Forensic Polygraphy: Criminalistics
Forensic Polygraphy: Criminalistics
Forensic Polygraphy: Criminalistics
William Marston
Dr. Larson developed
and utilized the
continuous method of
concurrently registering
changes in pulse rate,
blood pressure, and
Forensic Polygraphy by Mr. Lorenzo Ramirez
John Larson
He was the originator of
the Keeler polygraph
Leonarde Keeler
Early Method of Detecting
Trial by Combat – A method to settle accusations
in the absence of witnesses or a confession, in
which two parties in dispute fought in single
race or belief.
Chart Markings
Polygraph Chart – A continuous graph
where detected physiological response is
Polygram – Polygraph chart tracing
obtained form subject. Consist of
polygraph chart, and tracing of a subject
from specific stimuli
Forensic Polygraphy by Mr. Lorenzo Ramirez
Chart Markings
Primary Markings
X – it indicates the start of the test.
I – is a stimulus mark.
+ - a positive sign which indicates that the subject
answers the question with “yes”.
– a negative sign indicating that the subject answers
the stimulus with “no”.
XX – indicates the end of test.
Forensic Polygraphy by Mr. Lorenzo Ramirez
Chart Markings
Secondary Markings
M – Movement SZ – Sneeze
T – Talking LGH – Laugh
DB – Deep Breath ISN – Inside Noise
C – Cough OSN – Outside Noise
SW – Swallow WRQ – Will Repeat Question
SNF – Sniff
Y – Yawn
Forensic Polygraphy by Mr. Lorenzo Ramirez
Chart Interpretations
B. Diastolic
C. Diastolic Notch
D. Norm Notch
Forensic Polygraphy by Mr. Lorenzo Ramirez
Q. Birth year of computerized
polygraph (CLE 2006)
Forensic Polygraphy by Mr. Lorenzo Ramirez
Q. Ink used in polygraph
machine (CLE 2009)
A.Indian Ink
B.Chinese Ink
C.Capillary Ink
Forensic Polygraphy by Mr. Lorenzo Ramirez
Q. This is the longest and the
third pen of the instrument.
Forensic Polygraphy by Mr. Lorenzo Ramirez
Q. In order to form a sharpen
image by means of fast lens,
aperture must be (CLE 2009)
A.Larger f-stops
B.Smaller f-stop
C.Shallow DOF
D.Fine DOF
Forensic Polygraphy by Mr. Lorenzo Ramirez
Q. A chemical usually
accompanied by water in stop
bath (CLE 2012)
A.Acetic Acid
C.Sodium Hydroxide
Forensic Polygraphy by Mr. Lorenzo Ramirez
Q. It detects, measures, and
graphically displays the voice
modulations that we cannot hear.
(CLE 2017)
A. Psychological Stress Evaluator
B. Narcoanalysis
D. Polygraph Machine
Forensic Polygraphy by Mr. Lorenzo Ramirez
Q. Pedro was taking a snap shot and
expecting it to be sharp but an alteration
happened to the expected image because
it can be seen in two viewpoints. What is
that phenomenon? (CLE 2015)
A. Out of Focus
B. Coincidence
C. Parallax
D. Split image
Forensic Photography by Mr. Lorenzo Ramirez
Q. It is an adjustable mechanism that
regulates the amount of light reaching
the film by varying the length of time,
and it is consider as the door of the
camera. (CLE 2017)
A. Lens
B. Focusing Ring
C. Shutter
D. Aperture
Forensic Polygraphy by Mr. Lorenzo Ramirez
Q. It is a response that there is no
deviation from the response of the
person which is as basis in evaluation
with specific response (CLE 2018)
A. Normal Pulse
B. Specific Pressure
C. Norms
D. Specific Norms
Forensic Polygraphy by Mr. Lorenzo Ramirez
Q. PINSP Cardo is examining a fingerprint
pattern having a two (2) delta and a core
with few spiral formations at the center but
no complete circuiting ridge is cut. What
type of pattern PINSP Cardo is examining?
A. Plain Whorl
B. Accidental Loop Whorl
C. Central Pocket Loop Whorl
D. Double Loop Whorl
Criminalistics (Personal Identification) by Mr. Lorenzo Ramirez
Q. Left hand middle finger of a
subject appear as radial loop with
a ridge count of three (3) ridges
intervening between left delta to
core. What symbol of such finger
in using NCIC or National Crime
Information Center?
A. 53
Criminalistics (Personal Identification) by Mr. Lorenzo Ramirez
Q. It is said that the fingerprints of a
person will be carried from womb
to tomb What principle greatly,
described the phrase?
A. Principle of Variation
B. Principle of Constancy
C. Principle of Infallibility
D. All of these
Criminalistics (Personal Identification) by Mr. Lorenzo Ramirez
Q. When a ridge bifurcates it sends
two ridges across the imaginary
line, how is it counted?
A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Six
Criminalistics (Personal Identification) by Mr. Lorenzo Ramirez
Q. What is the fingerprint impression
taken individually by rolling each finger
from one side to other side and from
the tip to the end of the first joint?
A. Rolled Impression
B. Chance Impression
C. Plain Impression
D. A and B is correct
Criminalistics (Personal Identification) by Mr. Lorenzo Ramirez
Q. What should be the ridge tracing
interpretation if the tracing ridge of the
whorl goes above the right delta and
there are three (3) or more intervening
ridges between the right delta and the
tracing ridge?
A. Outer Whorl
B. Inner Whorl
C. Meeting Whorl
D. Accidental Whorl
Criminalistics (Personal Identification) by Mr. Lorenzo Ramirez
Q. In the final division, ridge counting of loop
is the usual process being done once it
appears in the little finger. If there is no loop
pattern in that finger, a whorl pattern shall be
ridge counted. How will you treat a Plain or
Central Pocket Loop for the purpose of
getting its final classification?
A. Treated as an Ulnar Loop
B. Getting the least ridge count
C. By getting the ridge count of the top loop
D. It represents a dash
Criminalistics (Personal Identification) by Mr. Lorenzo Ramirez
Q. In choosing core in whorl type of
fingerprint pattern, there is some rule in
choosing and this are we have to
observed. This statement is not
absolutely correct?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Maybe
D. Sometimes
Criminalistics (Personal Identification) by Mr. Lorenzo Ramirez
Q. Before the ridges may be
permanently destructed depth of
wound should be?
A. 0.4mm
B. 0.5mm
C. 1mm
D. More than 1mm
Criminalistics (Personal Identification) by Mr. Lorenzo Ramirez
Q. Who used the 1 successful
smokeless gunpowder in
A.Paul Vielle
B.Capt. E. Schultze
C.Alfred Nobel
D.Constantin Anklitzen
Q. Gun powder produce by
Paul Vielle is introduce in? (DEC
2018 CLE)
Q. American type of primer
Q. A type of cartridge in which the
diameter of the rim is equal to the
diameter of the body.
A. Rimmed
B. Semi-rimmed
C. Rebated
D. Rimless
Q. A type of license issued to a
individual who has a maximum of
five (5) registered firearm.
A.Type 1
B.Type 2
C.Type 3
D.Type 4
Q. The imaginary straight distance
between the muzzle point and the
A. Distance
B. Keyhole Shot
C. Range
D. Gyroscopic Action
Q. Instrument used to examine the inner
surface of the of the gun barrel in
determining the irregularities inside the
bore of the gun barrel.
A. Onoscope
B. Helixometer
C. Taper Guage
D. Caliper
Q. In composition of oldest gun
powder how many percent of
charcoal is present?
Q. Solution used to detect gun
powder residue in paraffin
B.Cuprichydrochloric Acid
Q. Nitrocellulose, nitroglycerine,
nitroguanidine are the principal
ingredient of?
A. Single based propellant
B. Double based propellant
C. Triple based propellant
Q. Firearm that has no ejector
mechanism. (CLE 2017)
A. Pistol
B. Revolver
C. Rifle
D. Shotgun
Forensic Polygraphy by Mr. Lorenzo Ramirez
Q. In the primary division, if the pattern
appearing in finger number eight (8) is
a loop, what is the numerical value of
that finger?
A. None
B. 8
C. 16
D. 2
Criminalistics (Personal Identification) by Mr. Lorenzo Ramirez
Q. If all the fingers in the right hand
are whorl pattern while in the left
hand are all loop pattern, what will be
the primary classification?
A. 25/29
B. 24/28
C. 25/1
D. 32/32
Criminalistics (Personal Identification) by Mr. Lorenzo Ramirez
Q. Second sub secondary classification is
place in? (CLE 2017)
A. Upper portion of the primary
B. At the extreme right of classification
C. At the extreme left of classification
D. Above or upper portion of sub
Forensic Polygraphy by Mr. Lorenzo Ramirez
Q. How many percent of
alcohol is needed to be
considered that a person is
intoxicated? (CLE 2016)
Forensic Polygraphy by Mr. Lorenzo Ramirez
Q. How many hours does the
stomach completely digest a
medium meal? (CLE 2000 CDI)
A.2-3 hours
B.3-4 hours
C.5-6 hours
D.1 hour
Forensic Polygraphy by Mr. Lorenzo Ramirez
Q. This is the state of the body in
which there is complete, persistent
and continuous cessation of the vital
functions of the brain, heart and lungs
which maintain life and health.
A. Cardio-respiratory Death
B. Somatic Death
C. Brain death
D. Molecular Death
Forensic Polygraphy by Mr. Lorenzo Ramirez
Q. Can rigor mortis determine
the time of death?
Forensic Polygraphy by Mr. Lorenzo Ramirez
Q. The following are characteristics
that may not easily be changed
as a point of identification except-
A. Mental Memory
B. Gait
C. Mannerism
D. Body Ornamentation
Forensic Polygraphy by Mr. Lorenzo Ramirez
And God said, “See, I have given you
every herb yields seed, which is on the
face of all the earth, and every tree
whose fruits yields seed; to you it shall be
for food.” –Genesis 1:29