
v(x̃, t0 ) > 0, which contradicts the fact that v=0 on [x− (t0 ), z j(t0 )] × {t0 }.
Here we chose maxR g and supp g sufficiently small in (2.3).
On the other hand, (3.19) and (3.15) contradict Lemma 3.1. Namely
we get
Similarly we get limt ‘ t0 x+(t)=x+(t0 ) and conclude that both x− (t) and
x+(t) are continuous at t=t0 .
By repeating these arguments for a little smaller time instead of t0 , we see
that both x− (t) and − x+(t) are monotone nondecreasing and continuous
functions on (0, t0 ]. Hence
− v− E v E v+ in Qt0 , . . (3.21)
|x(t) − x(t0 )| E C |t − t0 | 2 for t > t0 F 0. (3.22)
The following key lemma ensures that after a finite time v becomes a
monotone function with respect to x near the interface.
Lemma 3.4. There exists T1 > 0 such that one can find three numbers
e1 > 0, c1 , and c2 with − L < c1 < x− (T1 ) E x+(T1 ) < c2 < L satisfying:
˛ v(x, T1 ) ˛ >< e− e
“x v(x, T1 ) < 0
if x ¥ [ − L, c1 ),
if x ¥ (c2 , L],
if x ¥ [c1 , x− (T1 )) 2 (x+(T1 ), c2 ].
(1) When > d0 f −(s)/s ds=−> 0−d f −(s)/s ds=. for some d > 0, one can
take any number T1 > 0, in particular, one can choose T1 > 0 as small as one
(2) When > d0 f −(s)/s ds < . or − > 0−d f −(s)/s ds < . for some d > 0, if
x(t1 ) ] x(0)(=x0 ) for some t1 > 0, then one can take T1 =t1 . Here x(t) is
given in Lemma 3.2.
if v(x, t)=vsym (x, t) > 0 for some (x, t) ¥ Q, then “x v(x, t) E “x vsym (x, t) < 0.
Indeed, let v(x̃, t̃)=vsym (x̃, t̃) > 0 for some (x̃, t̃) ¥ Q. Then it follows from
Lemma 2.4 and (3) of Lemma 2.1 that both v and vsym are classical solu-
tions in some neighborhood of (x̃, t̃). Since by (6) of Lemma 2.1 we have
“x vsym (x̃, t̃) < 0, it suffices to show that “x v(x̃, t̃) − “x vsym (x̃, t̃) E 0. So
suppose that “x v(x̃, t̃ ) − “x vsym (x̃, t̃) > 0. Then this together with (3.25)
immediately implies that N(t̃) F 3. This contradicts (3.26) and shows that
(3.27) holds.
For d > 0 let us distinguish the following two cases:
(i) > d0 f −(s)/s ds < ..
(ii) > d0 f −(s)/s ds=..
In case (i), by (8) of Lemma 2.1 there exists T > 0 such that
Moreover we have
0 < v(x, T1 ) < vsym (x, T1 ) for any x ¥ (z, x− (T1 )). (3.30)
Note that v 1sym — vsym and v 0sym — 0. By the construction of symmetric non-
negative weak solutions in Lemma 2.1, we have
0 E v lsym
E v lsym
if 0 E l1 < l2 E 1. (3.33)
Hence it follows from the continuity of v lsym with respect to l that for each
x ¥ (z, x− (T1 )) there exists l ¥ (0, 1) satisfying
(ii) − When − > 0−d f −(s)/s ds=. for some d > 0, for each T1 > 0 we
can find z ¥ (x+(T1 ), L) satisfying
x(0) < x(t1 ) − 3r < x(t1 ) < x(t1 )+r < L. (3.43)
we have (3.26). In view of (3.43), (3.44), and (1), (8) of Lemma 2.1, we
observe that
Hence, following the argument from (3.27) to (3.31) yields that there exists
z ¥ (x1 , x(t1 )) with v(z, t1 )=vsym (z, t1 ) > 0, and moreover
˛ “0 <v(z,v(x,t )t E) <“ vv
x 1
sym (x, t1 )
sym (z, t1 ) < 0.
for any x ¥ (z, x(t1 )),
and following the argument from (3.32) to (3.37), yield (3.42). This
completes the proof in case (A).
Let us proceed to case (B). Take a small number r > 0 satisfying
Then, by considering the symmetric nonnegative weak solution vsym (x, t)=
v(x, t; x1 , 0, g) given in Remark 2.2 and proceeding as in case (A), we get
(3.24), (3.25), and (3.26). Furthermore, in view of (3.47), (3.48), and (1), (8)
of Lemma 2.1, we observe that (3.45) also holds. Therefore, by the same
proof as in case (A) we see that (3.42) holds also in case (B). This completes
the proof. L
In view of Lemma 3.4, instead of Vn (see (2.12)), for each n F 3 let us
introduce a unique classical solution Wn ¥ C .(QT1 , . ) of the problem:
W (x, T )=H̃ 1 x, 2
n 1
in QT1 , . =(−L, L) × (T1 , .),
for t > T1 ,
Lemma 3.6. For each (h, t) ¥ [ − e1 , e1 ] × [T1 , .), there exists a unique
x ¥ (−L, L) satisfying Wn (x, t)=f(h). Furthermore “x Wn (x, t) < 0 for such
x. Here T1 > 0 and e1 > 0 are the numbers given in Lemma 3.4.
Proof. Let h ¥ [ − e1 , e1 ]. Then, it follows from Lemma 3.4 that the
number of sign changes of f(v)( · , T1 ) − f(h) equals 1. Observe that the
constant f(h) satisfies the heat equation, and in problem (2.10), where
v0 ( · ) is replaced by v( · , T1 ),
Here we can apply Lemma 2.5 to the heat equation by considering f(s) — s
and see that for each t ¥ (0, 1) the number of zeros of H̃( · , t) − f(h) on
[ − L, L] equals 1 and
˛ “ (bsatisfying
x (W ) − b (f(h)))(x, t) < 0
n n n for a unique x ¥ (−L, L)
(b (W ) − b (f(h)))(x, t)=0.
n n n (3.53)
Furthermore we have:
Lemma 3.7. For each (h, t) ¥ ([ − e1 , 0) 2 (0, e1 ]) × [T1 , .), there exists
a unique x ¥ (−L, L) satisfying v(x, t)=h. Furthermore “x v(x, t) < 0 for
such x. Here T1 > 0 and e1 > 0 are the numbers given in Lemma 3.4.
Proof. Lemma 3.4 guarantees that for t=T1 the statement is true. First
of all, we take h ¥ (0, e1 ]. Let N(t) be the number of sign changes of
v( · , t) − h on [ − L, L] for each t ¥ [T1 , .). Observe that the constant h is a
trivial solution of the equation of (1.5), N(T1 )=1, and
On the other hand, as in the proof of Lemma 2.5, putting Û=f(v) − f(h)
yields that N(t) equals the number of sign changes of Û( · , t) on [ − L, L]
for each t F T1 . By Lemma 2.4 and the fact that h > 0, we see that Û is
regarded as a classical solution of a uniformly parabolic equation similar to
(2.37) for Un in each compact set contained in the set {v > 0}. With the help
of (3.55) we can show
if Û(x, t)=0 for some (x, t) ¥ QT1 , . , then “x Û(x, t) < 0. (3.56)
Indeed, let Û(x̃, t̃)=0 for some (x̃, t̃) ¥ QT1 , . . Then we notice that v(x̃, t̃)=
h > 0. Suppose that “x Û(x̃, t̃) F 0. When “x Û(x̃, t̃) > 0, in view of (3.54) we
immediately get N(t̃) F 3. This contradicts (3.55). When “x Û(x̃, t̃)=0, we
Since Û(x− (t̃), t̃)=0 − f(h) < 0, so it follows from (3.54) and the conti-
nuity of Û that there exist a small m > 0 and a rectangle R=(−L, x− (t̃)
− m) × [t̃ − m, t̃+m] satisfying:
˛ Û(−L,
(x̃, t̃) ¥ R,
t) > 0
b … {v > 0} 5 ([ − L, L) × (T1 , .)),
and Û(x− (t̃) − m, t) < 0 for any t ¥ [t̃ − m, t̃+m].
Theorem D, pp. 80–82] again as in the proof of Lemma 2.5, from (3.57) we
see that there exist y > 0, e > 0, and at least two points, say xj ¥
(x̃ − e, x̃+e)(j=1, 2), such that
This together with (3.54) implies that N(t̃ − y) F 3, which contradicts (3.55).
Consequently we see that (3.56) holds.
Condition (3.56) together with (3.55) implies that for each t > T1 the
function Û( · , t) has only one zero, say x ¥ (−L, L), and “x Û(x, t) < 0.
Namely, we conclude that for each (h, t) ¥ (0, e1 ] × [T1 , .), there exists a
unique x ¥ (−L, L) satisfying v(x, t)=h, and furthermore “x v(x, t) < 0 for
such x. Since the similar argument is applicable to (h, t) ¥ [ − e1 , 0)
× [T1 , .), we come to the conclusion of Lemma 3.7. L
x=Xn (y, t) and Wn (Xn (y, t), t)=y for (y, t) ¥ J × [T1 , .), (3.58)
where we put
Then we have:
|“t Xn | E C in J × [t2 , t3 ].
˛ “y Xn =
“x Wn
< 0,
“2 W
“t Xn = − t n = − − x n
“x Wn b n (Wn ) “x Wn
=− −
b n (y)
“y Xn
. 1 2
q= t −
T1 +t2
2 “ X − 12 X .
t n n (3.61)
Then q satisfies
“ 2y q “t Xn “y q
“t q= − 2−2 in J × (T1 , .). (3.62)
b n (y)(“y Xn ) “y Xn
Also, since q=− 12 Xn on J × {(T1 +t2 )/2}, so |q(y, (T1 +t2 )/2)| E 12 L for
any y ¥ J. Therefore, it follows from this inequality, (3.62), (3.63), and the
maximum principle that
x=X(y, t) and f(v)(X(y, t), t)=y for (y, t) ¥ (J 0 {0}) × [T1 , .).
Then we have:
(4) Both x=x− (t) and x=x+(t) are locally Lipschitz continuous on
(T1 , .).
Proof. Take any compact set E in (J 0 {0}) × (T1 , .). Then it follows
from Lemma 2.4 with Remark 3.5, Lemma 3.6, and Lemma 3.7 that
{|(“x Wn )(Xn (y, t), t)|; n F 3} is uniformly bounded and uniformly bounded
away from zero on E, and (1) holds. (2) follows from (1) and Lemma 3.8.
Finally, (3) and (4) follows from (2) and Lemma 3.7. L
In view of Lemma 3.2 and Remark 3.3, in order to prove (1) of Theorem 1.1
it remains to show that x− (t)=x+(t) for any t > 0 when > d0 f −(s)/s ds=
− > 0−d f −(s)/s ds=. for some d > 0. Now, with the help of (4) of Lemma
3.9, in this case we prove:
Lemma 3.10. When > d0 f −(s)/s ds= − > 0−d f −(s)/s ds=. for some d > 0,
one has
Furthermore, if one puts x(t)=x− (t) for any t > 0 and x(0)=x0 , then x(t) is
continuous on [0, .) and (1) of Theorem 1.1 holds.
Proof. When > d0 f −(s)/s ds= − > 0−d f −(s)/s ds=. for some d > 0, by (1)
of Lemma 3.4 we can choose T1 > 0 as small as we want. Hence combining
this fact with (4) of Lemma 3.9 yields that both x− (t) and x+(t) are locally
Lipschitz continuous on (0, .). Suppose that there exists t0 > 0 satisfying
x− (t0 ) < x+(t0 ). Then it follows from the continuity of x− (t) and x+(t) that
there exist a nonempty interval [y1 , y2 ] … (0, .) with t0 ¥ (y1 , y2 ) and a
nonempty interval (x1 , x2 ) such that
˛ “t w=“ 2x (f(w))
f(w)(−L, t)=a, f(w)(L, t)=0
w(x, 0)=max{v(x, y1 ), 0}
in Qy1 , y2 =(−L, L) × (y1 , y2 ],
for t ¥ (y1 , y2 ],
for x ¥ (−L, L).
On the other hand, since > d0 f −(s)/s ds=. and w F 0, the property of
infinite speed of propagation implies that w > 0 in Qy1 , y2 . This is a
contradiction. L
Lemma 4.1. For each t3 > t2 > T1 there exists a constant C > 0 depending
only on t2 and t3 such that for each n F 3 and for each t ¥ [t2 , t3 ]
|“x Wn (x1 , t) − “x Wn (x2 , t)| E C |bn (Wn )(x1 , t) − bn (Wn )(x2 , t)| (4.1)
for any x1 , x2 ¥ Xn (J, t), where Xn (J, t)=[Xn (f(e1 ), t), Xn (f(−e1 ), t)].
In particular, {|(“x Wn )(Xn (y, t), t)|; n F 3} is uniformly bounded on any
compact set in J × (T1 , .). Here, Wn is the solution of problem (3.49), and Xn
and J are given by (3.58) and (3.59), respectively.
Hence it follows from Lemma 3.8 that for each t3 > t2 > T1 there exists a
constant C > 0 depending only on t2 and t3 such that for each n F 3
Integrating this with respect to x gives the desired inequality (4.1). Ob-
serve that the right-hand side of (4.1) is bounded because of (2.13) with
Remark 3.5. Therefore, (4.1) implies that {|(“x Wn )(Xn (y, t), t)|; n F 3} is
uniformly bounded on any compact set in J × (T1 , .), since this set is uni-
formly bounded on any compact set in {f(−e1 )} × (T1 , .) as is mentioned
in the proof of Lemma 3.9. The proof is completed. L
Proof. In view of (3.66) and Lemma 2.4 with Remark 3.5, it suffices to
show the partial differentiability of f(v) and the continuity of “x (f(v)) at
any point (x(t), t) on the interface x=x(t) for t > T1 . Take t0 > T1
arbitrarily. It follows from (1) of Lemma 3.9 that there exist e2 > 0 and
y > 0 with t0 − y > T1 such that for any t ¥ [t0 − y, t0 +y]
This inequality implies that the family {“x (f(v))( · , t); t ¥ [t0 − y, t0 +y]} is
equicontinuous on [x(t0 ) − e2 , x(t0 )+e2 ]. Combining this equicontinuity
with both the continuity of “x (f(v)) in {(x, t) ¥ [x(t0 ) − e2 , x(t0 )+e2 ] ×
[t0 − y, t0 +y]; x ] x(t)} (see Lemma 2.4) and the continuity of the inter-
face x=x(t) yields the continuity of “x (f(v)) on [x(t0 ) − e2 , x(t0 )+e2 ]
× [t0 − y, t0 +y]. This completes the proof. L
Lemma 4.3. For T1 > 0 given in Lemma 3.4, there exists a unique Tg =
Tg (T1 ) F T1 such that
“x (f(v))(x(t), t) ˛=0
if t ¥ (T1 , Tg ],
if t ¥ (Tg , .).
Then, in view of Lemma 4.2 and the continuity of the interface x=x(t), by
putting v ± =max{ ± v, 0}, we see that v ± ¥ C(QT1 , T ) are weak solutions of
the problems:
˛ “t v+=“ 2x (f(v+))
f(v+)(−L, t)=a, f(v+)(L, t)=0
v+(x, 0)=max{v(x, T1 ), 0}
in QT1 , T =(−L, L) × (T1 , T],
for t ¥ (T1 , T],
for x ¥ (−L, L),
˛ “t v− =“ 2x (−f(−v− ))
− f(−v− )(−L, t)=0, −f(−v− )(L, t)=b
v− (x, 0)=max{ − v(x, T1 ), 0}
in QT1 , T ,
for t ¥ (T1 , T], (4.5)
for x ¥ (−L, L),
Thus we have proved that there exists t > T1 such that “x (f(v))(x(t), t) < 0,
since “x (f(v))(x(t), t) E 0.
Next, let us show that “x (f(v))(x(t), t) < 0 for any t > t0 provided
“x (f(v))(x(t0 ), t0 ) < 0 for some t0 > T1 . For this purpose, take any t0 > T1
with “x (f(v))(x(t0 ), t0 ) < 0 and take any T > t0 . Then it follows from
Lemma 3.7 and Lemma 4.2 that there exists e > 0 satisfying
where X(J, t)=[X(f(e1 ), t), X(f(−e1 ), t)] and “X(J, t)={X(f(e1 ), t),
X(f(−e1 ), t)}. Since in the proof of Lemma 4.2 we observed that for each
t > T1
“x Wn ( · , t) Q “x (f(v))( · , t) as n Q .
uniformly on some neighborhood of x(t), (4.8)
by Lemma 2.4 with Remark 3.5 and (1) of Lemma 3.9 we see that for
sufficiently large n
1 b ' (W ) “ W
“t Z= − “ 2x Z − n − n x 2 n “x Z in QT1 , . ,
b n (Wn ) (b n (Wn ))
it follows from (4.9) and the maximum principle that for sufficiently large n
Therefore, by using (4.8) and Lemma 2.4 with Remark 3.5 again and
letting n Q ., we get
where T1 and Tg are given in Lemma 3.4 and Lemma 4.3, respectively.
The continuity of “t (f(v)) is not necessary to prove Theorem 1.1, but we
state it, since as a by-product it is easily obtained as in [BH].
Completion of the Proof of Theorem 1.1. Parts (1) and (5) of Theorem
1.1 were already proved by Lemma 3.2 and Lemma 3.10. Let us complete
the proof of Theorem 1.1 by using Lemma 4.4. In view of Lemma 4.4 we
can determine a time TÄ F 0 by
where Tg =Tg (T1 ) is determined by (4.11) in the proof of Lemma 4.3, and
where P(T1 ) is
Since we already know that x− (t)=x+(t)=x(t) for any t > 0, the property
P(T1 ) is equivalent to that T1 has in the former half of Lemma 3.4. (2) of
Theorem 1.1 follows from our determination of TÄ and Lemma 4.4.
Combining Lemma 4.4 with (1) of Lemma 3.4 and (1) of Lemma 4.3 yields
(3) of Theorem 1.1. It remains to show (4) of Theorem 1.1. We consider the
case where > d0 f −(s)/s ds < . or − > 0−d f −(s)/s ds < . for some d > 0. It
suffices to consider the case where TÄ > 0. Suppose that there exists
t1 ¥ (0, TÄ ) such that x(t1 ) ] x(0). Then by (2) of Lemma 3.4 we can take
T1 =t1 . Hence, when > d0 f −(s)/s ds=. or − > 0−d f −(s)/s ds=. for some
d > 0, by (1) of Lemma 4.3 for T1 =t1 we have Tg (t1 )=t1 . This contradicts
the fact that Tg (t1 ) F TÄ > t1 . When > d0 f −(s)/s ds < . and − > 0−d f −(s)/s ds
< ., (2) of Lemma 4.3 and the fact that Tg F TÄ imply that x(t1 )=x(TÄ ).
On the other hand by the continuity of x=x(t) there exists another
t2 ¥ (0, t1 ) such that x(t2 ) ] x(0) and x(t2 ) ] x(t1 ). By the same argument
as above we see that x(t2 )=x(TÄ ). This contradicts the fact that x(t1 )=
x(TÄ ). Consequently, we conclude that x(t)=x(0) for any t ¥ [0, TÄ ],
which completes the proof of (4) of Theorem 1.1. L
To prove Lemma 4.4 let us use notations similar to those in [BH]. Take
y > 0 and T > Tg +2y arbitrarily. In order to prove that x( · ) ¥ C 1(Tg , .), it
suffices to show that x( · ) ¥ C 1(Tg +2y, T). In view of Lemma 3.6, Lemma
4.1, Lemma 2.4 with Remark 3.5, and (4.10) with Lemma 4.3, we conclude
that the family {|“x Wn (Xn (y, t), t)|; n F 3} is uniformly bounded and
uniformly bounded away from zero in J × [Tg +y, T]. Therefore the first
equality of (3.60) implies that for some d2 > d1 > 0 independent of n F 3
d1 < |“y Xn |= < d2 in J × [Tg +y, T]. (4.13)
|“x Wn |
2 F b −n (y)(“t Xn ) 2 (y, T) dy+d 2−2 F (“y “t Xn ) 2 dy dt E C. (4.14)
J J × [Tg +y, T]
“t p= −
b n (y)
“y 1 “y p
(“y Xn ) 2
2 in J × (T1 , .). (4.15)
2 F b −n (y) p 2(y, T) dy+F (“y p) 2 (“y Xn ) −2 dy dt
J J × [Tg +y, T]
=12 F b −n (y) p 2(y, Tg +y) dy+F [p “y p(“y Xn ) −2] y=f(e1)
y=f(−e1 ) dt.
J Tg +y
By using (4.13) for the second term in the left-hand side of (4.16), we see
that the left-hand side of (4.14) is bounded by that of (4.16). By Lemma 3.8
the first term in the right-hand side of (4.16) is bounded by
2 C 2 F b −n (y) dy=12 C 2{bn (f(e1 )) − bn (f(−e1 ))}.
therefore it follows from Lemma 3.6, Lemma 3.7, and Lemma 2.4 with
Remark 3.5 that |p “y p(“y Xn ) −2| is bounded by a constant independent of
n F 3 on “J × [Tg +y, T]. Consequently, the right-hand side of (4.16) is
bounded above by a constant independent of n F 3, and this completes the
proof. L
By using this lemma, by the same proof as in [BH] we get:
Lemma 4.6. There exist two constants e > 0 and C > 0 both of which are
independent of n F 3 such that [ − e, e] … J and for any t ¥ [Tg +2y, T]
e 1 t e 1
F (“y “t Xn ) 2 (y, t) dy+ 2 F F (“ 2 “ X ) 2 dy dt E C. (4.18)
−e 2d 2 Tg +2y −e b −n (y) y t n
“y q=2(“x Wn ) −4 “ 2x Wn {p “ 2x Wn +“x “t Wn }
− (“x Wn ) −2 {“y p “ 2x Wn +p “ 3x Wn (“x Wn ) −1+“ 2x “t Wn (“x Wn ) −1}.
Therefore it follows from Lemma 3.6, Lemma 3.7, and Lemma 2.4 with
Remark 3.5 that {|“y q|; n F 3} is uniformly bounded on any compact set in
(J 0 {0}) × (T1 , .). L
Proof of Lemma 4.4. In [BH] the regularity result of Gilding [Gil 1] is
used to show that “t X is Hölder continuous with respect to t in [ − e, e]
× [Tg +2y, T]. The locally Lipschitz continuity of f in R is necessary to
apply the result of [Gil 1]. So in our situation we cannot use it.
By Lemma 4.6 for each n F 3 and for each t ¥ [Tg +2y, T] we have
“y “t Xn (y, t) dy :
E:F |“ “ X (y, t)| dy : |y − y |
y2 2 1
2 2
y t n 2 1
1 1
E C 2 |y2 − y1 | 2 (4.19)
where we put A=(1t > T1 (X(J, t) × {t})) 0 (1t ¥ (T1 , Tg ] {(x(T1 ), t)}). Then it
follows from (2) of Lemma 3.9 and Lemma 4.2 with Lemma 4.3 that for
any t0 ¥ (T1 , Tg ]
On the other hand, since x(t)=x(T1 ) and f(v)(x(T1 ), t)=0 for any
t ¥ [T1 , Tg ], so for any t ¥ (T1 , Tg ) “t (f(v))=0 at (x(t), t) and the left deriv-
ative of f(v) with respect to t at (x(T1 ), Tg ) equals zero. Also, (4.22)
implies that the right derivative with respect to t at (x(T1 ), Tg ) equals zero.
Consequently we get “t (f(v)) ¥ C(QT1 , . ), which completes the proof of
Lemma 4.4. L
Then it was shown in [Sak 1, Sak 2] that C(t) is contained in the closed
convex hull of supp u0 for any t > 0, and there exist a time T > 0 and a
continuous function x=x(t) on [T, .) such that C(t)={x(t)} for each
t F T. Namely, after a finite time for each time the set C(t) consists of the
unique spatial maximum point of u( · , t). (References [Sak 1, Theorem 2,
p. 80; Sak 2, Theorem 1, p. 1051] dealt with the cases where p > 2 and
1 < p < 2, respectively.) Therefore, in particular when p > 2, because of the
property of finite speed of propagation, we have for any t F T
Let f(s)=|s| p − 2 s for s ¥ R, and put v=“x u. Then v ¥ C(R × R+) satisfies
Lemma 5.2. There exist two numbers Ta , Tr ¥ (T, .) such that one can
find two points za , zr with za < x(Ta ) and zr > x(Tr ) satisfying
Note that
z1 (T) < x1 < x(T) − 2s < x2 < x(T) < x(T)+2s < x3 < z2 (T).
˛ supp g( · − x ) … (x − s, x(T)),
Here it follows from (8) of Lemma 2.1 that there exists a real-valued,
continuous, and monotone nondecreasing function g(t) on [T, .)
satisfying limt Q . g(t)=. and
Consider case (a) first. In case (a), we have from (5.7), (5.8), and (5.10)
1 2
< x +g(t) E x(T)=x(t)
Then, applying Lemma 2.3 to vsym and v in the rectangle (x1 , x(T)) × (T, t̂]
vsym (x, t̂) < v(x, t̂) for any x ¥ [x1 , x(T)). (5.13)
Therefore, in view of (5.10), (5.11), and (5.13), by the continuity we see that
there exists Ta ¥ (t̂, t̂+1) satisfying
z1 (Ta ) < x1 < x2 − g(Ta ) < x2 < x(Ta )=x(T) < x2 +g(Ta ) < x3 < z2 (Ta ).
Therefore, with the help of (5.7) and (5.15), by using Lemma 2.5 on the
rectangle (x1 , x3 ) × (T, Ta ], we have
(x, Ta )
sym for any x ¥ (za , x(Ta )),
sym (za , Ta ) < 0.
and following the proof of Lemma 3.4 (from (3.32) to (3.37)), yield
Ta =t+. (5.19)
Remark that x(t) ¥ (x1 , x3 ) for any t ¥ [T, Ta ]. By letting r=14 (x(Ta ) −
x(T)) (¥ (0, 14 s]), we set
Note that 12 (x(T)+x(Ta )) < x4 < x(Ta ). Take another g ¥ G in Lemma 2.1
such that
{x ¥ R; vsym (x, t) > 0}=(x4 − g(t), x4 +g(t)) … (x1 , x3 ) for any t ¥ [T, Ta ]
Therefore, as in case (a), from (5.16) we see that there exists za ¥ (x4 , x(Ta ))
with v(za , Ta )=vsym (za , Ta ) > 0, and moreover (5.17) also holds. Hence,
introducing the family {v lsym ; l ¥ [0, 1]} given by v lsym (x, t)=v(x, t;
x4 , T, lg), and following the proof of Lemma 3.4, yield the conclusion
(5.18). This completes the proof in case (b).
Let us proceed to case (c). In this case we first put
Ta =t− . (5.25)
Remark that x(t) ¥ (x1 , x3 ) for any t ¥ [T, Ta ]. By letting r=14 (x(T) −
x(Ta ))( ¥ (0, 14 s]), we set in this case
x4 =x(Ta ) − r. (5.26)
Note that x4 < x(Ta ) < x4 +2r < x(T). Take another g ¥ G in Lemma 2.1
such that
some t1 > T. Then, in view of the continuity of x(t), we can find either t+
or t− in (T, min{t̂+1, t1 }] such that either case (b) or case (c) occurs.
Therefore from (5.19) and (5.25) we see that (2) holds.
It remains to consider case (ii), that is, the case where 1 < p < 2. Take
Ta > T arbitrarily. In view of the continuity of x(t), take two points x1 , x3
such that
Therefore, by using Lemma 2.5 as in case (a) of (i), from (5.31) and (5.30)
we see that (5.16) also holds. In view of (9) of Lemma 2.1, we have that
vsym > 0 in R × (T, .). Hence, in particular
Consequently, with the help of (5.16) and (5.32), by the same argument as
in case (a) of (i), we see that there exists za ¥ (x1 , x(Ta )) and the conclusion
(5.18) also holds. Since Ta > T is taken arbitrarily, so (1) holds. This
completes the proof of the lemma. L
T1 =max{Ta , Tr }. (5.33)
Lemma 5.3. For each T − > T1 one can find two numbers e1 > 0 and d1 > 0
(1) For any t ¥ [T, T −], v(x(t) − d1 , t) > e1 and v(x(t)+d1 , t) < −e1 .
(2) For each (h, t) ¥ ([ − e1 , 0) 2 (0, e1 ]) × [T1 , T −) there exists a
unique x ¥ (x(t) − d1 , x(t)+d1 ) satisfying v(x, t)=h. Moreover “x v(x, t) < 0
for such x.
Proof. Note that T1 > T, since Ta > T and Tr > T. Take T − > T1
arbitrarily. In view of (5.3) and (5.4), we can find d1 > 0 such that
˛ v(x(t) − d , t) > 0
v(x(t)+d , t) < 0
for any t ¥ [T, T −],
for any t ¥ [T, T −].
Therefore, it follows from Lemma 5.2 and the continuity of v and x(t) that
there exist e1 > 0, ca , and cr with x(Ta ) − d1 < ca < x(Ta ) and x(Tr ) < cr <
x(Tr )+d1 such that
˛ v(x(t) − d1 , t) > e1
v(x(t)+d1 , t) < − e1
v(x, Ta ) > e1
“x v(x, Ta ) < 0
v(x, Tr ) < − e1
“x v(x, Tr ) < 0
if t ¥ [T, T −],
if t ¥ [T, T −],
if x ¥ [x(Ta ) − d1 , ca ),
if x ¥ [ca , x(Ta )),
if x ¥ (cr , x(Tr )+d1 ],
if x ¥ (x(Tr ), cr ].
The first and second inequalities of (5.35) imply (1) of the lemma. Let
h ¥ (0, e1 ]. Since the constant h is a trivial solution of (5.2), by putting
U=f(v) − f(h) we let N(t) be the number of zeroes of U( · , t) on
[x(t) − d1 , x(t)] for each t ¥ (T, T −). Then it follows from the third and
fourth inequalities of (5.35) that N(Ta )=1. Moreover, from the first
inequality of (5.35) and the definition of x(t), we have
U(x(t) − d1 , t) > 0 and U(x(t), t)=−f(h) < 0 for any t ¥ [T, T −].
This together with Lemma 5.2 means that for each (h, t) ¥ (0, e1 ] × [Ta , T −)
there exists a unique x ¥ (x(t) − d1 , x(t)) satisfying v(x, t)=h, and more-
over “x v(x, t) < 0 for such x. Similarly we can see that for each (h, t) ¥
[ − e1 , 0) × [Tr , T −) there exists a unique x ¥ (x(t), x(t)+d1 ) satisfying
v(x, t)=h, and moreover “x v(x, t) < 0 for such x. From (5.33) this implies
(2) and completes the proof. L
Proceeding as in the proof of Theorem 1.1 yields:
˛ x(t) − d < x(t ) − d < x(t) < x(t )+d < x(t)+d ,
v(x(t ) − d , t) > e
0 2
and 1
2 0
˛ G n± ( · ) Q f(v)(x(t0 ) ± d2 , · )
[t0 − s, t0 +s] respectively,
G n± =f(v)(x(t0 ) ± d2 , t0 − s)
t=t0 − s respectively,
G n− > f(e1 ) and G+
as n Q . uniformly on
in a neighbourhood of
˛ HH (¥· )CQ([x(t
) − d , x(t )+d ]),
f(v)( · , t − s)
2 0 2
uniformly on any compact set in R. By the same proof as that of Lemma 3.6,
we see that
x=Xn (y, t) and Wn (Xn (y, t), t)=y for (y, t) ¥ J × [t0 − s, t0 +s),
where J=[f(−e1 ), f(e1 )]. Also, from Lemma 5.3 we can introduce the
function X=X(y, t) by
“x (f(v))(x(t), t) ˛=0
if t ¥ (T1 , Tg ],
if t ¥ (Tg , .).
where Tg =Tg (T1 ) is given in Lemma 5.5 and where P̃(T1 ) is:
In view of Lemma 5.2, (5.33), and Lemma 5.3, we notice that the property
P̃(T1 ) is equivalent to that T1 has in Lemma 5.3.
˛ “t un, R =“ 2x (f(un, R ))
un, R =f −1 1 1n 2
un, R (x, 0)=f −1 g(x)+
1 2
in (−R, R) × R+,
on { − R, R} × R+,
in (−R, R),
which satisfies
f −1 1 1n 2 E u n, R
E max f −1 g(y)+
2 in [ − R, R] × [0, .). (6.2)
˛ “t w=f −(un, R ) “ 2x w
w(x, 0)=g(x)+
in (−R, R) × R+,
on { − R, R} × R+,
in (−R, R).
1 1
E g(x)+ E min{w+(x), w −(x)} in [ − R, R] for any R F R0 , (6.4)
n n
E w E min{w+, w −} in [ − R, R] × [0, .) for any R F R0 . (6.5)
|“x (f(un, R ))|=|“x w| E on { − R, R} × [0, .) for any R F R0 . (6.6)
u ln, R =f −1
n, R
n, R
=un, R
1 1n 2 E un, R
on {2l − R} × R+,
on {l} × R , +
in (2l − R, l).
Here (ii) was used to show the last inequality. Therefore, it follows from
the comparison principle that
In particular, if we take l=0, since both the second and the last inequali-
ties of (6.8) become equalities, we get
un, R (x, t)=un, R (−x, t) for any (x, t) ¥ [ − R, R] × [0, .). (6.10)
“t un =“ 2x (f(un )) in R × R+ and 1 1 2
un (x, 0)=f −1 g(x)+ in R,
which satisfies
Moreover, it follows from (6.7), (6.9), (6.10), and (6.11) that for each n F n0 ,
where u ln is defined by u ln (x, t)=un (2l − x, t). In view of (6.14) and (6.15),
we can apply an estimate of Gilding [Gil 3, Lemma 4 and its proof,
pp. 180–181] to un for n F n0 and we see that
1 5 1 62 − M |t − t |
f −1 max 0, f(un )(x1 , t1 ) − M1 |x1 − x2 | − M1 |t1 − t2 | 2
2 1 1 2
for all (x1 , t1 ), (x2 , t2 ) ¥ R × [0, .). Notice that if one puts t1 =t2 , then this
inequality is reduced to (6.15).
Therefore it follows from (6.14) and (6.19) that the sequence {un } . n=n0 is
uniformly bounded and equicontinuous on R × [0, .). By Ascoli-Arzelà
theorem and the monotonicity (6.18) we see that
where u is the unique nonnegative weak solution of (2.1) for u0 =f. Hence,
(6.14) and (6.19) imply (1) and (2). With the help of (6.20) and the conti-
nuity of u, (3) follows from the standard theory of uniformly parabolic
equations [Fr]. (In particular, in order to obtain the regularity for f(u), we
use the equation “t (f(un ))=f −(un ) “ 2x (f(un )) to get necessary estimates for
f(un ) on each compact set contained in D.) (4) follows from (6.17). (5) is
proved in [Gil 2, Proposition 1, p. 248]. Let us prove (6). It follows from
“x u E 0 in D 5 (R+) 2. (6.21)
Suppose that there exists (x0 , t0 ) ¥ D 5 (R+) 2 such that “x u(x0 , t0 )=0.
Then it follows from the strong maximum principle (see [Fr, RR]), the
monotonicity of u( · , t), and (3) that “x u(x, t0 )=0 for any x F x0 − e0 with
some e0 > 0 and u(x, t0 ) — u(x0 , t0 ) > 0 for any x F x0 − e0 . This contradicts
(5). The last part of (6) follows from the fact that “t u(0, t)=
“ 2x (f(u))(0, t) E 0.
Let us proceed to the proof of (7). By (4), (5), and (6), we get
u(x, t) E F f(x) dx for any (x, t) ¥ R × [0, .). (6.22)
2 |x| R
Take any n F n0 . Choose R F R0 sufficiently large such that 2R >R f(x) dx
−1 1 −1 1
< f ( n ). Since (6.22) implies that u < f ( n ) on { − R, R} × R+, by the
comparison principle (see [Gil 3, Theorem 14, p. 204] or Lemma 2.3 in the
present paper) we have
Since n F n0 is chosen arbitrarily and f −1(0)=0, (6.24) and (6) imply (7).
Parts (8) and (9) are proved in [Gil 2] except limt Q . g(t)=.. On the
other hand this limit is obtained by (5) and (7).
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