Even More Forest Hexes - Draft 1
Even More Forest Hexes - Draft 1
Even More Forest Hexes - Draft 1
Impressively looming over an invitingly inky lake of shade, a colossal tree completely dwarfs its nearby neighbors
The prominence is composed mostly of... Amidst the crowded conifers at the base...
1 ...heavily weathered sandstone with verdigris inclusions ...shed pinecones. Impressively flammable, Rangers
trek from miles around to use them as kindling
2 ...pale granite, enough to quarry the constituents for a couple castles ...one may notice
2 a distinct lack ..warmth. The air seems to grow chilly on approach
3 ...limestone sculpted by an intrepid glacial artist eons ago
...familiar birdsong. The closer you get to the stone,
...what appears to be pale stone at first glance, but on closer examination 3
the avian arias grow more distorted and strange
4 one can make out the pores of some kind of impossibly large and ancient
bone, sun-bleached and scoured smooth ...are the remains of a climber’s camp. Scattered among the pitons and
shredded rope fragments are several skeletons with broken ankles
5 ...live a clan of Racoon-Folk Highwaymen
...barely hides a roughly hewn archway in the base of the mesa, which
appears to lead to an underground lair or dungeon of some kind
The lichen that clings to the surface… Anyone eating atop the table...
...is known to taste very bitter, but could serve to prevent starvation in a 1 ...will first have to deal with the several snakes-a-sunning
2 ...finds that their food tastes of ashes and drink seems spoilt
...grows to a prodigious size when exposed to even the tiniest droplet of
2 ...might have their meal interrupted by the table’s namesake: Kurach, a
blood 3
young, impulsive, and pungent Forest Troll
3 ...is sometimes used by Druids as a poultice against frostbite
4 ...will sleep uneasy next slumber: haunted by disturbing nightmares
…, colloquially known as Faunpaper can be mixed with wine to prevent
4 ...during the day will turn to stone until sundown, one might notice the
hangovers 5
perfectly sculpted beetles and ants within the lichen
...will find that flagons and skins never empty as long as they remain
A casual search of the area will reveal... seated here
1 …several varieties of hearty and edible mushrooms 7 ...will find that hours have passed the moment they swallow
...a dirty, but well-crafted dagger in a decorative tiger-themed scabbard 8 ...can regrow a missing digit or limb, provided they feast on flesh
partially buried under tree litter
3 ...the decorated skull of some kind of mustelid with intact incisors
...the bound and unconscious Dwarf Cheesemonger. His name is Turlan
4 Dampmantle, he was recently robbed by Three-fingered Goblins and is
absolutely furious
5 ...several small clay figurines, each roughly resembling a party member
6 ...a warm and still beating Elf’s heart
It’s been said that trees like this... Those who can interpret these trees will tell you this one...
...are painstakingly bent by Woodfolk over the decades, for reasons that 1 ...indicates a nearby source of fresh water
are seldom fully understood
2 ...is a warning of difficult terrain ahead
2 ...are important indicators, marking dangerous routes ahead
3 ...seems out of place, markers like this are usually found further North
3 ...are bent in piety to antediluvian sylvan deities
4 ...was likely bent by Elf-song, and recently at that
...are doubled over in laughter, unable to come to their senses and forget
4 ...could be related to the Hunchback Dryad peering at the party from the
the first joke carved in Ogham 5
...signals proximity and direction to the den of a Dragon (Smaragadine
Hex XX)
The runnel’s source is... Linger too long (at least an hour) at the water’s edge and one..
1 ...likely a larger river, upstream many miles 1 ...the herd of deer who water here
2 ...soon to be strategically diverted by an careful colony of Dire Beavers 2 ...an overturned canoe, just passing through
...is sure to spot
3 ...a freshwater spring, approximately a days’ hike away 3 ...a Storkfolk midwife, larger than life
4 ...an un-stoppered Dem ijohn of Endless Waters 4 ...an anxious Oracle bailing her listing coracle
5 ...million miniscule froglets will emerge and swarm the banks
6 ...party member will begin to hear whispered wisdoms from the water
Remarkably clear, careful assay of the bed may reveal ...
7 ...of the well concealed local Treants may chide you for loitering
1 ...your disheveled reflections. What better opportunity to freshen up?
8 ...day will pass for each hour spent loitering
2 ...a hover of tasty looking trout
...the glint from an untarnished Holy Symbol (of the deity most ill-
disposed to the party)
...a roiling, knotted mess of polychromatic fresh-water eels. You may
have stumbled on their mysterious mating grounds. It’s said that some
gourmands prize them highly for their flavor, and thieves often find
their slippery skin secretions useful
...a cavorting swell of Creek Sprites in an unsurprisingly mischievous
...the uncanny uniformity of the gravel and stones, a sure sign of sudden
ambush by a swirling Pebble Weird (as their watery cousins, usually
form into a fist or a centipede, but serpentine specimens have been not-
ed by sages)
But the real story behind the blackened water is... Camped nearby....
1 ...nearby deposits of magical hematite. Iron forged from it never rusts 1 ...is an antediluvian Gargoyle, her perch long since eroded to dust
2 ...centuries of sacred bloodletting by Tar Troll zealots 2 ...are an eminence of centaurs, just returned from crashing a wedding
…an algal bloom, from aquatic flora originating deep underground. This 3 ...is an Hill Giant with a toothache and a very worried Goblin dentist
species feed on darkness instead of light. At night it’s bright as dusk
4 ...are fifteen fat Frog Men preparing for a ritualistic wrestling match
4 ...the recent forced bathing of a Godling of Filth. Are they still nearby?
5 ...is the Dwarf Prospector Coag Coalbeard who jealously guards his stake
...are an utterly exhausted argument of wizards, one of each magical
school and vociferously debating the merits of each
As the wind picks up... Secreted within the cap, in a locked footlocker is...
1 ...the structure sullenly creaks and groans 1 ...a collection of crooked accounting ledgers, stretching back five years
...the sails seem to slowly spin, showering leaves down from nearby 2 ...a smaller locked chest containing the key to the outer chest
3 ...a brilliantly dyed sack containing an twelve person silver set
...you hear what sounds like a muffled and gruff voice indistinctly shout
3 4 ...a recipe for a Magical Bread, that when eaten can cure some poisons
from within
5 ...a jarred Homunculus, placed here for punishment ages ago
...suddenly, there’s a deafening crack and a brilliant flash as a lightning
4 ...a Magical Weather Vane that can predict the weather
bolt strikes the structure. It’s already starting to smolder 6
...a Feathered Hat of Seeming that allows the wearer to appear as a
Dwarf or Magpie Folk
This ramshackle structure is home to...
8 ...long since mislaid Bagpipes Of Summoning
...nothing but termites and their democratically elected queen: A talking
green-legged spider
...a cloud of Bottle Bats (glass vials with batwings), live specimens are in
2 high demand by alchemists and adventurers a world over, due to the
loyalty they can be trained to demonstrate
...a trio of Magpie Folk Millers, who grind bones to pay protection money
to the Ogre who claims this territory
...Modalbius, a talented but absent-minded aeromancer of ill-repute who
can’t afford anything better to serve as a tower
...the disembodied voice of a Giant, transformed into a windmill by pow-
erful magics for stealing a powerful wizard’s husband
...just the typical parasites one would find on and in a Windmill Mimic
of this size
Inscriptions upon the stones... One ossuary is still sealed, and within one may find...
...are heavily weathered and worn, but in the local language date the 1 ...a hungover but grateful Satyr, placed here by Nymphs as a prank
tombs back a century or so
...a scattering of moldering Elf bones, ritualistically split for their pre-
...can no longer be read, having been strategically excised and edited by cious marrow
the rusty chisels that litter the area
...the remains of almost an entire generation of Forest Gnomes, com-
...are illuminated and embellished by a tenacious form of magical Tomb plete with terracotta grave good effigies of fantastic food
3 Moss, which has transformed the text into Thanatos, the language of the
4 ...a narrow staircase, leading into the Underworld
forgotten dead
...a nearly disintegrated Smallfolk skeleton, wearing magical thigh high
...reveal dates of death in the future, and some even feature familiar 5
4 leather Boots of Branchwalking
6 ...the wrath of a particular deity, for you have disturbed a Saint’s Rest
The markers are huddled, as if for warmth, near a tree:... 7 ...enough gold coin to buy a small boat and a Scroll of Acid Rain
...an old, sighing Chapter Oak carved with a heart and the initials of the 8 ...the perturbed and famished Gnoll Vampire: Skalkell
Dungeon Master
...a Hopecherry half in bloom and half fruiting. It’s said that stones swal-
lowed will temporarily eliminate the ability to dream
...the sole survivor of a Bitter Linden arbor, planted by passing mission-
aries of the religion most favored by the Party, ages ago
...the thunder-blighted trunk of the Charnel Ash-Treant Necrom ancer,
4 Branchbare, barely clinging to Un-life as the last of his enchanted leaves
is buffeted by the breeze
5 ...which is actually a polymorphed Pseudo-Dracolich. This is her hoard
...a massive Cem etery Birch. Scrawl a name on the papery bark torn
from the trunk, wear it near your heart for a week, and the nuts that fall
in the Autumn and find purchase will sprout as a graven tombstone or
The Trees... High in the branches, one can just barely make out...
...are Bendbone Beech, their limbs when still green make excellent ...a dray of chattering, tail twitching Blue Squirrels. Gossiping about a
1 1
splints monster that recently passed through these parts
...seem intentionally cultivated and strategically pruned with their 2 ...the skeleton of a Wyvern
crowns interlocking in intricate, hypnotic plaits
3 ...drooping, juicy Sun Fruit, grafted onto these trees in ages past
...appear to all be part of the same organism, a clonal colony, but are in
3 4 ...the patient, purposeful movements of an Ettercap trade caravan
fact a dormant Dryad army
5 ...the nest of a Banded Scrollcatcher, known for hoarding spell sheets
…’ arrangement is obviously the handiwork of Elf Arborm ancers in an
4 ...a tattered, but still serviceable Cloak of Crowdblending
attempt to goad local Druids into open warfare 6
7 ...a coiled, somewhat cowardly Rope of Clim bing
8 ...a starlit sky (even during the day). The stars are in all the wrong places
The corridors formed by these branches...
...are punctuated every furlong by ancient marker stones of dolomite.
Any inscriptions long since weathered away.
...make travel much more convenient, provided you don’t mind taking a
rather circuitous route
...seem almost cathedralesque and if you listen carefully, the birdsong
seems to mimic hymns. Holy prayers worked here may be more potent
...are the result of the footsteps of the Godling of Lumberjacks, no trees
4 may grow where this Petty God has stepped, and the trees bow out of
...surely lead the unwary directly to Elfland, best to stick to the game
...are frequented by moss covered, terrestrial variety of Purple Worm s.
6 Largely oblivious to other travelers, some enterprising Wood Gnom es
have attached harnesses for faster travel through the adjacent 1d6 hexes
The consortium’s namesake consists of... A structure of note within the camp...
1 ...men from Eastern lands, with a dubious Royal Charter/Claim ...a makeshift Tavern, Sky-West & Crooked. Reasonable selection and
prices for this far afield
...six Dwarfs, currently somberly participating in the funereal rites for a
seventh who was crushed by a falling widowmaker ...an incongruously immaculate Stone Circle. The resident Druidess,
2 Padryma, oversees a millennial tree-cull for the sake of the Forest’s ex-
...a Hill Giant Matron and her large sons. Scale everything upward, in-
3 pansion and health
cluding the devastation wrought
3 ...a well maintained Shrine to the Godling of Hangovers
...an eccentric Necromancer who considers his creations “children.” His
4 army of tireless skeletal sawyers will make quick work of the forest if left 4 ...Admiral Burcont’s (ret.) General Supply and Sundries
...the Sawmender’s worksh0p, a legendary metalworker who even dab-
bles in Enchanted Item repair
...an incredible mound, initially mistaken for a small hill, inhabited by
ensorcelled Dire Term ites who do most of the heavy lifting here
Now claiming the grounds... The monastic order that formerly occupied this space...
...is an uneasy alliance between a tribe of Toadlicker Goblins and a few 1 ...were known far and wide for their extensive and expensive wine-cellar
Ogre-sized Crested Newtfolk
2 ...found themselves banished from the lands after a brutal reformation
...proselytizing and proud Shrewfolk Clerics, crusading near-sightedly
2 3 …, Pied Kenku Anchorites, performed assassinations on the side
on behalf of the Autum n Prince
...tirelessly guarded the skeleton of Saint Theodwyn, even a cursory ex-
...kind, but badly mummified Monks of The Final Mercy (as Ghasts), led 4
amination reveals them to be the bones of an ass
3 by a visiting Huecuva Bishop. The result of ecclesiastical schisms and
scriptural misinterpretation/lacunae 5 ...are currently on a pilgrimage to return here, will arrive in a few hours
4 ...a doomsday cult, subverted by the resident Godling of Self-Flagellation 6 ...tended verdant gardens, now feral, but contain many valuable Herbs
...died over the course of a few decades after a supernatural spore-based
infection took hold. Both mold and monks may still haunt here
The treasure hidden in the dovecote….
...were Nuns that worshipped The Weaver, some of their valuable tapes-
...an ancient and embarrassingly phallic boulder, the surface etched with 8
tries may remain in saleable shape along with a Magic Loom
1 potent fertility runes and symbols. Could be said to still function after
centuries, given the size of the clutches in the thousands of noisy nests
...a locked and trapped (Holy Curse) strongbox, containing twelve years
of tithes (enough to buy a small farm)
3 ...three Magic Daggers, each featuring two abilities from here.
4 ...a single Angel Feather, easily overlooked among the plumule
...the samite bound Grim oire of a powerful sacerdotal spellcaster, be-
neath a few feet of guano
...among the cooing multitudes of smelly birds, is an immortal (Phoenix-
6 like) Planar Pigeon, adept at delivering messages across time, space, and
realities in addition to it’s namesake
But the most disturbing thing about these trees... Woe to anyone who deigns to slumber here, for...
...is that each one is a Barrowbark, a highly invasive and parasitic tree, 1 ...will bring portentous and terrifying dreams
1 known for their cursed, mealy lumber and were thought to have been
2 ...turns all hair bone-white
eradicated centuries ago by the Elfs ...a night’s rest...
3 ...ages the sleeper by five years
2 ...are the moldering bones that seem to leer at you from the knobby roots
4 ...is the equivalent to the touch of a Spectre
3 ...would be the unnerving pareidolia created by the burls on the trunks
5 ...all food and drink spoils in the moonlight whilst among these trees
...is the keening, threnodic dirge produced by the wind through the per-
4 forated branches. Prolonged exposure may act as Banshee-song or instill ...they may wake to find their native tongue replaced by an archaic form
the listener with suicidal despair of Wood Elf
7 ...the Weeping Maggots dwelling in the detritus crave warm, living flesh
8 ...they may find themselves coffin-bound when they wake
The Undead that are frequently found here…
1 ...target Thieves and Wizards first, ignoring Clerics and Fighting Men
...eerily consist mostly of normal woodland animals and creatures or
have a decidedly sylvan bent
3 ...conveniently crumble at the mere sight of a Holy Symbol
...go about their quotidian Un-lives in a macabre yet polite and civilized
4 fashion. Although hardly a necropolis, their village at the center of these
woods is steadily growing
...are profanely resistant to Turning, any attempts are reflected back on
the pious and their companions
...were placed here to serve as a buffer from the horrifying and deadly
6 purity that radiates from a sacred Holy Artifact somewhere within these