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Strategy For Strengthening Character Education in Muhammadiyah Boarding School Yogyakarta

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Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 323

International Conference on Social Science and Character Educations (ICoSSCE 2018)

International Conference on Social Studies, Moral, and Character Education (ICSMC 2018)

Strategy for Strengthening

Character Education in Muhammadiyah
Boarding School Yogyakarta
Agus Yuliyanto
Graduate School
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

Abstract—Character Education is one of the through education. Ki Hajar Dewantara stated that
important elements in the education world especially in education is an effort to promote the growth of
facing the era of globalization which has eroded the character, mind and body of the child, which should
values of the character of the Indonesian people. not be separated so that children's life can be achieved
Character values that are supposed to be strong to keep
all Indonesian people feel unable to deal with the
[1]. The nature, function, and objectives of national
onslaught of the times. Strengthening character education illustrate that passing education can realize
education is one of the efforts to improve the condition of students who are intact both emotionally, spiritually
the world of education today with the hope that in the and intellectually.
future education will be the frontline in improving the
condition of the Indonesian people. This study Schools that are in fact as formal education
emphasizes how the strategy carried out by the pathways are still trusted to realize the goals of
Muhammadiyah Boarding School Yogyakarta in national education. But over time, according to
implementing the values of character education to all William Kilpatrick [2], there are many fundamental
stakeholders. This study aims to determine the strategy problems faced by schools, namely other problems
of strengthening character education through the that stem from this problem, even academic reform
implementation of character values at the depends on how someone puts the character forward.
Muhammadiyah Boarding School Yogyakarta. This
However, the school that became the hope in planting
research is a type of descriptive research using a
qualitative approach. Data collection uses observation, character values has not been able to run optimally.
interview and documentation techniques. The research Schools that become hope in planting values have not
subjects consisted of Foundation Leaders, Principals, been able to optimally do that. Research conducted by
Subject Teachers, and students, The validity of the data Darmiyati Zuchdi, et al [3] found that the institutional
was obtained by using the source data triangulation context of schools still does not optimally support the
technique, the data analysis used was the inductive data implementation of character education, schools have
analysis technique from Miles and Huberman with the not yet used appropriate value facilities to train
steps of data collection, data reduction, data presentation decision-making skills, as well as the character
and decision making.
education climate in schools in general. still classified
Keyword─ Boarding School, Character Education, as medium, meaning that it is not conducive to
Strategy for Strengthening Character Education character education.
Looking at these portraits optimal character
I. INTRODUCTION habitation is certainly not only handled by one party,
The values of national culture become one of the but must be carried out thoroughly by all circles,
important elements in fostering the character of starting with the family, community, school and
citizens such as religious values, independence, government. Previous research focused more on one
friendliness, tolerance, and mutual help, all of which component, namely school, as a result other
become a characteristic and pride of this nation. supporting component were not touched even though
However, the preservation and development of their role was not inferior to the school component.
cultural values are not optimal, which results in the The development of national character is not only the
erosion of the values of the nation's character by the responsibility of the schooling world but also the
flow of times. The efforts made to strengthen responsibility of citizenship sites outside of schooling,
character education are through the implementation of so that with a combination of school, community and
strengthening character education in schools. family components, character education is more
The background to these objective conditions II. LITERATURE REVIEW
raises a collective commitment, not only from the A. Boarding School
school, but also from the community and the Boarding school is an English word consisting of
government to act in the form of character building. two words, boarding and school, boarding means
Good character building and coaching can be done

Copyright © 2019, the Authors. Published by Atlantis Press.

This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/). 164
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 323

riding, and school means school, then absorbed into cultural values and social norms. According to
Indonesian into boarding schools. Khalidah [4] Akhmad Muhaimin [13] character education is a
revealed that dormitories are boarding houses for character education plus which involves aspects of
students, employees and so on, while boarding houses knowledge (cognitive), feeling (feeling), and action
are living together in a building or complex. Paul (action). Without these three aspects, character
Monroe [5] states that boarding schools as a term are education will not be effective, so what is needed in
applied to a type of educational institution in the character education is not enough with knowledge and
pupils, have been surrendered by their parents or then perform actions that are in accordance with
guardians to the care and supervision of the teachers knowledge. This is because character education is
of school, and in which they receive not only closely related to values and norms so it must also
instruction, but board and lodging. involve feelings.
Maksudin argues that boarding school is an This is consistent with Lickona's opinion that
educational institution for students who not only character education requires emotional aspects. which
study, but they live and live together in the institution by Lickona [14] is called "desiring the good" which
[6]. Boarding school combines the residence of means the desire to act virtue. Besides that character
students in school institutions that are far from their education is not only an aspect of "knowing the good",
homes and families by being taught religion and but also "desiring the good" loving the good and
learning several subjects. Besides Arsy Karima Zahra "acting the good", so that humans are not like robots
[7] revealed that boarding school is a school system that are indoctrinated by certain understandings.
with dormitories for students and teachers and school Yahya Khan [15] reveals that character education
administrators who live in dormitories in the school teaches habits of ways of thinking and behaving that
environment within a certain period usually one help individuals to live and work together as families,
semester interspersed with a month's vacation until state citizens and help them make accountable
complete his education. The characteristics of decisions. Nucci & Narvaez [16] stated that the aim of
boarding school in accordance with Fernéndez's [8] character education is to prepare young people to lead
opinion reveal that "The first characteristic of a thriving life. This is intended to maximize the
common to all elite boarding schools is that they potential to be meaningful in fulfilling life.
identify as independent schools". Mohammad Fakry Gaffar [17] stated that character
education is a process of transforming the values of
Boarding school also educates students to have a
life to be developed in one's personality, so that it
tolerant, independent, respectful, non-descendant,
becomes a life behavior of that person.
indigenous and non-indigenous attitude and to bring
nationalism to a sense of freedom and independence in C. Strategy for Strengthening Character Education
deciding the future destiny of their nation. This was To apply the concept of character value education,
confirmed by Goffman who stated that "With regard several strategies are needed, both directly and
to home influence 1 do not believe that sending a boy indirectly. In character education journals which are
to boarding school is depriving him of home influence disclosed, Maksudin intention Direct strategy starts
[9]. 0n the opposite, I think it makes it stronger”. In with the determination of behavior that is considered
other words, boarding school is in accordance with the good as an effort to indoctrinate various teachings.
education of moral values and teaches children to live The way is by focusing directly on the teaching
more independently. through design, illustrating, memorizing and saying.
The indirect strategy begins by determining the
B. Character Education desired behavior, but by creating a situation that
Doni Koesoema states that character education was allows good behavior to be practiced. The whole
first coined by German education expert F.W. Foerster experience is used to develop good behavior.
[10]. The birth of character education can be said to be
The implementation strategy of character
an attempt to revive the spiritual ideal of pedagogy
education applied in schools can be carried out in four
that was lost in the flow of positism pioneered by
ways, namely: (1) Learning (teaching), (2) Modeling,
French philosopher and sociologist Auguste Comte.
(3) Strengthening, and (4) Habituating. The
Furthermore, Koesoema sees character education as
effectiveness of character education is very much
the overall relational dynamics between individuals
determined by the teaching, modeling, reinforcing and
with various dimensions, both from within and outside
habituating that are carried out simultaneously and
the natural world, so that the person can increasingly
continuously. This strategic approach to
appreciate his freedom so that he can be more
implementation involves three components that are
responsible for his own growth as a person and
interrelated with each other, namely schools
develop in other people's living environment.
(campuses), families, and communities. When the
Ratna Megawangi stated that being a person of components of the school (campus) will fully
good character is not due to being born (nature) [11] implement and implement certain values (characters)
but depends on how he is nurtured. Fuad Hasan [12] (priority), then each value that will be invested or
mentions that education leads to the transfer of practiced must always be delivered by the teacher

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 323

through direct learning (as subjects) or integrating it its implementation, character education can also be
into each subject. integrated in a material study of a subject area or
given in the form of separate material learning about
These priority values must then also be modeled
values, morals or ethics.
(modeled) regularly and continuously by all residents
of the school (campus), since from parking attendants, Research conducted by Kamin Sumardi in a
janitors, security officers, administrative staff, journal entitled "Portrait of Character Education at the
teachers, and school leaders. Furthermore, these Salafiah Islamic Boarding School", obtained results
values must be strengthened by environmental that character education is not always taught in class,
arrangement and activities in the school (campus) but carried out simultaneously and continuously in and
environment. The environmental arrangement here outside the classroom. The success of character
includes placing banners (banners) that lead and education will be influenced by examples and concrete
provide support for the formation of an atmosphere of examples in life and in learning activities. Character
school (campus) life with a commendable character. education cannot be enforced but is carried out as a
daily life so that it is inherently attached to every
Strengthening can also be carried out by involving
student or student.
family and community components. The family
component includes the development and character The research conducted by Ali Muhtadi in the
building at home. The school (campus) can involve journal on "Effective Education Implementation
parents to be more concerned about the behavior of Strategy in school", obtained results that to implement
their children. While the components of society or character education in schools can be done in four
community in general are as a vehicle of practice or as ways, namely, l) integrating ethics learning material
a means of control for students' behavior in into all subjects relevant schools, 2) implementing
developing and shaping their character. The school manners in everyday life for school residents through
(campus) can communicate and interact with this example, 3) developing social activity programs, 4)
family and society from time to time periodically. strengthening parental participation and cooperation of
all school residents.
Habituation can be done in school in various ways
and involves many things such as time discipline, The research conducted by Didik Suhardi in a
dress ethics, social ethics, student treatment of journal on "The Role of Pesantren Based Junior High
employees, teachers, and leaders, and vice versa. Schools as an Effort to Plant Character Education for
Habits made by leaders, teachers, students, and National Generation", obtained results that pesantren-
employees, in the discipline of an educational based schools have a significant role in efforts to
institution are very strategic steps in forming shape the nation's character. Islamic boarding school
characters together. The implementation of Character education can form students who are religious,
Education Strengthening in various schools is still in akhlakul hasanah, disciplined, simple, respect for
the level of knowledge but has not touched the older people, and understand the philosophical life.
substance of character education. On this basis, in
strengthening character education, another strategy III. RESEARCH METHODS
must be sought to find out strategies that are suitable The type of research used in this study is
and in accordance with the situation and condition of descriptive with a qualitative approach. As stated by
each school Creswell that Qualitative research is a process of
D. Relevant Research understanding based on the methodological tradition
of inquiry that explores a social or human problem
Research conducted by Anisa Rizkiana in a journal [18]. The researcher builds a complex, holistic picture,
entitled "The Effect of Boarding School Systems on analyzing words, reports detailed views of informants,
Character Formation of Students in Darul Arqam and conducts the study in a natural setting. This
Garut, West Java. Based on the results of the research research entitled "Character Education Strengthening
boarding school system is in a good category, with an Strategy in Muhammadiyah Boarding School
average number of 75.9% of these numbers shows Yogyakarta ", uses a qualitative research approach
good qualifications because it is at intervals of 68% - where researchers first determine the focus of the
83%. Similarly, the students 'characters are in the research and collect data at the beginning of the
good category, with an average of 73%, the figure research until the end of the research, then the data is
shows good qualifications because they are at intervals described in depth without using numbers or statistical
of 68% - 83% towards the formation of students' calculations and data are analyzed inductively based
character in Ma'had Darul Arqam Garut Region. on facts found in the field.
The research conducted by Udik Budi Wibowo in This research will be carried out at
a journal entitled "Education in alternative character Muhammadiyah Boarding School Yogyakarta. The
development strategies", obtained results that reason he chose the research place was because it was
character education can be done in various ways such a pioneer boarding school based on Muhammadiyah
as indoctrination, modeling, and value clarification. In with the rapid development of the number of students

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 323

and had a very qualified character development been done only to a certain local extent). One
concept. At the Muhammadiyah Boarding School school culture that becomes: the characteristic of
Yogyakarta, it highly upholds the value of honesty, MBS is every morning the students with teachers
which is realized by the absence of a system of shake hands (say greetings), plus smile and
combating scores in the exam. The study was greetings.
preceded by observations in May 2018.
Muhammadiyah Boarding School has
Primary data was obtained from informants, extracurricular that students can attend there. The
namely the chairman of the foundation and the hope of this extracurricular activity, later the child
headmaster, teachers in Muhammadiyah Boarding has a social inclination, morality, wisdom and
School Yogyakarta. Meanwhile, secondary data comes wisdom in facing and break. The next compulsory
from existing official documents in the form of notes, extracurricular is the holy site. Tapak Suci is a
pictures, photographs and other materials that can martial arts extracurricular activity at MBS
support this research. Yogyakarta. Indonesian Martial Arts College
Tapak Suci Putera Muhammadiyah or abbreviated
The technique used in this study is a triangulation
Tapak Suci, is a school, college and martial arts
technique by utilizing sources and methods, namely
organization which is a member of IPSI
examination techniques and data validity that
(Indonesian Pencak Silat Association). Tapak Suci
compares observational data with the results of
is included in IPSI Historical Colleges, which are
interviews and by checking the results of findings with
colleges that support the growth and development
data collection techniques. Both triangulation
of IPSI as an organization. Tapak Suci with
techniques can be explained as follows. The data
Islamic principles, sourced from the Qur'an and
analysis technique used in this study is an inductive
Sunnah, having a brotherly spirit, are under the
data analysis technique, which is drawing conclusions
auspices of Persyarikatan Muhammadiyah as the
from specific facts, to then be drawn to the general
H-autonomous organization. Footprint Sum the
conclusion (generalization). The steps of data analysis
life experiences they need, through extracurricular
in this study are data reduction, data categorization
activities make a meaningful contribution to
and unitization, data display, and conclusions
students to develop new interests, instill
IV. RESULT AND DISCUSSION responsibility as citizens, through the experience
A. Result of character building together, independence,
• The process of character habituation through discipline, tolerance and building other positive
school culture characters, do not let them find their own space of
expressioning the problems they face, even the
The process of further habituation through problems faced by this nation.
school culture, in this case the culture of
Muhammadiyah Boarding School itself. The process of habituating the character of
Muhammadiyah Boarding School has a very citizenship in Ital is related to society. MBS makes
important role in the form of personality of the community as a teacher, in order to know the
students because in this Muhammadiyah Boarding real life. The flagship program for training students
School the characters are instilled. School culture is sensitive to the social around them. The flagship
from the vision and mission is the essence of activity is charity santri or more commonly known
Muhammadiyah Boarding School habits, as well as ABAS. In ABAS santri activities (students) are
as the habits of school culture embodiment. The placed in remote villages that are far from access
culture of Muhammadiyah Boarding School is a to technological convenience. There are special
school that has a strong foundation in accordance environmental criteria that will be occupied by
with the Islamic school vision. students.

Based on habituation events carried out at The value of independence is very evident in
Muhammadiyah Boarding School Yogyakarta this HW extracurricular activity as evidenced by
which is a school culture such as a ceremony every the decision of the board of relatives. The board of
Saturday with 3 languages (Indonesian, English relatives consists of members of HW whose are as
and Arabic) as a whole alternating every Saturday, complete. The relatives of relatives are provided
whatever] every morning 10 minutes before enter, with life skills, scouting, technology and military
prayer before and after the lesson, prayer together fields. Regarding character education, the board of
both fard prayer and circumcision prayer, Dhuha relatives is very prepared with the intention to
prayer, fasting every Monday and Thursday, foster and promote independence.
regular routine, giving and answering greetings, B. Discussion
filling garbage in the trash, culture, bathing and
covering the genitals, coming on time , shaking Muhammadiyah Boarding School is an
hands with the teacher if he met, saying frankly educational institution that has an obligation to
and gently, getting used to the location of Inggn develop character education. The process of
and Arabic in everyday conversation (which had character habituation in the Muhammadiyah

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 323

Boarding School is packaged in a holistic manner, from shirk and misleading, 3) Educating and
intended to touch the three domains of character fostering members to become militant
education. As stated by Lickona that the Muhammadiyah cadres.
importance of three components of good character
Hizbul Wathan (HW) is a scout extracurricular
(components of good character), which consists of
in Muhammadiyah schools. The principle used by
moral knowing, moral feeling, and moral action
HW is the same as scouting but combined with
[2]. In the context of the process of habituation of
Islamic principles. In completing the main task,
characters at Muhammadiyah Boarding School, the
HW always tries to improve the quality and find
moral knowing stage is conveyed in the class
practical ways and adjust the conditions in the
dimension (school or cottage) between students
community in general and members of the scout
and their teachers.
movement. HW extracurricular activities have
Moral feeling through direct experience of character values, 1) foster independence and
students in the social and personal context. courage, creativity in each student. 2) train
Furthermore, moral action is realized through leadership, responsibility and discipline. 3) teach
concrete actions to live independently, be students the meaning of cooperation, 4) foster the
responsible, discipline, respect between care of the santri towards the preservation of the
individuals and so forth. Character education surrounding environment.
should not only teach what is good and what is
wrong with children, but character education is • The process of character habituation through
more than that character education instills good community activities
habits. so, you are used to doing good actions. The
size is that students do good deeds according to In habituation activities carried out include
rules based on the Qur'an and the Sunnah. social services and distribution of education funds.
This activity is carried out to train students to have
• The Process of Habituating Citizenship a good social sensitivity, so that it will inspire
Characteristics Through School Culture people to benefit the surrounding environment.
Besides that, the next process students are Alms distribution activities are also carried out to
habituation which is carried out in all boarding bring students closer to the community, as well as
school environment activities. The habituations the Muhammadiyah Boarding School institution
carried out at the Muhammadiyah Boarding with the community. Sacrificial animal slaughter is
School Yogyakarta included ceremonies every also carried out to strengthen the character
Saturday with 3 languages (Indonesian, Arabic and education of all students and teachers in the
English) sequentially / alternately every Saturday, school, which begins with providing opportunities
morning apples every day before the bell entered, for all students and teachers to participate in
prayed and dhikr before and after the lesson, Qurban activities. ABAS activities have the aim of
Fardh prayers congregate, Dhuha prayers, honing students' sensitivity in life directly into the
Monday and Thursday fasting, regular hearings, community. Students are required to live with a
giving and answering greetings, throwing trash in poor community, and they must help with all the
trash cans, queuing culture, dressing well and work of the host. This activity is very good and has
covering genitals, coming on time, shaking hands the support of all stakeholders at the
with the teacher if they meet. said being polite and Muhammadiyah Boarding School.
gentle, getting used to speaking English and • Character Cultivation Strategy at
Arabic in everyday conversation (which had been Muhammadiyah Boarding School Yogyakarta
carried out only to a certain local extent) and dhikr
and prayer together before going to sleep. Quigley reveals that the character of citizenship
is the attitudes and habits of citizens that support
• Process of character habituation through the development of healthy social functions and
extracurricular activities guarantee the public interest of democratic systems
The process of character habituation through [19]. Creating citizens who have the character of
extracurricular activities conducted at citizenship starts from planting the values of the
Muhammadiyah Boarding School there are two character of citizenship towards someone starting
extra compulsory activities, namely Tapak Suci early. Comprehensive character education at
and Hizbul Wathan. This Tapak Suci activity has a Muhammadiyah Boarding School has captured all
purpose, namely 1) educating and fostering the character values. The most important and
dexterity and skills of martial arts as martial arts, prominent habituation strategy according to
sports arts, and preserving the culture of the Ahmad Izzan [20] is a) giving lessons and advice.
Indonesian nation, 2) maintaining and developing b) habituation, c) method of reward and sanctions,
the proficiency of pencak silat or tapak suci as a and d) the method of exemption from the clerics
noble and moral national culture, which does not and their counsel. This is in accordance with the
deviate from the teachings of Islam and is clean opinion of Narvacz & Lapsyley which emphasizes

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 323

role habits, modeling, instructions, rewards and measure each other information starting from the
punishments in character conditioning strategies culture and habits in the corridor of the system in
[21]. The explanation of the four strategies MBS. 3S activities (smile, greetings, greetings) are
includes: habituations made to develop respect and respect
for each other both students and their teachers.
a. Give lessons or advice
Giving his maximal advice is remembering The habit of building characters to participate,
something that softens the heart like reward and MBS is accustomed to developing a sense of
punishment so that the one who is remembered belonging to the institution itself. The sense of
gets a lesson. Forming characters in the students belonging is demonstrated by the way they must
will be better if given attention or advice. Because participate in all the programs created by MBS.
shaping the character of students is accustomed to For example, when a culture of love hygiene is
being good at students and together by establishing held, students must attend the service every Friday
good qualities. Basically, the important thing that morning at 08.00 a.m. to clean the hut
is accustomed to in the hut environment is the environment. Then participation in carrying out
habit of praying fardu, sunnah prayer, fasting and sacrificial activities ranging from skinning to
dzikir. This is done so that students become gentler distributing sacrificial animals to the surrounding
and will affect the better character. community.

b. Good moral habits The habit of supporting the character of

democracy through the delivery of aspirations of
Habits have an important role in human life.
students represented by the IPM. Every election is
Islam makes habituation as a good moral
held once a year in order to elect the chair of the
development strategy, all good things become
IPM. Democracy in the classroom is realized
habits. Because someone is said to be of good
through elaborate election with a consensus
character if in real life everyday has three habits,
deliberation system. The learning contract is
namely thinking of ha] that is good of habits,
carried out using an agreement between the teacher
wanting good things of heart, and doing good
and students.
things of action.
The aim of habituating good character to
At Muhammadiyah Boarding School
students in MBS Yogyakarta will prepare them to
habituation is the key to success in the moral
become good citizens who have social
development of santri, especially the character,
responsibility, respect human rights, obey the law,
responsibility, observing each other, democracy,
have national spirit, have democratic character and
and participating. Habit to build independent
so on.
character by obeying all rules made in MBS,
managing time effectively between school time, c. There are rewards and sanctions (reward and
dormitory activities, and extracurricular activities, punishment)
custom washing habits, habituation to solve In the process of character education,
problems by yourself, familiarizing and tidying up homogenizing children's behavior and bringing
your own room. The Muhammadiyah Student them to a better direction is not easy. For this
Association (1PM) is one organization that proves reason, there needs to be a special strategy that can
the character of the students' independence. The help the education process towards better change.
HDI plays a role in regulating the younger siblings Among them is to use rewards and punishments in
in obeying the rules at the Muhammadiyah the education process.
Boarding School.
From the results interview with several
The habit of building the character of informants, it can be seen that in the Yogyakarta
responsibility is by habituating students to take Muhammadiyah Boarding School environment the
care of themselves, be responsible for their own guidelines for the implementation of sanctions on
behavior and ready to accept sanctions if they students who violate the rules of procedure have
commit a violation. Students must be disciplined been determined in a book of santri discipline, so
in all activities ranging from building the morning that the implementation is in accordance with the
prayer, fardu prayer to congregation, fasting existing rules. According to the santri guidebook
Monday-Thursday, studying at school, to sleeping the form of sanctions given based on the stages or
again. alternatives of sanctions is that there are 3 types of
The habit of building character respects the classifications (1) points 1-75 are sentenced to
dignity of others. In Yogyakarta SBM students seek mufradat, memorize and summarize,
consist of various tribes from various regions, development, sweep, mop, ask for advice, clean up
some even from abroad, namely Malaysia and the cottage environment, ( 2) points 75-100 are
Thailand. Through the habit of communicating sentenced to lull and read statements, memorize
with system in the dormitory is 24 hours, so they mufradat, clean the toilets, washing using social
service and others, (3) points 100-150 are punished

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 323

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