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Department of Education

Region X – Northern Mindanao

Division of Bukidnon
Maramag District III
Social Mobilization & Network Unit


Quarter: 4th Grade Level: 11

MELCs: illustrates: (a) null hypothesis; (b) alternative hypothesis; (c) level of significance; (d) rejection region; and (e) types of errors
in hypothesis testing
Day Objectives Topic/s Classroom-Based Activities Home-Based Activities
2 1. Illustrate the  Null and Begin with classroom routine:  Answer the Try This part of the
following: alternative - Prayer Module in Pages 2 & 3
a. Null and hypothesis - Reminder of the classroom health and  Do the Activity No. 3 of the
alternative  One-tailed & safety protocols Recall part of the module in
hypothesis. two tailed - Checking of attendance pages 3 &4
b. The level of hypothesis - Quick “kumustahan”  Read the Situation Presented in
significance of the  Types of A. Recall: the Do This part of the Module
hypothesis; errors in Do an Oral Activity that will recall the and answer the questions on
c. The rejection hypothesis previous lesson. (You may use Activity pages 5-7
region and; testing No.3 in Page 3 & 4 of the module)  Read and understand the
d. The types of B. Activity: Concepts of One-Tailed and
errors in Using Kahoot, let the learners answer the Two-Tailed hypothesis & errors
hypothesis testing questions in pages 5-7 of the module. in Hypothesis testing in pages
2. Calculate the C. Analysis: 10 to 14 of the module
probabilities of Ask the learners on their answers in page 5-

Address: Purok 1C, Kuya, Maramag Bukidnon

Contact No: 0917 118 9506
Email Address: 303965@deped.gov.ph
committing errors in 7(Use the questions prepared in Page 7 of  Do activity 5 and prepare a tabe
hypothesis testing; the module) (6 x 3) for your answer on the
3. Identify the D. Abstraction: activity.
parameter to be Discuss the following concepts  Using Activity No. 6, prepare a
tested given a real- 1. Null hypothesis table (2x2) for the answers of
life problem; and 2. Alternative hypothesis the activity.
4. Formulate alternative 3. One-Tailed Hypothesis
hypotheses 4. Two-Tailed Hypothesis
E. Application:
Let the learners answer the first two
questions of Activity 5 and the first
questions in Activity 6. Let the learner show
their answer through a Table.
Note: the remaining question should be
answered at home. And prepare to be presented
on the next session.

Prepared by: Noted by:


Subject Teacher School Head

Address: Purok 1C, Kuya, Maramag Bukidnon

Contact No: 0917 118 9506
Email Address: 303965@deped.gov.ph

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