Group 3 - CEGLGY20 (Final Requirement) End-Term Report
Group 3 - CEGLGY20 (Final Requirement) End-Term Report
Group 3 - CEGLGY20 (Final Requirement) End-Term Report
Galon, Dominic Eliud B.
Gazo, Marvin T.
Osorio, Micah
Suguitan, Ronabelle S.
Antipolo City, Rizal is the location of the subdivision. It is situated in a saddle-like location
in a higher terrain that has been cut from a mountain's east and west faces. Park Village Subdivision
to the north and Peace Village Subdivision to the south surrounds Cherry Hills Subdivision. The
mountain slopes separate the East and West wings. The Eastern Summit is 255 meters above sea
level, whereas the Western side is 233 meters. At its deepest point, the subdivision carved out of
the mountainside is roughly 26 meters long (E. Morales et al., 2001).
Figure 1.2.1 – Top view location of Cherry Hills Subdivision via Google Earth
The landslide happened at 7:00 p.m. on August 3, 1999. Many residents had left their
houses hours before the catastrophe occur due to warning indicators of an impending landslide.
Some houses had cracks that grew larger over time, offering alarming warnings that were taken
seriously by some. The landslide happened quickly, according to several eyewitnesses, occurred
in less than five seconds. During the landslide, two tremendous booms were reported. This slide
catastrophe claimed the lives of 58 people and left one unaccounted. According to interviews with
several residents, there have been signs of movement in the Subdivision platform (creep), as
proven by cracks on the walls and problems in closing and opening doors and windows. This
occurred a few months before the landslide (PICE Geotechnical Committee, 2001).
The main purpose of this study is to find out what happened to the Cherry Hill subdivision
tragedy in the city of Antipolo
To the Nation and the Community, this will be significant because the information
generated from this case study can be used as references for any infrastructure and engineering
construction project in Antipolo city to identify the critical landslide hazard potentiality.
To future researchers and students taking up a course in Engineering Geology, this case study
will serve as references and discoveries encompassing data, concepts, and findings that will benefit
the students taking up Engineering Geology. Moreover, this is permitted for refinement to fill in
the case study gaps.
This section is to show the following landslide cause parameters in Antipolo City,
Philippines. Figures 1, 2, and 3 include parameter maps created from the software GIS to show
the landslide susceptibility model and analysis utilizing ArcGIS. Moreover, this is the only
extent to express the model results that the researchers deemed it. Thus, significantly it has a
relationship and additional information to the study of the Cherry hills tragedy.
Figure 3.1.1 – Elevation, slope, profile and planform curvature, flow direction, and aspect raster maps of Antipolo
City are thematic factor maps of morphometric factors associated to landslide occurrence.
Based on the Fig. 3.1.1, The slope gradient is a primary contributor to landslide
development. It is the most crucial component to consider when assessing landslide vulnerability
including elevation, due to its recognized to another factor with slope, lithology, weathering,
precipitation, ground motion, soil thickness, and land usage affect elevation (Victor & Zarco,
While the curvature, it shows the strong correlation with surface curvature for landslide
events. Planform and profile curvature are two types of curvature that can be found in a region. It
has an impact on how flow over the surface converges and diverges. The distribution of landslide
incidence can be affected by slope exposure, which can be defined in terms of cardinal directions.
In dry areas, the slope's orientation impacts hydrologic processes, distorting weathering processes,
vegetation, and root growth (Victor & Zarco, 2018).
Figure 3.1.2 – Distance to river, distance to road, soil and geology raster maps were all considered non-morphometric
criteria in this study.
Based on the Figure 3.1.2, Terraced roads should be interpreted as discontinuity due to its
ability to act as a barrier or a channel for water flow, affecting instability. A road built beside a hill
reduces the strain on both the topography and the toe of the slope, increasing the stress on the
slope's backside. Tension fractures may form when the pressure on the slope toe decreases.
Landslides and the existence of waterways or dense drainage lines have a significant spatial
relationship. One of the governing aspects of the area's stability is the degree of saturation of the
materials at the bottom of the slope (Victor & Zarco, 2018).
While key aspects of slope stability include soil properties. Surface soil elements are
recognized as separate causative factors in the occurrence of landslides. Rocks and soil have a
wide range of stability, strength, and texture due to the varying structures of earth components. In
addition, the stability of a location is directly related to the underlying bedrock present. Hence,
inconsistent layering sequence is major problems for Landslide hazard analysis (Victor & Zarco,
Figure 3.1.3 – SPI and TWI raster maps of Antipolo City show thematic factor maps of morphometric variables
associated to landslide occurrence.
Based on Figure 3.1.3, SPI refers to Stream Power index, it concentrates overland flow's
possible erosive strength, which is one of the variables influencing the incidence of landslides.
High SPI values over a certain threshold indicate a high risk of erosion in that location (Victor &
Zarco, 2018).
While Topographic Wetness Index or TWI, it refers to the impact of the area's
topographical qualities on runoff generation and it gives a quantitative simulation of soil moisture
conditions in a watershed as a mean. High TWI values indicate outflow depressions (steep, convex
areas will shed water). Crests and ridges are represented by low values (concave, low gradients
areas will gather water) (Victor & Zarco, 2018).
Briefly, it shows that Antipolo city has high vulnerability to landslide in different location
areas. According to Victor & Zarco, (2018), the study reveals that in terms of landslide occurrence,
about 40% of Antipolo City has been identified as potentially risky. Thus, the researchers can
affirm that the those mentioned parameters could significantly trigger to the Cherry Hills landslide.
This section pertains to the main case study where several parameters will show, and this
is the revelation of landslides occurring in Cherry Hills in Antipolo City.
1) Strength Data Analysis
On undamaged cores collected from borings and coring’s done on block samples gathered
from the slide zones, several Unconfined Compression Tests (UCT) were performed. The
numerous layers of sandstone and the thin siltstone seams interbedded with the sandstones formed
the cores. The Unconfined Compression Strength Test results illustrate the range of Uniaxial
Compressive Strength (qu) values found in the area's rock layers.
The values for both rock types acquired from the borings are shown in the Scatter Chart in Figure
3.1.4 below.
Values in kilograms per square meter (kg/
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Highly Fractured Layers
down to –8.0m generally
Although these represent the material strengths of the undamaged rocks in a broad
sense, they provide no indication of the real Characteristic Rock Mass Strength (CRMS)
as the slide progresses. The Characteristic Rock Mass Strength is the "average" strength
of the rocks along the failure plane at failure.
(2) The Effect of Water Saturation on Core Strength
The cores from the same block samples were aggregated and immersed for 24, 48, and 72
Depicts the Unconfined Compressive Strength qu (kg/cm2) vs. Moisture Content (percent)
for Sandstone and Siltstone Cores in Figure 3.2.5.
140 80
100 60
60 40
20 20
0 20 40 60 80 0
0 20 40
Based on the Figure 3.1.5, The trendline reveals a reduction in qu as moisture content rises, implying that
water saturation would impair strength.
29-Jun 9-Jul 19- Jul 29- Jul 8- Aug
Field Borings were used to evaluate underlying materials both inside and beyond the slide
zone. It is provided information on the Rock Quality by displaying percentage core recoveries and
Rock Quality Designation (RQD) values. A Scatter Chart, Figure 3.2.4, depicts the RQD values
collected from four boreholes and several core samples in the nearby vicinity.
Based on the Figure 3.1.7, The RQD values, are very low, signifying that the rock elements
are severely fragmented even in unhindered places.
To consolidate ideas of collected results data, the boring test also reveal that the elements
in the siltstone, a soil layer, are very expansive and hence vulnerable to shrink and swell cycles.
When exposed to a dry and hot atmosphere, this siltstone substance shrinks, and when soaked with
water, it swells (E. Morales et al., 2001).
Siltstone layers desiccate and shrink because of the prolonged drought and exceptionally
dry and hot temperature, causing them to deteriorate. In addition, fractures might be produced by
clay infillings on important joint systems along fractured layers. This justifies the minor fissures
discovered in the Cherry Hills Subdivision’s Road pavements some months before the landslides
(E. Morales et al., 2001).
The El Nino event, which occurred a month before the landslide, was preceded by severe
rainfall. Water leaks to the ground as a result. Extended periods of heavy rain and damp weather
encouraged seepage and infiltration into the joints, widely lubricating the severely fragmented rock
mass. Uplift effects resulted from greater buoyancy due to water saturation. Augmented cracks
and damages on road pavements and home walls are signs of these consequences. Increased water
pressure caused the enormously expanding siltstone layers to swell and expand, creating heaving
disturbance of the profoundly fractured rocks. Additionally, higher water saturation reduces the
slope materials' strength (E. Morales et al., 2001).
Moreover, human factor was contributed to the cause of landslide in Cherry Hills. Cherry
hills cut the side mountain more than 20 meters deep from the summit of the mountain slope before
creating the subdivision. Mountain slope measured the depth of the deepest excavation to be 26
meters. The quarrying activities required the cut, which was made without lateral support. The
mountain slope was not adequately cut, culminating in an eight-degree adverse dip. According to
a representative of a Japanese real estate firm, the quarrying activity may have contributed to the
avalanche (E. Morales et al., 2001).
Unprecedented rainfall fell in the three days leading up to the landslide on August 3, 1999,
with a total of 500 mm dropping on August 2. Typhoon Olga caused havoc on the Philippines,
unleashing flash floods and severe rains that killed at least 109 people. Manila, Pampanga, Rizal,
and Pangasinan were the hardest hit. Nine hundred people were displaced when Valenzuela was
evacuated. The creation of near-full Hydrostatic Pore Pressure was achievable due to the record-
breaking rains. By diverting or obstructing intermittent and continuous surface streams, the
landslide movement can bring surface water (that had previously flowed elsewhere) to the
groundwater in the slide area. A combination of these elements and the highly broken and already
fragile rocks precipitated the landslide.
The landslide was caused by the convergence of these independent and terrible
occurrences, more like a dual calamity of climatic twist and geological line of weakness. The
ultimate blow that sparked the avalanche was prolonged water saturation and consequent pore
pressure increase. As evidenced by the preceding investigations and conclusions, no one factor
could have caused the landslide, and it would have taken a combination of events and causes such
as geologic, environmental, and human to merge in the Cherry Hills.
The researchers arrived in the following findings after analyzing the data gathered and
➢ Prior to the tragedy occurrence in Cherry Hills, the Antipolo city is about 40% susceptibility
of landslide.
➢ The volume of water that flowed down the Cherry Hill slope on August 3 was greatly
influenced by the removal of soil and vegetation in the upper reaches.
➢ A separate but related mass slumping to the north caused lateral and vertical deformation of
multiple roadways near the subdivision's northeast quarter. The volume of water that ran
down the Cherry Hill slope on August 3 was mostly due to the removal of soil and
vegetation in the upper reaches.
➢ Creep caused the shallow layer of the subdivision platform to weaken, causing it to fold
beyond the toe of the main slide in an accordion-like fashion when the main slide occurred,
which began much earlier than the slide.
➢ Rescue teams lacked adequate equipment which led to more casualties.
➢ Both the North and South gullies had corollary slides (Debris and Mudflow), with the latter
being more significant in terms of the amount of dirt and debris moved.
➢ On the night of August 3, 1999, the Cherry Hills slide was a compound slide with a slump and
a rotational component.t
The review studies should be further conducted to have an adequate conclusion, and these
are the following needs to be investigated based on the related studies:
➢ In terms of additional Borings that were completed, the true position of the slip plane needs
to be established.
➢ To validate the results, seismic refraction equipment should be used to map the subsurface
and locate the geology and shear zone to accomplished in this study
➢ Icfi, T. (1999, September 8). Why 60 people died in the Cherry Hills housing estate.
World Socialist Web Site.
➢ Inquirer, P. D. (2011, June 21). Cherry Hills: Main case still in court. INQUIRER.Net.
➢ Morales, E., Camaclang, M., & Reyes, G. (2001). THE CHERRY HILLS LANDSLIDE
TRAGEDY. 1–10.
➢ Morales, E. M. (n.d.). Post Landslide Investigation Procedures – the Cherry Hills Case.