XI Prose 1
XI Prose 1
XI Prose 1
UNIT – 1 Prose : The Portrait of A Lady
1.Mantelpiece - shelf projecting from the wall above
a fireplace
2.Absurd - inconsistent / illogical
3.Fables - tales / stories
4.Hobbled - walked unsteadily
5.Puckered - wrinkled
6.Expanse - wide area
7.Monotonous - unchanging / boring
8.Snapped - broke / cut
9.Seclusion - isolation
10.Bedlam - noisy confusion
11.Perched - sat / rested
12.Rebukes - scoldings
13.Dilapidated - damaged
14.Pallor - an unhealthy pale appearance
15.Shroud - cloth used to wrap a dead person
I) Answer the following in one or two sentences
based on your understanding of the story.
a. Describe the grandfather as seen in the
In the portrait the grandfather was found wearing a
big turban and loose fitting clothes. He had a long
white beard which covered the major portion of his
chest and he looked as if he was hundred years old.
b. Why was the author left with his grandmother
in the village?
The author was left with his grandmother in the
village because his parents went to live in the city.
c. Where did the author study in his childhood?
The author studied in the village in his childhood. His
school was attached to a temple and the priest was
their teacher.
d. Why did the grandmother accompany the
author to school?
The grandmother accompanied the author to school
because she had a chance to feed the stray dogs
with stale chapattis. Moreover she had time to read
scriptures inside the temple.
e. What made the dogs follow the grandmother
after school hours?
When the grandmother with the author went back
home, she used to throw chapattis to the dogs. So
the dogs followed the grandmother after school
f. Why didn’t the grandmother feel sentimental
when the author went abroad for higher
The grandmother was old but she believed that she
would live to see the author after his completion of
studies abroad. So she was not sentimental.
g. What was the happiest time of the day for
In the afternoon the grandmother felt relaxed to feed
the sparrows with bits of bread. That was the
happiest time of the day for grandmother.
II) Answer the following in one or two sentences
1. What was the grandmother’s reaction when
the author went abroad?
The grandmother went to the railway station. She
was not emotional. She was saying her prayers with
the beads of her rosary. She silently kissed him on
his forehead.
2. Why did the grandmother carry stale chapattis
with her?
She carried the chapattis to feed the street dogs.
3. When was the common friendship between
grandmother and grandson broken?
When he joined the University for higher education,
he was given a separate room. Then the common
friendship was broken.
4. Describe the life of the grandmother after the
friendship with the author was snapped.
She accepted her isolation with resignation. She
spent her time with the spinning wheel reciting her
prayers. In the afternoon, she was feeding a host of
sparrows with bits of bread.
5. How did the sparrows react at the death of the
Thousands of sparrows sat scattered on the floor
without their usual chirruping. The author’s mother
tried to feed them but they refused to eat. When the
body was carried, they flew away quietly.
III) Answer the following questions in three or
four sentences each.
a.Describe the author’s grandmother.
The author’s grandmother was an old woman with
wrinkled skin. She had been like that for twenty
years. Once she had been young and pretty.
b. What was the daily routine of the grandmother
at home?
The grandmother walked about the house in neat
white dress. She always had a rosary with her.
Every morning she woke the author up for the
school. While she bathed him, she said her prayer.
Then she went to school with him. She had some
stale chapattis with her to feed the stray dogs.
c. How is school education in the village
different from that in the city?
The village school was attached to a temple. The
priest acted as the teacher and taught the children
alphabet and morning prayer. In the city, school is
run in a separate building and qualified teachers are
appointed to teach the children. There is no teaching
about God and the scriptures.
d.The grandmother appreciated the value of
education. Give instances in support of your
According to the grandmother children should be
taught prayer and scriptures. She was very upset to
know that in city school there was no teaching about
God. She did not think that the subjects taught in the
school would not teach any value to the children.
e. The grandmother was strong-minded. Justify.
When the author decided to go abroad for further
studies, he thought that the grandmother would be
upset. But she was not sentimental. When she went
to the railway station with the author, she did not
show any emotion. She only prayed for the author.