Electives Syllabus M20 V1
Electives Syllabus M20 V1
Electives Syllabus M20 V1
Note: Please use course code for previously existing course
TYPE-WHEN: Area Elective (for UG 7th semester and PG 3rd semester*) Monsoon 2020
PRE-REQUISITE: DIP and Computer Vision
3. Augmented Reality (1/e), Deiter Schmalstieg and Tobias Hollerer, Addison Wesley.
4. Virtual Reality, Stevan LaValle, Cambridge University Press (Free Online Version)
OUTCOME: By the end of the course, it is expected that students will have very good
understanding of existing AR/VR technologies including geometric processing and computer
graphics fundamentals, and they should be able to implement such systems on mobile platforms.
*Selected UG 5th semester, PG 1st semester students will be allowed to register (based
upon advisor’s recommendation and research project alignment).
OBJECTIVE : First course on the basics of design principles of nature at the
molecular level, which would provide breadth in structural and biophysical approaches and
‘chemenable’ students to understand structures and interactions in Biology
• Mole Concept
• Atomic structure and the periodic table
• Quantum mechanical approach to atomic structure and bonding
• Bonding and intermolecular forces
• Nomenclature and isomerism
• Configuration and Conformation
• Structure and properties of molecules
• Computation of energies of molecules and their interactions
• Small biomolecules
• Biological macromolecules: Proteins, Nucleic acids, Lipids and carbohydrate
ABA 6: Periodic table and its organization-The electronic configuration of atoms and periodic
properties of atoms in their free and bonded state
ABA 9: Bonding, structure and intermolecular forces Bond length, bond angle and shape of
molecules Dipole moments Intermolecular forces
Assignment - 6: Bonding –Due ABA 10
Bond energy and type of bond breaking (Bonding III from resources)
Assignment – 10: Amino Acid Structure - Due ABA 18
Assignment – 11: Amino Acids and ionic equilibria: Due ABA 20
Study of buffers
Amino acid pK values and isoelectric points (No ionizable side chains)
Dry lab on structure building and visualizing tool
Weightage (%)
Grading Component UG M Tech-1 (Bio) (Core)
Quiz-1 7.5 6.25
Quiz-2 7.5 6.25
Mid Sem Exam 15 12.5
Assignment & Surprise Quizzes 40 40
End Sem Exam 30 25
Lab Exam - -
Project/any other evaluation (Domain
Supplement: Dry Lab NA 10
+ Theory)
PREFERRED TEXT BOOKS: Text books: Study material will be provided in the form of
pdf files and web content. Also Atkins and Leach
Review of Networking Basics; Queuing theory; Advance Topics in IPv4 and TCP; Telecom Networks,
Switching Techniques; Multicast Rout ing protocols; IPv6, IPv4 to IPv6; QoS; Network Monitoring –
SNMP, RMON; VLAN; VPN; Firewall and IPS Concepts; Network Redundancy, Load Balancers, Caching,
Storage Networks; VSAT, GSM/CDMA/WiMax; Ad -Hoc networks, Sensor Networks; Network
Assignments: 20
Quiz: 20
MidSem Exam: 20
Database system technology manages (stores and retrieves) disk resident data in an efficient
manner. Typical DBMSs have been designed to manage data for banking and retail applications.
However, this narrow view of DBMSs has changed significantly during the last two decades to
meet the data management requirements of emerging applications from various domains. In this
course, we will cover several advanced techniques (new DBMS frameworks for efficient data
management and query processing, NoSQL, MapReduce, Stream data management, data
integration, query processing, graph data management) for large-scale data management
requirements of emerging applications in Internet era.
The objective of this course is to give sufficient background to think about possible solutions to
current data management problems. For this we discuss key research papers related to the
building of database systems to support traditional and emerging applications.
About 25 key research papers related to relational database engine, distributed database engine,
Efficient/scalable retrieval, stream processing, NOSQL, map-reduce, graph databases, database
integration, and web services.
1. Papers from SIGMOD, VLDB, ICDE, IDAR, and database journals.
2. Readings in Database Systems, Fifth Edition - edited by Peter Bailis, Joseph M. Hellerstein,
Michael Stonebraker, (We will also discuss few papers from earlier editions)
2. Gray, J., and Reuter, A., Transaction Processing: Concepts and Techniques, Morgan Kaufmann,
3. Database System Implementation by Hector Garcia-Molina, Jeff Ullman, and Jennifer Widom,
Each student has to submit the summary of the research paper. As we are discussing the key
papers, each student has to make the presentation of three related important papers written after
the publication of the key research paper. It is expected that a student will form a new idea in a
comprehensive manner which may lead to publication.
After taking the course, the student will have a comprehensive view about the database system
technology. Also, he/she will be able to appreciate the research efforts that have been made to
manage emerging database related applications. Further, a student is expected to get a capability
to think about new solutions for ongoing and future data management problems.
REMARKS: The course is aimed at students who wants to pursue research as their career or wants
to do jobs related to system building. Under-graduate, post-graduate and PhD students who are
interested in doing research can take this course. It is very intensive course. The students are
going to get enough base to get new ideas for doing MS, PhD and imagining/building next
generation systems for different domains. Contact the instructor, if you need more clarity (e-mail:
List of research papers covered during Spring 2018 (The list will be updated by including latest
1. E. F. Codd: A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks (Reprint). Commun.
ACM 26(1): 64-69 (1970)
4. Michael Stonebraker, Daniel J. Abadi, Adam Batkin, Xuedong Chen, Mitch Cherniack,
Miguel Ferreira, Edmond Lau, Amerson Lin, Samuel Madden, Elizabeth J. O'Neil, Patrick
E. O'Neil, Alex Rasin, Nga Tran, Stanley B. Zdonik: C-Store: A Column-oriented DBMS.
VLDB 2005: 553-564
6. Mohamed F. Mokbel, Chi-Yin Chow, Walid G. Aref: The New Casper: Query Processing
for Location Services without Compromising Privacy. VLDB 2006: 763-774
9. Seth Gilbert and Nancy Lynch, "Brewer's conjecture and the feasibility of consistent,
available, partition-tolerant web services", ACM SIGACT News, Volume 33 Issue 2
(2002), pg. 51–59.
11. Surajit Chaudhuri Venkatesh Ganti Raghav Kaushik, A Primitive Operator for Similarity
Joins in Data Cleaning, Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Data
Engineering (ICDE’06)
12. Lukasz Golab, Howard Karloff, Flip Korn Avishek Saha, Divesh Srivastava, Sequential
Dependencies, VLDB09.
13. Hoang Tam Vo, Ashish Kundu, Mukesh Mohania Research Directions in Blockchain Data
Management and Analytics, EDBT 2018.
14. Stephan Börzsönyi, Donald Kossmann, Konrad Stocker: The Skyline Operator. ICDE
2001: 421-430
17. Ronald Fagin, Amnon Lotem, Moni Naor: Optimal Aggregation Algorithms for
Middleware. PODS 2001
18. Ihab F. Ilyas, George Beskales, Mohamed A. Soliman: A survey of top-k query processing
techniques in relational database systems. ACM Comput. Surv. 40(4): 11:1-11:58 (2008)
19. Grzegorz Malewicz, Matthew H. Austern, Aart J. C. Bik, James C. Dehnert, Ilan Horn,
Naty Leiser, Grzegorz Czajkowski:
Pregel: a system for large-scale graph processing. SIGMOD Conference 2010: 135-146
20. Peter Buneman, Adriane Chapman, James Cheney: Provenance management in curated
databases. SIGMOD Conference 2006: 539-550
21. Wisam Dakka, Panagiotis G. Ipeirotis, Automatic Extraction of Useful Facet Hierarchies
from Text Databases, ICDE2008.
23. Sarah Masud, Farhana Murtaza Choudhury, Mohammed Eunus Ali, Sarana
Nutanong: Maximum visibility queries in spatial databases. ICDE 2013: 637-648
24. Nilesh Padhariya, Anirban Mondal, Vikram Goyal, Roshan Shankar, Sanjay Kumar
Madria: EcoTop: An Economic Model for Dynamic Processing of Top-k Queries in
Mobile-P2P Networks. DASFAA (2) 2011: 251-265
26. The Beckman report on database research. Commun. ACM 59(2): 92-99 (2016)
1. To facilitate understanding of analysis and design concepts of RC and steel structures to
control structural behaviour, with focus on seismic loading effects on moment frame and
wall-frame structural systems in buildings; and
2. To help compare effects of choice of material of construction on critical design parameters
and seismic behaviour.
Course Contents
Analysis: Configuration, Structural Plan Density, Initial proportioning, estimation of loads
and load combinations, numerical modelling concepts, interpretation of linear elastic
structural analysis and modal analysis results-concept of lateral stiffness.
Design: Design of structural members for loading effects-axial, flexure, shear, torsiondesign
for combined effects; Design of RC beam-column joints; Design of steel connections-Joint
panel zones; Design of Foundations; Design of Column Bases; Design of Wall-Frame
Assignments 20 %
Term 15%
Quiz 1 7.5 %
Quiz 2 7.5 %
Mid-sem 15 %
End-sem 35 %
Select References
[1] American Concrete Institute (ACI), (2014), Building Code
requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 318-14), Farmington Hills,
[2] American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC), (2016), Seismic
Provisions for Structural Steel Buildings, (ANSI/AISC341-16), Chicago,
Illinois, USA
[3] American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC), (2016),
Specifications for Structural Steel Buildings, (ANSI/AISC360-16),
Chicago, Illinois, USA
[4] American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), (2010), Minimum Design
Loads for Buildings and Other Structures (ASCE 7-10), USA
[5] American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), (2013), Seismic
Rehabilitation of Existing Buildings, (ASCE/SEI 41-13), Virginia, USA
[6] Agarwal,P., and Shrikande, M., (2010), Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures,
PHI Learning Pvt Ltd, New Delhi
[7] Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), (2000), Indian Standard Plain and
Reinforced Concrete - Code of Practice, IS 456:2000, New Delhi, India
[8] Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), (2007), Indian Standard Code of
Practice for General Construction in Steel, IS800;2007, New Delhi, India
[9] Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), (2016), Ductile Detailing of Reinforced
Concrete Structures Subjected to Seismic Forces, Code of Practice, IS
13920;2016, New Delhi,
[10] Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), (2016), Indian Standard Criteria for
Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures, IS:1893;2002-Part 1, New Delhi,
[11] Elnashai,A.S., and Di Sarno,L., (2008), Fundamentals of Earthquake Engineering,
John Wiley and Sons, UK
[12] Gioncu,V., and Mazzolani,M., (2002), “Ductility of Seismic
Resistant Steel Structures,“ SPON Press, Taylor and Francis, New
[13] Gioncu,V., and Mazzolani,M., (2011), Earthquake Engineering for
Structural Design, SPON Press, Taylor and Francis, New York
[14] Park,R., and Paulay,T., (1975b), Reinforced Concrete Structures, John
Wiley & Sons, UK
[15] Paulay,T., and Priestley,M.J.N., (1992), Seismic Design of Reinforced
Concrete and Masonry Buildings, John Wiley and Sons, New York
[16] Salmon, C.G., and Johnson,J.E., (1996), Steel Structures Design and Behaviour,
Prentice Hall, NJ
[17] Varghese,P.C., (2010), Design of Reinforced Concrete Foundation, PHI Learning Pvt
Basics of analog design: MOS model for analog circuits, large signal modeling, incremental
modeling, MOS parasitics, mismatches, speed (fT), passive components for IC design (R, C and
L), biasing,negative feedback for biasing, introduction to layout, Gain-BW-Swing-Power-Noise-
Area trade-offs. (4)
Amplifier design: Review of single stage amplifiers, single-ended and differential amplifier
design, gm/Id design technique, sub-threshold design technique for low power consumption,
techniques to increase gain of amplifiers- active loads, cascode, differential amplifier with
current mirror load, mirror pole, stability issues and utility of negative feedback in high gain
amplifiers. (7)
Operational amplifier design: Review of op amp characteristics, CMRR, offset, single stage op
amp, high gain op amps - telescopic, two stage, stability and frequency compensation, fully
differential amplifier (FDA), common-mode-feedback, review of low noise, low voltage op amp
design techniques. (8)
Other topics: Noise, layout techniques, effect of off-chip components and packaging on IC
design, oscillators, phase noise and PLLs. (7)
1. B. Razavi, “Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits,” 2nd ed., McGraw Hill, 2017.
2. P. E. Allen and D. R. Holberg, “CMOS Analog Circuit Design,” 3rd ed., Oxford, 2013.
1. Paul R. Gray & Robert G. Mayor, “Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits,” 4th
ed., JohnWily& Sons, 2008.
Type of Evaluation Weightage (in %)
Mid Sem Exam (1) 20%
Quiz (2) 10%
End Sem Exam 30%
Assignments (4) 20%
Project (2) 20%
4. Data Visualization and Analysis: Descriptive Statistics, Tests of Normality and Data
Transformation, Outliers, Collinearity in Data, Data Summarization vs Data Reduction
Techniques: Exploratory Factor Analysis, Principal Component Analysis, Discriminant
Factor Analysis
5. Introduction to Statistical Analysis: Inferential Statistics-Tests of Difference and Tests of
Association: Multi-level tests (ANOVA): nonparametric and parametric tests of difference –
chi-square test, Mann Whitney U test, Binomial Sign test, Wilcoxon’s T test, Related and
Unrelated t tests; nonparametric and parametric tests of association – correlation, regression;
Significance testing [NOTE: While this course emphasizes basic descriptive and inferential
statistical analysis, the Second part of the course to be offered in Spring would cover
Statistical Analysis of Behavioral and Neuroimaging data in more detail].
6. Communicating and Assessing Research: Writing, Poster and general Presentations
(formatting of the research paper using APA and IEEE journal/conference formats)
PREREQUISITES: Interest in conducting behavioral experiments is desirable. Open only for
DD, MS, and PhD students. BTech and MTech students can be admitted based on specific
requirements and instructor permission.
• Howell, D.C. (1997). Statistical Methods for Psychology (4th ed). Belmont, CA: Duxbury.
• Salkind, N.J. (2009). Exploring Research (8th Ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
• Cozby, P. & Bates, S. (2011). Methods in Behavioral Research (11th Ed.), McGraw Hill.
• Coolican, H. (2014). Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology. London: Hodder &
• Passer, M. W. (2017). Research Methods: Concepts and Connections, 2nd ed. New York:
Assignments and Quizzes: 30%
Class Participation: 10%
Project: 40%
Exams: 20%
Week 1
1 -2 Structure and properties of biomolecules: Steric and electronic
effects, Electrophiles, nucleophiles, acids, bases and salts, Buffers
Week 2
3 Interactions between biomolecules: Hydrogen bonding and solvation, examples of
structure property correlation
Assignment 1 : Due Week 3
Week 2 ı 4
4 ı 7 Properties of ensembles of biomolecules: Elementary concepts of
chemical thermodynamics, Equilibrium and kinetics, Ionic equilibriums and chemistry
in aqueous solution. Application to stability of proteins, nucleic acids and their
interactions. Assignment 2 : Due Week 5
Week 5
8 ı 9 Reactions and reaction mechanisms Classification of reactions and their mechanisms ı
application to classification of biochemical reactions and their enzymes
Assignment 3: Due Week 6
Week 5 ı 6
10 ı 12 Important biochemical reactions Examples from enzyme classes, active site, target
specificity, inhibition and activation. Reactions involved in storage and retrieval of energy.
Enzyme kinetics.
Assignment 4: Due Weeks 8
Week 7 ı 9
13 ı 18 Exploration and analysis of biomolecular structures and interactions
Experimental methods and techniques for analyzing structures and interactions ı NMR, ESR,
X- Ray, CD, Fluorescence etc. Detailed structural analysis of some representative proteins,
Analysis of DNA and RNA structures,
Assignment 5 and 6: Due Weeks 9 and 11
Week 10 ı 12
19 ı 24 Molecular modeling and docking ı concepts and techniques:
Useful concepts in Molecular modeling - Tasks and techniques in molecular modeling,
Identification of tasks e.g. alignment, minimization, conformational search, dynamics
simulation etc., Methods of analyzing structures, Methods of prediction and validation
of structures
Assignment 7: Due Week 12
Week 13 ı 14
25 ı 28 Databases and tools: Classification of databases, databases of structures
and functions, CATH, SCOP, PFAM, Functional domain ı Analysis servers
Assignment 8: Due Week 14
ı Visualization & rendering
ı Building molecules-Physical (Ball & Stick, Paper models), in silico
ı Rendering of various aspects of structures of
biomolecules ı Web based tools
ı Query tools: i) Sequence retrieval, ii) Structure
retrieval ı Protein structure analysis tools:
i) Structure alignment.
ii) Homology search.
iii) Domain assignment.
iv) Fold recognition and analysis
ı Structure prediction tools: i) Secondary structure prediction. (1) Protein. structure. (2)
RNA structure
ı Molecular modeling tools: i) Threading. ii) Comparative modeling, SwissMod.
ı Computational tools: i) Geometry optimization and Energy minimization. ii) Molecular
dynamics simulation.
Projects (if any): Labs + Tutorials 1.5 hr per week Assignment hours (including lab and reading
assignments) around 4 hours per week.
Text Book:
Remarks: Home works are due in the class on the assigned due date. Makeup exam will be given
only under special circumstances.
OBJECTIVE: The objective of this course is to provide an overview of the challenges involved
in designing concurrent data structures and a summary of relevant work for some important data
structure classes. A few popular data structures that illustrate key design issues are chosen for
implementation in the laboratory sessions.
Maurice Herlihy and Nir Shavit, “The Art of Multiprocessor Programming”, Morgan Kaufmann
Publication, 2008.
Recent research Papers will be discussed. There are laboratory sessions dealing with the practice
of concurrent programming in Java. The number of students that can register for this course is 20.
GRADING (Tentative):
HSS448 Critical Viewing and Reading 3-1-0-4
Faculty Name: Sushmita Banerjee
OBJECTIVE: This course is designed as an introduction to texts – literary and cinematic – that
engage with the Partition of British India into present day India and Pakistan. Students will be
introduced to key historical moments to contextualize the texts they read/view. We will interpret
cultural expression in light of ethical, cultural, and historical trauma.
COURSE TOPICS: Unit 1: History and its ghosts – Political moves, Gandhi, Nehru and the INC;
Jinaah and the Muslim League, the state of the people and the State and its people Unit 2: What
were people writing – short stories from Urdu, Hindi and Bangla Unit 3: Cinema – Popular
cinema and its tendencies, the new Nation in the popular imagination, the partition’s afterlives on
PREFERRED TEXTBOOKS: Bose, Sugata and Ayesha Jalal eds. Nationalism, Democracy, and
Development: State and Politics in India. Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1997. Butalia, Urvashi.
The Other Side of Silence: Voices from the Partition of India. Delhi: Penguin, 1998. Pandey,
Gyanendra. Remembering Partition: Violence, Nationalism and History in India. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 2001. Veena Das, Arthur Kleinman, Margaret Lock, Mamphela
Ramphele and Pamela Reynolds. eds.. Remaking a World: Violence, Social Suffering, and
Recovery. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2001. *REFERENCE BOOKS: Bhalla,
Alok.ed. Stories About the Partition of India. Vol.1,2,3. New Delhi: Indus, 1994. Jill, Didur.
Unsettling Partition: Literature, Gender, Memory. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2006.
Talbot, Ian. “Literature and the Human Drama of the 1947 Partition.” Partition and PostColonial
South Asia: A Reader, Vol. II. Eds. Tai Young Tan and Gyanesh Kudaisya. London: Routledge,
2008. Caruth, Cathy. Unclaimed Experience: Trauma and the Possibility of History. Baltimore:
Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996. Felman, Shoshana. Testimony: Crises of Witnessing in
Literature, Psychoanalysis, and History. New York: Routledge, 1992. LaCapra, Dominick.
Writing History, Writing Trauma. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2001.
GRADING PLAN: Type of Evaluation Weightage (in %) Mid Semester Exam 20% Quiz 10%
Assignment 1 20% Assignment 2 20% Final Exam 30%
OUTCOME: Students will learn to critically engage with literary and filmic texts, understand the
Partition and its ramifications, and read popular texts in nuanced and informed ways. REMARKS:
Students are expected to read up to 30 pages a week, watch recommended films, and attend film
screenings when required.
CSE447 Data Analytics I 3-1-0-4
Faculty Name: Vikram Pudi
TYPE-WHEN : CS Elective.
PRE-REQUISITE : Data and Applications
OBJECTIVE : Theory and practice of data warehousing and data mining techniques and
Data Mining Process
Data Preprocessing
Data warehouse concepts and design
Frequent Patterns Mining Classification
< will not cover ML type oriented material, including neural networks, and statistical pattern
recognition topics>
Data Mining : Concepts and Techniques 3rd Edition: Han and Kember,
Compulsory Components:
A group project two students each with following compulsory components on any
dataset of their choice.
1. CSV file to the data warehouse
2. Attribute-oriented induction
3. Frequent patterns
4. Classification
5. Clustering
6. Any other data mining exercise of their choice.
A good understanding of theory and practice of data mining concepts and algorithms in a
real- world setting.
(please list the order in which they will be covered)
Page/Block Design for storing data
Indices, and index implementation
Query Processing techniques (relational operators) and optimization
Transaction Management, concurrency control, and recovery
A brief introduction to cloud database systems
Compulsory Components:
A group project to build a core database system by implementing relational operators, and
some techniques of query optimization.
End Sem Exam
Assignments ADBI
At least 40%
Term Paper
Other Evaluation _________
A good understanding of system aspects and practice of designing and implementing a database
A cool bouquet course on database systems.
PREREQUISITE: The course assumes some knowledge of basic concepts in Mathematics (Linear
Algebra, Probability, Statistics) ; CS (Programming, D ata Structures, Algorithms). Familiarity with
Digital Signal Processing is useful but not mandatory. Knowledge of one of the following
scripting systems (MATLAB, Python) will be crucial for timely submission of assignments and
project work.
OBJECTIVE : Digital images are now everywhere. There is no limit to the useful applications built
by harnessing the information contained in such images. If you are excited to work with images,
this course is for you. The goal of the course is to impart strong fundamen tals in image processing
algorithms, covering both the theoretical and experimental aspects. This course is also a building
block for understanding more advanced topics such as Computer Vision.
1. Introduction and Fundamentals of digital imaging
2. Image enhancement in the spatial domain (intensity transforms, histogram processing,
spatial filtering etc.)
3. Image enhancement by transformation to a different space (fourier transform, wavelet
transform etc.)
4. Geometric Image Processing (transforming spatial geometry of images)
5. Color Image Processing
6. Morphological Image Processing (extracting and analyzing structural properties of images)
7. Image Segmentation
7. Feature-based representation and description
8. Image Restoration and Reconstruction
9. Image Compression
10. Introduction to Video Processing and Motion Estimation
45% theory (10% for quizzes, 10% for mid semester exam, 25% for end semester exam) 55%
practice (25% for assignments, 30% for final project)
1) Understand how images are captured, stored and represented in digital machines
2) Understand various approaches for enhancing images
3) Understand various approaches for transforming the spatial geometry of images
4) Understand how color is represented in images, transformation from RGB to other color
spaces and respective applications
5) Understand how to extract and analyze structural properties of entities in the image
6) Understand approaches for modelling and removing noise in images
7) Understand how storage space for images can be significantly reduced without noticeable
perceptual differences
8) Understand various useful features that can be extracted from images and how they aid in
higher-level tasks
9) Study a variety of modern applications in image and video processing
10) Understand theoretical aspects of image processing algorithms (to understand research papers
and implement them)
11) Gain hands on experience in developing image processing algorithms
12) Get initiated towards higher -level computer vision tasks
CSE431 Distributed Systems 3-1-0-4
System Models
Networking and
Internetworking Inter-process
Logical Time:
channels Middleware:
RMI Termination
Reference Books
ICRC, 2007.
4) George Coulouris, Jean Dollimore, Tim Kindberg and Gordon Blair, ―Distributed Systems
and Design‖, Fifth Edition, Pearson 2011.
Mukesh Singhal and Niranjan G. Shivaratri, ―Advanced Concepts in Operating Systems‖, TMH, 1994,
CSE512 Distributing Trust and Block Chains 3-1-0-4
Faculty Name: Sujit Gujar
Bitcoin has made a big leap in alternative to centralized financial systems. It is one of the most
impressive technological innovation of 21st century. There are people who believe it is a gold
where as there is a section of population who believe this is just a bubble. What is that makes
bitcoin so interesting? Answer is its underlying blockchain technology that not only enabled a
first successful crypto currency but also many real-world applications through smart contracts
as blockchain offers a distributed trustworthy append-only ledger that have anonymity. In this
course, we will study about bitcoins, blockchains and smart contracts along with key basic
crypto fundamentals. In addition, we will touch base upon other aspects of privacy of
database, useful in machine learning, a differential privacy.
(i) Basic maths (probability theory) and cryptography concepts such as encryption,
hashing and Merkel Trees. (Introduction to basic stuff so that course can be self-
(ii) What is cryptocurrency? What is bitcoin? How does bitcoin work?
(iii) What is double spending? How it is avoided by proof of work in bitcoins?
(iv) Bitcoin mining: strategies and incentives, and mining pools.
(v) Distributed consensus. Block chain technology.
(vi) Use of block chains to design smart contracts (Ethereum/solidity) and their
applications such as secure auction, distributed machine learning, secure crowd
sensing etc.
(vii) Other Cryptocurrencies: Altcoins, ZeroCash etc.
(viii) Differential Privacy: Concepts and important results
The Algorithmic Foundations of Differential Privacy, Cynthia Dwork and Aaron Roth
REMARKS: The course has multiple aspects varying from implementation and hands on to
reading recent research papers in this domain and present it to broader audience.
4. DATA COMPRESSION: Kraft Innequality, Optimal Codes, Bound on the optimal code
length, Kraft inequality for Uniquely Decodable Codes, Huffman Codes, Optimality of Huffman
5. CHANNEL CAPACITY: Examples of Channel Capacity, Symmetric Channels, Properties of
Channel Capacity, Joint Typical Sequence, Channel Coding theorem, Zero Error Codes, Fano’s
Inequality and Converse of Channel Coding Theorem, Feedback Capacity
CSE596 Environmental Science & Technology 3-1-0-4
Faculty Name: RC Prasad
TYPE-WHEN: Open Elective for UG and PG - Monsoon
OBJECTIVE: Focus on integrating technology to understand various environmental processes
and possible solutions to combat anthropogenic driven environmental degradation and problems.
Basic of Environmental Science & Technology: Comprehend environment and its issues
Environmental problems and challenges, Environmental Events, Environmental movements
Climate Change: Earth components, Climate system, Climate feedback loops, Climate impact
on environment, unexpected climate changes, Climate models.
Co2, Environmental Stress - Mitigation: Impact on vegetation, carbon sequestration methods –
vegetation, ocean and geological sequestration, IPCC, Clean Development Mechanisms.
Environmental Impact Assessment: Procedure, regulations and case studies
Environment and Information technology: Green computation, Green energy, Green
engineering and technology, e-waste-disposal mechanism – impact on health
Environmental Legislation & Impact Assessment: Important legislations relatedwith
environment; Environmental Auditing; Environmental Ethics
Role of geospatial technology: in assessing environmental degradation
Reference Books
2. Environmental Science (2001): S. C. Santra, New Central Book Agency (P) Ltd
3. Environmental Science (6th ed) (1997): Jr. G. T. Miller, Wadsworth Pub. Co.
Mid Sem-1 20
End Sem Exam 30
Assignments 15
Project 25
Comprehend green accounting and evaluation methods for ecosystem goods and services
OBJECTIVE: Solution of differential equations by Finite Element Method and its application to heat
conduction and elasticity problems..
COURSE TOPICS: Introduction - Strong and Weak forms for one dimensional heat conduction and
elasticity problems – Finite Element Formulation for one dimensional problems, shape functions, Finite
Element Equations, Examples, numerical Integration – Mathematical Preliminaries, Green’s theorem,
Divergence theorem – Scalar Field Problems, Strong and weak forms for two dimensional heat
conduction, Three Node Triangular Elements, four node rectangular elements, iso -parametric elements,
four node quadrilateral element, numerical integration, higher order elements – Multi dimensional
elasticity, strain tensor, stress tensor, constitutive law, coordinate transformations, strong form , weak
form, finite element formulation, iso -parametric finite elements - Structural Mechanics, beams, Euler-
Bernoulli beam theory, strong and weak forms, finite element formulation, coordinate transformations ,
Timoshenko beam theory, plane truss, plane frame.
OUTCOME: Student will get a basic understanding of the use of Finite Element Method in heat
conduction and elasticity problems and will enable him to pursue its other applications.
• Introduction to Analysis :
• Some elementary Concepts: Metric Spaces, Open Set, Closed Set, Neighborhood,
Convergence, Cauchy Sequence
• Linear spaces and linear bounded operators; Normed linear spaces and inner product
• Banach spaces
• Hilbert spaces
Term Paper
End Exam
OUTCOME: To extend basic notions from calculus to metric spaces and normed vector spaces,
Function spaces, dual spaces.
COURSE TOPICS: This course is designed to introduce the critical aspects of games design and
development. Students will go through a structured process involving theory and practical classes to
understand game development. Equal emphasis is given to non -virtual or digital games including board
games, electronic games like rhythm mat and/or games that require physical devices. The main goal is to
get create patentable ideas. The theory classes will cover aspects like theme, narrative, technology
(single player versus multiplayer, managing data, rendering etc.,), game play, player experience, material
analysis in the case of physical games, marketing and animation. In game play, basics like game engine
(digital) and game logic models
will also covered. Experts from industry will cover animation and certain topics in marketing. In the
lab class, the teams will huddle to conceptualize the idea, structure the game design documents,
present their ideas and finalize technology issues. The secondary or even primary goal in some cases is
to use of CAD/CAM like tools to come up with schematics of any physical implement required for
the game and actually solder, cut, fabricate and paint ….
1. What is a game?
- Games Overview - A Theory of Fun; History of Games.
- History of Computer Games
9. Testing a game.
- Solo testing.
- Critical analysis
- Designer testing.
- Player testing
Each team of 3 will conceptualize, design, prototype and test 2 unique games. Number of
Project: 2
P1: Design and prototype a board game that explains a concept. This can be trading, friendship,
education, jobs, global trade, social media etc., think on the lines of games like monopoly, go, chess
etc., Use readily available material to make the prototype. Game play, rules and player demographics
will make up your report.
P2: Design and develop/engineer a game virtual or live -action game that can be used for
physical therapy. Virtual game – for carpal tunnel syndrome (look up the web for this
occupational hazard). Liveaction game: which can help people exercise their lower back (a
major issue with people who sit for long hours)? Materials for the virtual game can include
Kinnect or joy sticks. Interfaces need be assembled. For the live-action, raw materials
which are readily available need to be used and also fabrication like injection molding
should be avoided. Sensors can be used, if electronic games are selected.
At least couple of design patents. Selected games ideas to the annual Game Developer Conference,
transfer/license and most importantly connecting theory to practice/real product REMARKS:
The course requires a lot lab type of work. Considering that animation experts and animators are
not available, some creativity is encouraged to create avatars, characters for the digital games and
layouts for the physical games. Half of the class hours will be in a lab room or work space. This
space will be kept open throughout the semester for students to work at any time.
TYPE-WHEN : Monsoon
OBJECTIVE : To introduce students to basic concepts in gender theory and Feminist
practice and help students locate themselves using these concepts. Literature and film shall be
taught to demonstrate the various ways in which popular culture establishes, represents,
perpetuates, and occasionally disrupts gender roles.
Concepts of Power, Ideology, Patriarchy, and Privilege. What are intersectionalities, and why is it
important to study them when we study gender? Gender and Class – what do we mean by class;
how class modifies/intensifies the experience in the workplace, science, education, home Gender
and Caste – what do we mean by caste; how class modifies/intensifies the experience in the
workplace, science, education, home.
Butler, Judith (1990), Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity, New York:
Freedman, Estelle B. (ed) The Essential Feminist Reader. New York: Modern Library, 2007.
McCann, Carole R. and Seung-Kyung Kim, eds. Feminist Theory Reader: Local and Global
Perspectives. New York: Routledge, 2003.
Mazumdar, V. Emergence of Women’s Question and Role of Women’s Studies. New Delhi:
Centre for Women’s Development Studies, 1985.
Kumar, Radha (2002), A History of Doing: Movements for Women’s Rights and Feminism in
India, 1800-1990. India, Kali For Women.
Tharu, Susie and K. Lalita eds. Women Writing in India: 600 B.C. to the Present. I and II. Delhi:
Oxford University Press, New York: Feminist Press and London: Harper Collins, 1990-1993.
Uberoi, Patricia (2006) Freedom And Destiny: Gender, Family, And Popular Culture In India.
USA: Oxford University Press.
Type of Evaluation Weightage (in %)
Mid Sem-2 Exam 20%
End Sem Exam 30%
Assignments 20%
Term Paper 30%
OUTCOME: Students will have increased familiarity with contemporary issues in gender
discourse. They will be able to question their prior opinions and think in more informed ways
about the nature of gender relations, individual roles, and socio-cultural formations.
REMARKS: Students are expected to read up to 30 pages a week and attend film screenings
when required.
OBJECTIVE: To develop a detailed understanding aboutwater resources systems and
various modelling techniques involved to study water quantity, quality and demands.
Development and real-world application of various water resources software technologies,
information and decision support systems.
Subrahmanya, K., 2008, Engineering Hydrology, Tata Mc Graw Hill Pub. Co.,
New Delhi.
Chow, V. T., Maidment and Mays, L. A., 2010, Applied Hydrology, Tata Mc Graw
Hill Pub. Co., New York.
Haan T. C., Statistical Methods in Hydrology, East West Publishers, 1998.
SK Som and G Biswas, Introduction to Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines
Assignments 15
Project/Assignments 25
Integrating wind induced responses in the design of various structures such as tunnels, tall buildings
flipped classroom pedagogy and this is the NPTEL course. Students may
refer: https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108/105/108105060/
TYPE-WHEN: Monsoon-2020
and IE, Modeling documents for IR purpose - Vector model, term weighing, Similarity
measures, text collections and issues, Text processing and Indexing Techniques (Preliminary
stop words, phrases), Data Structures for IR and IE, distributed and Parallel IR (Advanced
Indexing, query expansion, Postings size estimation, merge sort, dynamic indexing,
positional indexes, n-gram indexes, Index compression, Web Based Search, Page Ranking,
*PROJECT: There are no home assignments. This is a project Intensive course. Groups
will have project deliverables every alternate week. Project Deliverable: Finalize the
CSE485 Intro to Cognitive Science 3-1-0-4
OUTCOME: At the end of the course, students will have an appreciation of the principles of Cognitive
Science and theoretical issues related to Mind and Consciousness. It is expected that students would
acquire both the knowledge of the state-of-the-art in Cognitive Science and also practical experience and
appreciation of how empirical studies are conducted to investigate human behaviour.
Objective: The aim of the course is to introduce various research -driven topics in psychological
science. This course will help you understand how we perceive, think, feel and act, both as an
individual as well as a social-cultural being. Emphasizing the role of critical thinking, empirical
investigation and research design in psychology, this course will specifically highlight how
psychological phenomena and processes are scientifically investigated.
1. Introduction to Psychology
2. The Matter of the Mind
3. Evolutionary Psychology
4. Human Development
5. Sensation, Perception, Attention, and Awareness
6. Consciousness
7. Learning
8. Memory
9. The Social Mind
10. Motivation and Emotion
11. Stress, Coping, and Health
1. Psychology: from Inquiry to Understanding, 3ed. 2014., by Lilienfeld, Lynn, Namy, &
Teaching approach: The course will be lecture cum seminar course. Students will be introduced to
undergraduate-level introductory topics and issues in psychology. Relevant lecture videos and
reading material will be provided before each topic.
In this course, we’ll use online lectures from active scientists in the field of Psychological
Sciences from MIT and University of Toronto. I have planned to follow MIT and C oursera,
Introduction to Psychology Course for lectures, followed by twice a week active discussions in our
scheduled classes. Mostly the lectures will be considered from Coursera videos on
Introduction to Psychology by Prof. Joordens, except topic 10 and 11, which will be covered
from MIT opencourseware (OCW) by Prof. Gabrielli.
To ensure the participation of each student, each student will be given a chance to briefly talk
about the topic based on the assigned readings. Each student will be required to d o at least one
Assignments: This exercise will consist of two brief write-ups (about 1000-1500 words) about
psychological phenomena that will be assigned to them based on our everyday experiences. For
instance, some of the questions will be as following:
1. How media affect the way we think? 2. Do we freely choose our actions or are they
determined beforehand by factors beyond our awareness and control? 3. How our brain
sculpted? 4. How do we develop an attitude about people, things, and events? 5. How your
behavior get shaped? 6. Are there laws of perception?
The purpose of the assignment is to evaluate the conceptual mapping of the everyday
phenomenon to psychological investigation and scope of generalization. This exercise will
involve critically review of peer-reviewed journal articles and/or book chapters and state their
position in reference to the topic assigned to them. General feedback will be given to students after
Project: In this exercise students will be required to co nduct an empirical study to understand the
psychological phenomena or processes by employing the research methods used in
psychological sciences. Students will be encouraged to replicate the classic psychological
studies and get mesmerized with similar / c ontradictory findings
1. Assignments: 20%
a. Brief Write up (10%)
b. Class presentations (5%)
c. Peer review (5%)
2. Quizzes 10%
3. Mid-Term II – 20%
4. Final Term – 20%
5. Project – 30%
a. Project ideas (10%)
b. Conducting study (10%)
c. Final report and presentation (10%)
HSS343a Introduction to History 3-1-0-4
Faculty Name: Ashwin Jayanti
ObJective: This course intends to introduce the non -historian student to the discipline of
history and equip him/her with some ideas of how to look at the contemporary world with
a historical perspective.
COURSE TOPICS:(1) Development of the ideas of memory, past and his tory;
(2) Conception of time;
(3) Making of the modern discipline of history;
(4) The main theories of history;
(5) The main methods of history.
PREFERRED TEXT BOOKS: E. H. Carr: What is History.
Marc Bloch, The Historian’s Craft .
Ranajit Guha, “On Some Aspects of the Historiography of Colonial India”. Chapter one in
Subaltern Studies Vol 1.
Mircea Eliade, The Myth of the Eternal Return: Cosmos and History .
*PROJECT: Written analysis of either one film or novel or a contemporary news event using
historical methods.
Project 20%
Term Paper
Other Evaluation _
OUTCOME: The student will be able to identify the main theories and methods of the
discipline of history. S/he will also be use some of these to understand and explain
contemporary events.
REMARKS: The course will be divided into two parts. Part One will consist of lectures and
readings which will introduce the students to the readings and also give information about the
main theories and theoreticians of history. The readings will total about 250 pr inted pages. Part
Two will consist of class discussions and group presentations, based on analysing films, novels
and contemporary new reports using ideas and methods learnt in part one.
Interest in Neuroscience and Cognitive Science, Basic background in Calculus, Probability and
Statistics, Linear Algebra, Ordinary Differential Equations and aptitude for programming.
At the end of the course, students will have an appreciation of models used in Neuroscience at
multiple levels of resolution and would acquire familiarity with programming environments that
implement them. Although the course stands independently by itself, it adds computational
perspective to courses such as Introduction to Cognitive Science and Introduction to Cognitive
Students have to register at the above link to download study material for a self-study and
attend a group discussion session once a week for 1.5 hrs. Evaluations will be done by the
course instructor and not EdX.
Monsoon 2020
Objective: This course will look at some perennial philosophical problems: Is there a God?
What is knowledge, and how do we get it? What is the place of our consciousness in the
physical world? As this course is meant to develop self-learning, it is not lecture-based. This
course will be carried out by having discussions and writing assignments as well as term
paper. This will help to develop the critical reasoning and argumentative skills more
Part 1: God
Week 01
Week 02
Meeting 6: What is
Knowledge? Meeting 7:
SkepticismAbout Knowledge
Week 05
Week 06
Week 07
Meeting 12: Thinking Machines
Week 08
Week 09
Week 10
Assignments = 20%
Reading with Explanation : Romeo and Juliet
: King Lear
: Henry IV
OBJECTIVE : This course aims to introduce students to basic concepts and theories in the field of
sociology, while briefly discussing various sociological methods. It will introduce students to
sociological approaches to various social institutions such as caste, class, tribe, family, religion
and gender. It will also touch upon sociological approaches to politics, urbanisation,
industrialisation, development and ecology.
(2) Sociological concepts
(3) Sociological methods
(4) Study of social institutions in India
(5) Sociology of Politics, urbanisation, industrialisation and development
Alpa Shah, In the Shadows of the State: Indigenous Politics, Environmentalism, and Insurgency in
Jharkhand, India (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2010).
Carol Upadhyay, Reengineering India: Work, capital, and class in an offshore economy (Delhi:
Oxford University Press, 2016).
Friedrich Engels, The origin of the family, private property and the State (New Delhi: Penguin,
Gail Omvedt, Dalit Visions: the Anticaste movement and Indian Cultural Identity (New Delhi:
Orient Blackswan, 2006).
Indu Banga (ed.), City in Indian history (New Delhi: Manohar, 1991).
M.N. Srinivas, Social Change in Modern India (New Delhi: Orient Longman, 1985).
Nivedita Menon (ed.), Gender and Politics in India (New Delhi: Oxford University Press: 2001).
Ramachandra Guha (ed.), Social Ecology (New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1994).
Shilpa Phadke et. al., Why Loiter: Women and Risk on Mumbai Streets (New Delhi: Penguin, 2011).
Uma Ramaswamy, Work, Union and Community: Industrial man in South India (Delhi: Oxford
University Press, 1983).
Will be shared with students during the course of the semester. Each module in this course will have a
reference reading list which can be used by students.
Type of Evaluation Weightage
Quiz-1 0%
Quiz-2 0%
Mid Sem Exam 25%
35% (4-5 assignments, based on
End Sem Exam 40%
Lab Exam 0%
Project/any other evaluation 0%
OUTCOME: The student will get an overview of theories, concepts and methods in Sociology. The
lectures, discussions, readings and projects will enable the student to relate to contemporary
debates and to engage with the complexity of contemporary Indian society. Apart from
understanding various social institutions in India, s/he will grapple with modern sociological
concerns related to gender, the urban space, industrialization and the ecological contradictions of
REMARKS: The course will be based on lectures and the students will be expected to read the
material mentioned in the reading list.
TYPE-WHEN : Monsoon
IS 16700-2017: Criteria for Structu ral Safety of Tall Concrete Buildings
IS 1893-2016: Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures
IS 13920-2016: Ductile Design & Detailing of RC structures subjected to seismic forces
– Code of Practice
IS 456-2000 Plain and Reinforced Concrete - Code of Practice
IS15988-2013: Seismic evaluation & strengthening of existing RC Buildings -Guidelines
Student will be confident in interpretation the current version and all future versions
of the above codes.
TYPE-WHEN: Elective-Monsoon
The course introduces the student to fair detail on the basic modules for automating a mobile robot
such as state estimation, visual odometry and mapping, planning, and collision avoidance. The course
draws upon state of the art practices in probability and statistical methods, op timization techniques
and shows how they are dovetailed to a robotics setting. The course has a strong coding component in
the form of assignments wherein the student is expected to simulate and implement the algorithms
taught in class.
Vision: Rigid body transformations, Projective geometry, Camera modelling, Camera calibration,
Two - view geometry, Stereo, Triangulation, Resection, Visual odometry, Bundle adjustment
State estimation: Bayesian filters - Kalman filter, Extended Kalman filter, Localization and Mapping
using EKF
Path planning: AI-style planning, Kinematics, Randomized planning, Trajectory optimization,
Collision avoidance in dynamic environments
Hartley, R., & Zisserman, A. (2003). Multiple view geometry in computer vision. Cambridge
university press.
Thrun, S., Burgard, W., & Fox, D. (2005). Probabilistic robotics. MIT press.
*PROJECT: 3 projects
Mid Sem II - (20%)
End Sem - 20%
3 Projects - 20% Each
OUTCOME: The student is expected to be aware of stat e of the art mobile robotic algorithms and
should feel comfortable reading and assimilating state of the art research papers in areas covered
in the course/class.
(please list the order in which they will be covered)
1. Intro and Proofs: Structure of Proofs, Logical Quantifiers, Countable & Uncountable Infinities,
Cantor’s Theorem, Some basic algorithms (eg. Karatsuba’s Multiplication, Euclid’s GCD) and
proof of correctness and complexity. Axiomatic Definitions and Impossibility Results.
2. Circuits: Representations of Numbers and Objects in Binary, Prefix free Encodings, Circuit
Computation Model, Encoding Circuits in Binary, Counting Circuits and Size Hierarchy
Theorems. Proof of all function can be computed by Circuits. Universality of NAND.
6. Computational Learning Theory: Sample Complexity and PAC Learning Model, Lowerbounds
in Sample Complexity, Agnostic Learning, Hardness of Learning.
• Communication Complexity
• Complexity of Counting
• Interactive Computation
Quiz-2 10
Open Quantum Systems and Quantum Thermodynamics 3-1-0-4
FACULTY NAME : Samyadeb Bhattacharya, CSTAR.
Note: Please use course code for previously existing course
TYPE-WHEN : Monsoon
(please list the order in which they will be covered)
1. Introduction to Quantum mechanics and linear algebra
2. Quantum states, density matrices and Von Neumann algebra.
3. Quantum Dynamics: from unitary operations to completely positive
trace preserving maps.
4. Operator sum representation and introduction to basic quantum
5. Quantum dynamical equations: from Schrödinger equation to quantum
master equations.
6. Entropy production and laws of thermodynamics.
7. Application: Introduction to quantum heat engines.
PREFERRED TEXT BOOKS: 1.John Preskill lecture notes, 2. Theory of open quantum
systems by H P Breuer & F Petruccione.
*REFERENCE BOOKS: Lecture notes in open quantum systems by Alicki & Lendi
*PROJECT: Construction of basic quantum heat engines and other devices.
Term Paper
REMARKS: As quantum information science is currently one of the most growing research
areas in the world, a primary course on one of the aspects of such research trends can be very
handful to students of an institution having serious impetus on current research.
Plastic Theory of Structures 3-1-0-4
TYPE-WHEN : Monsson-2020
OBJECTIVE: This course is an introduction to the principles behind the design and interpretation
of programming languages. Understanding the abstraction mechanisms in the language and their
implementation is key to successfully using the language, i.e., doing programming and
understand the behavior of the program. One way is to understand that programs are translated
(compiled) into another, lower-level language, which is executed by hardware. Another way to
think of programs and programming languages is that they are mathematical objects.
Programming languages draw their foundations from mathematical logic, universal algebra and
the theory of computation.
In this course, we take an interesting approach. We build a series of interpreters, each a virtual
machine for a mini language with specific features. This approach draws from the denotational
and the operational formalisms, but couches them in the notation of a programming language,
viz., Scheme. The bulk of the course will therefore be driven by studying and constructing
definitional interpreters in Scheme. Using this approach we study standard features of
procedural languages like abstract syntax, lexical scoping, stack architectures, parameter passing,
environments and store, and also more advanced features like computational effects,
continuations, exceptions, and imperative form transformation.
Other Programming Paradigms like logic and object oriented programming. Comparative
study of languages.
Programming Languages –Concepts and Constructs by Ravi Sethi
Simply Scheme: Introducing Computer Science by Brian Harvey and Matthew Wright.
Assignments 30
Term Paper
Other Evaluation
PoPL is useful because it encourages the student to think about software artefacts as virtual
machines, with a well-defined interface (a programming language) and an internal structure
consisting of symbolic structures operating according to well-defined rules. With a
background in the Principles of Programming Languages, one starts thinking about the
quality of a software artefact by relating it to the properties of the virtual machine that is
implicitly defined underneath it.
More concretely, a student graduating from a PoPL course should be able to perform each of the
following sample tasks:
• Identify and understand the abstract syntax aof any programming language like C or
• Design small, domain specific languages from scratch and implement them either
as interpreters or embeddings in another language.
• Analyse and critique the design of programming languages like C, C++ or Python.
• Specify the structure of a software application like a spreadsheet or a word processor
in terms of its interface as a language of user operations and its internal structure as a
virtual machine.
Course Overview: The course details the physics of various semiconductor devices and relates
it to their electrical characteristics. Popular devices like PN-junction diodes, MOS Capacitors,
various MOSFETs and BJTs are discussed in detail along with their circuit simulation models.
An overview of advanced Integrated Circuit Technology is provided at the end of the course.
Course Topics
• Fundamentals of semiconductors: Band structure, Electron-hole statistics, Intrinsic
and Extrinsic semiconductors, Band diagrams, Carrier transport Mechanisms,
generation- recombination, optical absorption and emission, basics of circuit models
and parameter extraction.
• P-N junctions: Physics of P-N junction, Diode electrical characteristics, charge storage
and transient behavior, Circuit model, Junction break down, Zener diode, Schottky
diodes, photo diode, Solar cell, tunnel diode, LED and laser diode.
Reference books:
Course Objectives
The course aims in providing the essential link between the devices and their circuits.
From this course, student will appreciate how the physics of the device gets related to its
electrical properties, which in- turn determines the circuit applications.
Final projects of the course will use
Grading Policy
Type of Evaluation Weightage (in %)
Mid Sem-1 Exam 20
Mid Sem-2 Exam 20
End Sem Exam 30
Assignments 10
Term Paper 20
REMARKS: Sonar, Weather Radar , AWACS, MIMO Radar, Over-the-Horizon Radar ,Radar
Astronomy, Remote sensing will be addressed through term papers
(please list the order in which they will be covered)
Real-Time Systems – Introduction and Concepts, Modeling Real-Time Systems
Commonly used approaches to Real-Time Scheduling – Clock Driven approach, Weighted Round
Robin approach, Priority Driven Approach, Dynamic vs Static Systems, Offline vs Online
Scheduling, Preemptive vs Non-Preemptive
Clock Driven Scheduling – Scheduling Aperiodic and Sporadic Jobs, Schedulability test
Priority Driven Scheduling – Static Priority: Rate Monotonic and Deadline Monotonic
Algorithms, Dynamic Priority: EDF Algorithm, Schedulability tests
Scheduling Aperiodic and Sporadic jobs in Priority Driven Systems – Deferrable Server, Sporadic
Server, Constant Utilization Server, Total Bandwidth Server and Weighted Fair Queuing Server
Multiprocessor Scheduling
C.M. Krishna & Kang G. Shin , Real Time Systems, McGraw Hill
Each student will have to complete a course project. The project can fall into any of the following
two categories
i) defining a research problem in the real-time systems area, implementing the solution and
demonstrating results
ii) implementing a solution proposed in a research paper and perform comprehensive analysis
demonstrating the advantages/issues with the proposed solution.
Students may work in groups of 2, based on the total number of students registered for the course
and the amount of work that is proposed.
Weightage (in
Type of Evaluation
Mid Sem-1 Exam 10
Mid Sem-2 Exam 10
End Sem Exam 25
Assignments 15
Project 25
Term Paper
Other Evaluation – Research 15
Paper Presentation
Students will be able to design and develop real-time systems. They will also be able to analyze
various scheduling approaches and their associated complexities. Finally, the students will have
sufficient expertise implementing a scheduler in a RTOS.
OUTCOME: The students will be well aware of state -of-the-art in non-cryptographic security
issues and their proposed solutions. The student will also get to know about the opportunities that
exist in the research space. Some of the topics are very practical from i ndustry point of view,
especially when it comes to proactive approach to security i.e. security during development
REMARKS: The course is highly flexible in its contents and approach. Based on the student’s
participation and interest, the course may progress in a particular direction.
1. To develop the student’s knowledge in various robot structures and their workspace.
2. To develop student’s skills in performing spatial transformations associated with rigid
body motions.
3. To develop student’s skills in perform kinematics analysis of robot systems.
4. To provide the student with knowledge of the singularity issues associated with the
operation of robotic systems.
5. To provide the student with some knowledge and analysis skills associated with trajectory
6. To provide the student with some knowledge and skills associated with robot control.
7. To provide the student with some knowledge associated with quadrator.
1) Rotation & Translation Kinematics
2) Homogeneous Transformation, Forward and Inverse Kinematics
3) Jacobian
4) Dynamics
5) Inverse Dynamics Control for Robots
6) Lyapunov Stability Theory
7) Robust Control Design for Robots
8) Quadrotor dynamics
9) Linear control system design
10) Controller design for Quadrotor
1) Mark W. Spong, Seth Hutchinson, and M. Vidyasagar, Robot Modeling and Control,
John Wiley & Sons.
2) Lorenzo Sciavicco and Bruno Siciliano, Modelling and control of robot manipulators,
Springer Science & Business Media, 2012.
3) Applied Nonlinear Control by Slotine and Lee
4) Quad Rotorcraft Control by LRG Carrillo, AED Lopez, R Lozano and C Pegard.
5) Modern Control Engineering by K Ogata.
1) Reza N. Jazar, Theory of applied robotics: kinematics, dynamics, and control, Springer
Science & Business Media, 2010.
Term Paper
1. Students will demonstrate an ability to apply spatial transformation to obtain forward
kinematics & inverse kinematics equation of robot manipulators.
2. Students will demonstrate an ability to obtain the Jacobian matrix and use it to identify
3. Students will demonstrate an ability to generate joint trajectory for motion planning.
4. Students will demonstrate knowledge of robot controllers.
5. Student will demonstrate knowledge of Quadrotor mechanics and control.
TYPE-WHEN : Domain Elective for CNS Dual/Ph.D. and General Elective for
all B. Tech. students
OBJECTIVE :To study the principles and real-world applications of selected
modern instrumental analysis techniques.
1. Sivasankar, B, “Instrumental Methods of Analysis”, Oxford University Press, 2012.
2. R.S. Khandpur“Handbook of Analytical instruments”, Tata Mc Graw-Hill, 2nd Edition,
3. Principles of Instrumental Analysis, Skoog, Holler, Nieman, Thomson Brooks-Cole
Publications, 6thEdition.
1. Instrumental Methods of Analysis, Willard, Merritt, Dean, Settle, CBS Publishers &
Distributors, New Delhi, 7th edition.
2. Introduction to Instrumental Analysis, Robert D. Braun, McGraw-Hill Book Company.
3. Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis, Galen W. Ewing, McGraw-Hill Book
Company, Fifth edition
For the year 2020: Quizzes: 20% + Assignments: 50% + Final Assignment/Quiz: 30%
OUTCOME:Students after finishing this course are expected to develop a better understanding of
the principles of various modern instrumental analyses, real world applications, scope, and the
limitations of these analyses and an enhanced appreciation for analytical techniques.
E451 Social Science Perspective on HCI 3-1-0-4
To bring a social perspective and the importance of lived contexts in the framing and
understanding of man-machine interaction
To get a grasp of the theoretical and applied frameworks supporting the dom ain of HCI
Overview of Course
Quote: “A sushi restaurant puts sensors on its plates to assess, in real time, what’s being eaten so it can
adjust its food offerings” [ Goodman, The Atomic Age of Data, 2015]” End Quote.
Radically different ways of interacting with computationa lly based systems are possible, ranging from
the visual [surfaces, input devices] to the invisible [ sensor technologies, back end processors]
and importantly social [ which means non -technological] affectations triggering diverse ways of
interfacing with technology. Human-Computer Interaction [HCI] is a vision for a world of
interconnected devices, that have acquired smartness due to computing power. As computational
technologies continue to ‘disappear’ and merge with the physical world, becoming increasingly
tangible, embedded and embodied in a range of environments, architectures and artifacts, new
research agendas and design approaches are called for [ Nansen et al, 2014].
This course is an introduction to the field of Human -Computer interaction research with a focus on
‘human’ and how the HCI domain interfaces with the social sciences. The course begins with a
selection of seminal work that establish the HCI domain: interactive systems/techniques, design
and user interfaces. We will then move on to topi cs including social and context aware computing,
design research and evaluation methods.
The course will also present a perspective based on the importance and role of objects in social
relations. We situate this work in relation to a conceptual understand ing of objects and social
relations, suggest effective methodological and theoretical tools to study of a more object -
centered sociality and suggest design opportunities to make better products.
The course will center on the processes and challenges of ideating, designing and evaluating
technologies as products, their usability and immersion into the social contexts of users. We will
study contextual design as a field that emerged in response to the challenges of designing for context
and usability. Another important strand in this course will dwell on the sociological aspects of HCI
and explore the ‘mediation’ of technology use by a range of contextual situations: socio-cultural
obligations, habits, values, infrastructure, material objects and not in the least family, kinship and
human bonds. Some examples of the above are:
A deep look at social networking as everyday HCI- Facebook; Twitter; Messaging applications.
Another example will be looking at technologies driven by data science, like mobile marketing
analytics, and their consequences for society.
A third example will be studying real world application of big data to social situations: real time
traffic; real world geographic navigation; geo -location based services [ food delivery; friendship;
dating]; Consumer-centric health care services [ monitoring parameters; precision medicine; Health
care platforms]
A close look at the impacts of peer to peer sharing platforms [ Uber, AirBnB]
This class has no pre-requisite requirements and open to students from any background. Students
are expected to do all of the readings. Students will be evaluated with a quiz or a test and a
presentation that will gauge student ability in engaging with and comprehending the course
readings and class room discussions. The class test and the presentat ion will be based on the class
lectures and readings assigned for the course
Sterling, B. The Epic Struggle Of The Internet Of Things , Moscow: Strelka Press, 2014.
Rogers, Y. HCI Theory: Classical, Modern, and Contemporary . [San Rafael, Calif.], Morgan &
Claypool, 2012
Blomberg, J., Burrell, M., and Guest, G. An Ethnographic Approach to Design, Human-Computer
Interaction Handbook, L. Erlbaum Associates Inc. Hillsdale, NJ, USA,2003
Bell, G., Blythe, M., and Sengers, P. 2005. Making by Making Strange: Defamiliarization and the Design
of Domestic Technology. ACM Trans. Computer-Human Interaction, 12(2), 149-173.
Dourish, P. 2006. Implications for Design. Proc. ACM Conf. Human Factors in Computing
Systems CHI 2006 (Montreal, Canada), 541-550.
O’Brien, J., Rodden, T., Rouncefield, M., and Hughes, J. 1999. At Home with the Technology: An
Ethnographic Study of a Set -Top Box Trial. ACM Trans. Computer-Human Interaction, 6(3), 282-
Kelson, J.A.S. (1982). The process approach to understanding human motor behavior: An
introduction. In J.A.S. Kelso (Ed.), Human Motor Behavior: An Introduction, 3-19, Hillsdale, N.J.:
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Bell, G., Blythe, M., Gaver, B., Sengers, P., and Wright, P. Designing culturally situated
technologies for the home. Ext. Abstracts CHI 2003. ACM Press (2003), 1062-1063.
Quiz 20
Assignments 20
Project reports 30
Other Evaluation NA
Students will be able to identify and apply a sociological lens to a human -computer interaction
context. This will mean applying informed ways to draw boundaries to an HCI context, use the
right theoretical tools of study and processing appropriate data to conduct an independent
academic study of selective HCI situations in the real world
Course Structure (each of approximately 1-2 week duration):
A few lectures, may be given by Invited Speakers in related areas during the course to
provide the students a wider understanding of its relevance and application.
In addition, there will be a hands-on (lab tutorials) introduction to one or two GIS
software and tools at relevant times during the course.
1. Geographical information systems and science by Paul A. Longley, Michael F.
Goodchild, David J. Maguire, and David W. Rhind
2. Introduction To Geographic Information Systems by Kang-Tsung Chang
3. GIS – A computing perspective by Micheal Worboys and Matt Duckham
4. Concepts and techniques of geographic information systems by C P Lo and Albert K
W Yeung
Quiz-1 10
Quiz-2 10
OUTCOME: Students will learn the basic concepts of Geospatial data representation,
cartography, visualization, data manipulation and how to extract meaningful information
from it. In addition, they will be exposed to the application potential of this fast developing
domain cutting across disciplinary interests.
Type-when: Monsoon-2020
Pre-Requisite: (PG, research and BTech students from 3rd year onwards will be permitted) Signal and
systems Digital signal processing.
COURSE TOPICS: Background and need for speech processing, Speech production mechanism, Nature of
speech signal, Basics of digital signal processing, Equivalent representations of signal and systems, Speech
signal processing methods, Linear prediction analysis, Basics of speech recognition.
PREFERRED TEXT BOOKS: 1. L.R.Rabiner and B.H Juang, Fundamentals of speech recognition, Pearson
LPE (1993). 2. L.R.Rabiner and R.W.Schafer, Digital processing of speech signals, Pearson LPE (1993).
Quiz-1: 10%
Quiz-2: 10%
Mid Sem Exam: 20%
Assignments: 10%
End Sem Exam : 40%
Project/any other evaluation: 10%
. Introduction, Feature Representation
. Nearest Neighbor Classification
. Random Variables, Probability Densities, Multivariate Densities
. Bayesian Decision Theory
. Naive Bayes Classifier
. Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE)
. Linear Discriminant Functions
. Perceptron Learning
. Minimum Squared Error Procedures
. Logistic Regression
. Neural Networks, Backpropagation, Training Methods
. Principal Component Analysis and Eigen Faces
. Linear Discriminant Analysis and Fischer Faces
. Max-Margin Classification (SVM), SVM variants, Kernalization
. Data Clustering, Kmeans (EM) and variants, Hierarchical Clustering
. Decision Trees
. Graphical Models, Bayesian Belief Networks
. Combining Classifiers, Boosting
* Pattern Classification by Duda, Hart & Stork
* Machine Learning - A Probabilistic Perspective by Kevin Murphy (free ebook available
* Neural Networks - A Comprehensive Foundation by Simon Haykin
* Assignments 3: 20% (1 Mini-project + 2 Assignments)
* Homeworks: 30% (2-4 problems given after each lecture; Top 80% counted)
* Two MidSems : 30%
* Final Exam : 20%
This course will enable students to understand pattern recognition techniques namely, classification and
clustering in detai l including both theoretical and practical aspects.
John D. Holmes (2003), Wind Loading of Structures, ISBN 0-419-24610-X, ISBN 0-203-
30164- 1 Master e-book ISBN.
Assignments 15
Project 25
Integrating wind induced responses in the design of various structures such as tunnels, tall buildings
Sl No Topics Week
1 Introduction
• Technology Product innovation.
• Successful products cases review 1
2 Creativity & Innovation
• Stretch the idea. Idea Hexagon framework applied
3 Frameworks & Models 2
• Product & Market first
• Vision first (Vision/Strategy/Execution)
• Large opportunity (Big untapped market/ Much better product/ Much better team)
• Lean Startup models
• Crossing the chasm”
HSS444 Theories and Pratices of Nationalism 3-1-0-4
OBJECTIVE: This course intends to introduce students to the manner in which nationalism
has been conceptualised by nationalists in India and also to the academic theories of nation-
states and nationalism. It will provide a perspective to understand the dynamics and
complexities of nationalism in our world today and appreciate its salience.
OUTCOME:The student will get an overview of the history of nationalism and will be
introduced to how it has been theorized over the past century and more. S/he will also be
able to trace nationalism’s trajectories in India, recognize its main debates and understand
its historical role in constituting our present day conditions.
REMARKS:The course will be based on lectures and the students will be expected to read
all the books given in the reading list.
TYPE-WHEN : Monsoon
PRE-REQUISITE :Linear Algebra, Calculus, Statistics, and any one of the programming
languages: C/C++/Python/Matlab/Octave to write codes for assignment problems. Basic
knowledge of machine learning (linear regression, logistic regression, SVMs, NN) is desirable,
but not necessary.
*PROJECT: Projects will be primarily from the domains of Scientific Computing and Machine Learn
ing. A student will be asked to read a paper, implement optimization algorithms mentioned in the
paper, and present their work using overhead projectors.
Type of Evaluation Weightage (in
Mid Sem-1 Exam 15
Assignments 10
Project 20
Term Paper
OUTCOME: After taking this course, student should be able to formulate a problem as optimization
problem, select appropriate algorithm, and implement it efficiently.
TYPE-WHEN: Monsoon
20% Assignments
Project 15%
Scribing 5%
1. Conceptual study of raga by introducing around ten ragas in both North and South Indian
music systems.
2. Practice of different Semi classical forms including some folk forms of Indian music.
5. Introducing different composers whose musical experiences and ideas resulted in the existing semi
classical forms.
6. Experiencing the techniques of composing and learn to compose some simple songs.
(please list the order in which they will be covered)
Lesson 1,2, 3 : Introduction to ragas. Basic exercises in different ragas.
Lesson 6, 7: Bhajans
Lesson 11, 12, 13: Contribution of some Composers whose compositions are identified as separate
genres in Indian music.
Lesson 23: Comparitive study of Semi classical forms and Folk forms of music.
Lesson 24: Study of the inter relationship of musical and lyrical expressions in bringing out the
beauty of the compositions.
Assignments 20
Project 40
Other Evaluation _ For all the exams Practicals 60% and Theory 40%
variety in music.
the compositions.
PRE-REQUISITE : Basics of random variables (Gaussian RVs, and random vectors and
functions of Gaussians), Digital Communication (Comm. Theory 1)
OBJECTIVE : Learn fundamentals of wireless communications with focus on mobile
technologies, and understand the current frontiers of research
COURSE TOPICS : (Note : More time will be spent on the fundamentals, and more complex
topics (even those not listed) will be optionally taken up based on time available)
1. Wireless channel modelling (Single-input single output): Time and frequency coherence,
2. Probability of error vs SNR: exploiting channel diversity.
3. Cellular systems: Frequency reuse, GSM, CDMA.
4. Capacity considerations
5. Beamforming
6. MIMO Channel model, transmission schemes and receivers.
7. Multiuser MIMO.
8. 5G physical channel models, transmission techniques.
9. Interference channel, Interference alignment, top ological interference alignment.
PREFERRED TEXT BOOKS: Fundamentals of Wireless Communication by David Tse and Pramod
Assignments/Quizzes 20
Project 30
Term Paper --
Sd/ -
Dean (Academics)