Mthematics First Term JSS1
Mthematics First Term JSS1
Mthematics First Term JSS1
PERIO REVISI Addition At the end Leads the Add and Mental Learners to Number Chart
D1 ON ON and of the students to subtract work on i. Add and
BASIC Subtracti lesson the perform whole addition subtract
OPERA on of students addition numbers and given whole
TION Whole should be and correctly subtraction numbers of
numbers able to subtractio of whole any digits:
1. Add n of whole numbers
and numbers with speed
subtract and
whole accuracy.
PERIO Highest 5. write Brings Study the The highest Student H.C.F .chart Teacher
D5 Common out the HCF chart chart number should solve containing should
Factors HCF of a to the among the many many correct the
(HCF) given sets class ii. factors of exercises examples. students
of Participate given set of where
numbers ii. Uses in writing numbers necessary
correctly the chart out the
to guide highest ii.
the common Application
learners to factors of of different
find the a set of methods to
HCF of a numbers solve
given set not more questions
of than three on HCF
numbers digits.
not more
than three
PERIO MULIT Multiples At the end Brings Study the Repeated Given Multiplication
D1 PLES of of the multiplicat chart multiplicati exercises on table Chart
number lesson the ion table on of a multiples of
students chart to ii. Listen number. some
should be the class. to the 2, 4, 6, 8… numbers.
able to teacher E.g. 3,4,7
1. write ii. Uses Ii etc.
out the chart iii. Deducing
multiples to lead the Participate multiples
of a given learners to in writing of numbers
number find out by adding
correctly multiples numbers the number
of any in repeatedly.
given multiples
numbers of 2, 3, 5
not more and 6
than two
FIVE digits.
PERIO Common 2. write Brings Study the Learners Given Numeration
D2 multiples out multiplicat chart to recite the exercises on Chart
common ion chart multiplicati common
multiple to the ii. on chart multiples
of a set of class Actively aloud.
numbers participate
correctly ii. Uses in writing
the chart out
to lead the common
learners to multiples
identify in a set of
common numbers
multiples not more
of a set of than two
numbers digits.
not more
than two
PERIO Lowest 3. Write Brings Study the Grouping Exercises on Multiplication
D3 Common out the multiplicat chart. learners L.C.M of time table
Multiples LCM of a ion table into small number chart
given sets chart to ii. group to
of number the class Actively find the
not more participate HCF of a
than three ii. Leads in given sets
digits the Solving of number
correctly. learners to problems not more
solve involving than three
problems LCM digits.
PERIO LCM by 4. Express Guides Learners Deducing Exercises on Multiplication
D4 Prime the LCM learners to to Express same value LCM by table chart
Factoriza of a given solve numbers as result of prime
tion AND set of problems in prime the prime factorization
INDEX whole involving factors factorizatio and index
NOTATI numbers LCM by and index n method notation of
ON not more prime notation and index whole
than three factors notation numbers not
digits in and index method. more than
prime and notation three digits
PERIO Quantitat 5. solve Leads Participate Making a Exercises on Multiplication
D5 ive correctly learners to actively in comparativ QR of LCM table and
reasoning QR solve solving e analysis and HCF factor chart.
on LCM involving problems problems of the LCM from
and HCF LCM and on QR on QR on and HCF recommend
HCF involving LCM and ed textbook
PERIO LETTE Open At the end Prepares i. Study i. Drawing Learners to: Chart of open
SIX D1 RS FOR Sentence of the and brings the chart empty i. Identify sentences
NUMB s lesson, the chart of boxes of an open
ERS students open ii. Listen two to sentences.
AND should be sentences to the three boxes ii. Calculate
WORD able to to the teacher the missing
PROBL 1. class ii. number in
EMS i. Identify iii. Challenge an open
an open ii. Guides Participate the sentences
sentences learners to in putting reasoning
ii. use find the the right ability of
symbols missing value in the learners
to numbers the box to to provide
represent in an open make the the value of
numbers statement statement what
true. should be
in the
PERIO Letters 2. use Brings Study the Using Exercises on Poster of
D2 for letters or poster of chart deductive letters for letter that
numbers shapes to letter that approach to numbers represent
represent represents ii. find the numbers
numbers number to Participate value that
in open the class in finding each letter
sentences the stands for.
correctly ii. Guides number
learners to that each
use letters letter
to stands for
represent in an open
numbers sentence.
PERIO Simple 3. Solve Guides Participate Grouping Exercises on Learners in
D3 Word simple learners to in solving the learners word group
Problems word express related into small problems
problems word problems group to
correctly. problems solve
into related
simple questions
PERIO Further 4 Solve Guides Participate Grouping Exercise on Objects in the
D4 critical calculatio learners to in objects into further classroom
word n express expressing mathematic critical word
problems problems word word al problems
in word problems problems statements
form into in
correctly. mathemati algebraic
cal expression
expression .
PERIO Summary 5. Change Leads the Participate Each Learner Learners
D5 day-to-day learners to in learner forming discussion
word convert changing giving questions
problems daily activity in mathematic from their
into activities the al daily
algebra. into classroom statement activities
algebraic into experiences
expression algebraic .
PERIO ALGEB Coefficie At the end Brings Study the Drawing Exercises on Chart of
D1 RAIC nts of of the chart of chart the identifying algebraic
SIMIIP Terms lesson the algebraic attention of coefficient terms
LIFICA students terms to ii. the learners of given
TION 1 should be the class. Participate to the chart algebraic
able to: in for in- terms.
SEV 1. write ii. Leads Identifyin depth
EN out the g the understandi
correctly learners in coefficient ng of the
coefficient giving s of concept
s of definition positive
positive of and
and coefficient negative
negative of terms terms
terms ii. Guides
learners to
s of terms
PERIO Grouping 2. group Brings Participate Grouping Exercises on Chart of
D2 positive positive chart of in some of the simplifying positive and
and and positive Identifyin learners by grouping negative
negative negative and g and into two positive and terms
terms terms negative simplifyin groups in negative
correctly algebraic g positive terms of terms ii. Learners in
terms to and their group
the class. negative height.
ii. Uses
the chart
to lead the
learners in
PERIO Grouping 3. Group Groups Participate Grouping Exercises on Learners in
D3 like and like and learners actively in learners simplificatio group
unlike unlike into two the group into group n by
terms algebraic groups of of boys and grouping ii. Objects (
terms boys and ii. Group girls. like and Pens, pencils )
correctly. girls pens and unlike terms
pencil into ii. Using
ii. Guides like and different
the unlike objects in
learners objects the
to classroom
identify, iii. to guide the
collect Identify learners.
and and
simplify simplify
like and like and
unlike unlike
terms terms
PERIO Word 4. solve Leads the Participate Grouping Exercises on Learners in
D4 problems correctly learners to actively in the learners word group
questions translate translating into small problems
on word word mathemati group to
problems problems cal solve
into expression related
mathemati s to words questions
cal example
expression 5-3, take 3
and solve away from
5, reduce
5 by 3
PERIO Further 5. solve Leads the Translate Grouping Exercises on Objects in the
D5 Word correctly learners to mathemati objects into simplificatio class
problems questions translate cal mathematic n of word
on word word expression al problems
problems problems s to words statements
into example
mathemati 8÷4
cal (divide 8
expression by 4)
and solve
PERIO PROPE Propertie Song of At the end Bring Study the Using real Name the Rectangular
D1 RTIES s of plane of the rectangula rectangula rectangular properties of shape in the
OF Rectangl shapes lesson the r shape to r shape objects in rectangle classroom e.g.
EIGH PLANE e learners the class the window, door
T SHAPE should be ii. classroom. at the entrance
S able to: ii. Guides Participate of the
1. write the in naming classroom,
out learners to rectangula black/white
correctly identify, r objects board etc.
properties name, in the
of a construct classroom.
rectangle and state
the ii.
properties Identify,
of a name and
rectangle construct
and state
PERIO Propertie 2. write Brings Study the Using real Name the Square shape
D2 s of out square square square properties of in the
square correctly shape to shape. shape in square classroom e.g.
properties the class the window,
of a ii. classroom asbestos etc.
square ii. Guides Identify, environme
the name, nt
learners to construct
identify, and state
name, the
construct properties
and state of square
the correctly
of a
PERIO Triangles 3. identify Brings Study the Display the Define Shapes of
D3 and its and draw different different different triangle different
types types of types of types of type of triangles
triangle triangle to triangle triangles on ii. Name all
and write the class. brought to the board the types of
out the the class. triangle.
properties ii. Leads
correctly the ii. Identify
learners to and name
identify type of
types of triangles
triangle correctly
s between
PERIO Propertie 4. write Brings Study the Folding Draw Isosceles and
D4 s of out isosceles two isosceles isosceles scalene
Isosceles correctly and triangles. and scalene and scalene triangular
& properties scalene to triangles to triangles shapes
Scalene of the class. Ii. discover
triangle isosceles Participate their ii. State the
and ii. Uses in properties. properties of
scalene the Identifyin isosceles
triangles isosceles g, naming and scalene
and and triangles.
scalene constructi
triangles ng
to guide isosceles
the and
learners to scalene
identify triangles
both correctly
and their
PERIO Propertie 5. Guides the Identify, Folding Draw Equilateral,
D5 s of Identify, learners to name and equilateral, equilateral, right-angled
equilatera name and Identify, construct right- right-angled and obtuse-
l, right – state the name and equilateral angled and and obtuse- angled
angled properties state the , right – obtuse- angled triangles.
and of properties angled angled to triangles
obtuse – equilateral of and obtuse discover
angled , right – equilateral – angled their ii. State the
triangles angled , right – triangles properties. properties of
and obtuse angled correctly equilateral,
– angled and obtuse right-angled
triangles – angled and obtuse-
correctly triangles angled
correctly triangles.
PERIO PROPE Regular Song of At the end Brings Study the Using the Draw Poster of
D1 RTIES Polygons plane of the poster of chart number of regular and regular and
OF and shapes lesson, the regular sizes of irregular irregular
PLANE Irregular students and ii. Listen polygon to polygon polygon
SHAPE Polygons should be irregular to the name the
S able to: polygon to teacher. polygon ii. State the
1. draw the class. along with properties of
correctly iii. the regular and
regular II. Leads Identify, learners. irregular
and the name and polygon.
irregular learners to state the
polygon define properties
polygon of regular
ii. Uses irregular
NINE the poster polygon
to guide correctly
learners to
and name
PERIO Quadrilat 2. List and Brings Study the Folding List all the Quadrilateral
D2 erals Draw four sided four sided quadrilater quadrilateral shapes
correctly figures to shapes. als to s
all the the class. deduce
quadrilater ii. their ii. Draw all
als ii. Leads Participate properties. the
the in quadrilateral
learners to defining .
define quadrilater
quadrilater als.
iii. Uses Actively
the participate
shapes to in
guide Identifyin
learners to g, naming
identify and
all the constructi
quadrilater ng
als quadrilater
PERIO Circles: 3. use Brings Study the Drawing Draw circles i. String
D3 Drawing string and circular circular circles of of different
round a pair of objects to objects. different sizes. ii. pair of
circular compasses the class. sizes with compasses
object, to draw a ii. Listen appropriate ii. Produce
drawing circle ii. Uses to the instrument. circles of iii. Circular
using correctly the circle teacher. different objects
string and to lead the sizes
using leaners to iii.
compasse use string Participate
s and pair ofin using
compasses string and
to draw pair of
circle compasses
to draw a
PERIO The Parts 4. Draw Brings Participate Drawing Draw a Board pair of
D4 of a and label board pair in circles of circle compasses
Circle all the of bringing different
parts of a compasses pair of sizes with ii. Name six ii. Board ruler
circle and ruler compasses appropriate parts of a
to the and ruler instrument. circle
class. to the
ii. Uses
the pair of ii. Listen
compasses to the
and ruler teacher
to guide
the iii.
learners to Participate
draw, in drawing
name and a circle
label parts and label
of a circle all its part
PERIO Applicati 5. apply Bring Study the Everybody Name five Rectangular,
D5 on to real properties chart of chart. pointing to objects each square,
life of plane different examples that are circles,
situations shapes to plane ii. of plane plane shape triangular
real life shapes to Participate shape at : shapes.
situation the class in around the
applying classroom. i. School
ii. Uses properties environment
the chart of plane
to lead shape to ii.
the object in Classroom
student to the school environment
cite and home .
properties environme
of plane nt. iii. Home
shapes in environment
real life
PERIO STATIS Statistical At the end Brings Study the Using Learners to : Chart of
D1 TICS 1 : data of the chart of chart. illustrative definition of
PURPO lesson the statistical ii. Listen examples i. Define to statistics.
SE AND students data to the to the of statistics
DATA should be class teacher. statistical ii. Generate ii. Chart of
COLLE able to: data. data in the : statistical data
CTION 1. define ii. Leads iii. i. Classroom
statistical the Participate ii. School
data and learners in actively in iii. Home
generate defining generating environment
data statistics. statistical
within data
their iii. Guides within
environme students immediate
nt on how to classroom
generate and home
data in environme
their nt
and school
PERIO Purposes 2. Brings Participate Discussing List at least Chart of
D2 of Recognize chart of in the five statistical data
statistics the purposes discussing purposes of purposes of
purposes of statistic purposes statistics statistics at:
and to the of within the i. Classroom
usefulness class. statistical learners’ ii. School
of data immediate iii. Home
statistics ii. Leads environme environment
for students to nt using
planning list out illustrative
purposes. purposes examples.
PERIO Data 3. collect Prepares Study the Discussing Students to Chart on
D3 collection data and brings chart. data collect prepared data
correctly chart of collection meaningful on class
prepared i. with the data within attendance
data to the Participate learners the : register,
class, actively in and the i. Classroom marks book
in data need to ii. School . etc.
ii. Guides collection collect iii. Home
the in the meaningful environment
students in class. data,
PERIO Tabulatio 4. tabulate Brings Study the Discussing Learners to Chart of
D4 n of Data data chart of tabulated data in thetabulate data tabulated data
collected correctly tabulated data table alongcollected in
data to the with the the :
class ii. learners i. Classroom
Participate ii. School
ii. Leads in ii. and
the tabulating Interpreting iii. Home
learners to data the data in environment
tabulate collected the table .
data iii.
actively in
g the data
in the
PERIO Quantitat 5. solve Brings Study the Engaging Learners to Chart of
D5 ive problems chart of chart and Solve Quantitative
reasoning on QR QR to the challenging problems on Reasoning.
involving class ii. the QR
data Participate reasoning involving
collection ii. Uses in solving capacity of statistical
correctly the chart problems the data.
to guide on QR learners.
the involving
learners statistics
on how to
of QR