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Using AACC Reports and Displays - 07.04 - October 2020

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Using Avaya Aura® Contact Center

Reports and Displays

Release 7.1
Issue 07.04
October 2020
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Preventing Toll Fraud
“Toll Fraud” is the unauthorized use of your telecommunications
Third Party Components
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Security Vulnerabilities
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Linux® is the registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the U.S. and
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Chapter 1: Introduction..........................................................................................................  10

Purpose................................................................................................................................ 10
Intended audience................................................................................................................. 10
Related resources.................................................................................................................  10
Avaya Aura Contact Center Documentation.....................................................................  10
Viewing Avaya Mentor videos........................................................................................... 14
Support................................................................................................................................  15
Chapter 2: Changes in this release.......................................................................................  16
Features............................................................................................................................... 16
Video contacts................................................................................................................  16
Other changes......................................................................................................................  17
Chapter 3: Performance management fundamentals.......................................................... 18
Filters...................................................................................................................................  18
Thresholds............................................................................................................................ 19
Historical statistics................................................................................................................. 19
Real-time statistics................................................................................................................  20
Access and partition management..........................................................................................  20
Chapter 4: Filter management...............................................................................................  21
Prerequisites to filter management.......................................................................................... 21
Creating a filter in Real-time reporting.....................................................................................  21
Creating a filter in Historical reporting...................................................................................... 22
Adding skillset elements to a filter...........................................................................................  22
Adding application elements to a filter.....................................................................................  23
Adding agent elements to a filter............................................................................................. 24
Removing elements from a filter.............................................................................................  25
Deleting a filter......................................................................................................................  25
Applying filters to real-time tabular displays.............................................................................  26
Applying filters to graphical displays........................................................................................ 26
Applying supervisor-reporting agent combinations to real-time displays.....................................  27
Removing filters from a real-time display.................................................................................  28
Chapter 5: Real-time reporting..............................................................................................  29
Prerequisites to real-time reports............................................................................................  29
Logging on to Real-Time reporting..........................................................................................  29
Creating a private real-time display.........................................................................................  30
Making a public copy of a private real-time display...................................................................  30
Deleting public displays.........................................................................................................  31
Applying custom formulas to real-time displays........................................................................  32
Starting a network summary................................................................................................... 32
Printing a summary chart.......................................................................................................  33

October 2020 Using Avaya Aura® Contact Center Reports and Displays 5
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Printing a real-time display.....................................................................................................  33

Deleting a private display.......................................................................................................  34
Deleting an exported real-time display grid..............................................................................  34
Logging out an agent from a real-time display.......................................................................... 35
Changing an agent’s Ready status from a real-time display......................................................  36
Viewing the non-staffed skillsets.............................................................................................  36
Chapter 6: Exported displays................................................................................................  38
Prerequisites to exported displays..........................................................................................  38
Exporting summary charts...................................................................................................... 38
Exporting network summary charts.........................................................................................  39
Viewing an exported real-time display.....................................................................................  39
Exporting real-time display grids.............................................................................................  40
Changing the file name prefix of exported real-time display grids............................................... 40
Changing the path to export a summary chart.......................................................................... 41
Printing a real-time display grid............................................................................................... 42
Chapter 7: Graphical displays...............................................................................................  43
Prerequisites to graphical display management.......................................................................  43
Adding a graphical display.....................................................................................................  43
Opening a graphical display...................................................................................................  44
Deleting a graphical display.................................................................................................... 45
Creating a Real-time Dashboard display.................................................................................  45
Adding charts to the Real-time Dashboard............................................................................... 46
Changing chart properties in the Real-time Dashboard display.................................................. 47
Removing display charts from the Real-time Dashboard display................................................ 47
Saving the Real-Time Dashboard display................................................................................  48
Making a public copy of a graphical display.............................................................................  48
Assigning threshold alerts to a nodal real-time display.............................................................. 49
Configuring an agent map......................................................................................................  50
Adding agents to an agent map..............................................................................................  52
Arranging agents in an agent map using drag and drop............................................................  53
Arranging agents in an agent map automatically......................................................................  53
Customizing the agent map layout..........................................................................................  53
Resizing an agent map..........................................................................................................  54
Changing the header format of icons in an agent map..............................................................  54
Zooming in or out on an agent map display.............................................................................  55
Activate a display from an agent map...................................................................................... 56
Activate an agent details window from an agent map...............................................................  56
Configuring a billboard display................................................................................................ 57
Configuring a chart display..................................................................................................... 58
Creating a private collection...................................................................................................  60
Creating a private billboard collection...................................................................................... 61
Creating a public collection or public billboard collection...........................................................  62
Arranging the billboards in a billboard collection....................................................................... 63

October 2020 Using Avaya Aura® Contact Center Reports and Displays 6
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Configuring a Time Line display.............................................................................................. 63

Configuring a Dashboard display............................................................................................  65
Chapter 8: Real-time report customization..........................................................................  66
Prerequisites to real-time reporting customization....................................................................  66
Adding a new column to a real-time display.............................................................................  66
Customizing display properties...............................................................................................  67
Changing the refresh rate of a real-time display.......................................................................  67
Changing the font size in a real-time display grid...................................................................... 68
Changing the chart type for a site summary............................................................................. 68
Changing the color settings of a real-time display grid..............................................................  69
Changing the fill color of a summary chart...............................................................................  69
Changing column names.......................................................................................................  70
Changing the column width in a real-time display.....................................................................  70
Rearranging columns in a real-time display.............................................................................  71
Changing the data collection mode of a real-time display.......................................................... 71
Changing the title of a real-time display grid............................................................................  72
Deleting columns from a real-time display...............................................................................  72
Moving the chart contents within the window...........................................................................  73
Rotating a summary chart......................................................................................................  73
Increasing or decreasing the summary chart size..................................................................... 74
Zooming in on areas of a summary chart................................................................................. 74
Chapter 9: Contact Center Multimedia reports....................................................................  75
Prerequisites to CCMM reports............................................................................................... 75
Creating a CCMM report template for user-created reports.......................................................  75
Importing a CCMM user-created report...................................................................................  76
Chapter 10: Historical reporting............................................................................................  78
Prerequisites to Historical Reporting.......................................................................................  79
Logging on to Historical reporting............................................................................................ 79
Applying filters to network-consolidated historical reports.......................................................... 79
Defining the selection criteria.................................................................................................. 80
Opening a public, private, or shared report..............................................................................  82
Running an Ad hoc report......................................................................................................  83
Exporting an Ad hoc report..................................................................................................... 84
Creating a shared or private report.......................................................................................... 85
Defining the report output....................................................................................................... 86
Importing a report.................................................................................................................. 88
Editing a report...................................................................................................................... 89
Printing an Ad hoc report.......................................................................................................  91
Scheduling a report...............................................................................................................  91
Printing a report schedule......................................................................................................  94
Activating a scheduled report.................................................................................................  95
Deactivating a scheduled report.............................................................................................. 95
Selecting the network sites for a network-consolidated report.................................................... 96

October 2020 Using Avaya Aura® Contact Center Reports and Displays 7
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Running a report from a different time zone.............................................................................  97

Deleting a report.................................................................................................................... 97
Chapter 11: Expert reports..................................................................................................... 99
Installing the Caché ODBC driver CCMS................................................................................. 99
Defining the Caché ODBC DSN for CCMS............................................................................  100
Defining the DSN for CCMM................................................................................................. 101
Installing the Caché JDBC driver..........................................................................................  102
Running the Database View Definition report......................................................................... 103
Creating a new report..........................................................................................................  103
Testing exported reports....................................................................................................... 107
Importing a custom report....................................................................................................  108
Creating reports using Microsoft Excel..................................................................................  109
Creating reports using Microsoft Access................................................................................ 110
Chapter 12: Statistics configuration.................................................................................... 111
Prerequisites to statistics configuration..................................................................................  111
Creating custom formulas..................................................................................................... 111
Modifying custom formulas...................................................................................................  114
Deleting a custom formula.................................................................................................... 115
Configuring historical statistics data collection........................................................................ 115
Configuring historical statistics collection on the NCC.............................................................  116
Configuring real-time statistics collection...............................................................................  117
Chapter 13: Report Creation Wizard...................................................................................  119
Starting Report Creation Wizard...........................................................................................  119
Opening an existing report.................................................................................................... 119
Creating a simplified report................................................................................................... 120
Creating an advanced report................................................................................................  126
Creating an integrated report................................................................................................ 132
Saving a report.................................................................................................................... 133
Previewing a report.............................................................................................................. 133
Deleting a report.................................................................................................................. 134
Importing a report to Historical reporting................................................................................ 134
Defining configuration settings.............................................................................................. 138
Defining selection criteria.....................................................................................................  138
Moving a field...................................................................................................................... 140
Resizing an object...............................................................................................................  140
Adding a text field................................................................................................................ 141
Modifying object properties................................................................................................... 141
Suppressing a report section................................................................................................  143
Adding or removing a field in a report.................................................................................... 143
Adding or removing a formula in a report............................................................................... 144
Sorting the direction of a group, field, or formula....................................................................  145
Sorting the order of a field or formula....................................................................................  145
Editing a Report Creation Wizard report in Historical reporting................................................  146

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Applying template changes to existing reports.......................................................................  147

Chapter 14: External database server configuration......................................................... 148
Configuring and testing the ODBC driver............................................................................... 148
Verifying external databases in Report Creation Wizard.......................................................... 149
Adding the external database server to Contact Center Manager Administration......................  150
Associating an external server to a Contact Center Manager Server........................................ 151
Importing Report Creation Wizard reports to historical reporting..............................................  151
Generating historical reports from an external database.........................................................  152

October 2020 Using Avaya Aura® Contact Center Reports and Displays 9
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Chapter 1: Introduction

This document describes how to generate performance management reports for Avaya Aura®
Contact Center.

Intended audience
This document is intended for people who want to learn how to use the reporting features in Avaya
Aura® Contact Center.

Related resources

Avaya Aura® Contact Center Documentation

The following table lists the documents related to Avaya Aura® Contact Center. Download the
documents from the Avaya Support website at https://support.avaya.com.
Title Use this document to: Audience
Table continues…

October 2020 Using Avaya Aura® Contact Center Reports and Displays 10
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Related resources

Title Use this document to: Audience

Avaya Aura Contact Center This document contains technical Customers and sales,
Overview and Specification details you need to set up your services, and support
Contact Center suite. The document personnel
contains the background information
you need to plan and engineer your
system (server preparation
information, routing options, licensing
configurations, and hardware
configuration). The document also
contains background information you
require to install all software
components that are part of and work
with Contact Center. General
information about considerations for
upgrading your existing suite of
Contact Center is also included. This
document contains strategies and
requirements to plan your network
configuration and prepare your servers
for Contact Center software
Avaya Aura® Contact Center and This document describes the solution Customers and sales,
Avaya Aura® Unified architecture, suggested topologies, services, and support
Communications Solution and capacities for the Avaya Aura® personnel
Description Unified Communications platform. This
document also describes the features
and functional limitations of certain
Avaya Aura® Contact Center and This document describes the solution Customers and sales,
Avaya Communication Server 1000 architecture, suggested topologies, services, and support
Solution Description and capacities for the Avaya personnel
Communication Server 1000 platform.
This document also describes the
features and functional limitations of
certain configurations.
Avaya Aura® Contact Center This document describes available Customers and sales,
Documentation Catalog Avaya Aura® Contact Center services, and support
documentation resources and personnel
indicates the type of information in
each document.
Avaya Aura® Contact Center This document contains definitions for Customers and sales,
Terminology the technical terms specific to Contact services, and support
Center. personnel
Table continues…

October 2020 Using Avaya Aura® Contact Center Reports and Displays 11
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Title Use this document to: Audience

Contact Center Performance This document contains reference System administrators
Management Data Dictionary tables that describe the statistics and and contact center
data in the historical and real-time supervisors
reports generated in Contact Center.
Avaya Aura® Contact Center and This document contains information Implementation personnel
Avaya Aura® Unified and procedures to integrate the Avaya
Communications Integration Aura® Unified Communications
platform with Contact Center.
Avaya Aura® Contact Center and This document contains information Implementation personnel
Avaya Communication Server 1000 and procedures to integrate the Avaya
Integration Communication Server 1000 platform
with Contact Center.
Deploying Avaya Aura® Contact This document contains information Implementation personnel
Center DVD for Avaya Aura® Unified about Contact Center DVD installation,
Communications initial configuration, and verification for
the Avaya Aura® Unified
Communications platform.
Deploying Avaya Aura® Contact This document contains information Implementation personnel
Center DVD for Avaya about Contact Center DVD installation,
Communication Server 1000 initial configuration, and verification for
the Avaya Communication Server
1000 platform.
Deploying Avaya Aura® Contact This document describes how to Implementation personnel
Center Software Appliance for deploy the Avaya Aura® Contact
Avaya Aura® Unified Center Software Appliance for the
Communications Avaya Aura® Unified Communications
Avaya Aura® Contact Center This document contains information for Implementation personnel
Commissioning for Avaya Aura® Contact Center preparation, process,
Unified Communications initial configuration, and verification of
the installation on the Avaya Aura®
Unified Communications platform.
Avaya Aura® Contact Center This document contains information for Implementation personnel
Commissioning for Avaya Contact Center preparation, process,
Communication Server 1000 initial configuration, and verification of
the installation on the Avaya
Communication Server 1000 platform.
Avaya Aura® Contact Center and This document provides conceptual Implementation personnel
Proactive Outreach Manager and procedural information on the
Integration integration between Avaya Aura®
Contact Center (AACC) and Avaya
Proactive Outreach Manager (POM); it
describes the tasks required for AACC
and POM integration.
Table continues…

October 2020 Using Avaya Aura® Contact Center Reports and Displays 12
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Related resources

Title Use this document to: Audience

Upgrading and patching Avaya This document contains information Implementation personnel
Aura® Contact Center and procedures to upgrade from and system administrators
previous releases to Contact Center,
migrating the databases, and
information and procedures to
download and install service packs.
Avaya Aura® Contact Center Server This document contains information System administrators
Administration and procedures for day-today
maintenance of all servers in the
Contact Center suite, including server
maintenance tasks, administrative
tasks, managing data, configuring data
routing, performing archives, and
backing up data. It also describes the
optional configuration procedures for
server configuration.
Avaya Aura® Contact Center Client This document contains information System administrators
Administration and procedures to configure the users and contact center
and user access, skillsets, server supervisors
management, and configuration data
in the Contact Center database.
Using Contact Center Orchestration This document contains information System administrators
Designer and procedures to configure script and
flow applications in Contact Center
Orchestration Designer.
Maintaining Avaya Aura® Contact This document contains routine System administrators
Center maintenance procedures such as and support personnel
installing service packs, and
maintaining the databases for the
Contact Center system.
Troubleshooting Avaya Aura® This document contains system-wide System administrators
Contact Center troubleshooting information and and support personnel
procedures for Contact Center
hardware, software, and network.
Contact Center Event Codes This document contains a list of errors System administrators
in the Contact Center suite and and support personnel
recommendations to resolve them.
This document is a Microsoft Excel
Table continues…

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Title Use this document to: Audience

Using Avaya Aura Contact Center This document contains procedures to System administrators
Reports and Displays generate performance reports, and to and contact center
monitor and analyze performance data supervisors
and performance measurements.
Using Agent Desktop for Avaya This document provides information Contact center agents
Aura® Contact Center and procedures for agents who use and supervisors
the Agent Desktop application to
accept, manage, and close contacts of
all media types in Contact Center.
Using the Contact Center Agent This document provides information Contact center agents
Browser application and procedures for agents who use
the Agent Browser application to log
on to Contact Center and perform
basic tasks.
Using Avaya Workspaces for AACC This document describes the tasks Contact center agents
and ACCS that Contact Center agents can and supervisors
perform using Avaya Workspaces.

Finding documents on the Avaya Support website

1. Go to https://support.avaya.com.
2. At the top of the screen, type your username and password and click Login.
3. Click Support by Product > Documents.
4. In Enter your Product Here, type the product name and then select the product from the
5. In Choose Release, select the appropriate release number.
The Choose Release field is not available if there is only one release for the product.
6. In the Content Type filter, click a document type, or click Select All to see a list of all
available documents.
For example, for user guides, click User Guides in the Content Type filter. The list only
displays the documents for the selected category.
7. Click Enter.

Viewing Avaya Mentor videos

Avaya Mentor videos provide technical content on how to install, configure, and troubleshoot
Avaya products.

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About this task

Videos are available on the Avaya Support website, listed under the video document type, and on
the Avaya-run channel on YouTube.
• To find videos on the Avaya Support website, go to https://support.avaya.com/ and do one of
the following:
- In Search, type Avaya Mentor Videos, click Clear All and select Video in the Content
- In Search, type the product name. On the Search Results page, click Clear All and select
Video in the Content Type.
The Video content type is displayed only when videos are available for that product.
In the right pane, the page displays a list of available videos.
• To find the Avaya Mentor videos on YouTube, go to www.youtube.com/AvayaMentor and do
one of the following:
- Enter a key word or key words in the Search Channel to search for a specific product or
- Scroll down Playlists, and click a topic name to see the list of videos available for the topic.
For example, Contact Centers.
Videos are not available for all products.

Go to the Avaya Support website at https://support.avaya.com for the most up-to-date
documentation, product notices, and knowledge articles. You can also search for release notes,
downloads, and resolutions to issues. Use the online service request system to create a service
request. Chat with live agents to get answers to questions, or request an agent to connect you to a
support team if an issue requires additional expertise.

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Chapter 2: Changes in this release

The following sections detail what is new in Using Avaya Aura® Contact Center Reports and
Displays Release 7.1.

New features in the Release 7.1 base build
See the following sections for information about new features in the Release 7.1 base build:
• Video contacts on page 16
New features in Release 7.1 Service Pack 1
There are no new features in Release 7.1 Service Pack 1.

New features in Release 7.1 Service Pack 2

There are no new features in Release 7.1 Service Pack 2.

New features in Release 7.1 Service Pack 3

There are no new features in Release 7.1 Service Pack 3.

New features in Release 7.1 Feature Pack 1

There are no new features in Release 7.1 Feature Pack 1.

Video contacts
From Release 7.1, Contact Center supports routed video contacts. Contact Center supports both
skillset and non-skillset video contacts. Video contacts are reported on in both real-time and
historical reports. You can view video calls using Avaya IX™ Workplace Client or Avaya Vantage™,
however you must use Avaya Agent Desktop or Avaya Workspaces for call control actions.
To support video contacts, your solution must include Avaya Aura® Web Gateway 3.3.

October 2020 Using Avaya Aura® Contact Center Reports and Displays 16
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Other changes

Other changes
There are no other changes in Release 7.1.

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Chapter 3: Performance management

This section provides an overview of performance management reporting tools and utilities.

In Avaya Aura® Contact Center, you can create filters for real-time and historical reporting.
Historical Reporting filters can be assigned to the Network Consolidated historical reports only.
Each Historical Reporting filter can contain only one of the following types of data:
• skillsets
• applications
• route numbers
• route names
• DNIS numbers
• DNIS names
For Real-time Reporting, you can configure skillset, application, and agent filters. You can also
configure filters with a combination of the three data types.
Use filters to specify the skillset, application, and agent data that you want to see in the real-time
displays. In the Filters window, configure the filters from all elements in the partition assigned to
you. After configuring filters, you can assign the filters to your private real-time displays.
The real-time displays show subtotals of data for each filter, which are further divided into
subtotals for each site that belongs to the filter. For network consolidated real-time displays, the
system calculates the network total for each of the two types of statistics:
• for raw statistics, such as the number of calls answered, the network total is the sum of all
filter subtotals.
• for calculated statistics, such as the average answer delay, the network total is the amount
reached after applying the appropriate formula to the sum of all individual statistics in the
column. The system does not use the subtotal values in this calculation.

October 2020 Using Avaya Aura® Contact Center Reports and Displays 18
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Some statistical fields cannot be accumulated.
With the filters feature you select the sites and site resources to include in a network consolidated
report, for example, the Network Consolidated Skillset Performance Report. After you create a
filter, you can include the filters whenever you generate a report. You can create multiple filters, by
selecting different sets of sites and resources for reporting.

You can assign threshold alerts to real-time and graphical displays. Assign colors to threshold
settings to highlight text when a threshold level is exceeded.
You can define threshold values for system activity. These values result in three operational levels:
• Below level 1: Based on the type of statistic, this level can mean normal contact center
operation and no action required (that is, the lower the number of calls waiting, the better), or
it can signify an alert situation that requires attention (that is, the lower the service level
percentage, the worse the situation).
• Between level 1 and level 2: This level can indicate a required action to prevent contact
center performance to move beyond acceptable operating levels.
• Above level 2: Based on the type of statistic, this level can mean normal contact center
operation and no action required (that is, the higher the service level percentage, the better),
or it can signify an alert situation that requires attention (that is, the greater the number of
calls waiting, the worse the situation).

Historical statistics
Use the Historical Reporting component to generate reports detailing the past performance of a
contact center. In the Historical Reporting window, you can select the server in Contact Center
Manager Server from which you want to run and schedule performance, configuration, and
network reports (if you work in a networked environment). These reports can help you to monitor
system performance by providing information about system activity.
You must have Historical Statistics access to configure the Historical statistics. You can configure
historical statistics collection options, such as the values for general system parameters, the types
of call flow, agent, and Interactive Voice Response (IVR) historical statistics to be collected, and
the applications for which call-by-call data gets collected.

October 2020 Using Avaya Aura® Contact Center Reports and Displays 19
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Performance management fundamentals

Real-time statistics
The Contact Center Manager Administration Real-Time Reporting displays provide up-to-date
statistics for your contact center and resources. You can view changes in call activity in real time,
such as the number of calls waiting to be answered, the number of agents assigned to each
skillset, and the number of abandoned calls.
You must have Real-Time Statistics access to configure these statistics. You can configure
collection options, the data collection interval, and the minimum refresh rate. Network-
consolidated and Nodal are the two types of real-time statistics available.
Network-consolidated displays
You can view the network-consolidated displays only if you have the networking feature enabled
and you have access to a Network Control Center (NCC) server. These displays provide an
overall, real-time view of contact center activities across a network linked by multiple servers in
Contact Center Manager Server.
Nodal displays
Nodal displays provide a real-time view of contact center activities for a specific contact center.

Access and partition management

Contact Center Manager Administration (CCMA) includes four main components that help
administrators control the data that users can access in the contact center. The administrator can
use these components to tailor access rights to suit every user in the contact center. The following
four components are available:
• basic access rights to each component in Contact Center Manager Administration
• partitions
• supervisor-reporting agent combinations
• access classes
The first level of security is the overall right to access the applications within Contact Center
Manager Administration. When an administrator defines Contact Center Manager Administration
users in Access and Partition Management, the administrator specifies the applications that the
user can access from the CCMA Launchpad.
The next level of security involves partitions, supervisor-reporting agent combinations, and access
classes. The administrator can use partitions and supervisor-reporting agent combinations to
specify the data that Contact Center Manager Administration users can view and manage. The
administrator can use access classes to control the actions that users can perform in Contact
Center Manager Administration Management, Scripting, Historical Reporting, Real-Time
Reporting, and Configuration components.

October 2020 Using Avaya Aura® Contact Center Reports and Displays 20
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Chapter 4: Filter management

You can use filters to specify the skillsets, the applications, and the agents that you want to see in
the real-time display grids, and the agents that you want to see in the agent map graphical displays.

Prerequisites to filter management

• Ensure that you have access to Filters.
• Ensure that you do not log on as webadmin.

Creating a filter in Real-time reporting

Before you begin
• Log on to Real-Time Reporting. See Logging on to Real-Time reporting on page 29.
• Ensure that you have access to filters.
• Ensure that you do not log on as the webadmin.
About this task
Create filters to specify the skillsets, applications, and agents that you want to see in the real-time
display grids, and the agents that you want to see in the agent map graphical displays.
1. From the Filters menu, select Manage Filters.
2. Right-click on the Filters folder and select Add Filter.
3. In the New Filter Name box, type the name of the filter. You can use only alphanumeric
characters. Do not use special characters.
4. Click Submit to save the filter.

October 2020 Using Avaya Aura® Contact Center Reports and Displays 21
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Filter management

Creating a filter in Historical reporting

Before you begin
• Log on to Historical Reporting. For information, see Logging on to Historical reporting on
page 79.
About this task
You must configure networking in each of the Contact Center Manager Server (CCMS) servers for
the Historical Reporting to list all CCMS servers.
Create and use the filters in the Historical Reporting application for Network Consolidated reports.
1. From the Filters menu, select Manage Filters.
2. Select Add Filter.
3. In the New Filter Name box, type the name of the filter. You can use only alphanumeric
characters. Do not use special characters.
4. Click Submit.
5. Click the required resource tab.
6. Select the required resource.
7. Click Submit.

Adding skillset elements to a filter

Before you begin
• Log on to Real-Time Reporting or Historical Reporting. See Logging on to Real-Time
reporting on page 29 or Logging on to Historical reporting on page 79.
• Create at least one filter. See Creating a filter in Real-time reporting on page 21.
• Ensure that you have access to filters.
• Ensure that you do not log on as the webadmin.
About this task
Add skillset elements to a filter to view the required statistics.
1. From the Filters menu, select Manage Filters.
2. In the left pane, select the filter to edit.
3. Select the Contact Center Manager Server on which to add the elements.
4. Select the Skillsets tab.

October 2020 Using Avaya Aura® Contact Center Reports and Displays 22
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Adding application elements to a filter

5. Click the Assign Skillsets heading.

6. From the list, select contains, is equal to, or start with.
7. In the box, type the skillset name.
8. Click Search.
9. In the list of available skillsets, select the check box for each skillset to add to the filter.
To select all available skillsets, select the Select All check box.
10. Click Submit to save your changes.

Adding application elements to a filter

Before you begin
• Log on to Real-Time Reporting or Historical Reporting. See Logging on to Real-Time
reporting on page 29 or Logging on to Historical reporting on page 79.
• Create at least one filter. See Creating a filter in Real-time reporting on page 21.
• Ensure that you have access to filters.
• Ensure that you do not log on as the webadmin.
About this task
When you select an application element to filter in billboards and charts, your new application
element appears in the Filter Selection list under Available.
1. From the Filters menu, select Manage Filters.
2. In the left pane, select the filter to edit.
3. Select the Contact Center Manager Server on which to add the elements.
4. Select the Application tab.
5. In the list of available applications, select the check box for each application to add to the
To choose all available applications, select the Select All check box.
6. Click Submit to save your changes.

October 2020 Using Avaya Aura® Contact Center Reports and Displays 23
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Filter management

Adding agent elements to a filter

Before you begin
• Log on to Real-Time Reporting. See Logging on to Real-Time reporting on page 29.
You cannot add agents to a Historical Reporting filter.
• Create at least one filter. See Creating a filter in Real-time reporting on page 21.
• Ensure that you have access to filters.
• Ensure that you do not log on as webadmin.
About this task
Include statistics for specific agents by adding agent elements.
When you select an application element to filter in billboards and charts, the new application
element appears in the Filter Selection list under Available.
1. From the Filters menu, select Manage Filters.
2. In the left pane, select the filter to edit.
3. Select the Contact Center Manager Server on which to add the elements.
4. Select the Agents tab.
5. Click the Assign Agents heading.
6. From the first list, select Last Name, First Name, Department, Comment, or Login ID.
7. From the second list, select contains, is equal to, or start with.
8. In the box, type a value to search.
You can search for up to five levels by selecting And or Or from the last list.
9. Click Search.
Agents that match your criteria appear in a table.
10. In the list of available agents, select the check box for each agent to add to the filter.
To choose all available agents, select the Select All check box.
11. Click Submit to save your changes.

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Removing elements from a filter

Removing elements from a filter

Before you begin
• Log on to Real-Time Reporting or Historical Reporting. See Logging on to Real-Time
reporting on page 29 or Logging on to Historical reporting on page 79.
• Create at least one filter. See Creating a filter in Real-time reporting on page 21.
• Ensure that you have access to filters.
• Ensure that you do not log on as the webadmin.
About this task
To modify the report display, remove elements from a filter.
1. From the Filters menu, select Manage Filters.
2. In the left pane, select the filter from which to remove applications, skillsets, or agents.
3. Clear the check boxes for each skillset, application, or agent to remove from the filter.
4. Click Submit to save your changes.

Deleting a filter
Before you begin
• Log on to Real-Time Reporting or Historical Reporting. See Logging on to Real-Time
reporting on page 29 or Logging on to Historical reporting on page 79.
• Create at least one filter. See Creating a filter in Real-time reporting on page 21.
• Ensure that you have access to filters.
• Ensure that you do not log on as the webadmin.
About this task
If you need to rename a filter, you must delete the filter and create a new one with a new name.
1. From the Filters menu, select Manage Filters.
2. In the left pane, select the filter to delete.
3. In the right pane, click Delete Filter.
4. In the message box that appears asking you to confirm your choice, click OK.

October 2020 Using Avaya Aura® Contact Center Reports and Displays 25
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Filter management

Applying filters to real-time tabular displays

Before you begin
• Log on to Real-Time Reporting or Historical Reporting. See Logging on to Real-Time
reporting on page 29 or Logging on to Historical reporting on page 79.
• Create at least one filter. See Creating a filter in Real-time reporting on page 21.
• Ensure that you have access to filters.
• Ensure that you are logged on as a standard Contact Center Manager Administration
(CCMA) user. Administrator users do not have access to filters.
About this task
Use the Filters page to apply filters to customize your real-time tabular displays. You can apply a
filter, a supervisor-reporting agent combination, or both.
1. In the left pane, under the server containing the real-time display to which to apply filters,
select the Private Tabular Displays folder.
2. Click the private display to customize.
3. Click the Filters tab.
4. From the list of available filters, select the check box for each filter to assign to the real-
time display.
To assign all of the available filters (and supervisor-reporting agent combinations listed, if
you customize the Standard Agent Display), click Select All.
5. Click Submit to save your changes.
6. Click Launch Display to start the display and view your changes

Applying filters to graphical displays

Before you begin
• Log on to Real-Time Reporting or Historical Reporting. See Logging on to Real-Time
reporting on page 29 or Logging on to Historical reporting on page 79.
• Create at least one filter. See Creating a filter in Real-time reporting on page 21.
• Ensure that you have access to filters.
• Ensure that you are logged on as a standard Contact Center Manager Administration
(CCMA) user. Administrator users do not have access to filters.
About this task
Filters on real-time displays provide a mechanism for a supervisor to group together a number of
agents, applications, or skillsets. Real-time reporting is capable of providing summary statistics for

October 2020 Using Avaya Aura® Contact Center Reports and Displays 26
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Applying supervisor-reporting agent combinations to real-time displays

filters when they are added to a display. Filters are available for selection as an alternative to
skillsets or applications on a number of the real-time reporting billboards and charts. The following
displays support filters:
• Application Billboards
• Skillset Billboards
• Application Chart (statistics per application)
• Skillset Chart (statistics per skillset)
• Time Line Chart (statistics per skillset)
• Time Line Chart (statistics per application)
• Agent Map
Filters are not supported on dashboard displays.
1. In the left pane, under the server containing the real-time graphical display to which you
require to apply filters, select the Private Tabular Displays folder.
2. Click the private display to customize.
3. From the drop-down list of Applications or Skillsets, select the filter to assign to the real-
time display.
The filters are grouped together at the end of the Applications list or the Skillsets list.
4. Click Submit to save your changes.
5. Click Launch Display to start the display and view your changes.

Applying supervisor-reporting agent combinations to real-

time displays
Before you begin
• Log on to Contact Center Manager Administration Real-Time Reporting.
• Create at least one filter.
About this task
You can apply supervisor-reporting agent combinations to the Standard Agent Display.
1. In the left pane, select the server containing the Standard Agent real-time display to which
you require to apply supervisor-reporting agent combinations.
2. Select the Private Tabular Displays folder.

October 2020 Using Avaya Aura® Contact Center Reports and Displays 27
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Filter management

3. Click the private agent display to customize.

4. Click the Filters tab.
5. From the list of available supervisor-reporting agent combinations, select the check box for
each supervisor to assign to the real-time display.
To assign all the available supervisor-reporting agent combinations and all filters, click
Select All.
6. Click Submit to save your changes.
7. Click Launch Display to start the display and view your changes.

Removing filters from a real-time display

Before you begin
• Log on to Contact Center Manager Administration Real-Time Reporting.
• Create at least one filter.
About this task
You can remove a filter that you do not require, to modify a real-time display.
1. In the left pane, select the server that contains the real-time display from which to remove
2. Select the Private Tabular Displays folder.
3. Click the display to customize.
4. Click the Filters tab.
5. From the list of assigned filters, clear the check box for each filter to remove from the real-
time display.
To remove all of the filters from the real-time display, click Clear All.
6. Click Submit to save your changes.

October 2020 Using Avaya Aura® Contact Center Reports and Displays 28
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Chapter 5: Real-time reporting

The Contact Center Manager Administration (CCMA) Real-Time Reporting displays provide up-to-
date statistics for your contact center and resources. With access to statistics that update in real-
time, such as the number of contacts waiting to be answered, the number of agents assigned to
each skillset, and the number of abandoned calls, you can view changes in contact activity as they
If you use Agent Desktop Displays from CCMA, the status of an agent is different for each display.

Prerequisites to real-time reports

Ensure that you have access to the Real-Time Reporting (RTR) component and associated
access class elements.

Logging on to Real-Time reporting

Before you begin
• Ensure that you have access to Real-Time Reporting.
About this task
To access Real-Time Reporting, log on to the Real-Time Reporting component in Contact Center
Manager Administration.
1. Log on to Contact Center Manager Administration.
Contact Center Manager Administration (CCMA) displays the date and time of your last
login and also the number of failed login attempts before a successful login.
2. On the Launchpad, click Real-Time Reporting.
The Real-Time Reporting window appears.

October 2020 Using Avaya Aura® Contact Center Reports and Displays 29
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Real-time reporting

Creating a private real-time display

Before you begin
• Create a copy of a public display template. See Making a public copy of a private real-time
display on page 30.
• Log on to Real-Time Reporting. See Logging on to Real-Time reporting on page 29.
About this task
Create a private real-time display to customize real-time displays.
For more information about customizing real-time displays. See Real-time report customization on
page 66.
1. In the left pane, click the server on which to create a private real-time display.
2. Select the Public Tabular Displays folder.
3. From the expanded Public Tabular Displays folder, select the display to copy.
4. In the Public Display window, type the name of your new private display. You can use only
alphanumeric characters in the display name; do not use special characters.
When you copy a display, the system gives the new display a default name in the format
[server name]_[display name]. Since each private display must have a unique
name, you must type a new name, if you save a public display with the same default name.
If you do not type a new name, the system overwrites the existing display.
5. To save the display in the Private Tabular Displays folder, click Make Private Copy.
6. On the Properties page, you can change the colors, font size, and the refresh rate.

Making a public copy of a private real-time display

About this task
After you customize a real-time display and save it in your Private Tabular Displays folder, you
can share the display with other users by making a public copy. You can copy the display to the
Public Tabular Displays folder on the currently selected server or across all servers on the
network to which you have access.
Contact Center saves filters only for private real-time displays. Contact Center does not save
filters on public copies of your private real-time displays. Supervisors and agents using public
copies can apply filters when they view the displays, but Contact Center does not save these
filters on the public copy.

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Deleting public displays

For information about making public copies of graphical displays, see Making a public copy of a
graphical display on page 48 or Creating a public collection or public billboard collection on
page 62.
1. Log on to the Real-Time Reporting component.
2. In the left pane, click the Contact Center Manager Server on which to create a public copy
of a private real-time display.
3. Select the Private Tabular Displays folder.
4. From the expanded Private Tabular Displays folder, select the display to copy.
5. At the bottom of the Properties page, type the name of the display as you want it to appear
in the Public Tabular Displays folder.
You can use only alphanumeric characters in the display name; do not use special
characters. You cannot type the same name used by one of the Standard Public
displays as you cannot overwrite these displays. If you type the same name as an
existing copied display, then you overwrite the existing display.
6. Select the servers on which you want the public copy of your private display to appear. You
can choose the current server on which you save the private display or all servers to which
you have access.
If you have access to an NCC server and you copy a nodal display across all servers, you
do not see the nodal display on the NCC server. You can copy nodal real-time displays to
every server on the network except the NCC server. Likewise, you can copy private
network-consolidated displays to the Public Tabular Displays folder only on the NCC
server (that is, you cannot copy these displays across all servers in the network).
7. Click Make Public Copy to save the private display in the Public Tabular Displays folder.
8. In the Public Display window, you can view the public display, make a new private copy of
it, or, if you are an administrator logged on as webadmin, you can delete the display.

Deleting public displays

Before you begin
• Ensure that you log on to Contact Center Manager Administration as the webadmin
• Log on to Real-Time Reporting. See Logging on to Real-Time reporting on page 29.
About this task
If required, you can delete custom public displays. You cannot delete standard public displays (the
displays that come with the Contact Center Manager Administration software).

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Real-time reporting

1. In the left pane, navigate to the public display to delete.
2. In the Public Display window, click Delete Public Display.
3. In the message box that asks you to confirm your choice, click OK.
The same public display can exist on multiple servers, if the user who saved it chose to
copy it to all servers on the network. If you delete the display on one server, you do not
delete all copies.

Applying custom formulas to real-time displays

About this task
After you create custom formulas in the Formula Editor, apply them to your private real-time
displays in the Real-Time Reporting component.
You can customize only the columns in private displays. If you choose a public display, you must
first copy and save it in your Private Displays folder before you can customize the columns. See
Creating a private real-time display on page 30.
1. In the Real-Time Reporting main window, select the Private Tabular Displays folder under
the server containing the display to customize.
2. Click the display to customize.
3. Click the Columns tab.
4. From the Available Fields list, select the formula to add to the real-time display.
5. Click Add Field.
6. Click Submit to save your changes.
7. Click Launch Display to view your changes.

Starting a network summary

About this task
You can start a performance summary chart in bar format for all sites in the network (if you work in
a networked environment). The chart updates at the same refresh rate as the real-time display

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Printing a summary chart

1. Log on to Real-Time Reporting.
2. In the left pane, click the NCC server.
3. Navigate to the network summary chart.
4. Click Network Summary.
The chart appears approximately after a 5-second delay.

Printing a summary chart

Before you begin
• Ensure that a NCC server is available.
About this task
If you require a hard copy, you can print a summary chart.
1. Log on to Real-Time Reporting.
2. In the left pane, click the server on which the summary chart is stored.
3. Navigate to the summary chart.
4. Click Print.
5. In the Print dialog box, select the printer you want to use.
To view the summary chart in color, select a color printer.
6. Click OK.

Printing a real-time display

About this task
If you require a hard copy, you can print a real-time display.
1. Log on to Real-Time Reporting.
2. In the left pane, click the server on which the real-time display is stored.
3. Navigate to the real-time display and click Launch Display.
4. Click Print.

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Real-time reporting

5. In the Print dialog box, select the printer you want to use.
6. Click Print.

Deleting a private display

Before you begin
• At least one private display must exist.
About this task
Delete private tabular displays and private graphical displays.
Once you delete a display, you cannot recover it.
1. Log on to the Real-Time Reporting component.
2. In the left pane, click the server that contains the private display to delete.
3. Click the Private Tabular Displays folder to delete a private tabular display.
Click the Private Graphical Displays folder to delete a private graphical display.
4. In the selected folder, click the private display to delete.
5. In the right pane, click Remove Private Display to delete a private tabular display.
Click Remove Display to delete a private graphical display.
6. In the Confirmation dialog box, click OK.
The system permanently deletes the display.

Deleting an exported real-time display grid

About this task
You can delete real-time display grids from the Contact Center Manager Administration server that
you export as HTML files.
You must carefully manage exported displays. Exported displays consume disk space on the
Contact Center Manager Administration server.

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Logging out an agent from a real-time display

1. Log on to the Real-Time Reporting component.
2. From the Displays menu, click Manage Exported Displays.
3. In the right pane, select the check box for each exported file to delete.
To delete all files, click Select All.
4. Click Delete to remove the selected files from the Contact Center Manager Administration

Logging out an agent from a real-time display

Before you begin
• Log on to CCMA. For more information, see Logging on to Real-Time reporting on page 29.
• Ensure you have an Access Class that allows you to force agent state changes.
• Customize a private real-time display to include the Log Out column, or select a display
customized by another user. For more information, see Real-time report customization on
page 66.
About this task
Use this procedure to log out an agent from a real-time display.
1. In the left pane, select an Agent Display that has the Logout column and shows the agent
you want to log out.
2. In the right pane, click Launch Display.
CCMA opens the real-time display window.
3. Scroll to the agent that you want to log out.
4. Click the Force Log out button ( ).
5. On the Logout Confirmation dialog, click Yes.
Contact Center logs out the agent, and displays a message on the agent’s Agent Desktop
interface informing them that a supervisor has logged them out.

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Real-time reporting

Changing an agent’s Ready status from a real-time display

Before you begin
• Log on to CCMA. For more information, see Logging on to Real-Time reporting on page 29.
• Ensure you have an Access Class that allows you to force agent state changes.
• Customize a private real-time display to include the Change State column, or select a display
customized by another user. For more information, see Real-time report customization on
page 66.
About this task
Use this procedure to change an agent’s status from a real-time display.
1. In the left pane, select an Agent Display that has the Change State column and shows the
agent whose status you want to change.
2. In the right pane, click Launch Display.
CCMA opens the real-time display window.
3. Scroll to the agent for whom you want to change the ready status.
4. Click the Change State button ( / ).
CCMA displays the Change Agent State dialog.
5. If you changed the agent’s status from Ready to Not Ready, on the Change Agent State
dialog, enter a Not Ready Reason code, and click Yes.
Contact Center displays a message on the agent’s Agent Desktop interface informing them
of the state change.
6. If you changed the agent’s status from Not Ready to Ready, on the Change Agent State
dialog click Yes.
Contact Center displays a message on the agent’s Agent Desktop interface informing them
of the state change.

Viewing the non-staffed skillsets

About this task
Use the Non-Staffed Skillsets window to view a list of all the skillsets within your partition, without
logged-on agents. The list of non-staffed skillsets automatically refreshes every 20 seconds with
the most recent information.
1. Log on to the Real-Time Reporting component.

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Viewing the non-staffed skillsets

2. In the left pane, click the relevant server and then click the folder that contains the skillset
3. Click the skillset display that you want to launch.
4. In the right pane click Launch Display
The display launches.
5. In the display, click Non-Staffed Skillsets.
The Non-Staffed Skillsets window appears, listing all of the skillsets within your partition,
without logged-on agents.

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Chapter 6: Exported displays

The procedures in this section describe how to work with exported real-time displays.

Prerequisites to exported displays

Ensure that you have access to the Real-Time Reporting (RTR) component and associated
access class elements.

Exporting summary charts

Before you begin
• Log on to Real-Time Reporting. See Logging on to Real-Time reporting on page 29.
About this task
You can export site summary charts as a bitmap or a jpeg file.
1. In the left pane, under the relevant server, click the folder that contains the display.
2. In the expanded list, click the desired real-time display or chart graphical display.
3. In the right pane, click Launch Display.
4. On the real-time display, click [site name] Summary to view the real-time display site
summary chart.
5. If you view a site summary from a network consolidated real-time display, in the Site
column, click the desired site name
6. On the summary chart, click Export BMP.
Click Export JPG.
A message box appears with the name of the exported file and the export time.

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Exporting network summary charts

For example, if you export the Agent display site summary chart for the Winnipeg site as
a .bmp file on June 29, 2000 at 2:23 p.m., the exported file name is
7. Click OK.

Exporting network summary charts

Before you begin
• Log on to Real-Time Reporting. See Logging on to Real-Time reporting on page 29.
• Ensure that you have an NCC server.
About this task
You can export network summary charts as a bitmap or a jpeg file.
1. In the left pane, under the Network Control Center (NCC) server, open the desired public
or private network consolidated real-time display.
2. From the display, click Network Summary.
3. On the network summary chart, click Export BMP.
Click Export JPG.
A message box shows the exported file name and the export time. For example, if you
export the Network Consolidated Agent Position Status Count network summary chart as
a .bmp file on June 29, 2000 at 2:23 p.m., the exported file name is
4. Click OK.

Viewing an exported real-time display

Before you begin
• Log on to Real-Time Reporting. See Logging on to Real-Time reporting on page 29.
About this task
You must view an exported real-time display, to print the display.
1. From the Displays menu, select Manage Exported Displays.

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Exported displays

2. In the right pane, from the list of HTML files, click the name of the file to view.
The snapshot of the real-time display grid appears in a new Internet Explorer window.
3. To print the exported grid, in Internet Explorer, from the File menu, select Print.
4. To view the colored rows of the real-time display, in the Print dialog box, select a color
5. Click Print.

Exporting real-time display grids

Before you begin
• Log on to Real-Time Reporting. See Logging on to Real-Time reporting on page 29.
About this task
You can export real-time displays to open the file in a new Internet Explorer window. Exporting
real-time displays creates a snapshot file in HTML format.
You must carefully manage exported displays. Exported displays consume disk space on the
Contact Center Manager Administration server.
1. In the left pane, double-click the real-time display grid to export.
2. On the real-time display grid, click Export.
3. To open the file in a new Internet Explorer window, click View.

Changing the file name prefix of exported real-time display

Before you begin
• Log on to Real-Time Reporting. See Logging on to Real-Time reporting on page 29.
About this task
You can choose the prefix to appear in the file name when you export the real-time display grids to
the Contact Center Manager Administration server as HTML files. An example of the prefix for the
Consolidated Skillset Display is ConsolidatedSkillSet.
The exported file name includes your user name, the prefix that you select, the date and time you
save the file. For example, if your user name is John, your prefix is ConsolidatedSkillSet, and you
chose to export the Consolidated Skillset Display as an HTML file on April 10, 2000 at 2:45:28

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Changing the path to export a summary chart

p.m., the system saves it on the server as

1. In the left pane, under the server containing the display to customize, click the Private
Tabular Displays folder.
2. Click the display name.
3. On the Properties page, in the Grid export prefix box, type the prefix to appear in the
HTML file name.
Do not include spaces in the prefix.
4. Click Submit to save your changes.

Changing the path to export a summary chart

Before you begin
• Log on to Real-Time Reporting. See Logging on to Real-Time reporting on page 29.
About this task
You can choose the folder in which to save summary charts that you export as .bmp or .jpg files.
The folder that you choose can be on the application server or on your computer.
If you leave this field blank, the system saves the files on your desktop.
1. In the left pane, under the server containing the display to customize, click the Private
Tabular Displays folder.
2. Click the display name.
3. On the Properties page, in the Summary chart export path box, type the folder where
you want to save snapshots of the network or site summary charts (as .bmp or .jpg files).
For example, to save the summary chart in the My Documents folder on the C drive of your
computer, type C:\My Documents in this box.
4. Click Submit to save your changes.

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Exported displays

Printing a real-time display grid

Before you begin
• Log on to Real-Time Reporting. See Logging on to Real-Time reporting on page 29.
About this task
If you require a hard copy of a real-time display, print a real-time display grid.
1. In the left pane, navigate to the display.
2. Double-click the display.
3. In the real-time display grid, click Print.
4. In the Print dialog box, select a printer, or accept the default printer.
5. Click OK.

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Chapter 7: Graphical displays

In the Graphical Display window, you can configure one of seven types of graphical displays:
• Billboard displays
• Chart displays
• Time Line displays
• Agent maps
• Collections
• Billboard collections
• Dashboard displays

Prerequisites to graphical display management

Ensure that you have access to the Real-Time Reporting (RTR) component and associated
access class elements.

Adding a graphical display

Before you begin
• Log on to Real-Time Reporting. See Logging on to Real-Time reporting on page 29.
About this task
Create a graphical display.
1. From the Displays menu, select Add Graphical Display.
2. In the Name box, type the name of the new graphical display.
The system displays this name on the system tree.
3. From the Server list, select the server on which to create the graphical display.

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Graphical displays

4. In the Element Type area, select the type of element corresponding to the type of graphical
display that you want to create, from the following list:
• Agent: Create an agent map.
• Application: Create an application billboard, chart, or time line.
• IVR: Create an IVR billboard, chart, or time line.
• Skillset: Create a skillset billboard, chart, or time line.
• Agent Position Count: Create an agent position count billboard or chart.
• All: Create a dashboard, a private or public collection, a private billboard or public
billboard collection.
The system does not display Agent in the list of element types if you are logged on to
Contact Center Manager Administration using the webadmin account. The system
does not display Agent and IVR in the list of element types if you are creating the
graphical display on a Network Control Center server. The system displays Agent
Position Count in the list of element types only if you are creating the graphical
display on a Network Control Center server.
5. In the Presentation area, select the type of graphical display to create.
The type of chart you can create varies according to the selection you made in the Element
type area.
6. Click Edit Properties to configure the graphical display.
The system displays the corresponding properties window.

Opening a graphical display

Before you begin
• Log on to Contact Center Manager Administration Real-Time Reporting.
• Create at least one graphical display.
About this task
View a graphical display.
1. In the left pane, click the folder containing the graphical display to view.
2. Click the graphical display to view.
3. In the right pane, review the current settings for the graphical display.
4. If you change the settings, click Submit to save your changes.

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Deleting a graphical display

5. Click Launch.
While you view an agent map or billboard graphical display, the display can change color.
This change alerts you when the statistic values exceed the configured threshold values.
For agent map displays, text flashes when a threshold value is reached, while you view the
display in the box view (if you configure the display with this feature).
If you select Pop to front, the display appears in front of all open windows. On each
refresh, the display continues to pop to the front of all open windows, until the data on the
display falls below the threshold level.

Deleting a graphical display

Before you begin
• If you logged on as the administrative user, or the webadmin, you can open the Public
Graphical Displays folder and delete the displays.
• If you log on as a user, other than the administrative user, or the webadmin, you can delete
only the graphical displays that you save in your Private Graphical Displays folder.
• Log on to Real-Time Reporting. See Logging on to Real-Time reporting on page 29.
About this task
When you no longer require a graphical display, you can delete the display.
1. In the left pane, click the Private Graphical Displays folder.
When you delete a graphical display, you cannot restore it. Instead, you must create a
new graphical display.
2. In the list of displays, click the graphical display to delete.
3. In the right pane, click Remove Display.
4. In the message box that appears asking you to confirm your choice, click OK.

Creating a Real-time Dashboard display

Before you begin
• Log on to Contact Center Manager Administration Real-Time Reporting.
About this task
You can create a Real-time Dashboard display to provide you with multiple views of up-to-date
statistics for your contact center and its resources.

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Graphical displays

1. From the Displays menu, select Add Graphical Display.
2. From Element Type, select All.
3. From Presentation, select Dashboard.
4. In the Name box, type the new display name.
You can use only alphanumeric characters in the display name; do not use special
characters. The display name must be unique; if you type the same name as an
existing display, then you overwrite the existing display.
5. Click Edit Properties to configure the display.
6. Click Submit to save your changes.
The new display appears under Private Graphical Displays.

Adding charts to the Real-time Dashboard

Before you begin
• Log on to Contact Center Manager Administration Real-Time Reporting.
• Create a Real-time Dashboard display.
About this task
You can add charts to the Real-time Dashboard to view them.
1. In the left pane, click the Private Graphical Displays folder.
2. Click the Real-time Dashboard display.
3. Click Launch.
4. From the Displays menu, select a display chart.
5. From the display chart menu, select the data to display on the chart.
The data appears on the chart in the Real-time Dashboard display.

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Changing chart properties in the Real-time Dashboard display

Changing chart properties in the Real-time Dashboard

Before you begin
• Log on to Contact Center Manager Administration Real-Time Reporting.
• Create a Real-time Dashboard display.
• Add a display chart to the Real-time Dashboard.
About this task
You can change the items that appear on the charts in the Real-time Dashboard to meet your
1. Click the Properties tab of the chart to change.
2. Select the skillsets, applications, and statistics to display on the chart.
3. Click the Display tab to display the updated chart.
If you choose None from the Color Palette drop-down list, in the Display > Options
menu, the chart is displayed in its default color.

Removing display charts from the Real-time Dashboard

Before you begin
• Log on to Contact Center Manager Administration Real-Time Reporting.
• Create a Real-time Dashboard display.
• Add a display chart to the Real-time Dashboard.
About this task
You can remove display charts from the Real-time Dashboard display.
1. In the left pane, click the Private Graphical Displays folder.
2. Select the Real-time Dashboard display.
3. Click Launch.
4. Click the X button beside the display to remove the display.

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Graphical displays

Saving the Real-Time Dashboard display

Before you begin
• Log on to Contact Center Manager Administration Real-Time Reporting.
• Create a Real-time Dashboard display.
• Add a display chart to the Real-time Dashboard.
About this task
Save the Real-time Dashboard display window size and the following attributes of each Real-time
Display chart:
• size and position of the window
• display type
• list of selected statistics
• list of selected skillsets or applications
Close the Real-time Dashboard display window and select Yes on the Save dialog.
Select Save from the File menu.

Making a public copy of a graphical display

Before you begin
• Log on to Real-Time Reporting. See Logging on to Real-Time reporting on page 29.
About this task
Make a public copy of a billboard, or chart, or time line graphical display. After you customize a
display, you can save it in your Private Graphical Displays folder. You can share the saved
display with other users by making a public copy of it.
You can make public copies of all types of graphical displays, except agent maps and Real-
time Dashboard displays. Public graphical displays do not support filters. Contact Center does
not save filters on public copies of your private graphical displays.
You can copy only the display to the Public Graphical Displays folder on the currently selected
server. You cannot copy graphical displays across all servers on the network to which you have
access (unlike real-time tabular displays).
After you make a public copy of a private display, only the administrator (logged on as webadmin)
can delete the display. To modify the display, you or another user must first make a private copy.
For details about creating public collections and billboard collection displays, see Creating a public
collection or public billboard collection on page 62.

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Assigning threshold alerts to a nodal real-time display

1. In the left pane, under the server containing the display to copy, click the Private
Graphical Displays folder.
2. In the list of displays, select the chart or billboard or time line display to copy.
3. At the bottom of the right pane, type the name of the display to appear in the Public
Graphical Displays folder.
You can only use alphanumeric characters in the display name; do not use special
characters. If you type the same name as an existing copied display, you overwrite this
When you copy a private display, the system gives the new display a default name in the
format [server name]_[private display name]. Since each public display must
have a unique name, you must type a new name, if you save a public display with the
same default name. If you do not type a new name, the system overwrites the existing
4. Click Make Public Copy to save the private display in the Public Graphical Displays
folder under the same server.

Assigning threshold alerts to a nodal real-time display

Before you begin
• Log on to Real-Time Reporting. See Logging on to Real-Time reporting on page 29.
• Create at least one private display. You can customize only the columns in private displays. If
you choose a public display, you must first copy and save it in your Private displays folder
before you can customize the columns. See Making a public copy of a graphical display on
page 48.
About this task
An administrator can use two threshold values, the low value (level 1) and the high value (level 2),
to define system activity. These values result in three operational levels:
• Below level 1: Based on the type of statistic, this level can mean normal contact center
operation and no action required (that is, the lower the number of calls waiting, the better), or
it can signify an alert situation that requires attention (that is, the lower the service level
percentage, the worse the situation).
• Between level 1 and level 2: This level can indicate a required action to prevent contact
center performance to move beyond acceptable operating levels.
• Above level 2: Based on the type of statistic, this level can mean normal contact center
operation and no action required (that is, the higher the service level percentage, the better),
or it can signify an alert situation that requires attention (that is, the greater the number of
calls waiting, the worse the situation).

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Graphical displays

1. In the left pane, under the server that contains the private display to customize, navigate to
the private display.
2. In the right pane, click the Columns tab.
3. From the sample table, select the statistic for which to define the threshold colors.
4. From the threshold colors boxes, select the colors for the statistic if it is below the level 1
threshold value, if it reaches a value between level 1 and level 2, and if it exceeds level 2.
5. Click Submit to save your changes.

Configuring an agent map

Before you begin
• You must create the agent filter before you can assign it to the map display and save the
display. See Creating a filter in Real-time reporting on page 21 and Adding agent elements to
a filter on page 24.
• Log on to CCMA as a standard user. Administrators cannot create agent maps.
About this task
You can configure an agent map to view a representation of all the agents to whom you have
access in your contact center.
Supervisors cannot log out an agent, or change an agent’s status, from an agent map; these
actions are possible only from tabular displays.
1. In the Real-Time Reporting main window, from the menu, select Displays > Add
Graphical Display.
2. In the Name box, type the name of the new agent map. This is the name that appears in
the system tree. You can only use alphanumeric characters in the agent map name; you
cannot use special characters.
3. From the Server list, select the server on which to configure the agent map. You cannot
create agent map displays on the Network Control Center (NCC) server.
4. In the Element Type area, select Agent.
5. In the Presentation area, confirm that Agent Map is selected.
6. Click Edit Properties to configure the new agent map.
The Agent Map Properties dialog box appears.

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Configuring an agent map

7. In the Agent map title box, type the agent map name to appear at the top of the agent
map display, or accept the default name. Do not include spaces, special characters,
punctuation, or the ampersand (&) in the agent map title.
8. Under Display arranged by, select either Agent ID or Position ID.
In SIP-enabled contact centers, the Position ID option is not available.
9. From the Data collection mode list, select Moving window or Interval-to-date.
10. From the Optional field list, select Position ID or Personal DN to see either in the agent
11. From the Agent Name list, select how you want the agent name and login ID to appear in
the header of each icon in the Icon view. You can choose from the following options:
• agent first name, followed by last name
• agent last name, followed by first name
• agent first name and login ID
• agent last name and login ID
12. From the Linked Display list, select the display.
You can choose from all the private, public, and standard displays (both tabular and
graphical) to which you have access on the currently selected server. If you choose
nothing from the Linked Display list when you configure the agent map, the Standard
Agent Display appears for the same server on which you configure the agent map when
you click Linked Display.
13. From the Associated filter list, select the agent filter to assign to the agent map.
Only filters containing agents on the selected server appear. If your filters contain no
agents on the selected server, no filters appear in this list.
14. In the Threshold settings area, click the colors to which the text in the box view agent
map change, when a threshold level is exceeded.
In the icon view, the agent icon changes to these colors when a threshold level is
When you choose the threshold colors, select colors that make the text easy to view
against the agent state background colors in box view.
If you do not use a mouse, press Tab until the status bar indicates that you have reached
the desired color. After reaching the desired color, press the Spacebar to select the color.
15. Select the Pop to front on threshold check box to move the agent map to the front of
your desktop when a threshold level is exceeded.
The agent map appears in front of all open windows. On each refresh, the agent map
continues to pop to the front of all open windows, until the data on the display falls below
the threshold level.

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Graphical displays

16. Select the Text Flash on threshold check box to view the text in the launched box view.
The agent map flashes when a threshold level is exceeded. (This option is not applicable
to the View Agent Map Displays icon.)
17. Select the Hide logged out Agents check box to view logged on agents only when you
activate the agent map.
If you do not select this check box, you see all agents in the filter that you attach to the
display, both logged on and logged off.
18. In the Agent State Colors area, select the appropriate check boxes to choose the colors
to shown for each agent state.
19. Click Submit to save your changes.
The new agent map appears in the system tree under Graphical Displays.

Adding agents to an agent map

Before you begin
• Ensure you have agent elements in a filter. See Adding agent elements to a filter on page 24.
About this task
You cannot add an agent directly to an agent map. Instead, you must add the agent to the filter
that you assign to the agent map.
1. On the main menu, click Filters > Manage Filters.
2. On the Filters tree, click the filter that is assigned to the agent map.
3. Click the Agent tab.
4. Select the agents to add to the agent map.
5. Click Submit to save the changes.
6. On the main menu, click Displays > View Displays.
7. On the system tree, click the Graphical Displays folder under the server containing the
agent map.
8. Double-click the agent map, and then view the added agent.

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Arranging agents in an agent map using drag and drop

Arranging agents in an agent map using drag and drop

Before you begin
• Log on to Contact Center Manager Administration Real-Time Reporting.
• Launch an agent map display.
About this task
Position an agent within the agent map.
1. On the agent map display, click the agent block to move within the display.
2. While pressing the left mouse button on the agent, drag the agent to the new position
within the agent map.
3. Release the mouse button to leave the agent in the new position.
4. Click Save Layout to save the new arrangement.

Arranging agents in an agent map automatically

Before you begin
• Log on to Contact Center Manager Administration Real-Time Reporting.
• Launch an agent map display.
About this task
Arrange agents in alphabetical order within the agent map.
1. On the agent map display, click Tile Agents.
2. Click Save Layout to save the new arrangement.

Customizing the agent map layout

Before you begin
• Log on to Contact Center Manager Administration Real-Time Reporting.
• Launch an agent map display.
About this task
Adapt an agent map layout to meet your requirements.

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Graphical displays

1. In the agent map, click and drag the agent icons to the desired position.
2. To change the size of the window, place your cursor on the edge of the window until a two-
headed arrow appears.
3. Click the edge of the window, and then drag it to the desired size.
4. Click Save Layout to save your changes. The next time you open the agent map, your
custom layout appears.
5. To rearrange the icons automatically in the window, click Tile Agents.

Resizing an agent map

Before you begin
• You must have an agent map. See Configuring an agent map on page 50.
About this task
When you resize an agent map, you can save the size. Your settings remain in effect until you
resize the agent map again.
1. Place your cursor on the edge of the agent map display until it becomes a double-headed
2. Right-click and drag the edge of the agent map to the required size.
3. Release the mouse button.
4. Click Save Layout.

Changing the header format of icons in an agent map

Before you begin
• Log on to Real-Time Reporting. See Logging on to Real-Time reporting on page 29.
About this task
You can specify how the agent name and login ID appear in the icon headers when you look at an
agent map in the icon view.
You can choose from the following options:
• agent first name, followed by last name
• agent last name, followed by first name

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Zooming in or out on an agent map display

• agent first name and login ID

• agent last name and login ID
1. In the Real-Time Reporting main window, click the server containing the agent map to edit.
2. The server expands to reveal a series of folders. On the system tree, click the Public
Graphical Displays or Private Graphical Displays folder containing the agent map that
you want to configure.
3. The folder expands to reveal the graphical displays that you save under this server.
4. Click the agent map to configure.
The Agent Map Properties window appears in the right pane.
5. From the Agent Name list, select how you want the agent name and login ID to appear in
the header of each icon in the Icon view.
6. Review all other properties for the agent map.
7. After you approve the agent map properties, click Submit to save your changes.
The next time you view this agent map in the Icon view, the header for each icon appears
in the format that you selected.

Zooming in or out on an agent map display

Before you begin
• Log on to Contact Center Manager Administration Real-Time Reporting.
• Launch an agent map display.
About this task
While you look at the agent map in the box view, you can resize the display to 50, 75, 125, 150,
200, or 300 percent of normal size when you use the zoom feature. The resizing option does not
apply to agent maps that appear in the icon view. When you resize an agent map, the text within
the agent blocks are also resized, and the relative position of the icons are maintained. To return
the display to the normal size, select 100 percent from the list.
If you resize an agent map to 50 percent of the normal size, the spacing between the agent map
icons is halved.
From the Zoom list, select a value to resize the agent map.

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Graphical displays

Activate a display from an agent map

Before you begin
• Log on to Contact Center Manager Administration Real-Time Reporting.
• Configure an agent map.
About this task
On the agent map graphical display, you can view a grid display. When you customize the agent
map, you can choose which display to view when you click the Linked Display button. You can
choose from all the private, public, and standard displays (both tabular and graphical) to which you
have access.
If you do not configure which display to view with the Linked Display feature, the Standard Agent
Display becomes the default display when you click the Linked Display button.
On the agent map display, click Linked Display.
The display that you chose from the Linked Display list activates.

Activate an agent details window from an agent map

Before you begin
• Log on to Contact Center Manager Administration Real-Time Reporting.
• Configure an agent map.
About this task
When you look at an agent map in box view, you can double-click the agent icons to view a
separate window that lists details about the agent. The window displays the name, login ID,
supervisor, position ID, and personal DN of the agent. You can double-click the agent icons in the
display, for both logged on and logged off agents, to activate this details window.
1. Launch the required agent map display.
2. Double-click an agent icon in the agent map display.
A new window appears that lists the agent details.

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Configuring a billboard display

Configuring a billboard display

Before you begin
• Log on to Real-Time Reporting. See Logging on to Real-Time reporting on page 29.
About this task
You can configure a billboard display to select a statistic to monitor closely.
Some agent statistics give misleading totals on a Skillset billboard display, because typically
agents have more than one skillset assignment. These statistics are:
• Agent Staffed
• Agent Active
• Agent Not Ready
• Agent Idle
• Agent on DN Call
• Agent on Network Skillset Call
• Agent on Other Skillset Call
• Agent Unavailable
• Agent on ACD-DN Call
• Agent on NACD-DN Call
If you select one of these statistics for a Skillset billboard display, and choose the Summary
option, when you launch the display Contact Center displays a message that the statistic is not
1. In the Real-Time Reporting main window, from the menu, select Displays > Add
Graphical Display.
2. In the Name box, type the name of the new billboard graphical display. This is the name
that appears in the system tree. You can use alphanumeric characters only.
3. From the Server list, select the server on which to create and save the billboard.
4. If you select the NCC server, in the Element Type area, select Agent Position Count >
Application, or Skillset.
5. If you select a nodal server, in the Element Type area, select Application > IVR, or
6. In the Presentation area, select Billboard.
7. Click Edit Properties to configure the new billboard display.
8. In the Billboard title box, accept the default name provided, or delete the default name
and type a custom name to appear at the top of the billboard display.
Do not include spaces, special characters, punctuation, or the ampersand (&) in the
billboard title.

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Graphical displays

9. From the Data collection mode list, select either Moving window or Interval-to-date.
10. For nodal billboards, from the Application or Skillset list, select the application or skillset
to monitor, or select Summary.
11. For IVR or NCC billboards, you can select only Summary. When you select Summary,
you can monitor the statistic across all the applications or skillsets in your partition on the
selected server and across all the applications or skillsets in your partition on all servers on
the network across all IVR queues on the selected server.
12. From the Statistic list, select the statistic to monitor in the billboard. The name of the
statistic that you monitor appears in the title bar of the billboard display window when you
activate it.
13. From the Font color boxes, select the color for the statistic.
The background color of the billboard display is black until a threshold value is reached, at
which time it changes to either of the threshold colors you selected, and the font color
changes to black.
If you do not use a mouse, press Tab until the status bar indicates that you have the
selected color. After reaching the desired color, press the Spacebar to select the color.
14. From the Threshold settings boxes, click to select the colors for the thresholds below
level 1, between level 1 and level 2, and above level 2, or accept the default colors shown.
You can view the current Level 1 and Level 2 threshold values configured for this statistic
in the Value boxes beside the threshold settings boxes.
15. Select the Pop to front check box to move the activated billboard to the front on your
desktop when a threshold level is reached.
The billboard display appears in front of all open windows. On each refresh, the billboard
display continues to pop to the front of all open windows, until the data on the display falls
below the threshold level.
16. Click Submit to save your changes.
The new billboard appears in the system tree under Private Graphical Displays.

Configuring a chart display

Before you begin
• Log on to Real-Time Reporting. See Logging on to Real-Time reporting on page 29.
About this task
You can configure a chart display for skillsets, applications, or statistics to monitor in a customized

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Configuring a chart display

1. In the Real-Time Reporting main window, from the menu, select Displays > Add
Graphical Display.
2. In the Name box, type the name of the new chart graphical display.
This is the name that appears in the system tree. You can use alphanumeric characters
3. From the Server list, select the server on which to create and save the display.
4. If you select the NCC server, in the Element Type area, select Agent Position Count >
Application, or Skillset.
5. If you select a nodal server, in the Element Type area, select Application > IVR, or
6. If you select Application on an NCC server, in the Presentation area, select the Chart
(choose statistics per application).
7. If you select Application on a nodal server, in the Presentation area, select the Chart
(choose statistics per application) or the Chart (choose applications per statistic).
8. If you select Skillset on an NCC server or Agent Position Count, in the Presentation
area, select Chart (choose statistics per skillset).
9. If you select Skillset on a nodal server, in the Presentation area, select the Chart
(choose statistics per skillset) or the Chart (choose skillsets per statistic).
10. If you select IVR, in the Presentation area, select Chart (choose statistics for IVR
11. In the Chart title box, accept the default name, or delete the default name and type a
custom name to appear at the top of the chart display.
12. From the Chart type list, select the type of chart to configure. You can choose from
Horizontal Bar, Vertical Bar, or Pie.
13. From the Chart fill list, select Color or Pattern (Black & White).
14. If you select Chart (choose applications per statistic), or Chart (choose skillsets per
statistic) from the Statistics list, select a statistic.
15. From the Application list, select an application to monitor. Choose Summary to view a
summary of all applications in your partition on the selected server.
16. For Chart (choose statistics per skillset) on a nodal server, from the Skillset list, select
a skillset to monitor.
17. Choose Summary to view a summary of all skillsets in your partition on the selected
If you select Summary, the total for statistics such as Agents Staffed, Agents Active,
Agents Not Ready, or Agents Idle is shown as 0 because one agent is typically assigned to
more than one skillset, which results in misleading totals.

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Graphical displays

18. From the Data Collection Mode list, select the Moving window or Interval-to-date.
19. In the Export path box, type the path in which to save a copy of the chart that you export
as a BMP or JPG file (for example, C:\My Documents). If you leave this field blank, the
file is exported to your desktop.
20. If you select Chart (choose statistics per application), Chart (choose statistics for IVR
summary), or Chart (choose statistics per skillset), in the Statistic area, select the
check box for each statistic to view in the chart display.
21. If you select Chart (choose applications per statistic), in the Applications area, select
the check box for each application to view in the chart display.
22. If you select Chart (choose skillsets per statistic), in the Skillsets area, select the check
box for each application to view in the chart display.
23. To select all check boxes, click Select All. To clear all check boxes, click Clear All.
24. Click Submit to save your changes.
The new chart appears in the system tree under Graphical Displays and the Graphical
Display window refreshes.
25. To create a public copy of your custom display, in the Type in the name of your public
display box, type a name for the public display, and then click Make Public Copy.
A copy of your display appears in the Public Graphical Displays folder.

Creating a private collection

Before you begin
• Log on to Real-Time Reporting. See Logging on to Real-Time reporting on page 29.
About this task
You can configure and save your favorite combination of data windows.
1. In the Real-Time Reporting main window, from the menu, select Displays > Add
Graphical Display.
2. In the Name box, type the name of the new collection.
This is the name that appears on the system tree. You can use only alphanumeric
characters in the collection name; you cannot use special characters.
3. From the Server list, select the server on which to create and save the collection.
4. In the Element Type area, select All.
5. In the Presentation area, select Private Collection.
6. Click Edit Properties to configure the new collection.

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Creating a private billboard collection

The Private Collection Properties window appears.

7. From each display list, select a display to include in this collection.
The display lists include all of the public displays and private displays saved on the
selected server. You can choose a maximum of six different displays.
You must configure the graphical displays on the server before you can include them in
your collection.
8. Click Submit to save your changes.
The new collection appears on the system tree under Private Graphical Displays.

Creating a private billboard collection

Before you begin
• Log on to Real-Time Reporting. See Logging on to Real-Time reporting on page 29.
About this task
You can configure and save your favorite combination of billboards.
1. In the Real-Time Reporting main window, from the menu, select Displays > Add
Graphical Display.
2. In the Name box, type the name of the new collection or billboard collection.
This is the name that appears on the system tree. You can use only alphanumeric
characters in the collection name; you cannot use special characters.
3. From the Server list, select the server on which to create and save the private billboard
4. In the Element Type area, select All.
5. In the Presentation area, select Private Billboard Collection.
6. Click Edit Properties to configure the new collection.
The Private Billboard Collection Properties window appears.
7. In the Available box, highlight each public or private billboard to include in your billboard
collection, and then click the right arrow (>) to move the billboard to the Selected box.
Private billboards are marked with an asterisk (*). You can choose from all public or private
billboards to which you have access on the current server, up to a maximum of 25
8. Click Submit to save the private billboard collection.

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Graphical displays

The new billboard collection appears on the system tree under your Private Graphical
Displays folder on the currently selected server.

Creating a public collection or public billboard collection

Before you begin
• Log on to Real-Time Reporting. See Logging on to Real-Time reporting on page 29.
About this task
When you save a public display, you share it with all users that have access to public graphical
displays on the selected server.
1. In the Real-Time Reporting main window, from the menu, select Displays > Add
Graphical Display.
2. In the Name box, type the name of the new collection or billboard collection.
This is the name that appears on the system tree. You can use only alphanumeric
characters in the collection name; you cannot use special characters.
3. From the Servers list, select the server on which to create and save the public collection.
4. In the Element Type area, select All.
5. In the Presentation area, select either Public Collection or Public Billboard Collection.
6. Click Edit Properties.
The Public Collection Properties or Public Billboard Collection Properties window appears.
7. If you create a public billboard collection, proceed to step 10 on page 62.
8. From each display list, select a display to include in this collection.
The lists include all the public grid and graphic displays that you save on the selected
server. You can choose maximum six different displays.
9. Click Submit to save the public collection.
10. In the Available box, highlight each public billboard to include in your billboard collection,
and then click the right arrow (>) to move the billboard to the Selected box.
You can choose from all public billboards on the current server, up to a maximum of 25
11. Click Submit to save the public billboard collection.
The new collection or billboard collection appears on the system tree under the Public
Graphical Displays folder on the currently selected server.

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Arranging the billboards in a billboard collection

Arranging the billboards in a billboard collection

About this task
When you first activate a public or private billboard collection, the billboards appear in a default
order. However, you can change this order by dragging and dropping the individual billboards
within the billboard collection.
1. To rearrange the billboards back in the original layout, click Tile Billboards.
2. Click Save Layout.

Configuring a Time Line display

Before you begin
• Log on to Real-Time Reporting. See Logging on to Real-Time reporting on page 29.
About this task
You can configure a time line display for skillsets, applications, or IVR statistics to monitor in a
customized chart.
1. In the Real-Time Reporting main window, from the menu, select Displays > Add
Graphical Display.
2. In the Name box, type the name of the new time line graphical display.
This is the name that appears in the system tree. You can use alphanumeric characters
3. From the Servers list, select the server on which to create and save the display.
4. If you select the NCC server, in the Element Type area, select Agent Position Count,
Application or Skillset.
5. If you select a nodal server, in the Element Type area, select Application, IVR, or
6. If you select Application on an NCC server, in the Presentation area, select Time Line
(choose statistics per application).
7. If you select Application on a nodal server, in the Presentation area, select Time Line
(choose statistics per application) or Time Line (choose applications per statistic).
8. If you select Skillset on an NCC server or Agent Position Count, in the Presentation
area, select Time Line (choose statistics per skillset).
9. If you select Skillset on a nodal server, in the Presentation area, select Time Line
(choose statistics per skillset) or Time Line (choose skillsets per statistic).

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Graphical displays

10. If you select IVR, in the Presentation area, select Time Line (choose statistics for IVR
11. Click the Edit Properties button.
12. In the Chart title box, accept the default name, or delete the default name and type a
custom name to appear at the top of the time line display.
13. From the Chart fill list, select Color or Pattern (Black & White).
14. If you select Time Line (choose applications per statistic), or Time Line (choose
skillsets per statistic) from the Statistics list, select a statistic.
15. From the Application list, select an application to monitor.
16. Choose Summary to view a summary of all applications in your partition on the selected
17. For Time Line (choose statistics per skillset) on a nodal server, from the Skillset list,
select a skillset to monitor.
18. Choose Summary to view a summary of all skillsets in your partition on the selected
If you select Summary, the total for statistics such as Agents Staffed, Agents Active,
Agents Not Ready, or Agents Idle is shown as 0 because one agent is typically assigned to
more than one skillset, which results in misleading totals.
19. From the Data Collection Mode list, select the Moving window or Interval-to-date.
20. From the Refresh Rate (seconds) list, select from the available refresh rates of 1, 5, 10 or
30 seconds.
21. From the Display History (minutes) list, select from the available history values of 1, 5,
10 or 15 minutes.
22. In the Export path box, type the path in which to save a copy of the chart that you export
as a BMP or JPG file (for example, C:\My Documents). If you leave this field blank, the
file is exported to your desktop.
23. If you select Time Line (choose statistics per application), Time Line (choose
statistics for IVR summary), or Time Line (choose statistics per skillset), in the
Statistic area, select the check box for each statistic to view in the chart display.
24. If you select Time Line (choose applications per statistic), in the Applications area,
select the check box for each application to view in the time line display.
25. If you select Time Line (choose skillsets per statistic), in the Skillsets area, select the
check box for each application to view in the time line display.
26. To select all check boxes, click Select All. To clear all check boxes, click Clear All.
27. Click Submit to save your changes.
The new chart appears in the system tree under Graphical Displays and the Graphical
Display window refreshes.

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Configuring a Dashboard display

28. To create a public copy of your custom display, in the Type in the name of your public
display box, type a name for the public display, and then click Make Public Copy.
A copy of your display appears in the Public Graphical Displays folder.

Configuring a Dashboard display

Before you begin
• Log on to Real-Time Reporting. See Logging on to Real-Time reporting on page 29.
About this task
You can configure a dashboard display which consists of a set of graphical charts to monitor
skillset or application statistics.
1. In the Real-Time Reporting main window, from the menu, select Displays > Add
Graphical Display.
2. In the Name box, type the name of the new dashboard.
This is the name that appears in the system tree. You can use only alphanumeric
characters in the collection name, you cannot use special characters.
3. From the Servers list, select the server on which to create and save the collection.
4. In the Element Type area, select All.
5. In the Presentation area, select Dashboard.
6. Click Edit Properties to configure the new collection.
7. The Collection Properties window appears.
8. In the Dashboard title box, accept the default name, or delete the default name and type
a custom name to appear as the title of the window when the dashboard display is
9. The Install button is enabled if the prerequisite software required to run the dashboard is
not found on your computer. Click the Install button download and install the relevant .Net
10. Click Submit to save your changes.
The new dashboard appears on the system tree under Graphical Displays.

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Chapter 8: Real-time report customization

The procedures in this section describe how to customize your real-time reports. You can customize
real-time report displays and real-time report summary charts.

Prerequisites to real-time reporting customization

At least one real-time report must exist. See Adding a graphical display on page 43.

Adding a new column to a real-time display

Before you begin
• Log on to Contact Center Manager Administration Real-Time Reporting.
About this task
When you customize your private real-time display grids, you can add new columns by choosing
from a list of available statistics.
1. In the left pane, click the Private Tabular Displays folder.
The folder expands to show a list of private displays.
2. Click the display to customize.
3. Click the Columns tab.
4. From the Available Fields list, select the statistic to add to the real-time display.
5. Click Add Field.
The column appears in the sample display table.
6. Click Submit to save your changes.

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Customizing display properties

Customizing display properties

Before you begin
• Log on to Contact Center Manager Administration Real-Time Reporting.
• Create a private real-time display.
About this task
You can customize private display properties to meet your requirements.
1. In the left pane, click the Private displays folder.
2. Click the real-time display to customize.
3. On the Properties page, select your customized settings.
4. Click Submit to save your changes.

Changing the refresh rate of a real-time display

Before you begin
• Log on to Contact Center Manager Administration Real-Time Reporting.
• Create a private real-time display.
About this task
A slight delay occurs between the events in the contact center and the statistics that you see in
the displays. The length of the delay depends on the refresh rate settings in the Real-time
Statistics Multicast (RSM) component and on the application server.
The refresh rate that you specify applies to both the private real-time displays and summary
1. In the left pane, click the Private Tabular Displays folder.
2. Click the display name.
3. In the right pane, click the Properties tab.
4. In the Refresh rate box, type the rate at which to refresh data in the real-time display.
You can specify a minimum value of 0.5 seconds or a number from 1 to 99 (seconds).
5. Click Submit to save your changes.

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Real-time report customization

Changing the font size in a real-time display grid

Before you begin
• Log on to Contact Center Manager Administration Real-Time Reporting.
• Create a private real-time display.
About this task
You can select the font size for the column headings and the column data in your private real-time
1. In the left pane, click the Private Tabular Displays folder.
2. Click the display name.
3. In the right pane, click the Properties tab.
4. In the Column font size boxes, type the size for the column headings and the column
data. You can choose a font size from 8 to 14.
If you make no selection, the system applies the default font size of 8.
5. Click Submit to save your changes.

Changing the chart type for a site summary

Before you begin
• Log on to Real-Time Reporting. See Logging on to Real-Time reporting on page 29.
• Create a private site summary chart.
About this task
You can specify the chart type for the site performance summaries that you view from each real-
time display window. You can choose a bar chart or a pie chart.
1. In the left pane, under the server that contains the display to customize, navigate to the
site summary chart.
2. In the right pane, on the Properties tab, from the Type for site summary list, select the
chart type to use to display the performance summaries of each site in the network.
3. Click Submit to save your changes.

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Changing the color settings of a real-time display grid

Changing the color settings of a real-time display grid

Before you begin
• Log on to Real-Time Reporting. See Logging on to Real-Time reporting on page 29.
About this task
You can configure the color settings for the data, filter and site subtotals, and the summary rows of
the real-time display grids. If you choose no custom color, the system applies the default colors to
each area.
The summary rows include the Ntwk (Network) Total in the network-consolidated real-time
displays, and the [site name] Total in the nodal real-time displays. The subtotal rows contain the
statistics subtotals for each site in the network (for network-consolidated displays), and for each
filter group.
1. In the left pane, under the server that contains the display to customize, navigate to the
2. In the right pane, on the Properties tab, in the Color settings area, choose the color
settings to appear in the real-time display grids.
3. Click Submit to save your changes.

Changing the fill color of a summary chart

Before you begin
• Log on to Real-Time Reporting. See Logging on to Real-Time reporting on page 29.
About this task
You can specify whether to view the performance summary charts in black and white or color. If
you select black and white, the system represents the summary statistics in varying shades of
gray with distinct patterns for each type of data. If you select color, the system assigns a different
color to represent each type of data.
1. In the left pane, under the server that contains the display to customize, navigate to the
2. In the right pane, on the Properties tab, from the Site summary fill and Network
summary fill lists, select whether to see the charts in color or in a black and white pattern.
3. Click Submit to save your changes.
The option that you choose becomes the default color for all site summary and network
summary charts. However, when you view a chart, you can change the fill color instantly by
clicking Color/Pattern at the bottom of the chart panel.

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Real-time report customization

Changing column names

Before you begin
• Log on to Contact Center Manager Administration Real-Time Reporting.
About this task
You can change the column names of private displays. You can customize the columns of only
private displays. If you choose a public display, you must first copy it and save it in your Private
Displays folder before you can customize the columns.
1. In the left pane, navigate to the real-time display to customize.
2. In the right pane, click the Columns tab.
3. To add columns to the display, from the Available Fields list, select a column, and then
click Add Field.
4. In the Column Name box, type the new name to appear in the real-time display grid, and
then press Tab.
The new column name appears in the sample table.
You can change as many names as you want.
5. After you change the names, click Submit to save your changes.
6. Click Launch Display to view the real-time display to see your changes.

Changing the column width in a real-time display

Before you begin
• Log on to Contact Center Manager Administration Real-Time Reporting.
About this task
You can customize the columns of only private displays. If you choose a public display, you must
first copy it and save it in your private folder before you can customize the columns.
1. In the left pane, under the server that contains the real-time display to customize, navigate
to the display.
2. In the right pane, click the Columns tab.
3. Click the name of the column to resize.
4. In the Column width box, type the width of the column in characters.

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Rearranging columns in a real-time display

You cannot make the column narrower than the column text. To shrink the column to
the exact width of the column heading text, type a low number of characters in the
Column width box (for example, type 5).
5. Click Submit to save your changes.
6. Click Launch Display to start the real-time display and to view your changes.

Rearranging columns in a real-time display

Before you begin
• Log on to Contact Center Manager Administration Real-Time Reporting.
About this task
You can rearrange the columns only of private displays. If you choose a public display, you must
first copy it and save it in your Private Tabular Displays folder before you can customize the
You cannot move the Site, Filter, Skillset, or Application column headings. However, you can
choose the order in which they appear in the private network-consolidated real-time displays.
1. In the left pane, click the Private Tabular Displays folder.
2. Click the private display to customize.
3. In the right pane, click the Columns tab.
4. Click the name of the column to move.
5. Click Move Left or Move Right to move the column heading to the desired position.
6. Click Submit to save your changes.

Changing the data collection mode of a real-time display

Before you begin
• Log on to Contact Center Manager Administration Real-Time Reporting.
About this task
Specify the mode in which you want to view collected contact center data.
1. In the left pane, click the Private Tabular Displays folder.

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Real-time report customization

2. Click the display name.

3. In the right pane, click the Properties tab.
4. From the Data collection mode list, select the mode in which to view the collected data.
5. Click Submit to save your changes.

Changing the title of a real-time display grid

Before you begin
• Log on to Contact Center Manager Administration Real-Time Reporting.
About this task
Select the title to appear at the top of each private real-time display grid.
1. In the left pane, click the Private Tabular Displays folder.
2. Click the display name.
3. In the right pane, click the Properties tab.
4. In the Display Title box, type the title to appear at the top of the real-time display.
If you do not type a title, the system applies the default title.
5. Click Submit to save your changes.

Deleting columns from a real-time display

Before you begin
• Log on to Contact Center Manager Administration Real-Time Reporting.
• You can customize the columns of only private displays. If you choose a public display, you
must first copy it and save it in your Private Tabular Displays folder before you can
customize the columns.
About this task
When you customize your private real-time display grids, you can delete any column except for
the Site, Filter, Skillset, and Application columns.
If you delete the Answered Skillset column, the Contact Type icons do not display in the
Contact Status column.

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Moving the chart contents within the window

1. In the left pane, navigate to the private display to customize.
2. In the right pane, click the Columns tab.
3. From the sample table, click the statistic to delete from the real-time display.
4. Click Delete.
5. Click Submit to save your changes.

Moving the chart contents within the window

Before you begin
• Log on to Contact Center Manager Administration Real-Time Reporting.
About this task
You can move the summary chart contents within the window frame to concentrate on specific
areas of the chart.
1. While viewing the chart, press Shift.
2. While pressing Shift, hold down both mouse buttons.
3. On the chart, move your mouse to drag the contents to the desired position.
4. Release Shift and the mouse buttons.
5. To restore the chart to the original state, press R on your keyboard.

Rotating a summary chart

Before you begin
• Log on to Contact Center Manager Administration Real-Time Reporting.
• Open a summary chart.
About this task
Rotate a summary chart to view the complete content.
You cannot rotate network summary charts.
1. While viewing the chart, press Shift.
2. While pressing Shift, hold down both mouse buttons.

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3. Move your mouse in a circular direction.

The chart contents rotate.

Increasing or decreasing the summary chart size

Before you begin
• Log on to Contact Center Manager Administration Real-Time Reporting.
• Open a summary chart.
About this task
Customize the size of the chart contents within the chart frame. You cannot increase the size of
the chart frame.
1. While viewing the chart, press Ctrl.
2. While pressing Ctrl, hold down both mouse buttons.
3. On the chart, move your mouse upward to decrease the size of the chart contents or
downward to increase the size of the chart contents.
4. After you adjust the size appropriately, release Ctrl and the mouse buttons.
5. To restore the chart to the original state, press R on your keyboard.

Zooming in on areas of a summary chart

Before you begin
• Log on to Contact Center Manager Administration Real-Time Reporting.
• Open a summary chart.
About this task
Zoom in on a summary chart to view specific information.
1. While viewing the summary chart, press Shift.
2. While pressing Shift, click and drag to select the area of the chart to view more closely.
3. Release Shift and the mouse button.
The area increases in size.
4. To restore the chart to the original state, press R on your keyboard.

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Chapter 9: Contact Center Multimedia

This section provides procedures to generate Contact Center Multimedia (CCMM) reports.

Prerequisites to CCMM reports

Ensure you have the Historical Reporting-Report Creation access class, so that you can run
Report Creation Wizard (RCW).

Creating a CCMM report template for user-created reports

About this task
To configure the selection criteria in a report, you must create a CCMM report.
1. In Contact Center Manager Administration, click Launchpad > Historical Reporting.
2. In the system tree, click the server to log on to.
3. From the menu, choose Report > Report Creation Wizard.
4. Select the Advanced Report (via OBDC) option.
5. Click Next.
6. In the DSNs Available list, click CCMM DSN.
The OBDC DSN must be CCMM_<IPaddress>_DSN.
7. In the Selected DSN Properties area, type the user ID and password. If the fields
automatically fill in with values, proceed to step 8 on page 75.
8. Click Next.
9. From the Tables Available list, double-click a table.

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Contact Center Multimedia reports

10. To add another table, repeat step 9 on page 75; otherwise click Next.
11. If you select only one table, skip to step 17 on page 76. If you select multiple tables,
continue from step 12 on page 76.
12. From each of the left and right Tables lists, select a table.
13. From each of the left and right Fields lists, click a field to include.
The selected field on the right Fields list must contain the same data as the selected
field on the left Fields list.
14. From the Join list, select a join type.
15. Click Link.
16. Click Next.
17. In the Fields list, double-click a formula or field to add to the report.
18. Use the up and down arrows to change the order of the selected fields.
19. Click the Configuration icon.
20. In the report layout section, select Portrait or Landscape.
21. On the toolbar, click the Save Report icon.
22. Select the folder in which to save the report.
23. In the Report Name box, type the name of the report.
24. Click Save.

Importing a CCMM user-created report

Before you begin
• Install Report Creation Wizard.
About this task
Import a Contact Center Multimedia report into Report Creation Wizard to customize the report
layout and to add and delete database tables and database fields.
The following is a list of items and features that you cannot edit, delete, or add to a report:
• Connections
• Formulas
• Record selection formulas
• Subreports

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Importing a CCMM user-created report

1. On the Report Creation Wizard tool bar, click the Import to Historical Reporting icon.
2. In the Report Title box, type the name of the report.
3. Click Browse.
4. Navigate to the report to import.
5. Click Open.
6. From the Time Zone list, select the time zone of the server to which you want to import the
7. In the Comment box, type additional information about the report.
8. Click the Report Options header.
9. Select a Report Mode.
10. For advanced reports, from the Report Type list, select the report type.
11. From the Report Group list, select the folder from which the report is imported.
12. In the Select Server list, select the servers to which you want to import the report.
13. Click the Data Range header.
14. From the Table Alias list, select a table.
15. In the Table box, for the data range that matches the selected Table Alias time period,
type the table name.
16. In the Timestamp box, for the data range that matches the selected Table Alias time
period, type the name of the field.
17. Click Import.

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Chapter 10: Historical reporting

You can select the server in Contact Center Manager Server from which to run and schedule
performance, configuration, and network reports (if you work in a networked environment). Reports
help you monitor system performance by providing information about system activity.
You can also designate the Standby Server to generate historical data for the historical reports to
reduce the load on the primary servers. For more information about configuring the server from
which to draw Historical statistics, see Avaya Aura® Contact Center Client Administration.
Depending on the amount of data in the report, it can take a long time for the report to appear in
Contact Center Manager Administration. If this time exceeds the execution timeout value within
Internet Information Services (IIS), the report can fail to load. To ensure the report loads with a
manageable amount of data, use selection criteria to filter the data or select a shorter data
range before you run reports.
Contact Center blocks historical reports that pull more than 50,000 records from the database.
This maximum limit safeguards the memory and CPU usage on the Contact Center server.
Avaya recommends that you run reports with selection criteria that reduce the amount of data
on the report.
Contact Center limits the number of items shown in the document map of the Report Viewer to
5000. The document map is the navigation pane that appears on the left side of most reports.
Once the limit is reached, Contact Center disables the document map and it is no longer visible
in the Report Viewer. However, if there are multiple levels in the document map of a report,
Contact Center removes the lowest level first and continues the removal until the number of
items falls below 5000. For example, the document map for the Agent Performance report
shows two items: Agent Name & ID, and the Date. If removing the Date from the document map
reduces the number of items to 5000 or less, the Report Viewer displays the Agent Name & ID
only. If Contact Center cannot reduce the number of items in the document map to 5000 or less,
the document map is disabled.
The format of exported historical reporting data varies depending on which version of Avaya Aura®
Contact Center you are using.
Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) has limitations when exporting reports. If the
report exceeds SSRS limits, the export can fail. For more information about SSRS limitations when
exporting to different formats, refer to Microsoft SSRS documentation.

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Prerequisites to Historical Reporting

Prerequisites to Historical Reporting

• Log on to Contact Center Manager Administration.
• Ensure that you have the required access to work in Historical Reporting.
• Ensure that you understand Historical Reporting.

Logging on to Historical reporting

Before you begin
• Ensure that you have access to Historical reporting.
About this task
To access Historical Reporting, log on to the Historical Reporting component in Contact Center
Manager Administration.
1. Log on to Contact Center Manager Administration.
2. On the Launchpad, click Historical Reporting.
The Historical Reporting window appears.

Applying filters to network-consolidated historical reports

Before you begin
• Log on to Historical Reporting. For information, see Logging on to Historical reporting on
page 79.
• At least one filter must exist. See Creating a filter in Real-time reporting on page 21.
About this task
When you configure a network-consolidated historical report on the NCC server, you have two
choices for adding the selection criteria:
• Network Sites: You can select the network sites to include in the report from those listed in
the Available table. To select individual sites, select the check box beside the site names, and
then click Update Selection Criteria.
• Filters: Click the Filters heading to choose from the filters that you created and saved. The
filter names appear in a table. To select the filters to include in the report, select the check
box beside the filter names, and click Save Report or Run Now.
While you can apply more than one filter to a report, the combined total number of filter elements
in all filters that you apply to a single report cannot exceed 300. For example, you can apply one

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Historical reporting

filter that includes 200 skillsets, and another filter that includes 100 skillsets to a single network-
consolidated report because the total number of filter elements is 300.
1. In the right pane, click the NCC server that contains the network-consolidated report to
2. Click the Public Report Templates folder.
3. Click the NCC folder.
4. In the NCC folder, select the report to use.
5. Click the Selection Criteria heading.
6. Click the Filters heading.
7. In the table, select the check box for each filter to apply to the report.
8. Click Run Now to generate the report.
9. To save your changes, in the Save As box, type a name for the report, choose a save
location, and then click Save Report.

Defining the selection criteria

Before you begin
• Log on to Historical Reporting. For information, see Logging on to Historical reporting on
page 79.
About this task
Users of the Avaya Aura® Contact Center can create filters. However, each of these filters
contains only one of the following types of data:
• skillsets
• applications
• route numbers
• route names
• DNIS numbers
• DNIS names
An administrator can use the Contact Center Manager Server filter-importing utility to import filters
(that were created and saved in the Avaya Aura® Contact Center) into Contact Center Manager
Administration. While each of the classic client filters contains only one type of data— skillsets,
applications, route numbers, route names, DNIS numbers, or DNIS names—you can add various
types of data to these filters, after the administrator imports them by using the filter tabs in
Historical Reporting. For more information on filters, see Filter management on page 21.
You can select the elements to include in your reports by assigning filter elements to your reports.
For example, in an agent performance report, you can choose the agents for whom to generate

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Defining the selection criteria

the report. You can define the selection criteria for public, private, and shared reports that you
schedule or run on demand.
If you connect to an NCC server and run a network-consolidated report, you can choose from the
saved configured filters. Use filters to select the sites and resources to include in a network-
consolidated report. For more information, see Creating a filter in Real-time reporting on page 21.
By default, if you do not define the selection criteria, the system applies partition rules to generate
the report. However, if you select a filter element, you see only that element in the report. You can
select a maximum of 300 elements from the available list to run the report. For example, you
choose a skillset report and see a list of 20 skillsets in the Available filter elements box. If you
select no skillsets, you see all 20 skillsets in the report, whereas if you select 3 skillsets, you see
only 3 skillsets in the report. For two table reports, for example, Skillset By Agent Performance
report, you can select 300 agents and 300 skillsets to run the Skillset by Agent Performance
The number of elements defined in a users partition profile is an important consideration when
running historical reports. If the combined number of a particular element is greater than 300, then
it is necessary for the user to select a subset of 300 elements or less in order to run that report. If
no selection criteria is selected, all available elements to that user are applied to the report –
Contact Center supports only 300 elements or less. Consider the following example:
A user is assigned three user defined partitions, configured as follows:
Partition Name Elements
Sales Agents Contains 200 agents from CCMS1
Support Agents Contains 80 agents from CCMS1
Service Agents Contains 50 agents from CCMS1

If the user runs the standard Agent Performance report against CCMS1, the report fails to run and
displays this error: “The maximum number of elements supported by the SQL Query is 300. Select
up to 300 elements to save/run this report or leave the selection criteria blank to report on all
data.” This error appears because the user did not define any selection criteria and the maximum
element limit is reached. In a user defined partition, the number of elements must not exceed 300.
If the number of elements exceeds 300, it has the same effect as defining a selection criteria of
more than 300 elements. To avoid this, assign less partitions to the user or use standard partitions
to allow reports to be run for all elements.
The filter elements available depend on the type of statistics included in the report. If you select
multiple filter elements, only those that satisfy all filter criteria appear in the report. For example, if
you choose to report on five agents and three activity codes, if one agent uses no activity code,
the agent does not appear in the report.
1. In the left pane, click the server that contains the report to define.
2. Expand the folder that contains the report template to use.
3. Click the folder containing the type of report to change.
4. Select the report to use.
5. In the right pane, click the Selection Criteria heading.

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Historical reporting

6. In the Selection Criteria area, enter information in the following boxes:

• Available heading: Click this heading to view the available filter elements for this report.
A table appears, listing the available elements. If multiple filters exist for this report,
more than one Available table appears. Select the check box for each filter element to
apply to the report, and then click Update Selection Criteria. The selected filter
elements appear in the Selected table.
• Selected heading: Click this heading to view the filter elements selected for the report. A
table appears, listing the selected elements. To remove selected filter elements, clear
the check box for each filter element, and then click Update Selection Criteria. The
element appears in the Available table.
• Filters heading: This heading is visible only if you connect to the NCC server and work
with a network-consolidated report. Click this heading to view the available filters for this
report. A table appears with a list of the available filters. To add a filter to this report,
select the check box beside the filter name, and then click Update Selection Criteria.
The selected filters appear in the Selected table.
7. Click Run Now to generate the report.
8. To save your changes, click Report Details, in the Save As box, type a name, choose a
save location, and then click Save Report.

Opening a public, private, or shared report

Before you begin
• Ensure that you have access to public report groups in Access and Partition Management.
• Log on to Historical Reporting. For information, see Logging on to Historical reporting on
page 79.
About this task
Open a public, private, or shared report to view a historical report.
1. In the left pane, select the server on which to view the list of reports.
2. Select one of the following folders:
• Public Report Templates: This folder contains the standard report templates in Contact
Center Manager Server. Run public reports on demand basis, or you save them in your
Group or Private Report Templates folders and schedule them. The Public Report
Templates folder can contain template folders corresponding to the following types of
- Agent Performance reports
- Call-by-Call reports

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Running an Ad hoc report

- Configuration reports
- Contact Summary reports
- Multimedia reports
- Networking reports
- Other reports
- Outbound reports
The template folder displays depend on the version and features available on the server.
In addition to these folders, the Network Control Center (NCC) server includes one
public report templates folder, the NCC folder.
• Private Report Templates: This folder contains the report templates that you create by
modifying an existing public, shared, or private report template, and saving your
changes in your Private Report Templates folder. You can modify report information,
schedule the report, and apply filters. For more information about creating private
reports, see Creating a shared or private report on page 85.
• Group: This folder contains shared report templates. When you customize a public or
private report template and save it in your Group folder, all other users who have access
to your group can run and schedule the group report templates.
In the Group folder, you can modify a report template only if you are the owner of
the report template.
3. From the expanded list, select a report template to modify or schedule the template, or run
the report on demand.
The report properties appear in the right pane.

Running an Ad hoc report

Before you begin
• Ensure that you have access to the report folder that contains the report to run.
• Log on to Historical Reporting. For information, see Logging on to Historical reporting on
page 79.
About this task
You can specify the amount of data to include in an Ad hoc report by choosing the data range and
applying selection criteria. After you customize your report, click Run Now to generate the report
immediately. In the resulting Ad-hoc Report Viewer window, you can choose to print or save the
You can select the data range for agent performance, call-by-call, and some networking reports
before you generate them. You cannot select the data range for configuration reports.

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1. In the left pane, select the server that contains the report to run.
2. In the expanded list, select the folder that contains the report template to run.
3. Click the folder containing the report to run.
4. Select the report template to run.
5. To view the current report properties, in the right pane, click the following headings:
• Report Details
• Selection Criteria
• Data Range
• Schedule
• Output Options: This section appears only if you previously scheduled the report.
6. To run the report with the current properties, proceed to step 9 on page 84.
If you do not define the selection criteria, the system enforces partition rules to
generate the report.
7. To define the selection criteria and the data range, see Defining the selection criteria on
page 80.
8. To save your properties, in the Save As box, type a report name, choose a save location,
and then click Save Report.
9. Click Run Now to generate the report.

Exporting an Ad hoc report

Before you begin
• Log on to Historical Reporting. For information, see Logging on to Historical reporting on
page 79.
About this task
Export a report to convert the visual display to a required format.
1. In the left pane, click the server that has the report to print.
2. Double-click the folder with the report to print.
3. From the expanded folder, select the report.
4. In the right pane, click Run Now to generate the report with the specified properties.

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Creating a shared or private report

The Ad-Hoc Report Viewer appears and displays the generated report.
5. Click the Export drop-down menu and select an export type. Choose from Excel, PDF, or
6. After you select the export type, you can choose to open or save the report in the chosen
exported format.

Creating a shared or private report

Before you begin
• Ensure that you have access to the folder that contains the report to use.
• If you schedule the report, activate the schedule. See Activating a scheduled report on
page 95.
• Log on to Historical Reporting. For information, see Logging on to Historical reporting on
page 79.
About this task
You can create custom reports if you change existing public, shared, or private report templates to
suit your needs. Save them in your Group or Private Report Templates folders. When you save a
report in your Group folder, you save a shared report; that is, you share the report with other users
who have access to your Group folder.
If you do not want to use an existing report as the basis for your custom report, you must create a
new report using Microsoft Report Designer and import it into the Contact Center Manager
Administration Historical Reporting application. See Importing a report on page 88.
1. In the left pane, select the server on which to create the report.
2. Navigate to the folder that contains the report template to use.
3. Click the report to change.
4. In the right pane, click the following headings:
• Selection criteria.
• Data range (not applicable for configuration reports)
• Schedule
5. Click Report Details.
6. In the Report Title box, type the name to appear at the top of the generated report. If you
do not type a new report title, the default title in this box appears at the top of the
generated report.

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Historical reporting

If you save multiple copies of the same public report in your Group or Private report
templates folders, change the report title to distinguish between reports when you
generate them. If you do not change the report title, all copies of the same public report
have the same standard title when you generate the reports.
7. In the Save As box, type the new report name.
If you choose a Public report template as the basis for your custom report, and you
want to save the new properties that you enter, you must type a new name in the Save
As box and specify whether to save it in your Private or Group folder. If you use an
existing private or shared template as the basis for your custom report, you can
choose to make a copy of the report by changing the report name in the Save As box,
or you can leave the report name and overwrite the existing template with your
8. From the Location list, select the save location for your custom report. You can choose
between your Private and Group folders (if you have access to a group folder).
9. In the Comment box, type comments about the report.
10. From the Time Zone list, select the time zone in which you want to define the data range
for this report, or accept the default time shown (the system defaults to the Contact Center
Manager Server time zone). The data range depends on Contact Center Manager Server
time since the server stores the data. Therefore, the system always converts the data
range times that you enter to Contact Center Manager Server time.
11. Click Save Report to save your changes.
The report appears in the Group or Private Report Templates folder on the server that you

Defining the report output

Before you begin
• Log on to Historical Reporting. For information, see Logging on to Historical reporting on
page 79.
About this task
You can specify whether to print the scheduled report when it generates, save it as a file, or both.
You can also specify one or more email addresses where the system can send a notification after
the report generates.
If you save the report to a file, you must specify a shared folder to which the Contact Center
Manager Administration server sends the output file. This folder can be on your computer, on
another computer in the network, or on the application server. To send the file to a folder on a

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Defining the report output

computer in the network, the network computer must be accessible from the Contact Center
Manager Administration server.
1. In the left pane, click the server containing the report whose output options you want to
The server expands to reveal a choice between Public, Private, and Group folders (if you
have access to a group folder).
2. Expand the folder containing the report template to use.
3. Navigate to the report to edit.
The report properties appear in the right pane.
4. Click the Report Details heading.
5. In the Report Title box, type the name to appear at the top of the generated report.
If you do not type a new report title, the default title in this box appears at the top of the
generated report. Do not include apostrophes (’) in the report title.
If you save multiple copies of the same public report in your Group or Private report
templates folders, change the report title to distinguish between reports when you
generate them. If you do not change the report title, all copies of the same public report
have the same standard title when you generate the reports.
6. In the Save As box, type the new report name.
The name appears in the system tree. This name cannot contain apostrophes (’) and it
must be unique, if you save the report in the same folder.
7. From the Location list, select the folder in which to save your report. You can choose
either Private or Group (if you have access to a group folder).
8. From the Time zone list, select the time zone in which to schedule your report, or accept
the system default (the default time zone is time zone of the selected server).
When you select the schedule time for your report, the system converts the time that
you choose to the Contact Center Manager Administration server time, and gives the
generated report the Contact Center Manager Administration server timestamp (if you
choose a time zone other than the one in the Contact Center Manager Administration
9. Click the Schedule heading.
The heading expands to reveal a series of boxes.
10. In the schedule area, enter the report schedule.
11. Click the Output Options heading.

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Historical reporting

The heading expands to reveal a series of boxes.

The Output Options heading is disabled until you schedule the report.
12. In the Output Options area, choose the report output type:
• Print: When you select this option, you can choose the printer, or accept the default
printer shown. You can also select the paper size for the report from the Paper Size list.
• Output to file: When you select this option, you must type the location where the report
is saved in the Output box in the format \\[computer name]\[shared folder
name]\[file name]. You can then choose the report file format or accept the default
• Email Notification: When you choose this option, you must enter an email address in
the box provided. The system notifies you by email when the report run is finished and
report is generated. To enable multiple users to receive notification that a report is
generated, you can type multiple email addresses in the box, each address is separated
by a semicolon (;). You can type a maximum of 255 characters in the email address box.
13. Click Save Report to save your changes.
14. To activate the schedule, in the left pane, select the Scheduled Events folder.
15. In the expanded folder, select the report that you just scheduled.
16. Click Activate.
The system activates the schedule and outputs the report to the location that you specify.

Importing a report
Before you begin
• Log on to Historical Reporting. For information, see Logging on to Historical reporting on
page 79.
About this task
You can use the Report Template Importing Wizard to import report templates into Contact Center
Manager Administration that you create using Microsoft Report Designer. When you import a
report template, you save it on the Contact Center server. However, you access the report
template by opening your Private Report Templates folder on the same server to which it is
You can also use the Report Template Importing Wizard to import existing, custom Contact Center
Manager Server report templates, one at a time into Contact Center Manager Administration.
To share the report template with other users, you must save your private report in your Group
folder (if you have access to a group folder). For more information, see Creating a shared or
private report on page 85.
You can import two types of reports: Historical or Configuration.

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Editing a report

For imported reports, characters are limited to the English language and characters supported
by the server code page only. A code page is an internal table that the operating system uses
to map symbols (letters, numerals, and punctuation characters) to a number. For more
information about server code pages and language support for Contact Center Manager
Administration, see Avaya Aura® Contact Center Server Administration.
1. In the left pane, click the server to which to import the new report template.
2. From the Report menu, select Import.
3. In the Template Importing Wizard, follow the prompts to import your report template to
the server.

Editing a report
Before you begin
• Log on to Historical Reporting. For information, see Logging on to Historical reporting on
page 79.
• Ensure that you are familiar with defining selection criteria. See Defining the selection
criteria on page 80.
• Ensure that you are familiar with scheduling reports. See Scheduling a report on page 91.
• For network-consolidated reports, you can choose the network sites or filters that you created
and saved. See Selecting the network sites for a network-consolidated report on page 96
and Applying filters to network-consolidated historical reports on page 79.
• If you edit a scheduled report, you must deactivate the schedule before you can save your
changes. See Deactivating a scheduled report on page 95.
About this task
You can edit the properties of private reports or shared reports that you create and save in your
Group folder. You can change properties such as the data range, the selection criteria, the
schedule, and the report title. You must click Save Report to save the new properties.
You can change the properties of a public report template only if you save a copy of the template
as a shared or private report. See Creating a shared or private report on page 85.
1. In the left pane, click the server containing the report to edit.
2. Navigate to the report to edit.
The system loads the report properties, and a series of headings appears in the right pane.
3. Click the Report Details heading.
The heading expands to reveal a series of boxes.

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Historical reporting

4. In this section, you can change information in the following boxes:

• Report Title: The title that appears at the top of the generated report. Do not include
apostrophes (’) in the report title.
• Comment: Type comments about the report.
• Save As: The name of the report. All reports saved in the same folder must have unique
names. This name cannot include apostrophes (’). You must enter a name in this box
when you save the report in a different folder. If you save the report in the same folder
and do not change this name, the system overwrites the existing report with your new
• Save Location: Select the folder in which to save the custom report. If you select
Group, all members of your group have access to the report. If you select Private, only
you have access to the report.
• Time Zone: Select the time zone in which to schedule or define the data range for this
report, or accept the default time shown (the system defaults to the Contact Center
Manager Server time zone). The data range depends on Contact Center Manager
Server time since the server stores the data. Therefore, the system always converts the
data range times that you enter to the Contact Center Manager Server time.
5. Click the Selection Criteria heading.
The heading expands to reveal a series of boxes.
6. Specify the information to include in your report by assigning filter elements (or filters if you
work with a network-consolidated report).
7. Click the Data Range heading.
The heading expands to reveal a series of boxes.
8. Change the time range, during which the data collects, to specify the amount of data to
include in your report.
If the data range is None and disabled, the report does not require a data range.
9. Click the Schedule heading.
10. Indicate when and how often to generate your report.
11. Click the Output Options heading (only if you schedule the report). The heading expands
to reveal a series of boxes.
12. Specify whether to save or print the report.
You can enter email addresses on which the system sends a notification to indicate if the
report generates successfully.
13. Click Save Report.
If you click Run Now to generate an on-demand report, property changes are not

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Printing an Ad hoc report

Printing an Ad hoc report

Before you begin
• Log on to Historical Reporting. For information, see Logging on to Historical reporting on
page 79.
About this task
You can print an on-demand report from the Ad-Hoc Report viewer.
Before you can print the report, you must run it. You can run the report with the current properties,
or you can define the selection criteria and the data range, and then run the report. See Defining
the selection criteria on page 80.
By default, if you do not define the selection criteria, all available data is included in the report
when you run it. When you define the selection criteria, you can choose the data that you want to
For information about printing scheduled reports, see Defining the report output on page 86.
1. In the left pane, click the server containing the report to print.
2. Double-click the folder containing the report to print.
3. From the expanded folder, select the report.
4. In the right pane, click Run Now to generate the report with the properties specified.
The system displays the Ad-Hoc Report Viewer and the generated report.
5. Click the printer icon to print the report to the default printer configured on your computer.

Scheduling a report
Before you begin
• Log on to Historical Reporting. For information, see Logging on to Historical reporting on
page 79.
• Ensure that you are familiar with defining selection criteria. See Defining the selection
criteria on page 80.
About this task
You can schedule reports in your group and private folders to send a report to a file or to print a
report, or both. You can also specify one or more email addresses where you can receive
notification that the report generated, or if problems occurred that prevented it from generating
You can change the properties of a public report template only by saving a copy of the template as
a shared or private report. See Creating a shared or private report on page 85.

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If you choose to send the report to a file, you must specify a shared folder where the Contact
Center Manager Administration server sends the file. This folder can be on your computer, on
another computer in the network, or on the application server. To send the file to a folder on a
computer on the network, the network computer must be accessible from the Contact Center
Manager Administration.
Avaya recommends that you select a start time that does not exactly match an interval start time.
If the scheduled report start time matches the start of an interval, it is possible that the report does
not contain data for the previous interval. This happens when Contact Center does not complete
writing interval data to the database before the scheduled report starts. This can occur because
of , for example, the database size, or the volume of contacts processed in the interval. Avaya
recommends that you avoid starting reports on the hour, or on fifteen, thirty, or forty-five minutes
after the hour. Instead, schedule reports five minutes after intervals, for example 07:05 or 16:20.
The report schedule that you define cannot start in the p.m. range and end in the a.m. range.
After the system converts your selected time to Contact Center Manager Administration server
time, if the converted start time is in the p.m. range and the converted end time is in the a.m.
range, an error message appears. In this case, you must re-enter the schedule start and end
times, taking into account the time difference with the application server.
1. In the left pane, click the server containing the report to schedule.
2. Expand the folder containing the report template to use.
3. Click the folder containing the report type to schedule.
4. In the expanded folder, select the report to schedule.
5. In the right pane, click the Report Details heading.
6. In the Report Title box, type the name to appear at the top of the generated report.
If you do not type a new report title, the default title in this box appears at the top of the
generated report. Do not include apostrophes (’) in the report title.
7. If you save multiple copies of the same public report in your Group or Private report
templates folders, change the report title to distinguish between reports.
If you do not change the report title, all copies of the same public report have the same
standard title when you generate the reports.
8. In the Save As box, type the new report name.
The name appears in the system tree. This name cannot contain apostrophes (’) and it
must be unique, if you save the report in the same folder.
9. From the Location list, select the folder in which to save the report.
You can choose either Private or Group (if you have access to a group folder).

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Scheduling a report

10. From the Time zone list, select the time zone in which to schedule your report, or accept
the system default (the time zone defaults to the time zone of the selected server).
11. Click the Selection Criteria heading.
12. In the Selection Criteria area, click the Available and Selected headings to choose the
selection criteria for the report.
13. Click the Schedule heading.
14. In the Schedule area, select the report schedule criteria.
If you select dates for the report to generate, the report generates for the selected
dates each year for as long as the report is scheduled. For this reason, you cannot
select to generate the report on February 29 in a leap year, as the following year is not
a leap year.
15. Click the Output Options heading.
16. In the Output Options area, choose the report output:
• Report output: Choose whether to print the report, send it to a file, or both.
• Printer: Select the printer.
• Paper Size: Choose the paper size.
• Output: Type the path to the shared network folder in which to save the report.
• Format: Select the report format.
• Save the file under a different name each time: Save each report with a unique
name. If you do not choose this option, the system overwrites the existing report.
• Email Notification: Select this option to receive an email notification after the report
generates, or if the report does not generate successfully. Enter an email address in the
box provided. The system notifies you by email when the report run is finished and the
report is generated. To enable multiple users to receive notification that a report
generated, you can type multiple email addresses in the box, each address is separated
by a semicolon (;). You can type a maximum of 255 characters in the email address box.
Contact Center Manager Administration Historical Reporting scheduled reports do not
support the "Print to file" type of printer.
17. Click Save Report to save your schedule.
18. Click Activate to activate the schedule.
19. To verify that the report schedule is active, select the Scheduled Events folder, and then
locate the scheduled and activated report to view the status and properties.

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Historical reporting

Variable definitions
Variable Definition
start time The time in the selected range in which to generate
a report. If you select the schedule time for your
report, the system converts the time that you
choose to the Contact Center Manager
Administration server time and gives the generated
report the Contact Center Manager Administration
server timestamp (if you choose a time zone other
than the one in the Contact Center Manager
Administration server).
Avaya recommends that you avoid starting reports
on the hour, or on fifteen, thirty, or forty-five minutes
after the hour. Instead, schedule reports five
minutes after intervals, for example 07:05 or 16:20.

Printing a report schedule

Before you begin
• Log on to Historical Reporting. For information, see Logging on to Historical reporting on
page 79.
About this task
If you are an administrator logged on as webadmin, you can use the Scheduled Events window to
print the schedules of all reports scheduled by you and all other users. Otherwise, you can use
this window to print only the reports that you schedule.
1. In the left pane, click the Scheduled Events folder. The list of scheduled reports appears.
2. In the right pane, select a report, and then click Print.
3. In the message box that appears, select one of the following options:
• Print: Click Print to print the entire list of scheduled reports shown in the window.
• Page Setup: Use the Page Setup option to select the paper size of the printed
schedules. If you choose A4 or Letter size, the Schedule Type and Status columns do
not appear on the print preview or the printed copy. If you choose Legal size, you can
preview and print all the displayed grid columns.
• Print Preview: You can preview the report schedule.

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Activating a scheduled report

Activating a scheduled report

Before you begin
• Log on to Historical Reporting. For information, see Logging on to Historical reporting on
page 79.
• Schedule at least one report.
About this task
When you first schedule a report, or when you deactivate a scheduled report, you must activate it
to schedule the report again. You can activate a report in one of two ways:
• Click Activate in the Report Properties window while you view a saved, scheduled, but
inactive report.
• Click Activate in the Scheduled Events window. If you log on as the administrative user
webadmin, you can activate reports that another user schedules; if you log on as a user other
than webadmin, you can activate only the reports that you schedule.
1. In the left pane, click the Scheduled Events folder.
2. In the right pane, select the report to activate.
3. Click Activate.
The scheduled report activates and runs according to the specified schedule.

Deactivating a scheduled report

Before you begin
• Log on to Historical Reporting. For information, see Logging on to Historical reporting on
page 79.
• Schedule and activate at least one report.
About this task
You must deactivate the report to pause the report run for an active scheduled report.
You must deactivate a report schedule before you change the report properties, or before you
delete the scheduled report. To resume the report on schedule, you must reactivate the scheduled
report after you make the changes.
You have two options to deactivate a scheduled report:
• In the Report Properties window while viewing a saved, scheduled, and activated report.
• In the Scheduled Events window. If you log on as the administrative user, webadmin, you can
deactivate reports that another user schedules; if you log on as a user other than webadmin,
you can deactivate only those reports that you schedule.
This procedure shows you how to deactivate a report from the Scheduled Events window.

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1. In the left pane, click the Scheduled Events folder.
2. In the right pane, select the scheduled report to deactivate.
3. Click De-Activate.

Selecting the network sites for a network-consolidated

Before you begin
• You must select at least one network site to run a network nodal consolidated report. You see
only the selected sites data in the report.
About this task
When you generate reports on the Network Control Center (NCC), you must specify the sites in
the network to include in the report output by choosing them in the Selection Criteria area in the
Report Properties window. You can define the selection criteria for public, private, and shared
reports that you schedule or generate on demand.
1. In the left pane, click the NCC server that contains the report for which to define selection
2. Expand the folder that contains the report template to use.
If you click the Public Report Templates folder, you can see only the NCC folder.
3. In the expanded folder, select the report to use.
4. In the right pane, click the Selection Criteria heading.
5. Click the Available heading.
6. In the Available table, select the check box for each site to include in the report, and then
click Update Selection Criteria.
The sites move to the Selected table.
7. To remove sites from the report, clear the check boxes for each site to remove, and then
click Update Selection Criteria.
The sites move back to the Available table.
8. Click Run Now to generate the report.
9. To save your changes, in the Save As box, type a report name, choose a save location,
and click Save Report.

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Running a report from a different time zone

Running a report from a different time zone

Before you begin
• Log on to Historical Reporting. For information, see Logging on to Historical reporting on
page 79.
About this task
You can select the time zone to run an on-demand report or schedule a report. The time zone that
you select applies to the data range of the report and the report schedule. You can choose the
time zone to appear in:
• the current computer time zone
• the Contact Center (server) time zone
• any other time zone
1. In the left pane, select the server that contains the report to run.
2. In the expanded list, double-click the folder that contains the report to run.
3. Select the report to run.
4. In the right pane, click Report Details.
5. In the Time Zone field, select a time zone.
6. Click Run Now to generate the report.

Deleting a report
Before you begin
• Log on to Historical Reporting. For information, see Logging on to Historical reporting on
page 79.
• Deactivate the schedule. See Deactivating a scheduled report on page 95.
About this task
You can delete reports from your private report templates folder and reports in your group folder
that you create. You cannot delete public reports or shared reports that other users in your group
Your CCMA administrator can delete reports of other users from the shared report groups.
Deletions appear in the in the Audit Trail log.
1. In the left pane, click the server from which to delete the report.
The server appears to reveal a choice of Public, Private, and Group folders (if you have
access to a group).

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2. Navigate to the report to delete.

3. Right-click the report, and then click Delete.
4. In the confirmation dialog box, click Yes.

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Chapter 11: Expert reports

You can create custom or expert reports in an ODBC or JDBC compliant application. This section
describes how to create basic reports using Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Report Builder 3.0. The
section also provides general instructions to create reports in other applications.
You can create and import reports to run in Contact Center Manager Administration using only
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Report Builder.
Before you create custom reports, ensure that you have an understanding of SQL SELECT
statements, the Contact Center database schema, and Contact Center Historical Reporting.
Contact Center supports only the Microsoft Report Definition Language (RDL) 2010 format. To
build report files in this format, the preferred software package is Microsoft SQL Server 2012
Report Builder 3.0.

Installing the Caché ODBC driver CCMS

Before you begin
Ensure you have the most recent version of the Contact Center DVD.
About this task
To run custom reports or SQL queries from client computers you must first install an Intersystems
Caché ODBC driver on the client computer. This Intersystems Caché ODBC driver is available on
the Avaya Aura® Contact Center Installation DVD.
You can either install 32–bit or 64–bit driver, depending on the operating system of your client
computer or the application using the ODBC driver. Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Report Builder 3.0
is a 32–bit application. If you plan to access the Contact Center databases using a 64–bit
application, you must also install the 64–bit driver.
Install this driver only on client computers. Do not install this driver on Contact Center servers.
1. Insert the Contact Center DVD into your client computer.

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2. Navigate to the ThirdPartySoftware\IntersystemsCache\CacheODBCDrivers\

This folder contains 64–bit and 32–bit drivers.
3. Double click Intersystems Caché ODBC driver application:
This starts the InstallShield Wizard for Intersystems ODBC driver.
4. Click Next on the InstallShield Wizard for Intersystems ODBC driver.
5. Click Install to install the driver.
6. When the driver is installed, click Finish.

Defining the Caché ODBC DSN for CCMS

Before you begin
Make sure the Intersystems Caché port 1972 is open in the client computer firewall.
Select a desktop user account that the DSN uses to log into the Contact Center Manager Server
database. If needed, ask an administrator for the account details. For more information on adding
desktop user accounts, see Avaya Aura® Contact Center Server Administration.
About this task
To access the Contact Center Manager Server database, you must define a connection to the
server and define the Caché ODBC DSN. The name of the Caché ODBC DSN for CCMS must
begin with CCMS_.
1. On the client computer, click Start > Run.
2. In the Open box:
• If the operating system and ODBC driver are both 32–bit or 64–bit, type C:\Windows
• If the operating system is 64–bit and the ODBC drivwer is 32–bit, type C:\Windows
3. Click OK.
4. Click the System DSN tab.
5. Click Add.
6. Select Intersystems ODBC.
7. Click Finish.
The system displays the Intersystems Cache ODBC Data Source Setup dialog.

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Defining the DSN for CCMM

8. In the Name box, enter the required name of the DSN. For example, type
9. In the Description box, enter a description of the DSN.
10. In the Host box, enter the IP address or computer name of the Contact Center server.
11. In the Port box, confirm that the port number is 1972.
12. In the Cache Namespace box, enter CCMS_STAT.
13. In the User Name box, type the user name of the desktop user account.
14. In the Password box, type the password of the desktop user account.
15. Click Test Connection to test the connection.
16. Click OK.

Defining the DSN for CCMM

Before you begin
Ensure the Intersystems Caché port 1972 is open in the client computer firewall.
Ensure that you know the reporting credentials of the CCMM reporting user. You configure this
account using CCMM Administration.
About this task
To access the Contact Center Multimedia database from a report writer application, you must
install the Caché ODBC driver and define the DSN. The name of the Caché ODBC DSN for
CCMM must begin with CCMM_.
1. On the client computer, click Start > Run.
2. In the Open box:
• If the operating system and ODBC driver are both 32–bit or 64–bit, type C:\Windows
• If the operating system is 64–bit and the ODBC drivwer is 32–bit, type C:\Windows
3. Click OK.
4. Click the System DSN tab.
5. Click Add.
6. Select Intersystems ODBC.
7. Click Finish.
The system displays the Intersystems Cache ODBC Data Source Setup dialog.

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8. In the Name box, enter the required name of the DSN. For example, type
9. In the Description box, enter a description of the DSN.
10. In the Host box, enter the IP address or computer name of the Contact Center Multimedia
11. In the Port box, confirm that the port number is 1972.
12. In the Cache Namespace box, enter MULTIMEDIA.
13. In the User Name box, type the user name of the desktop user account. For example, type
14. In the Password box, type the password of the desktop user account. For example, type
15. Click Test Connection.
16. Click OK.

Installing the Caché JDBC driver

About this task
Contact Center supports JDBC connectivity to the CCMS database.
1. Log on to the server with CCMS installed.
2. Navigate to the CCMS installation directory. If you select the default installation options
then CCMS is normally installed at: D:\avaya\Contact Center.
3. Navigate to the following default folder: D:\avaya\Contact Center\Common
4. Copy the cacheDB.jar file from this location to the client computer.
5. The JDBC url is jdbc:Cache:// on the server. When
accessing this URL from the client computer, replace with the IP address of
the server.
6. Use the database user name and password to connect to the server.

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Running the Database View Definition report

Running the Database View Definition report

About this task
Before you create a customized report, run the Database View Definitions report to display all the
database views available. This report lists all of the field names available for use in your report.
The Database View Definition report does not include views from the Contact Center Multimedia
1. On the CCMA launchpad, click on Historical Reporting.
2. Select the Contact Center Manager Server from which to run the report.
3. Select the Configuration folder in Public Report Templates.
4. Select Config - Database View Definitions.
5. Click Run Now to generate the report.
6. Click the Printer icon if you require a printout, or the Export icon to save the report.

Creating a new report

Before you begin
• Ensure you know how to use Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Report Builder 3.0. Avaya
recommends that you direct your questions about Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Report Builder
to your Microsoft vendor.
• You must have a user ID and password for the Contact Center Manager Administration
server. Contact your system administrator for the information.
About this task
You can create new reports using Report Builder. The report must be based on AACC database
data. This procedure uses an example to show how to create a new expert report.
The example report in this procedure uses the following details:
• View: dAgentPerformanceStat
• Fields:
- Timestamp
- AgentLogin
- AgentGivenName
- AgentSurName
- CallsOffered

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- CallsAnswered
- LoggedInTime
- TalkTime
- HoldTime
- PostCallProcessingTime
- NotReadyTime
- WaitingTime
For more detailed information on the CCMS and CCMM database schemas, and on the standard
reports included in Historical Reporting, see Contact Center Performance Management Data
For complete details on creating custom reports, see the Custom Reports Application Note on
1. Launch Report Builder.
2. On the Getting Started window, select New Report and click Blank Report.
3. Ensure that the Report Data tree view is visible by selecting Properties from the View
4. On the Report Data tree view, right-click Data Sources and select Add Data Source.
5. On the Data Source Properties window, in the Name field, type the name for the DSN on
which you want to run the report. For example, type CCMS_PREVIEW_DSN.
6. Select Use a connection embedded in my report.
7. In the Select connection type field, enter ODBC.
8. Click Build.
9. On the Connection Properties window, select Use user or system data source name,
and from the Data source specification field, select the DSN, for example
10. Click OK.
11. On the Data Source Properties window, select the Credentials tab.
12. Select Prompt for credentials, and in the Prompt for credentials field type appropriate
text to display when the report runs. For example, type Specify credentials for
13. Click OK.
14. On the Report Data tree view, right-click Datasets and select Add Dataset.
15. On the Dataset Properties window, in the Name field, type a name for the view, for
example dAgentPerformanceStat.
16. Select Use a dataset embedded in my report.

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Creating a new report

17. From the Data source list, select CCMS_PREVIEW_DSN.

18. Under Query type, select Text.
19. In the Query field, type the query that you want to run for this report. For example, type the
MIN(dAgentPerformanceStat.Timestamp) AS Timestamp,
MIN(LTRIM(dAgentPerformanceStat.AgentLogin)) AS AgentLogin,
MIN(LTRIM(dAgentPerformanceStat.AgentSurName)) AS AgentSurName,
MIN(LTRIM(dAgentPerformanceStat.AgentGivenName)) AS AgentGivenName,
SUM(dAgentPerformanceStat.CallsOffered) AS CallsOffered,
SUM(dAgentPerformanceStat.CallsAnswered) AS CallsAnswered,
SUM(dAgentPerformanceStat.LoggedInTime) AS LoggedInTime,
SUM(dAgentPerformanceStat.TalkTime) AS TalkTime,
SUM(dAgentPerformanceStat.HoldTime) AS HoldTime,
SUM(dAgentPerformanceStat.PostCallProcessingTime) AS PostCallProcessingTime,
SUM(dAgentPerformanceStat.NotReadyTime) AS NotReadyTime,
SUM(dAgentPerformanceStat.WaitingTime) AS WaitingTime
FROM dbo.dAgentPerformanceStat dAgentPerformanceStat
WHERE (dAgentPerformanceStat.Timestamp>= DateAdd('d', -8, Now()) And
dAgentPerformanceStat.Timestamp<= DateAdd('d', -1, Now()))
GROUP BY dAgentPerformanceStat.Timestamp, dAgentPerformanceStat.AgentLogin
ORDER BY dAgentPerformanceStat.Timestamp, dAgentPerformanceStat.AgentLogin

20. Click OK.

21. On the Enter Data Source Credentials window, type the user name and password the
report uses to access the DSN.
22. Click the Insert menu.
23. Click the Table icon and select Table Wizard.
24. On the Choose a dataset page, select the view you created earlier, for example
dAgentPerformanceStat, and click Next.
25. On the Arrange fields page, move items from the Available fields field as required. For
example, move the following to Row groups:
• AgentLogin
• Timestamp
and the following to Values:
• LoggedInTime
• TalkTime
• HoldTime
• PostCallProcessingTime
• NotReadyTime
• WaitingTime
• CallsOffered
• CallsAnswered

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26. Click Next.

27. On the Choose the layout page, select Show subtotals and grand totals.
28. Select Stepped, subtotal above.
29. Clear Expand/collapse groups.
30. Click Next.
31. On the Choose a style page, select a style from the Styles list.
32. Click Finish.
33. In the Report Data tree view, right-click Parameters and select Add Parameter.
34. On the Report Parameter Properties dialog, select the General tab
35. In the Name field, type a name for the filter, for example
36. In the Data type field, select Text.
37. Select Allow null value.
38. In the Select parameter visibility field, enter Internal.
39. Select the Available Values tab.
40. In the Select from one of the following options field, enter Specify values.
41. Click ADD, and enter Default in both the Label field and the Value field.
42. Click ADD, and enter TableAlias in the Label field and an asterisk (*) in the Value field.
43. Click ADD, and enter FieldName in the Label field and an asterisk (*) in the Value field.
44. Select the Default Values tab.
45. In the Select from one of the following options field, enter Specify values.
46. Click ADD, and enter Default in the Value field.
47. Click OK.
48. In the Report Data tree view, right-click Parameters and select Add Parameter.
49. On the Report Parameter Properties dialog, select the General tab
50. In the Name field, type a name for the report query, for example
51. In the Data type field, select Text.
52. Select Allow null value.
53. In the Select parameter visibility field, enter Internal.
54. Select the Available Values tab.
55. In the Select from one of the following options field, enter Specify values.
56. Click ADD, and enter Default in both the Label field and the Value field.

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Testing exported reports

57. Click ADD, and enter All in the Label field.

58. Click fx beside the Value field.
59. In the Set expression for: Value field, type the query text, for example:
MIN(dAgentPerformanceStat.Timestamp) AS Timestamp,
MIN(LTRIM(dAgentPerformanceStat.AgentLogin)) AS AgentLogin,
MIN(LTRIM(dAgentPerformanceStat.AgentSurName)) AS AgentSurName,
MIN(LTRIM(dAgentPerformanceStat.AgentGivenName)) AS AgentGivenName,
SUM(dAgentPerformanceStat.CallsOffered) AS CallsOffered,
SUM(dAgentPerformanceStat.CallsAnswered) AS CallsAnswered,
SUM(dAgentPerformanceStat.LoggedInTime) AS LoggedInTime,
SUM(dAgentPerformanceStat.TalkTime) AS TalkTime,
SUM(dAgentPerformanceStat.HoldTime) AS HoldTime,
SUM(dAgentPerformanceStat.PostCallProcessingTime) AS PostCallProcessingTime,
SUM(dAgentPerformanceStat.NotReadyTime) AS NotReadyTime,
SUM(dAgentPerformanceStat.WaitingTime) AS WaitingTime
FROM dbo.dAgentPerformanceStat dAgentPerformanceStat
GROUP BY dAgentPerformanceStat.Timestamp, dAgentPerformanceStat.AgentLogin

60. Click OK.

61. Select the Default Values tab.
62. In the Select from one of the following options field, enter Specify values.
63. Click ADD, and enter Default in the Value field.
64. Click OK.
65. Save the report, specifying a name for the report file. For example, save the report as
Next steps
Test the report using these steps:
1. Open the report.
2. On the Home tab, click the Run icon.
3. Type the User Name and Password for the report connection, if required.
4. When the report loads, navigate the pages and ensure the report is appearing correctly.

Testing exported reports

About this task
Export a report in one of the supported output formats and view the exported report. AACC
supports reports in PDF, Microsoft Excel, or Microsoft Word format.
1. Open the report.

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Expert reports

2. On the Home tab, click the Run icon.

3. Type the user name and password for the report connection, if required.
4. Click the Export icon.
5. Save the file to a known location, using one of the supported output formats.
6. Navigate to the save location and open the exported file.
7. Review the exported report and ensure that the format is correct.

Importing a custom report

Before you begin
• Log on to Historical Reporting. For more information, see Logging on to Historical
reporting on page 79.
About this task
You can use the Report Template Importing Wizard to import report templates into Contact Center
Manager Administration that you create using Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Report Builder. When
you import a report template, you save it on the Contact Center server. However, you access the
report template by opening your Private Report Templates folder.
To share the report template with other users, you must save your private report in your Group
folder (if you have access to a group folder).
You can import two types of reports: Historical or Configuration.
1. In the left pane, click the server to which to import the new report template.
2. On the Report menu, click Import.
The system displays the Report Template Importing Wizard dialog box.
3. Click the Browse button next to the Select Your Report template field, and navigate to
the report.
4. In the Template Name box, type the name of the report to import.
5. From the Report is based on the following data list, select the type of report.
6. If applicable, provide Database alias, timestamp, and report data range details.
7. Optionally, select Synchronize report template from the network drive to ensure the
server automatically applies any updates made to the imported report.
8. Click Import.
Follow the wizard prompts to import your report template to the server.

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Creating reports using Microsoft Excel

Creating reports using Microsoft Excel

About this task
If the application supports importing data using ODBC, use the application, such as Microsoft
Excel, for report creation. After creating the report, you can format and print the imported data
using features within Microsoft Excel.
The steps in this procedure refer to Microsoft Excel 2010 only. The steps required can vary for
different versions of this application. Refer to the application documentation for details about
how to import data.
1. Open Microsoft Excel.
2. Click the Data > From Other Sources > From Data Connection Wizard.
3. In the Data Connection Wizard window, select ODBC DSN.
4. Click Next.
5. Select the ODBC entry defined for the server.
6. Click Next.
7. Choose the table you want to create.
8. Click Next.
9. If you want to save the table, in the File Name box, type the name of the file.
10. Click Finish.
11. In the Import Data dialog box, specify how and where you wish to view the data.
12. Click OK.

Variable definitions
Variable Value
ODBC entry Server application name and IP address (for
example, CCMS_47.10.25.3_DSN).

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Creating reports using Microsoft Access

About this task
If the application supports importing data using ODBC, use the application, such as Microsoft
Excel, for report creation.
The steps in this procedure refer to Microsoft Access 2010 only. The steps required can vary
for different versions of this application. Refer to the application documentation for details
about how to import data.
1. Open Microsoft Access.
2. Open an existing database file or create a new blank database.
3. Select External Data > ODBC Database.
4. In the Get External Data — ODBC Database window, select Import the source data into
a new table in the current database.
5. Click OK.
6. In the Select Data Source window, click on the Machine Data Source tab.
7. Select the ODBC entry defined for the server.
8. Click OK.
9. If required, enter the Login ID and Password.
10. Click OK.
11. From the Import Objects window, select the tables to import into the Microsoft Access
12. Click OK.
You can now use the features available in Microsoft Access to format the imported data
and to create reports. The time to import the data depends on the amount of data stored in
the selected tables.

Variable definitions
Variable Value
ODBC entry Server application name and IP address (for
example, CCMS_47.10.25.3_DSN).

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Chapter 12: Statistics configuration

The Report Creation Wizard includes a number of formulas that you can use when you create
reports. In addition, you can define custom formulas. After you define a formula, you can use it in
multiple reports.

Prerequisites to statistics configuration

Ensure that you are familiar with the Formula Editor.

Creating custom formulas

About this task
Use the Formulas window to create custom real-time statistics fields by combining existing
statistics fields with mathematical operators. You can then save these custom statistics fields as
formulas and use the formulas in your private Real-Time Reporting displays. For example, you can
create a custom formula to calculate the service level.
1. Log on to the Configuration component.
2. In the left pane, click the server on which to create the formula.
3. Select the Formulas folder.
4. In the right pane, in Available Formulas box, type the name of the new formula.
5. From the Statistics Group list, select the statistics group that contains the statistics field to
include in your formula.
6. Press Enter to display the Formula Editor.
7. (Optional) In the Comment box, type information about the formula.
8. From the Variables list, select the variable to use in the formula.
The variable appears in the Formula box. When you select a variable, it appears in the
Formula box with a percent symbol (%) preceding it. The percent symbol identifies it as a
variable; it is not a mathematical operator.

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Statistics configuration

9. On the numeric keypad, press a number to apply to the formula.

10. After you select a mathematical operator, you can select another variable to add to the
11. To use the higher or lower of two values in your formula, click Max or Min.
12. After you create the formula, click Save.
13. Click Close to close the Formula Editor.

Variable definitions
Variable Definition
Available Formulas A list of names for the custom formulas.
To edit an existing formula, double-click the formula
name in the Available Formulas column. The
Formula Editor appears, listing the Formula
Statistics Group Statistics groups are sets of related statistics
defined in the database, such as agent statistics or
skillset statistics.
Formula Name The name of the formula you enter in the Available
Formulas box in the Formulas window. You can
change formula name in the Formula Editor.
Comment Type additional information about your custom
formula. Click Save to save your changes.
Formula The variables and mathematical operators that you
choose for your custom formula. You can add new
variables and operators, or edit the existing ones.
Click Save to save your changes.
Variables The existing statistics fields that you can combine to
create custom formulas. After you create a formula,
you can apply it to your private Real-Time Reporting
displays to control the type of data that you see.
From the Variables list, select the variables to add
to your custom formula. After you select a variable,
you must choose a mathematical operator (/, *, -, or
+) before you can select another variable, or before
you can enter a numeric value.
When you select a variable, it appears in the
Formula box with a percent symbol (%) preceding
it. The percent symbol identifies it as a variable; it is
not a mathematical operator.
Table continues…

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Creating custom formulas

Variable Definition
Numeric keypad Add mathematical operators and numeric values to
your custom formulas.
• Back Space: Removes the last item that you
enter in your formula. To remove more items, you
must click C to clear the entire formula.
• C: Clears the entire formula from the Formula
• /: Divides the variables in the formula.
• *: Multiplies the variables in the formula.
• -: Subtracts the variables in the formula.
• +: Adds the variables in the formula.
• ,: Separates the Max and Min variables in the
After each variable, you must select a mathematical
operator before you select another variable.
Max and Min Use the higher of two values (Max), or the lower of
two values (Min) in your formula.
When you click Max or Min, brackets appear in the
Formula box. In these brackets, add the two values
to compare, separated by a comma.
The format must be as follows: Max[a,b]: a can be
one variable, or two variables separated by an
operator, and b can be one variable, or two
variables separated by an operator.
For example, for the following formula
+Agent_On_This_Skillset_Call], the system
calculates the values for Agent_Available
+Agent_Not_Ready and for
+Agent_On_This_Skillset_Call, and uses the
higher of the two values in the formula. If you use
Min in this example, the system calculates the lower
of the two values.
Save Save changes you make in the Formula Editor.
Close Exit the Formula Editor.
To save your changes, click Save before you close
the Formula Editor.

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Statistics configuration

Example of creating a custom formula

About this task
You can create a formula for a service level. The formula can be up to 250 characters.
1. In the Available Formulas box, type CallsAnswered.
2. From the Statistics Group list, select Application.
3. Press Enter.
4. In the Formula Editor, from the Variables list, select Calls_Answered.
5. On the numeric keypad, click the subraction symbol (-).
6. From the Variables list, select Calls_Answd_Aft_Threshold.
7. On the numerical keypad, click the division symbol (/).
8. From the Variables list, select Calls_Answered.
9. Click Save.
10. Click Close.

Modifying custom formulas

About this task
Modify custom formulas to update previously created custom formulas.
1. Log on to the Configuration component.
2. On the system tree in the Configuration component, double-click the server containing
the formula to modify.
3. Select the Formulas folder.
4. In the Available Formulas column, double-click the name of the formula to edit.
5. To add a new variable, in the Formula Editor, click an operator (/,*,–,+).
6. In the Variables list, select a new variable.
7. To delete an element from the formula, in the Formula box, select the element.
8. Press Delete.
9. Click Save.

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Deleting a custom formula

Deleting a custom formula

About this task
Delete formulas you no longer require.
If you delete a formula that you use in a real-time display, the column in the display appears blank.
1. Log on to the Configuration component.
2. On the system tree, in the Configuration component, double-click the server containing
the formula to delete.
3. Select the Formulas folder.
4. In the table, select the formula to delete.
5. Press Delete.
6. In the confirmation dialog box, click Yes.

Configuring historical statistics data collection

About this task
You can configure the following historical statistics collection options:
• the general system parameter values, such as the number of skillsets
• the type of call flow, agent, and IVR historical statistics to collect
• the collected applications for call-by-call data
• the length of time that historical statistics remain on Contact Center Manager Server
You must calculate the amount of required disk space to run your selected configuration and
specify the first business day of the week.
1. Log on to the Configuration component.
2. In the left pane, click the server on which to configure historical statistics.
3. Select the Historical Statistics folder.
4. In the Parameters table, for each parameter, type the value to configure, ensuring that the
value is less than or equal to the purchased value, and greater than or equal to the
measured value.
You must consider future growth while choosing a value.
5. In the Collect the following statistics table, for each statistic type, in the Collect column,
select the check box for each statistic to collect.

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Statistics configuration

6. In the Call-by-Call table, for each application, from the Statistics Collection Method list,
select the type of calls for which to collect call-by-call statistics.
7. In the Duration table, for each type of statistic, enter the amount of time the statistic is
stored on the server. Note that the time units vary depending on the statistic. The limit for
each statistic, with the exception of the Length of Business day and Business week
contains statistics, is 1825 time units (days, weeks, or months).

When you reduce the duration of a statistic, Contact Center purges all data for that
statistic that is older than the new duration specified.
8. From the Business week starts list, select the day on which to accumulate weekly
9. Click Calculate to determine if you have sufficient disk space available for the selected
historical statistics collection configuration.
The disk space requirements for the selected configuration appear in the Call-by-Call
Database, CSR Database, and System Database Required boxes. The available disk
space appears in the Call-by-Call Database, CSR Database, and System Database
Actual boxes.
10. Click Submit to save your changes.
If the disk space required is greater than the disk space available, you must lower the
number of days the data is stored, or you must change the number of estimated calls
for each hour until sufficient disk space exists for your configuration.

Configuring historical statistics collection on the NCC

Before you begin
• Ensure that the number of days to store network call-by-call data is synchronized with the
Historical Statistics Configuration for each server in the network. See Configuring historical
statistics data collection on page 115.
About this task
You can choose the length of time to store network call-by-call statistics on the Network Control
Center (NCC). Your configuration determines the following items:
• the amount of data included in your network call-by-call reports
• the amount of disk space required on the NCC
1. Log on to the Configuration component.

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Configuring real-time statistics collection

2. In the left pane, click the NCC server.

3. Click the Network Historical Statistics folder.
4. In the right pane, in the Keep Network Call-by-Call data for box, type the number of days
to store network call-by-call data on the NCC.
5. In the Network call rate box, type the estimated number of calls networked out for each
hour (routed from one site to another).
6. Click Submit to calculate the disk space that the call-by-call database requires for your
The required disk space appears in the Required text box. The available disk space
appears in the Actual text box.
If the disk space required is greater than the disk space available, you must lower the
number of days the data is stored, or you must change the number of estimated calls
for each hour until sufficient disk space exists for your configuration.

Configuring real-time statistics collection

About this task
To use the Real-Time Reporting feature of Contact Center Manager Administration, you must first
configure Contact Center Manager Server to collect the types of statistics to view in the Real-Time
Reporting displays. You can configure the following seven types of predefined real-time statistics:
• skillset statistics (mandatory)
• nodal statistics (mandatory)
• application statistics
• IVR statistics (Avaya Communication Server 1000)
• route statistics (Avaya Communication Server 1000 PABX only)
• agent statistics
• network statistics (Avaya Communication Server 1000 PABX only)
For each of these real-time statistics, you must indicate the viewing mode (moving window or
interval-to-date). The interval-to-date settings that you choose start immediately, and apply to all
real-time displays at all sites on your network that use the interval-to-date mode.
Agent interval-to-date statistics are collected only until the agent logs out, or until the end of
the interval.
1. Log on to the Configuration component.

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Statistics configuration

2. In the left pane, select the server on which to configure the real-time statistics.
3. Select the Real-time Statistics folder.
4. In the right pane, select the viewing mode for the following statistics:
• Skillset Statistics: You must select a viewing mode value for this statistic. The system
automatically collects this required statistic for Intrinsics in writing scripts.
• Nodal: You must select a viewing mode value for this statistic. The system automatically
collects this required statistic for Intrinsics in writing scripts.
• Application Statistics: Optional.
• IVR Statistics: Optional.
• Route Statistics: Optional. Available on an Avaya Communication Server 1000 PABX
• Agent Statistics: Optional.
• Network Statistics: Optional. Available on an Avaya Communication Server 1000
PABX only.
5. In the Data Collection Interval boxes, type the interval duration to use in the interval-to-
date data collection mode.
6. In the One of the intervals starts at box, type the start time for statistics collection in the
interval-to-date data collection mode.
The system calculates and synchronizes the days remaining intervals based on the time
that you specify. Your changes take effect immediately.
7. Click Submit to save your changes.

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Chapter 13: Report Creation Wizard

Report Creation Wizard is a Web-based interface in which you can create and edit reports. You can
import and schedule the reports in Historical Reporting. You can access the Report Creation Wizard
from the Historical Reporting component of Contact Center Manager Administration.
If the Report Creation Wizard window is open and a High Availability switchover occurs, the
session is not maintained and you must relaunch Report Creation Wizard to continue operation.

Starting Report Creation Wizard

Before you begin
• Ensure that you have a license for Report Creation Wizard.
About this task
To access Report Creation Wizard, start this application.
1. Log on to Contact Center Manager Administration.
2. From the Launchpad, click Historical Reporting.
3. In the left pane, click the Contact Center Manager Server on which to create, edit, or view
the Report Creation Wizard report.
4. From the Report menu, select Report Creation Wizard.

Opening an existing report

Before you begin
• Start Report Creation Wizard. See Starting Report Creation Wizard on page 119.

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Report Creation Wizard

About this task

Select the Open Existing Report option to open an existing report. After you select this option, a
navigation tree appears. Navigate to the report to open. You can choose from previously created
reports or from a list of sample reports.
1. From the Report Type window, select the Open Existing Report option.
2. Click the folder that contains the report to open.
3. From the list of reports, select the report.
4. Click Next.

Creating a simplified report

Before you begin
• Start Report Creation Wizard. See Starting Report Creation Wizard on page 119.
About this task
Select the Create Simplified Report (via Report Definitions) option to use one of the report
definitions available with Report Creation Wizard.
If you choose to create a simplified report, you can choose from a list of standard report definitions
in the Data Source window. The Data Source window lists the available report definitions based on
the server type selected. If the Contact Center is multimedia enabled, multimedia report definitions
are also available.
1. In the Report Type window, select the Create Simplified Report (via Report Definitions)
2. In the Data Source window, click the Report Definitions folder.
3. Navigate to the folder that contains the report definition to open.
4. Click Next.
5. In the Field Selection window, in the Fields list, double-click a field or formula to add to the
The selected field or formula is moved from the Fields list to the Fields Selected list.
By default the table name is appended to the field name after you add the field to the
Fields Selected list. To remove the table name, click the Toggle Table Name icon.
If you remove a field from the Field Selection page, the field is removed only from the
Details section, not from any other section.

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Creating a simplified report

6. To change the order of the selected fields, use the up and down arrows.
7. To modify the properties of a selected field, in the Selected Fields list, click a field, and
then in the Width box, type a new width.
A default width of 80 pixels applies to all selected fields. The Title box is a read-only field.
8. Click Next.
9. To select a field to group by, in the Grouping window, from the Fields list, double-click a
field or formula.
The selected field or formula moves to the Group by list.
10. To accept the default properties of the selected fields and formulas, proceed to step 23 on
page 121.
11. To modify the properties of a group field, from the Group by list, select a field.
12. From the Sort Order list, select a sort order.
13. From the The section will be printed list, select a length of time that defines when the
group changes.
This option is available only for Date, Time, and DateTime fields. It determines when
the group prints. For example, selecting for each hour groups records together for
each hour, and calculates group summaries for each hour.
14. Click Next.
15. In the Summaries window, from the Fields list, select a field.
16. From the Summation Type list, select a summation type.
As you select the fields in the Fields list, the Summation Type list dynamically updates to
show the types available for the selected field.
17. From the Groups list, select the check box for each report section in which the summary
appears on the report.
18. Click Add.
The summary appears in the Summary Data list.
19. Click Next.
20. In the Report Layout window, view or modify the report.
21. On the toolbar, click the Save Report icon.
22. In the Save RCW Report dialog box, choose a folder in which to save the report.
23. In the Report Name box, enter a name for the report.
24. Click Save.
You can save the report after you select at least one field.

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Report Creation Wizard

Example of creating a sample simplified Agent by Skillset

Performance report
About this task
You can create various report types, such as an Agent by Skillset Performance report.
1. In the Report Type window, select the Create Simplified Report (via Report Definitions)
2. Click Next.
3. In the Data Source window, under the Report Definitions folder, expand the CS1000
folder, and then expand the Agent Performance folder.
4. In the Agent Performance folder, select the Agent By Skillset Performance Stats report
5. Click Next.
6. In the Field Selection window, from the Fields list, expand the iAgentBySkillsetStat
7. From the iAgentBySkilsetStat list, double-click the following fields in the order listed:
• Skillset
• Timestamp
• Time
• AgentLogin
8. From the Fields list, expand the iAgentBySkillsetStat Formulas heading.
9. From the iAgentBySkillsetStat Formulas list, double-click RCW_AgentName.
10. From the iAgentBySkillsetStat Formulas view, double-click CallsAnswered.
11. In the iAgentBySkillsetStat Formulas list, double-click RCW_TalkTime.
Each selected field and formula moves from the Fields list to the Fields Selected list.
12. Change the width for the following selected fields:
Selected field Width
iAgentBySkillsetStat.Skillset 200
iAgentBySkillsetStat.Timestamp 200
iAgentBySkillsetStat.AgentLogin 80
iAgentBySkillsetStat.RCW_AgentName 120
iAgentBySkillsetStat.CallsAnswered 80
iAgentBySkillsetStat.RCW_TalkTime 80

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Creating a simplified report

13. Click Next.

14. In the Grouping window, from the Fields list, expand the iAgentbySkillsetStat heading,
and then double-click the following fields to group by:
• Skillset
• Timestamp (represents the date and time)
Each selected field moves from the Fields list to the Group by list.
The RCW_TalkTime formula is not available because it is a dynamic formula.
15. From the Group by list, select iAgentbySkillsetStat.Timestamp.
16. From the This section will be printed list, select for each hour.
This option is available only for Date, Time, and DateTime fields and defines when the
group changes.
17. Click Next.
18. In the Summaries window, from the Fields list, expand the iAgentBySkillsetStat heading.
19. From the iAgentBySkillsetStat, select CallsAnswered.
20. From the Summation Type list, select Sum.
21. From the Groups list, select the following check boxes:
• Report Footer
• Group Footer #1
• Group Footer #2
22. Click Add.
A CallsAnswered summary for the Report Footer, Group Footer #1, and Group Footer
#2 appears in the Summary Data list.
Footer 1 generates a total for all data selected, Group Footer 1 generates a total for each
selected skillset, and Group Footer 2 generates a total for each selected timestamp.
23. From the Fields list, expand the iAgentBySkillsetStat Formulas heading.
24. From the iAgentBySkillsetStat Formulas list, select RCW_TalkTime.
25. From the Groups list, select the following check boxes:
• Report Footer
• Group Footer #1
• Group Footer #2
26. Click Add.
An RCW_TalkTime summary for the Report Footer, Group Footer #1, and Group
Footer #2 appears in the Summary Data list.

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Report Creation Wizard

Footer 1 generates a total for all data selected, Group Footer 1 generates a total for each
selected skillset, and Group Footer 2 generates a total for each selected timestamp.
27. Click Next.
28. In the Report Layout window, double-click the Group Footer #1 section.
The section bar changes color from blue to purple and expands to reveal the summary
fields in this section.
29. In the Group Footer #1 section, click CallsAnswered.
The Object Properties page appears on the left.
30. On the Object Properties page, in the Width box, type 80.
31. In the Group Footer #1 section, click RCW_TalkTime.
32. On the Object Properties page, in the Width box, type 80.
33. Double-click the Group Footer #2 section.
34. In the Group Footer #2 section, modify the following Object Properties:
Group Footer #2 field Width
CallsAnswered type 80
RCW_TalkTime type 80

35. Double-click the Report Footer section.

36. In the Report Footer section, modify the following Object Properties:
Report Footer field Width
CallsAnswered type 80
RCW_TalkTime type 80

37. Click the Group Footer #1 section.

38. Click the Add Text Field icon on the toolbar.
39. On the Object Properties page, modify the following properties:
• In the Title box, type Skillset.
• In the Width box, type 80.
• In the Height box, type 20.
• In the Left box, type 300.
• In the Top box, type 3.
• From the Text Align list, select Right.
• Select the Bold check box.
40. Click the Group Footer #2 section.
41. Click the Add Text Field icon on the toolbar.

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Creating a simplified report

42. On the Object Properties page, modify the following properties:

• In the Title box, type Timestamp.
• In the Width box, type 80.
• In the Height box, type 20.
• In the Left box, type 300.
• In the Top box, type 3.
• From the Text Align list, select Right.
• Select the Bold check box.
43. Click the Report Footer section.
44. Click the Add Text Field icon on the toolbar.
45. On the Object Properties page, modify the following properties:
• In the Title box, type Totals.
• In the Width box, type 80.
• In the Height box, type 20.
• In the Left box, type 300.
• In the Top box, type 3.
• From the Text Align list, select Right.
• Select the Bold check box.
46. Double-click the Page Header section.
47. In the Page Header section, click Time.
48. On the Object Properties page, modify the following properties:
• From the Font Color list, select Purple.
• Select the Underline and Bold check boxes.
49. In the Page Header section, modify the following Object Properties:
Page Header field Title Width Font Color Check boxes
AgentLogin Agent Login 80 Purple Bold
RCW_AgentName Agent Name 120 Purple Bold
CallsAnswered Calls Answered 80 Purple Bold
Table continues…

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Page Header field Title Width Font Color Check boxes

RCW_TalkTime Talk Time 80 Purple Bold

50. Double-click the Group Header #1 section.

51. In the Group Header #1 section, click Skillset.
52. On the Object Properties page, modify the following properties:
• From the Font Color list, select Blue.
• Select the Bold check box.
53. Double-click the Group Header #2 section.
54. In the Group Header #2 section, click Timestamp.
55. On the Object Properties page, modify the following properties:
• From the Font Color list, select Blue.
• Select the Bold check box.
56. On the toolbar, click Save.
57. In the Save RCW Report window, select a folder in which to save the report.
58. In the Report Name box, type Agent By Skillset Performance.rpt.

Avaya recommends that you use a name different from the standard report definitions
to quickly identify custom reports and to determine the type of data the report
59. Click Save.

Creating an advanced report

Before you begin
• Start Report Creation Wizard. See Starting Report Creation Wizard on page 119.
• Ensure that you are familiar with the Report Creation Wizard.
• Configure the DSNs on the Contact Center Manager Server.
• Ensure that you understand table linking and joins.
About this task
Select the Create Advanced Report (via ODBC) option to use an ODBC DSN. You can choose a
combination of views from the data source. However, the views must include a common key field.
This option provides the maximum flexibility, but it also requires that you understand the database
structure with which you work.

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Creating an advanced report

1. In the Report Type window, select the Create Advanced Report (via ODBC) option.
2. In the Data Source window, from the DSNs Available list, double-click a DSN.
The selected DSN moves to the DSNs Selected list.
You can select only one DSN system type, for example, a CCMS or CCMM DSN.
3. The User ID and Password boxes automatically contain the values you enter during the
server configuration.
You can change the user ID and password, but these changes apply only if you create the
report. If you generate the report in Historical Reporting, Historical Reporting uses the
values you enter during the server configuration.
4. Click Next.
5. In the Table Selection window, from the Tables Available list, double-click a table.
The table moves from the Tables Available list to the Tables Selected list.
6. To add another table, repeat step 5 on page 127.
7. Click Next.
8. If you select one table only, proceed to step 14 on page 127.
9. If you select more than one table, in the Table Linking window, from each of the left and
right Tables lists, select a table.
10. From each of the left and right Fields lists, select a field to join.
The selected field in the right Fields list must contain the same data as the selected
field in the left Fields list.
11. From the join list, select a join type and click Link.
The selected tables, field, and join type appear in the Links list.
12. To remove an item from the Links list, select the item and click Remove.
13. Click Next.
14. In the Field Selection window, in the Fields list, double-click a field or formula to add to the
The selected field or formula moves from the Fields list to the Fields Selected list.
By default the table name is appended to the field name after you add the field to the
Fields Selected list. To remove the table name, click the Toggle Table Name icon.

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If you remove a field from the Field Selection page, the field is removed only from the
Details section, not from any other section.
15. To change the order of the selected fields, use the up and down arrows.
16. To modify the properties of a selected field, in the Selected Fields list, click a field, and
then in the Width box, type a new width.
A default width of 80 pixels applies to all selected fields. The Title box is a read-only field.
17. Click Next.
18. To select a field to group by, in the Grouping window, from the Fields list, double-click a
field or formula.
The selected field or formula moves to the Group by list.
19. To accept the default properties of the selected fields and formulas, proceed to step 23 on
page 128.
20. To modify the properties of a group field, from the Group by list, select a field.
21. From the Sort Order list, select a sort order.
22. From the The section will be printed list, select a length of time that defines when the
group changes.
This option is available only for Date, Time, and DateTime fields to determine when
you print the group information. For example, selecting for each hour groups records
together for each hour, and calculates group summaries for each hour.
23. Click Next.
24. In the Summaries window, from the Fields list, select a field.
25. From the Summation Type list, select a summation type.
As you select the fields in the Fields list, the Summation Type list dynamically updates to
show the types available for the selected field.
26. From the Groups list, select the check box for each report section in which the summary
appears on the report.
27. Click Add.
The summary appears in the Summary Data list.
28. Click Next.
29. In the Report Layout window, view or modify the report.
30. On the toolbar, click the Save Report icon.
31. In the Save RCW Report dialog box, choose a folder in which to save the report.
32. In the Report Name box, enter a name for the report.

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Creating an advanced report

33. Click Save.

You can save the report after you select at least one field.

Example of creating an advanced Skillset Threshold report

About this task
An example of creating an advanced Skillset Threshold report.
1. In the Report Type window, select the Create Advanced Report (via ODBC) option.
2. Click Next.
3. In the Data Source window, from the DSNs Available list, double-click a CCMS DSN.
The selected DSN is added to the DSNs Selected list.
4. In the Selected DSN Properties area, type the user ID and password to access the data
For configured servers on the Contact Center Manager Administration server, the user ID
and password automatically appear.
5. Click Next.
6. In the Table Selection window, from the DSNs list, select the CCMS DSN.
Tables and views for the selected DSN appear in the Tables Available list.
7. From the Tables Available list, double-click dSkillsetStat and Skillset.
The selected tables move to the Tables Selected list.
8. Click Next.
9. In the Table Linking window, from the left Tables list, select iSkillsetStat.
10. From the left Fields list, select SkillsetID.
11. From the right Tables list, select Skillset.
12. From the right Fields list, select SkillsetID.
13. From the Join list, select Left Outer Join.
14. Click Link.
The linked SkillsetIDs appear in the Links list.
The result for the Left Outer Join includes all the records in which the skillsetID in both
tables match exactly. The Left Outer Join also includes a row for every record in the
iSkillsetStat table for which the SkillsetID has no match in the Skillset table.
15. Click Next.

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16. In the Field Selection window, from the Fields list, under the Skillset Formulas heading,
double-click RCW_SkillsetNameID.
The selected field moves to the Fields Selected list.
17. From the Fields list, under the iSkillsetStat Formulas heading, double-click
18. From the Fields list, under the dSkillsetStat heading, double-click the following fields:
• Timestamp
• Time
• CallsAnswered
• CallsAnsweredAfterThreshold
19. From the Fields list, under the iSkillsetStat Formulas heading, double-click
20. From the Fields list, under the Skillset heading, double-click ServiceLevelThreshold.
21. To modify the Selected Field Properties, in the Fields Selected list, click a field.
22. In the Width box, type a new width.
23. Click Next.
24. In the Grouping window, from the Fields list, select the following fields to group by:
• Skillset Formulas: RCW_SkillsetNameID
• iSkillsetStat Formulas: RCW_ApplicationNameID
• dSkillsetStat heading: Timestamp
Each selected field moves from the Fields list to the Group by list.
25. To modify the Group Field Properties, from the Group by list, select a field, and then from
the Sort Order list, select Descending Order.
26. Click Next.
27. In the Summaries window, from the Fields list, under the dSkillsetStat heading, select
28. From the Summation Type list, select Sum.
This summation type totals all calls answered after the threshold is reached.
29. From the Groups list, select the following check boxes:
• Report Footer
• Group Footer #1
• Group Footer #2
• Group Footer #3
30. Click Add.

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Creating an advanced report

The CallsAnsweredAfterThreshold field, Sum summation type, and the selected report
sections appear in the Summary Data list.
31. From the Fields list, under the iSkillsetStat Formulas heading, select
32. From the Summation Type list, select Sum.
This summation type totals all calls answered before the threshold is reached.
33. From the Groups list, select the following check boxes:
• Report Footer
• Group Footer #1
• Group Footer #2
• Group Footer #3
34. Click Add.
The RCW_CallsAnsweredBeforeThreshold formula, Sum summation type, and the
selected report sections appear in the Summary Data list.
35. Click Next.
36. In the Report Layout window, double-click the Page Header section.
37. In the Page Header section, click Time.
38. On the Object Properties page, in the Height box, type 80.
With a height of 80 pixels, the full text can print.
39. Select the Bold and Underline check boxes.
40. In the Page Header section, click the next field.
41. On the Object Properties page, in the Title box, change the title.
For example, change CallsAnswered to Calls Answered, and change
RCW_CallsAnsweredBeforeThreshold to Calls Answered Before Threshold.
42. In the Height box, type 80.
43. Select the Bold and Underline check boxes.
44. Repeat step 40 on page 131 to step 43 on page 131 for the remaining Page Header fields.
45. Double-click the Group Header #1 section.
46. In the Group Header #1 section, click RCW_SkillsetNameID.
47. On the Object Properties page, in the Width box, type 300.
48. Select the Bold check box.
49. Double-click the Group Header #2 section.
50. In the Group Header #2 section, click RCW_ApplicationNameID.

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51. On the Object Properties page, in the Width box, type 300.
52. Select the Bold check box.
53. Double-click the Group Header #3 section.
54. In the Group Header #3 section, click Timestamp.
55. On the Object Properties page, click Remove.
56. Click the Formulas tab.
57. On the Formulas page, under the iSkillsetStat Formulas heading, click
The RCW_Timestamp is a dynamic formula that displays the data range and timestamp
that you select when you import the report to Historical Reporting. Since this formula
requires input from Historical Reporting, the results are not exact in the report preview in
the Report Creation Wizard.
58. Click Add.
The RCW_Timestamp is added to the Group Header #3 section and the Object
Properties page appears.
59. On the Object Properties page, in the Width box, type 300.
60. Select the Bold check box.
61. On the Object Properties page, select the Bold check box for all fields in the following
report sections:
• Group Footer #1
• Group Footer #2
• Group Footer #3
• Report Footer
62. On the toolbar, click the Save Report icon.
63. Select the folder in which to save the report.
64. In the Report Name box, type Skillset Threshold.
65. Click Save.

Creating an integrated report

Before you begin
• Start Report Creation Wizard. See Starting Report Creation Wizard on page 119.
About this task
You must create an integrated report to run integrated Contact Summary reports.

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Saving a report

1. In the Report Type window, select Create Advanced Report (via ODBC).
2. Select the configured CCMS ODBC DSN.
3. Select the required integrated view.
4. Select view columns and format the report.
5. On the toolbar, click Save Report.
6. On the toolbar, click Import to Historical Reporting.

Saving a report
Before you begin
• Create a report.
• Select at least one field when you create the report.
About this task
Save a report after you modify it.
1. On the toolbar, click the Save Report icon.
2. In the Save RCW Report dialog box, choose a folder in which to save the report.
3. In the Report Name box, enter a name for the report.
4. Click Save.

Previewing a report
Before you begin
• Select fields.
• Save the report.
About this task
Click the Preview button to start the Report Viewer.
The Report Viewer supports standard features such as, export, print, and search.
1. On the toolbar, click Preview Report.

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2. If the report contains any DateTime fields, the Preview Data filter dialog box appears.
If the report does not contain any DateTime fields, the RCW Report Preview appears.
3. On the Preview Data filter dialog box, select the Start date at and End Date at values.
4. Enter a time in the Start time at and End time at fields.
5. On the Preview Data filter dialog box, click Preview.
The RCW Report Preview appears.

Deleting a report
About this task
Delete a report that you no longer require.
Before you begin
Start Report Creation Wizard. See Starting Report Creation Wizard on page 119.
1. On the toolbar, click the Delete RCW Template button.
2. In the Delete RCW Template dialog box, select one or more templates.
3. Click Delete.

Importing a report to Historical reporting

About this task
Before you can run and schedule a Report Creation Wizard report in Contact Center Manager
Administration, you must save and import the report to Historical reporting. You can use the Import
tool to import a Report Creation Wizard report into a standard group or into your private folder.
After you import a Report Creation Wizard report, the system automatically identifies the
supported data ranges (Interval, Daily, Weekly, and Monthly) during the import procedure.
You can import Report Creation Wizard reports to Contact Center Manager Server only.
Unlike user-imported reports, you need not synchronize Report Creation Wizard reports. After you
import a Report Creation Wizard report, you can edit the report directly through the Report
Creation Wizard. After you save the report, all changes are effective immediately.
The procedure to import advanced (ODBC) reports is similar to simplified reports, except for the
• You must manually enter the supported data ranges for each table referenced in the report.
• You must specify the report type.

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Importing a report to Historical reporting

1. On the toolbar, click the Import to Historical Reporting icon.
2. In the Import window, in the Report Title box, type the name for the report.
The name appears in Historical Reporting.
3. Click Browse.
4. In the Open RCW Report dialog box, browse to and select the report to import.
5. Click Open.
The Open RCW Report dialog box closes and the path appears in the Location box.
6. From the Time zone list, select the time zone the report uses as the default time zone.
Avaya recommends that you use the Client Timezone setting. This setting
automatically adjusts the report interval based on the client time zone.
7. In the Comment box, type additional information about the report.
8. Click the Report Options header.
9. In the Report Options section, select a Report Mode. The options are Standard or
Private. The Report Mode determines whether the report imports to a standard or private
folder location.
10. For advanced reports only: From the Report Type list, select a report type.
11. From the Report Group list, select the standard report folder into which you import the
report. For private reports, you import the report into your private folder.
12. In the Select Server list, select the servers to which to import the report.
13. Click the Data Range header.
14. If you import a simplified report, in the Data Range section, select the Interval Modes for
which this report is generated, and then proceed to step 18. on page 136
15. If you import an advanced (ODBC) report, from the Table Alias list, select a table.
16. In the Table box, for the data range that matches the selected Table Alias time period, type
the table name.
17. In the Timestamp box, for the data range that matches the selected Table Alias time
period, type the name of the field.
For example, if report is based on the iSkillsetStat table alias, the entries for each data
range appears in the following table:
Interval Mode Table Name Timestamp
Interval iSkillsetStat Timestamp
Daily dSkillsetStat Timestamp
Table continues…

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Interval Mode Table Name Timestamp

Weekly wSkillsetStat Timestamp
Monthly mSkillsetStat Timestamp

18. Click Import.

Example of importing the simplified Agent By Skillset

Performance report to Historical Reporting
1. On the toolbar, click the Import to Historical Reporting icon.
2. In the Import window, click Browse.
3. In the Open RCW Report window, click Agent By Skillset Performance.
4. Click Open.
The Open RCW Report window closes. The information in the Location box appears.
5. In the Report Title box, type Agent By Skillset.
6. From the Time zone list, select the time zone of the server to which to import the report.
Avaya recommends that you use the Server Timezone default setting. This setting
automatically adjusts the report interval based on the server time zone.
7. In the Comment box, type additional information about the report.
8. Click the Report Options header.
9. For the Report Mode, select Private.
The Private Report Templates folder is automatically selected as the Report Group.
10. In the Select Server list, select the servers to which to import the report.
The Report Type is automatically selected based on the report definition. This field is read-
11. Click the Data Range header.
12. In the Data Range section, select all the Interval Mode check boxes to run the report for
all time frames.
The Table and Timestamp boxes auto-populate based on the report definition and are
13. Click Import.
A message appears at the bottom of the import window stating “Report: Agent By
Skillset imported successfully.”

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Importing a report to Historical reporting

Example of importing the advanced Skillset Threshold report to

Historical Reporting
1. On the toolbar, click the Import to Historical Reporting icon.
2. In the Import window, in the Report Title box, type Skillset Threshold Report.
3. Click Browse.
4. In the Open RCW Report window, browse to the report location for the Skillset Threshold
5. Click Open.
The Open RCW Report window closes. The information in the Location box populates.
6. From the Time zone list, select the time zone of the server to which to import the report.
Avaya recommends that you use the Server Time zone default setting. This setting
automatically adjusts the report interval based on the server time zone.
7. In the Comment box, type additional information about the report.
8. Click the Report Options header.
9. For the Report Type, select HistoricalNodal.
10. From the Select Server list, select the servers to which to import the report.
11. Click the Data Range header.
12. From the Table Alias list, select iSkillsetStat.
13. In the Table and Timestamp boxes, type the following for each Interval Mode.
Interval Mode Table Name Timestamp
Interval iSkillsetStat Timestamp
Daily dSkillsetStat Timestamp
Weekly wSkillsetStat Timestamp
Monthly mSkillsetStat Timestamp

14. Select all the Interval Mode check boxes.

15. Click Import.
A message appears at the bottom of the import window stating “Report: Agent By Skillset
imported successfully.”

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Report Creation Wizard

Defining configuration settings

Before you begin
• Open a saved report in Report Creation Wizard.
About this task
Use the Configuration Settings window to define the default properties for the report.
1. On the toolbar, click the Configuration icon.
2. In the Configuration Settings window, in the Report Layout section, select Portrait or
3. From the Default Font list, select a default font to apply to fields, formulas, labels, or
added summaries to a report section.

Variable definitions
Variable Definition
Report Layout Page orientation for the report: Portrait or
Default Font Select a default font to apply to fields, formulas,
labels, or summaries added to a report section. The
fonts installed on the Contact Center Manager
Administration server determine the available fonts.
The previously selected default font still applies to
objects added before you select the new default
font. If a font installed on the Contact Center
Manager Administration server does not appear in
the font list, it can be because the installed font has
failed to meet certain requirements. For more
information, see Troubleshooting Avaya Aura®
Contact Center.

Defining selection criteria

Before you begin
• Import a Report Creation Wizard report to Historical Reporting. See Importing a report to
Historical reporting on page 134.
• Log on to Historical Reporting. For information, see Logging on to Historical reporting on
page 79.

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Defining selection criteria

About this task

Define selection criteria to determine the entities to include in a report. The following options are
available when you define a Report Creation Wizard report in Historical Reporting:
• Define the selection criteria.
• Schedule to print the report.
• Schedule to send the report to a file.
• Save the report.
• Run the report immediately.
You define the selection criteria for Report Creation Wizard reports differently than you do for user-
defined reports.
1. In the left pane, click the server under which the Report Creation Wizard report is stored.
2. Navigate to the Report Creation Wizard report.
3. In the Report Properties window, click Selection Criteria.
The Selection Criteria heading expands. The fields of each selected Report Creation
Wizard table appear in the fields list.
4. From the fields list, select a field.
The table name and the field data type appear in the criteria list.
5. From the criteria list, select one of the following values:
• Is equal to: If you select Is equal to, you can filter the selected field based on only one
element. You can base the filter on a field from the tables that you include on the report,
including fields that you did not select on the report.
• Is greater than
• Is less than
• Not equal to
• Between
• In: If you select In, you can filter the selected field based on multiple elements. You can
base the filter on a field from the tables that you include on the report, including fields
that you did not select on the report.
• Starts with
• Contains
• Ends with
The field data type determines the values available in the criteria list.
6. Click the ellipsis (...).
7. From the Select Elements dialog box, select a field value.

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If you select In from the criteria list, you can select multiple elements.
8. To select all elements, select the Select All check box.
9. Click Choose.
The Select Elements dialog box closes, and the selected field value appears in field value
10. Click Add.
The selection criterion appears in the Selection Criteria list.
11. To define additional selection criteria, from the join list, select AND or OR, and then repeat
step 4 on page 139 to step 10 on page 140.

Moving a field
Before you begin
• Open an existing Report Creation Wizard report in Report Creation Wizard.
• Ensure that you are familiar with the Report Layout Window.
About this task
The column headings in the Page Header section link to the fields in the Details section. If you
move a field in the Details section, the heading associated with this field moves.
1. To move a field, perform one of the following activities:
• Click a field, hold down the left mouse button, and drag to the object.
• Highlight the object and use the up, down, left, and right arrow keys to move the object.
2. Click Save.

Resizing an object
Before you begin
• Open an existing Report Creation Wizard report in Report Creation Wizard.
• Ensure that you are familiar with the Report Layout Window.
About this task
To customize an object, you can modify the object size.

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Adding a text field

1. To resize an object, perform one of the following activities:
• Move the mouse to the end of the object outline, after the cursor changes to a resize
cursor, hold down the left mouse button, and drag to increase or decrease the size of
the object.
• Highlight the object, hold down the Ctrl key and use the left and right arrow keys to
resize the object.
2. Click Save.

Adding a text field

Before you begin
• Open an existing Report Creation Wizard report in Report Creation Wizard.
• Ensure that you are familiar with the Report Layout Window.
About this task
Add a text field If necessary.
1. Click a section in the Report View area.
2. Click the Add Text Object icon on the toolbar.
A new text field is added to the selected section.

Modifying object properties

Before you begin
• Open an existing Report Creation Wizard report in Report Creation Wizard and navigate to
the Report Layout Window.
• Ensure that you are familiar with the Report Layout Window.
About this task
Use the Object Properties tab in the Report Layout window to modify group, field, or formula
1. Select a report section.
The selected report section expands to reveal fields and formulas.

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2. Select a field in a section to display the field properties in the properties bar.
The selected field appears with a yellow background.
3. Click the Object Properties tab.
4. Modify object properties.
5. Click Submit to save changes.
The updated field appears in the report view area.
6. Click Save.

Variable definitions
Variable Definition
Title Type the field name. The name appears on the
Height Type a numeric value for the field height in pixels.
Width Type a numeric value for the field width in pixels.
Left Type a numeric value for the horizontal position of
the field on the report. The value you enter
represents the number of pixels from the left margin
that the field is placed on the report.
Top Type a numeric value for the vertical position of the
field on the report. The value you enter represents
the number of pixels from the top margin that the
field is placed on the report.
Format Select a time or number format. The Format
property is available only if you select a number,
currency, Date, or Time data type object.
Currency Select a currency type. The Currency property is
available only when you select a currency data type
Font Select a font type. The font type appears on the
report for the selected field. The fonts installed on
the Contact Center Manager Administration server
determine the available fonts.

If an installed font on the Contact Center
Manager Administration server does not
appear in the font list, it can be because the
installed font has failed to meet certain
Table continues…

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Suppressing a report section

Variable Definition
Font Color Select the font color to appear on the report for the
selected field.
Font Size Select the font size to appear on the report for the
selected field.
Text Align Select one of the following: Right, Left, or Center.
This represents the field text placement within the
Bold Apply bold to the field text that appears on the
Italic Italicize the field text that appears on the report.
Underline Underline the field text that appears on the report.
Suppress Suppress or hide the field on the report.

Suppressing a report section

Before you begin
• Open an existing Report Creation Wizard report in Report Creation Wizard.
• Ensure that you are familiar with the Report Layout Window.
About this task
Suppress sections to exclude the sections from the printed report.
1. In the Report Layout window, select the section header to suppress.
The selected header appears in a color different from the others.
2. Select the Section Properties tab.
3. On the Section Properties page, select the Suppress check box.
The section header color changes to light grey.
4. Click Save.

Adding or removing a field in a report

Before you begin
• Open an existing Report Creation Wizard report in Report Creation Wizard.
• Ensure that you are familiar with the Report Layout Window.

October 2020 Using Avaya Aura® Contact Center Reports and Displays 143
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Report Creation Wizard

About this task

In the Fields tab, add fields or remove fields to modify a report.
1. In the Report Layout window, select the section header to which to add a field.
2. Click the Fields tab.
3. On the Fields page, select the field.
4. To add the field, click Add.
If you add a field to the Details section of the report, the Report Creation Wizard adds a
corresponding text heading to the Page Header section of the report. If you move that
field, the heading also moves so that it remains horizontally aligned with the field.
5. To remove the field, click Remove.
If you remove a field from the Field Selection page, the field is removed only from the
Details section, not from any other section.
6. Click Save.

Adding or removing a formula in a report

Before you begin
• Open an existing Report Creation Wizard report in Report Creation Wizard.
• Ensure that you are familiar with the Report Layout Window.
About this task
Add formulas or remove formulas to update a report. Formulas appear under the relevant
headings in the Formulas list. Standard formulas appear under the Formulas heading. Formulas
relating to views appear under separate headings for each view, for example,
iAgentPerformanceStat formulas. Report formulas, and formulas that appear on the report and
have no association with a Report Creation Wizard formula, appear in the Formulas list.
If you add a formula to the Details section of the report, a corresponding text heading appears in
the Page Header section of the report. If you subsequently move the formula, the heading moves
so that it remains horizontally aligned with the field. If you remove the field, you automatically
delete the heading from the Page Header section.
1. In the Report Layout window, select the section header to which to add a formula.
2. Click the Formulas tab.
3. On the Formulas page, select the formula.

October 2020 Using Avaya Aura® Contact Center Reports and Displays 144
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Sorting the direction of a group, field, or formula

4. To add the formula, click Add.

5. To remove the formula, click Remove.
6. Click Save.

Sorting the direction of a group, field, or formula

Before you begin
• Open an existing Report Creation Wizard report in Report Creation Wizard.
• Ensure that you are familiar with the Report Layout Window.
About this task
Use the Sorting tab to select the sort direction of a returned group, field, and formula data on the
1. In the Report Layout window, click the Sorting tab.
2. To sort the direction of a group, on the Sorting page, click the Groups heading.
3. To sort the direction of a field or formula, click the Fields heading.
4. Select the group, field, or formula for which you want to change sort direction.
5. Select one of the following sort direction options:
• Ascending
• Descending
• Original Order (for Groups) or None (for Fields)
6. Click Save.

Sorting the order of a field or formula

Before you begin
• Open an existing Report Creation Wizard report in Report Creation Wizard.
• Ensure that you are familiar with the Report Layout Window.
• Assign a sort order to the selected field or formula. See Sorting the direction of a group, field,
or formula on page 145.
About this task
Use the Sorting tab in the Report Layout window to select the sort direction of field and formula
data on the report.

October 2020 Using Avaya Aura® Contact Center Reports and Displays 145
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Report Creation Wizard

1. In the Report Layout window, click the Sorting tab.
2. On the Sorting page, click the Fields heading.
The heading expands to reveal selected fields and formulas for the report.
3. Click the field or formula for which you want to change the sort order.
4. Use the up and down arrows to change the sort order for the selected field or formula.
Group sorts always appear first, followed by field and formula sorts.
5. Click Save.

Editing a Report Creation Wizard report in Historical

Before you begin
• Create a report in Report Creation Wizard. See Creating a simplified report on page 120 or
Creating an advanced report on page 126.
• Import the report to Historical reporting. See Importing a report to Historical reporting on
page 134.
• Log on to Historical Reporting. For information, see Logging on to Historical reporting on
page 79.
About this task
To modify a saved Report Creation Wizard report, access Historical reporting.
1. In the left pane, click the server to which you want to log on.
2. Navigate to the folder in which the Report Creation Wizard report to edit is stored.
The report icon for a Report Creation Wizard report is different from the report icon for a
standard report.
3. Right-click the report, and then click Edit.
The report appears in Report Creation Wizard in the Report Layout window. All buttons in
the navigation bar and the toolbar are enabled.
4. Edit the report.
5. On the toolbar, click Save.
All changes are effective immediately.

October 2020 Using Avaya Aura® Contact Center Reports and Displays 146
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Applying template changes to existing reports

Applying template changes to existing reports

Before you begin
• Log on to Report Creation Wizard. See Starting Report Creation Wizard on page 119.
About this task
Existing reports do not automatically receive the changes you make to report templates; therefore,
you must apply the template to each report.
1. Open the report in Report Creation Wizard.
2. Click the Configuration icon.
3. Change the Report Layout.
If the current setting is Landscape, change it to Portrait. If the current setting is Portrait,
change it to Landscape.
4. Click Close.
5. Click the Configuration icon.
6. Change the Report Layout back to the original setting.
7. Click Close.
8. Click the Preview icon to confirm that the applied changes.
9. Click Save.

October 2020 Using Avaya Aura® Contact Center Reports and Displays 147
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Chapter 14: External database server

Contact Center Manager Administration (CCMA) reports can pull data from Contact Center Manager
Server, from Contact Center Multimedia, and from external databases in Avaya applications that
complement the contact center solution.
End users shall use Contact Center Manager Administration to create and modify report files which
are viewed with CCMA and all reports shall contain only Avaya application data. No third party data
sources can be accessed within CCMA to create and modify reports in conjunction with Avaya
Aura® Contact Center data.
For example, you can use data in an Avaya Aura® Workforce Optimization database to include in
Avaya Aura® Contact Center agent reports.
You must complete all the procedures in this section in sequential order.

Prerequisites to external database server configuration

• Ensure that you have a license for Report Creation Wizard.
• Install Report Creation Wizard.

Configuring and testing the ODBC driver

Before you begin
• Verify that the database type and version are supported.
• Determine the IP address or host name for the server that is hosting the database.
• Identify the database name, user ID and password for the database.
About this task
Use the following steps to obtain, install, and configure the ODBC driver for the external database
type and version.

October 2020 Using Avaya Aura® Contact Center Reports and Displays 148
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Verifying external databases in Report Creation Wizard

The Contact Center Manager Administration installation includes the following ODBC drivers:
• InterSystems Cache 2009.1 connects to the Contact Center Manager Server, Contact Center
Manager Administration, and Contact Center Multimedia databases.
• Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) version 12.5 connects to previous versions of the
Contact Center Manager Server database.
If one of these installed drivers supports your external database, you do not need to install
additional database drivers.
1. Obtain the ODBC driver for the database type and version from the database vendor.
2. Install the ODBC driver on the Contact Center Manager Administration server.
If the driver is already installed, you do not need to install additional database drivers.
3. Click Start > All Programs > Administrative Tools > Data Sources (ODBC) to start the
administration tool for the ODBC driver.
The system creates a 64–bit ODBC DSN.
For 32 bit ODBC DSN, the path is: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ODBCAD32.exe.
4. Configure the ODBC DSN in the format <Prefix>_<IP address>_DSN, where <Prefix> is
used to configure the database server within the CCMA configuration application, and <IP
address> is the address of the external database server.
5. Using the ODBC Data Source Administrator tool, test the DSN for connectivity to the

Verifying external databases in Report Creation Wizard

Before you begin
• On the Contact Center Manager Administration server, configure the ODBC DSN for the
external database. For more information, see Configuring and testing the ODBC driver on
page 148.
• Know the user ID and password for the database data source name (DSN).
About this task
Test the ODBC DSN using Report Creation Wizard (RCW) to ensure that RCW can connect to the
database successfully.
1. Log on to Contact Center Manager Administration.
2. On the Launchpad, click Historical Reporting.

October 2020 Using Avaya Aura® Contact Center Reports and Displays 149
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External database server configuration

3. In the left pane, right-click the Contact Center Manager Server from which you access the
4. In Historical Reporting, on the Report menu, select Report Creation Wizard.
5. Select the option to Create Advanced Report (via ODBC).
6. Click Next.
7. On the Data Source page, from the DSNs Available list, double-click the external ODBC
DSN entry to move it to the DSNs Selected list.
8. Enter the user ID and password details for the DSN.
9. Click Next.
10. In the Tables Available list, verify the list of tables and views are correct for the DSN.
11. In the Tables Available list, double-click a table to move it to the Tables Selected list.
12. Click Next.
13. In the Fields box, double-click the field names that you want to appear in the report. Move
them to the Fields Selected list.
14. Click Preview on the toolbar to view the report.
If a Report preview appears, the ODBC DSN is compatible with the Report Creation
15. Save the report using the Report Creation Wizard as TestReport.rdl.

Adding the external database server to Contact Center

Manager Administration
Before you begin
• Verify the external database against the Report Creation Wizard. For more information, see
Verifying external databases in Report Creation Wizard on page 149.
About this task
Verify that the Historical Reporting component of Contact Center Manager Administration can
support the data extracted from the external database.
1. In Contact Center Manager Administration, click Configuration.
2. Click Add Server.
3. Select Other.
4. In the DSN Prefix box, type the prefix you created in Configuring and testing the ODBC
driver on page 148.

October 2020 Using Avaya Aura® Contact Center Reports and Displays 150
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Associating an external server to a Contact Center Manager Server

Remember that the DSN prefix is case sensitive.
5. Click Submit.

Associating an external server to a Contact Center

Manager Server
Before you begin
• Add the external database server to Contact Center Manager Administration.
About this task
Associate a external database server to a Contact Center Manager Server. When you want to
access historical reports for the external database, you must choose the selected Contact Center
Manager Server.
1. On the Launchpad, click Configuration.
2. In the left pane, right-click the Contact Center Manager Server to associate with a reporting
3. Choose Server > Edit Properties.
The properties for the Contact Center Manager Server appear in the right pane.
4. In the Associated Reporting Server list, select the reporting servers to associate to this
Contact Center Manager Server.
5. Click Submit to save your changes.

Importing Report Creation Wizard reports to historical

Before you begin
• Create a report from the external database using the Report Creation Wizard. For more
information, see Verifying external databases in Report Creation Wizard on page 149.
About this task
Import the Report Creation Wizard report you created from the external database into Historical
Reporting to verify that a historical report in Avaya Aura® Contact Center can be generated.

October 2020 Using Avaya Aura® Contact Center Reports and Displays 151
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External database server configuration

1. Open the Report Creation Wizard. In Historical Reporting, on the Report menu, select
Report Creation Wizard.
2. Click Import to Historical Reporting on the toolbar to import the report.
3. Browse to the report you saved in Verifying external databases in Report Creation
Wizard on page 149.
4. Type a title of the report.
The title appears in the list of available reports in the Historical Reporting application.
5. For Report Mode, select Private.
6. In the Report Type box, select a report type.
7. Select the server to import the report.
8. Click Import.
A message appears indicating the report is imported successfully.

Generating historical reports from an external database

Before you begin
• Import the Report Creation Wizard report. For more information, see Importing Report
Creation Wizard reports to historical reporting on page 151.
About this task
Update and generate the historical report using the Report Creation Wizard to gather data from a
external database. The external database is associated with a Contact Center Manager Server
and is tested for connectivity.
1. On the CCMA Launchpad, click Historical Reporting. If the Historical Reporting page is
already open, click Refresh.
2. In the left pane, right-click the Contact Center Manager Server where you access the
3. Open the Private Reports folder.
4. Select the imported report.
5. Under Selection Criteria, choose the fields you want to appear in the report.
6. If data is available in the Browse dialog box, select an item and add this to the selection
criteria for the report.
7. Run the report.

October 2020 Using Avaya Aura® Contact Center Reports and Displays 152
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Generating historical reports from an external database

8. Verify the report runs successfully with the new selection criteria.

October 2020 Using Avaya Aura® Contact Center Reports and Displays 153
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A change (continued)
font size in a real-time display grid ............................... 68
access and partition management .......................................20 refresh rate of a real-time display ................................. 67
activate an agent details window title of a real-time display grid .......................................72
agent map .....................................................................56 Change Agent State ............................................................ 36
activating a scheduled report changing
historical reports ........................................................... 95 chart type for a site summary ....................................... 68
adding column names .............................................................. 70
agent elements to a filter .............................................. 24 column width in a real-time display ...............................70
agent map .....................................................................52 changing file name prefix
application elements to a filter ...................................... 23 exported real-time display ............................................ 40
charts to real-time dashboard .......................................46 changing the path
field to a report ............................................................143 export a summary chart ................................................41
formula to a report ...................................................... 144 color settings of a real-time display grid
graphical display ...........................................................43 changing ....................................................................... 69
new column to a real-time display ................................ 66 configuring
skillset elements to a filter ............................................ 22 agent map .....................................................................50
text field ...................................................................... 141 billboard display ............................................................57
agent map chart display ................................................................. 58
activate an agent details window ..................................56 dashboard display ........................................................ 65
activating a display ....................................................... 56 historical statistics data collection ............................... 115
changing the header format of icons ............................ 54 historical statistics data collection on the NCC ........... 116
applying real-time statistics ....................................................... 117
custom formulas to real-time displays .......................... 32 statistics ...................................................................... 111
template changes to existing reports ..........................147 Time Line display ..........................................................63
applying filters Contact Center Multimedia reports ...................................... 75
graphical displays ......................................................... 26 creating
network-consolidated historical reports ........................ 79 advanced report ..........................................................126
applying filters to real-time displays .....................................26 custom formula ............................................................111
applying supervisor-reporting agent combinations to real-time integrated report ......................................................... 132
displays ................................................................................27 private billboard collection ............................................ 61
areas of summary chart private collection ...........................................................60
zooming in .................................................................... 74 private real-time display ................................................30
arranging public collection or public billboard collection ............... 62
billboards in a billboard collection .................................63 real-time dashboard display ......................................... 45
arranging agents automatically reports using Microsoft Access ................................... 110
agent map .....................................................................53 reports using Microsoft Excel ..................................... 109
arranging agents using drag and drop simplified report .......................................................... 120
agent map .....................................................................53 creating a CCMM report template
assigning servers to CCMS ............................................... 151 user-created reports ..................................................... 75
assigning threshold alerts creating a filter in historical reporting ................................... 22
nodal real-time display ..................................................49 creating a filter in real-time reporting ................................... 21
Avaya support website .........................................................15 creating a shared or private report
historical reports ........................................................... 85
creating reports
C connecting to the database ........................................ 103
calculated fields ................................................................. 103 customizing
CCMS associations ........................................................... 151 agent map layout .......................................................... 53
change display properties ......................................................... 67
chart properties in the real-time dashboard display ......47 custom reports
color settings of a real-time display grid ....................... 69 importing a report ....................................................... 108
data collection mode of a real-time display .................. 71
fill color of a summary chart ..........................................69

October 2020 Using Avaya Aura® Contact Center Reports and Displays 154
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D expert reports (continued)

running the Database View Definition report .............. 103
database external report creation ...................................... 152 export a summary chart
database server ................................................................. 148 changing the path ......................................................... 41
database server associations ............................................ 151 exported displays .................................................................38
data collection mode of a real-time display printing a real-time display grid .....................................42
changing ....................................................................... 71 exported real-time display
datasets ............................................................................. 103 changing the file name prefix ........................................40
data sources ...................................................................... 103 exported reports
deactivating a scheduled report testing ......................................................................... 107
historical reports ........................................................... 95 exporting
decrease network summary charts .............................................. 39
summary chart size ...................................................... 74 real-time display grids ...................................................40
defining summary charts ............................................................ 38
Caché ODBC DSN for CCMS .................................... 100 exporting an ad hoc report
configuration settings ..................................................138 historical reports ........................................................... 84
DSN for CCMM ...........................................................101 external database generating reports ................................ 152
selection criteria ..........................................................138 external database server ................................................... 148
defining the report output external database support in historical reporting ............... 150
historical reports ........................................................... 86 external database support in reporting .............................. 150
delete external database verification in RCW ...............................149
an exported real-time display grid ................................ 34
private displays .............................................................34
public displays .............................................................. 31
deleting filter
columns from a real-time display ..................................72 adding agent elements ................................................. 24
custom formula ........................................................... 115 adding application elements ......................................... 23
graphical display ...........................................................45 adding skillset elements ............................................... 22
report .......................................................................... 134 delete ............................................................................25
deleting a filter ..................................................................... 25 removing elements ....................................................... 25
deleting a report filter management ................................................................ 21
historical reports ........................................................... 97 adding agent elements to a filter .................................. 24
applying filters to graphical displays ............................. 26
E applying filters to real-time displays ..............................26
applying supervisor-reporting agent combinations to real-
editing time displays .................................................................27
Report Creation Wizard report in Historical Reporting creating a filter in historical reporting ............................22
.....................................................................................146 creating a filter in real-time reporting ............................ 21
editing a report deleting a filter .............................................................. 25
historical reports ........................................................... 89 removing elements to a filter ........................................ 25
example removing filters from a real-time display .......................28
creating an advanced Skillset Threshold report ......... 129 filters .................................................................................... 18
creating a simplified Agent by Skillset Performance Force Agent Log out ............................................................ 35
report .......................................................................... 122 fundamentals
creating custom formula ..............................................114 performance management ........................................... 18
importing the advanced Skillset Threshold report to
Historical Reporting .................................................... 137
importing the simplified Agent By Skillset Performance
report to Historical Reporting ......................................136 generating historical reports .............................................. 152
expert reports graphical displays ................................................................ 43
creating a report and connecting to the database ...... 103 activating a display from an agent map ........................ 56
creating reports using Microsoft Access ..................... 110 adding agents to an agent map .................................... 52
creating reports using Microsoft Excel ........................109 adding a graphical display ............................................ 43
defining the Caché ODBC DSN for CCMS .................100 adding charts to the real-time dashboard ..................... 46
defining the DSN for CCMM ....................................... 101 arranging agents in an agent map automatically ..........53
installing the Caché JDBC driver ................................102 arranging agents in an agent map using drag and drop
installing the Caché ODBC driver CCMS ..................... 99 .......................................................................................53

October 2020 Using Avaya Aura® Contact Center Reports and Displays 155
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graphical displays (continued) importing a report (continued)

arranging the billboards in a billboard collection ...........63 custom reports ............................................................108
assigning threshold alerts to a nodal real-time display .49 historical reports ........................................................... 88
changing chart properties in the real-time dashboard importing RCW reports to CCMA .......................................151
display .......................................................................... 47 increase
changing the header format of icons in an agent map . 54 summary chart size ...................................................... 74
configuring a chart display ............................................58 installing
configuring a dashboard display ...................................65 Caché JDBC driver .....................................................102
configuring an agent map ............................................. 50 Caché ODBC driver CCMS .......................................... 99
configuring a Time Line display .................................... 63
configuring billboard display ......................................... 57
creating a private billboard collection ........................... 61
creating a private collection .......................................... 60 log on
creating a public collection or public billboard collection historical reports ........................................................... 79
.......................................................................................62 real-time reporting ........................................................ 29
creating a real-time dashboard display .........................45 log out
customizing agent map layout ...................................... 53 force ..............................................................................35
deleting a graphical display .......................................... 45
making a public copy of a graphical display ................. 48
opening a graphical display .......................................... 44 M
removing display charts from the real-time dashboard
display .......................................................................... 47
public copy of a private real-time display ......................30
resizing an agent map .................................................. 54
making a public copy
saving the real-time dashboard display ........................ 48
graphical display ...........................................................48
zooming in or out on an agent map display ..................55
filter ...............................................................................21
H modifying
custom formula ........................................................... 114
historical reporting importing RCW .................................... 151 object properties ......................................................... 141
historical reports .................................................................. 78 moving
activating a scheduled report ........................................95 a field .......................................................................... 140
applying filters to network-consolidated historical reports chart contents within the window ..................................73
creating a shared or private report ............................... 85
deactivating a scheduled report ....................................95 O
defining the report output ..............................................86
ODBC driver verification .................................................... 148
defining the selection criteria ........................................ 80
deleting a report ............................................................97
graphical display ...........................................................44
editing a report ..............................................................89
opening a public, private, or shared report
exporting an ad hoc report ............................................84
historical reports ........................................................... 82
importing a report ......................................................... 88
log on ............................................................................79
opening a public, private, or shared report ................... 82 P
printing an ad hoc report ...............................................91
printing a report schedule ............................................. 94 performance management fundamentals ............................ 18
running an ad hoc report .............................................. 83 access and partition management ................................20
running a report from a different time zone ...................97 filters ............................................................................. 18
scheduling a report ....................................................... 91 historical statistics .........................................................19
historical report support for external databases .................150 real-time statistics .........................................................20
historical statistics ................................................................19 thresholds ..................................................................... 19
CCMM reports .............................................................. 75
I Contact Center Multimedia reports ...............................75
exported displays ..........................................................38
filter management .........................................................21
CCMM user-created reports ......................................... 76
graphical display management .....................................43
report to Historical reporting ....................................... 134
historical reports ........................................................... 79
importing a report

October 2020 Using Avaya Aura® Contact Center Reports and Displays 156
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prerequisites (continued) real-time statistics ................................................................ 20

real-time reporting customization ................................. 66 rearranging
real-time reports ........................................................... 29 column width in a real-time display ...............................71
statistics configuration .................................................111 related documentation ......................................................... 10
previewing removing
report .......................................................................... 133 display charts from the real-time dashboard display .... 47
print field from a report ....................................................... 143
real-time display ........................................................... 33 formula from a report .................................................. 144
real-time display grid .................................................... 42 removing elements to a filter ................................................25
summary chart ..............................................................33 removing filters from a real-time display .............................. 28
printing an ad hoc report report creation wizard .........................................................119
historical reports ........................................................... 91 adding a text field ....................................................... 141
printing a report schedule adding or removing a field from a report .....................143
historical reports ........................................................... 94 adding or removing a formula from a report ............... 144
applying template changes to existing reports ........... 147
creating a advanced report .........................................126
R creating a integrated report ........................................ 132
RCW verifying external databases .................................... 149 creating a simplified report ......................................... 120
real-time displays defining configuration settings .................................... 138
applying custom formulas .............................................32 defining selection criteria ............................................ 138
applying filters ...............................................................26 deleting a report ..........................................................134
applying supervisor-reporting agent combinations ....... 27 editing Report Creation Wizard report in Historical
removing filters ............................................................. 28 Reporting .................................................................... 146
real-time report customization importing a report to Historical reporting .................... 134
adding a new column to a real-time display ................. 66 modifying object properties .........................................141
changing column names ...............................................70 moving a field ............................................................. 140
changing the chart type for a site summary ..................68 previewing a report ..................................................... 133
changing the color settings of a real-time display grid ..69 resizing an object ........................................................140
changing the column width in a real-time display ......... 70 saving a report ............................................................133
changing the data collection mode of a real-time display sorting the direction of a group, field, or formula ........ 145
.......................................................................................71 sorting the order of a field or formula ..........................145
changing the fill color of a summary chart .................... 69 suppressing a report section ...................................... 143
changing the font size in a real-time display grid ..........68 reporting external database support .................................. 150
changing the refresh rate of a real-time display ........... 67 reports
changing the title of a real-time display grid ................. 72 CCMM .......................................................................... 75
deleting columns from a real-time display .................... 72 Contact Center Multimedia ........................................... 75
display properties ......................................................... 67 expert ............................................................................99
increasing or decreasing the summary chart size ........ 74 historical ....................................................................... 78
moving the chart contents within the window ............... 73 real-time ........................................................................29
rearranging columns in a real-time display ...................71 reports from external database ..........................................152
rotating a summary chart ..............................................73 resizing
zooming in on areas of a summary chart ..................... 74 agent map .....................................................................54
real-time reporting ................................................................29 objects ........................................................................ 140
applying custom formulas to real-time displays ............32 rotate
creating a private real-time display ...............................30 summary chart ..............................................................73
deleting an exported real-time display grid ...................34 running
deleting private displays ............................................... 34 Database View Definition report ................................. 103
deleting public displays .................................................31 running an ad hoc report
log on ............................................................................29 historical reports ........................................................... 83
making a public copy of a private real-time display ...... 30 running a report from a different time zone
printing a real-time display ............................................33 historical reports ........................................................... 97
printing a summary chart .............................................. 33
starting a network summary ......................................... 32 S
viewing the non-staffed skillsets ................................... 36
real-time reports saving
customization ................................................................66 real-time dashboard display ......................................... 48
real-time reports customization ............................................66 report .......................................................................... 133

October 2020 Using Avaya Aura® Contact Center Reports and Displays 157
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scheduling a report Z
historical reports ........................................................... 91
variable definitions table ............................................... 94 zoom
selecting the network sites for a network-consolidated report areas of summary chart ................................................74
activating a scheduled report ........................................96 zooming in or out
historical reports ........................................................... 96 agent map display ........................................................ 55
server configuration for external ........................................ 148
direction of a group, field, or formula .......................... 145
order of a field or formula ........................................... 145
network summary ......................................................... 32
report creation wizard ................................................. 119
statistics configuration ........................................................ 111
configuring historical statistics data collection ............ 115
configuring historical statistics data collection on the
NCC ............................................................................ 116
configuring real-time statistics .....................................117
creating custom formula ..............................................111
deleting custom formula ..............................................115
modifying custom formula ........................................... 114
support .................................................................................15
report section ..............................................................143

exported reports ......................................................... 107
thresholds ............................................................................ 19

user-created reports
creating a CCMM report template ................................ 75

variable definitions
creating custom formula ..............................................112
creating reports using Microsoft Access ..................... 110
creating reports using Microsoft Excel ........................109
defining configuration settings .................................... 138
modifying object properties .........................................142
verifying ODBC driver ........................................................ 148
videos .................................................................................. 14
exported real-time display ............................................ 39
non-staffed skillsets ...................................................... 36

report creation .............................................................119

October 2020 Using Avaya Aura® Contact Center Reports and Displays 158
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