Computer Solution: Digital Electromagnetic Transients Multiphase Networks
Computer Solution: Digital Electromagnetic Transients Multiphase Networks
Computer Solution: Digital Electromagnetic Transients Multiphase Networks
4, APRIL 1969
annual availability function after a single, new machine is added, The data requirements are then primarily for the annual peak load
assuming that nothing else is altered. Let forecasts. It might be observed that the load model of the paper does
not require that the occurrence N of a load level of Li MW be an
C capacity of new machine, MW integer value. This might be useful in specifying the peak load varia-
A (M) annual availability of the basic system as a function of tion curve from historical data since, for instance, a model for a
the margin M 30-day period might include 35 load levels. This would permit using
M reserve margin more data to define the highest load levels in the peak variation
a availability of the new machine. curve. The load model also requires the specification of the mean
Thus, the new availability function becomes duration e of the peak periods. This value is a matter of judgment,
to be arrived at after a suitable study of load cycle data. Values of
A'(M) = aA(M - C) + (1 - a)A(M). (33) from 1/4 to over 1/2 of a day would seem to be appropriate for
various different systems.
This relationship may be used to consider the effect of adding dif- Concerning Mr. Watchorn's question about representing hydro
ferent machine capacities on the annual availability (i.e., the loss-of- units and plants (energy limits and head effects), we have not
load probability). A similar relationship may be worked out for the included these provisions in the analysis. However, we would like
frequency calculations. These are approximate since they assume no to note that the frequency and duration method will handle the same
change in maintenance outages for the old machines and that the problems that may be treated by loss-of-load probability.
new machine is not maintained during the year. We agree with Mr. Watchorn that the "economic criterion" would
The technique for constructing the load model suggested by Mr. be "by far the most meaningful aid to judgment." Even separate
Adler is similar to that used by the authors and their associates. economic criteria for bulk power supply and for distribution systems
That is, historical load data are examined statistically to establish would be of much value for system planning.
periodic (i.e., monthly or seasonal), per unit peak load variation Again we wish to thank the various discussers for their contribu-
curves, and monthly or seasonal peaks in per unit of the annual peak. tions. It is gratifying to observe the continuing interest in this area.
Abstract-Electromagnetic transients in arbitrary single- or Among the useful features of this program are the inielusion of
multiphase networks are solved by a nodal admittance matrix nonlinearities, any number of switchings during the transient in
method. The formulation is based on the method of characteristics accordance with specified switching criteria, start from any
for distributed parameters and the trapezoidal rule of integration nonzero initial condition, and great flexibility in specifying
for lumped parameters. Optimally ordered triangular factorization voltage and current excitations of various waveforms.
with sparsity techniques is used in the solution. Examples and
programming details illustrate the practicality of the method. The digital computer cannot give a continuous history of the
transient phenomena, but rather a sequence of snapshot pictures
I. INTRODUCTION at discrete intervals At. Such discretization causes trulncation
errors which can lead to numerical instabilitY [3]. For this
THIS PAPER describes a general solution method for finding reason the trapezoidal rule was chosen for integrating the ordi-
the time responses of electromagnetic transients in arbitrary nary differential equations of lumped inductances and capaci-
single- or multiphase networks with lumped and distributed tances; it is simple, numerically stable, and accurate enough for
parameters. A computer program based on this method has practical purposes.
been used at the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) and Branches with distributed parameters are assumed to be
the Munich Institute of Technology, Germany, for analyzing lossless; they will be called lossless lines hereafter. By neglecting
transients in power systems and electronic circuits [1], [2]. the losses (which can be approximated very accurately in other
ways, as will be shown) an exact solution can be obtained with
the method of characteristics. This method has primarily been
Paper 68 TP 657-PWR, recommended and approved by the used in Europe, where it is known as Bergeron's method; it was
Power System Engineering Committee of the IEEE Power Group
for presentation at the IEEE Summer Power Meeting, Chicago, Ill., first applied to hydraulic problems in 1928 and later to electrical
June 23-28, 1968. Manuscript submitted February 12, 1968; made problems (for historic notes see [5]). It is well suited for digital
available for printing April 10, 1968. The early stages of this work
were sponsored by the German Research Association (Deutsche computers [6]-[8]. In contrast to the alternative lattice method
Forschungsgemeinschaft) while the author was with the Munich for traveling wave phenomena [9] it offers important advantages;
Institute of Technology. for example, n-o reflection coefficients are necessary when this
The author is with Bonneville Power Administration, Port-
land, Ore. method is used.
The method of characteristics and the trapezoidal rule can TERMINAL k TERMINAL m
easily be combined into a generalized algorithm capable of
solving transients in any network with distributed as well as (a)
lumped parameters. Numerically this leads to the solution of a ik m(t) im k(t)
system of linear (nodal) equations in each time step. It will be
shown that lossless lines contribute only to the diagonal elements ek(j t k tr-)r)9 jemj(t)
of the associated matrix; off-diagonal elements result only from
lumped parameters. Thus a very fast and simple algorithm can (b)
be written when lumped parameters are excluded. However, no
such restrictions are imposed. Instead, the recent impressive Fig. 1. (a) Lossless line. (b) Equivalent impedance network.
advances in solving linear equations by sparsity techniques and
optimally ordered elimination [10] have been incorporated into Note that in (4) the expression (e + Zi) is constant when
an algorithm which automatically encompasses the fast solution (x - vt) is constant and in (5) (e - Zi) is constant when
of the restricted case and yet retains full generality. (x + vt) is constant. The expressions (x - vt) = constant and
(x + vt) = constant are called the characteristics of the differ-
A digital computer solution for transients is necessarily a The significance of (4) may be visualized in the following
step-by-step procedure that proceeds along the time axis with a way: let a fictitious observer travel along the line in a forward
variable or fixed step width At. The latter is assumed here. direction at velocity v. Then (x - vt) and consequently (e + Zi)
Starting from initial conditions at t = 0, the state of the system along the line will be constant for him. If the travel time to
is -found at t = At, 2At, 3At, ... , until the maximum time tmn get from one end of the line to the other is
for the particular case has been reached. While solving for the d/v = dVL'C'
T= (6)
state at t, the previous states at t - At, t - 2At, . .. , are known.
A limited portion of this "past history" is needed in the method (d is the length of line), then the expression (e + Zi) encountered
of characteristics, which is used for lines, and in the trapezoidal by the observer when he leaves node m at time t - r must still
rule of integration, which is used for lumped parameters. In the be the same when he arrives at node k at time t, that is
first case it must date back over a time span equal to the travel em (t r) + Zim,k (t - r) = ek(t) + ZQ(-ik,m (t) )
time of the line; in the latter case, only to the previous step.
With a record of this past history, the equations of both methods (currents as in Fig. 1). From this equation follows the simple
can be represented by simple equivalent impedance networks. two-port equation for ik,m
A nodal formulation of the problem is then derived from these
networks. ik,m(t) = (I/Z)ek(t) + Ik(t - )
and analogous (7a)
Lossless Line
?im,k(t) = (1/Z)em(t) + Im(t - T)
Although the method of characteristics is applicable to lossy
lines, the ordinary differential equations which it produces are with equivalent current sources Ik and i,m7 which are known at
not directly integrable [8]. Therefore, losses will be neglected at state t from the past history at time t -r,
this stage. Consider a lossless line with inductance L' and
capacitance C' per unit length. Then at a point x along the line Ik (t -r) = - (1/Z)em (t - r) -i?,k (t - r)
voltage and current are related by (7b)
-de/8x= L'I(i/t) (la) Im(t - r) = - ik,m(t - r).
(1/Z)ek(t - r) -
- ai/d = C' (9e/ot). (lb) Fig. 1 shows the corresponding equivalent impedance network,
which fully describes the lossless line at its terminals. Topo-
The general solution, first given by d'Alembert, is logically the terminals are not connected; the conditions at the
i (x, t) = fl (x- vt) + f2 (X + Vt) (2a) other end are only seen indirectly and with a time delay r
through the equivalent current sources I.
e (x, t) = Z f (x - Vt) - Z-f2 (X + Vt) (2b)
with fi (x - vt) and f2 (x + vt) being arbitrary functions of the Inductance
variables (x - vt) and (x + vt). The physical interpretation of For the inductance L of a branch kc, m (Fig. 2) we have
fi (x - vt) is a wave traveling at velocity v in a forward direction
and of f2(x + vt) a wave traveling in a backward direction. ek- em = L (dik,m/dt) (8a)
Z in (2) is the surge impedance, v is the phase velocity
which must be integrated from the known state at t - At to
Z= V/L'/C' (3a) the unknown state at t:
v = 1/1VL'C'. (3b) ik,m(t) = ik,m(t - At) + (ek - em) dt. (8b)
Multiplying (2a) by Z and adding it to or subtracting it from L AtZ
(2b) gives Using the trapezoidal rule of integration yields the branich
e(x, t) + Z i(x, t) = 2Z fi(x - vt) (4) equation
e(x, t) Z.i(x, t) = -2Z.f2(x + vt). (5) ik,m (t) = (At/2L) (eAk (t) - em (t)) + Ik,m (t - At) (9a)
NODE k - - NODE m
NODEk 4....° NODEm
Ik t At)
Ik m(t-At
ek(t R em(t
(b) (b)
Fig. 2. (a) Inductance. (b) Equivalent impedance network. Fig. 3. (a) Capacitance. (b) Equivalent impedance network.
(2) (1)
l r0 - - -
where the equivalent current source Ik,m is again known from known [3] and will not be explained here. The result is a system
the past history: of linear algebraic equations that describes the state of the system
at time t:
Ik,,m(t- At) E Yle (t) I Ei (t) I EII (12)
= ik,m(t - At) + (At/2L) (ek(t - At) - em(t - At)). (9b) with
The discretization with the trapezoidal rule produces a trun- [Y] nodal conductance matrix
cation error of order (At)3; if At is sufficiently small and cut in [e (t)] column vector of node voltages at time t
half, then the error can be expected to decrease by the factor [i (t)] column vector of injected node currents at time t
1/8. Note that the trapezoidal rule for integrating (8b) is (specified current sources from datum to node)
identical with replacing the differential quotient in (8a) by a [I] known column vector, which is made up of known
central difference quotient at midpoint between (t - At) and t equivalent current sources I.
with linear interpolation assumed for e. The equivalent impe-
dance network corresponding to (9) is shown in Fig. 2. Note that the real symmetric conductance matrix [Y] remains
unchanged as long as At remains unchanged. It is, therefore,
preferable, though not mandatory, to work with fixed step width
Capacitance At. The formation of [Y] follows the rules for forming the nodal
For the capacitance C of a branch k, m (Fig. 3) the equation admittance matrix in steady-state analysis.
In (12) part of the voltages will be known (specified excit-
ekc (t) -em ()=J i,k,m (t ) dt + ek¢(t - At) - em (t - t ) ations) and the others will be unknown. Let the nodes be sub-
C t_^t divided into a subset A of nodes with unknown voltages and a
can again be integrated with the trapezoidal rule, which yields subset B of nodes with known voltages. Subdividing the matrices
and vectors accordingly, we get from (12)
ik,m (t) = (2C/At) (ek (t) - em (t) ) + 'k,m (t - At) (lOa)
LYAA][YAB] [eA (t)] iA (t)] IA]
with the equivalent current source Ik,m known from the past
history: [CYBA][YBB] [eB (t)] [iB (t0] _CIB]
Ik,m(t- At) = ik,m(t- At) from which the unknown vector EeA (t)] is found by solving
(2C/At) (ek(t At) - - em (t -
At)). (lOb) [YAA][eA (t)] = [Itota] - [YAB][eB (t)] (13)
An equivalent impedance network is shown in Fig. 3. Its with
form is identical with that for the inductance. The discretization EItotai]I= UiA (t )- EIA ].
error is also the same as that for the inductance.
This amounts to the solution of a system of linear equations in
Resistance each time step with a constant coefficient matrix [YAA], pro-
vided At is not changed. The right sides in (13) must be recalcu-
For completeness we add the branch equation for the resistance lated in each time step.
(Fig. 4):
ik,m(t) = (1/R) (ek(t) - em(t))* (11) Practical Computation
Equation (13) is best solved by triangular factorization of
Nodal Equations the augmented matrix [YAA], [YAB] once and for all before
With all network elements replaced by equivalent impedance entering the time step loop. The same process is then extended
networks as in Figs. 1-4, it is very simple to establish the nodal to the vector [Itotal] in each time step in the so-called forward
equations for any arbitrary system. The procedures are well solution, followed by back substitution to get [eA (t)], as indi-
cated in Fig. 5. Only a few elements in [YAA], [YAB] are non- READ DATA; SET INITIAL CONDITIONS;
zero; this sparsity is exploited by storing only the nonzero t1O
elements of the triangularized matrix. The savings in computer
time and storage requirements can be optimized with an ordered BUILD UPPER PART OF TRIANGULAR MATRIX
elimination scheme [10].
Should the nodes be connected exclusively via lossless lines, BUILD REDUCED MATRIX
with lumped parameters R, L, C only from nodes to datum, . I
then [YAA] becomes a diagonal matrix. In this case the equations |CHECK SWITCHES FOR CHANGES
could be solved separately node by node. Some programs are
based on this restricted topology. However, the sparsity tech-
nique lends itself automatically to this simplification without j NO
having to restrict the generality of the network topology. (IS THIS I S
The construction of the column vector ['total] is mainly a
bookkeeping problem. Excitations in the form of specified current
sources [iA(t)] and the past history information in -[IA] are SWITCH POSITIONS; BUILD LOWER
entered into [Etotal] before going into the forward solution;
after [Itotal] has been built, using the still available voltages IF NONLINEAR ELEMENTS:
from the previous time step, specified voltage sources [eB (t)] FIND VECTOR I Z]
are entered into [e (t)]. Excitation values may be read from
cards step-by-step or calculated fromn standardized functions UPDATE PAST HISTORY, ENTER -[IA] INTO
(sinusoidal curve, rectangular wave', etc.). The excitations may Itt,nl AND OUTPUT DESIRED CURRENTS
be any combination of voltage and current sources, or there may
be no excitation at all (e.g., discharge of capacitor banks).
After having found EeA (t)], the past history records are updated
while constructing the vector [Etotal] for the next time step
(see flow chart in Fig. 6). Some practical hints about recording
the past history and about nonzero initial conditions may be
found in Appendixes I and II.
Approximation of Series Resistance of Lines
The simplicity of the method of characteristics rests on the
fact that losses are neglected. This simplicity also holds for the
distortionless line, where R'/L' = G'/C' (R' is the series re-
sistance and G' the shunt conductance per unit length); the
only difference is in computing Ik (and analogous Im):
Ik(t- T) = exp (- (R'/L')r) (- (1/Z)em(t- T) -im,k(t -T)). I LOWER PART OF TRIANGULAR MATRIX
Unfortunately, power lines are not distortionless, since G' is BACK S-UBSTITUTION; ej= ei IF SWITCH
usually negligible (or a very complicated function of voltage if j-i CLOSED AND i>j
corona is to be taken into account).
The distributed series resistance with G' = 0 can easily be iIFNONLINEAR ELEMENTS: CORRECT VOLTAGES
approximated by treating the line as lossless and adding lumped
resistances at both ends. Such lumped resistances can be inserted OUTPUT VOLTAGES
in many places along the line when the total length is divided
into many line sections. Interestingly, all cases tested so far Fig. 6. Flow chart for transienlts program.
showed no noticeable difference between lumped resistances
inserted in few or in many places. The voltage plot in Fig. 13
was practically identical for lumped resistances inserted in 3, with
65, and 300 places. In its present form, BPA's program auto- =(Z -4R)/ (Z + 4R)-
matically lumps R/4 at both ends and R/2 at the middle of the
line (R is the total series resistance); under these assumptions The real challenge for a better line representation is the fre-
the equivalent impedance network of Fig. 1 is still valid and quency dependence of R' and L', which results from skin effects
only the values cbange slightly (I,,, analogous to Ik): in the earth return [11] and in the conductors; BPA plans to
explore this further (see Section IV).
Z \= L'/ C' + 1 R
Ik(t - r) = ((1 + h)/2) {Ik from eq. (7b)} Switches
The network may include any number of switches, which may
+ ( (1 -h)/2) { Im from eq. (7b)} change their positions in accordance with defined criteria. They
are represented as ideal (R = 0 when closed and R = oo when
1 Since the trapezoidal rule is based on linear interpolation, a open); however, any branches may be connected in series or
rectangular wave of amplitude y will always be interpreted as having parallel to simulate physical properties (e.g., time-varying or
a finite rate of rise y/At in the first step in the presence of lumped
inductances and capacitances. current-dependent resistance).
(a) (b)
Fig. 7. Shaded areas show computation. (a) Initially. (b) After
each change.
IYAA] [CZI] [JZ.] 4
I z:r] [ Z "'
Fig. 9. Disconiiected subnetworks in [YAA1- Fig. 10. Influence of At.
With only one switch in the network, it is best to build the and the nonlinear equation in the form of the given characteristic,
matrix for the switch open and to simulate the closed position ek(t) em(t) f(ik,m(t)).
- =
with superimposed node currents [2]. With more switches in the
network, it is preferable to build [YAA], [YAB] anew each time BPA's program represents the nonlinear characteristic point-by-
a change occurs. However, it is not necessary to repeat the point as piecewise linear (Fig. 8), but any mathematical function
entire triangular factorization with each change. Nodes with could be used instead.
switches connected are arranged at the bottom (Fig. 7). Then The nonlinear characteristic (16a) is that of a nonlinear,
the triangular factorization is carried out only for nodes without current-dependent resistance. -If it is to represent a lightning
switches (upper part of triangular matrix). This also yields a arrester, then ik,m = 0 until ek(lineaI) (t) - em(Iinear)(t)I reaches
reduced matrix for the nodes with switches (assumed to be the specified breakdown voltage of the arrester.
open). Whenever a switch position changes, this reduced matrix For a time-varying resistance, (16a) must be replaced by the
is first modified to reflect the actual switch positions (if closed: simpler equation
addition of respective rows and columns and retention of the em (t ) = R(lR ) * ik,m (t )
ek (t ) - (16b)
higher numbered node in place of two nodes), then the triangular
factorization is completed (lower part of triangular matrix). where R (tR) is given as a function of the time tR (e.g., in the
This scheme is included in the flow chart of Fig. 6. form of a table). The time count tR may be identical with the
time t of the transient study, or it may start later according to a
Nonlinear and Time-Varying Parameters defined criterion.
The characteristic of a nonlinear inductance is usually specified
With only one nonlinear parameter in the network, the so- as 41 = f (ik,m). The total flux is
lution can be kept essentially linear by confining the nonlinear
algorithm (usually an iterative procedure) to the branch with V (t) =
(ek (t) - em (t)) dt + (0).
the nonlinear parameter. To accomplish this the nonlinear pa-
rameter is not included in the matrix; its current ik,m is simulated With the trapezoidal rule of integration this becomes
with two additional node currents:
ek (t ) em (t) = (2/At)f (ik,m (t)) - c (t- At),
- (16c)
i. = ik,m and ik = ik,m
which simply replaces (16a). The value c must be updated with
Let [z] be the precalculated difference of the mth and kth
columns of [YAAJ-', which is readily obtained with a repeat c (0) = (2/At) <(0) + el(0) - em(0)
solution of (13) by setting [total] = {0, except +1.0 in mth and then recursively
and -1.0 in kth component} and [eB(t)] = 0. Ignoring the
nonlinear parameter at first, we get [eA(linear) (t)] from (13); c (t - At) = c (t - 2At) + 2 (ek (t - At) - e (t - At)).
the final solution follows from superimposing the two additional
currents ik = im = -ik,m: Generally, when a network contains more than one nonlinear
parameter, the entire problem becomes nonlinear and its iterative
[eA (t) ] = ] +EZ]. ikm (t).
EeA(linear) (t]) (14) solution quite lengthy. The algorithm remains simple, however,
if the network is topologically disconnected into subnetworks,
The value ikm in (14) is found by solving two simultaneous each containing only one nonlinear parameter. Disconnections
equations, the linear network equation (Thevenin equivalent) give [YAA] a diagonal structure with submatrices on the diagonal
) - emlinr) () + (Zk - Zm) ik,m(t)
(Fig. 9). Note that topological disconnections are quite likely
e ek(t)
- e ek
in networks containing lossless lines, since they, as well as
(15) lumped parameters from node to datum or to nodes with known
0- -89
J A~~~~~~~~
A lOims
B 4ms 14 ms
C 4ms 14ms
Fig. 12. Sequential closing. Network and results at the receivin-g end. Line energizing: 180-mile line,
transposed at 60 and 120 miles. RLC for 60 Hz.
Power Apparatus and Systems, vol. 83, pp. 1116-1137, Novem- R,=Or) -SOns R,=1000 -SOns
ber 1964.
[18] A. I. Dolginov, A. I. Stupel', and S. L. Levina, "Algorithm
L... ["J.
and programme for a digital computer study of electromagnetic
transients occurring in power system" (in Russian), Elektri- _ I I I_' " I I EI:]=--
chestvo, no. 8, pp. 23-29, 1966; English transl. in Elec. Technol. R,=3000 -SOns Rd=500S , 50 ns
.n,rntnnn 4-sc.
O 2jus
1~~~~~~~~ . . .. .. .+.R
Fig. 18. Oscillograms from the voltage breakdown of a 80-cm rod-rod Fig. 19. Calculated voltages in different points and gap current at
gap (temperature: 20'C, 716 mm Hg); horizontal deflection 10-6 breakdown according to Fig. 17. (a)-voltage of capacitive divider;
seconds/division. (a) Capacitive divider: 138 kV per vertical (b)-gap current j(t); (c)-gap voltage u(t.
division. (b) Damped capacitive divider: 183 kV per division.
(c) Current shunt: 1060 amperes per vertical division.
up to the time (t -
in (16a). Since the solution in connection with (15) would be of the In order to start the process, in (24) a certain initial value of int(1-1
quadratic type, it was found sufficient to linearize the problem and is needed. This means in physical terms, that by some predischarges
take the resistance of the previous time step (t - At): the gap must have been ionized and thus assumed some conductivity.
Experience has shown that for a start the value of R(t-,t) might be
chosen a thousand times higher than the biggest resistance in the
int(R-2( . (j att) + j(t-AO) .24 circuit.
judgment in selecting an equivalent model as it does for the useful- the triangularized matrix, and finally the elements Y'k,k, Y'k k+k+, -
ness of the computer program. Their effort to include the dynamic of this transformed row are added in packed form to the triangular-
law of spark gaps into the program should be of interest to high- ized matrix. In a way, the method does have a built-in tearing
voltage engineers. feature similar to diacoptics in cases involving lines with distributed
As to the specific questions raised, it is felt that the sparsity parameters, which disconnect the network topologically. This dis-
technique used (optimally ordered elimination with packed storage connection is more than tearing in diacoptics, since it is a true dis-
of nonzero elements only) is more efficient than the method of connection where no reconnection effect has to be introduced at a
diacoptics. It was probably not made clear in the paper that the later stage of the algorithm. Thus, the use of a stub-line representa-
matrix [Y] is never built explicitly. Rather, a branch table is used tion for the inductance in Fig. 17 with surge impedance Z = L/At
to store the information for the matrix [Y]. As indicated in Fig. 20 and travel time r = At, might reduce the storage requirements
for the kth elimination step, the original row k is built from a search beyond those already achieved through sparsity. The possibility to
of the branch table (therefore, only one working row is necessary), change At during the computation would indeed be desirable. It is a
then the elements to the left of the diagonal are eliminated with the straightforward programming task, involving changes of [Y]. Due
information contained in the already available rows 1, *, k - 1 of to lack of time, it has not been incorporated so far.
Abstract-A unified approach to load-flow, minimum-loss, and The load-flow problem [1], [2] was first solved by a simplified
economic dispatching problems is presented. A load-flow solution Newton-Raphson approach which involved the power system
is shown to coincide with the minimum of a function of the power nodal admittance matrix. As the equations are not quadratic,
system equations. An unconstrained minimization method, developed the simplified approach together with an iterative process was
by Fletcher-Powell, is used to solve the load-flow probl m. The
method always finds a solution or indicates the nonexistence of a justified. Later [3] an iterative Gauss-Seidel approach was
solution. Its performance is highly independent of the reference- successfully used. Further improvements were based on using
slack bus position and requires no acceleration factors. Several con- the nodal impedance matrix [4] and the mesh impedance
strained minimization techniques that solve the minimum-loss and matrix [5]. More recently Newton's technique has been used
economic dispatching problems are investigated. These include the [6], [7] claiming extremely rapid convergence. Even if much
Fiacco-McCormick, Lootsma, and Zangwill methods. The technique progress has been made in load-flow analysis, there are situations
finally recommended is shown to be an extension of the method which cause difficulties in obtaining solutions with some of these
used to solve the load-flow problem. The approved IEEE test sys- methods. The position of the reference-slack bus, the choice of
tems, and other systems whose response to conventional methods acceleration factors, the existence of negative line reactances, a
was known, have been solved.
large ratio of long-to-short line reactance for lines terminatinig
in the same bus, and certain types of radial systems are the
INTRODUCTION cause of much instability in methods of solution of the load-flow
problem. When a divergent solution is obtained, it is not clear
whether the divergence has been due to instability in the method
UCH WORK has been done in the fields of load-flow used or to the fact that there may not be a solution at all. The
analysis and economic dispatching; some papers have pre- methods presented in this paper are quite insensitive to many
sented methods that obtain a minimum-loss solution. Each of of the factors which cause instability to existing methods and
these problems has been solved independently from the others. give a definite answer as to whether a solution exists or not.
The methods discussed in this paper present a unified approach The approach is based'on the construction of a function of the
which demonstrates that all three problems fall into a single power-system equations, whose minimum coincides with the
class of optimization problems. solution of the equations.
The minimum-loss problem has also been solved in various
Paper 68 TP 673-PWR, recommended and approved by the ways. The first approach to the problem was to solve the eco-
Power System Engineering Committee of the IEEE Power Group nomic dispatching problem minimizing losses at the same time.
for presentation at the IEEE Summer Power Meeting, Chicago,
Ill., June 23-28, 1968. Manuscript submitted February 7, 1968; This ignored the possibility of minimizing losses by an optimal
made available for printing May 14, 1968. use of the reactive capabilities of the system as a whole. It is
The author is with the Imperial College of Science and Tech- from the second point of view that this paper considers the
nology, London, England, and the Instituto Teenologico y de
Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Monterrey, N. L., Mexico. minimum-loss problem. One of the first attempts [8] was to