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पूव तट रे लवे /EAST COAST RAILWAY

धानकायालय/Headquarters Office,
का मक िवभाग/Personnel Department,
रे ल सदन/Rail Sadan
भुवने र/Bhubaneswar-751017
सं या/No. ECoR/Pers/Gaz/Optg/AOM-30%(LDCE)/CBT/23-24 दनांक/Dated:17.02.2023


The Sr. DPO- KUR, WAT & SBP.
The Sr. DOM- KUR, WAT & SBP.
All Concerned.
Sub: Formation of Group ‘B’ Operating Panel of AOM against 30% LDCE quota through
CBT for the assessment period 2023-24 in Operating Department/ECoR
1. It has been decided to hold Centralized Computer based objective type examination (CBT) for
formation of Group-B Operating Panel of 02-UR posts of AOM against 30% LDCE quota
vacancies in Operating Department of East Coast Railway for the assessment period 2023-24.
2. As per Railway Board’s letter No. E(GP)2022/2/4 dated 07.02.2023, the Centralized Computer
based objective type examination shall be held tentatively on 14.05.2023 (Sunday) by
DG/NAIR. The examination details will be intimated in due course.
3. Eligibility Conditions:
In terms of Para (ii) of Railway Board’s letter No. E(GP)2019/2/25 dated 27.12.2019 (RBE No.
216/2019), Group-C employees of Operating Department of ECoR working in Level-6 and
above with 5 years of non-fortuitous service in the grade (including non-fortuitous service
rendered in corresponding pre-revised grades) as on 01.01.2023 (cut-off date) are eligible for
the post of AOM/Group ‘B’ against 30% LDCE quota vacancy for the assessment period of

The Group-‘C’ running staff of Operating Department working in Level-5 and above with 5
years of non-fortuitous service in the running grade as on 01.01.2023 (cut-off date) are also
eligible for Gr.B/AOM against 30% LDCE quota vacancies for the assessment period of 2023-
24 as the running grade of Level-5 is equivalent to the stationary grade of Level-6 in terms of
Railway Board’s letter No.E(GP)2005/2/87 dated 18.08.2015 (RBE No-92/2015). The post of
AOM/Group ‘B’ is a safety category post.

(i) In terms of Rly. Board letter No. E(NG)1-93/PMI/4 dtd. 18.01.93, time spent by the Rly.
Servant under training immediately before appointment to regular service will be counted
as service for the purpose of LDCE.
(ii) Staff whose lien is maintained in the jurisdiction of ECoR are only eligible. Besides, the
Staff whose lien is maintained in ECoR but working outside the jurisdiction of ECoR will
also be eligible. In such case, they have to submit their applications through the Personnel
Officers of the Divisions/Units where their lien is maintained and this should be certified
by the concerned Personnel Officers only.
4. Employees eligible as per the above eligibility conditions should submit their applications to
appear the above LDCE latest by 09.03.2023 in the attached format (Annexure-A) to the
concerned Controlling Officers/Personnel Officers, as the case may be. The concerned
controlling Officers should send such options received immediately to the respective Personnel
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officers who should scrutinize the candidature of the employees as per the above eligibility
conditions/verifying the respective Service Sheets and send the names of the eligible staff only,
in consolidated statements as per proforma attached so as to reach this office latest by
16.03.2023 positively.
5. The concerned Personnel Officers should ensure that all the columns of the enclosed proforma
are properly filled-in before sending the statements to this office. Soft copy (in excel sheet) of
the said statement must be sent invariably to E-mail: dycpogazecor@gmail.com. All the
particulars filled by the applicants at Annexure- A should be verified by Personnel Officers
before forwarding to HQrs office. Their IPAS numbers, HRMS ID, Mobile numbers and e-
mail ID should be verified since the examination will be conducted through CBT and all future
correspondences with the applicants will be done with their IPAS, Mobile number and e-mail
6. In case, any candidate is on leave or on deputation to other Railways/Units/office or on sick list,
the Controlling officer concerned and the offices where he/she last worked should send
necessary advice to the authority under whom he/she is working or the Medical Authority as
the case may be without fail and acknowledgements obtained.
7. The concerned Personnel Officers & the Sr. DOMs are advised to give wide publicity to this
Notification at all major Units under their jurisdiction. The Divisions are advised to submit an
undertaking that the Notification has been served at all major Units where eligible staff are
available and their acknowledgement should be obtained. This should be jointly certified by Sr.
DPOs & Sr. DOMs.
8. Options of the staff concerned need not be sent to this office directly. Controlling
officers/Personnel officers should ensure that options received by their offices after 09.03.2023
are not considered under any circumstances. Names of staff who do not fulfill the eligibility
criteria as mentioned above need not be forwarded. It may also be noted that incomplete
statements furnished by the Divisions/Units will not be entertained.
9. As there is no reserved vacancy in this notification, Pre-selection Training is not mandatory as
per RBE No. 142/2019.
10. Objective and Scheme of Examination: The examination aims at a comprehensive
assessment of knowledge of the candidates related to their Technical subject, Official language
policy, Establishment and Financial Rules. The formation of the panel will be on the basis of
‘Merit’. Selection of candidates for empanelment is based on a (i) Centralized Computer based
objective type examination (CBT) (ii) Viva-voce (with prior Medical Fitness test) and
Assessment of Record of Service by the Selection Committee vide Para- 10.1 to Para 10.2 of
Master Circular No. 68.
11. CBT Examination: As per Railway Board’s letter No. E(GP)2022/2/4 dated 28.06.2022, the
CBT examination for formation of Group ‘B’ panel of AOM against 30% LDCE quota will be
one stage only and will comprise of only 1 paper with the following set up:

(a) Single paper of 150 marks comprising 100% objective type multiple choice questions with
following distribution of marks:
(i) Technical (Professional) subject : 80 marks
(ii) General Knowledge including Optional questions of 15 marks on : 40 marks
Official Language Policy & Rules
(iii) Establishment & Financial Rules : 30 marks

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(b) Qualifying Marks 90
(c) Duration :3 Hours
(d) Question Paper will have 175 questions out ofwhich 150 questions are to be attempted.
(e) 1 mark will be allotted for every correct answer. There shall be negative marking for
incorrect answers and 1/3 of Marks allotted for each question will be deducted for everyy
wrong answer.

12. Viva-voce &Record of Service:

Maximum marks Qualifying marks
1. Viva-voce 25 30 (Including at least 15 marks in record
2. Record of service 25 of Service)
13 In terms of Railway Board's letter No. E(GP)80/2/8 dtd. 31.10.91 only those candidates who
qualify in the medical examination of prescribed standard are eligible to appear in the viva-voce

14 The Controlling Officers/Sr.DPO/WPO/SPO of Concerned Unit/Division should ensure that the

APARs of the candidates for the last five years i.e. 2017-18 to 2021-22, completed in all
respects and Service Records are kept ready with them and they should send the same to
Dy.CPO(Gaz)/BBS, when called for.
15 Svllabus- Syllabus for AOM-30% LDCE prescribed by Railway Board vide letter No.
E(GP)2022/2/4 dtd. 07.11.2022 is attached.
16 No request for a supplementary exam shall be entertained in any condition

Encl: (1) Option format in Annexure-A.

(2) Syllabus.

T.7. HTE/H.K. MaBarland

37.THTta/TTT Dy. CPO/Gaz

for Principal Chief Personnel Officer

Copy for information and necessary action to:

2. Sr. System Manager (IT)/ ECoR/BBS for uploading in ECoR web site.

for Principal Chief Personnel Officer

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East Coast Railway
Proforma of Application for AOM-30% LDCE (CBT) for 2023-24
(All fields are mandatory)

1. Name of the candidate :

2. I-Pass Number (in 11 digits) :

3. Designation :

4. Mobile No. (connected with HRMS) :

5. Email ID :

6. Place of posting :

7. Division/Workshop/Unit :

8. Controlling Officer :


10. Community (UR/SC/ST) :

11. Date of initial Appointment & Grade :

12. Date of Apptt./Promotion to Level-6 :

(Level-5 for running category)

13. Date of Apptt./Promotion to Level-7 :

(Level-6 for running category)

14. Whether belongs to PwBD category : YES / NO (please tick)

(i) If yes, please specify the category with %age:

(ii) Whether Scribe is required : YES / NO (please tick)

15. Date of Application :

Signature of the Candidate

Countersignature of the controlling officer :
(With Designation and seal)

(Note: Applications to be submitted on or before 09.03.2023)

Proforma of statement for submission of options by Divisions/Workshops/Units to HQs.
SN Name I-Pass Desgn. Mob. Email Place Divisi Contro DOB Commu Whether Whether Date of Date of
No. (in No. ID of on/ lling (DD/MM nity PwBD Scribe is Apptt./ Apptt./
11 posting Work Officer /YYYY) (UR/SC category required Promoti Promoti
digits) shop/ /ST) (Yes/ (Yes/ on to on to
Unit No) No) Level- Level-
5/6 6/7
Syllabus for promotion to Group- B posts - 70% selection and 30% LDCE.

Syllabus for Establishment Rules:

1 Organization of the Personnel Department in Railways objectives functions and

policies of Personnel Department.
2. Recruitment and Training, Classification of Services, Recruitment in Different
services, Railway Recruitment Boards & Railway Recruitment Cells
Compassionate Ground Appointments, Initial & In Service Training, Refresher
Courses, Central Training Institutes, Training Centers in Zones, Divisions &
Workshops, Training Modules for different posts, Training under Apprentices Act,
Online Training, APARs.
3. General conditions of service in Railways, Seniority, Lien, Inter Railway & Inter
Division transfers, Deputation, Promotion Policy & methods. Selection, Suitability,
Trade Tests, Leave Rules, Pass Rules, Joining Time Reservation policy, HOER,
Overtime, Payment of wages, current CPC Pay Rules, Advances in Railways.
4. Manpower planning, Rightsizing & Benchmarking, creation, extension and
surrender of posts, creation of posts against new assets, different types of posts
including workcharged posts.
5. The Railway Servants (Discipline & Appeal) Rules, 1968 and related instructions.
6. The Railway Services (Conduct) Rules, 1966 and related instructions.
7. Retirement benefits, qualifying service, pension, family pension, commutation
gratuity, new pension scheme.
8. Staff welfare, SBF, Railway institutes, Railway schools, Ex-gratia payment,
Incentive Bouns Scheme, Staff Grievances Redressal Mechanisms.
9. Industrial relations in Railways, recognized trade unions, industrial disputes. The
Industrial Disputes Act, 1947. The Industrial Relations Code, 2020. The Trade
Unions Act, 1926, PNM, PREM, JCM, Various Associations & Informal Meetings.
Labour Enforcement Officers, Right to Information Act.
11. The scope of Information Technology in Railway e office. HRMS, IPAS ,
Syllabus for Financial Rules:

1. Parliamentary Control over Railway Finance, Public Accountability, Cannons of

Financial Propriety.

2. Railway Budget - Budgetary terms, Types of Budgets, Budget cycle, Demand of

Grants, Budgetary and Financial Reviews.

3. Rules of Allocation - Classification of expenditure - Control of expenditure -

Responsibility Accounting - Performance Budgeting - Exchequer Control -
Financial Results of Working lines.

4. Works Programme - Financial justification of Works - Surveys - Preparation of

Estimates - Capital Budget - Control over Capital Expenditure - Reappropriation of

5. Financial control over Stores Expenditure - Purchase and Stores Keeping

Procedure - Inventory Control and ABC Analysis.

6. Financial & Cost Control in Railway Workshops/Sheds/Units.

7. Rules and procedure relating to Tenders and contracts for execution of works and
Procurement of Stores, M&P Programme and RSP.

8. Procedure for Possessing and finalizing Audit Objections and Draft Paras.

9. Delegation of Powers.

10. Losses, Frauds and Embezzlements.

11. General Financial Rules

12. Government e-Market (GeM)

13. Classification of Railway Revenue (Earnings)

14. Information Technology in general with specific reference to Railway's IT

15. Taxation matters with special focus on GST & Income Tax

16. Organization of CGA and C&AG

17. Any other topic felt necessary from time to time



I. GENERAL Hierarchical set up and line of control of Operating Department at the

Divisional, Zonal and Railway Board level.


Objective and set up of Control Offices.

Functions of Control Organization pertaining to Train Ordering, Punctuality,

Maintenance of Operating Statistics, Wagon & Loco Stock Management, Blocks
Management and Management during Accident & Unusual Situations/
Circumstances & Disaster Management.

Duties and responsibilities of Chief Controllers, Dy. Chief Controllers, Sections

Controllers, TNCs, Recorders and their Coordination with Lobbies, Station &

Freight Train Operations (FTO) & Freight Train Ordering Principles with or
without coordination with Crew Lobbies.
Special Instructions during abnormal conditions of working & during emergencies
like Cyclone, Civil Disturbances, and Accidents etc.
Daily Performances Reporting from Stations/Yards/Sheds to Area Sub-control,
Area Sub-control to Divisional Control Office and from Divisional Control Office
to Zonal Control Office and from Zonal Control Office to Railway Board.
Basic and important Documents/Registers maintained in Control Office and their
Periodical Performance Reporting and Analysis of Operating Performance along
with compilation of Statistical Data.
Power Control Organization - Engine and Crew Scheduling.
Factors affecting Wagon & Engine utilization and methods of improvements.
Working pertaining to issue of Caution Orders from Nominated and Notice
Liaison / Co-ordination with Control Establishments of other Departments like
Engineering, Traction Control, Signaling Control, Mechanical etc.


Functioning of Crew & Guard Lobbies.
Integrated Lobbies.
Crew Management: Assessment of Crew Requirement
Running Room and its Management.
Engine Utilization aspects requiring special attention: -.
Engine Crew and Train Crew Schedule.

Rules regarding Outstation, Home Station Rest etc. to ensure

observation of 10 Hour Rule or Rules applicable from time to time,
Role of Ll and Crew Control.

Power Plan: Assessment of Loco Requirement.

Movement of Dead Locomotives.

Management of Maintenance Schedule of Locomotives.

Shed and Traffic Outage of Locomotives.

Specific Fuel Consumption and Assessment of Fuel Requirement.
Shunting Operations in Yards or Road side Stations.
Working of Marshalling Yards & Transhipment Points.
Causes of Yard and Section Congestion and remedial strategies.
All India Marshalling Order and Railway-wise Marshalling Orders - Principles and
Rules regarding Carriage of Explosive and other General Goods.
Preferential Traffic Schedule, Priority within same class and ODR.
Indent Allotment and Supply of Freight Stock at Stations, Premium Indents and
procedure to place Premium Indents, Allotment of Rakes in case of Quota
Notified Stations.
Wagon Stock Management for Loading and Unloading Operations.
Imposition of Operating Restrictions on Wagon Loading and Acceptance of
Wagon Indents, Cancellation and Withdrawal of Indents.
Observance of Civil ban and Carriage of Contraband Goods etc,
Important Documents/Registers maintained in Yards & at Stations.
Familiarity with G&SR, Accident Manual, Operating Manual, Block Working
Manual, Red Tariff, IR Act, 1989 etc.
Wagon Turn Round Time (WTR) & Factors affecting Optimum Utilization of the
Wagon Fleet and methods of improvement.
Running of Unit Trains and formation of Captive Rakes.
Block Train Operations.
Nominated Day Loading.
Rationalization Scheme of movement of Freight Traffic for avoiding
congestion by specific routes.
Merry-Go-Round (MGR) System.
Engine on Load (EOL) System.
Mini/Two Point/Multi Point Rake System.
Container Train Operation, Hub and Spoke system.

Supervision and control over movement of Special type of Stock, ODC

Maximum Moving Dimensions. Wagon Census.
IT applications: -

Freight Operations Information System (FOIS): Rake Management

System(RMS), Terminal Management System(TMS)
ICMS and Coaching Operations Information System(COIS)





Relevant Rules and important Policy guidelines.

C&W examination for STR, Intensive, Round Trips, Premium and Close Circuit

Sicklines and TXR Repair Depots including POH & ROH Depots and their

Supply of Coaches/Wagons to C&W shops for POH and special repairs, Cycle
period of different Stocks and Workshop Feed Management.

Working of Travelling Traffic Cranes for handling heavy Consignments at

Intermediate Stations.

Detaching of Sick Wagons at enroute Stations and their repair and clearance.

Interchange transactions - Junction returns of Inter Railway Inter change Traffic.

Weighment of Rakes, Electronic In-Motion Weighbridge, Automatic Pre

Weighbin System, Nominated and Alternative Weighbridges, Load Adjustment,
Exempted Commodities, Maintenance of Weighbridges and Role of Weights and
Measures Department, Metrological Department and other Railway
Departments, Integration of Weighbridge with FOIS.

Permissible Axle Loads, Heavy Haul and Long Haul Operations, factors affecting
Axle Load, Rules regarding Heavy Haul and Long Haul Operations.
'Payload' to 'Tare' Ratio of Wagons; Factors affecting Payload and Tare Weight.

Concept of Convoy Trains.

Foreign Traffic and its components/pattern.

Operating Statistics
Definition, meaning and methods of compilation of the Primary, Fundamental
and Derived units.

Engine Tickets and maintenance of Engine Tickets

Analysis of the Operating Statistics.

Important Operating Efficiency Indices, their meaning and uses, WTR, NTKM,
GTKM, Average Speed etc.

Operating Ratio: Different types of Expenditures and Plan Heads, Revenue

Earnings and Non-Revenue Earnings.


General Principles and Methodology of Time Tabling of Passenger Trains. Zero

Based Time Tabling.

Platform and Pit Occupancy Planning and Preparing Charts.

Consultative Machinery for revision of Time Table at Divisional, Zonal and

Railway Board levels.

Publication of Working Time Table, Public Time Table & Sheet Time Table,
Components of WTT and PTT.

Punctuality of Passenger Carrying Trains.

Factors affecting Punctuality of Passenger carrying Trains and methods of

improving the Punctuality, Monitoring of Asset Failures and Planning of blocks for
Track, Signal and OHE maintenance. Corridor Blocks, Integrated Maintenance

Augmentation of Train Loads for meeting Traffic requirements, Rules of

Marshalling and Slip Coaches etc.

Running of Tourists Coaches, Special Carriages and Special Trains.

Planning & Running of Holiday Specials, Mela Specials, Tourist Specials, etc.
Introduction of new Trains, extension of Train runs, introduction of Through and
Sectional Coaches.
Preparation of Engine Links, Driver/Guards Links & Rake Links.
Commuter Service Operations.
Vande Bharat Trains
High Speed Corridors and Trains.


Responsibility and Function of Engine Crew before starting and while on run and
during abnormal/unusual situations.
Responsibility and function of Guard before starting and while on run and during
abnormal/unusual situations.

Role & Responsibility of Station Staff in Working of Trains.

Various Systems of Working of Trains and Conditions for Granting LC.

Classification of Stations, Standards of Interlocking, Signaling Systems,

Equipment & their working.

Station Working Rules and Block Working.

Level Crossings.

Line Capacity, Method of Calculating Line Capacity, Measures for augmenting it,
Token less working, Centralized Traffic Control, Doubling, Automatic Block, IBS /
IBH, Advanced Signaling and Interlocking.

Combined Train Report, Guard's Rough Journal Book, Vehicle Guidance,

Driver's Ticket, Brake Power Certificate etc.

Rules regarding Marshalling of vehicles on Passenger, Mixed and Freight Trains.

Air Brake Systems along with Continuity Test.

Precautions to be taken on Ghat Sections.


Accidents, Types and their Classification, Causes and their Prevention.
Functioning of Railway Safety Organization.
Chief Commissioner of Railway Safety Organization and his Functions.
Rules for reporting Accidents.
Accident Relief Medical Equipment (ARMEs) & Accident Relief Trains (ARTs).
Role & Responsibilities of various Officials and Departments during Accidents.

Responsibility of the Control Organization Station Masters and Traffic Staff on

the affected Section.

Accidents Enquiries and DAR action against Staff held responsible for the
Accidents, minimum recommended penalties in case of various Accidents.

Review and Analysis of Accidents for taking Corrective Measures.

Disaster Management on Indian Railways, Disaster Management Act, 2005,

Disaster Management Plan, Role of NDMA and NDRF.


Aptitude Testing of Station Masters, Loco Pilots and Motor Men, Components of
Aptitude Testing.
Psycho-Technical Analysis in case of Accidents attributed to Human Failures.
SPAD and its Prevention.
Train Operation during Fog, Fog PASS.
Improved Technological Aids to prevent Human Errors like:
o Improved Signaling and Inter-locking arrangement
o SM's central and inter cabin control over route
o Track circuit and Axle counters
o Route Relay Inter-locking
o Solid State Interlocking/Electronic Interlocking
o Automatic Train Protection (ATP), KAVACH (TCAS - Train Collision
Avoidance System)
o Wheel Impact Load Detector (WILD)
o End of Train Telemetry (EOTT) and its functions.
o Centralised Traffic Control (CTC)
o On Board Monitoring of Rolling Stock (OMRS).
Refresher Courses, Safety Camps, Safety Campaigns and Safety
Planning of PME and Refresher of Safety Category


Set up & Functions of Planning Wing on IR.

Corporate Plan and Annual Plan, National Rail Plan, Mission
3000MT, National Logistics Policy.
Traffic Survey.
Calculation of Line Capacity.
Traffic Planning and Augmentation of Line Capacity Works.
Station Redevelopment.
Doubling, Bypass & Flyover Planning Works.
Container Rail Terminals.
Gati Shakti Terminals.
Minimum Essential Facilities at Goods Sheds and Stations.

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