C1 Optimal Overcurrent Relay Coordination in Distribution Networks
C1 Optimal Overcurrent Relay Coordination in Distribution Networks
C1 Optimal Overcurrent Relay Coordination in Distribution Networks
Distribution Networks
Mert Bekir Atsever Ozgur Karacasu Mehmet Hakan Hocaoglu
Department of Electronics Engineering Marmara Research Centre Department of Electrical-Electronics Engineering
Gebze Technical University TUBITAK Istanbul Commerce University
Kocaeli, TURKEY Kocaeli, TURKEY Istanbul, TURKEY
mbatsever@gtu.edu.tr ozgur.karacasu@tubitak.gov.tr mhhocaoglu@ticaret.edu.tr
Abstract—Over-current relay coordination plays a critical role proper constraints. In 1988, Urdaneta [1] proposed optimum
for effective protection of networks since primary protection is relay coordination for three-bus power systems by setting
based on over-current detection in distribution systems. Thus, IP as constant values and solving optimal TDS settings via
optimal relay coordination must be ensured between relays
in faulted condition, providing selectivity and fast operation. linear programming (LP). Although, LP have some advantages
Therefore, relay coordination can be designed as an optimization such as simple solution procedures and faster convergence
problem with highly constrained equations in such networks. time, better results may be obtained in other IP settings
Linear programming, which is simple to be implemented and by setting IP values as variables and applying non-linear
requires less computation time when compared other optimisa- programming (NLP) techniques. However, results may fall
tion techniques, is widely employed for solving relay coordination
problems. To achieve faster and selective protection a number into local optimum since single point search methods or IP
of optimisation algorithms have, also, been customised for the value may not be suitable setting for relay type [2]. Thus,
purpose. Water Cycle Algorithm (WCA) is among them and has optimization problem formulated between suitable relay IP
promising results, already, depicted in the literature. settings. That convert the optimization problem to a mixed
However, capacitive currents may jeopardize traditional opti- integer non-linear programming (MINLP) problem [3]- [4].
misation process for earth faults. Thus, in this paper, performance
analysis is carried out for earth faults in sample distribution For optimizing relay coordination problem, heuristics and
networks constructed with overhead lines and underground swarm based/nature inspired meta-heuristic methods have,
cables, separately. The results show that in cabled networks, also, been implemented. These meta heuristic methods can
additional constraints are needed for the optimisation process be listed as; evolutionary algorithm [5], genetic algorithm [6],
to provide selectivity. Consequently, optimal relay settings and seeker algorithm [7], chaotic firefly algorithm [8], gravitational
selective protection are ensured by adding proper constraints into
optimisation problem in this paper. search algorithm [9], grey-wolf optimization [10], root tree
Index Terms—relay coordination, optimization, water cycle algorithm [11], particle swarm optimization [12], electromag-
algorithm, earth fault netic field optimization [13], hybridized whale optimization al-
gorithm [14], water cycle algorithm (WCA) [15]. Performance
I. I NTRODUCTION analysis of some meta-heuristic optimization approaches can,
Distribution systems may face faults or abnormal condi- also, be found in [16]. A good and recent review of this
tions that can be hazardous for system safety and supply methods is provided in [17].
security. However, there is no global solution to prevent In this paper, optimal relay coordination in distribution
faults occurrence or in other words, fully uninterrupted power networks for earth faults is carried out implementing WCA.
delivery is an impossible mission in a foreseeable future. Results are compared with traditional LP techniques. Two dif-
Thus, main feature of distribution system protection is to ferent case studies are selected to apply both method;i.e. WCA
locate and isolate the system faults without affecting other and LP. First case study represents typical rural distributions
system components. Over-current protection relays constitute networks, constructed with over head lines whose phase-to
the brain of the system since the over-current protection is earth capacitance is negligible. Second case represents typical
the primary protection strategy in distribution networks also urban network with underground cables and has high phase-
back-up protection for the distance protection in transmission to earth capacitances. In this scenario, capacitive currents
systems. circulate in the system under earth fault conditions and effects
To minimize hazardous effects of the faults, it is required the current magnitudes seen by the relays. Thus, traditional
that they should be isolated as quickly and selectively as optimisation constraints may fail on preserving selectivity. To
possible. The selectivity and fast isolation can be achieved ensure selectivity, additional constraints added to the opti-
through optimal coordination between protection relays during mization process. Earth fault simulations carried out using
the faults. Mostly, optimal relay coordination includes two ATP/EMTP (Alternative Transient Program/ElectroMagnetic
parameters to optimize; Time Dial Setting (TDS) and PSM Transient Program) which is highly capable of modelling
(Plug Setting Multiplier) or pick-up current setting (IP ) with overhead lines and underground cables based on their electrical
20 km F4
F5 Bus 3
TABLE IV: OPTIMAL TDS SETTINGS Results produced by WCA are compared with LP imple-
Cable Additional Constraints
mented using GAMS. Similar total operating time have been
obtained overhead lines and underground cables separately.
Both overhead lines and underground cables scenarios, system
T DS1 0.585 0.584 is protected selectively and optimally using LP and WCA.
T DS2 0.585 0.584
T DS3 0.534 0.533
T DS4 0.100 0.100 R EFERENCES
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