M. Tech. Internal Combustion Engineering
M. Tech. Internal Combustion Engineering
M. Tech. Internal Combustion Engineering
ACADEmIC rEGULATIONS (m.E. m.Tech / m.b.A. / m.C.A.) 1. Vision, mission and Objectives
1.1 The Vision of the Institute is To make everyone a success and no one a failure. In order to progress towards the vision, the Institute has identified itself with a mission to provide every individual with a conducive environment suitable to achieve his / her career goals, with a strong emphasis on personality development, and to offer quality education in all spheres of engineering, technology, applied sciences and management, without compromising on the quality and code of ethics. 1.2 Further, the institute always strives To train our students with the latest and the best in the rapidly changing fields of Engineering, Technology, Manage ment, Science & Humanities. To develop the students with a global outlook possessing, state of the art skills, capable of taking up challenging responsibilities in the respective fields. To mould our students as citizens with moral, ethical and social values so as to fulfill their obligations to the nation and the society. To promote research in the field of science, Humanities, Engineering, Technology and allied branches.
2. Admission
2.1. The admission policy and procedure shall be decided from time to time by the Board of Management (BOM) of the Institute, following guidelines issued by Ministry of Human Resource Develop ment (MHRD). Government of India. The number of seats in each branch of the (M.E. / M.B.A. / M.C.A.) programme will be decided by BOM as per the directives from Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India and taking into account the market demands. Some seats for Non Resident Indians and a few seats for Foreign nationals shall be made available. 2.2. The selected candidates will be admitted to the (M.E. / M.Tech / M.B.A. / M.C.A.) programme after he/she fulfills all the admission requirements set by the Institute and after payment of the prescribed fees. 2.3. Candidates for admission to the first semester of the Masters Degree Programme shall be required to have passed in an appropriate Degree Examination recognized by Hindustan University 2.4. In all matters relating to admission to the (M.E. / M.Tech / M.B.A. / M.C.A.). programme, the decision of the Institute and its interpretation given by the Chancellor of the Institute shall be final. 2.5. If at any time after admission, it is found that a candidate has not fulfilled any of the requirements stipulated by the Institute, the Institute may revoke the admission of the candidate with information to the Academic Council.
1.3 Our aims and objectives are focused on Providing world class education in engineering, technology, applied science and management. Keeping pace with the ever changing technological scenario to help our students to gain proper direction to emerge as competent professionals fully aware of their commitment to the society and nation.
3.5. The medium of instruction, examination and the language of the project reports will be English. 4. Faculty Advisor 4.1. To help the students in planning their courses of study and for getting general advice on the academic programme, the concerned Department will assign a certain number of students to a Faculty member who will be called their Faculty Advisor. 5. Class Committee 5.1 A Class Committee consisting of the following will be constituted by the Head of the Department for each class: (i) A Chairman, who is not teaching the class. (ii) All subject teachers of the class. (iii) Two students nominated by the department in consultation with the class. The Class Committee will meet as often as necessary, but not less than three times during a semester. The functions of the Class Committee will include: (i) Addressing problems experienced by students in the classroom and the laboratories. (ii) Analyzing the performance of the students of the class after each test and finding ways and means of addressing problems, if any.
Every (M.E./ M.Tech / M.B.A. / M.C.A.) programme will have a curriculum and syllabi for the courses approved by the Academic Council. 3.3. Each course is normally assigned certain number of credits. The following norms will generally be followed in assigning credits for courses. One credit for each lecture hour per week per semester; One credit for each tutorial hour per week per semester; One credit for each laboratory practical (drawing) of three (two) hours per week per semester. One credit for 4 weeks of industrial training and One credit for 4 hours of project per week per semester 3.4. For the award of degree, a student has to earn certain minimum total number of credits specified in the curriculum of the relevant branch of study. The curriculum of the different programs shall be so designed that the minimum prescribed credits required for the award of the degree shall be within the limits specified below.
(iii) During the meetings, the members shall express the and suggestions of the class to improve the teaching / process. 6. Grading
6.4 Raw marks will be moderated by a moderation board appointed by the Vice Chancellor of the University. The final marks will be graded using absolute grading system. The Constitution and composition of the moderation board will be dealt with separately. 7. registration and Enrollment 7.1 Except for the first semester, registration and enrollment will be done in the beginning of the semester as per the schedule announced by the University. 7.2 A student will be eligible for enrollment only if he/she satisfies regulation 10 (maximum duration of the programme) and will be permitted to enroll if (i) he/she has cleared all dues in the Institute, Hostel & Library up to the end of the previous semester and (ii) he/she is not debarred from enrollment by a disciplinary action of the University. 7.3. Students are required to submit registration form duly filled in. 8. registration requirement 8.1. A full time student shall not register for less than 16 credits or more than 24 credits in any 12 given semester. 8.2 If a student finds his/her load heavy in any semester, or for any other valid reason, he/she may withdraw from the courses within three weeks of the commencement of the semester with the written approval of his/her Faculty Advisor and HOD. However the student should ensure that the total number of credits registered for in any semester should enable him/her to earn the minimum number of credits per semester for the completed semesters. 9. minimum requirement to continue the programme 9.1 For those students who have not earned the minimum required credit
6.1 A grading system as below will be adhered to. Range of Marks 95-100 85 - 94 75- 84 65-74 55-64 50-54 < 50 Letter Grade S A B C D E U I (Incomplete) 6.2 GpA & CGpA GPA is the ratio of the sum of the product of the number of credits Ci of course i and the grade points Pi earned for that course taken over all courses i registered by the student to the sum of Ci for all i . That is,
Grade points 10 09 08 07 06 05 00 --
Ci i CGPA will be calculated in a similar manner, at any semester, considering all the courses enrolled from first semester onwards.
6.3. For the students with letter grades W / I in certain subjects, the same will not be included in the computation of GPA and CGPA until after those grades are converted to the regular grades S to U.
Ci Pi
prescribed for that particular semester examination, awarring letter to the concerned student and also to his parents regarding the shortage of this credit will be sent by the HOD after the announcement of the results of the university examinations. 10. maximum duration of the programme The minimum and maximum period for the completion of various programs are given below. program M.E . M,Tech M.B.A. (Full Time) M.B.A. (Part Time) M.C.A. min. max. No. of No. of Semesters Semesters 4 4 6 6 8 8 10 12
(Academic) to recommend to the Vice Chancellor the implementation of the decision. The student concerned may appeal to the Vice Chancellor whose decision will be final. The Dean (Academic) will report the action taken at the next meeting of the Council. 12.3. Ragging and harassment of women are strictly prohibited in the University campus and hostels. 13. Attendance 13.1. A student whose attendance is less than 75% is not eligible to appear for the end semester examination for that course. The details of all students who have attendance less than 75% will be announced by the teacher in the class. These details will be sent to the concerned HODs and Dean. 13.2. Those who have 75% or more attendance for the period other than their medical leave will be considered for condonation of shortage of attendance provided the overall attendance in the course including the period of illness does not fall below 65%. Application for condonation recommended by the Faculty Advisor, concerned faculty member and the HOD is to be submitted to the Dean who, depending on the merit of the case, may permit the student to appear for the end semester examination. A student will be eligible for this concession at most in two semesters during the entire degree programme. Application for medical leave, supported by medical certificate with endorsement by a Registered Medical Officer, should reach the HOD within seven days after returning from leave or, on or before the last instructional day of the semester, whichever is earlier. 13.3. As an incentive to those students who are involved in extra curricular activities such as representing the University in Sports and Games,
11. Temporary discontinuation 11.1. A student may be permitted by the Dean to discontinue temporarily from the programme for a semester or a longer period for reasons of ill health or other valid reasons. Normally a student will be permitted to discontinue from the programme only for a maximum duration of two semesters. 12. Discipline 12.1. Every student is required to observe discipline and decorous behavior both in-side and outside the campus and not to indulge in any activity which will tend to bring down the prestige of the University. 12.2. Any act of indiscipline of a student reported to the Dean (Academic) will be referred to a Discipline Committee so constituted. The Committee will enquire into the charges and decide on suitable punishment if the charges are substantiated. The committee will also authorize the Dean
Cultural Festivals, and Technical Festivals, NCC/ NSS events, a relaxation of up to 10% attendance will be given subject to the condition that these students take prior approval from the officer in-charge. All such applications should be recommended by the concerned HOD and forwarded to Dean within seven instructional days after the programme/activity. 14. Assessment procedure 14.1. The Academic Council will decide from time to time the system of tests and examinations in each subject in each semester. 14.2. For each theory course, the assessment will be done on a continuous basis as follows:
Duration of Test / Exam 1 Period 1 Period 2 Periods 3 Hours
concerned within five days after he / she missed examination, giving reasons for absence. 15.2. Permission to appear for make-up examination/periodical test will be given under exceptional circumstances such as admission to a hospital due to illness. Students should produce a medical certificate issued by a Registered Medical Practitioner certifying that he/she was admitted to hospital during the period of examination / periodical test and the same should be duly endorsed by parent/guardian and also by a medical officer of the University within 5 days. 15.3. The student will be allowed to make up at the most two out of three periodical tests and end semester examination. 16. project evaluation 16.1. For Project work, the assessment will be done on a continuous basis as follows: Review / Exam First Review Second Review Third Review End semester Exam Weightage 10% 20% 20% 50%
Test / Exam First Periodical Test Second Periodical Test Third Periodical Test End Semester Examination
14.3. For practical courses, the assessment will be done by the subject teachers as below: (i) Weekly assignment/Observation note book / lab records weightage 60%. (ii) End semester examination of 3 hours duration including viva weightage 40%. 15. make up Examination/periodical Test 15.1. Students who miss the end-semester examinations / periodical test for valid reasons are eligible for make-up examination /periodical test. Those who miss the endsemester examination / periodical test should apply to the Head of the Department
For end semester exam, the student will submit a Project Report in a format specified by the Dean. The first three reviews will be conducted by a Committee constituted by the Head of the Department. The end semester exam will be conducted by a Committee constituted by the Controller of Examinations. This will include an external expert. 17. Declaration of results 17.1 A candidate who secures not less than 50% of total marks prescribed for a course with a minimum of 50% of the
marks prescribed for the end semester examination shall be declared to have passed the course and earned the specified credits for the course. 17.2 After the valuation of the answer scripts, the tabulated results are to be scrutinized by the Result Passing Boards of UG and PG programmes constituted by the Vice-Chancellor. The recommendations of the Result Passing Boards will be placed before the Standing Sub Committee of the Academic Council constituted by the Chancellor for scrutiny. The minutes of the Standing Sub Committee along with the results are to be placed before the ViceChancellor for approval. After getting the approval of the Vice-Chancellor, the results will be published by the Controller of Examination/Registrar. 17.3 If a candidate fails to secure a pass in a course due to not satisfying the minimum requirement in the end semester examination, he/she shall register and reappear for the end semester examination during the following semester. However, the internal marks secured by the candidate will be retained for all such attempts. 17.4 If a candidate fails to secure a pass in a course due to insufficient internal marks though meeting the minimum requirements of the end semester examination, wishes to improve on his/her internal marks, he/she will have to register for the particular course and attend the course with permission of the HOD concerned and Dean with a copy marked to the Registrar. The sessional and external marks obtained by the candidate in this case will replace the earlier result. 17.5 A candidate can apply for the revaluation of his/her end semester examination answer paper in a theory course within 2 weeks from the declaration of the results, on payment of a prescribed fee through proper application to the
Registrar/Controller of Examinations through the Head of the Department. The Registrar/ Controller of Examination will arrange for the revaluation and the results will be intimated to the candidate concerned through the Head of the Department. Revaluation is not permitted for practical courses and for project work. 18. Grade Card 18.1. After results are declared, grade sheet will be issued to each student, which will contain the following details: (i) Program and branch for which the student has enrolled. (ii) Semester of registration. (iii) List of courses registered during the semester and the grade scored. (iv) Semester Grade Point Average (GPA) (v) Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA). 19. Class / Division Classification is based on CGPA and is as follows: CGPA 8.0: First Class with distinction 6.5 CGPA < 8.0: First Class 5.0 CGPA < 6.5: Second Class. 20. Transfer of credits 20.1. Within the broad framework of these regulations, the Academic Council, based on the recommendation of the transfer of credits committee so constituted by the Chancellor may permit students to earn part of the credit requirement in other approved institutions of repute and status in the country or abroad. 20.2. The Academic Council may also approve admission of lateral entry (who hold a diploma in Engineering/ technology) candidates with advance
credit based on the recommendation of the transfer of credits committee on a case to case basis. 21. Eligibility for the award of (m.E. / m.Tech / m.b.A. / m.C.A.) Degree 21.1. A student will be declared to be eligible for the award of the (M.E. / M.Tech / M.B.A. / M.C.A.). Degree if he/she has i) registered and successfully credited all the core courses, ii) successfully acquired the credits in the different categories as specified in the curriculum corresponding to the discipline (branch) of his/her study within the stipulated time, iii) has no dues to all sections of the Institute including Hostels, and iv) has no disciplinary action pending against him/her. The award of the degree must be recommended by the Academic Council and approved by the Board of Management of the University. 22. power to modify 22.1. Notwithstanding all that has been stated above, the Academic Council has the right to modify any of the above regulations from time to time.
Sl. No Theory 1 2 3 4 5 6 MA1601 ME1630 ME1631 AT1603 AT1604 AT1605 Advanced Engineering Mathematics * Advanced Heat Transfer ** Advanced Thermodynamics ** Alternative fuels for I.C. Engines Combustion in Engines Advanced Fluid Mechanics Total 4 4 4 4 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 4 4 4 4 24 4 4 4 4 4 4 24 Course Code Course Title L T p C TCH
* Common to Aero, CAD, ICE, R&AC and Thermal ** Common to ICE, R&AC and Thermal Semester - II
Sl. No Theory 1 2 3 4 5 6 practical 7 8 AT1650 AT1651 Engine Design Lab I.C.Engines Lab Total 0 0 0 0 3 3 1 1 26 3 3 30 AT1606 AT1607 AT1608 AT1609 Electronics Engine Management Systems Engine Pollution and Control Internal Combustion Engine Design Instrumentation for Thermal Systems Elective I Elective - II 4 4 4 4 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Course Code Course Title L T p C TCH
Semester - III
Sl. No Theory 1 2 3 practical 4 5 6 AT1652 AT1653 AT1654 Seminar Industrial Training Project Work Phase - I Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 4 12 1 2 6 21 3 4 12 31 Elective III Elective - IV Elective - V 4 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 4 4 4 4 Course Code Course Title L T p C TCH
Semester - IV
Sl. No 1 Course Code AT1654 Course Title L T p C TCH
12 M.E - Internal Combustion Engg
mA1601 ADVANCED ENGINEErING mATHEmATICS (Common to Aero, CAD, r & AC, ICE and Thermal) L 4 T 0 p 0 C 4
Concept of variation and its properties- Eulers Equation-Functional dependant on first and higher order derivatives - Functional dependant on functions of several independent variablesIsoperimetric problems Direct methods-Ritz and Kantrovich methods UNIT II TrANSFOrm mETHODS 12
Laplace transform methods for one dimensional wave equation Displacements in a long string Longitudinal vibration of an elastic bar - Fourier Transform methods for one dimensional heat conduction problems in infinite and semi-infinite rod UNIT III ELLIpTIC EQUATIONS 12
Laplace equation Properties of Harmonic functions Solutions of Laplace equation by means of Fourier transform in a half plane in an infinite strip and in a semi-infinite strip UNIT IV NUmErICAL SOLUTION OF pArTIAL DIFFErENTIALEQUATIONS 12
Solution of Laplace and Poisson equation on a rectangular region by Lieebmanns method Diffusion equation by the explicit and Crank Nicolson Implicit methods Solution of wave equations by explicit scheme Cubic spline interpolation UNIT V CONFOrmAL mAppING AND AppLICATIONS 12
The Schwarz Christoffel transformation Transformation of boundaries in parametric form Physical applications - Application to fluid and heat flow TOTAL: 60 rEFErENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. Gupta, A.S., Calculus of Variations with Applications, Prentice Hall of India(P) Ltd., New Delhi, 6th print, 2006 Sankar Rao, K., Introduction to Partial Differential Equations, Prentice Hall of India (P) Ltd., New Delhi, 5th print, 2004 Jain, R.K., Iyengar, S.R.K., Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Narosa publications 2nd Edition, 2006 Grewal, B.S.,Numerical Methods in Science and Engineering, Kanna Publications, New Delhi.
M.E - Internal Combustion Engg 13
5. 6.
Kandasamy, P., Thilagavathy. K and Gunavathy, K Numerical Methods, S Chand and Co., Ltd., New Delhi, 5th Edition, 2007 Spiegel , M. R Theory and problems of Complex Variables with an Introduction to Conformal Mapping and Its applications, Schaums outline series, Mc Graw Hill Book Co., 1987.
One dimensional energy equations and boundary condition, three dimensional heat conduction equations, extended surface heat transfer, Conduction with moving boundaries, Porous-media heat transfer, Radiation in Gases and vapor. UNIT II TUrbULENT FOrCED CONVECTIVE HEAT TrANSFEr 12
Momentum and Energy Equations, Turbulent Boundary Layer Heat Transfer, Mixing length concept, Turbulence Model - k- Model, Analogy between Heat and Momentum Transfer Reynolds, Colburn, Von Karman, Turbulent flow in a Tube, High speed flows. UNIT III pHASE CHANGE HEAT TrANSFEr AND HEAT EXCHANGEr 12
Condensation with shear edge on bank of tubes, Boiling pool and flow boiling, Heat exchanger, NTU approach and design procedure, compact heat exchangers. UNIT IV NUmErICAL mETHODS IN HEAT TrANSFEr 12
Finite difference formulation of steady and transient heat condition problems Discretization schemes Explicit, Crank Nicolson and Fully implicit schemes, Control volume formulation, Steady one dimensional convection and Diffusion problems, Calculation of the flow field Simpler Algorithm. UNIT V mASS TrANSFEr AND ENGINE HEAT TrANSFEr COrrELATION 12
Mass Transfer, Vaporization of droplets, combined heat and mass transfer problems, Heat Transfer Correlations in I.C.Engines. TOTAL: 60
14 M.E - Internal Combustion Engg
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Incropera F.P. and DeWitt.D.P, Fundamentals of Heat & Mass Transfer, John Wiley & Sons, 1996. Eckert.E.R.G., and Drake.R.M, Analysis of Heat and Mass Transfer, McGraw Hill Co., 1980. Ozisik.M.N., Heat Transfer - Basic Approach, McGraw-Hill Co., 1985. Bejan.A., Convection Heat Transfer, John Wiley and Sons, 1984. Rohsenow.W.M., Harnett.J.P, and Ganic.E.N, Handbook of Heat Transfer Applications, McGraw-Hill, NY 1985. Patankar.S.V., Numerical heat Transfer and Fluid Flow, Hemisphere Publishing Corporation, 1980. Carnahan.B., Luther.H.A, and Wilkes, J.O., Applied Numerical Methods, Wiley & Sons, 1976.
Reversible work, Availability, Irreversibility and Second-Law Efficiency for a closed System and Steady-State Control Volume. Availability Analysis of Simple Cycles. Thermodynamic Potentials, Maxwell relations, Generalized relations for changes in Entropy, Internal Energy and Enthalpy, Generalized Relations for Cp and Cv, Clausius Clayperon Equation, Joule-Thomson Coefficient, Bridgman Tables for Thermodynamic relations. UNIT II rEAL GAS bEHAVIOUr AND mULTI-COmpONENT SYSTEmS 12
Different Equations of State, Fugacity, Compressibility, Principle of Corresponding States, Use of generalized charts for enthalpy and entropy departure, fugacity coefficiency, Lee-Kessler generalized three parameter tables, Fundamental property relations for systems of variable composition, partial molar properties, Real gas mixtures, Ideal solution of real gases and liquids, Activity, Equilibrium in multi phase systems, Gibbs phase rule for non-reactive components. UNIT III CHEmICAL THErmODYNAmICS AND EQUILIbrIUm 12
Thermo chemistry, First Law analysis of reacting systems, Adiabatic Flame temperature, Entropy change of reacting systems, Second Law analysis of reacting systems, Criterion for reaction equilibrium, Equilibrium constant for gaseous mixtures, evaluation of equilibrium composition,
M.E - Internal Combustion Engg 15
Microstates and Macrostates, Thermodynamic probability, Degeneracy of energy levels, Maxwell-Boltzman, Fermin-Dirac and Bose-Einstein Statistics, Microscopic Interpretation of heat and work, Evaluation of entropy, Partion function, Calculation of the Macroscopic properties from partition functions, Equilibrium constant statistical thermodynamics approach. UNIT V IrrEVErSIbLE THErmODYNAmICS 12
Conjugate Fluxes and Forces, Entropy Production Onsagers Reciprocity relations, Thermoelectric phenomena, formulations, Power Generation, Refrigeration. TOTAL: 60 rEFErENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Kenneth Wark Jr., Advanced Thermodynamics for Engineers, McGraw-Hill Inc., 1995. Bejan, A., Advanced Engineering Thermodynamics, John Wiley and Sons, 1988. Holman, J.P., Thermodynamics, Fourth Edition, McGraw-Hill Inc., 1988. Smith, J.M. and Van Ness., H.C., Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, Fourth Edition, McGraw-Hill Inc., 1987. Sonntag, R.E., and Van Wylen, G, Introduction to Thermodynamics, Classical and Statistical, Third Edition, John Wiley and Sons, 1991. Sears, F.W. and Salinger G.I., Thermodynamics, Kinetic Theory and Statistical Thermodynamics, Third Edition, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, 1993. DeHotf, R.T., Thermodynamics in Materials Science, McGraw-Hill Inc., 1993. Rao, Y.V.C., Postulational and Statistical Thermodynamics, Allied Publisher Limited, New Delhi, 1994.
Availability and Suitability to Piston Engines, Concept of conventional fuels, potential alternative fuels Ethanol, Methanol, DEE/DME Hydrogen, LPG, Natural gas, Producer gas, Bio gas and Vegetable oils Use in I.C.Engines Merits and Demerits of various fuels. UNIT II ALCOHOL FUELS 12
Properties as engine fuels Performance in S.I.Engines Alcohol & Gasoline blends Flexible Fuel Vehicle Reformed alcohols Use in C.I.Engines Emulsions Dual fuel systems Spark assisted diesel engines Surface ignition engines Ignition accelerators Manufacture of alcohol fuels. UNIT III GASEOUS FUELS 12
Hydrogen Properties Use in C.I.Engines Use in S.I.Engines Storage methods Safety precautions Production methods, Producer gas and bio gas Raw materials Gasification Properties Cleaning up the gas Use in S.I. and dual fuel engines, LPG & CNG Properties Use in S.I. and C.I.Engines. UNIT IV VEGETAbLE OILS 12
Types - Properties Biodiesel Esterification Performance in Engines UNIT V LUbrICATION FOr ALTErNATIVE FUELS 12 Concept of Lubrication and Conventional Lubricants Properties - Effect of Lubricants for alternate fuels on Lubricants and its effects. TOTAL: 60 TEXT bOOK 1. Osamu Hirao and Richard K.Pefley, Present and Future Automotive Fuels, John Wiley and Sons, 1988.
rEFErENCES 1. 2. Keith Owen and Trevor Eoley, Automotive Fuels Handbook, SAE Publications, 1990. Richard L.Bechtold, Automotive Fuels Guide Book, SAE Publications, 1997.
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Thermodynamics, concepts of combustion Combustion equations, heat of combustion Theoretical flame temperature, chemical equilibrium and dissociation. UNIT II CHEmICAL KINETICS 12
Theories of Combustion, Pre-flame reactions, Reaction rates, Laminar and Turbulent Flame Propagation in Engines. UNIT III COmbUSTION IN S.I. ENGINES 12
Initiation of combustion, flame velocities, normal and abnormal combustion, knocking combustion, pre-ignition, knock and engine variables, features and design consideration of combustion chambers, stratified charge combustion, concepts of lean burn engines, heat release correlations. UNIT IV COmbUSTION IN C.I. ENGINES 12
Various stages of combustion, vaporization of fuel droplets and spray formation, air motion, swirl, squish, tumble flow, velocities, swirl measurement, delay period correlations, diesel knock and engine variables, features and design considerations of combustion chambers, heat release correlations. UNIT V COmbUSTION IN GAS TUrbINE 12
Flame stability, re-circulation zone and requirements, Combustion chamber configuration, materials. TOTAL: 60 TEXT bOOKS 1. 2. Ganesan, V, Internal Combustion Engines, Tata McGraw Hill Book Co., 1995. John B.Heywood, Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals, McGraw Hill Book, 1998
rEFErENCES 1. 2. 3.
Ramalingam, K.K., Internal Combustion Engines, SciTech Publications (India) Pvt. Ltd., 2000. Mathur, M.L., and Sharma, R.P., A Course in Internal Combustion Engines, Dhanpat Rai Publications Pvt. New Delhi-2, 1993. Obert, E.F., Internal Combustion Engine and Air Pollution, International Text Book Publishers,
M.E - Internal Combustion Engg
1983. 4. Cohen, H, Rogers, G. E.C, and Saravanamuttoo, H.I.H., Gas Turbine Theory, Longman Group Ltd., 1980.
UNIT I INTrODUCTION 12 Ideal and non-ideal flows, general equations of fluid motion, Navier - stokes equations and their exact solutions. Boundary layer theory, wedge flows, laminar flow over plates and through cylinders. UNIT II TWO DImENTIONAL FLOW 12
Subsonic flow, physical significance of irrotational motion Kelvins theorem Differential equation in terms of velocity Potential and stream function Flow with small purtubaration flow past a wave shaped wall Gotherts rule Prandtl Glanert rule Hodograph method UNIT III TUrbULENT FLOW 12
Turbulence, models and flow equations: steady and unsteady turbulent boundary layers UNIT IV COmprESSIbLE FLOW THrOUGH DUCTS 12
Introduction to compressible viscous flow, governing equations, flow with friction - flow with neat transfer flow though nozzle and diffuser. UNIT V SHOCK WAVE 12 Normal and oblique shocks Prandtl Meyer expansion Rankine Hugnoit relation. TOTAL: 60 rEFErENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. T. Radhakrishnan, Gas Dynamics Prentice Hall, New Delhi Mohanty, A. K., Fluid Mechanics, Prentice Hall of India, 1986 Shapiro, A. F., The Dynamics of Compressible flow Vd 1, The Ronald Press Company 1963 Shames, Mechanics of Fluids, MC grow Hill 1962 Book Company 1962 Schlichting, H., Boundary layer theory MC Grow Hill Book company 1979 Yahya, Comp. Fluid Flow SEmESTEr II
M.E - Internal Combustion Engg 19
Types Air flow, Pressure, Temperature, Speed Oxygen, Detonation, Position Principle of operation, Arrangement and material. UNIT II GASOLINE INJECTION SYSTEm 12
Open loop and closed loop systems, Mono point, Multi point and direct injection systems Principles and Features, Bosch injection systems. UNIT III DIESEL INJECTION SYSTEm 12
Inline injection pump, Rotary pump and injector Construction and principle of operation, Common rail and unit injector system Construction and principle of operation. UNIT IV IGNITION SYSTEmS 12
Ignition fundamentals, Types of solid state ignition systems, high energy ignition distributors, Electronic spark timing and control. UNIT V ENGINE mAppING 12
Combined ignition and fuel management systems. Digital control techniques Dwell angle calculation, Ignition timing calculation and Injection duration calculation, Hybrid vehicles and fuel cells. TOTAL: 60 TEXT bOOKS 1. 2. Bosch Technical Instruction Booklets. Tom Denton, Automotive Electrical and Electronic Systems, Edward Amold, 1995.
rEFErENCES 1. 2. 3. Robert N.Brady, Automotive Computers and Digital Instrumentation, Prentice Hall, 1988. Duffy Smith., Auto Fuel Systems, The god Heart Willcox Company Inc., Publishers, 1987. Heinz Heisler., Advanced Engine Technology. SAE Publications, 1995.
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Atmospheric pollution from piston engines and gas turbines, Global warming. Formation of oxides of nitrogen, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbon, aldehydes and Smoke, Particulate emission, effects of pollutions on environment. UNIT II pOLLUTION mEASUrEmENT 12 Non dispersive infrared gas analyzer, gas chromatography, chemiluminescent analyzer and flame ionization detector, smoke measurement, noise pollution, measurement and control UNIT III pOLLUTION CONTrOL - IN CYLINDEr mETHODS 12
Engine component, fuel modification, evaporative emission control, EGR, air injection, thermal reactors, Water Injection, catalytic converters, application of microprocessor in emission control. UNIT IV UNIT V pOLLUTION CONTrOL AFTEr TrEATmENT CYCLES AND EmISSION STANDArDS 12 12
Use of driving cycles for emission measurement, chassis dynamometer, CVS system, National and International emission standards TOTAL: 60 rEFErENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. Crouse William, Automotive Emission Control, Gregg Division /McGraw-Hill. Ernest, S., Starkman, Combustion Generated Air Pollutions, Plenum Press, 1980. George, Springer and Donald J.Patterson, Engine emissions, Pollutant Formation and Measurement, Plenum press, 1972. Obert, E.F., Internal Combustion Engines and Air Pollution, Intext Educational Publishers, 1980.
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Principle of similitude, Choice of cycle, speed, fuel, bore and stroke, cylinder arrangement, choice of material, stress and fatigue considerations, design for manufacture, Factors for NHV and Control. UNIT II DESIGN OF mAJOr COmpONENTS 12 Piston system, connecting rod assembly, crankshaft system, valve gearing, stress analyses UNIT III DESIGN OF OTHEr COmpONENTS. 12
Inlet and exhaust manifolds, cylinder block, cylinder liner, cylinder head, crankcase, engine foundations and mountings, gaskets, bearings, flywheel, Turbocharger, supercharger, computer controlled fuel injection system. UNIT IV DESIGN OF TWO-STrOKE ENGINES 12
Arrangement and sizing of ports, piston assembly, intake and exhaust system, scavenging, application to automotive gasoline and marine diesel engines. UNIT V CONCEpTS OF COmpUTEr AIDED DESIGN 12
Preparation of working drawings of designed components using CAD system. TOTAL: 60 rEFErENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Gordon P.Blair, Basic design of Two-stroke Engines, S.A.E., 1992. Gordon P.Blair, Advanced Concepts of Two-stroke Engines, S.A.E., 1990. Pounder, C.C., Marine Diesel Engines, Butterworths, 1981. A.Kolchin and V.Demidov, Internal Combustion Engine Design, MIR Publishers, Moscow, 1984. Gordon P.Blair, Design and Simulation of Four-Stroke Engines, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., USA, 1999. D.E.Winterbone and R.J.Pearson, Design Techniques for Engine Manifolds, Wave action methods for I.C.Engines, Professional Engineering Publishing Ltd., UK, 2000. John Fenton (Editor), Gasoline Engine Analysis for Computer Aided Design, Mechanical Engineering Publishing Ltd., UK, 1986. Rodica Baranescu and Bernard Challen (Editors), Diesel Engine Reference Book, Second
M.E - Internal Combustion Engg
Edition, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., USA, 1999. 9. SAE Special Publication SP-700, Adiabatic Engines and Systems, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., USA, 1987.
Instrument Classification, Characteristics of Instruments Static and dynamic, experimental error analysis, Systematic and random errors, Statistical analysis, Uncertainty, Experimental planning and selection of measuring instruments, Reliability of instruments. UNIT II mICrOprOCESSOrS AND COmpUTErS IN mEASUrEmENT 12
Data logging and acquisition, use of intelligent instruments for error reduction, elements of micro-computer interfacing, intelligent instruments in use. UNIT III mEASUrEmENT OF pHYSICAL QUANTITIES 12
Measurement of thermo-physical properties, instruments for measuring temperature, pressure and flow, use of intelligent instruments for the physical variables. UNIT IV FLOW VISUALISATION 12
Techniques, shadow graph, Schlieren, interferometer, Laser Doppler anemometer, heat flux measurement, Telemetry in engines. UNIT V mEASUrEmENT ANALYSIS 12
Chemical, thermal, magnetic and optical gas analyzers, measurement of smoke, dust and moisture, gas chromatography, spectrometry, measurement of pH, Review of basic measurement techniques. Total: 60 rEFErENCES 1. 2. 3. Holman, J.P., Experimental methods for engineers, McGraw-Hill, 1988. Barney, Intelligent Instrumentation, Prentice Hall of India, 1988. Prebrashensky, V., Measurements and Instrumentation in Heat Engineering, Vol.1 and 2,
M.E - Internal Combustion Engg 23
MIR Publishers, 1980. 4. 5. 6. Raman, C.S., Sharma, G.R., Mani, V.S.V., Instrumentation Devices and Systems, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 1983. Doeblin, Measurement System Application and Design, McGraw Hill, 1978. Morris.A.S, Principles of Measurements and Instrumentation, Prentice Hall of India, 1998.
Students should design and develop model of Engine systems and validate the results.
Performance test on Spark Ignition engines using Alternate fuels such as ethanol and LPG. Emission measurement in Spark Ignition and Compression Ignition Engines. Performance test using pressure transducers in S.I. Engines. Performance test using pressure transducers in C.I. Engines. Performance test on variable compression ratio petrol and diesel engines. SImULATION STUDIES
pArT b 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Simulation studies of Petrol and Diesel Engine Cycles. Simulation of Gas Turbine Cycles Simulation of Adiabatic flame temperature in constant volume heat addition process. Simulation of Adiabatic flame temperature in constant pressure heat addition process. CFD analysis for a fluid flow problem with heat transfer. Note: The end semester examination shall be conducted in both Part A and Part B.
24 M.E - Internal Combustion Engg
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Single cylinder / Multi cylinder petrol engine Dynamometer suitable for the above CO / HC / NOX Analyzers Smoke meter Pressure transducers (0 250 bar) Pressure transducer with spark plug adaptor Charge amplifier AD controller with PC or FFT analyzer or CRO (dual beam) Variable Compression ratio petrol and diesel engines
10. Pentium 4 with 1 GB ram 15 Nos 11. CFD Packages / STAR CD / Fluent / CFX for 15 users
M.E - Internal Combustion Engg 25
Students should undergo Industrial visit to reputed Industrial visit for a period of 4 weeks (minimum) during the vacation period at the end of 2nd semester. Examination will be conducted along with the 3rd semester as practical subjects. Students should prepare a Report and presentation seminar for the exam.
ELECTIVE COUrSES mE1624 -COmpUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAmICS (Common to CAD, ICE, r & AC and Thermal) L 4 T 0 p 0 C 4
Basics of CFD, Governing equations of Fluid Dynamics Continuity momentum and Energy equations, Physical Boundary conditions, Mathematical behaviour of PDEs on CFD Elliptic, Parabolic and Hyperbolic equations UNIT II DISCrETISATION TECHNIQUES AND SOLUTION mETHODOLOGIES 12
Methods of deriving discretisation equations Finite difference & Finite volume methods, Finite difference discretisation of wave equation, laplace equation, Burgers equation, numerical error and stability analysis. Time dependent methods Explicit, Implicit Crank Nicolson methods, time split methods. Solution methodologies Direct & interactive methods Thomas algorithm Relaxation method Alternate Direction Implicit method. UNIT III CALCULATION OF FLOW FIELD FOr N S EQUATIONS 12
Finite volume formulation of steady one-dimensional convection and Diffusion problems, Central, upwind, hybrid and power-law schemes Discretization equations for two dimensional convection and diffusion. Representation of the pressure Gradient term and continuity equation Staggered grid Momentum equations Pressure and velocity corrections Pressure Correction equation, SIMPLE algorithm and its variants.
M.E - Internal Combustion Engg
Time averaged equation for turbulent flow, Turbulence models Zero equation model, one equation model, two equation K-I models, and advanced models. UNIT V GrID GENErATION 12
Algebraic Methods Methods Differential Equation methods Adaptive grids TOTAL: 60 TEXT bOOKS 1. 2. Versteeg, H.K, and Malalasekera, W., An Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics: The Finite Volume Method, Longman, 1998 D. A, Anderson, John C. Tanne hill, Richard H. Pletcher Computational Fluid Mechanics and Head Transfer, Hemisphere publishing corporation, McGraw Hill book company.
rEFErENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Muralidhar, K., and Sundararajan, T., Computational Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, 1995. Ghoshdasdidar, P.S., Computer Simulation of flow and heat transfer Tata McGraw- Hill Publishing Company Ltd., 1998. Subas, V.Patankar, Numerical heat transfer fluid flow, Hemisphere Publishing Corporation, 1980. Taylor, C and Hughes, J.B. Finite Element Programming of the Navier Stock Equation, Pineridge Press Limited, U.K., 1981. Anderson, D.A., Tannehill, J.I., and Pletcher, R.H., Computational fluid Mechanics And Heat Transfer, Hemisphere Publishing Corporation, Newyork, USA, 1984. Fletcher, C.A.J., Computational Techniques for Fluid Dynamics 1, Fundamental and General Techniques, Springer Verlag, 1987. Fletcher, C.A.J., Computational Techniques for Fluid Dynamics 2, Specific Techniques For Different Flow Categories, Springer Verlag, 1987. Bose, T.X., Numerical Fluid Dynamics, Narosa Publishing House.
L 4
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p 0
C 4
Automotive Engine Types On-highway, Off-highway, Gasoline, Diesel and Alternate Fueled, Characteristics of Automotive Engines Power, Torque, Fuel Consumption, Pollutant Emissions, Thermal Efficiency, Life Cycle Cost. UNIT II GASOLINE INJECTION 12 Gasoline Injection TBI and Multipoint Injection, Engine Management System, Catalytic Conversion of Engine Pollutants, Electrical Catalyst Heaters, Diesel Particulate Trapping and Trap Regeneration, GDI. UNIT III FUEL QUALITY 12
Fuel Quality and Methods of Admission Fuel quality standards for Automotive Engines Lead free gasoline, low and ultra low sulphur diesels, LPG, CNG, Alcohols, Biodiesels, Gaseous Fuel Injections, Dual Fueling and Controls CNG and Gasoline, Hydrogen and Diesel, Alcohols and Diesels etc. UNIT IV ENGINE ELECTrONIC 12
Engine electrical and electronic systems - Engine sensors, Distributorless ignition and Direct ignition systems, 12V, Dual voltage and 42V systems. UNIT V NEW ENGINE TECHNOLOGIES 12
Current trends Multi-valving, Tuned manifolding, camless valve gearing, variable valve timing, Turbo and supercharging Waste gating, EGR, Part-load charge stratification in GDI systems. TOTAL: 60 rEFErENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Robert Bosch, GmbH, Automotive Hand Book, Germany, 2000. Tom Denton, Automobile Electrical and Electronic Systems, SAE International USA, 2000. Eric Chowanietz, Automobile Electronics, SAE International, 1995. SAE Inc. Advanced Power Plant Concepts, SP 1325, 1998. Michae Plint and Anthony Martyr, Engine testing Theory and Practice (Second Edition) SAE International, 1999. SAE Inc, Advancements in Electric and Hybrid Electric Vehicle Technology, SP 1023, 1994. AT 1611 - ENGINE AUXILLArY SYSTEmS
28 M.E - Internal Combustion Engg
T 0
p 0
C 4 12
Properties of air-petrol mixtures, Mixture requirements for steady state and transient operation, Mixture formation studies of volatile fuels, design of elementary carburetor, Chokes, Effects of altitude on carburetion, Carburetor for 2-stroke and 4-stroke engines, carburetor systems for emission control. UNIT II GASOLINE INJECTION AND IGNITION SYSTEmS 12
Petrol Injection, Pneumatic and Electronic Fuel Injection Systems types. Ignition system requirements, Timing, Ignition Systems, breaker mechanism and spark plugs, Factors affecting energy requirement of the ignition system, factors affecting spark plug operation, Electronic Ignition Systems. UNIT III DIESEL FUEL INJECTION 12
Factors influencing fuel spray atomization, penetration and dispersion of diesel and heavy oils and their properties, rate and duration of injection, fuel line hydraulics, fuel pump, injectors. UNIT IV mANIFOLDS AND mIXTUrE DISTrIbUTION 12
Intake system components, Discharge coefficient, Pressure drop, Air filter, Intake manifold, Connecting pipe, Exhaust system components, Exhaust manifold and exhaust pipe, Spark arresters, Waste heat recovery, Exhaust mufflers, Type of mufflers, exhaust manifold expansion. UNIT V LUbrICATION AND COOLING SYSTEmS 12
Lubricants, lubricating systems, Lubrication of piston rings, bearings, oil consumption, Oil cooling. Heat transfer coefficients, liquid and air cooled engines, coolants, additives and lubricity improvers, concept of adiabatic engines. Total: 60 rEFErENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Ramalingam, K.K, Internal Combustion Engine, SciTech Publication (India) Pvt.Ltd.2000. Domkundwar, V.M, A Course in Internal Combustion Engines, Dhanpat Rai and Co., 1999. Mathur, M.L., and Sharma, R.P., A Course in Internal Combustion Engines, Dhanpat Rai Publications (P) Ltd., 1998. Ganesan, V., Internal Combustion Engines, Tata McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1995. Duffy Smith, Auto Fuel Systems, The Good Heart Willcox Company Inc., Publishers, 1987. Edward F, Obert, Internal Combustion Engines and Air Pollution, Intext Education Publishers, 1980. AT 1612 - GAS TUrbINES
M.E - Internal Combustion Engg 29
L 4
T 0
p 0
C 4
Power plant cycles for stationary and aircraft applications, component behaviors, analysis of ramjet, turbojet and turbo-propeller, Inlets and nozzles. UNIT II COmprESSOrS 12
Centrifugal and axial flow compressors momentum and energy transfer in rotors, velocity diagrams, stage performance, compressibility effects, cascade testing and characteristics. UNIT III AXIAL AND rADIAL FLOW TUrbINE 12
Stage velocity diagrams, reaction stages, losses and coefficients, blade design principles, materials, testing and performance characteristics. UNIT IV COmbUSTOrS 12
Different types and flow pattern, material requirement and cooling systems, air pollution and reduction. UNIT V mATCHING 12
Matching procedure of power plant components, engine off-design performance. TOTAL : 60 rEFErENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Cohen, H., Rogers, G.E.C., and Saravanamuttoo, H.I.H., Gas Turbine Theory, Longman Group Ltd, 1989. Gordon C, Dates, Aero-thermodynamics of Gas Turbine and Rocket Propulsion AIAA Education Series, NY 1984. Kerrebrock, J.L., Aircraft engines and gas turbines, The MIT Press. Yahya, S.H., Turbines, Compressors and Fans, Tata McGraw-Hill, 1983. Earl Logan, Jr., Hand book of Turbo machinery, Marcel Dekker, Inc., USA, 1992 Dixon, S.L., Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Turbomachinery, Pergamon Press, 1978.
L 4
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C 4
Theory of Jet Propulsion Thrust and efficiency Ram Jet Turbojet and Turbofan engines, Turboprop and Turboshaft Engines Thrust augmentations Typical engine performance- Engine Aircraft matching, Fuels. UNIT II AErO-THErmODYNAmICS OF JET prOpULSION SUbSYSTEmS 12
Subsonic inlets Supersonic inlets Gas turbine combustors After burners and Ramjet Combustors Supersonic Combustion Exhaust Nozzles, Cryogenic Engines. UNIT III pErFOrmANCE OF rOCKET VEHICLES 12
Static performance Vehicle acceleration Chemical rockets Electrical rocket vehicles Space missions. UNIT IV CHEmICAL rOCKET THrUST CHAmbErS 12
Performance Characteristics Nozzles Rocket Heat Transfer Liquid Propellant Rocket Performance. UNIT V CHEmICAL rOCKET prOpELLANT COmbUSTION & EXpANSION 12
Liquid propellants Equilibrium composition Non equilibrium expansion Solid and Liquid Propellant Combustion Chambers Combustion Instabilities. TOTAL: 60 rEFErENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Philip G. Hill and Carl R.Peterson, Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Propulsion, Second Edition, Addition Wesley Publishing Company, New York, 1992. Zucrow N.J. Principles of Jet Propulsion and Gas Turbines, John Wiley and Sons Inc, New York, 1970. Zucrow N.J. Aircraft and Missile Propulsion, Vol. I and Vol. II, John Wiley and Sons Inc, New York, 1975. Bonney E.A. Zucrow N.J. Principles of Guided Missile Design, Van Nostranc Co., S.M.Yahya., Gas Dynamics and Jet Propulsion. 1985.
Casting practice and special requirements, materials, machining, methods of testing, Cylinder liners Mat, Types and Manufacture. UNIT II pISTON ASSEmbLY 12
Types, requirements, casting, forging, squeeze casting, materials, machining, testing, manufacture piston rings material, types and manufacture surface treatment, bimetallic pistons, articulated pistons. UNIT III DrIVE SYSTEmS 12
Requirements, materials, forging practice, machining, balancing of crankshaft, testing, CR, CS, CAS, VT. UNIT IV COmpUTEr INTEGrATED mANUFACTUrING 12
Integration of CAD, CAM and Business functions CIM- Networking, CNC programming for machining of I.C.Engines Components. UNIT V QUALITY AND TESTING 12
SPC - Introduction to ISO 9000, ISO 14000, TS 16949, its importance, BIS codes for testing various types of engines, equipments required, instrumentation, computer aided engine testing, metrology for manufacturing I.C.Engine Components, In site measurement Telemetry and sensors. TOTAL: 60 rEFErENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Grover, M.P., CAD/CAM, Prentice Hall of India Ltd., 1985. Heldt, P.M., High speed internal combustion engines, Oxford & IBH Publishing Co., 1960. Judge, A.W., Testing of high speed internal combustion engines, Chapman & Hall., 1960. Richard, W., Heine Carl R. Loper Jr. and Philip, C., Rosenthal, Principles of Metal Casting, McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1980. IS: 1602 1960 Code for testing of variable speed internal Combustion engines for Automobile Purposes, 1966. SAE Handbook, 1994.
M.E - Internal Combustion Engg
7. 8.
P.Radhakrishnan and S.Subramaniayn, CAD/CAM/CIM, New Age International (P) Limited, Publishers, 1997. Mikett P.Groover, Automation, production Systems and Computer Integrated Manufacturing Printice Hall of India Private Limited, 1999.
Theory of Engine Operation, Engine Operating Cycles, Power Economy and basic performance factors; Supercharging and Scavenging Systems for 2 stroke and four-stroke cycle engines, Submarine Engine Systems. UNIT II mECHANICS OF mArINE ENGINES 12
Dynamics of crank gear, Engine Vibration, Design aspects of Marine Diesel Engine Systems, Speed governors and miscellaneous accessory equipment. UNIT III INSTrUmENTATION AND CONTrOL OF ENGINES 12
Automatic instruments and remote control of marine engines, Testing of Marine Diesel Engines, Standard codes of test procedures, rating of engines. UNIT IV TYpICAL mODErN mArINE prOpULSION ENGINE SYSTEmS 12
M.A.N B & W, Pielstick etc. UNIT V mArINE ENGINE AUXILIArY SYSTEmS 12 Starting and reversing gears of Marine Diesel Engines, Fuel system, cooling system, Lubrication system. Total: 60 rEFErENCES 1. 2. 3. The Running and Maintenance of the Marine Diesel Engine, John Lamb, Charles Griffin and Company Ltd., U.K., (Sixth Edition), 1976. Marine Diesel Engines, C.C. Pounder. Newnes Butterworths, UK, (Fifth Edition), 1981. Marine Internal Combustion Engines, N.Petrovsky, Translation from Russian by Horace E. Isakson, MIR Publishers, Mascow, 1974.
M.E - Internal Combustion Engg 33
4. 5 6.
Pounders Marine Diesel Engines, Doug Woodyard (Editor), Butterworth-Heinemann, UK (Seventh Edition), 1998 .Pounders Marine Diesel Engines, C.T.Wilbur and D.A.Wight, Butterworth-Heinemann, UK (Sixth Edition), 1991. Industrial and Marine Fuels Reference Company,(Publishers) Ltd. U.K., 1998. Book, George H.Clark, Butterworth-and
Simulation principles Simulation exercises using computers, Validation of models. UNIT II COmbUSTION prOCESS GENErAL 12
Heat of reaction Adiabatic flame temperature Temperature change due to fuel vaporization UNIT III COmbUSTION AND HEAT TrANSFEr IN ENGINES 12
Combustion in diesel engines Heat transfer in engines Heat transfer correlations. UNIT IV C.I. AND S.I. ENGINE SImULATION 12
Simulation of Otto cycles under full load and part load and supercharged conditions. UNIT V TWO STrOKE ENGINE SImULATION 12 Engine and porting geometry, gas flow, Scavenging. TOTAL : 60 rEFErENCES 1. 2. 3.
Ashley S. Campbell, Thermodynamic Analysis of Combustion Engines, John Wiley and Sons, 1980. V.Ganesan, Computer Simulation of Spark Ignition Engine Processes, Universities Press, 1995. V.Ganesan, Computer Simulation of Compressed Ignition Engine Processes, Universities Press, 2002.
M.E - Internal Combustion Engg
4. 5. 6. 7.
Gordon P. Blair, The Basic Design of two-Stroke engines, SAE Publications, 1990. Horlock and Winter bone, The Thermodynamics and Gas Dynamics of Internal Combustion Engines, Vol. I & II, Clarendon Press, 1986. J.I.Ramos, Internal Combustion Engine Modeling, Hemisphere Publishing Corporation, 1989. J.N.Mattavi and C.A.Amann, Combustion Modeling in Reciprocating Engines, Plenum Press, 1980.
The design features of Automotive, Locomotive, Marine, Stationary and Generator-set engines. UNIT II S.I. ENGINE SYSTEmS 12
Spark ignition engine system variants Stoichiometric, Lean-burn, Port injected/direct injected, carbureted, Air assisted fuel injection engines, HEV Engines. Illustrations Honda CVCC, Toyota Prius, Orbital Engine etc. Rotary Piston Engines, Dedicated alternative fueled engine systems CNG, LPG, H2, Alcohols, Stirling cycle. UNIT III C.I. ENGINE SYSTEmS 12
Compression ignition engine system variants Low, Medium and High speed system characteristics, High pressure fuel injection systems, Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition systems, Dual and dedicated alternate fueled engine systems, coal and producer gas fueled engine systems, cogeneration system, Total engine systems. UNIT IV SpECIAL pUrpOSE ENGINE SYSTEmS 12
Engines for special applications Mining Defence, Off-highway Tractor, Bulldozer etc. Submarines, Race car engine systems, Flexible fueled systems. UNIT V LIFE CYCLE ANALYSES OF ENGINE SYSTEmS 12
rEFErENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The Warnkel Engine, Design, Development, Application, Jan P.Norbye, Chilton Book Company, USA, 1971. Introduction to Internal Combustion Engines, Richard Stone, Third Edition, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc,USA, 1999. Diesel Engine Reference Book, Bernard Challen and Rodica Baranescu (Editors) 2ns Edition, R 183, SAE International, 1999. Some Unusual Engines, L.J.K. Setright, Mechanical Engineering Publication Ltd., UK, 1975. The Wankel R C Engine, R.F.Ansdale, A.S.Barnes & Co., USA, 1969. Bosch Technical Instruction Booklets, Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany, 1985.
Objectives Effects on engine performance engine modification required Thermodynamics of Mechanical Supercharging and Turbo charging Turbo charging methods Engine exhaust manifolds arrangements. UNIT II SUpErCHArGErS 12
Types of compressors Positive displacement blowers Centrifugal compressors Performance characteristic curves Suitability for engine application Surging Matching of supercharger compressor and Engine Matching of compressor, Turbine, Engine. UNIT III SCAVENGING OF TWO STrOKE ENGINES 12
Peculiarities of two stroke cycle engines Classification of scavenging systems Mixture control through Reed valve induction Charging Processes in two stroke cycle engine Terminologies Shankey diagram Relation between scavenging terms scavenging modeling Perfect displacement, Perfect mixing Complex scavenging models. UNIT IV pOrTS AND mUFFLEr DESIGN 12
Experimental techniques for evaluating scavenging Firing engine tests Non firing engine tests Port flow characteristics Kadenacy system Orbital engine combustion system. TOTAL : 60 rEFErENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Obert, E.F., Internal Combustion Engines and Air Pollution, Intext Educational Publishers, 1980. Richard Stone, Internal Combustion Engines, SAE, 1992. Vincent, E.T., Supercharging the I.C.Engines, McGraw-Hill. 1943 Watson, N. And Janota, M.S., Turbo charging the I.C.Engine, MacMillan Co., 1982. Schweitzer, P.H., Scavenging of Two Stroke Cycle Diesel Engine, MacMillan Co., 1956 John B.Heywood, Two Stroke Cycle Engine, SAE Publications, 1997.