Electrical Power and Energy Systems: Sciencedirect
Electrical Power and Energy Systems: Sciencedirect
Electrical Power and Energy Systems: Sciencedirect
Politecnico di Milano, Dipartimento di Elettronica Informazione e Bioingegneria, Piazza Leonardo da vinci, 32 I-20133 Milano, Italy
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106, USA
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, CMA 02139, USA
Keywords: Distribution grids probabilistic analysis is an essential step in order to assess the daily network operability under
Distribution network uncertain and stress conditions. It is also functional to the development of new services that require load growth
Load uncertainty capacity or to the exploitation of new energy resources affected by uncertainty. Efficient numerical tools able to
Polynomial chaos forecast the possible scenarios while accounting for loads and sources uncertainty are thus of paramount im-
Probabilistic load flow
portance. The majority of available uncertainty-aware predictive tools are based on Monte Carlo analysis which
Variability analysis
allows probabilistic evaluations of the network state at the price of time consuming simulations. In this paper, a
much more efficient simulation framework is presented. The proposed approach relies on the generalized
Polynomial Chaos algorithm and deterministic Power Flow analysis and allows achieving an at least 100× ac-
celeration compared to standard Monte Carlo analysis for the same accuracy.
1. Introduction loads (i.e. variations in the active power demands at the different
phases of the network) a great number of MC runs is needed to achieve
Distribution networks probabilistic analysis is key to the develop- a satisfactory statistical description. In fact, even though loads un-
ment of new services and ways to exploit the electrical infrastructures. certainty can commonly be modeled as Gaussian distributed parameters
Most of such new services are associated to the low-voltage (LV) dis- [8] the nonlinear nature of the load flow problem leads to state variable
tribution network. Promising services are those related to the charging variations, e.g. maximum voltage at nodes or lines current, that are
of vehicles, the decentralization of resources and the diffusion of new nonGaussian-distributed. In this case, the statistical information about
consumption patterns [1]. The widespread diffusion of such facilities is mean value and variance of an electric variable is not enough to de-
expected to introduce a significant variability/uncertainty of power scribe it properly and the detailed Probability Density Function (PDF)
load profiles compared to those of conventional users. For instance, the shape is required for further meaningful inferences. The accurate de-
increase of electric vehicles, especially considering their usage as sto- termination of PDF with MC method can require tens of thousands load
rage systems, will presumably stress the physical limits (e.g., the flow analyses thus becoming very time consuming. Other approximate
maximum current capability) of the lines. Due to the limited number of techniques for PLF analysis exhist, such as the Point Estimate method
monitoring devices that are commonly deployed along the LV feeders, a and the Cumulant Tensor (CT) [9–15]. However, commonly such
comprehensive view of the overall network state requires the support of techniques do not provide the detailed PDF shape which is instead re-
effective computational tools able to predict bus voltages and line quired in our analysis.
currents under variable loading conditions [2–4]. Computational tools In order to address the above issues, in this paper we describe an
should be able to deal with the uncertainty of power loads and the innovative approach to PLF analysis which is based on generalized
trends of variation [5–7]. These techniques, commonly referred to as Polynomial Chaos (gPC) algorithm and Stochastic Testing (ST) method
Probabilistic Load Flow (PLF) analysis, consist in using appropriate [16–19]. The relevant features of the proposed approach are: (a) the
probabilistic models for the power load profiles as well as in replacing implementation of the gPC + ST method does not need to modify the
deterministic load flow simulation with statistical Monte Carlo (MC) code of the deterministic load flow solver employed; (b) gPC + ST
analysis. method allows handling strongly nonlinear problems, as it is the case
In order to account for the interplay of many independent uncertain for PLF formulated in terms of node voltages and powers, and with
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: giambattista.gruosso@polimi.it (G. Gruosso).
Received 13 March 2018; Received in revised form 10 October 2018; Accepted 21 October 2018
0142-0615/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
G. Gruosso et al. Electrical Power and Energy Systems 106 (2019) 392–400
many independent statistical parameters. a given Probability Density Function (PDF) r ( r ) [22]. Due to the un-
In this paper, we provide the following original contributions: certainty of the power loads applied to the candidate nodes, each ob-
servable variable describing the state of the network at time t, e.g. the
1. we present in an intuitive way the application of the gPC + ST magnitude of the nth node voltage Vn (t ) = Vn (t ) , becomes a stochastic
method to the PLF problem by considering data-based uncertainty in variable that depends on the uncertainties vector, i.e.
the load profiles;
Vn t , = Vn t , . In conventional MC implementations, the sta-
2. we describe a simulation framework where the gPC + ST algorithm,
implemented in Matlab, is interfaced with the deterministic load
flow solver OpenDSS [20,21], to prove how the metodology is not- tistical description of Vn t, is achieved by generating a very large
invasive and doesn’t require a direct access to the simulation kernel; 1 2 Nmc
3. we show how the proposed method can be exploited to predict the number Nmc of uncertainty vectors , , …, according to the
detailed probability distribution of monitor variables (e.g. Voltages, joint probability distribution of variables in . At time instant tm , For
Currents, Voltage Unbalance or whatever else is needed to be ob- k
served) in the IEEE European low voltage test feeder while ac- each vector , the physical quantity Vn t, , sampled in time over
counting for the interplay of variability in the three phase loads. the tm , can be evaluated by running one deterministic LF analysis. As
the number Nmc of evaluations grows, at limit tending to infinity, the
The above contributions are organized as follows. In Section 2, we distribution of values provided by LF analyses tends to the statistical
review some background material about deterministic load flow ana- distribution of Vn (t ) . However, due to the slow 1/ Nmc convergence rate
lysis and its probabilistic extension with Monte Carlo method. In Sec- of MC method, the number of repeated LF simulations actually needed
tion 3, we describe load uncertainty modeling while in Sections 4 and 5, to obtain a satisfactory statistical description of Vn (t ) (i.e., the detailed
we illustrate the gPC method and its computation details. The im- shape of its PDF) can be very large. The PLF problem is made parti-
plementation and simulation frame are discussed in Section 6. Finally, cularly critical by the nonlinear nature of Eqs. (1). In this case in fact,
Sections 7 and 8 report details about the considered test network and Gaussian-distributed parameters can result in network state variables
the related numerical results.
Vn being not Gaussian distributed. A qualitative example of non
2. Background material: Probabilistic load flow with Monte Carlo Gaussian-distributed variable is shown in Fig. 1. The statistical in-
method ference about the variability interval (with a certain confidence level)
2.1. Deterministic load flow of the network observable Vn requires the complete information
about PDF distribution and it cannot only rely on mean value and
We consider the model of a distribution network made of N buses, variance. As a result, even in the case of a few uncertainty parameters
represented by nodes, and connected by Nl lines described by their (e.g. 2 or 3), several tens of thousands deterministic LF analyses are
impedances. At each candidate node (a candidate is a node of the required, making MC approach time consuming.
network in wich we assign the power load profile), equipment are
connected that may supply or remove power from the electric network.
3. Modeling load uncertainty
This is described by power profiles assigned to the candidate nodes (e.g
it is possible to choose the number of the nodes subjected to the var-
Current practice in probabilistic load modeling relies on an ob-
iation). Deterministic load flow analysis consists in calculating Voltages
servational approach where power profile datasets for different type of
and Currents by solving a set of nonlinear equations of the type:
utilities, area, and time periods are collected and analyzed in order to
extract the relevant information that should be reproduced in simula-
Fn (V ) = Sn Vn Yni V i = 0
(1) tions. The theme of loads or energy resources forecasting is a great issue
that goes beyond the scope of this article. There are several approaches
for n = 1, …, N . In (1), Sn = Pn + jQn denotes the complex power at to forecast load variation with most of them being based on users be-
node n where Pn and Qn are the active and reactive powers respectively, havior analysis [23,24] or on historical data [25], that could be used to
Vn is the node voltage phasor, while Yni are the entries of the bus ad- improve the probabilistic analysis. Here we will suppose to start from
mittance matrix. Node voltage phasors are collected into vector V . the loads presented in the IEEE European low voltage test feeder [26]
Network terminations are specified at the buses by imposing the introducing for each of them, or for groups of loads, a variation de-
known active and reactive powers Pn, Qn absorved or delivered by scribed by a statistical parameter. In order to account for the potential
loads. Load conditions vary in time and thus the associated powers growth or reduction in the power demand, we adopt the following
become function of time, Pn (t ), Qn (t ). Let us consider a given time expression for the active power at nth node in the network:
window (e.g. a day or a week), that is discretized into a sequence of
Ntimes equally-spaced time instants tm = m · t , over which the load Pn (t ) = pn0 (t )[1 + n
p p]
profiles are given. Node voltage waveforms Vn (t ) are calculated by re-
peatedly solving the nonlinear problem (1) over the sequence of time
instants tm . In doing that, the network state computed at time tm is used
as the solver initialization at next time tm + 1.
r that can be collected in the vector = 1, 2, …, l . More details Fig. 1. Qualitative example of a nonGaussian-distributed state variable in the
about probabilistic load modeling will be provided in the next section. network: the area beneath the curve, over a given interval, provides the
Mathematically, each r is a zero-mean stochastic variable described by probability for that variable of falling within the interval.
G. Gruosso et al. Electrical Power and Energy Systems 106 (2019) 392–400
Pn (t ) = pn0 (t )
(Pn (t ) pn0 (t ))2 = p 0
n pn (t ). (3)
where cos( is the nominal power factor at nth node while is a zero-
n) Fig. 2. Univariate Hermite polynomials and the set of multivariate gPC basis
mean unitary-variance Gaussian-distributed statistical parameter and
functions for the case of two Gaussian-distributed parameters and
n is the scaling constant that determines the power factor degree of
= 1, 2
lows, we will generically denote as V t, one of such variable. Under whose degrees are such that i1 + i2 3 . In this example, the number Nb
G. Gruosso et al. Electrical Power and Energy Systems 106 (2019) 392–400
M= .
5.1. Galerkin Projection (GP)
Ns Ns
H1 … HNb
Galerkin projection is an intrusive numerical technique that requires
modifying the LF code (1). According to this method, a gPC expansion It is worth noting that the M only depends on the selected basis func-
of the type (5) is adopted for each unknown nodal voltage Vn (t ), i.e. tions and testing points, so that it can be precalculated, inverted and
used for any t = tm as follows:
Vn t , cin (t ) Hi ,
i=1 (10) c (tm) = M 1 V (tm). (14)
leading to Nb × N unknown cni coefficients that are complex variables. The ST method enables handling PLF problems with larger size and
Such coefficients are determined by plugging the expansions (10) into larger number of parameters. As an example, for expansion order = 3
(1) and then projecting the resulting nodal equations along the Nb basis and number of stochastic parameters l = 6, the ST method needs only
functions. This results in a very large nonlinear system of size Nb × N , repeating 84 deterministic LF analysis.
M c (t ) = V (t ), (12)
G. Gruosso et al. Electrical Power and Energy Systems 106 (2019) 392–400
Fig. 5. Topology of the IEEE LV European test feeder. The numbered nodes are some of the nodes under observation in the implemented analysis.
G. Gruosso et al. Electrical Power and Energy Systems 106 (2019) 392–400
Fig. 6. Daily time evolution of the three phases at node 898 for one of the
testing points.
7. Test network
G. Gruosso et al. Electrical Power and Energy Systems 106 (2019) 392–400
Fig. 8. Detail of the distributions of the Phase-C peak value supplied by gPC and Fig. 11. Case with 6 Uniformly-distributed statistical parameters. PDFs for the
MC (5000 samples) methods. peak values of voltage at node 898 for the three phases A, B, C.
Table 2
Simulation times.
2 variables 3 variables 6 variables
Number of simulations 10 20 84
Total time elapsed [s] 40 80 336
Time per simulation [s] 4 4 4
VAB + a ·VBC + a2· VCA
Vp = ,
3 (17)
where VAB, VBC , VCA are the phasors of the unbalanced line voltages
while a = exp(j 120°) and a2 = exp(j 240°) .
8. Numerical results
G. Gruosso et al. Electrical Power and Energy Systems 106 (2019) 392–400
generated in the statistical space and for each one of them a determi- Legendre-chaos polynomials [16].
nistic load flow analysis is performed. Fig. 6 reports the waveforms of Finally, in Table 2 we report the simulation times of the proposed
the three phase voltages at node 898, used here as the monitoring point, variability analysis for the cases l = 2, l = 3 and l = 6 statistical para-
simulated with OpenDSS in one of the testing points (i.e. for a given set meters. The simulation times are dominated by the deterministic load
of parameters ). Such waveforms exhibit sharp fluctuations over the flow simulation with OpenDSS. For the case with l = 3 parameters, one
considered time window with peaks (maxima) and valleys (minima) deterministic load flow analysis takes about 4 s and the whole varia-
that are significantly affected by the potential growth or reduction of bility analysis is completed in about 5 min. By contrast, the same ana-
the loads. The probabilistic evaluation of the achievable daily peak and lysis performed with the reference Monte Carlo method require about
minimum is thus crucial in order to assess the quality of the service 5000 load flow analyses and takes more than 5 h.
provided by the distribution infrastructure. To this aim, with the pro-
posed gPC + ST method we calculate the detailed statistical distribu- 9. Conclusion
tion of the peak and minimum values in each node. As an example,
Fig. 7 shows the statistical distribution of the peak value of voltage at In this paper, we have described an innovative simulation frame-
node 898 for the three phases. For the assumed loads uncertainty, the work for the probabilistic analysis of power distribution networks
peak value of Phase A exhibits wide variability with an almost Gaussian subject to load uncertainty. Our approach employes generalized
distribution. In fact, the peak of Phase A ranges within the interval Polynomial Chaos (gPC) algorithm and Stochastic Testing (ST) method
(254, 257) V with 90% probability. The peak values of Phase B and Phase combined with the deterministic load flow solver OpenDSS. We have
C, fluctuate within narrower intervals, i.e. about (252.5, 254) V, how- shown how the proposed method enables deriving in a very efficient
ever their distributions are nonGaussian. This is due to the nonlinear way the detailed information about the variability of a subset of electric
nature of the LF problem. variables and figure of merits that are relevant for the quality of service.
Similarly the statistical distributions of minimum voltage at the The speed up factor in computation is about 100× compared to standard
same node shows as the greatest variability is seen for the minimum Monte Carlo simulations.
value of Phase B that fluctuates into the interval (230, 243) V with 90%
probability. References
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