Crim6 Merge
Crim6 Merge
Crim6 Merge
on conflict theory to develop other types of theory within the social sciences,
including the following:
1. Feminist theory;
2. Critical race theory;
3. Postmodern theory and postcolonial theory;
4. Queer theory;
5. Post-structural theory, and
6. Theories of globalization and world systems.
So, while initially conflict theory described class conflicts specifically, it has lent
itself over the years to studies of how other kinds of conflicts, like those premised
on race, gender, sexuality, religion, culture, and nationality, among others, are a
part of contemporary social structures, and how they affect our lives.
The following are the five (5) Conflict Resolution Strategies:
Conflict Resolution Strategy #1: Avoiding
This is unassertive and uncooperative. The person neither pursues his own
concerns nor those of the other individual. Thus, he does not deal with the
conflict. Avoiding might take the form of diplomatically sidestepping an issue,
postponing an issue until a better time, or simply withdrawing from a threatening
Avoiding is when people just ignore or withdraw from the conflict. They choose
this method when the discomfort of confrontation exceeds the potential reward of
resolution of the conflict. While this might seem easy to accommodate for the
facilitator, people are not really contributing anything of value to the conversation
and may be withholding worthwhile ideas. When conflict is avoided, nothing is
Conflict Resolution Strategy #2: Competing
This is assertive and uncooperative. An individual pursues his own concerns at
the other person’s expense. This is a power-oriented mode in which you use
whatever power seems appropriate to win your own position—your ability to
argue, your rank, or economic sanctions. Competing means “standing up for your
rights,” defending a position which you believe is correct, or simply trying to win.
Competing is used by people who go into a conflict planning to win. Competing
might work in sports or war, but it’s rarely a good strategy for group problem
Conflict Resolution Strategy #3: Accommodating
This is unassertive and cooperative—the complete opposite of competing. When
accommodating, the individual neglects his own concerns to satisfy the concerns
of the other person; there is an element of self-sacrifice in this mode.
the mediation is that the settlement is made by the parties themselves rather
than a third party. It is not legally binding on the parties. In addition, the basic
motive of mediation is to provide opportunities to parties to negotiate and come
to a final solution catering the needs of both sides.
Dispute resolution through conciliation involves the assistance of a neutral third
party who plays an advisory role in reaching an agreement. The process adopted
by all the three are different but, the main purpose is to resolve the dispute in a
way where the interest of the parties is balanced.
What is ADR Provider?
"ADR Provider" means institutions or persons accredited as mediator,
conciliator, arbitrator, neutral evaluator, or any person exercising similar functions
in any Alternative Dispute Resolution system. This is without prejudice to the
rights of the parties to choose no accredited individuals to act as mediator,
conciliator, arbitrator, or neutral evaluator of their dispute. (Sec. 3, par. b, RA
What is the liability of ADR providers/Practitioners?
The ADR provides /practitioners shall have the same civil liability for acts
done in the performance of their official duties as that of public officers as
provided in Section 38 (1), Chapter 9, Book 1 of the Administrative Code of 1987,
upon a clear showing of bad faith, malice or gross negligence. (Article 1.5, IRR,
RA 9285)
What are the cases wherein Republic Act No. 9285 does not apply?
The provisions of RA 92856 shall not apply to resolution or settlement of the
Labor disputes covered by Presidential Decree No. 442, otherwise known
as the Labor Code of the Philippines, as amended and its Implementing
Rules and Regulations;
The civil status of persons;
The validity of a marriage;
Any ground for legal separation;
The jurisdiction of courts;
Future legitime;
Criminal liability;
Those which by law cannot be compromised; and
Those disputes referred to court-annexed mediation. (Article 1.3, IRR, RA
Office for Alternative Dispute Resolution
Mediation is a voluntary process in which a trained and impartial third person,
the mediator, helps the parties in dispute to reach an amicable settlement that is
responsive to their needs and acceptable to all sides. The mediator brings the
parties together face-to-face in a private and confidential setting.
disclose to the mediation parties any such fact known or learned as soon
as practical before accepting a mediation.
If a mediator learns any fact described in paragraph (a) of this Article after
accepting a mediation, the mediator shall disclose it as soon as
practicable to the mediation parties. (Article 3.7., IRR, RA 9285)
A mediator shall keep in utmost confidence all confidential information obtained
in the course of the mediation process.
A mediator shall discuss issues of confidentiality and the extent of
confidentiality provided in any private sessions or caucuses that the
mediator holds with a party. (Article 3.8., IRR, RA 9285)
Consent and Self-Determination
A mediator shall make reasonable efforts to ensure that each party
understands the nature and character of the mediation proceeding
including private caucuses, the issues, the available options, the
alternatives to non-settlement, and that each party is free and able to
make whatever choices he/she desires regarding participation in
mediation generally and regarding specific settlement options.
If a mediator believes that a party, who is not represented by counsel, is unable
to understand, or fully participate, the mediation proceedings for any reason, a
mediator may either:
limit the scope of the mediation proceedings in a manner consistent with
the party's ability to participate, and/or recommend that the party obtain
appropriate assistance in order to continue with the process; or
terminate the mediation proceedings.
A mediator shall recognize and put in mind that the primary responsibility
of resolving a dispute and the shaping of a voluntary and uncoerced
settlement rests with the parties. (Article 3.9., IRR, RA 9285)
Separation of Mediation from Counseling and Legal Advice
Except in evaluative mediation or when the parties so request, a mediator
refrain from giving legal or technical advice and otherwise engaging in
counseling or advocacy; and
abstain from expressing his/her personal opinion on the rights and duties
of the parties and the merits of any proposal made.
Where appropriate and where either or both parties are not represented
by counsel, a mediator shall;
recommend that the parties seek outside professional advice to help them
make informed decision and to understand the implication of any proposal;
suggest that the parties seek independent legal and/or technical advice
before a settlement agreement is signed.
without the consent of al parties, and for a reasonable time under the
particular circumstance, a mediator who also practices another profession
shall not establish a professional relationship in that other profession with
one of the parties, or any person or entity, in a substantially and factually
related matter. (Article 3.10., IRR, RA 9285)
Charging of Fees.
With respect to charging of fees:
A mediator shall fully disclose and explain to the parties the basis of cost,
fees and charges.
The mediator who withdraws from the mediation shall return to the parties
any unearned fee and unused deposit.
A mediator shall not enter into a fee agreement, which is contingent upon
the results of the mediation or the amount of the settlement. (Article 3.11.,
IRR, RA 9285)
Promotion of Respect and Control of Abuse of Process.
The mediator shall encourage mutual respect between the parties, and shall take
reasonable steps, subject to the principle of self- determination, to limit abuses of
the mediation process. (Article 3.12., IRR, RA 9285)
Solicitation or Acceptance of any Gift.
No mediator or any member of a mediator’s immediate family or his/her agent
shall request, solicit, receive or accept any gift or any type of compensation other
than the agreed fee and expenses in connection with any matter coming before
the mediator. (Article 3.13., IRR, RA 9285)
May a party designate a lawyer to assist him in Mediation?
Yes, except as otherwise provided by the ADR Act or by there Rules, a party
may designate a lawyer or any other person to provide assistance in the
mediation. A waiver of this right shall be made in writing by the party waiving it. A
waiver of participation or legal representation may be rescinded at any time.
(Article 3.14., IRR, RA 9285)
Enumerate the Roles of a Counsel in Mediation proceedings.
The lawyer shall view his/her role in the mediation as a collaborator with
the other lawyer in working together toward the common goal of helping
their clients resolve their differences to their mutual advantage.
The lawyer shall encourage and assist his/her client to actively participate
in positive discussions and cooperate in crafting an agreement to resolve
their dispute.
The lawyer must assist his/her client to comprehend and appreciate the
mediation process and its benefits, as well as the client’s greater personal
responsibility for the success of mediation in resolving the dispute.
In preparing for participation in mediation, the lawyer shall confer and
discuss with his/her client the following:
The mediation process as essentially a negotiation between the parties
assisted by their respective lawyers, and facilitated by a mediator,
stressing it its difference from litigation, its advantages and benefits, the
clients heightened role in mediation and responsibility for its success and
explaining the role of the lawyer in mediation proceedings,
The substance of the upcoming mediation such as;
The substantive issues involved in the dispute and their prioritization in
terms of importance to his/her client’s real interests and needs.
The study of other party’s position in relation to the issues with a view to
understanding the underlying interests, fears, concerns and needs;
The information or facts to be gathered or sought from the other side or to
be exchanged that are necessary for informed decision-making;
The possible options for settlement but stressing the need to be open-
minded about other possibilities; and
The best, worst and most likely alternative to a non-negotiated settlement.
(Article 3.15., IRR, RA 9285)
What other matters a Counsel must do to assist in the Mediation? To assist
in the Mediation, the lawyer:
shall give support to the mediator so that his/her client will fully understand
the rules and processes of mediation;
shall impress upon his/her client the importance of speaking for
himself/herself and taking responsibility for making decisions during the
negotiations within the mediation process.;
may ask for a recess in order to give advice or suggestions to his/her
client in private, if he/she perceives that his/her client is unable to bargain
effectively; and
shall assist his/her client and the mediator put in writing the terms of the
settlement agreement that the parties have entered into. That lawyers
shall see to it that the terms of the settlement agreement are not contrary
to law, morals, good customs, public order or public policy. (Article 3.16.,
IRR, RA 9285)
What are the articles to be considered in the conduct of Mediation?
Court (under the Model Law) means a body or organ of the judicial system
of the Philippines (i.e., the Regional Trial Court, Court of Appeals and
Supreme Court).
International Arbitration means an arbitration where:
the parties to an arbitration agreement have, at the time of the conclusion
of that agreement, their places of business in different states; or
one of the following places is situated outside the Philippines in which the
parties have their places of business:
the place of arbitration if determined in, or pursuant to , the arbitration
any place where a substantial part of the obligations of the commercial
relationship is to be performed or the place with the subject matter of the
dispute is most closely connected; or
the parties have expressly agreed that the subject matter of the arbitration
agreement relates to more than one country. For this purpose:
if a party has more than one place of business, the place of business is
that which has the closest relationship to the arbitration agreement;
if a party does not have a place of business, reference is to be made to
his/her habitual residence.
New York Convention means the United Nations Convention of the
Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards approved in
1958 and ratified by the Philippine Senate under Senate Resolution
Non-Convention Award means a foreign arbitral ward made in a state,
which is not a Convention State.
Non-Convention State means a state that is not a member of the New
York Convention. (Rule 2, par. C, IRR, RA 9285)
What is the scope of application of Chapter 4 of the IRR of RA 9285 on
International Commercial Arbitration?
It applies to international commercial arbitration, subject to any agreement
in force between the Philippines and other state or states.
It applies only if the place or seat of arbitration is the Philippines and in
default of any agreement of the parties on the applicable rules.
It shall not affect any other law of the Philippines by virtue of which certain
disputes may not be submitted to arbitration or may be submitted to
arbitration only according to provisions other than those of the ADR Act.
(Article 4.1., IRR, RA 9285)
Cite the Rules on International Commercial Arbitration.
The following are the rules of interpretation in international commercial
The parties are free to determine the number of arbitrators Failing such
determination, the number of arbitrators shall be three (3). (Article 4.10., IRR, RA
Explain how Arbitrators are appointed.
The appointment of arbitrators is governed by the following procedures:
No person shall be produced by reason of his/her nationality from acting
as an arbitrator, unless otherwise agreed by the parties.
The parties are free to agree on a procedure of appointing the arbitrator or
arbitrators, subject to provisions of paragraphs (d) and (e) of this Article.
Failing such agreement:
in an arbitration with three (3 ) arbitrators, each party shall appoint one
arbitrator, and the two (2) arbitrators thus appointed shall appoint the third
arbitrator; if any party fails to appoint the arbitrator within thirty (30) days of
receipt of a request to do so from the other party, or if the two (2)
arbitrators fail to agree on the third arbitrator within thirty days (30) days of
their appointment shall be made, upon request of a party, by the
appointing authority;
in an arbitration with a sole arbitrator, if the parties are unable to agree on
the arbitrator, he/she shall be appointed, upon request of a party, by the
appointing authority.
Where, under an appointment procedure agreed upon the parties,
a party fails to act as required under such procedure, or
the parties, or two arbitrators, are unable to reach an agreement expected
of them under such procedure, or
a third party, including an institution, fails to perform any function entrusted
to it under such procedure,
Any party may request the appointing authority to take the necessary measure to
appoint an arbitrator, unless the agreement on the appointment procedure
provides other means for securing the appointment.
A decision on a matter entrusted by paragraphs (c) and (d) of this to the
appointing authority shall be immediate executory and not be subject to a motion
for reconsideration or appeal. The appointing authority shall have in appointing
an arbitrator, due regard to any qualifications required of the arbitrator by the
agreement of the parties and to such considerations as are likely to secure the
appointment of an independent and impartial arbitrator and, in the case of a sole
or third arbitrator, shall take into account as well the advisability of appointing an
arbitrator of a nationality other than the Rules of Court of the Special ADR Rules.
(Article 4.11., IRR, RA 9285)
What are the grounds to challenge an Arbitrator? The grounds for challenge are
as follows:
any of these grounds, any party may request the appointing authority to
decide on the termination of the mandate, which decision shall be
immediately executory and not subject for motion for reconsideration or
If, under this Article or paragraph (b) of Article 4.13 (Challenge Procedure), an
arbitrator withdraws from his/her office or a party agrees for termination of the
mandate of an arbitrator, this does not imply acceptance of the validity of any
ground referred to in this Article or in paragraph (b) of Article 4.12 (Grounds
for Challenge). (Article 4.14., IRR, RA 9285)
What is the consequence if the mandate of an Arbitrator is terminated?
Where the mandate of an arbitrator terminates under Articles 4.13
(Challenge Procedure) and 4.14 (Failure or Impossibility to Act) or because of
his/her withdrawal from office for any other reason or because of the revocation
of his/her mandate, a substitute arbitrator shall be appointed according to the
rules that were applicable to the appointment of the arbitrator being replaced.
(Article 4.15., IRR, RA 9285)
Discuss the competence of Arbitral Tribunal to Rule on jurisdiction.
The arbitral tribunal may rule on its own jurisdiction, including any
objections with respect to the existence or validity of the arbitration
agreement or any condition precedent to the filing of the request for
arbitration. For that purpose, an arbitration clause, which forms part of a
contract shall be treated as an agreement independent of the other terms
of the contract. A decision by the arbitral tribunal that the contract is null
and void shall not entail ipso jure the invalidity of the arbitration clause.
A plea that the arbitral tribunal does not have jurisdiction shall be raised
not later than the submission of the statement of defense (I.e., in an
Answer or Motion to Dismiss). A party is not precluded from raising such
plea by the fact that he/she has appointed, or participated in the
appointment of, an arbitrator. A plea that the arbitral tribunal is exceeding
the scope of its authority shall be raised as soon as the matter alleged to
be beyond the scope of its authority is raised during the arbitral
proceedings. The arbitral tribunal may, in either case, admit a later plea if
it considers the delay justified.
The arbitral tribunal may rule on a plea referred to in paragraph (b) of this
Article either as a preliminary question or in an award on the merits. If the
arbitral tribunal rules as a preliminary question that it has jurisdiction, any
party may request, within thirty (30) days after having received notice of
that ruling, the Regional Trial Court to decide the matter, which decision
shall be immediately executory and not subject to motion for
The arbitral tribunal may order that any documentary evidence shall be
accompanied by a translation into the language or languages agreed upon
by the parties or determined by the arbitral tribunal in accordance with
paragraph (a) of this Article. (Article 4.222., IRR, RA 9285)
On the Statements of Claim and Defense
Within the period of time agreed by the parties or determined by the
arbitral tribunal, the claimant shall state the facts supporting his/her/its
claim, the points at issue and the relief or remedy sought, and the
respondent shall state his/her/its defense in respect of these particulars,
unless the parties have otherwise agreed as to the required elements of
such statements. The parties may submit with their statements; all
documents they consider to be relevant or may add a reference to the
documents or other evidence they will submit.
Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, either party may amend or
supplement his/her claim or defense during the course of the arbitral
proceedings, unless the arbitral tribunal considers it inappropriate to allow
such amendment having regard to the delay in making it. (Article 4.23.,
IRR, RA 9285)
On Hearing and Written Proceedings
Subject to any contrary agreement by the parties, the arbitral tribunal shall
decide whether to hold oral hearings for the presentation of evidence or
for oral argument, or whether the proceedings shall be conducted on the
basis of documents and other materials. However, unless the parties have
agreed that no hearings at an appropriate stage of the proceedings, if so
requested by a party.
The parties shall be given sufficient advance notice of any hearing and of
any meeting of the arbitral tribunal for the purposes of inspection goods,
other property or documents.
All statements, documents or other information supplied to the arbitral by
one party shall be communicated to the other party. Also, an expert report
or evidentiary document on which the arbitral tribunal may rely in making
its decision shall be communicated to the parties. (Article 4.24., IRR, RA
On Default of a party
Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, if, without, showing sufficient cause,
the claimant fails to communicate his statement of claim in accordance
with paragraph (a) Article 4.23 (Statement of Claim and Defense), the
arbitral tribunal shall terminate the proceedings;
the respondent fails to communicate his/her/its statement of defense in
accordance with paragraph (a) Article 4.23 (Statement of Claim and
Defense), the arbitral tribunal shall continue the proceedings without
treating such failure in itself as an admission of the claimant’s allegations.
IIn all cases, the arbitral tribunal shall decide in accordance with the terms
of the contract and shall take into account the usages of the trade
applicable to the transaction. (Article 4.28., IRR, RA 9285)
Decision-making by Panel of Arbitrators- In arbitral proceedings with more
than one arbitrator, any decision of the arbitral tribunal shall be made,
unless otherwise agreed by other parties, by a majority of all its members.
However, questions of procedure may be decided by a presiding arbitrator
if so authorized by the parties or all members of the arbitral tribunal.
(Article 4.29., IRR, RA 9285
If, during arbitral proceedings, the parties settle the dispute, the arbitral
tribunal shall terminate the proceedings and, if requested by the parties
and not objected to by the arbitral tribunal, record the settlement in the
form of an arbitral award on agreed terms.
An award on agreed terms shall be made in accordance with the
provisions of Article 4.31 (Form and Contents of Award), and shall state
that it is an award. Such an award has the same status and effect as any
other award on the merits of the case. (Article 4.30., IRR, RA 9285)
On Forum and Contents of Award
The award shall be made in writing and shall be signed by the arbitrator or
arbitrators. In arbitral proceedings with more than one arbitrator, the
signatures of the majority of all members of the arbitral tribunal shall
suffice, provided that the reason for any omitted signature is stated.
The award shall state the reasons upon which it is based, unless the
parties have agreed that no reasons are to be given or the award is an
award on agreed terms under paragraph (a) of Article 4.20 (Place of
The award shall state its date and the place of arbitration as determined in
accordance with paragraph (a) of this Article. The award shall be deemed
to have been made at that place.
After the award is made, a copy signed by the arbitrators in accordance
with paragraph (a) of this Article shall be delivered. to each party. (Article
4.31., IRR, RA 9285)
On termination of Proceedings
The arbitral proceedings are terminated by the final award or by an order
of the arbitral tribunal in accordance with paragraph (b) of this Article.
The arbitral tribunal shall issue an order for the termination of the arbitral
proceedings when:
The claimant withdraws his/her/its claim, unless the respondent objects
thereto and the arbitral tribunal recognized a legitimate interest on
his/her/its part in obtaining a final settlement of the dispute;
The parties agree the termination of the proceedings;
The arbitral tribunal finds that the continuation of the proceedings has for
any other reason become unnecessary or impossible.
The mandate of the arbitral tribunal ends with termination of the arbitral
proceedings subject to the provisions of Articles 4.33 (Correction and
Interpretation of Award, Additional Award) and paragraph (d) of Articles
4.34 (Application for Setting Aside an Exclusive Recourse against Arbitral
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the arbitral tribunal may, for special
reasons, reserve in the final award or order, a hearing to quantity costs
and determine which party shall bear the costs or the division thereof as
may be determined to be equitable. Pending determination of this issue,
the award shall not be deemed final for purposes of appea,vacation,
correction, or any post-award proceedings. (Article 4.32., IRR, RA 9285)
On Correction and Interpretation of Award, Additional Award
Within thirty (30) days from receipt of the award, unless another period
of time has been agreed upon by the parties:
A party may, with notice to the other party, request the arbitral
tribunal to correct in the award any errors in computation, any
clerical or typographical errors or any errors of similar nature;
A party may, it so agreed by the parties and with notice to the other
party, request the arbitral tribunal to give an interpretation of a
specific point or part of the award.
If the arbitral tribunal considers the request to be justified, It shall make
the correction or give the interpretation within thirty (30) days from
receipt of the request. The interpretation shall form part of the award.
The arbitral tribunal may correct any error of the type referred to in
paragraph (a) of this Article on its own initiative within thirty (30) day
from the date of the award.
Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, a party may, with notice to the
other party, request, within thirty (30) days receipt of the award, the
arbitral tribunal to make an additional award as to claims presented in
the arbitral proceedings but omitted from the award. If the arbitral
tribunal considers the request to be justified, it shall make the
additional award within sixty (60) days
The arbitral tribunal may extend, if necessary, the period of time within
which it shall make a correction interpretation or an additional award
under paragraphs (a) and (b) of this Article.
The provisions of Article 4.31 (Form and Contents of Award) shall
apply to a correction or interpretation of the award or to an additional
award. (Article 4.33., IRR, RA 9285)
On Application for Setting Aside an Exclusive course against Arbitral
No. The arbitration proceedings, including the records, evidence and the arbitral
award, shall be considered confidential and shall not be poolside except:
with the consent of the parties; or
for the limited purpose of disclosing to the court relevant documents in
cases where resort to the court is allowed herein.
Provided, however, that the court in which the action or the appeal is pending
may issue a protective order to prevent or prohibit disclosure of documents or
information containing secret processes, developments, research and other
information where it is shown that the applicant shall be materially prejudiced by
an authorized disclosure thereof. (Article 4.41., IRR, RA 9285)
Is a petition for recognition and enforcement of awards summary in
Yes. A petition for recognition and enforcement of awards brought before the
court shall be heard and dealt with summarily in accordance with the Special
ADR Rules. (Article 4.42., IRR, RA 9285)
What is the consequence when a party dies making submission or a
contract to arbitrate?
When a party dies after making a submission or a contract to arbitrate as
prescribed in these Rules, the proceedings may be begun or continued upon the
application of, or notice to, his/her executor or administrator, or temporary
administrator of his/her estate. In any such case, the court may issue an order
extending the time within which notice of a motion to recognize or vacate an
award must be served. Upon recognizing an award, where a party has died since
it was filed or delivered, the court must enter judgement in the name of the
original party; and the proceedings thereupon are the same as where a party
dies after a verdict. (Article 4.43., IRR, RA 9285)
What rules shall govern a multi-party arbitration?
When a single arbitration involves more than two parties, the foregoing rules, to
the extent possible, shall be used, subject to such modifications consistent with
this Chapter as the arbitral tribunal shall deem appropriate to address possible
complexities of a multi-party arbitration. (Article 4.44., IRR, RA 9285)
May the parties agree to consolidate proceedings and concurrent
hearings? Yes. The parties and the arbitral tribunal may agree –
that the arbitration proceedings shall be consolidated with other arbitration
proceedings; or
that concurrent hearings shall be held, on such terms as may be agreed.
Unless the parties agree to confer such power on the arbitral tribunal, the tribunal
has no power to order consolidation of arbitration proceedings or concurrent
hearings. (Article 4.45., IRR, RA 9285)
Discuss the costs of Arbitration in arbitral Tribunal’s Award. Article 4.46
The arbitral tribunal shall fix the costs of arbitration in its award. The term
"costs" include only:
The fees of the arbitral tribunal to be stated separately as to each
arbitrator and to be fixed by the tribunal itself in accordance with the
paragraph (b) of this Article;
The travel and other expenses incurred by the arbitrators;
The costs of expert advice and of other assistance required by the arbitral
The travel and other expenses of witnesses to the extent such expenses
are approved by the arbitral tribunal;
The costs for legal representation and assistance of the successful party if
such costs were claimed during the arbitral proceedings, and only to the
extent that the arbitral tribunal determines that the amount of such costs is
Any fees and expenses of the appointing authority.
The fees of the arbitral tribunal shall be reasonable in amount, taking into
account the amount in dispute, the complexity of the subject matter, the
time spent by the arbitrators and any other relevant circumstances of the
If an appointing authority has been agreed upon by the parties and if such
authority has issued a schedule of fees for arbitrators in international cases
which it administers, the arbitral tribunal in fixing its fees shall take that schedule
of fees into account to the extent that it considers appropriate in the
circumstances of the case.
If such appointing authority has not issued a schedule of fees for arbitrators in
international cases, any party may, at any time request the appointing authority
to furnish a statement setting forth the basis for establishing fees which is
customarily followed in international cases in which the authority appoints
arbitrators. If the appointing authority consents to provide such a statement, the
arbitral tribunal, in fixing its fees, shall take such information into account to the
extent that it considers appropriate in the circumstances of the case.
In cases referred to in the second and third sub-paragraphs of paragraph
(b) of this Article, when a party so requests and the appointing authority
consents to perform the function, the arbitral tribunal shall fix its fees only
after consultation with the appointing authority which may make any
comment it deems appropriate to the arbitral tribunal concerning the fees.
Except as provided in the next sub-paragraph of this paragraph, the costs
of arbitration shall, in principle, be borne by the unsuccessful party.
However, the arbitral tribunal may apportion each of such costs between
the parties if it determines that apportionment is reasonable, taking into
account the circumstances of the case.
With respect to the costs of legal representation and assistance referred to in
paragraph (c) of paragraph (a) (iii) of this Article, the arbitral tribunal, taking into
account the circumstances of the case, shall be free to determine which party
shall bear such costs or may apportion such costs between the parties if it
determines that appointment is reasonable.
When the arbitral tribunal issues an order for the termination of the arbitral
proceedings or makes an award on agreed terms, it shall fix the costs of
arbitration referred to in paragraphs (b), (c) and (d) of this Article in the context of
that order or award.
The arbitral tribunal, on its establishment, may request each party to
deposit an equal amount as an advance for the costs referred to in
paragraphs (i), (ii) and (iii) of paragraph (a) of this Article.
During the course of the arbitral proceedings, the arbitral tribunal may request
supplementary deposits from the parties.
If an appointing authority has been agreed upon by the parties and when a party
so requests and the appointing authority consents to perform the function, the
arbitral tribunal shall fix the amounts of any deposits or supplementary deposits
only after consultation with the appointing authority which may make any
comments to the arbitral tribunal which it deems appropriate concerning the
amount of such deposits and supplementary deposits.
If the required deposits are not paid in full within thirty (30) days after receipt of
the request, the arbitral tribunal shall so inform the parties in order that the
required payment may be made. If such payment is not made, the arbitral
tribunal may order the suspension or termination of the arbitral proceedings.
After the award has been made, the arbitral tribunal shall render an accounting to
the parties of the deposits received and return any unexpended balance to the
parties. (Article 4.46., IRR, RA 9285)
by E.O. No. 1008, s.1985 and the rules promulgated by the Construction
Industry Arbitration Commission.
Two or more persons or parties may submit to arbitration by one or more
arbitrators any controversy existing between them at the time of the
submission and which may be the subject of an action; or the parties to
any contract may in such contract agree to settle by arbitration a
controversy thereafter arising between them. Such submission or contract
shall be valid, enforceable and irrevocable, save upon such grounds as
exist at law for the revocation of any contract.
Such submission or contract may include questions arising out of valuations,
appraisals or other controversies which may be collateral, incidental, precedent
or subsequent to any dispute between the parties.
A controversy cannot be arbitrated where one of the parties to the controversy is
an infant, or a person judicially declared to be incompetent, unless the
appropriate court having jurisdiction approved a petition for permission to submit
such controversy to arbitration made by the general guardian or guardian ad
litem of the infant or of the incompetent.
But where a person capable of entering into a submission or contract has
knowingly entered into the same with a person incapable of so doing, the
objection on the ground of incapacity can be taken only in behalf of the person so
incapacitated. (Article 5.1., IRR, RA 9285)
How should the delivery of written communication be made?
The delivery of written communication can be made through the following:
Except as otherwise agreed by the parties, a written communication from
one party to the other or to the arbitrator or to an arbitration institution or
from the arbitrator or arbitration institution to the parties shall be delivered
to the addressee personally, by registered mail or by courier service. Such
communication shall be deemed to have been received on the date it is
delivered at the addressee’s address of record, place of business,
residence or last known address. The communication, as appropriate,
shall be delivered to each party to the arbitration and to each arbitrator,
and, in institutional arbitration, one copy to the administering institution.
During the arbitration proceedings, the arbitrator may order a mode of
delivery and a rule for receipt of written communications different from that
provided in paragraph (a) of this Article.
If a party is represented by counsel or a representative, written
communications for that party shall be delivered to the address of record
of such counsel or representative.
Except as the parties may agree or the arbitrator may direct otherwise, a
written communication may be delivered by electronic mail or facsimile
Any party may request that interim or provisional relief be granted against
the adverse party.
Such relief may be granted:
To prevent irreparable loss or injury;
To provide security for the performance of an obligation;
To produce or preserve evidence; or
To compel any other appropriate act or omissions.
The order granting provisional relief may be conditioned upon the
provision of security or any act or omission specified in the order.
Interim or provisional relief is requested by written application transmitted
by reasonable means to the arbitral tribunal and the party against whom
relief is sought, describing in appropriate detail of the precise relief, the
party against whom the relief is requested, the ground for the relief, and
the evidence supporting the request.
The order either grating or denying an application for interim relief shall be
binding upon the parties.
Either party may apply with the court for assistance in implementing or
enforcing an interim measure ordered by an arbitral tribunal.
A party who does not comply with the order shall be liable for all damages,
resulting from noncompliance, including all expenses, and reasonable
attorney’s fees, paid in obtaining the order’s judicial enforcement. (Article
5.8., IRR, RA 9285)
What are the matters deemed included in the interim measures of
Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, the arbitral tribunal may, at the request
of a party, order any party to take such interim measures of protection as the
arbitral tribunal may consider necessary in respect of the subject matter of the
dispute following the Rules in this Article. Such interim measures may include but
shall not be limited to preliminary injunction directed against a party, appointment
of receivers or detention, preservation, inspection of property that is the subject
of the dispute in arbitration. Either party may apply with the court for assistance
in implementing or enforcing an interim measure ordered by an arbitral tribunal.
(Article 5.8, par. d, IRR, RA 9285)
How many Arbitrators must constitute an Arbitral Tribunal?
The parties are free to determine the number of arbitrators. Failing such
determination, the number of arbitrators shall be three (3). (Article 5.9., IRR, RA
Who may be appointed as arbitrators?
sole arbitrator is not appointed in such meeting, or the meeting does not take
place because of the absence of either or both parties despite due notice, the
appointing authority shall appoint the sole arbitrator. (Article 5.10, par. d, IRR, RA
If the default appointment of an arbitrator is objected to by a party on whose
behalf the default appointment is to be made, and the defaulting party requests
the appointing authority for additional time to appoint his/her arbitrator, the
appointing authority, having regard to the circumstances, may give the
requesting party not more than thirty (30) days to make the appointment.
If the objection of a party is based on the ground that the party did not fail to
choose and appoint an arbitrator for the arbitral tribunal, there shall be attached
to the objection the appointment of an arbitrator together with the latter’s
acceptance thereof and curriculum vitae. Otherwise, the appointing authority
shall appoint the arbitrator for that party. (Article 5.10, par. e, IRR, RA 9285)
In making a default appointment, the appointing authority shall have regard to
such considerations as are likely to secure the appointment of an independent
and impartial arbitrator. In order to achieve speedy and impartial justice and to
moderate the cost of arbitration, in choosing an arbitrator, the appointing
authority shall give preference to a qualified person who has a place of residence
or business in the same general locality as the agreed venue of the arbitration
and who is likely to accept the arbitrator’s fees agreed upon by the parties, or as
fixed in accordance either with the internal guidelines or the Schedule of Fees
approved by the administering institution or by the appointing authority. (Article
5.10, par. f, IRR, RA 9285)
The appointing authority shall give notice in writing to the parties of the
appointment made or its inability to comply with the Request for Appointment and
the reasons why it is unable to do so, in which later case, the procedure
described under Article 5.5 (Court or Other Authority for Certain Functions of
arbitration Assistance and Supervision) shall apply. (Article 5.10, par. g, IRR, RA
A decision on a matter entrusted by this Article to the appointing authority shall
be immediately executory and not subject to appeal or motion for
reconsideration. The appointing authority shall be deemed to have been given by
the parties discretionary authority in making the appointment but in doing so, the
appointing authority shall have due regard to any qualification or disqualification
of an arbitrator/s under paragraph
(a) of Article 5.10 (Appointment of Arbitrators) as well as any qualifications
required of the arbitrator/s by the agreement of the parties and to such
considerations as are likely to secure the appointment of an independent and
impartial arbitrator. (Article 5.10, par. h, IRR, RA 9285)
The chairman of the arbitral tribunal shall be selected in accordance with the
agreement of the parties and/or the rules agreed upon or, in default thereof, by
the arbitrators appointed. (Article 5.10, par. i, IRR, RA 9285)
Any clause giving one of the agreement, if otherwise valid, shall be construed as
permitting the appointment of one (1) arbitrator by all claimants and one (1)
arbitrator by all respondents. The third arbitrator shall be appointed as provided
If all the claimants or all the respondents cannot decide among themselves on an
arbitrator, the appointment shall be made for them by the appointing authority.
Article 5.10, par. j, IRR, RA 9285)
The appointing authority may adopt Guidelines for the making of a Request for
Appointment. Article 5.10, par. k, IRR, RA 9285)
Except as otherwise provided in the Guidelines of the appointing authority, if any,
a Request for Appointment shall include, as applicable, the following:
the demand for arbitration;
the name/s and curricula vitae of the appointed arbitrator/s;
the acceptance of his/her/its appointment of the appointed arbitrator/s;
any qualification or disqualification of the arbitrator as provided in the
arbitration agreement;
an executive summary of the dispute which should indicate the nature of
the dispute and the parties thereto;
principal office and officers of a corporate party;
the person/s appearing as counsel for the party/ies; and
information about arbitrator’s fees where there is an agreement between
the parties with respect thereto.
In institutional arbitration, the request shall include such further information or
particulars as the administering institution shall require. Article 5.10, par. l, IRR,
RA 9285)
A copy of the Request for Appointment shall be delivered to the adverse party.
Proof of such delivery shall be included in, and shall form part of, the Request for
Appointment filed with the appointing authority. Article 5.10, par. m, IRR, RA
A party upon whom a copy of the Request for Appointment is communicated
may, within seven (7) days of its receipt, file with the appointing authority
his/her/its objection/s to the Request or ask for an extension of time, not
exceeding thirty (30) days from receipt of the request, to appoint an arbitrator or
act in accordance with the procedure agreed upon or provided by these Rules.
Within the aforementioned periods, the party seeking the extension shall provide
the appointing authority and the adverse party with a copy of the appointment of
his/her arbitrator, the latter’s curriculum vitae, and the latter’s acceptance of the
appointment. In the event that the said party fails to appoint an arbitrator within
said period, the appointing authority shall make the default appointment. (Article
5.10, par. n, IRR, RA 9285)
An arbitrator, in accepting an appointment, shall include, in his/her acceptance
letter, a statement that:
he/she agrees to comply with the applicable law, the arbitration rules
agreed upon by the parties, or in default thereof, these Rules, and the
Code of Ethics for Arbitrators in Domestic Arbitration, if any;
he/she accepts as compensation the arbitrator’s fees agreed upon by the
parties or as determined in accordance with the rules agreed upon by the
parties, or in default thereof, these Rules; and
he agrees to devote as much time and attention to the arbitration as the
circumstances may require in order to achieve the objective of a speedy,
effective and fair resolution of the dispute. (Article 5.10, par. 0, IRR, RA
What are the grounds to challenge an Arbitrator?
When a person is approached in connection with his/her possible
appointment as an arbitrator, he/she shall disclose any circumstance likely to
give rise to justifiable doubts as to his/her impartiality, independence,
qualifications and disqualifications. An arbitrator, from the time of his/her
appointment and throughout the arbitral proceedings, shall without delay,
disclose any such circumstances to the parties unless they have already been
informed of them by him/her.
A person, who is appointed as an arbitrator notwithstanding the disclosure made
in accordance with this Article, shall reduce the disclosure to writing and provide
a copy of such written disclosure to all parties in the arbitration.
An arbitrator may be challenged only if:
circumstances exist that give rise to justifiable doubts as to his/her
impartiality or independence;
he/she does not possess qualifications as provided for in this Chapter or
those agreed to by the parties;
he/she is disqualified to act as arbitration under these Rules;
he refuses to respond to questions by a party regarding the nature and
extent of his professional dealings with a party or its counsel.
If, after appointment but before or during hearing, a person appointed to
serve as an arbitrator shall discover any circumstances likely to create a
presumption of bias, or which he/she believes might disqualify him/her as
shall be made within fifteen (15) days from knowledge by a party of the
existence of a ground for a challenge or within fifteen (15) days from the
rejection by an arbitrator of a party’s request for his/her inhibition.
Within fifteen (15) days of receipt of the challenge, the challenged
arbitrator shall decide whether he/she shall accept the challenge or reject
it. If he/she accepts the challenge, he/she shall voluntarily withdraw as
arbitrator. If he/she rejects it, he/she shall communicate, within the same
period of time, his/her rejection of the challenge and state the facts and
arguments relied upon for such rejection.
An arbitrator who does not accept the challenge shall be given an
opportunity to be heard.
Notwithstanding the rejection of the challenge by the arbitrator, the parties
may, within the same fifteen (15) day period, agree to the challenge.
In default of an agreement of the parties to agree on the challenge thereby
replacing the arbitrator, the arbitral tribunal shall decide on the challenge
within thirty (30) days from receipt of the challenge.
If the challenge procedure as agreed upon by the parties or as provided in
this Article is not successful, or a party or the arbitral tribunal shall decline
to act, the challenging party may request the appointing authority in writing
to decide on the challenge within thirty (30) days after having received
notice of the decision rejecting the challenge. The appointing authority
shall decide on the challenge within fifteen (15) days from receipt of the
request. If the appointing authority shall fail to act on the challenge within
thirty (30) days from the date of its receipt or within such further time as it
may fix, with notice to the parties, the requesting party may renew the
request with the court.
The request made under this Article shall include the challenge, the reply
or explanation of the challenged arbitrator and relevant communication, if
any, from either party, or from the arbitral tribunal.
Every communication required or agreement made under this Article in
respect of a challenge shall be delivered, as appropriate, to the challenged
arbitrator, to the parties, to the remaining members of the arbitral tribunal
and to the institution administering the arbitration, if any.
A challenged arbitrator shall be replaced if:
he/she withdraws as arbitrator, or
the parties agree in writing to declare the office of arbitrator vacant, or
the arbitral tribunal decides the challenge and declares the office of the
challenged arbitrator vacant, or
the appointing authority decides the challenge and declares the office of
the challenged arbitrator vacant, or
in default of the appointing authority, the court decides the challenge and
declares the office of the challenged arbitrator vacant.
The decision of the parties, the arbitral tribunal, the appointing authority, or
in proper cases, the court, to accept or reject a challenge is not subject to
appeal or motion for reconsideration.
Until a decision is made to replace the arbitrator under this Article, the
arbitration proceeding shall continue notwithstanding the challenge, and
the challenged arbitrator shall continue to participate therein as an
arbitrator. However, if the challenge incident is raised before the court,
because the parties, the arbitral tribunal or appointing authority failed or
refused to act within the period provided in paragraphs andof this Article,
the arbitration proceeding shall be suspended until after the court shall
have decided the incident. The arbitration shall be continued immediately
after the court has delivered an order on the challenging incident. If the
court agrees that the challenged arbitrator shall be replaced, the parties
shall immediately replace the arbitrator concerned.
The appointment of a substitute arbitrator shall be made pursuant to the
procedure applicable to the appointment of the arbitrator being replaced.
(Article 5.12., IRR, RA 9285)
What are the consequences if there is failure or impossibility to act?
If an arbitrator becomes de jure or de facto unable to perform his/her
functions or for other reasons fails to act without undue delay, his/her
mandate terminates if he/she withdraws from his/her office or if the parties
agree on the termination. Otherwise, if a controversy remains concerning
any of these grounds, any party may request the appointing authority to
decide on the termination of the mandate, which decision shall be
immediately executory and not subject to appeal or motion for
If, under this Article or Article 5.12 (Challenge Procedure), an arbitrator
withdraws from his/her office or a party agrees to the termination of the
mandate of an arbitrator, this does not imply acceptance Of the validity of
any ground referred to in this Article 5.12. (Article 5.13., IRR, RA 9285)
When is the appointment of a substitute arbitrator proper?
Where the mandate of an arbitrator terminates under Articles 5.12 (Challenge
Procedure) or 5.13 (Failure or Impossibility) or because of his withdrawal from
office for any other reason or because of the revocation of his mandate by
agreement of the parties or in any other case of termination of his/her mandate, a
substitute arbitrator shall be appointed according to the rules applicable to the
arbitrator being replaced. (Article 5.14., IRR, RA 9285)
What are the grounds for objection over the jurisdiction of the arbitral
and the manner of conducting it, and the sharing and deposit of any
associated fees and expenses;
The amount to be paid to the arbitral tribunal as fees and the associated
costs, charges and expenses of arbitration and the manner and timing of
such payments; and
Such other relevant matters as the parties and the arbitral tribunal may
consider necessary to provide for a speedy and efficient arbitration of the
To the extent possible, the arbitral tribunal and the parties shall agree
upon any such matters and in default of agreement, the arbitral tribunal
shall have the discretion and authority to make the decision, although in
making decision, regard shall be given to the views expressed by both
The arbitral tribunal shall, in consultation with the parties, fix the date/s
and the time of hearing, regard being given to the desirability of
conducting and concluding an arbitration without undue delay.
The hearing set shall not be postponed except with the conformity of the
arbitrator and the parties and only for a good and sufficient cause. The
arbitral tribunal may deny a request to postpone or to cancel a scheduled
hearing on the ground that a party has requested or is intending to request
from the court or from the arbitrator an order granting interim relief.
A party may, during the proceedings, represent himself/herself/itself or
through a representative, at such hearing.
The hearing may proceed in the absence of a party who fails to obtain an
adjournment thereof or who, despite due notice, fails to be present, by
himself/herself/itself or through a representative, at such hearing.
Only parties, their respective representatives, the witnesses and the
administrative staff of the arbitral tribunal shall have the right to be present
if the parties, upon being informed of the presence of such person and the
reason for his/her presence, interpose no objection thereto.
Issues raised during the arbitration proceeding relating to (a) the
jurisdiction of the arbitral tribunal over one or more of the claims or counter
claims, or (b) the arbitrability of a particular claim or counter claim, shall be
resolved by the arbitral tribunal as threshold issues, if the parties so
request, unless they are intertwined with factual issues that they cannot be
resolved ahead of the hearing on the merits of the dispute.
Each witness shall, before giving testimony, be required to take an oath/
affirmation before the arbitral tribunal, to tell the whole truth and nothing
but the truth during the hearing.
The arbitral tribunal shall arrange for the transcription of the recorded
testimony of each witness and require each party to share the cost of
recording and transcription of the testimony of each witness.
Each party shall provide the other party with a copy of each statement or
document submitted to the arbitral tribunal and shall have an opportunity
to reply in writing to the other party's statements and proofs.
The arbitral tribunal may require the parties to produce such other
documents or provide such information as in its judgment would be
necessary for it to render a complete, fair and impartial award.
The arbitral tribunal shall receive as evidence all exhibits submitted by a
party properly marked and identified at the time of submission.
At the close of the hearing, the arbitral tribunal shall specifically inquire of
all parties whether they have further proof or witnesses to present; upon
receiving a negative reply, the arbitral tribunal shall declare the hearing
After a hearing is declared closed, no further motion or manifestation or
submission may be allowed except for post-hearing briefs and reply briefs
that the parties have agreed to submit within a fixed period after the
hearing is declared closed, or when the arbitral tribunal, motu proprio or
upon request of a party, allows the reopening of the hearing.
Decisions on interlocutory matters shall be made by the sole arbitrator or
by the majority of the arbitral tribunal. The arbitral tribunal may authorized
its chairman to issue or release, on behalf of the arbitral tribunal, its
decision on interlocutory matters.
Except as provide in section 17 (d) of the ADR Act. No arbitrator shall act
as a mediator in a any proceeding in which he/she is acting as arbitrator
even if requested by the parties; and all negotiations.
Before assuming the duties of his/her office, an arbitrator must be sworn
by any officer authorized by law to administer an oath or be required to
make an affirmation to faithfully and fairly hear and examine the matters in
controversy and make a just award according to the best his/her ability
and understanding. A copy of the arbitrator's oath or affirmation shall be
furnished each party to the arbitration.
Either party may object to the commencement or continuation of an
arbitration proceeding unless the arbitrator takes an oath or affirmation as
required in this chapter. If the arbitrator shall refuse to take an oath or
affirmation as required by law and this rule, he/she shall be replaced. The
failure to object to the absence of an oath or affirmation shall be deemed a
waiver of such objection and the proceedings shall continue in due course
and may not later be used as a ground to invalidate the proceedings.
the arbitral tribunal shall have the power to administer oaths to, or require
affirmation from, all witnesses directing them to tell the truth, the whole
truth and nothing but the truth in any testimony, oral or written, which they
may give or offer in any arbitration hearing. The oath or affirmation shall
be required of every witness before his/her testimony, oral or written, is
heard or considered.
the arbitral tribunal shall have the power to require any person to attend a
hearing as a witness. It shall have the power to subpoena witnesses, to
testify and/or produce documents when the relevancy and materiality
thereof has been shown to the arbitral tribunal. The arbitral tribunal may
also require the exclusion of any witness during the testimony of any other
witness. Unless the parties otherwise agree, all the arbitrators in any
controversy must attend all the hearings and hear the evidence of the
parties. (Article 5.23., IRR, RA 9285)
When may the tribunal order interim measures of protection?
The Arbitral Tribunal may order interim measures of protection to any party under
the following circumstances:
unless otherwise agreed by the parties, the arbitral tribunal may, at the
request of a party and in accordance with the this Article, order any party
to take such interim measures of protection as the arbitral tribunal may
consider necessary in respect of the subject matter of the dispute of the
procedure, Such interim measures may include, but shall not be limited, to
preliminary injunction directed against a party, appointment of receivers or
detention of property that is the subject of the dispute in arbitration or its
preservation or inspection.
After the constitution of the arbitral tribunal, and during the arbitration
proceedings, a request for interim measures of protection, or modification
thereof, may be made with the arbitral tribunal. The arbitral tribunal is
deemed constituted when the sole arbitrator or the third arbitrator, who
has been nominated, has accepted the nomination and written
communication of said nomination and acceptance has been received by
the party making the request.
The following rules on interim or provisional relief shall be observed:
Any party may request that provisional or interim relief be granted
against the adverse party.
Such relief may be granted:
To prevent irreparable loss or injury;
To provide security for the performance of an obligation;
To produce or preserve evidence; or
To compel any other appropriate act or omissions.
The order granting provisional relief may be conditioned upon the
provision of security or any act or omission specified in the order.
Interim provisional relief is requested by written application transmitted
by reasonable means to the arbitral tribunal and the party against
whom relief is sought, describing in appropriate detail of the precise
relief, the party against whom relief is requested the ground for the
relief, and the evidence supporting the request.
upon agreement of the parties, the finding of the expert engaged by the
arbitral tribunal on the matter/s referred to him shall be binding upon the
parties and the arbitral tribunal. (Article 5.26., IRR, RA 9285)
May the Arbitral tribunal request assistance in taking evidence and other
matters? Yes. The arbitral tribunal may request the following from the
The arbitral tribunal or a party, with the approval of the arbitral tribunal
may request from a court, assistance in taking evidence such as the
issuance of subpoena ad testificandum and subpoena duces tecum,
deposition taking, site or ocular inspection, and physical examination of
properties. The court may grant the request within its competence and
according to its rules on taking evidence.
The arbitral tribunal or a party to the dispute interested in enforcing an
order of the arbitral tribunal may request from a competent court,
assistance in enforcing orders of the arbitral tribunal, including but not
limited, to the following:
Interim or provision relief;
Protective orders with respect to confidentiality;
Orders of the arbitral tribunal pertaining to the subject matter of the
dispute that may affect third persons and/or their properties; and/or
Examination of debtors. (Article 5.27., IRR, RA 9285)
What are the rules applicable to the substance of dispute?
The arbitral tribunal shall decide the dispute in accordance with such law
as is chosen by the parties, In the absence of such agreement, Philippine
law shall apply.
The arbitral tribunal may grant any remedy or relief which it deems just
and equitable and within the scope of the agreement of the parties, which
shall include, but not be limited to, the specific performance of a contract.
In all cases, the arbitral tribunal shall decide in accordance with the terms
of the contract and shall take into account the usages of the trade
applicable to the transaction. (Article 5.28., IRR, RA 9285)
Explain how the arbitral tribunal renders decision?
The arbitration proceedings with more than one arbitrator, any decision of
the arbitral tribunal shall be made, unless otherwise agreed by the parties,
by a majority of all its members, however questions of procedure may be
decided by the chairman of the arbitral tribunal, if so authorized by the
parties or all members of the arbitral tribunal.
Unless otherwise agreed upon by the parties, the arbitral tribunal shall
render its written award within thirty (30) days after the closing of all
hearings and/or submission of the parties’ respective briefs or if the oral
hearings shall have been waived, within thirty(30) days after the arbitral
tribunal shall have declared such proceedings in lieu of hearing closed.
This period may be further extended by mutual consent of the parties.
(Article 5.29., IRR, RA 9285)
What is the consequence if during the arbitral proceedings, the parties
settle the dispute?
If, during arbitral proceedings, the parties settle the dispute, the arbitral
tribunal, record the settlement in the form of an arbitral award on agreed
terms, consent award or award based on compromise.
An award as rendered above shall be made in accordance with the
provisions of Article 5.31 (Form and Contents of Award) and shall state
that it is an award. Such an award has the same status and effect as any
other award on the merits of the case. (Article 5.30., IRR, RA 9285)
Cite the required form and contents of award.
The award shall be made in writing and shall be signed by the arbitral
tribunal. In arbitration proceedings with more than one arbitrator, the
signatures of the majority of all members of the arbitral tribunal shall
suffice, provided that the reason for any omitted signature us stated.
The award shall state the reasons upon which is based, unless the parties
have agreed that no reasons are to be given or the award on agreed
terms, consent award based on compromise under Article 5.30
The award shall state its date and the placed of arbitration as determined
in accordance with the paragraph (a) of Article 5.19 (Place of Arbitration).
The award shall be deemed to have made at that place.
After the award is made, a copy signed by the arbitrators in accordance
with the paragraph (a) of this Article shall be delivered to each party.
The award of the arbitral tribunal need not be acknowledged, sworn to
under oath, or affirmed by the arbitral tribunal unless so required on
writing by the parties. If despite such requirement, the arbitral tribunal shall
fail to do as required, the parties may, within thirty days from the receipt of
said award, request the arbitral tribunal to supply the omission. The failure
of the parties to make an objection or make such request within the said
period shall be deemed a waiver or such requirement and may no longer
be raised as a ground to invalidate the award. (Article 5.31., IRR, RA
How are the Arbitral proceedings terminated?
The arbitration proceedings are terminated by the final award or by an order of
the arbitral tribunal in accordance with paragraph (b) of this Article5. 32, Chapter
3, IRR of RA 9285. (Article 5.32, par. b, IRR, RA 9285)
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the arbitral tribunal may for special reason,
reserved in the final award in order a hearing to quantity costs and
determine which party shall bear the costs or apportionment thereof as
may be determined to be a equitable. Pending determination of this issue,
the award shall not be deemed final for purposes of appeal, vacations,
correction, or any post-award proceedings.
opinion will eliminate the grounds for setting aside an award. (Article 5.34., IRR,
RA 9285)
What are the grounds to vacate an Arbitral award?
The arbitral award may be questioned, vacated or set aside by the appropriate
court in accordance with the Special ADR Rules only on the following grounds:
The arbitral award was procured by corruption, fraud or other undue
means; or
There was evident partially or corruption in the arbitral tribunal or any of its
members; or
The arbitral tribunal was guilty of misconduct or any form of misbehavior
that has materially prejudiced the rights of any party such as refusing to
postpone the hearing upon sufficient cause shown or to hear evidence
pertinent and material to the controversy; or
One or more of the arbitrators was disqualified to act as such under this
Chapter and willfully refrained from disclosing such disqualification; or
The arbitral tribunal exceeded its powers, or so imperfectly executed
them, such that a complete, final and definite award upon the subject
matter submitted to it was not made.
Any other ground raised to question, vacate or set aside the arbitral award shall
be disregarded by the court. (Article 5.35, par. a., IRR, RA 9285)
What may the parties do when a petition to award or set aside an award is
Where a petition to vacate or set aside an award is filed, the petitioner may
simultaneously, or the oppositor may in the alternative, petition the court to remit
the case to the same arbitral tribunal for the purpose of making a new or revised
final and definite award or to direct a new hearing before the same or new arbitral
tribunal, the members of which shall be chosen in the manner originally provided
in the arbitration agreement or submission. In the latter case, any provision
limiting the time. In which the arbitral tribunal may make a decision shall be
deemed applicable to the new arbitral tribunal and to commence from the date of
the court’s order. (Article 5.35, par. b, IRR, RA 9285)
Where a party files a petition with the court to vacate or set aside an award
by reason of omission/s that do not affect the merits of the case and may
be cured or remedied, what may the adverse party do?
Where a party files a petition with the court to vacate or set aside an award by
reason of omission/s that do not affect the merits of the case and may be cured
or remedied, the adverse party may oppose that petition and instead request the
court to suspend the vacation or setting aside the proceedings for a period of
time to give the arbitral tribunal an opportunity to cure or remedy the award or
resume the arbitration proceedings or take such other action as will eliminate the
grounds for vacation or setting aside. (Article 5.35, par. c, IRR, RA 9285)
What must the party moving for an order confirming, modifying, correcting, or
vacating an award do? (Article 5.1., IRR, RA 9285)
When may the court enter its judgment? (Article 5.1., IRR, RA 9285)When may a
decision of the Court confirming, vacating, setting aside, modifying or correcting
an arbitral award be appealed to? (Article 5.1., IRR, RA 9285)What is the nature
of the proceedings for the following?
Recognition and enforcement of an arbitration agreement or
Vacation or setting aside of an arbitral award, and
Any application with a court for arbitration assistance and supervision,
except appeal.
Proceedings for recognition and enforcement of an arbitration agreement or for
vacation or setting aside an arbitral award, and any application with a court for
arbitration assistance and supervision, except appeal shall be deemed as special
proceedings. (Article 5.39., IRR, RA 9285)
Where is the venue of the said proceedings? The same shall be filed with
the Court;
where the arbitration proceedings are conducted;
where the asset to be attached or levied upon, or the act to be enjoined is
where any of the parties to the dispute resides or has its place of
business; or
in the National Capital Judicial Region at the option of the applicant.
(Article 5.39., IRR, RA 9285)
Is notice to parties required in a special proceeding for recognition and
enforcement of an Arbitral award? (Article 5.1., IRR, RA 9285)In domestic
Arbitration, is a party entitled to legal representation?
In domestic arbitration conducted in the Philippines, a party may be
represented by any person of his/her/its choice: Provided, that such
representative, unless admitted to the practice of law in the Philippines,
shall not be authorized to appear as counsel in any Philippine Court, or
any other quasi-judicial body whether or such appearance is in relation to
the arbitration in which he/she appears.
No arbitrator shall act as mediator in any proceeding in which he/she is
acting as arbitrator and all negotiations towards settlement of the dispute
must take without the presence of the arbitrators. (Article 5.41., IRR, RA
Is the Arbitration proceedings privileged?
Yes. The arbitration proceedings, including the records, evidence and the arbitral
award and other confidential information, shall be considered privileged and
confidential and shall not be published except –
with consent of the parties; or
for the limited purpose of disclosing to the court relevant documents in
cases where resort to the court is allowed herein:
Provided, however, that the court in which the action or the appeal is pending
may issue a protective order to prevent or prohibit disclosure of documents or
information containing secret processes, developments, research and other
information where it is shown that the applicant shall be materially prejudiced by
an authorized disclosure thereof. (Article 5.42., IRR, RA 9285)
What is the consequence of the death of the party?
Where a party dies after making a submission or a contact to arbitrate as
prescribed in Rules on Recognition and Enforcement of Awards, the proceeding
may be begun or continued upon the application of, or notice to, his/her executor
or administrator, or to temporary administrator of his/her estate. In any such
case, the court may issue an order extending the time within which notice of a
motion to recognize or vacate an award must be served. Upon recognizing an
award, where a party has died since it was filed or delivered, the court must enter
judgment in the name of the original party; and the proceedings thereupon are
the same as where a party dies after a verdict. (Article 5.43., IRR, RA 9285)
What are the rules in multi-party arbitration?
If a dispute is already before a court, may a party, before and during pre-
trial, file a motion to refer the parties to other ADR forms/processes?
Cite the rules in the appointment of a Neutral or Early Neutral Evaluation
How mini-trial is conducted?
What are the Rules on mediation-arbitration?
A Mediation-Arbitration shall be governed by the rules and procedure
agreed upon by the parties, In the absence of said agreement, Chapter 5
on Mediation shall first apply and thereafter, Chapter 5 on Domestic
No Person shall be having been engage and having acted as mediator of
a dispute between the parties, following a failed mediation, act as
arbitrator of the same dispute, unless the parties, in a written agreement,
expressly authorize the mediator to hear and decide the case as an
The mediator who becomes an arbitrator pursuant to the Rule on
Mediation-Arbitration shall make an appropriate disclosure to the parties
as if the arbitration proceeding had commenced and will proceed as a new
dispute resolution process, and shall, before entering upon his/her duties,
executive the appropriate oath or affirmation of office as arbitrator in
accordance with the Rule on Mediation-Arbitration. (Article 7.8., IRR, RA
Terms to Ponder:
ADR Provider means the Institutions or persons accredited as
mediators, conciliators, arbitrators, neutral evaluators or any person
exercising similar functions in any Alternative dispute resolution
system. This is without prejudice to the rights of the parties to choose
non-accredited individuals to act as mediator, conciliator, arbitrator or
neutral evaluator of their dispute.
Alternative Dispute Resolution System means any process or procedures
used to resolve a dispute or controversy, other than by adjudication of a
presiding judge of a court or an officer of a government agency, as defined in
the ADR Act, in which neutral third person participates to assist in the
resolution of issues, Including arbitration, mediation, conciliation, early neutral
evaluation, mini-trial or any combination thereof.
submission agreement, setting forth the nature of the controversy, and the
amount involved, if any. Such submission may be filed by any party and
shall be duly executed by both parties.
In the event that one party neglects, fails or refuses to arbitrate under a
submission agreement, the aggrieved party shall follow the procedure
prescribed in subparagraphs (a) and (b) of Section 5 of RA 876. (Sec. 5,
RA 876)
How is the hearing by court in Arbitration conducted?
A party aggrieved by the failure, neglect or refusal of another to perform under an
agreement in writing providing for arbitration may petition the court for an order
directing that such arbitration proceed in the manner provided for in such
agreement. Five days’ notice in writing of the hearing of such application shall be
served either personally or by registered mail upon the party in default. The court
shall hear the parties, and upon being satisfied that the making of the agreement
or such failure to comply therewith is not in issue, shall make an order directing
the parties to proceed to arbitration in accordance with the terms of the
agreement. If the making of the agreement or default be in issue the court shall
proceed to summarily hear such issue. If the finding be that no agreement in
writing providing for arbitration was made, or that there is no default in the
proceeding thereunder, the proceeding shall be dismissed. If the finding be that a
written provision for arbitration was made and there is a default in proceeding
thereunder, an order shall be made summarily directing the parties to proceed
with the arbitration in accordance with the terms thereof.
The court shall decide all motions, petitions or applications filed under the
provisions of this Act, within ten days after such motions, petitions, or
applications have been heard by it. (Sec. 7, RA 876)
When may a civil action be stayed?
If any suit or proceeding be brought upon an issue arising out of an agreement
providing for the arbitration thereof, the court in which such suit or proceeding is
pending, upon being satisfied that the issue involved in such suit or proceeding is
referable to arbitration, shall stay the action or proceeding until an arbitration has
been had in accordance with the terms of the agreement: Provided, That the
applicant, for the stay is not in default in proceeding with such arbitration. (Sec. 7,
RA 876)
How are Arbitrators appointed?
If, in the contract for arbitration or in the submission described in section two (2)
of RA 876, provision is made for a method of naming or appointing an arbitrator
or arbitrators, such method shall be followed; but if no method be provided
therein the Court of First Instance shall designate an arbitrator or arbitrators.
The Court of First Instance shall appoint an arbitrator or arbitrators, as the case
may be, in the following instances:
If the parties to the contract or submission are unable to agree upon a
single arbitrator; or
If an arbitrator appointed by the parties is unwilling or unable to serve, and
his successor has not been appointed in the manner in which he was
appointed; or
If either party to the contract fails or refuses to name his arbitrator within
fifteen days after receipt of the demand for arbitration; or
If the arbitrators appointed by each party to the contract, or appointed by
one party to the contract and by the proper Court, shall fail to agree upon
or to select the third arbitrator.
The court shall, in its discretion appoint one or three arbitrators, according
to the importance of the controversy involved in any of the preceding
cases in which the agreement is silent as to the number of arbitrators.
Arbitrators appointed under this section shall either accept or decline their
appointments within seven days of the receipt of their appointments. In
case of declination or the failure of an arbitrator or arbitrators to duly
accept their appointments the parties or the court, as the case may be,
shall proceed to appoint a substitute or substitutes for the arbitrator or
arbitrators who decline or failed to accept his or their appointments. (Sec.
8, RA 876)What are the qualifications of an Arbitrator?(Sec. 2, RA 876)
May additional Arbitrators be appointed?
Yes, Sec. 9 provides: “Where a submission or contract provides that two or more
arbitrators therein designated or to be thereafter appointed by the parties, may
select or appoint a person as an additional arbitrator, the selection or
appointment must be in writing. Such additional arbitrator must sit with the
original arbitrators upon the hearing.” (Sec. 9, RA 876)
What must the Arbitrator do if, after appointment but before or during hearing, a
person appointed to service as an arbitrator shall discover any circumstance
likely to create a presumption of bias, or which he believes might disqualify him
as an impartial Arbitrator?
If, after appointment but before or during hearing, a person appointed to serve as
an arbitrator shall discover any circumstances likely to create a presumption of
bias, or which he believes might disqualify him as an impartial arbitrator, the
arbitrator shall immediately disclose such information to the parties. Thereafter
the parties may agree in writing:
to waive the presumptive disqualifying circumstances; or
to declare the office of such arbitrator vacant. Any such vacancy shall be
filled in the same manner as the original appointment was made. (Sec. 10,
RA 876)
Discuss the challenge to Arbitrators.
The arbitrators may be challenged only for the reasons mentioned in the
preceding section which may have arisen after the arbitration agreement or were
unknown at the time of arbitration.
The challenge shall be made before them.
If they do not yield to the challenge, the challenging party may renew the
challenge before the Court of First Instance of the province or city in which the
challenged arbitrator, or, any of them, if there be more than one, resides. While
the challenging incident is discussed before the court, the hearing or arbitration
shall be suspended, and it shall be continued immediately after the court has
delivered an order on the challenging incident. (Sec. 11, RA 876)
What is the procedure to be followed by the Arbitrator?
Subject to the terms of the submission or contract, if any are specified therein,
are arbitrators selected as prescribed herein must, within five days after
appointment if the parties to the controversy reside within the same city or
province, or within fifteen days after appointment if the parties reside in different
provinces, set a time and place for the hearing of the matters submitted to them,
and must cause notice thereof to be given to each of the parties. The hearing can
be postponed or adjourned by the arbitrators only by agreement of the parties;
otherwise, adjournment may be ordered by the arbitrators upon their own motion
only at the hearing and for good and sufficient cause. No adjournment shall
extend the hearing beyond the day fixed in the submission or contract for
rendering the award, unless the time so fixed is extended by the written
agreement of the parties to the submission or contract or their attorneys, or
unless the parties have continued with the arbitration without objection to such
adjournment. The hearing may proceed in the absence of any party who, after
due notice, fails to be present at such hearing or fails to obtain an adjournment
thereof. An award shall not be made solely on the default of a party. The
arbitrators shall require the other party to submit such evidence as they may
require for making an award.
No one other than a party to said arbitration, or a person in the regular employ of
such party duly authorized in writing by said party, or a practicing attorney-at-law,
shall be permitted by the arbitrators to represent before him or them any party to
the arbitration. Any party desiring to be represented by counsel shall notify the
other party or parties of such intention at least five days prior to the hearing.
The arbitrators shall arrange for the taking of a stenographic record of the
testimony when such a record is requested by one or more parties, and when
payment of the cost thereof is assumed by such party or parties.
Persons having a direct interest in the controversy which is the subject of
arbitration shall have the right to attend any hearing; but the attendance of any
other person shall be at the discretion of the arbitrators. (Sec. 12, RA 876)
Are Arbitrators required to take an oath?
Yes. Before hearing any testimony, arbitrators must be sworn, by any officer
authorized by law to administer an oath, faithfully and fairly to hear and examine
the matters in controversy and to make a just award according to the best of their
ability and understanding. Arbitrators shall have the power to administer the
oaths to all witnesses requiring them to tell the whole truth and nothing but the
truth in any testimony which they may give in any arbitration hearing. This oath
shall be required of every witness before any of his testimony is heard. (Sec. 13,
RA 876)
Do Arbitrators have the power to issue subpoena duces tecum and ad
Yes. Arbitrators shall have the power to require any person to attend a hearing
as a witness. They shall have the power to subpoena witnesses and documents
when the relevancy of the testimony and the materiality thereof has been
demonstrated to the arbitrators. Arbitrators may also require the retirement of any
witness during the testimony of any other witness. All of the arbitrators appointed
in any controversy must attend all the hearings in that matter and hear all the
allegations and proofs of the parties; but an award by the majority of them is valid
unless the concurrence of all of them is expressly required in the submission or
contract to arbitrate. (Sec. 14, RA 876)
Do Arbitrators have the power to take measures to safeguard and/or
conserve any matter subject of the dispute in Arbitration?
Yes. The arbitrator or arbitrators shall have the power at any time, before
rendering the award, without prejudice to the rights of any party to petition the
court to take measures to safeguard and/or conserve any matter which is the
subject of the dispute in arbitration. (Sec. 14, RA 876)
How is the hearing of Arbitration conducted?
Arbitrators may, at the commencement of the hearing, ask both parties for brief
statements of the issues in controversy and/or an agreed statement of facts.
Thereafter the parties may offer such evidence as they desire, and shall produce
such additional evidence as the arbitrators shall require or deem necessary to an
understanding and determination of the dispute. The arbitrators shall be the sole
judge of the relevancy and materiality of the evidence offered or produced, and
shall not be bound to conform to the Rules of Court pertaining to evidence.
Arbitrators shall receive as exhibits in evidence any document which the parties
may wish to submit and the exhibits shall be properly identified at the time of
submission. All exhibits shall remain in the custody of the Clerk of Court during
the course of the arbitration and shall be returned to the parties at the time the
award is made. The arbitrators may make an ocular inspection of any matter or
premises which are in dispute, but such inspection shall be made only in the
presence of all parties to the arbitration, unless any party who shall have
received notice thereof fails to appear, in which event such inspection shall be
made in the absence of such party. (Sec. 15, RA 876)
When may the parties’ briefs be filed?
At the close of the hearings, the arbitrators shall specifically inquire of all parties
whether they have any further proof or witnesses to present; upon the receipt of
a negative reply from all parties, the arbitrators shall declare the hearing closed
unless the parties have signified an intention to file briefs. Then the hearing shall
be closed by the arbitrations after the receipt of briefs and/or reply briefs. Definite
time limit for the filing of such briefs must be fixed by the arbitrators at the close
of the hearing. Briefs may filed by the parties within fifteen days after the close of
the oral hearings; the reply briefs, if any, shall be filed within five days following
such fifteen-day period. (Sec. 16, RA 876)
May a hearing be re-opened?
Yes. The hearing may be reopened by the arbitrators on their own motion or
upon the request of any party, upon good cause, shown at any time before the
award is rendered. When hearings are thus reopened the effective date for the
closing of the hearings shall be the date of the closing of the reopened hearing.
(Sec. 17, RA 876)
May parties submit their dispute to Arbitrator other than by oral hearing?
Yes. The parties to a submission or contract to arbitrate may, by written
agreement, submit their dispute to arbitration by other than oral hearing. The
parties may submit an agreed statement of facts. They may also submit their
respective contentions to the duly appointed arbitrators in writing; this shall
include a statement of facts, together with all documentary proof. Parties may
also submit a written argument. Each party shall provide all other parties to the
dispute with a copy of all statements and documents submitted to the arbitrators.
Each party shall have an opportunity to reply in writing to any other party's
statements and proofs; but if such party fails to do so within seven days after
receipt of such statements and proofs, he shall be deemed to have waived his
right to reply. Upon the delivery to the arbitrators of all statements and
documents, together with any reply statements, the arbitrators shall declare the
proceedings in lieu of hearing closed. (Sec. 18, RA 876)
When is the proper time to render award?
Unless the parties shall have stipulated by written agreement the time within
which the arbitrators must render their award, the written award of the arbitrators
shall be rendered within thirty days after the closing of the hearings or if the oral
hearings shall have been waived, within thirty days after the arbitrators shall have
declared such proceedings in lieu of hearing closed. This period may be
extended by mutual consent of the parties. (Sec. 19, RA 876)
What must be the form and contents of the award?
The award must be made in writing and signed and acknowledged by a majority
of the arbitrators, if more than one; and by the sole arbitrator, if there is only one.
Each party shall be furnished with a copy of the award. The arbitrators in their
award may grant any remedy or relief which they deem just and equitable and
within the scope of the agreement of the parties, which shall include, but not be
limited to, the specific performance of a contract.
In the event that the parties to an arbitration have, during the course of such
arbitration, settled their dispute, they may request of the arbitrators that such
settlement be embodied in an award which shall be signed by the arbitrators. No
arbitrator shall act as a mediator in any proceeding in which he is acting as
arbitrator; and all negotiations towards settlement of the dispute must take place
without the presence of the arbitrators.
The arbitrators shall have the power to decide only those matters which have
been submitted to them. The terms of the award shall be confined to such
The arbitrators shall have the power to assess in their award the expenses of any
party against another party, when such assessment shall be deemed necessary.
(Sec. 20, RA 876)
Is Arbitration a special proceeding?
Yes. (Arbitration under a contract or submission shall be deemed a special
proceeding, of which the court specified in the contract or submission, or if none
be specified, the Court of First Instance for the province or city in which one of
the parties resides or is doing business, or in which the arbitration was held, shall
have jurisdiction. Any application to the court, or a judge thereof, hereunder shall
be made in manner provided for the making and hearing of motions, except as
otherwise herein expressly provided. (Sec. 22, RA 876)
When may the order of confirmation of award be made?
At any time within one month after the award is made, any party to the
controversy which was arbitrated may apply to the court having jurisdiction, as
provided in section twenty-eight, for an order confirming the award; and
thereupon the court must grant such order unless the award is vacated, modified
or corrected, as prescribed herein. Notice of such motion must be served upon
the adverse party or his attorney as prescribed by law for the service of such
notice upon an attorney in action in the same court. (Sec. 23, RA 876)
What are the grounds to vacate an award?
In any one of the following cases, the court must make an order vacating the
award upon the petition of any party to the controversy when such party proves
affirmatively that in the arbitration proceedings:
The award was procured by corruption, fraud, or other undue means; or
That there was evident partiality or corruption in the arbitrators or any of
them; or
That the arbitrators were guilty of misconduct in refusing to postpone the
hearing upon sufficient cause shown, or in refusing to hear evidence
pertinent and material to the controversy; that one or more of the
arbitrators was disqualified to act as such under section nine hereof, and
willfully refrained from disclosing such disqualifications or of any other
misbehavior by which the rights of any party have been materially
prejudiced; or
That the arbitrators exceeded their powers, or so imperfectly executed
them, that a mutual, final and definite award upon the subject matter
submitted to them was not made.
Where an award is vacated, the court, in its discretion, may direct a new hearing
either before the same arbitrators or before a new arbitrator or arbitrators to be
chosen in the manner provided in the submission or contract for the selection of
the original arbitrator or arbitrators, and any provision limiting the time in which
the arbitrators may make a decision shall be deemed applicable to the new
arbitration and to commence from the date of the court's order.
Where the court vacates an award, costs, not exceeding fifty pesos and
disbursements may be awarded to the prevailing party and the payment thereof
may be enforced in like manner as the payment of costs upon the motion in an
action. (Sec. 24, RA 876)
What are the grounds to modify or correct an award?
In any one of the following cases, the court must make an order modifying or
correcting the award, upon the application of any party to the controversy which
was arbitrated:
Who is the Barangay Secretary of the lupon? What are his duties?
The Barangay Secretary shall concurrently serve as the secretary of the Lupon.
His duties are the following:
He shall record the results of the mediation proceedings before the
Punong Barangay and shall submit a report thereon to the proper city or
municipal courts;
He shall receive and keep the records of proceedings submitted to him by
various conciliation panels; and
He shall issue certified true copies of any public record in his custody that
is not by law otherwise declared confidential. (Sec 394 of the Local
Government Code)
Take Note: The word “concurrently” means at the same time. (Aquino, 2005)
What is Lupong Tagapamayapa?
Lupong Tagapamayapa (Lupon) is a body organized in every barangay
composed of Punong Barangay as the chairperson and not less than ten
(10) and more than twenty from which the members of every Pangkat shall
be chosen.
Who has the authority to constitute the Lupon?
The Punong Barangay can appoint the lupon members. It is his/her exclusive
prerogative — no need for approval, confirmation or ratification of the
sangguniang barangay.
What are the six (6) steps to constitute a Lupon?
STEP 1: Determining the actual number of Lupon Members;
STEP 2: Preparing a notice to constitute the Lupon;
STEP 3: Posting the notice to constitute the Lupon;
STEP 4: Appointment of Lupon Members;
STEP 5: Oath taking of Lupon members;
STEP 6: Posting
When and how the Punong Barangay constitute the Lupon?
A notice to constitute the Lupon, which shall include the names of the proposed
members who have expressed their willingness to serve, shall be prepared by
the Barangay Chairman within the first fifteen (15) days from the start of his term
of office.
Take Note: Within ten (10) days from completion of the posting requirement, the
Chairman shall appoint those he determines to be the members of the Lupon
using KP form 2. He must, however, take into consideration any opposition to the
proposed appointment.
Be noted further that the appointments shall be in writing, signed by the
Barangay Chairman, and attested by the Barangay Secretary. The members of
the Lupon shall serve for three (3) years. (Secs 397 & 399 of the Local
Government Code
Take Note: The Newly Appointed Lupon Members shall take their Oath
Immediately Before the Punong Barangay using KP Form 5.
Be noted further that the List of appointed Lupon Members shall be posted in
three strategic and highly visible places in the Barangay.
The Lupon members shall serve without any compensation. If the barangay has
enough funds, we can always give honoraria to Lupon members who have
participated in the resolution of a particular case. On the other hand, under
Commission on Higher Education (CHED) order 62 series of 1997, two
daughters or sons of a Lupon member are qualified to become a state scholar in
tertiary education to any state colleges or universities.
choice, the vacancy shall be filled by lot to be drawn by Lupon Chairman. (Sec
405 of the Local Government Code)
What is the character of office of Lupon members?
The Lupon members, while in the performance of their official duties or on
occasion thereof, shall be considered persons in authority, as defined in the
Revised Penal Code. (Sec 406 of the Local Government Code)
Take Note: As an effect, if a Lupon member is assaulted or attacked while in
performance of official duty or on occasion thereof, the crime committed is Direct
Assault. (Reyes, 2008)
Are all disputes subject to Barangay Conciliation before filing a Complaint
in Court or any government offices?
All disputes are subject to barangay conciliation and prior recourse thereto is a
pre – condition before filing a complaint in court or any government offices,
except in the following disputes:
Where one party is the government, or any subdivision or instrumentality
Where one party is a public officer or employee and the dispute relates to
the performance of his official functions;
Where the dispute involves real properties located in different cities and
municipalities, unless the parties thereto agree to submit their difference to
amicable settlement by an appropriate Lupon;
Any complaint by or against corporations, partnerships or juridical entities,
since only individuals shall be parties to barangay conciliation proceedings
either as complainants or respondents;
Disputes involving parties who actually reside in barangays of different
cities or municipalities, except where such barangay units adjoin each
other and the parties thereto agree to submit their differences to amicable
settlement by an appropriate Lupon;
Offenses for which the law prescribes a maximum penalty of imprisonment
exceeding one (1) year or a fine of over five thousand pesos (P5,000.00);
Offenses where there is no private offended party;
Disputes where urgent legal action is necessary to prevent injustice from
being committed or further continued, specifically the following:
Criminal cases where the accused is under police custody or detention;
Petitions for habeas corpus by a person illegally deprived of his rightful
custody over another or a person illegally deprived of or on acting in his
Actions coupled with provisional remedies such as preliminary injunction,
attachment, delivery of personal property and support during the
pendency of the action; and
enforced by action in the appropriate Municipal Trial Court. (Sec 417 of the Local
Government Code)
Define arbitration. How and when is it done?
Arbitration is the process of resolving a dispute or a grievance outside of court
system by presenting it to a third person or panel for decision.
(Aggranzamendez, 2008)
How shall parties submit their dispute for arbitration?
The parties may submit their dispute to the Lupon Chairman or Pangkat for
arbitration by entering into a written agreement to arbitrate. The written
agreement to arbitrate shall state that the parties shall abide by the arbitration
award of the Lupon Chairman or the Pangkat ng Tagapagkasundo. (Sec 413 of
the Local Government Code)
May any of the parties repudiate the agreement to arbitrate?
Yes, any party may repudiate the agreement to arbitrate but he must do so within
five (5) days from the date of the execution of agreement to arbitrate. (Sec 413 of
the Local Government Code)
Within what time shall the Lupon Chairman or the Pangkat Chairman make
the arbitration award and in what form will it be?
The Lupon Chairman or the Pangkat Chairman shall make the arbitration award
after the expiration of the period for repudiation of the agreement to arbitrate and
within ten (10) days thereafter. The arbitration award shall be in writing and in the
language or dialect known to the parties. (Sec 413 of the Local Government
Can the arbitration award be repudiated?
No. the arbitration award cannot be repudiated. The remedy against an
arbitration award is to file with the appropriate Municipal Trial Court a petition for
its nullification within ten (10) days from the date thereof.
If no petition for nullification is filed within the ten – day period, the arbitration
award shall have the effect of a final judgment of a court. (Sec 417 of the Local
Government Code)
How shall an arbitration award be enforced?
An arbitration award may be enforced by execution by the Lupon within six (6)
months from the date of the settlement. After the lapse of the six – month period,
it may be enforced by action in the appropriate Municipal Trial Court. (Sec 417 of
the Local Government Code)
(10) and more than twenty from which the members of every Pangkat
shall be chosen.
Mediation is a process wherein the Lupon chairperson or Barangay
Chairperson assists the disputing parties to reach a settlement by
consensus that jointly satisfies their needs.
Minor is a person below eighteen (18) years of age.
Next of Kin is an individual who is a relative or a responsible friend with
whom the minor or incompetent lives.
Pangkat Tagapagkasundo (Pangkat) is a conciliation panel constituted
from the Lupon membership for every dispute brought before the Lupon
consisting of three (3) members after the Punong Barangay has failed in
his mediation efforts.
Preliminary injunction is a provisional remedy in the form of an order
issued by a judge before whom the case is pending at any stage before
the final judgment requiring a person to refrain from a particular act.
Repudiation is an act of rejecting the validity or refusing to accept the
terms and conditions of agreement on the ground of vitiation of consent by
fraud, violence or intimidation.
Respondent — defendant (one being charged).
Statute of Limitations is the law which bars or does not allow the institution
or filing of an action or case against another after the expiration of the
period prescribe d for such action or offense
Support Pendente Lite is a provisional remedy in a form of an order issued
by a judge before whom the case is pending granting allowance, dwelling,
clothing, education and medical attendance to the person entitled thereof.
Venue is the place where the case is to be heard and decided. This is not
fixed by law except in criminal cases, and can be agreed upon by the
In fact, correction is known as the weakest pillar of the Criminal Justice System
because of its failure to reform and rehabilitate offenders.
The persons who were imprisoned by reason of the crime they committed
may not be effectively reintegrated in the community.
This is because they may always be called ex – convicts and most employers do
not hire persons with a criminal record.
As a result of these defects, the victims of a crime may again be victimized by the
system to suffer financially and emotionally especially if the perpetrator is not
directed by the court to pay anything to them. Because of this, the restorative
justice was introduced. It is the purpose of restorative justice to settle the issue
between the offender and the offended party with their active participation. The
members of the community must also give their active participation for the
offended and the offender to be as much as possible satisfied with the penalty
It may be true that the restorative justice may be abused by the offender by just
paying the offended party with a certain amount of money but consider the fact
that human beings cannot really establish a perfect criminal justice system. It is
still believed that the restorative justice will lessen the numerous problems
encountered in our present criminal justice system.
In fact, it may be concluded that the abolition of Republic Act 7659 or the Death
Penalty Law has deepened our understanding of the character and dynamics of
the Philippine criminal justice system, particularly its punitive and retributive
orientation. (Tradio, 1996; Pangda, 2007 &
After the abolition of the Death penalty law, Republic Act 9285 was enacted to
further strengthen the restorative justice. Said law is an act to institutionalize the
use of an alternative dispute resolution system in the Philippines and to establish
the office for alternative dispute resolution, and for other purposes. (Title of RA
Take Note: Alternative Dispute Resolution System means any process or
procedure used to resolve a dispute or controversy, other than by adjudication of
a presiding judge of a court or an officer of a government agency, in which a
neutral third party participates to assist in the resolution of issues, which includes
arbitration, mediation, conciliation, early neutral evaluation, mini – trial, or any
combination thereof. (Par 1, Sec 3 of RA 9285)
Aside from the Alternative Dispute Resolution System, the court may also
conduct Judicial Dispute Resolution. What is the process to be observed in
conducting Alternative Dispute Resolution?
The following is the process to be observed in conducting Judicial Dispute
Resolution before the court:
Before trial, the judge may refer the case to the Mediation Center for
conciliation, mediation, or arbitration;
If there is no settlement in the Mediation Center, the judge will conduct a
judicial dispute resolution; and
If the Judicial Dispute Resolution again fails, the judge will conduct trial to
determine the guilt of the accused and impose the proper penalty in case
of conviction. (Personal interview with Atty. Tom Mocnangan, November
17, 2010)
One of the justifications of penalty is retribution. What are the distinctions
between retributive justice and restorative justice? The following are the
distinctions between retributive justice and restorative justice:
Retributive justice is an approach focused on determining the following:
What law was broken;
Who broke it; and
How shall offenders be punished?
Restorative justice, on the other hand, is an approach focused on determining
the following:
What is the harm resulted from the crime;
What needs to be done to repair the harm; and
Who is responsible for repairing the harm?
Retributive justice considers a crime as an act against the State, while
restorative justice considers a crime as an act against the victim and the
In retributive justice, the control of crimes lies to the criminal justice
system, while in restorative justice, the control of crimes lies to the
In retributive justice, the community is represented by the State, while in
restorative justice, the community is the facilitator in the restorative
Retributive justice focuses on the past by determining the person to be
blamed for the crime committed, while restorative justice focuses on the
future to determine the matters to be considered so that the crime will not
be repeated;
Retributive justice focuses on the offender’s past behavior, while
restorative justice focuses on the consequences of offender’s behavior;
Take Note: “Lex talliones” is a law of equal and direct retribution. In the words of
the Hebrew scriptures, Le talliones means "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth,
an arm for an arm, a life for a life." The earliest written code of laws was the
Code of Hammurabi, the most famous of the Old Babylonian, or Amorite, kings of
Mesopotamia. Hammurabi's code of laws is almost entirely based on the
principle of equal and direct retribution; it betrays the origin of law in retributive
violence. Since the lex talionis is often the earliest form that law takes, from it we
can conclude that the basic function of law is revenge and retribution. Unlike
direct retribution, however, the law is administered by the State or by individuals
that cannot be victims of revenge in return. (
It must be stressed further, however, that lex talliones is the law of
proportionality. Hence, if a property worth 100 gold coins is stolen, the victim
cannot claim 200 gold coins in return.
An incident is a situation that is on a small scale initially and could lead to a crisis
that might result in loss or disruption of business. Incidents disturb the everyday
operations and business processes – power failure, slow WiFi connectivity, a
computer crash, a jammed printer, a website crash, and other such situations.
Incidents are typically on a smaller scale and can be managed tactically with
quick actions. These could be pre-prepared.
What is a crisis?
A crisis is a situation that is bigger and more serious compared to an incident. A
crisis can pose higher uncertainty and disturb critical activities. It could arise from
incidents that are left unresolved or not resolved properly. Crises are typically
more massive and require severe and strategic intervention – a serious cyber-
attack and data breach, theft of business assets, financial scams, or other such
happenings that can put a company’s stability at risk. A crisis, most often,
requires urgent and strategic action.
Incidents can turn into crises
As discussed above, incidents are mostly of a smaller magnitude compared to
crises. They require quick responses. A sequence of incidents occurring one
after the other, or one incident leading to the next, could turn into a crisis.
Moreover, an incident that is not tackled properly could turn into a crisis.
What is Crisis?
A sudden and unexpected event leading to major unrest amongst the
individuals at the workplace is called as organization crisis. In other words, crisis
is defined as any emergency situation which disturbs the employees as well as
leads to instability in the organization. Crisis affects an individual, group,
organization or society on the whole.
Characteristics of Crisis
Crisis is a sequence of sudden disturbing events harming the
Crisis generally arises on a short notice.
Crisis triggers a feeling of fear and threat amongst the individuals.
Why Crisis?
Crisis can arise in an organization due to any of the following reasons:
Technological failure and Breakdown of machines lead to crisis. Problems
in internet, corruption in the software, errors in passwords all result in
Crisis arises when employees do not agree to each other and fight
amongst themselves. Crisis arises as a result of boycott, strikes for
indefinite periods, disputes and so on.
Violence, thefts and terrorism at the workplace result in organization crisis.
Neglecting minor issues in the beginning can lead to major crisis and a
situation of uncertainty at the work place. The management must have
complete control on its employees and should not adopt a casual attitude
at work.
Illegal behaviors such as accepting bribes, frauds, data or information
tampering all lead to organization crisis.
Crisis arises when organization fails to pay its creditors and declares itself
a bankrupt organization.
The art of dealing with sudden and unexpected events which disturbs the
employees, organization as well as external clients refers to Crisis Management.
The process of handling unexpected and sudden changes in organization culture
is called as crisis management.
Need for Crisis Management
Crisis Management prepares the individuals to face unexpected developments
and adverse conditions in the organization with courage and determination.
Employees adjust well to the sudden changes in the organization.
Employees can understand and analyze the causes of crisis and cope with it in
the best possible way.
Crisis Management helps the managers to devise strategies to come out of
uncertain conditions and also decide on the future course of action.
Crisis Management helps the managers to feel the early signs of crisis, warn the
employees against the aftermaths and take necessary precautions for the same.
Essential Features of Crisis Management
Crisis Management includes activities and processes which help the
managers as well as employees to analyze and understand events which
might lead to crisis and uncertainty in the organization.
Crisis Management enables the managers and employees to respond
effectively to changes in the organization culture.
It consists of effective coordination amongst the departments to overcome
emergency situations.
Employees at the time of crisis must communicate effectively with each other
and try their level best to overcome tough times. Points to keep in mind during
Don’t panic or spread rumors around. Be patient.
At the time of crisis, the management should be in regular touch with the
employees, external clients, stake holders as well as media.
Avoid being too rigid. One should adapt well to changes and new situations.
Why is this
Forms a clear
guiding pillar to
Management Team (CMT) members when situation gets challenged, with
team under pressure to respond, and outside influence dictates…
priorities sometimes becomes not so obvious.
Crisis Management Team (CMT)
Unlike Emergency Response Team (ERT) members, the Crisis Management
Team (CMT) members do not usually go on duty rosters. Crisis are usually
few and far apart and there is usually more time before an event or activity
be declared a Crisis.
The diagram above illustrates the concept on which plans may be formulated:
The planning activity takes place before an incident. This is the preparation of a
Research Continuity Plan, and includes both planning and testing.
As soon as an incident occurs then an emergency response is made.
Concurrent with this is a crisis management response by the organization locally and
with head office support, for example the issuing of press statements in
conjunction with the site affected.
Also initiated concurrently is the recovery of the building, people and processes
necessary to regain Research as Usual (RAU).
The time scale is arbitrary and the time taken to regain normal working will vary from
days to months.
Prevention Planning
Time spent in preparing emergency and recovery plans will be well rewarded
should your establishment face a potentially harmful unexpected event.
However, prevention is better than a cure, and resource invested in preventing
disruption can help maximize productivity.
Prevention Planning could include:
Suitable Health and Safety, Security and Fire measures that
prevent incidents. Such measures should include assessment
and control of risk; reporting, investigation and correction of
Suitable IT security to prevent malicious outages; suitable
redundancy to prevent routine outages
Suitable security measures for staff, visitors and contractors, as
well as for incoming packages and mail
Establishing "housekeeping" rules that will minimize operational
risk, e.g. clear corridors, safe storage of hazardous materials
including waste
Supplier selection during the procurement process to minimize
supply chain risk
♦ Planned preventative maintenance to ensure vital equipment
and facilities are in good order and serviced/maintained
according to manufacturer's instructions or to accepted best
Awareness training ensuring that all staff are proactive in
highlighting areas of improvement in management systems
There will also be a need to ensure that regular checks are made of systems to
ensure that up to date information is held. A template is shown below of
examples of such checks that may be made on a rolling programme to help with
pre-incident planning.
Pre-incident planning
In the pre-incident planning stage, those facilities and procedures that will reduce
the risk (likelihood and severity) of a failure or emergency are identified and put
into place. This allows the organization to maintain a state of “readiness” to
respond to disruptions.
Recovery Planning
Recovery planning should assist with returning to business as usual after an
incident. Typical considerations for recovery planning should include: