Artigo Using A Personal Computer To Teach Power System Transients
Artigo Using A Personal Computer To Teach Power System Transients
Artigo Using A Personal Computer To Teach Power System Transients
ABSTRACT - This paper presents a state variable technique One popular computer program utilized by the electric
for teaching power system transients using a personal utility industry is the Electromagnetics Transients Program
computer. Transmission lines are divided into a series of (EMTP) [I], which is based on the ideas of Dommel 12-41.
pi-section segments. Each segment consists of a series Simple equivalent networh,,are derived for all components in
resistance and inductance and a shunt conductance and the system. Nodal equations are formulated for the system
capacitance. Using this line representation, a state model is represented by the equivalent networks. The transient is
formulated for the power system using the capacitor voltages calculated through repeat solutions of these nodal equations.
and inductor currents as the state variables. The state Since EMTP is not user friendly, the student can easily become
equations describing the system are transformed to a set of frustrated with it. In addition, EMTP requires an extensive
linear difference equations through the use of trapezoidal background in power system analysis and will overwhelm the
integration. The state variables are updated by solving this set beginning student. Glover and Sarma [5] present a technique
of equations. Nonlinear elements such as surge arresters may similar to that used in EMTP for the solution of transient
be included in the analysis. The technique presented here problems. Their computer program is much more user friendly
utilizes the student's knowledge of network theory and is easily than EMTP and, therefore, is much easier for the student to
implemented on a personal computer. use. The classical lattice diagram technique [5,6,10] may be
used in a study of transients. This technique uses an
KEYWORDS: education, personal computer, state variables, approximation to the travelling wave equation. The student
power system transients needs to understand the concepts of reflection coefficients and
impedance matching, which are not network concepts. In
INTRODUCTION addition, it is very difficult to incorporate resistive effects.
Electromagnetic transients in power systems may be The lattice technique appears to be more difficult to
produced by switching actions, faults, or lightning strikes. implement on a computer than the concepts behind EMTP [3].
Students may investigate the effects of transients by using a The technique presented in this paper utilizes the
tiansient network analyzer or a digital computer. A transient student's background in network theory. It requires the
network analyzer requires the construction of a power system formulation of a state model for the power system. Therefore,
analog. Computer-based transient analysis techniques the student only needs a course in network theory as a
necessitate developing a mathematical model to describe the prerequisite. Many network textbooks such as [7] present
transient behavior of the power system. These techniques are techniques for deriving state models for networks. The state
especially attractive for student investigation of transient variables are selected to be the capacitor voltages and inductor
phenomena because of the availability of low cost personal currents in the network. The state equations describing the
computers. This paper presents a state variable technique network can be written in the form
which can be used to teach a senior elective course in power
system transients using the personal computer.
& = A s + Bu
mat,rix which is constant for a fixed time step T. The vector
x[(k+l)T] is solved for by either finding the inverse of A ' or
performing an LU factorization of A' to preserve the sparsity.
The latter is utilized in this paper because of the special
2 2
structure of the A' matrix. Since A' is constant for a fixed
time step, it is only factored once at tlie beginning of the
simulation. The right hand side of (2) is recalculated at each
time step. Figure 1. Pi-network section for transmission line
Nonlinear devices such as surge arresters are a part of The 11 pi-networks are connected in series as shown in
electromagnetic transient studies. In [4], an iterative Figure 2 to form the transmission line model. Note that the
procedure is utilized to find a solution when a nonlinear device shunt elements of adjacent pi-networks are combined in
is present in the system. In this paper the nonlinear device is parallel. The capacitor voltages and inductor currents are
treated as a piecewise linear resistaiice. The A matrix is designated as the state variables. Examination of Figure 2
formrilatetl in symbolic form and is evaluated for tlie different indicates that the state equations for the transmission line
values of the piecewise linear resisthiice. All A and A ' matrices have a special structure. The state for each of the shunt
are evaluated and factored or inverted before simulation capacitors is affected only by the two inductors connected to it
begins. and the capacitor itself. This will be demonstrated more
This state variable technique is easily implemented on clearly with an example system in a later section.
the personal computer. The student only needs a routine to
solve (2). Sparsity techniques can be ut,ilized in t,he LU
fact,orization of A' to reduce memory requircmeiits. Since A ' SOLUTION PROCEDURE
only iiceds to be factored once and iterative procedures are The model of the transmission line presented in the
unnecessary, the transient may be calculated quickly on a previous section is combined with other component models.
personal computer. This technique is illustrat,ed with a simple State equations are formulated for the system and can be
example. written in the form of (1). This set of linear ordinary
differential equations is transformed into a set of linear
TRANSMISSION LINE MOnEI, difference equations using trapezoidal integration [8]. If T is
The state variable technique discnssed here requires an the time step, equation (1) becomes
equivalent network from which state equations can be written.
The transmission line is modeled as an interconnection of n
pi-networks. Each pi-network contains a series resistance and
inductance and a shunt conductance and capacitance as seen in
Figure 1. RI, L', C', and G' are the resistance, inductance,
Ax[k+l] + Bu[k+l] + Ag[k] + Bu[k]
The indices k and k + l are utilized to indicate the values of
conductance, and capacitance per unit length, respectively, of or at time t=kT or t = ( k + l ) T , respectively. Rearranging (3)
the transmission line. The resistance and inductance for each yields
pi-network are determined by dividing the total resistance and
inductance for the line by the number of pi-networks n. The
shunt conductance and capacitance for each pi-network are
determined in the same manner. One half of the calculated
values is assigned to each end of the pi-network in Figure 1.
If the inputs 11 are known for all discrete points in time Since the surge arrester and transformer are connected to
t=kT for k = 0, 1, 2 . . ., x[k+l] can be determined using (4). one end of the transmission line, the shunt conductance and
Define capacitance at the end of the line in Figure 2 become (G/2 +
l / R A ) and (C/2 + CT), respectively. If the state equations
are formulated such that the odd-numbered state variables
correspond to capacitor voltages and the even-numbered state
variables correspond to inductor currents, the following A
matrix results
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..,,1,,.1111111,,,illlll,,l,,l,l,l,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,.,,~~ , . , , , 1
! I
surge arrester voltage drops below 55 kV. Figure 4 shows the can be determined by repetitively solving this set of linear
results of this simulation. Figures 3 and 4 compare favorably equations. This technique can be easily implemented by the
with the results given in [5] and with results obtained from student on a personal computer. A subroutine to solve a set of
EM T I’ . linear equations is all the student needs. The technique can
also be extended to include nonlinear elements such as surge
CONCLUSION arresters.
This paper has presented a state variable technique for
teaching power system transients. Transmission lines are ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
inodeled as a cascade connection of pi-networks. Using this This work was supported by NASA through the Commercial
line model and other component models, the student can Center for the Development of Space at Auburn University.
formulate a state model for the power system using elementary
network theory. The state equations are converted to a set of
linear difference equations using trapezoidal integration. If the
inputs are known for all time, the response of the power system