Crosstalk Modeling in High-Speed Transmission Lines by Multilayer Perceptron Neural Networks
Crosstalk Modeling in High-Speed Transmission Lines by Multilayer Perceptron Neural Networks
Crosstalk Modeling in High-Speed Transmission Lines by Multilayer Perceptron Neural Networks (0123456789().,-volV)(0123456789().
,- volV)
Received: 29 October 2018 / Accepted: 9 May 2019 / Published online: 17 May 2019
Ó Springer-Verlag London Ltd., part of Springer Nature 2019
Signal degradation due to crosstalk-related issues has become increasingly important particularly in high-speed signal
transmissions. Conventional analysis of crosstalk requires a full electromagnetic modeling of the signal transmission path
along with a time-domain transient simulation which is computationally demanding. In this work, we apply a multilayer
perceptron neural network for crosstalk prediction in coupled transmission lines. The well-trained neural networks can be
used to predict the time-domain crosstalk directly, thereby replacing complex circuit simulations. Numerical results show a
high degree of generalization of the neural networks, which are able to produce accurate results and can be trained to
include effects such as reflections and input mismatches.
7312 Neural Computing and Applications (2020) 32:7311–7320
vector machine (SVM) and Gaussian process regression Sect. 4, and finally, a brief conclusion is some future work
(GPR) have been successfully applied to solve difficult is proffered in Sect. 6.
engineering problems [7, 8]. However, these methods are
often nonparametric and scale poorly with dimension. In
addition, the selection of a proper kernel is not easy and 2 Crosstalk in transmission lines
often requires a deeper understanding of the problem.
Artificial neural networks (ANNs) have shown promising Figure 1 illustrates the lumped equivalent circuit of a
results as a fast and accurate solution when applied in segment of a coupled transmission line pair where Lm and
crosstalk prediction and modeling of interconnects. For Ls represent the mutual and self-inductances per unit
example, in [9], an ANN trained with the Levenberg– length, and Cm and Cs represent the mutual and self-ca-
Marquardt algorithm was used to model the frequency-de- pacitances per unit length of the parallel line. The current
pendent crosstalk in dB of non-uniform cable bundles using and voltages in the two lines are related by (1), (2) and (3)
data from lumped-element models generated using the using the inductance and capacitance matrices of the
random displacement spline interpolation method. From the respective lines in a time-domain analysis [6].
study, it was observed that the difference between the neural
d v1 Ls L m d i 1
network predicted outputs and the lumped-element simu- ¼ ð1Þ
dz v2 Lm Ls dt i2
lation for varying frequency and height above the ground
plane is less than 1–2dB. However, due to the reliance on d i1 Ct Cm d v1
¼ ð2Þ
lumped-element equivalence, this result is only valid at low dz i2 Cm Ct dt v2
frequencies when the circuit is electrically small. In [10], a
similar concept was applied to model crosstalk in multi- Ct ¼ Cs þ Cm : ð3Þ
conductor transmission lines by using neural networks to In the equations, v1 and v2 represent the voltages of line
learn the relationship between the cross-sectional geometry 1 and line 2, while i1 and i2 represent the current of line 1
and the per-unit-length parameters. Results show a good and line 2. z is the longitudinal coordinate. These equations
level of accuracy between the ANN predictions and the form coupled differential equations which govern the
finite element method (FEM) for both the capacitance and propagation of signal on the transmission line pair. From
inductance matrices. In [11], ANN was also applied to (1) and (2), it is observed that a change in current on the
model the relation between the geometrical and material active line (line 1) will cause an inductive-coupled voltage
characteristics of interconnects to their respective Simula- drop and a change in voltage on the active line (line 1) will
tion Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis (SPICE) cause a capacitive-coupled current change on the quiet line
netlist values that were used to analyze the parasitic (line 2).
capacitances. Here, the computational expenses in terms of To observe the effects of crosstalk coupling on the quiet
the simulation time were compared, and ANN was shown to line (line 2) from the signals in the active line (line 1), the
be able to provide up to 88% in computational savings. setup depicted in Fig. 2 is used where the two transmission
However, all of the prior work focuses on extracting lines form a pair of coupled lines. Vin ðtÞ is the input signal
either a frequency-domain model or an equivalent circuit on the active line, while Vout ðtÞ is the output signal on the
model of the physical layout of the interconnects. In active line. Z0 represents the characteristic impedance of
modern high-speed digital designs, analyses are predomi- the transmission lines and l represents the length of the
nantly done in the time domain and it is often desirable to lines. Here, the ends of the parallel pair are assumed to be
have fast and accurate predictions of the actual voltage terminated or matched to Z0 . VNEXT ðtÞ and VFEXT ðtÞ
versus time relationships of the crosstalk to estimate its
eventual effect on the eye diagram of the victim lines. In
this work, we apply ANNs based on the multilayer per- v1 i1 Ls
ceptron (MLP) structure to model time-domain crosstalk
voltages in coupled transmission lines. The method is Cs
general in nature and can be trained to include the effects Lm
i2 Cm Ls
of terminations such as reflections and input mismatches. v2
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows:
Section 2 presents a brief review of the fundamentals of
crosstalk in transmission lines and its effect in the time
domain. Section 3 presents the neural network approach to
model the time-domain crosstalk and the underlying Fig. 1 Lumped equivalent circuit of a coupled parallel transmission
training algorithms. Numerical results are presented in line pair
Neural Computing and Applications (2020) 32:7311–7320 7313
V out
2 ym
1 V F EXT Input a3l a 3l Output
wm n l
0 xn
-1 w nl nl anll anll
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
time, ns Hidden layer
Fig. 3 Near- and far-end crosstalk in a coupled transmission line pair Fig. 4 MLP neural network structure
7314 Neural Computing and Applications (2020) 32:7311–7320
second step along with an activation function, rðÞ to where the gradient rf ðwÞ and Hessian H are given by
generate the final output of the selected neuron at the lth 2 3
layer, given by 6 ow1 7
6 7
ali ¼ r cli : ð5Þ 6 of 7
6 7
6 7
Consequently, this generated output is then taken as the rf ðwÞ ¼6 2 7
6 ow
7 ð8Þ
6 .. 7
stimulus or input for the neurons in the ðl þ 1Þth layer. The 6 . 7
6 7
activation function’s purpose is to decide whether a neuron 4 of 5
should be activated or not. Good activation functions often own
have certain desirable properties such as being smooth, 2 2 3
bounded, monotonic and continuously differentiable. Some o f o2 f o2 f
6 ow2
applicable functions are the sigmoid, arc-tangent (tan1 x) 6 1 ow1 ow2 ow1 own 7
6 7
and hyperbolic-tangent (tanh x) function given by 6 o2 f o2 f 2
o f 7
6 7
6 ow22 ow2 own 7
2 H ¼6 ow2 ow1 7: ð9Þ
rðxÞ ¼ 1: ð6Þ 6 7
1 þ e2x 6 .. .. .. .. 7
6 . . . . 7
6 7
For the input layer, the neurons utilize a relay activation 4 o2 f o2 f o f 5
Neural Computing and Applications (2020) 32:7311–7320 7315
H JT J ð13Þ W
where the Jacobian is given by W W W εr
2 3
of1 of1 of1 L
6 ow1 ow2 own 7
6 7 Top view Side view
6 of 7
6 2 of2 of2 7
6 7 Fig. 5 Geometrical structure of a coupled stripline
J¼6 ow ow2
6 1
own 7:
7 ð14Þ
6 .. .. .. .. 7
6 . . . . 7 greatest effect on the crosstalk. A full-factorial 3K DoE
6 7
4 ofN ofN ofN 5
... with four parameters is performed using 34 ¼ 81 analyses
ow1 ow2 own covering the entire design space. From the result of the
The gradient, rf ðwÞ is then calculated using the trans- DoE, a total of 168 training samples are then generated by
pose of the Jacobian matrix and the vector containing the focusing on the main parameters that affect the crosstalk
network errors, e which are the spacing between conductors, S, the substrate
height, H, conductor width, W and conductor thickness,
rf ðwÞ ¼ J T e: ð15Þ T. The remaining parameters including the length of the
The formula for updating the weight values in the neural line, L, dielectric constant, r , conductor conductivity, r
network used in this training algorithm is then given by and dielectric loss tangent, d, are fixed constant. The final
1 design parameters are summarized in Table 1.
Dw ¼ J T J þ lI J T e ð16Þ Keysight Momentum simulator is used to simulate the
EM response of the circuit in the form of the 4-port S-
where I is the identity matrix and l is a control parameter.
parameters. An example of S-parameter plot for one of the
It can be observed that if the control parameter is set to 0,
designs is shown in Fig. 6. Note that since the circuit is D2 -
then it becomes the same equation used in the Newton
symmetric, S11 ¼ S22 ¼ S33 ¼ S44 , etc. and since it is also
method for weight updates. It is to be noted that the
reciprocal, S12 ¼ S21 ¼ S34 ¼ S43 , etc. The S-parameters
computation of the Jacobian matrix is done through a
generated from the EM simulations were then used in a
standard backpropagation technique that is less compli-
transient analysis to simulate the crosstalk as shown in
cated compared to computing the Hessian matrix.
Fig. 7. A 1.0-V step voltage with a rise time of 1 ns, Vsource
was supplied at the source and all the ports were terminated
to match the characteristic impedance of the line. Since the
4 Numerical examples
waves in the stripline propagate in a homogeneous med-
ium, the far-end crosstalk is zero and only the near-end
In this section, two numerical examples are presented, each
crosstalk is obtained.
with a varying degree of complexity. The first example
A multilayer perceptron neural network is then used to
presents a crosstalk prediction using ANN for a coupled
learn to relation between the physical parameters and the
stripline in a matched terminated system. Due to the
near-end crosstalk from the generated training data. The
homogeneous nature of the wave propagation in a stripline,
only the near-end crosstalk is present. In the second
example, ANNs are used to predict the near- and far-end
Table 1 Summary of design parameters for the stripline
crosstalk in a coupled microstrip transmission line, which
has a non-homogeneous medium. In addition, the effects of Design parameters Values
reflections and impedance mismatches are introduced in Substrate height, H 20 \H\ 60 mils
the modeling by applying a constant termination of 50 X at Conductor thickness, T 0.7 \T\ 1.1 mils
the terminals.
Ratio of conductor width, W to H 0:5 \W=H\ 1:5
Ratio of conductor spacing, S to H 0:275 \S=H\ 3:525
4.1 Stripline
Ratio of conductor spacing, S to W 0:55 \S=W\ 2:35
Length, L 600 mils
In this example, the ANN is used to predict the crosstalk in
Dielectric relative permittivity, r 4.6
a pair of coupled stripline transmission lines. The structure
Dielectric relative permeability, lr 1
of the stripline is shown in Fig. 5.
Dielectric loss tangent, tan d 0.01
First, a design of experiments (DoE) method is used to
Conductor conductivity, r 5:8 107 S/m
generate a reduced set of training data by identifying the
various design parameters in the stripline which have the
7316 Neural Computing and Applications (2020) 32:7311–7320
Table 2 Comparison of the neural network performance using different training algorithms
Training algorithms
BFGS quasi- Levenberg– Scaled conjugate Powell/Beale conjugate Resilient
Newton Marquardt gradient gradient backpropagation
Neural Computing and Applications (2020) 32:7311–7320 7317
9 4.2 Microstrip
near-end crosstalk, mV
7 Expected result
ANN result
In this example, the ANN is used to predict the crosstalk in
H = 60 mil
a pair of coupled microstrip transmission lines. The
3 H = 30 mil
structure of the microstrip line is shown in Fig. 12. A
1 similar simulation flow is used as in Sect. 4.1 to generate
H = 20 mil
-1 the training data. A total of six physical parameters are
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
varied, and Table 3 shows the range of parameters that are
spacing between conductor, S, mil
investigated in this example.
Fig. 8 Training result of the ANN for crosstalk in striplines with Since the fields propagate in a non-homogeneous med-
varying H and S ium for a microstrip line, it exhibits both a near-end and
far-end crosstalk. In addition, to emulate the modeling of a
near-end crosstalk, mV
T = 1.1 mil real system, the terminations are fixed at 50 X for all ends
8 Expected result of the transmission lines. This results in a more complex
ANN result
6 modeling as the effect of voltage division at the input and
T = 0.7 mil reflections due to impedance mismatches is also modeled
along with the couplings to give the final measured
crosstalk. The effect on the near- and far-end crosstalk is
0 illustrated in Figs. 13 and 14, respectively, for the case of
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
spacing between conductor, S, mil varying line spacing. In addition, the effect of line lengths
is also modeled which has the overall effect of lengthening
Fig. 9 Training result of the ANN for crosstalk in striplines with the duration of the crosstalk as seen in Fig. 15 for the near-
varying T and S
end crosstalk. A similar effect is observed for the far-end
crosstalk as shown in Fig. 16.
near-end crosstalk, mV
7318 Neural Computing and Applications (2020) 32:7311–7320
far-end crosstalk, V
Design parameters Values
Substrate height, H 15 \H\ 105 mils 0
Conductor thickness, T 0.3 \T\ 2.4 mils
Conductor width, W 25 \W\ 325 mils
Conductor spacing, S 25 \S\ 350 mils
Length, L 2000 \L\ 11000 mils 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Dielectric relative permittivity, r 2.2, 4.6, 9.6 time, ns
Dielectric relative permeability, lr 1
Fig. 16 Transient plots showing the impact of the parallel microstrip
Dielectric loss tangent, tan d 0.01
trace lengths on the far-end crosstalk
Conductor conductivity, r 5:8 107 S/m
near-end crosstalk, V
near-end crosstalk, V
0.6 8
far-end crosstalk, V
0.4 increasing 6
-0.2 2
-0.4 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 test case
time, ns
Fig. 18 Comparison of maximum near-end crosstalk occurrence time
between the ANN model outputs and Keysight Momentum simulation
Fig. 14 Transient plots showing the impact of the parallel microstrip
results for the test data
trace spacing on the far-end crosstalk
far-end crosstalk, V
0.1 length 0.4
-0.2 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
time, ns test case
Fig. 15 Transient plots showing the impact of the parallel microstrip Fig. 19 Comparison of maximum far-end crosstalk voltage between
trace lengths on the near-end crosstalk the ANN model outputs and Keysight Momentum simulation results
for the test data
Neural Computing and Applications (2020) 32:7311–7320 7319
5 Discussions
6 Conclusion
This section presents some further discussions on the
developed method. In this work, the outputs of the hidden The advancements in machine learning methods have
neurons are arbitrary and do not represent any physical opened up a wide array of opportunities for signal integ-
quantity. This is typical in scenarios where the neural rity-based analysis. In this paper, we present an application
networks are used as a blackbox input–output representa- of the multilayer perceptron neural network for crosstalk
tion of the system. However, in certain cases, there have modeling in coupled transmission lines. A design of
been progresses in work done to have the hidden neurons experiments method is used to generate a reduced training
represent physically meaningful quantities, such as the set by identifying the main design parameters which have
work in [28] where separate pole and residue learning the greatest impact on the crosstalk. Different training
blocks are incorporated in the neural networks. However, algorithms are implemented and compared, and the best-
this results in added complexity to the final network and is performing neural network is selected for each design.
more appropriate in cases where the neural networks are Numerical examples are presented which show that the
learning from the frequency-domain transfer functions such neural networks are able to model the crosstalk accurately
as the S-parameters. In this work, the networks are trained even in the presence of reflections and input mismatches.
directly from the design parameters, and this allows the The well-trained network can then be used to predict the
final trained networks to bypass the frequency-domain crosstalk in subsequent design and simulations, thereby
simulations completely when determining the crosstalk. bypassing the computationally expensive EM and transient
In this work, the performance of different training simulations. This will be especially useful when analyzing
algorithms was compared and the best one was selected as complex multi-variable designs with stringent time to
the final design. In addition to the training algorithms, the market requirements.
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