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ISSUE 10 - 2021




Published by Rail Express and endorsed by

The Australasian Railway Association
Experience the Progress.

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Published by:

Connor Pearce
Editor, Rail Express 11-15 Buckhurst St
South Melbourne VIC 3205
T: 03 9690 8766

The building blocks of the rail boom
While 2020 will undoubtedly be suppliers and service providers across Christine Clancy
E: christine.clancy@primecreative.com.au
remembered for its disruptions, within Australasia and around the world.
the rail industry, the pipeline of work Showcased this year, as in previous Chief Operating Officer
for the rail industry has only continued years, in the Australasian Rail Directory, Zelda Tupicoff
E: zelda.tuficoff@primecreative.com.au
in one direction: up. we know that with the ever-expanding
Infrastructure spends at the state and pipeline of work, this tool will become Editor
Connor Pearce
federal level has increased to levels a dog-earned and well-used resource E: connor.pearce@primecreative.com.au
never before seen. The 2020 federal to find the building blocks of the rail
Business Development Manager
budget grew the 10 year infrastructure boom. Oliver Probert
pipeline to $110 billion, adding $14bn. Published in partnership with the T: 0435 946 869
E: oliver.probert@primecreative.com.auu
Similarly, in NSW alone, $84.2bn will Australasian Railway Association (ARA),
be spent on infrastructure in the next the Directory provides a snapshot of Client Success Manager
four years, the 2020 budget revealed. the capabilities on offer to ensure that Janine Clements
E: janine.clements@primecreative.com.au
In Victoria, while the total value at Australia and New Zealand meet their
$69bn is smaller, this was a 28 per cent ambitious targets to build, maintain Art Director
Blake Storey
increase on the previous year’s funding. and operate the railways the move
E: blake.storey@primecreative.com.au
Across all jurisdictions, rail is leading people and goods throughout each
the way. Whether it be Inland Rail country. Design
Michelle Weston, Kerry Pert,
nationally, Sydney Metro in NSW, Distributed digitally and in print, the Madeline McCarty
Regional Rail Revival in Victoria, or Directory is supplemented by its online
Design Production Manager
Metronet in Western Australia, the rail counterpart http://www.raildirectory. Michelle Weston
construction and maintenance sector com.au/ for swift searching and up-to- E: michelle.weston@primecreative.com.au

is being called upon to get the nation date details. Companies that haven’t
back to work following COVID-19. already should login or create an T: 03 9690 8766
In New Zealand, investment in track account to ensure their online listing is E: subscriptions@primecreative.com.au

and rollingstock will enable the country the best it can be.
The Publisher reserves the right to alter or omit
to restart its own economy, contribute any article or advertisement submitted and
to freight and passenger mode shift connor.pearce@primecreative.com.au requires indemnity from the advertisers and
contributors against damages or liabilities that
to rail, and further reduce carbon may arise from material published.
© Copyright – No part of this publication may
emissions. be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or
transmitted in any means electronic, mechanical,
Enabling these works are the rail photocopying, recording or otherwise without
the permission of the publisher.





The Australasian Railway Association (ARA) is the peak body for the rail sector in Australia and New Zealand.
Who represent more than 150 member organisations including passenger and freight operators, track owners
and managers, suppliers, manufacturers, contractors and consultants. Members include listed and private rail-
related companies, government agencies and franchisees. The ARA is a Company Limited by Guarantee with
a board made up of an independent Chairperson, the Chief Executive Officer, eight General Directors and four
Industry Directors. Four executive committees report into the ARA Board to direct the ARA’s work program.
We have numerous working groups that work collaboratively to develop policy and improved practice for
government and industry.

Preston Group expands its offering 18
Liebherr’s A 922 Rail excavator 20

21 CATEGORY LISTINGS Plant and Equipment Services

Plant and Equipment Services

Advertising & Marketing 21 - Trackside Lighting Services and Supplies 28

Associations & Bodies 21 Ports 28
Below Rail & Track Grinding 21 Procurement & Construction 28
Buildings and Property 21 Professional Services 28
Condition Monitoring & Digitalisation 21 Rail Operators and Network Managers 30
Electrical and Electrification 21 Recruitment & Workforce 30
Engineering 22 Risk 30
Environment Management 22 Rolling Stock Engineering Services 30
Freight/Heavy Haul Operations 23 Rollingstock Manufacturing & Maintenance 32
General Materials and Product Supplies 23 Rollingstock Supply/Leasing 32
Human Rescource Services 24 Safety 32
Infrastructure 24 Signalling 32
Infrastructure Engineering 24 Signalling Services 32
Infrastructure Engineering Services 24 Technology & IT 33
IT Services and Supply 25 Telecommunications Services 33
Legal & Compliance 25 Trackside & Overhead Infrastructure 33
Machinery 25 Training & Certification 33
Machinery, Plant & Equipment 26

Marketing and Promotion 26
Network Maintenance 26 SUPPLIERS A–Z
Network Operations 26
Paint Supply 26 An alphabetical listing of over 800 key suppliers
Passenger Operations 26 to the rail industry, providing contact details and
Plant & Equipment 26 a short company profile.


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The Australasian Railway Association
(ARA) is the peak body for the rail
sector in Australia and New Zealand.


As the ARA began releasing the first of its series However, making sure rail can meet its full potential
of research reports in 2020, some common requires real change in how we do business.
themes began to emerge from the very start.
The ARA recently released a major new research
First, our contribution to the Australian and New report on fast tracking rail innovation, which
Zealand community is a growing and important identified systemic challenges that must be
one. Second, there is work to do before the full addressed in order for innovation to flourish in the
benefits of rail can be realised. industry.

The ARA’s latest research report, Value of Rail The overseas experience shows successful rail
2020, confirmed that the increasing number of innovation cultures are driven by clear and long
rail projects is creating jobs and bringing new term commitments from government, together
people to the industry. with a strong focus on collaboration between the
public and private sectors.
In 2019, the industry supported 165,000 direct
and indirect jobs and contributed $29.8 billion to Part of the challenge of achieving that here in
the economy. Australia is the fragmented nature of the market.

Capacity on the network is growing, with The report confirmed that we must unite under a
projects like Sydney Metro, Cross River Rail and single rail market to give the industry the scale it
the Melbourne Metro Tunnel to inject more needs to innovate and grow.
services and greater efficiency into city rail
networks. Of course, those in the industry know that
achieving this will take time, but there are steps we
The freight rail sector is transforming too, with take to work with government to support a more
the massive Inland Rail project to be a key part national approach.
of Australia’s ability to meet growing freight
demand over the next decade. Common standards, consistent procurement and
nationally-focused local content policies are just a
It is clear that as the country continues to grow, few examples where gains can be made.
we will need to use rail more.
In 2021, the ARA will progress these issues and
With the significant environmental, safety and more as part of a significant program of work.
social benefits rail delivers when compared to
other modes of transport, the industry will be There is much more research to come to inform
an essential part of supporting the nation’s our advocacy agenda and better support the
sustainable growth. aspirations of the industry.


Rail is set to meet 72 per cent of the nation’s growing
freight task to 2030, so it is vital a level playing field
that recognises the wider benefits rail freight delivers is
progressed with some urgency.

The ARA is also progressing its work to support a stronger

manufacturing and supply sector in the Australian rail

The Federal Government has acknowledged the important

role manufacturing will play in the country’s economic
recovery and there are real opportunities to harness this
moment to build up the rail sector.

We will soon release a comprehensive snapshot of

Australia’s rail supply chain, and a blueprint for making
the most of the significant capability that exists across the

The ARA team looks forward to keeping you updated

We are already acting on the Value of Rail’s findings that as we progress this significant agenda on behalf of the
increasing the use of passenger rail leads to tangible industry.
community benefits.
Caroline Wilkie
We have been working closely with passenger service Chief Executive Officer
operators in 2020 as they have continued their essential
work during the pandemic.

Their passenger numbers have been hit hard, and will take
time to come back. But we must be ready to bring more
people back to rail when the time is right if we are to
avoid congestion, rising road safety costs and increasing
environmental costs in the future.

That means there remains a great deal of work to do to

build capacity in the network while we plan for a return to
passenger growth.

The ARA will be launching new research on faster rail and

light rail in 2021 to help inform decision making about rail
investment and make sure the rail network of the future is
responsive, inclusive and as efficient as possible.

We will also be releasing new research to investigate how

to move more freight on rail, examining the key issues
that are holding us back and how we can overcome them.




Report confirms the need for greater

use of rail
The ARA launched its major research report,
Value of Rail 2020, in November, confirming the
essential contribution the rail industry makes to our
economy and community. The report confirmed rail
will be essential to support the sustainable growth
of Australia’s cities, towns and supply chain, with
The rail industry is a key driver of the nation
the current investment pipeline to support real and
tangible growth,
benefits. Read the creates jobs and enables
full report at:
thriving and sustainable cities and towns.

In 2019, the contribution of the rail Freight r

industry continued to grow. contribu
Contributed $29.8 billion
to the Australian economy

2019 $29.8 billion

2016 $26.1 billion

Up by $3.7b since 2016

Employed 165,000 workers1

• Passenge
2019 165,000 • Rail freig
with mor
2016 145,000 capital ci
• New con
the indus
• Rollingsto
$2.4 billi

Supported 900 spanning 20 employment

Rail is co
businesses hubs across Australia sustaina
• Lower c
tonne of

If the rail industry was a single • Less con

• Better s
organisation, it would be the third choose r
largest employer in Australia. • Better h
more rail
1 Direct and indirect FTEs


Passenger rail plays a growing and essential role in connecting our cities
and towns. It is the mode of choice for more commuters and supports health
and environmental benefits in the community.


Accounts for 31% of the rail 93% of passenger rail employees are in Brisbane,
industry’s total contribution Sydney and Melbourne


Employs 37,083 people (direct FTEs) Choosing rail over road improves environmental
and safety outcomes

Rail iswill
Rail thebe crucial
mode to meeting
of choice our transport
for public growing freight
users task. Moving more freight 
on rail
Before delivers
COVID-19, usetangible
of passenger environmental
rail was andAfter
safety benefits
COVID-19, for the wider
it is important people return to
growing, rising 2 per cent per year since 2010. the rail network.
Rail is the most popular form of public transport, with How the ARA is responding
demand expected to continue to grow over the long • The ARA is tracking COVID-19 patronage levels and
• If 1 in 10 rail passengers did not switch back to rail after
term. The industry supports 3.5 million rail journeys every working with operators to support passengers’ safe
COVID-19, Australia could incur $4 million of increased
weekday, with every full commuter train taking 578 cars return to the network. Look out for more materials
environmental costs and $55 million in additional
off the road. However, the report warned the move to on the benefits of returning back to rail services in
crash costs.
private vehicles
962 million due to COVID-19
passenger movements must be reversed if
a year 2021
Accounts for 35% of the rail Rail freight jobs have grown 50% since 2016
Australia is to industry’s
avoid rising environmental
total contribution and safety costs. • New research on faster rail and light rail will be
If just one in every 10 passengers that moved to their For everyincommuter
released trainthe
2021 to inform of passengers that
future growth of do
Choosing rail over road improves environmental
cars during the pandemic don’t return to the network,
Employs 21,146 people (direct FTEs)
the return
network. to public transport after COVID-19,
safety outcomes
major research reports will it’s
Australia faces $4 million in additional environmental inform planning and development to make
expected there will be 578 more cars on the road. the most
costs and $55 million in additional crash costs. of our infrastructure investment
3.5 million passenger journeys are made every weekday 578
in Australia
Australia’s freight task grew to 759.6 billion net tonne
More freight
kilometres in 2019, on
withrail required
the rail industryto thesupport
contributor to meeting this need. Rail is the most
growing demand
used mode of public
• Rail
freight willtoplay
56%an ofincreasing
the national freight
role task
in meeting
Each train of commuters has an environmental
benefit equivalent to planting 1800 trees a year
the nation’s growing freight 4% task, and is expected
• Rail carries five times more bulk freight than road
to cater for almost three quarters ofTram/train
new demand
to 2030. While bulk freight continues
• Rail freight is expected to grow 41% from Busto grow as it
supports the resources sector, containerised freight
• Rail will move
remains 72% of by
challenged thepolicy
growth Car
in freight
settings that favour road 1800 trees
over rail. by 2030issues will need to be
These Other
addressed to
ensure rail 79%
can best support growing demand, and
The resources sector is the biggest user of rail freight, One automated train in
to make the most of the significant benefits that will
supporting this crucial export market. the Pilbara carries the
flow from the construction of Inland Rail. Increasing
equivalent of
rail freight’s modal share will also deliver significant
community benefits, with rail freightMiningproducing 16 631 B-Double
times less carbon pollution than $1.5b
road and supporting trucks
significant safety benefits. Metal manufacturing
How the ARA is responding Wholesale and retail
• The ARA released its new rail freight and ports TH E VA L U E O F RAIL 2020
strategy in 2020 and is working with government
and industry to advocate for fairer policies that
supports greater use of rail freight
• New research reports will be released in 2021 to
identify the issues that are preventing greater use
The rail freight network supporting the
of rail, and how they can be addressed. Further
Pilbara iron ore industry totals 3664km
research on rail freight productivity is also planned
and is home to the world’s first fully
automated heavy haul rail network.

T H E V A LU E O F R A I L 2020


our economy. A greater focus on Australian rail manufacturing could deliver
significant benefits to the rail industry and the community.


Accounts for 4% of the rail Generates $2.4 billion in revenue
industry’s total contribution
Spends a bigger proportion on other businesses
Employs 4087 people in the supply chain than other industries

Rail manufacturing and

The rollingstock manufacturing and repair Aconstruction
single rail market would
driving jobshelpcreation
industry invests significant funds into the rail manufacturing gain scale,
the wider economy, creating jobs and invest in innovation
Rollingstock and
manufacturing increase
and repair
opportunities far beyond its immediate generates $2.4 billion
competitiveness per year
over time.in Australia,
The right
operations. with employment hubs located across the
policy settings are needed to support
country. About half of the people working
It spends five times more on suppliers than wages, compared the sector’s
in the growth. and supply sector
rail manufacturing
to an average of two times for other industries. are located in the regions. There are a
The industry invests more than $300 million in: growingNational
number procurement approach
of people working on rail
• Metal manufacturing Strengthen opportunities for domestic
construction projects, but a focus on skills
• Professional services manufacturers
development throughto
will be needed a nationally
make sure the
industryconsistent procurement
can attract and retainprocess
the best talent
• Scientific services
with the right expertise to deliver a modern
• Technical services
rail network.
Support innovation

How the Promote

ARA is policy settings to enhance
capabilities in automation
• We have released new procurement and connected
guides for rollingstock manufacturers
and contractors to make the case for a
thenational focus on
post COVID-19 rail
procurement and are working closely with
About half of rollingstock manufacturing Invest in skills development and support
measuresto to progress this agenda
enhance supply chain
and repair jobs are in Sydney and
• In 2021, the ARA will release a
Melbourne. Major employment bases are
comprehensive report on the rail supply
also located in Newcastle, Maryborough,
chain, and a blueprint for fostering growth
Dandenong and Lake Macquarie.
and innovation in the industry

T H E V A LU E O F RAIL 2020
community benefits it provides. Our research program
A sustainable future needs a strong rail supports this goal and informs our activities
industry • The ARA formed its Sustainability Committee in
2020, providing greater focus on defining and
Rail is an essential part of our sustainable future, with promoting the sustainability credentials of rail. This
greater use of rail allowing communities to reduce supports the work already started by the ARA’s Young
emissions, achieve greater safety outcomes and support Leaders Advisory Board to promote the sustainability
the good health of their people. Rail travel generates credentials of the industry
30 per cent less carbon than road travel, while a freight
train in the Pilbara takes 631 B-Double trucks off the
roads. A strong, efficient network that caters for the
nation’s growth is vital to ensuring a cleaner, safer and
healthier future.

How the ARA is responding

• We are actively working with industry and government
to promote greater use of rail to maximise the



Driving technology and innovation adoption in rail

A major new research report released by the ARA has confirmed rail To ma
innovation must be a national priority if Australia is to make the most of the we m
next wave of investment in the industry.
A thre

The report found the nation was lagging behind its global counterparts,
with only one per cent of global rail patents submitted in 2019 coming from

While countries like Japan, Germany and the UK have succeeded in fostering
What’s holding us back
from rail innovation in
strong collaborative cultures of rail innovation involving both the public and
private sectors, there is still work to do in Australia.

The closure of the Rail Manufacturing CRC in 2020 signalled the end of
A fragmented market
Federal Government rail innovation funding of this kind in Australia, leaving a resulting from many
significant gap. different national state
rail systems
The absence of a long term and certain funding commitment, combined
with procurement processes that make it harder for the private sector to put Lack of funding
forward new solutions, has stymied innovation and technology adoption in certainty for R&D and
the rail industry.
Limited cooperation
The report called for a national peak body to make rail innovation a priority, between innovators
with dedicated funding for R&D to be started and commercialised. and industry operators,
reducing the likelihood
A single market for rail technology was also needed, supported by national of innovations being
standards and type approval processes, a national local content policy to commercialised
replace state-specific approaches and standardised training.
State local content
requirements reducing
With these two areas of focus prioritised, more work could be done to
the economies of scale
promote a culture of rail innovation through better procurement, strategies
that can be achieved by
to build technology adoption in rail and support for the country’s export rail manufacturers
Risk averse
The benefits of fostering a stronger innovation culture are clear. Countries culture that avoids
that have got the balance right attract more private investment in R&D to experimentation
support rail innovation.
Here in Australia, investment in innovation and technology has led to tangible
processes that do
benefits for the rail industry. not consider whole
of lifecycle costs
Rio Tinto’s world-first adoption of fully autonomous heavy haul vehicles in
the Pilbara delivered a six per cent speed improvement on the network and
enabled predictive analysis to improve maintenance processes.


For further information, please contact ARA General


Australia has the capability to lead a There is $155 billion to be spent
vibrant rail innovation culture. But our on rail projects in Australia in the
rail related patent applications have next 15 years. A clear innovation and
fallen 5% in the last five years alone. technology focus will maximise the
benefits of our investment and help
Without a national focus, and a long realise the efficiencies being achieved
term commitment that brings both
TECHNOLOGY government and industry together,
through the use of innovation on
projects globally.
Australia will continue to lag behind
the rest of the world.

Reduce costs Improve reliability Improve safety

A complex rail construction project in VicTrack’s sensor arrays and artificial Wayside detectors, smart sensors
Germany saved 10% using Building intelligence predict adverse car and and condition monitoring tools have
Information Modelling to reduce track conditions to improve safety and reduced mainline accidents caused by
energy use and maintenance reduce maintenance costs equipment by 36% in 10 years

Increase capacity Save time Save energy

The UK’s Rail Sector Deal led to ICT tools have halved wait times on Energy storage systems on the
investments in data, digitisation and Berlin’s U’Bahn network Tehran Metro achieved daily energy
sustainability to deliver up to £31 savings of 25%
billion in benefits

Meanwhile, Fortescue Metals Group owns the fastest That figure is expected to rise to 60 cents next year – a
heavy haul network in the world and the heaviest haul 300 per cent improvement on the traditional network.
railway globally.
For further information, please contact ARA General Manager Supply Natalie
The results forCurrey at ncurrey@ara.net.au
themselves. Investment in
Investment in innovation has led to these outcomes, innovation drives cost savings and efficiency and makes
which are providing real benefits for the resources Australia’s rail network more competitive.
The ARA is now engaging with government to advance
In passenger rail, the use of automation on the Sydney an innovation agenda for Australia’s rail industry.
Metro project is seeing greater cost recovery when
compared to the traditional rail network. The full report, Finding the fast track for innovation in
the Australasian rail industry, can be found at: www.ara.
Sydney Metro already recovers 28 cents for every dollar net.au/key-issues/technology-and-innovation.
of operational spending, compared to 20 cents recovered
on the traditional network.



Supporting industry growth will include new reports on faster rail, light rail, freight
modal shift, rail freight productivity and the rail supply
As we move beyond the pandemic, rail will play an chain.
essential role in supporting Australia’s sustainable
growth. The ARA will be progressing a number of Increasing our sustainability focus
initiatives in 2021 to support the industry’s continued
growth and success, and make the most of the As sustainability becomes an increasing area of focus for
investment pipeline over the next decade. business and industry leaders, the ARA has established
a new Sustainability Committee to increase its focus
Restoring public transport patronage after the pandemic in this critical area. The ARA will develop a dedicated
has passed will be critical if we are to avoid rising Sustainability Strategy in 2021 to highlight the
congestion and increasing environmental and safety sustainability benefits the industry delivers and identify
costs as life returns to normal. The ARA will be working key areas of focus for the years ahead.
closely with industry to support a return to public
transport when the time is right, and highlight the Moving Understanding Rail online
extensive work of rail operators to deliver safe, efficient
and convenient transport options for their customers. The ARA’s cornerstone course, Understanding Rail, will
move online in 2021 to provide access to more people
We will also continue our push for a level playing field in across the country.
the freight sector. Policy settings that favour road over
rail must be addressed if the rail industry is to support Supporting rail safety
the nation’s growing freight task.
The ARA will continue to work with the Office of
The ARA has long advocated for national standards the National Rail Safety Regulator (ONRSR) on the
to make it easier for the rail industry to operate at development of the National Rail Safety Data Strategy in
scale and move easily between states and territories. 2021.
We will continue this work in 2021 by developing a
national competencies matrix as part of the Rail Industry
Worker program. The ARA will also continue to address
the challenges presented by various type approvals
processes, and push for better procurement processes
following the 2020 launch of two new procurement

Addressing skills shortages remains a key priority for

many of our members. The ARA is engaging closely with
government and industry to support stronger pathways
and better visibility of rail careers for school leavers and
university students. This work will remain a significant
focus in 2021.

Major research to inform our advocacy

The ARA will release more major research in 2021 to
support our advocacy on behalf of our members. Look
out for updates on research launches in 2021, which



Develop your career and business in 2021

The ARA has developed a wide range of events and
programs to support your career development.

Webinar program
Our extensive webinar program attracted more than
5000 registrations in 2020 and we have a strong line
up of speakers planned for 2021. Register for our free
webinars to hear case studies, panel discussions and
project updates from industry leaders and influencers.
Look out for regular updates on upcoming webinars in
the ARA’s Weekly Update.

Meet the Buyer webinar series

Join the member-only meet the buyer series in 2021
to hear from the departments, operators and tier one
contractors with major projects in the pipeline. Find out
about new works packages being planned and what
decision makers will be looking for from successful
bidders. This is a unique opportunity to hear from
major buyers in the industry to support your business

Join our networking groups

The Women in Rail Network and Young Rail
Professionals Network provide opportunities for you to
network and share information with your peers in the
rail industry. Join our networks to be part of discussions
on career development and participate in networking
events to support stronger connections in the industry.

ARA mentoring programs

Our mentoring programs provide you with the unique
chance to build your career and share your industry
knowledge. We bring together mentors and mentees
as part of a formal program to support information
sharing and connection across the rail industry. In
2020, our Women in Rail program moved online, while
our Rail e-Mentoring Program met industry needs as
more people worked from home. Look out for more
information on our mentoring program for 2021 in the
new year.


The ARA will be part of an extensive range of events in 2021 to bring the industry together to network, share
information and showcase the best in the industry. Go to www.ara.net.au/events for all the details.

Heavy Haul Conference, 14-15 April, Perth Light Rail Conference, 8-9 June 2021,
Rail freight is expected to take on almost three quarters Sydney
of the growth in the freight sector to 2030, with rising Hear the latest case studies, project updates and
demand for reliable and efficient freight operations to achievements in light rail across Australia and the world.
underpin its expansion. Find out how light rail is providing sustainable solutions
to bust congestion and address capacity challenges in
The Heavy Haul Conference will be hosted in WA in our cities and regions.
2021, sharing local and international case studies and
providing insights on the key issues facing the heavy This is a unique chance to meet with operators,
haul sector in the coming year. manufacturers, contractors and industry stakeholders
across the light rail sector.
Inland Rail Conference, 25-27 May, Albury
AusRAIL Plus, 30 November – 2 December
The transformative Inland Rail project will change the
2021, Brisbane
freight rail landscape and support greater use of rail in
the sector. As construction on the project progresses at AusRAIL Plus is expected to be bigger and better than
pace, hear from the key players involved in the project ever in 2021 as the industry comes together for the rail
and its achievements and current priorities. event of the year.

This is a unique chance to discover the detail behind the Do not miss your chance to be part of AusRAIL as it
project and find out what milestones will be key to its returns to an in-person format. Stay tuned for an
success in the year ahead. impressive program of international keynotes, industry
leaders and case studies from those at the forefront of
the industry.

For more information go to www.ausrail.com


In becoming an ARA member, your organisation and
employees gain access to a variety of benefits.

The Australasian Railway Association (ARA) brings the rail industry together, helping you
connect with the leaders, influencers and technical specialists working across Australia
and New Zealand.

Your ARA membership can help unlock new connections in the industry, put you at the
centre of advocacy to support the future of rail and give you unmatched access to our
range of events.

1. Connect with leaders and experts in the industry

Be part of a network that brings together the top leaders and technical specialists
working in the rail industry. Connect with people that are shaping the industry to share
information and best practice or create new work opportunities for your business.

2. Be among the first to receive the latest information about the rail industry
Take advantage of the ARA’s extensive network to be among the first to hear the latest
news and industry developments and what they mean for you. Make the most of our
regular member updates, detailed insights and opportunities to network with your
peers to make sure you are always up to date.

3. Contribute to the future of rail

Join our committees and working groups to help shape the policy positions and
advocacy agenda that will support a strong and sustainable rail industry for all of us.
Be part of advancing the issues that matter to your business to make your mark in the

4. Gain access to ARA events at discounted rates

The ARA’s networking and events program is not to be missed and, as a member, you
can access even more events by taking advantage of discounted rates. Make the most
of networking and business development at our events to ensure you are visible to key
decision makers in the industry.

5. Get ahead of the pack with member-only content

The ARA has introduced a select number of member only webinars and events to
provide members with exclusive access to key decision makers and influencers. Take
advantage of your membership status by joining our member-only webinars and
leaders’ luncheons to take your networking to the next level

Go to ara.net.au/about-us/become-a-member to sign up today.


Stay up to date with ARA news
Stay up to date with the latest ARA news and insights in

Weekly Update
Sign up to our Weekly Update enewsletter to hear how
we are working to support our members and stay up
to date with industry news. This is a great resource for
anyone working in the rail industry – subscribe at:
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BUSINESS evolved when we
recognised a lot of the planned
infrastructure projects around Australia
for the next decade had a strong rail
focus. We wanted to have a presence
within that,” said Mike Thomas,
Preston Hire’s Head of Rail.
In what has been a rapid series
of months, Preston Hire’s approach
to equipment hire has enabled the
company to stand out and grow
quickly within this new segment of
the market.
“Preston Hire has always been
focused on specialised hire equipment
for niche markets. Our fleet of
retractable loading platforms, cranes
and EWPs have been carefully
selected for the unique capabilities
and solutions they offer to customers.
Our Rail division has taken a similar
approach,” said Thomas.
Thomas brings over 20 years of hire
experience to the rail portfolio with
extensive expertise in operations and
sales. Thomas’s approach to the rail
sector was to think about the industry
“Rail in our business is a market,
not an equipment category. We look
at the entire market so effectively
anything within a rail corridor or
associated to a rail project is defined
as rail within our vernacular,” he


Preston Hire’s signature yellow
equipment is already frequently seen
on track working with numerous rail
projects nationally.



“We deal with many network

owners who require flexibility and
services that span multiple states.
Our national footprint allows us
to act promptly and efficiently
delivering on these requests in record
time,” said Thomas.
Approaching the rail market as a
whole, Preston Hire offers a range of
equipment suitable for the rail corridor.
“We have built an impressive fleet of
hi-rail machines whilst complementing
these with our non hi-rail specialised
machinery into the rail space. This is a
unique difference to our offering that
has greatly helped many customers we
work with,” said Thomas.
With the volume of rail work
only expected to grow, Preston
Hire has the right tools for the job.
Thomas breaks down the sector
into three pillars, beginning with rail
construction and civil. He explains ability to complete jobs such as and lift studies to plotting drawings
that rail civil incorporates a lot of overhead wire repairs and signalling. for our customers. We complete
their mini crane and hydraulic crawler The final pillar is site services operator familiarisations and do field
crane fleets utilising the varying access providing dry hire equipment across days to get people familiar with all
and lifting capabilities. From compact hi-rail trolleys, generators and our gear,” said Thomas. “We offer a
spider cranes to large crawlers, lighting towers. Across all of these turnkey solution; from inception to
Preston Hire can provide the right pillars Preston Hire offers not just completion.”
machine for the job. the equipment, but the knowledge Entering into the rail space has also
The second pillar is rail and services to make each job as enabled Preston Hire to work with
maintenance. Preston Hire’s fleet of productive as possible. its OEM partners to introduce new
elevated work platforms are essential “We’re engaged with every aspect machinery to the Australian market.
units for this line of work with the of the job from providing lift plans Working as partners, Preston Hire was
the first company to introduce the
RR14 EVO3 hi-rail EWP to the market
ensuring the machine met the specific
Australian standards for road-rail
vehicles. “This was an extensive yet
necessary process to ensure our quality
standards were met,” explained
Thomas. “It is also important that
customer’s know we have taken the
time to appropriately test our gear to
meet certified standards.
“Rail for us is a vital market in
Australia and so much more than just
a hire opportunity. We are committed
to providing services that truly provide
solutions for our customers. We
are a new entry to the rail market,
however we are in it for the long
haul” said Thomas. “I look forward
to demonstrating our COUNT ON US
approach to business”



A NEW EVOLUTION design. Specific safety technologies

include load torque, height and sway
limitation and the virtual wall. The
LIEBHERR’S RAILROAD EXCAVATOR A 922 RAIL IS AVAILABLE TO machine operators can always rely on
their machine and completely focus
on the work.
AND MAINTENANCE PIPELINE. With over half a century of
engineering expertise behind every
machine built by Liebherr, the A
SINCE THE 1960S, LIEBHERR touchscreen colour display as well 922 Rail is no exception. Since
has led in the manufacturing of as the other control elements on the 2012, Australian rail customers have
railroad excavators as part of its wide console and the comfort operator’s had the advantage of accessing
construction machinery portfolio. seat are ideally and ergonomically Liebherr’s road-rail excavator and
Based in Kirchdorf an der Iller, a coordinated with each other, forming feedback from local users as well
town in the south-western German a perfect unit. as international customers have
state of Baden-Württemberg, a Ease of maintenance has also been gone into the development and
number of Liebherr machine types are built into the A 922 Rail. The service- construction of the A 922 Rail. In
manufactured to this day in Germany, oriented machine design of the A 922 the course of extensive test phases,
to the highest quality standards. Rail guarantees short maintenance the quality of each individual system
The latest release from the times and minimises the maintenance is continuously checked further. In
manufacturer is the railroad excavator costs. addition, an independent authority
A 922 Rail. Drawing on the company’s The A 922 Rail improves on tests and approves the machines and
extensive experience and consistent previous versions with easier to the systems installed in them.
product development pipeline, the A access components. Air, oil and For ongoing operation and
922 Rail delivers the best performance fuel filters, the main battery switch, maintenance support, Liebherr has
yet in a user-friendly configuration. the lubricating grease zerk for the a significant number of company-
Running on a 120 kW/163hp oscillating axle and the pilot valves for owned facilities around Australia
construction machine engine, the emergency actuation are all easy to and New Zealand with designated
A 922 Rail delivers higher working access. contractors strategically based to
speeds and smooth operation. To Advanced safety technologies service and support customers.
travel on rail, the undercarriage is are part and parcel of the A 922 For more information, please
designed to be able to adapt to Rail. Liebherr’s history of being a contact Liebherr-Australia Pty Ltd on
various gauge standards for use on reliable partner on the construction (02) 9852 1800 or visit
all networks. The inside wheels of the site is inbuilt into the excavator’s www.liebherr.com.au.
dual tyres provide traction for on-rail
travel and integrated brakes in the rail
wheel shorten the braking distance,
enhancing safety.
The proven hydraulic concept of
the A 922 Rail utilises the finely tuned
Liebherr built components to provide
responsive operation. A dual variable
displacement pump with independent
control circuits provides a high level of
driving and work performance.
The A 922 Rail is designed with
the rail worker in mind. The double
cab provides user friendliness and
comfort. With a modern interior
design and roll-over protective
structure the operator is comfortable,
focused, productive, and safe. Vision
of the working area is supported by a
generous use of glass as well as rear
and side cameras as standard. The



Advertising & Marketing Rail Industry Safety and Standards Board

Rail Manufacturing Cooperative Research Centre
Ruby Fox Railway Museum Victoria
South Australian Freight Council Inc
Associations & Bodies The Australian Trade Commission - Austrade
Tramway Museum St Kilda
Prime Creative Media Transport for Victoria
Rail Track Association Australia (ARA member) Transport Heritage NSW Ltd (ARA member)
RailGallery - Creative Transport and Industrial Marketing UniQuest Pty Limited
ACRI (Australasian Centre for Rail Innovation)
ACT Government (ARA member) Below Rail & Track Grinding
AMTIL Export Hub
Australasian Railway Association Integrated Recycling Pty Ltd
Australian Federated Union of Locomotive Employees MATISA Australia
Australian Industry Group Projex Group Pty. Ltd.
Australian Logistics Council
Australian Manufacturing Workers Union (ARA member) Buildings and Property
Australian Railway Historical Society (New South Wales Division)
Australian Railway Historical Society (Tasmania Division) New Era Electrical Services
Australian Sugar Milling Council Transit Vision
Australian Transport Safety Bureau Transport for NSW (ARA member)
Austrian Consulate General - Commercial Section
Bland Shire CouncilWest Wyalong Condition Monitoring & Digitalisation
Blue Mountains Commuter and Transport Users Association
CF Asia Pacific Group Pty Ltd (ARA member) Australian Rail Technology Pty Ltd (ARA member)
CQ University Australia Azeta Group
Department of Transport and Main Roads (Translink) Lycopodium Infrastructure Pty Ltd
(ARA member) MATISA Australia
Doyle Transport Consulting Rieckenberg International Railway Technology Consulting
Gilgandra Shire Council (ARA member) SMC Corporation
Glen Innes Severn Council SYSTRA Scott Lister Australia Pty Ltd (ARA member)
GLH Rail and Civil - George’s Loader Hire Trimble Beena Vision Solutions
Greater Wellington Regional Council Trimble Nexala Solutions
Institute for Intelligent Systems Research and Innovation Trimble Rail Solutions
Institute of Railway Technology - Monash University Wabtec Control Systems
(ARA member)
National Railway Museum Electrical and Electrification
Office of the National Rail Safety Regulator
Office of Transport Safety Investigations Aitken & Partners
Patentes Talgo S.L. (ARA member) Alltrack Solutions
PTronik Pty Ltd Alpha Technologies
Public Transport Authority of Western Australia (PTAWA) Alstom Transport Australia Pty Limited (ARA member)
(ARA member) Amphenol Australia Pty Ltd
Puffing Billy Railway (ARA member) ASN Switchgear - Rotary Switches
Rail Academy (ARA member) Blue Electronics Pty Ltd



Braemac Engineering Pty Ltd Engineering

Cambridge Technologies
Canberra Metro Operations (ARA member) APC Integration
Carson Signs APC Technology
Cat 5 Rail Austest Laboratories
CNE Custom Cables Pty Ltd Australian Rail Technology Pty Ltd (ARA member)
Coffey A Tetra Tech Company Australis Rail Consulting
Connector-Tech ALS Pty Ltd EMRAILS
Crimp-Tech Australia Pty Ltd Engenium Pty Ltd
Electromek Pty Ltd Faiveley Transport Australia
Eltek Australia Pty Ltd Indec (ARA member)
Falcon Engineering 95 Pty Ltd Liebherr-Australia Pty Ltd
GVK Ranbury Management Group
HARTING Pty Ltd Systematiq Pty Ltd
HUBER+SUHNER Australia Pty Ltd SYSTRA Scott Lister Australia Pty Ltd (ARA member)
Innovec Controls Pty Ltd
Intex Connect Environment Management
iris Asia-Pacific Pty Ltd
Ironcore Transformers Pty Ltd Affinity Shop
Jaquet - A part of TE Connectivity Amtac Professional Services Pty Ltd
Kraus & Naimer Pty Ltd ASSA ABLOY Australia Pty Ltd
Manco Engineering Australia Pty Ltd Association of Tourist & Heritage Rail Australia Inc
Manildra Group (ARA member) (ARA member)
Middys Rail Infrastructure Aust Light Tower C/o Cross & Frampton Pty Ltd
Nexans Australmold AVT Rail Systems Pty Ltd
Niksar Australia Pty Ltd Caldis Cook Group
P&R Electrical Wholesalers Calibre Professonal Services Pty Ltd (ARA member)
PDC Group (Australia) Clark Corporate Consulting P/L
Petards Competitive Advantage International Pty Ltd
PJ White & Co Cortexia
Projex Electrix Pty Ltd Cortexia | Human Factors & Safety
Roxtec Australia Pty Ltd Curtin Monash Accident Research Centre
Roy Hill Infrastructure Pty Ltd (ARA member) Dakar Risk Management Services Pty Ltd
Soundlabs Group Pty Ltd DNV GL Business Assurance Australia & New Zealand
South West Power Pty Ltd Everlast Tarping Systems Pty Ltd
Sunlec International Pty Ltd Fatigue Management Technologies
Surgetech Systems Feddersen Consulting Group (ARA member)
Syskim International Pty Ltd HF Integration
System 7 Australia Ian King Local Pest Control
TECH SOURCE Industrial Guarding and Safety
Teksol International Pty Ltd Industroquip Safety & Signage
Transport System Solutions ISS First Response
Weidmuller Australia Landmark Rail Solutions
Lock Focus Pty Ltd



Lone Worker Safety COVA Thinking Pty Ltd

Loram Maintenance of Way Inc Cryonomic
Loram Pty Ltd Dymax Rail
Luminator Technology Group Enersys Australia
Matnick Security Services Engineered Solutions Asia Pacific Pty Ltd (ESAP)
Maxcool Workwear Euro Power Australia Pty Ltd
Onesafe Integrated Risk Management Pty Ltd eWelders
OnSiteCameras Pty Ltd Fast Track Welding Pty Ltd
Plant Assessor - Machinery Safety Solutions Fuchs Lubricants (Australasia)
Sealed Air GTE Welding Pty Ltd
Sekisui Foam Australia Hancock Sheetmetal
Soundblock Solutions Hifab Welding
StaySafe Lone Worker Safety Icepower Industrial Cleaning
TPD Systems Asia Ltd Interflon Australia
TruSafety Solutions International Cleaning Services
TUV SUD Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd. KaRaTec Power Supplies Pty Ltd
UBIMET PTY LTD Kemet Australia Pty Ltd
UGL Rail (ARA member) Kennards Hire (ARA member)
Unified Security Group (Australia) Pty Ltd Kingfield Galvanizing
Unipart Group Australia Pty Ltd (ARA member) KiwiRail (ARA member)
Webbair Prolec Lakes Flora Pty Ltd
Xtralis Pty Ltd Legend Power Systems
Lubricon Hydrive Pty Ltd
Freight/Heavy Haul Operations MAPAL Australia Pty Ltd
Australian Rail Technology Pty Ltd (ARA member) Milspec Manufacturing Pty Ltd
Celtec Rail Pty Ltd Plasma Cutter Inc
Comsteel (ARA member) Plasser & Theurer Export von Bahnbaumaschinen GmbH
Salix Powerbox
Powerlite Australia
General Materials and Product Supplies Progress Rail (ARA member)
Rail Industry Supplies
Adept Direct - Cable Handling Railtech Australia Limited
AMI SALES Rosenberg Australia Pty Ltd
Antec Engineering Salta Properties (ARA member)
Australian Timken Pty Ltd Schaffler
Axis Electrical Components (I) PVT LTD SmartChem Industries Pty Ltd
Battery Energy Power Solutions Pty Ltd Wear Parts Services Pty Ltd
Bexon Crane Rail Pty Ltd Westkon Precast Pty Ltd
BHP Billiton Iron Ore (ARA member) Wi-Tronix LLC (ARA member)
C-Mac Industries YHI Power
Chemetall Australasia
Coolshield International Pty Ltd
Coulter Engineering



Human Rescource Services Infrastructure

Trakblaze Pty Ltd ATEC Rail Group (ARG)

12seven Consulting Services Colliers International
2XM Projects Pty Ltd (ARA member) CR Rail
Aakira Medical Services Era Polymers
ABB Australia Pty Ltd (ARA member) Forensic Pest Management Services Pty Ltd
Ability People Pty Ltd Fortescue Metals Group Limited (ARA member)
accreditis Pilbara Iron Company Services (ARA member)
Auckland Transport (ARA member) Qld Survey Pegs
Bridging The Gap
BriX Projects Infrastructure Engineering
Broadspectrum (ARA member)
Building Careers Australia Bureau Veritas Australia Pty Ltd (ARA member)
Cadden Crowe BCON Services
Catops ENSCO Rail
CDI AndersElite Australia Limmat Group
Centre for Railway Engineering (ARA member) Monash Institute of Railway Technology
CGC Recruitment Ries Rail Services Australia
Chelgrave Rail Sperry Rail Inc
Complete Personnel Recruitment Taylor Rail Australia Pty Ltd
Contract Control International Pty Ltd TBH - Tracey Brunstrom & Hammond Pty Ltd (ARA member)
Granite Consulting Infrastructure Engineering Services
GTE Rail Australia Pty Ltd
Hays Recruitment A Bending Company P/L
Humanomics Abergeldie Complex Infrastructure
Hunan Great Steel Pipe Co. Ltd Ajax Fasteners
Industrial Recruitment Partners Alcoa Fastening Systems
Kinexus ArcelorMittal
McArthur Australian Railway Supply Co. Pty Ltd
McConnell Dowell Pty Ltd (ARA member) Baron Rubber
Monadelphous Engineering Associates Pty Ltd (ARA member) Boleh Consulting AUST
Perfect Labour Hire Bombardier Transportation Australia (ARA member)
Rail Advisory Services (ARA member) British Steel
Rail Personnel Bull Head Services Pty Limited
Randstad CADwalk Global Pty Ltd
recruitaustralia.com Pty Ltd Degnan Constructions
Reliance Rail Pty Ltd (ARA member) DRYSYS Australia Pty Ltd
Technical Resources Pty Ltd Elphinstone Pty Ltd
Track Protection Australia Elsafe Pty Ltd (ARA member)
Web Rail Encanta Event Management
Workforce International Pty Ltd Endeavour Mutual Bank (ARA member)
Fluor Australia Pty Ltd



Fluor Rail Services IT Services and Supply

Glass and Surface Protection Technologies Australia Pty Limited
GRC&C Absolute Data Group
Groundmaster Engineering Ajilon
GS1 Australia (ARA member) BCDS Solutions
Hardface Technologys BE Analytic Solutions
Hawkins Infrastructure Computer Empire
IMI Precision Engineering Constraint Technologies International (CTI)
Infastech Engineered Fastening CoreMac
Insulect Australia Critical Room Solutions Pty Ltd
KCPM Consulting Pty Ltd CRRC Australia Pty Ltd (ARA member)
Konnect Enlightened IT Development
Linmag Australia Pty Ltd ESSESSE Pty Ltd
Marchment Hill Consulting Fielden Management Services Pty Ltd
Marciano Industries Hamey Vision Systems Pty Ltd
McLeod Rail Pty Ltd House of IT
MFL Maschinenfabrik Liezen und Giesserei GmbH Insyte Solutions
Mid West Ports Authority (ARA member) iPRO Solutions Pty Ltd
Multislide Industries Legion Ltd
Northern Iron and Brass Foundry Pty Ltd Lendlease Engineering Pty Ltd (ARA member)
OSR Pty Ltd Mac Smart
Platipus Anchors Paperless Warehousing Group
Polycorp Ltd. Paperless Warehousing Pty Ltd
Quingson Railteck Corp. Rail Management Consultants Australia Pty Ltd
Rail Futures Pty Ltd RTS Solutions
Rail Technology International Pty Ltd Trapeze Networks
Raymax Applications Pty Ltd UXC Eclipse
Royal Infraconstru Limited V/Line (ARA member)
Smale Rail VisioStack Inc
Steelrod Pty Ltd Weighwell Engineering Ltd
Sterling Group
Strategic Connections Group Pty Ltd (ARA member) Legal & Compliance
Strategic Marine
Strukton Rail Australia Pty Ltd (ARA member) AssessTech
T & S Bates Pty Ltd Austest Laboratories
Technofast Industries Systematiq Pty Ltd
Tesmec S.p.A.
Trelleborg Engineered Systems Australia Pty Ltd Machinery
Ultra Electronics Australia
United Fasteners Australia ADT Rail & Equipment Pty Ltd
VEC Civil Engineering Pty Ltd ADT Western Australia Pty Ltd
Victory Aerospace & Military Spares Pty Ltd Aeson Power
VicTrack (ARA member) APC Technology
Voith Turbo Pty Ltd (ARA member) Australian Rail Technology Pty Ltd (ARA member)



Celtec Rail Pty Ltd Network Maintenance

Gemco Rail (ARA member)
Gulf Western Oil Australian Rail Technology Pty Ltd (ARA member)
Liebherr-Australia Pty Ltd SYSTRA Scott Lister Australia Pty Ltd (ARA member)
MATISA Australia tm stagetec systems
Preston Hire Australia
PROCECO LTD Network Operations
PT Hydraulics Australia Pty Ltd (ARA member)
SMC Corporation (ARA member) Australian Rail Technology Pty Ltd (ARA member)
Treotham Automation Metromatics
William Adams Pty Ltd SYSTRA Scott Lister Australia Pty Ltd (ARA member)
tm stagetec systems
Machinery, Plant & Equipment TTG Transportation Technology (ARA member)

Eye Lighting Australia Pty Ltd Paint Supply

Martinus (ARA member)
Marketing and Promotion
Passenger Operations
Australian Bulk Handling Review
Constructive Media Aldridge Railway Signals Pty Ltd
Cult Creative Pty Ltd Australian Rail Technology Pty Ltd (ARA member)
GRMS Media Industrial Design Alliance
Informa Australia Metromatics
InnoTrans Salix
International Railway Journal (IRJ) SYSTRA Scott Lister Australia Pty Ltd (ARA member)
John Kirk Photography & Beyond Images tm stagetec systems
Kachink Communications (Graphic Design & Photography)
Kathy Jones and Associates Plant & Equipment
Katrina Lawrence Pty Ltd
Madrigal Communications Aeson Power
Pro-Visual Publishing APC Technology
Rail Express Australian Rail Technology Pty Ltd (ARA member)
Railpage Celtec Rail Pty Ltd
Scott Shorter Gemco Rail (ARA member)
SmartRail World Liebherr-Australia Pty Ltd
Snap-on Tools Australia Pty Ltd (ARA member) MATISA Australia
SoundSmart Interactives Preston Hire Australia
Track & Signal Magazine PT Hydraulics Australia Pty Ltd
True Blue Trains Pty Ltd SMC Corporation
WMC Public Relations Pty Limited William Adams Pty Ltd
WMC Public Relations Pty Ltd
Work Gear Plus



Plant and Equipment Services Lumara Timber Sales

Mastrak Sendirian Berhad
SNC-Lavalin Rail & Transit Pty Limited (ARA member) Meaney Bros Timber (Grafton) Pty Ltd
AccuWeigh Melvelle Equipment Corp Pty Ltd
Allplastics Engineering Pty Ltd Mercedes-Benz Special Trucks
Allworks WA Pty Ltd Meridian Engineers Pty Ltd
Alpha Civil Pty Ltd MET OPTIX
Alpha Electrics Mettler Toledo
APR Monitor Industires Pty Ltd
Ashley Benoit & Co Mr Lift It
Austrak Pty Ltd Nayla Pty Limited
Australia Bandfield Group O’Halloran Management Services
Baileys Diesel Group Occupational Skills Centre Australia (OCC)
Balance and Vibration Engineering Olympus Australia
Brole Pty Ltd OzLinc Industries
BST Group Pty Ltd Pacific Hoists Pty Ltd
C.A.T.E.R Centre for Advanced Transport Engineering and Pacific National (ARA member)
Research Precise Machining and Manufacturing / Precise Tooling Australia
Chieftain Trailers Ltd Predator Trailers
Clark Equipment Rail Geometry Pty Ltd
Cribbing and Matting Co. Pty Ltd Rail Maintenance Services Pty Ltd
Dangerous Goods Engineering RailCom Pty Ltd
Digga Excavations Railquip Pty Ltd
Drake Trailers Rauscher & Stocklin AG
DSH Systems Ltd REX Rail
Engcon Australia ROV Railway Industry Inc.
ETS Vegetation Management SAM Technology Engineers Pty Ltd
Flip Screen Australia Sammode Lighting Australasia Pty Ltd
Harrybilt Engineering Shovlin Plant Hire (Australia) Pty Ltd
HMA Materials Handling - Techniplan SICK Pty Ltd (ARA member)
Incite Fire Sonaray Australia
Infraworks Rail Speno Rail Maintenance Australia Pty Ltd (ARA member)
Inspired Systems Pty Ltd Swift Metal Services Pty Ltd
Institute for Infrastructure Engineering T6 Rail Specialists Pty Ltd
Investment Casting TasRail (ARA member)
J Steel Australasia Pty Ltd Thermo King Rail Australia
Jacobs Group (Australia) (ARA member) Theta International (ARA member)
JSG Industrial Systems TriFlex Automation and Controls
K and G Machinery Pty Ltd Turfmaster Facility Management
Karmot Pty Ltd Ultrahawke
Keolis Downer (ARA member) Uniqco Special Vehicles
LB Wire Ropes Uromac Australia
Linklite Systems Vector Lifting
Linsinger Maschinenbau GmbH Web Wire Mesh CO



West Crane Services Professional Services

YWestermo Data Communications Pty Ltd (ARA member)
ZOELLNER Australia Pty Ltd InEight
ZOELLNER Signal GmbH 4DGeotechnics Pty Ltd
Zonegreen Achilles Information (Australia) Pty Ltd
Acmena Group Pty Ltd
Plant and Equipment Services - Trackside Adapt Australia Pty Ltd
Lighting Services and Supplies Advisian
Performance iN Lighting Australasia Pty Ltd AERO TRANS GROUP Pty Ltd
Ports Alexandrides Engineering & Management Services
Allday Rail Consultancy Services Pty Ltd
Flinders Ports AMOG Pty Ltd
Fremantle Ports Aquenta Consulting
North Queensland Bulk Ports Corporation Arc Infrastructure (ARA member)
North Star Rail Operations Consultancy Pty Ltd (ARA member) Arch Artifex
Pilbara Ports Authority (Corporate Office) Artifex Management Group
Port Authority of New South Wales ARUP Pty Ltd (ARA member)
Port of Brisbane Pty Ltd (ARA member) Asahi Glass Corporation - AGC Transport Defence & Fire
Port of Melbourne Operations Pty Ltd ATF the Port of Ashurst
Melbourne Unit Trust (ARA member) Austact Civil
Port of Newcastle AustRail Insurance Brokers
Port of Townsville AVA Consulting Partners
Port of Townsville Limited Avian UAS
The PAC Group Beach Wagner Pty Ltd
The Trustee for the Port Botany Bay Unit Trust - NSW Ports Beca Pty Ltd
(ARA member) Bennett+Bennett
The Welfare Fund Ltd (ARA member) BIS Oxford Economics
Black Box Control Pty Ltd
Procurement & Construction Bluefield AMS
Bluegum Communication
APC Integration BlueScope
APC Technology BlueScope Steel Ltd (ARA member)
Austest Laboratories BMT WBM
Australian Rail Technology Pty Ltd (ARA member) Busways Group
EMRAILS Caspian Technology
Liebherr-Australia Pty Ltd Clayton Utz
Ranbury Management Group CNC Project Management
Systematiq Pty Ltd Coleman Rail Pty Ltd (ARA member)
SYSTRA Scott Lister Australia Pty Ltd (ARA member) Columbus Group
Consultant Engineering Pty Ltd
David Christie Geotechnical and Civil Engineer
Davidson Transport Consulting
Doc Frank Rail Services



Donald Cant Watts Corke Keltbray International Pty Limited

DR Hercock and Associates L.E.K Consulting
DVB Bank SE - Land Transport Finance Laing O’Rourke (ARA member)
E Tax Depreciation Schedule Linx Equipment Finance
EnDuraSim Livetools
Engineering Advice Pty Ltd Lochiel
FEMOL International Pty Ltd Lucius Pitkin Inc
Financial Solutions MadePartners
Finlease (ARA member) Maritime Container Services & Intermodal Terminal
Firecone MBMpl Pty Ltd
Frauscher Sensor Technology Australia Pty Ltd (ARA member) Metcalfe Rail Safety Limited
Freightliner Australia Pty Ltd (ARA member) Metro Trains Australia (ARA member)
Freightquip Pty Ltd (ARA member) MNG
G13 and Associates Pty Ltd Motovated Design & Analysis Ltd.
Galen & Gray MOVE Bank (ARA member)
GBG Australia P/L Moxon Industries
GE Transportation – a Wabtec Company (ARA member) Murray King & Francis Small Consultancy Ltd
GHD Pty Ltd (ARA member) National Freight Management
Golder Associates Pty Ltd Nexxis
GoldlinQ (ARA member) NGR Project Company Pty Ltd aft NGR Project Trust t/a
Hatch Qtectic (ARA member)
Havas People Pty Ltdd Oceania Rail Road Solutions
Hi-Tech Metrology OEM Technology Solutions Pty Ltd (ARA member)
Highgate Management Omni Rail Group Pty Ltd
Hitachi Rail (ARA member) Opus Rail Pty Ltd
Hunter Transport Consulting Pty Ltd Pathtech Pty Ltd
Indra Australia Pty Ltd (ARA member) Peter Olsen & Associates Pty Ltd
Industrial Design (Baxter IP) Plateway Pty Ltd
Industry Capability Network PMRT Consultants
Industry Capability Network (Vic) Polyfabrics Australasia
Integrated Rail Engineering Services Pty Ltd PwC Strategy& (Australia) Pty Ltd
Inteplan Pty Ltd Rail Planning Services
Interface Rail Engineering Rail Systems Consulting Pty Ltd
InterLinkSQ RGB Assurance Pty Ltd
International Engineering RMAus Pty Ltd
International Transport Training & Development Royal Wolf Trading Australia Pty Limited
Intertech Engineering RPEng Pty Ltd
John Hearsch Consulting Pty Ltd RPS Advisory Services Pty Ltd (ARA member)
John Holland (ARA member) Russell McVeagh
Johnstaff Projects Pty Ltd Sabre Rail Australia Ltd (ARA member)
Journey Beyond Rail Expeditions (ARA member) Sadleirs Logistics
Jury and Jury Technologies SB Engineering Pty Ltd
KBR - Kellogg Brown Root Pty Ltd Signal and Asset Engineering Group
Keltbray International Simcon Services Pty Ltd



Simplex Engineering & Foundry Works Pvt. Ltd. Southern Shorthaul Railroad Pty Ltd
Slattery Australia Transdev Auckland
Systemix Pty Ltd Transdev Australasia Pty Ltd (ARA member)
t|b|h Transdev Wellington
Tawfik - Materials & Forensic Engineers TransVolution
Thermit Australia Pty Ltd (ARA member) TransVolution (Aust) Pty Ltd
TJM Rail Solutions Qld Pty Ltd Trapeze Group Asia Pacific Pty Ltd (ARA member)
Top Rail Services Watco Companies Western Australia
Track11 Yarra Trams
Turner & Townsend Pty Ltd
Vitruvius Ltd Recruitment & Workforce
VIZIONX Pty Limited (ARA member)
WS Atkins International Limited Momentum Rail (ARA member)
WSP Australia Pty Ltd (ARA member) Systematiq Pty Ltd

Rail Operators and Network Managers Risk

Airtrain JCG Aviation Services

Arcadis (ARA member)
AT Consultancy Group t/a Alium Works (ARA member) Rolling Stock Engineering Services
Aurecon Australasia Pty Ltd (ARA member) A & G Price Ltd
Aurizon ACM Pty Ltd
Australian Rail Tram and Bus Union National Office ACOREL
Bendigo Tramways AG Associated Gaskets
Cardno Pty Ltd Air Radiators
Ettamogah Rail Hub Air Radiators Pty Ltd
Foundation (Agent only) ALTRAC Light Rail (ARA member)
GIRO Altro APAC Pty Ltd
GrainCorp Operations Limited AMETEK Thermal Management Systems
Intermodal Group Amsted Rail Company Inc
John Linde Consulting Anric Developments Pty Ltd (ARA member)
KH1 Pty Ltd (ARA member) Archer Enterprises
Knorr-Bremse Australia Pty Ltd (ARA member) Arex Engineering
Major Projects Canberra Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARA member)
Melbourne Tramcar Preservation Association Inc Australian Rollforming
Mornington Railway Preservation Society Inc Australian Services Union (ASU) National Office (ARA member)
Pandrol Australia Pty Ltd (ARA member) Baker & Provan
Pemberton Tramway Company Pty Ltd Ballistic & Mechanical Testing
Penske Power Systems (ARA member) BAS Rail & Electrical Pty Ltd
Public Transport Victoria (ARA member) Bearing Engineering Services
Qube Logistics Beaver Technology Services
Queensland Rail (ARA member) Bradken
SCT Logistics C5Solutions Pty Ltd



Central Japan Railway Company (ARA member) International Electronic Machine Company
CFCL Australia International Paint
CFCL Australia Pty Ltd Intrex Pty Ltd
Cooper Fluid Systems Inver Engineering Pty Ltd
Copernicus Technology Ltd IXL Metal Castings
Covestro Keech Australia
CPB Contractors Pty Limited (ARA member) Kineco Alte Train Technologies Pvt Ltd
CRRC Changchun Railway Vehicles Co Ltd Leroy Automation
Cummins Inc LH Marthinusen
Cummins South Pacific Liberty Primary Steel (Rail & Steel Sleepers) (ARA member)
CVW Engineering Pty Ltd Locomotive Parts Solutions Pty Ltd
Cyient Australia Pty Ltd (ARA member) Lynxrail
DANOBAT Mackay Consolidated Industries Pty Ltd
Danobat Australia MANN+HUMMEL Australia GmbH
Dassault Systemes Australia (ARA member) Mason Grogan Industrial
David Brown Gear Industries Mills Ormiston Rubber Pty Ltd
Davies & Metcalfe - o.e.m. Brake Equipment Mitsui Rail Capital LLC
DB Engineering & Consulting GMBH (ARA member) MRX Technologies
DCL Engineering Group National Railway Equipment Co.
Deanquip Powertrans & Hydraulics Northern Fencing Specialists Pty Ltd
Delkor Rail Pty Ltd Noske-Kaeser Rail & Vehicle New Zealand Ltd
Dellner Couplers Australia Pty Ltd (ARA member) Nova Systems (ARA member)
Deluxe Taxis NSK Australia Pty Ltd
Yes...Department of Planning Transport and Infrastructure NSW TrainLink (ARA member)
(ARA member) NTR Rail Equipment Pty Ltd
Dotmar EPP Pty Ltd Parker Hannifin (Australia) Pty Ltd
Downer Group (ARA member) Parkes Shire Council (ARA member)
Drivetrain Power and Propulsion (NSW) PCS Power Converter Solutions GmbH
Ecofab Australasia Pty Ltd Perfect Hire
edilon sedra PowerRail Australia Pty Ltd
Egis Rail S.A. (ARA member) Premier Steel Technologies - Roll Forming
F.I.P. Pty Ltd T/A FIP Brakes International PT Rail
G. James Safety Glass QLD Pty Ltd Quality Technical Services LLC
Gangways & Bellows Rail Confidence
Garland Rail Technology Australia Pty Ltd
Garrandale Australia Pty Ltd RailPower
Genesee & Wyoming Australia Pty Ltd (ARA member) Railtrak Systems pty ltd
Genton RMS Mors Smitt
Global Locomotive Pty Ltd RoadRail Port (ARA member)
Go-Ahead Group (ARA member) Ronane International Trading
GoTrain Industry Pty Ltd Saft Batteries Pty Ltd (ARA member)
Hyundai Rotem Company Schaeffler Australia
Imtram Pty Ltd Sigra Rollingstock Components



Sigra Technology Australia Pty Ltd Safety

Sulzer Dowding & Mills
Symonite Pty Ltd Aldridge Railway Signals Pty Ltd
Technica Engineering AssessTech
Tisca Tischhauser AG Austest Laboratories
Toyo Tyre & Rubber Australia Limited Australian Rail Technology Pty Ltd (ARA member)
Track IQ - A Wabtec Company Frequentis Australasia (ARA member)
Traction Motor Repairs Pty.Ltd R2P Asia-Pacific Pty Ltd (ARA member)
Tractive Effort Solutions Pty Ltd SafeMate Antislip Pty Ltd
Training Ahead Australia (ARA member) SMC Corporation
Transtech Melbourne Pty Ltd Systematiq Pty Ltd
True Blue Trains SYSTRA Scott Lister Australia Pty Ltd (ARA member)
Unex - Halogen Free Cable Management Thales (ARA member)
UQ Materials Performance tm stagetec systems
Varley Group
Warringah Plastics Signalling
Worthington Industries Pty Ltd
ACTOM Signalling
Rollingstock Manufacturing & Maintenance Aeson Power
Aldridge ITS Pty Ltd
Advanced Rail Electronics Pty Ltd Aldridge Railway Signals Pty Ltd
Aeson Power Aldridge Signal Infrastructure Pty. Ltd
Andrew Engineering (Aust) Pty Ltd (ARA member) Australian Rail Technology Pty Ltd (ARA member)
Anic Associates Consulting Engineers Pty Ltd Bambach Specialised &Industrial Cables
APC Technology CAF Rail Australia (ARA member)
Australian Rail Technology Pty Ltd (ARA member) Frauscher Sensor Technology Australia Pty Ltd (ARA member)
CAF Rail Australia (ARA member) innovec controls
Comsteel (ARA member) Metromatics
Dressage Engineering Pty Ltd Rail Systems Australia
Gemco Rail (ARA member) Siemens Mobility (ARA member)
Ikon Lifting Equipment Pty Ltd Systematiq Pty Ltd
Industrial Design Alliance SYSTRA Scott Lister Australia Pty Ltd (ARA member)
New Touch Industries Pty Ltd (ARA member)
Ross Equipment Australia Pty Ltd Signalling Services
SafeMate Antislip Pty Ltd
Australian Railway Signalling and Electrical Pty Ltd
Rollingstock Supply/Leasing B&R Enclosures Pty Ltd
CAF Signalling
Aeson Power CAF Wheels Axles and Gearboxes
Celtec Rail Pty Ltd CUBIS Systems
Gemco Rail (ARA member) Deccan Electricals
SYSTRA Scott Lister Australia Pty Ltd (ARA member) DEUTA-WERKE GmbH
Exectronics Pty Ltd



Fenix Rail Systems CSE Crosscom

Frazer-Nash Consultancy Ltd (ARA member) Dali Wireless
Garland Cables DTI Group Ltd
HASCOM International Pty Ltd Engcomm Services Pty Ltd
Integrail Hanover Displays Pty Ltd
Magnetic Automation Pty Ltd Harbinger Infrastructure (ARA member)
Nitto Kohki Australia Pty Ltd Helios Power Solutions
Omada Rail Systems Hybrid Electronics Australia Pty Ltd
Pivot Electronics Pty Ltd Icomera
PowerCom Solutions Layer 2 Intelligence.
Rail Safeworking Solutions Pty Ltd MPower Products Pty Ltd
Schenck Process Australia Pty Limited NECALL Voice & Data
SEM Pro (A Division of SEM Fire and Rescue Pty Ltd) Network Rail Consulting Pty (ARA member)
Shoal Group Pty Ltd (ARA member) Nokia Solutions and Networks Australia Pty Ltd
Synergy Signalling Pty Ltd Nomad Digital Pty Ltd
TK Distributors Optical Systems Design Pty Ltd
Urban Circus Pty Ltd Rail & Maritime Transport Union Inc (ARA member)
Utilicom Railway Radio Communications Pty Ltd
Voestalpine SIGNALING Siershahn GmbH YRailway Technical Society of Australasia (ARA member)
Voestalpine VAE Railway Systems Pty Ltd (ARA member) Scientific Devices Australia
WAGO Pty Ltd Step Global
Wallenius Wilhelmsen Logistics Switchmode Power Supplies Pty Ltd
Wavetrain Systems Pty Limited Sydney Trains (ARA member)
Technology & IT Zetron Australasia Pty Ltd (ARA member)

Aldridge Railway Signals Pty Ltd Trackside & Overhead Infrastructure

APC Technology
AssessTech Australian Rail Technology Pty Ltd (ARA member)
Australian Rail Technology Pty Ltd (ARA member) Geofabrics Australasia Pty Ltd
MCS Digital M. Brodribb Pty Ltd
R2P Asia-Pacific Pty Ltd (ARA member) Martinus (ARA member)
SYSTRA Scott Lister Australia Pty Ltd (ARA member) SYSTRA Scott Lister Australia Pty Ltd (ARA member)
tm stagetec systems
Training & Certification
Telecommunications Services
4Tel Pty Ltd ATS Rail and Construction Training
AFL Telecommunications Pty Ltd Centre for Excellence in Rail Training
AFM Group LLC. Systematiq Pty Ltd
Ausscot Systems SYSTRA Scott Lister Australia Pty Ltd (ARA member)
Comet Electronics Think Sustainability
Commonwealth Bank of Australia (ARA member) ACL Welding Supply



12seven Consulting Services E leanne.sprlyan@au.abb.com P 61 07 3909 0300

W www.global.abb/group/en F 61 07 3823 4055
11 Arundel Place E australia@achilles.com
Valentine NSW 2280 Australia Branches: W www.achilles.com
P 61 2 9043 9992 QLD Fortitude Valley 1800 222 435
F 61 2 4913 5492 NSW Moorebank 1800 222 435 ACL Welding Supply
E admin@12seven.com.au WA Perth 1800 222 435
W www.12seven.com.au QLD Eagle Farm 1800 222 435 59 Commercial St
VIC Geelong 1800 222 435 Bundaberg QLD 4670 Australia
2XM Projects Pty Ltd P 1300 225 935
F 4130 8899
Level 17 31 Market Street E sales@aclwelding.com.au
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia W www.aclwelding.com.au
P 61 2 8199 3209 Abergeldie Complex Infrastructure
E isabella.wilson@2xmprojects.com.au Branches:
W www.2xmprojects.com.au PO Box 10 QLD Rockhampton
Regents Park NSW 2143 Australia 1300 225 935 07 4130 8899
P 02 8717 7777
F 02 8717 7778 ACM Pty Ltd
E mwestby@abergeldie.com
4DGeotechnics Pty Ltd W www.abergeldie.com 1 Turbo Drive
Bayswater North VIC 3153 Australia
Unit 10 139 Newcastle Street Ability People Pty Ltd P 61 3 9720 0900
Perth WA 6000 Australia F 61 3 9720 0997
P 08 6212 9000 Level 11 17 Castlereagh St E acm_doug@bigpond.com
F 08 6212 9100 Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
E info@4dg.com.au P 02 9229 8100 Acmena Group Pty Ltd
W www.4dg.com.au F 02 9232 5279
E info@abilitypeople.com PO Box 220
4Tel Pty Ltd W www.abilitypeople.com Ashgrove West QLD 4060 Australia
P 0417 831 601
29 Warabrook Boulevard Absolute Data Group E enquiries@acmena.com.au
Warabrook NSW 2304 Australia W www.acmena.com.au
P 61 2 4923 4100 L4 383 Wickham Terrace
F 61 2 4923 4120 Spring Hill QLD 4000 Australia Branches:
E jwust@4tel.com.au P 61 7 3832 6888 NSW 0417 831 601
W www.4tel.com.au E info@absolutedata.com VIC 0417 831 601
W www.absolutedata.com QLD 0417 831 601
A & G Price Ltd
Accell Pty Ltd ACOREL
Beach Rd
Thames 3540 New Zealand PO Box 421 3 rue Paul Langevin
P 64 7 868 6060 Mapleton QLD 4560 Australia Saint-Peray 7130 France
P 1800 029 649 P 07 5445 7623 P 33 4 7540 5979
E sales@a gprice.co.nz F 07 5636 1098 E arthur.tete@acorel.com
E bookings@accell.com.au W www.acorel.com
A Bending Company P/L W www.accell.com.au
4 Monterey Road accreditis VIC Ivanhoe 0468 463 348
Dandenong VIC 3175 Australia
P 61 3 9706 4440 PO Box 3028 ACRI (Australasian Centre for Rail
F 61 3 9706 4007 Blakehurst NSW 2221 Innovation)
E petera@abending.com P 02 8003 7100
W www.abending.com Con Zergiotis PO Box 238 Civic Square
E con@accreditis.com ACT 2608 Australia
Aakira Medical Services P 61 2 6274 7405
AccuWeigh E tracee.pratt@infrastructure.gov.au
8 Slaone Street W www.acri.net.au
Maribrynong VIC 3032 Australia 12 Kembla Way
P 1300 355 900 Willetton WA 6155 Australia ACT Government
E bookings@trainingahead.com.au P 08 9259 5535
W www.aakiramedical.com.au F 08 9259 5568 12 Wattle Street
E scales@accuweigh.com.au Lyneham ACT 2601 Australia
ABB Australia Pty Ltd W www.accuweigh.com.au P 02 6207 8676
F 02 6207 9337
601 Blackburn Road Achilles Information (Australia) Pty Ltd W www.transport.act.gov.au
Notting Hill VIC 3168 Australia
P 1800 222 435 Level 1 38 Redland Bay Road
F 03 8577 7001 Capalaba QLD 4157 Australia



ACTOM Signalling Advisian AFL Telecommunications Pty Ltd

1 Alpha Road Level 13 333 Collins Street 93-97 Merrindale Drive

Germiston 1401 South Africa Melbourne VIC 3000 Australia Croydon South VIC 3136 Australia
P 27 11 871 6600 P 61 3 9810 5700 P 1300 232 476
F 27 11 871 6868 F 61 3 9614 1318 E ian.lee@aflglobal.com
Peter Colborne E melbourne@advisian.com W www.aflglobal.com
E peter.colborne@actom.co.za W www.advisian.com
W www.actom.co.za Branches:
AECOM ACT Canberra 61 2 6143 2300
Adapt Australia Pty Ltd NSW Sydney 61 2 9421 4200
PO Box Q410 QVB Post Office QLD Brisbane 61 7 3292 1400
11-19 Global Drive Sydney NSW 1230 Australia SA Adelaide 61 8 8223 1919
Tullamarine VIC 3043 Australia P 61 2 8934 0000 WA Perth 61 8 6253 2200
P 61 3 9330 0666 F 61 2 8934 0001
F 61 3 9330 0777 E ulrike.imme@aecom.com AFM Group LLC.
E smarshall@adaptaust.com.au W www.aecom.com
W www.adaptaust.com.au 3611 Lakecrest Drive
AERO TRANS GROUP Pty Ltd Grapevine Texas USA
Adept Direct - Cable Handling P 972 313 5671
497 Avro Street E tony@afmgroup.org
PO Box 8004 Bankstown Aerodrome NSW 2200 Australia
Griffith NSW 2680 Australia P 02 9113 0777 AG Associated Gaskets
P 61 2 5924 1213 F 02 9194 3111
E sales@adeptdirect.com.au E admin@aerotransgroup.com.au PO Box 349
W www.adeptdirect.com.au W www.aerotransgroup.com.au Revesby North NSW 2212 Australia
P 61 2 9774 3333
ADT Rail & Equipment Pty Ltd YES F 61 2 9774 1100
E sydsales@agaus.com.au
5 Gantry Place W www.agaus.com.au
Braemar NSW 2575 Australia
P 0407 605567 Agonics
Paul Milner
E paul@adtrail.com.au #303 26-30 Rokeby Street
W www.adtrail.com.au/product-category/rail/ Aeson Power Collingwood VIC 3066 Australia
P 61 417 328 051
Brands: 18/40 Ricketts Rd E fmalelis@geomatic.com.au
Hydrema Mount Waverley VIC 3149 Australia W www.agonics.com
P 03 9545 5993 Branches:
ADT Western Australia Pty Ltd P 03 9545 5993 NSW 61 419 117 508
David Olsen
230 Barrington Street E info@aesonpower.com.au Air Radiators
Bibra Lake WA 6163 Australia W aesonpower.com.au/
P 08 9434 4566 45 Heales Road Lara
F 08 9434 4588 Profile: VIC 3212 Australia
Darryl Moore AESON POWER is a major supplier of P 352756644
E darryl@moxy-wa.com.au battery and chargers to the Australian Rail E jmanev@airrads.com.au
W www.moxy-wa.com.au/product- Industry. Batteries cover Signalling – Scada W www.airradiators.com
category/rail/ – Substations – UPS – IT – Lighting and
Under Carriage Chargers cover Signalling Air Radiators Pty Ltd
Brands: – Locomotive and others. Our technical
Hydrema expertise, customer responsive service 45 Heales Road
are critical factors why the rail industry is Lara VIC 3212 Australia
Advanced Rail Electronics turning to AESON POWER P 352756644
E jmanev@airrads.com.au
Unit 68 42-46 Wattle Rd Brands: W www.airradiators.com
Brookvale NSW 2100 Australia BSB, Charger, POWER NET, ENDO, GEL,
P 61 2 9997 1010 Sonnenchein, GENZ, LITHIUM ION, HRESYS, Airtrain
E sales@advancedrailelectronics.com SUPERPACK
W www.advancedrailelectronics.com PO Box 66
Affinity Shop Pinkenba QLD 4031 Australia
Advanced Rail Electronics Pty Ltd P 07 3216 3308
12 Queen Street F 07 3216 3361
Unit 2 8 Brennan Close Mittagong NSW 2575 Australia E info@airtrain.com.au
Asquith NSW 2077 Australia P 0415 772 389 W www.airtrain.com.au
P 02 9997 1010 E affinshop@gmail.com
Jane Larucci M: 0426 083 233 W affinityshop.com.au/
E janelarucci@advancedrailelectronics.com
W www.advancedrailelectronics.com



Aitken & Partners Profile: Equipment Company. The Aldridge product

Aldridge Intelligent Transport Systems offerings now include Automatic Train
PO Box 933 designs and manufactures level crossings Protection, Operations Control Centres,
Hornsby NSW 2077 Australia that integrate state-of-the- art inductive Interlocking Equipment, points machines,
P 61 2 9489 7607 wheel detection technology with wireless platform screen doors (PSD), mechanical
E info@jja.com.au communication to wayside equipment. This gap filler (MGF) and Cragg Battery Chargers
W www.jja.com.au new approach doesn’t require the digging which incorporate back to base monitoring
of trenches, the use of high powered including battery cells.
Ajax Fasteners track circuits or optimal environmental
conditions for operation. Powered by solar
41-45 Mills Road panels and monitored via a web server
Braeside VIC 3195 Australia these crossings are low cost and are ideally
P 03 9586 6666 suited to remote locations.
E donna.payne@ajaxfast.com.au
W www.ajaxfast.com.au
Aldridge Signal Infrastructure Pty. Ltd
45 Adderley Street East
Level 12 108 St Georges Terrace Lidcombe NSW 2142 Australia
Perth WA 6000 Australia P 61 2 9807 7778
P 61 8 9324 8400 Aldridge Railway Signals Pty Ltd F 61 2 9807 7478
F 61 8 9324 8499 E chrisb@beyondadvertising.com.au
E miningandlogistics@ajilon.com.au 44 Adderley Street East W www.railsignal.com/infrastructure
W www.ajilon.com.au Lidcombe NSW 2141 Australia
P 61 2 9807 7777 Profile:
Alcoa Fastening Systems F 61 2 9807 7477 Starting from the initial concept design
E chrisb@beyondadvertising.com.au right through to cleaning up the site
P.O. Box 144 W www.railsignal.com once the system is installed tested and
Mt Waverley VIC 3149 Australia commissioned you’ll find a team of highly
P 61 3 8545 3333 Profile: skilled professionals behind each step in
F 61 3 8545 3390 Aldridge has a wealth of knowledge across the Aldridge turnkey process. No detail is
E info@afshuck.net every aspect of the Railway Signalling too small which is why there are 8 steps in
W www.afshuck.net discipline. In addition to designing and the turnkey process to ensure your project
manufacturing our own proprietary is delivered on time, on budget and with
product on-site we’re also capable of zero harm. And it doesn’t stop there with
design and manufacture for all control ongoing communication after the project is
systems. All backed up by full Engineering commissioned to ensure maximum peace of
and Production Support through to Turnkey mind. Aldridge, the key to Railway Signal
Solutions for complex projects. Aldridge turnkey solutions.
supplies Australian markets as well as
Malaysia, Thailand, Taiwan, Singapore, Alexandrides Engineering &
Aldridge ITS Pty Ltd Hong Kong, Sri Lanka, Philippines, Ireland, Management Services
Indonesia and New Zealand. Aldridge has
44 Adderley Street East a history of innovation, being the first to Gouger Street
Lidcombe NSW 2141 Australia introduce LED signals into Australia and Adelaide SA 5000 Australia
P 61 02 9807 7777 more recently developing Digital Railway P 0419 800 163
F 61 02 98077477 Signals and the Wireless Level Crossing. Con Alexandrides
E chrisb@beyondadvertising.com.au Aldridge is also the official distributor in E con@alexems.com.au
W railsignal.com/its the Australian market for Kyosan Electric W www.alexems.com.au
Manufacturing Company and The Railway



Allday Rail Consultancy Services Pty Ltd Branches: Amsted Rail Company Inc
VIC Melbourne 03 9612 5400
54 Scaybrook Drive QLD Brisbane 07 3221 6586 311 S. Wacker Suite 5300
Kincumber NSW 2251 Australia WA Perth 08 9421 7066 Chicago Illinois 60606 United States
P 61 0 419 703 501 P 1 800 621 8442
E janice.allday@gmail.com F 1 618 876 2618
E adhir@amstedrail.com
Allplastics Engineering Pty Ltd W www.amstedrail.com
ALTRAC Light Rail
20/380 Eastern Valley Way Amtac Professional Services Pty Ltd
Chatswood NSW 2067 Australia 280 Elizabeth Street
P 61 2 8038 2000 Surry Hills NSW 2000 Australia PO Box 222
E vick@allplastics.com.au P 02 9091 1954 Browns Plains QLD 4600 Australia
W www.allplastics.com.au W jennifer.ross@altraclightrail.com.a P 61 7 3380 4600
E amtac@amtac.net
Alltrack Solutions W www.amtac.net

PO Box 1003 AMTIL Export Hub

Ingleburn NSW 2565 Australia Altro APAC Pty Ltd
P 61 2 9605 9779 Suite 1 673 Boronia Rd
F 61 2 9605 9775 3 St Andrews Court Wantirna VIC 3152 Australia
E sales@alltrack.com.au Rowville VIC 3178 Australia P 61398003666
W www.alltrack.com.au P 0400 475 183 E gchalker@amtil.com.au
F 03 9764 5655 W www.amtil.com.au
Allworks WA Pty Ltd E kristian@asf.com.au
W www.asf.com.au
51 Conquest Way
Wangara WA 6065 Australia AMETEK Thermal Management
P 08 9303 4368 Systems
F 08 6305 0499
E depot@allworks.com.au Heinrich-Heine-Str. 1A Mammendorf
W allworks.com.au/ Bavaria 82291 Germany . Andrew Engineering (Aust) Pty Ltd
P 49 814 595 1767
Alpha Civil Pty Ltd F 49 814 595 1768 86-90 Northern Road
E peter.fritsch@ametek.com Heidelberg West VIC 3081 Australia
2 Farm Road W www.ametekaerodefense.com P 61 3 9457 0700
Mulgoa NSW 2745 Australia F 61 3 9458 1755
P 0410 637 247 AMI SALES E lisaf@andeng.com.au
F 02 4773 9856 W www.andeng.com.au
E dorin@alphacivil.net.au Compass Business Park Unit 202 27 Mars
W www.alphacivil.net.au Road Profile:
Lane Cove West NSW 2066 Australia Andrew Engineering is a well renowned
Alpha Electrics P 61 2 9816 7100 Rolling Stock Maintenance Equipment
F 61 2 9816 7155 supplier capable of providing single
24 Scarfe Street E nsw@amisales.com.au pieces of equipment to turnkey solutions.
Camdale TAS 7230 Australia W www.amisales.com.au Specialising in:
P 03 6435 1708 • Depot Personnel Protection Equipment
F 03 6435 2733 AMOG Pty Ltd • Wheel Lathes
E anthony.butler@alphaelectrics.com.au • Bogie Exchange Equipment
Sea Technology House 19 Business Park Dve • Turntables
Alpha Technologies Notting Hill VIC 3168 Australia • Lifting Jacks
P 03 9542 3700 Our expertise includes:
Level 7 91 Phillip Street F 03 9542 3790 • Engineering Design & Manufacture.
Parramatta NSW 2150 Australia E info@amog.consulting • Design Engineering Consulting
P 61285996960 W www.amog.consulting • Site Installation & Maintenance
E ata@alpha.com • Recondition & Repair of Major Equipment
Branches: In addition our highly skilled technicians
Alstom Transport Australia Pty Limited WA West Perth 08 9212 1800 provide through life support for both
SA Dulwich 08 7078 4110 scheduled servicing and breakdown
16 Giffnock Avenue QLD South Brisbane 07 3063 0592 assistance.
North Ryde NSW 2113 Australia
P 02 8870 6000 Amphenol Australia Pty Ltd
F 02 8870 6005
E sheldon.young@alstomgroup.com 22 Industry Boulevard
W www.alstom.com/alstom-australia Carrum Downs VIC 3201 Australia Anic Associates Consulting Engineers
P 61 3 8796 8888 Pty Ltd
F 613 8796 8801
E suegoutziotis@amphenol.com.au 27 Rupert Street
W www.amphenol.com.au Brunswick East VIC 3057 Melbourne



P 610 417 151 283 Management - Maintenance Management - Arc Infrastructure

P 61 3 9443 0456 Remote telemetry systems.
Ivo Anic Level 3 George Wencke Drive
E ivoanic@anicassociates.com PERTH AIRPORT WA 6105 Australia
W www.anicassociates.com P 08 9212 2800
E ask@arcinfra.com
Anric Developments Pty Ltd W www.arcinfra.com/

PO Box 193
HORSLEY PARK NSW 2175 Australia
P 02 9620 1520 APC Technology
E Info@anricdevelopments.com Arcadis
W www.anricdevelopments.com 991 Port Rd
Cheltenham SA 5014 Australia Level 16 580 George Street
P 08 8363 0400 Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
F 08 8363 1736 P 61 2 8907 9000
Chris Ramsden F 61 2 8907 9001
Ansaldo STS E cramsden@apctechnology.com.au E alex.charlwood@arcadis.com
W www.apctechnology.com.au W www.arcadis.com
11 Viola Place
Eagle Farm QLD 4009 Australia Profile:
P 61 7 3868 9333 With more than thirty years of engineering
E anne.richardson@ansaldo-sts.com.au experience APC Technology design and
W www.ansaldo-sts.com manufacture custom rugged computing ArcelorMittal
WA Belmont 08 9471 5555 solutions to meet rail standards including
EN50155 EN50128 and other applicable Apart.570 Edificio Energas 2P
Antec Engineering standards. Our system integration team has Asturias Gijn 33691 Spain
a proven track record of supplying solutions P 34 985 187 167
9 Chicago Avenue based on client requirements both train- E fernando.sainz-varona@arcelormittal.com
Blacktown NSW 2150 Australia borne and trackside. W www.arcelormittal.com
P 61 2 9622 9622
F 61 2 9622 9199 APR Arch Artifex
E anteceng@antec.com.au
Lot 9 500 Churchill Road Level 1 204 Clarence Street
APC Integration Kilburn SA 5084 Australia Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
P 08 8359 4999 P 0452 544 149
987 Port Road F 08 8359 4988 E john.armstrong@archservices.com.au
Cheltenham SA 5014 E rail@a-p-r.com.au W www.archservices.com.au
P 08 8366 2300 W www.a-p-r.com.au
F 08 8366 2366 Branches:
Michael Levene Aquenta Consulting NSW 0452 544 149
E apsales@apci.com.au
W apci.com.au/ Level 4 144 Edward Street Archer Enterprises
Brisbane QLD 4000 Australia
Profile: P 61 7 3210 1366 Unit 1/12 Pile Road
Providing turn key solutions covering F 61 7 3210 1788 Somersby NSW 2250 Australia
industrial automation, software systems E brisbane@aquenta.com.au P 61 2 4340 1211
and the Internet of Things. Over gauge W www.aquenta.com.au F 61 2 4340 1266
and over height detection systems - AEI tag E bradg@archerenterprises.com.au
reading - Remote asset tracking - RFID asset W www.archerenterprises.com.au

Pty Ltd


Arex Engineering Oakleigh VIC 3166 Australia Association of Tourist & Heritage Rail
P 03 8574 3888 Australia Inc
541 Bridge Street E warren.noakes@assaabloy.com
Picton NSW 2571 Australia W www.assaabloy.com.au 127 Leith Road
P 61 2 4677 2613 Turners Beach TAS 7315 Australia
F 61 2 4677 2727 Branches: P 0429 418 739
E info@arexengineering.com NSW Auburn 02 8745 7000 E chairman@athra.asn.au
W www.arexengineering.com QLD Eight Mile Plains 073373 5200 W www.greatrailexperiencesaustralia.com.au/
WA Malaga 08 6462 8000
Artifex Management Group SA Bowden 08 8331 6600

Suite 302 410 Elizabeth Street

Surry Hills NSW 2010 Australia AT Consultancy Group t/a Alium
P 61 2 9212 3385 Works
F 61 1 9212 3389
E enquiries@artifexgroup.com.au 4 Bayberry Way
W www.artifexgroup.com.au Castle Hill NSW 2154 Australia
P 0427 285 775
ARUP Pty Ltd AssessTech E ann@atconsultancygroup.com.au
W www.atconsultancygroup.com.au/
Level 10 201 Kent Street AssessTech APAC 41 Church Road
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia Guildford Surrey GU1 4NQ UK
P 61 2 9320 9320 P 61 416 957 764
F 61 2 9320 9321 P 61 416 957 764
E gareth-g.jones@arup.com Sally Brinkley ATEC Rail Group (ARG)
W www.arup.com E sally.brinkley@assesstech.com
W www.assesstech.com/apac/ Level 13 120 Edward Street
Brisbane QLD 4000 Australia
Profile: AssessTech Asia Pacific specialises in P 07 3031 1700
delivering services particularly tailored to F 07 3221 7004
Asahi Glass Corporation - AGC National, State, and Operator/Infrastructure E elizabethm@ateclimited.com.au
Transport Defence & Fire customer needs. From our Australian based W www.ateclimited.com.au
office, we deliver the latest world leading
PO Box 5111 Q Super Centre technology products and services based
Mermaid Waters Surfers Paradise around the principle of Developmental
QLD 4226 Australia Competence Management to the Rail
P 0414 545 401 and Light Rail operators. With our wide
E stuart@srdunn.com and varied experience in the local railway
W www.agc-automotive.eu systems and operations, we understand
the present active competence systems and
Ashley Benoit & Co the historical shortfalls. It is our passion to ATS Rail and Construction Training
see continual improvement in rail safety
PO Box 6761 and enhance our customers’ efficiency. Our 1 Westgate Drive
Silverwater NSW 2128 Australia specialists fully understand the unique and Laverton North VIC 3026 Australia
P 61 2 8753 6900 demanding conditions of the Asia Pacific P 1300 772 728
F 61 2 9647 1550 region, the individual localities and both E branwen@atsrto.com.au
E sales@ashleybenoit.com.au state and national regulations. AssessTech W www.atsrto.com.au
W www.ashleybenoit.com.au supply systems and solutions across the
whole railway industry in the region. These Profile:
Ashurst are tailored for all types of operations Rail and Construction training courses
whether it be heavy haul, general throughout Australia including SARC Cert II
Level 11 5 Martin Place freight, passenger services, light rail, or Rail Core Units Certificate II Rail Infrastructure
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia infrastructure. All this is backed up with Apply Track Fundamentals Hi-Rail Operator
P 61 2 9258 6785 the support of our UK based operations VOCs White Card & Safe Working. Funded
F 61 2 9258 6999 centre, Head Office and associated software training may be available to eligible students
E lee.mcdonald@ashurst.com development team. with Funding made available by the Victorian
W www.ashurst.com and Commonwealth Government RTO21642.
Brands: ACMS, AssessBook, AssessTube Please contact us on 1300 772 728 or visit
ASN Switchgear - Rotary Switches our website www.atsrto.com.au for more
Branch: information
4/72 Makland Drive AssessTech APAC
Derrimut VIC 3030 Australia Level 54, One One Eagle Street, AULASA
P 03 8390 6790 111 Eagle Street, Brisbane, Queensland 4000
E sales@asn-switchgear.com.au Barrio Etxebarri S/N
W www.asn-switchgear.com.au/ Olaeta Otxandio 48210 Spain
P 34 9 4545 0397
ASSA ABLOY Australia Pty Ltd F 34 9 4545 0355
E ecastanos@aulasa.com
235 Huntingdale Road W www.aulasa.com



Auckland Transport Australian Bulk Handling Review

Level 17 HSBC Building 1 Queen Street 11-15 Buckhurst Street

Auckland 1142 New Zealand South Melbourne VIC 3205 Australia
P 64 9 447 4871 P 61 3 9690 8766
E craig.inger@at.govt.nz E zelda.tupicoff@primecreative.com.au
W at.govt.nz W www.bulkhandlingreview.com.au
Austest Laboratories
Australian Federated Union of
2/9 Packard Avenue Locomotive Employees
Castle Hill NSW 2154 Australia
Aurecon Australasia Pty Ltd P 1800 001 411 41 Peell St.
P 1800 001 411 South Brisbane QLD 4101 Australia
Level 5 116 Military Road E austest@austest.com.au P 61 7 3844 9163
Neutral Bay NSW 2089 Australia W www.austest.com.au F 61 7 3252 3682
P 02 9465 5599 E statesecretary@afule.org.au
F 02 9465 5598 Profile: W www.afule.org.au
E melbourne@aurecongroup.com AUSTEST LABORATORIES is an
W www.aurecongroup.com/ INDEPENDENT, product and component Australian Industry Group
testing and certification company offering
the most comprehensive and publicly PO Box 7622
available environmental, EMC and electrical Melbourne VIC 8004 Australia
testing facilities in Australia and NZ. Fully P 61 3 9867 0111
Aurizon accredited Testing includes Environmental F 61 3 9867 0199
product and component standards ranging E bizassistinfoline@aigroup.asn.au
175 Eagle Street from vibration and shock, drop, temperature W www.aigroup.asn.au
Brisbane QLD 4000 Australia and humidity, UV, Ingress Protection for
P 61 13 23 32 Dust and Water and corrosion, altitude and Australian Logistics Council
F 61 7 3019 8033 pressure, through to Electrical safety and
E info@aurizon.com.au EMC radio frequency interference emissions PO Box 20
W www.aurizon.com.au (40GHz) and susceptibility (up to 200V per Deakin West ACT 2600 Australia
metre to 18GHz). P 02 6273 0755
Ausscot Systems E kirstie.walkden@austlogistics.com.au
Branches: W www.austlogistics.com.au
PO Box 2066 SA Para Hills West 08 8288 7400
Peakhurst NSW 2210 Australia VIC Reservoir 03 9464 4016 Australian Manufacturing Workers
P 61 2 9584 0399 NSW Castle Hill 02 9680 990 Union
F 61 2 9584 0300 QLD Brisbane 07 31773384
E ausscot@ausscotsystems.com.au Level 4 133 Parramatta Road
W www.ausscotsystems.com.au Austrak Pty Ltd Granville NSW 2142 Australia
P 02 8868 1500
Aust Light Tower C/o Cross & GPO Box 5094 F 02 9897 9274
Frampton Pty Ltd Brisbane QLD 4001 Australia E adam.wieladek@amwu.org.au
P 61 7 3308 7880 W www.amwu.org.au
Level 1 4 Exhibition Street F 61 7 3308 7881
Bowen Hills QLD 4006 Australia E austrak@austrak.com
P 07 3257 2336 W www.austrak.com
F 07 3854 1773
E paul@crossandframpton.com.au Australasian Railway Association Australian Rail Track Corporation
W www.crossandframpton.com.au
Suite 4 Level 4 Plaza Offices (East) 11 Sir Donald Bradman Drive Keswick
Austact Civil Canberra ACT 2609 Australia Terminal SA 5035 Australia
P 61 2 6270 4501 P 61 8 8217 4366
14 Yarrawonga Street F 61 2 6273 5581 E enquiries@artc.com.au
Macksville NSW 2447 Australia E mlarsen@ara.net.au W www.artc.com.au
P 02 6568 4499 W www.ara.net.au
F 02 6568 4399
E sales@austactcivil.com.au Australia Bandfield Group
W www.austact.com.au
29 Macaulay Road Australian Railway Historical Society
AustRail Insurance Brokers Stanmore NSW 2048 Australia (New South Wales Division)
P 02 95574997
Level 1 Suite 105 4 Hyde Parade F 02 95574049 Unit 9 23 Bowden Street
Campbelltown NSW 2560 Australia E bandfieldgroup@gmail.com Alexandria NSW 2015 Australia
P 1800 980 064 W www.thebandfieldgroup.com P 61 2 9699 4595
F 61 2 4628 3399 F 61 2 9699 1714
E brianb@abcitystate.com.au E mail@arhsnsw.com.au
W www.austrailinsurance.com.au W www.arhsnsw.com.au



Australian Rail Tram and Bus Union Australian Services Union (ASU)
National Office National Office

Level 2 Trades Hall 4 Goulburn Street Level 8 321 Pitt Street

Sydney NSW 2000 Australia Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
P 02 82036099 P 61 2 9283 9280
E rtbu@rtbu.org.au F 61 2 9283 9270
Australian Rail Technology Pty Ltd W www.rtbu.org.au/ E asunats@syd.asu.asn.au
W www.asu.asn.au
10 Brennan Close Branches:
Asquith NSW 2077 Australia New South Wales Branch Queensland
P 61 2 9482 5710 Branch Victorian Branch South Australia
F 61 2 9482 5726 & Northern Territory Branch Western
Peter Raemers Australia Branch Tasmanian Branch Australian Sugar Milling Council
E p.raemers@ar-tech.com.au
W www.ar-tech.com.au Australian Railway Historical Society Level 11, 348 Edward Street
(Tasmania Division) Brisbane City QLD 4001 Australia
Profile: P 0411 933 500
As an Australian owned business we strive PO Box 162 E asmc@asmc.com.au
to understand the needs of our customers. Sandy Bay TAS 7006 Australia W asmc.com.au/
We provide exceptional solutions through E arhs@railtasmania.com
innovation, manufacture, servicing and W www.railtasmania.com/arhs/ Australian Timken Pty Ltd
active obsolescence for the railproduct
life cycle. We believe in close partnerships Australian Railway Signalling and Unit 3 19-25 Duerdin Street
to ensure our customers receive reliable Electrical Pty Ltd Notting Hill VIC 3168 Australia
local delivery with efficiencies and P 1800 060 345
value to meet their high demands. Our 25 Caloundra Road E ravi.gunawardena@timken.com
facilities across Australia areworking with Clarkson WA 6030 Australia W www.timken.com
customers to meet the present and future P 61 8 9407 9727
demands for electro-mechanical and F 61 8 9407 8596 Branches:
electronic systems including HV and OHW, E admin@rsae.com.au QLD Seventeen Miles Rock 07 3272 7975
Data Collection and Analysis plus Safety W www.rsae.com.au NSW Kingsgrove 02 9336 1422
and Remote Isolation systems. WA South Perth 08 9367 5283
Australian Railway Supply Co. Pty Ltd
Brands: Australian Transport Safety Bureau
Glover Rail, Image House PantoInspect, GPO Box 59
Lanfranco, Leach International, MTM Melbourne VIC 3001 Australia PO Box 967 Civic Square
Power, S & C Meters P 1800 099 788 Canberra ACT 2608 Australia
F 61 3 9436 2025 P 1800 020 616
Branches: E sam.cirillo@arsc.com.au F 02 6274 6235
NSW Taree 02 6552 6920; W www.arsc.com.au E atsbinfo@atsb.gov.au
NSW Asquith 02 9482 5710; W www.atsb.gov.au
VIC Melbourne 03 8402 1000; Australian Rollforming
WA Perth 02 8914 1048. Australis Rail Consulting
17 - 23 Gaine Road
Dandenong South VIC 3147 Australia 31 Kiernan Place
P 61 3 8769 7444 Kallaroo WA 6025 Australia
F 61 3 8768 7496 P 61 0 490 021 901
E info@ausrollform.com.au E ross@australisrail.com
W www.ausrollform.com.au W www.australisrail.com



Austrian Consulate General - F 61 2 4271 7587 Banlaw Pty Ltd

Commercial Section E sam.hamilton@baileysdiesel.com.au
W www.baileysdiesel.com 19 Metro Court
10/1 York Street Gateshead NSW 2290 Australia
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia Baker & Provan P 61 2 49226300
P 61 2 9247 8581 E sales@banlaw.com
E Sydney@advantageaustria.org 9-11 Power Street
W www.advantageaustria.org/au St Marys NSW 2760 Australia Branches:
P 61 2 8801 9000 WA 08 9209 1514
AVA Consulting Partners E info@bakerprovan.com.au
W www.bakerprovan.com.au Baron Rubber
128 Franklin Street
Melbourne VIC 3000 Australia Balance and Vibration Engineering 5-15 Lakeside Drive
P 419 439 475 Broadmeadows VIC 3047 Australia
E mario_adamo@avaconsultingpartners.com 37/5 Gladstone Road P 61 3 9357 4767
W www.avaconsultingpartners.com Castle Hill NSW 2154 Australia F 61 3 9357 4756
P 61 2 9894 1001 E jdagata@baronrubber.com.au
Avian UAS F 61 2 9894 7078 W www.baronrubber.com.au
E don.bailey@sundv.de
350 Collins Street W www.balvibe.com.au BAS Rail & Electrical Pty Ltd
Melbourne VIC 3000 Australia
P 1300 081 115 Ballistic & Mechanical Testing Unit 8/79 Station Road
E info@avianuas.com.au Seven Hills NSW 2147 Australia
W www.avianuas.com.au 100 Turner Street P 02 9838 8059
Port Melbourne VIC 3207 Australia F 02 9674 8479
Branches: P 61 3 9646 4211 E info@basrail.com.au
NSW SYDNEY 1300 081 115 E ben@armourtesting.com W www.basrail.com.au
SA Adelaide 1300 081 115
QLD Brisbane 1300 081 115 Battery Energy Power Solutions Pty Ltd

AVT Rail Systems Pty Ltd 96 Fairfield Street

FAIRFIELD NSW 2165 Australia
Suite 502 368 Sussex Street Pacific Trade P 02 96813633
Centre Sydney NSW 2000 Australia E tina.millard@batteryenergy.com.au
P 02 9268 0331 W www.batteryenergy.com.au
F 02 9268 0332 Bambach Specialised & Industrial Cables
E keo.phetsaya@avtrail.com.au BCDS Solutions
W www.avtrail.com.au J/134 - 140 Old Pittwater Road
Brookvale NSW 2100 Australia Unit 24 10 Yalgar Road
Axis Electrical Components (I) PVT LTD P 02 9938 5622 Kirrawee NSW 2232 Australia
F 02 9938 3973 P 61 2 8536 1000
Plot # 149NCD C Govt Indstl Estate Kandivali-W E jbalian@bambachcables.com.au F 61 2 8536 1001
Mumbai Maharastra 400067 India. W www.bambachcables.com.au E sales@bcds.com.au
P 67756000 W www.bcds.com.au
E nimish@axis-india.com Profile:
W www.axis-india.com Bambach Cables founded in 1936 is the BCON Services
oldest manufacturer of copper cables in
Azeta Group Australia. Its products are of extremely high 54 Freight Drive
quality and meet or exceed all relevant Somerton VIC 3065 Australia
L1/92 Railway St. Sth Australian Standards. Bambach offers a P 0416 115 627
Altona VIC 3018 Australia full range of signalling cables power cables E brendan.coolahan@bconservices.com.au
P 405490761 high temperature flexes and braids. It W www.bconservices.com.au
E francesco.schiavone@azetagroup.com.au is constantly working with customers to
W www.azetagroup.com.au improve cable designs and reduce cost. BE Analytic Solutions
Bambach is at the forefront of railway
B&R Enclosures Pty Ltd signalling cable innovation in Australia. #77 SRR Layout Mahadevapura Bangalore
Cable types supplied: Signal & Power Karnataka 560016 India.
PO Box 1151 Multicore Control Axle Counter ATMS & P 91 806 547 0039
Browns Plains BC QLD 4118 Australia ETMS Microlok Traction & Bonding Level E sales@beanalytic.com
P 61 7 3714 1111 Crossing Switch Board Station & Bungalow W www.beanalytic.com
F 61 7 3714 1091 Earthing Lighting & Warning Rolling Stock.
E sales@brenclosures.com.au Beach Wagner Pty Ltd
W www.brenclosures.com.au Branches:
NSW Sydney 02 9938 5622 Suite 84 149 Wickham Terrace
Baileys Diesel Group NSW Newcastle 02 9456 2044 Spring Hill QLD 4000 Australia
QLD Brisbane 07 3344 1763 P 61 7 3831 6106
36 Investigator Drive SA Adelaide 08 8179 8400 F 61 7 3319 8937
Unanderra NSW 2526 Australia VIC Melbourne 03 9335 2600 E admin@beachwagner.com.au
P 61 2 4272 2600 WA Perth 08 9351 9966 W www.beachwagner.com.au



Bearing Engineering Services E nxanthis@bisoxfordeconomics.com.au P 03 9666 4000

W www.bisoxfordeconomics.com.au F 03 9666 4109
10 Melissa Street E steeldirect@bluescopesteel.com
Auburn NSW 2144 Australia Branches: W www.bluescope.com
P 61 2 8717 8111 VIC Melbourne 03 8679 7300
E cavalezo@schaeffler.com
W www.schaeffler.com.au/BES Black Box Control Pty Ltd

Beaver Technology Services P 61 8 9360 9700 BMT WBM

E sales@blackboxcontrol.com.au
142 - 146 Magowar Road W www.blackboxcontrol.com.au Level 5 - 99 King Street
Girraween New South Wales Australia 2145 Melbourne VIC 3000 Australia
P 61 2 8811 3500 Bland Shire Council West Wyalong P 03 8620 6100
E nbuksh@beavergrp.com.au E bmtwbm@bmtwbm.com.au
W www.btstech.com.au 6 Shire Street W www.bmtwbm.com.au
West Wyalong NSW 2671 Australia
Beca Pty Ltd P 02 6972 2266 Boleh Consulting AUST
F 02 6972 2145
Level 11 44 Market Street E council@blandshire.nsw.gov.au PO Box 101
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia W www.blandshire.nsw.gov.au/ Paterson NSW 2421 Australia
P 02 8216 4500 P 61 0 401 988 120
F 1300 262 714 Blue Electronics Pty Ltd E peter.jones@bolehconsulting.com.au
E rail@beca.com W www.bolehconsulting.com.au
W www.beca.com Po Box 530 PO Box 530
Sanctuary Cove QLD 4212 Australia Bombardier Transportation Australia
Bendigo Tramways P 61 7 3245 4445
F 61 7 3245 3462 35 - 45 Frankston-Dandenong Road
1 Tramways Avenue E sales@blueelectronics.com.au Dandenong VIC 3175 Australia
Bendigo VIC 3550 Australia W www.blueelectronics.com.au P 61 3 9794 2111
P 61 3 5442 2821 E michelle.sharman@rail.bombardier.com
F 61 3 5441 3820 Blue Mountains Commuter and W www.transport.bombardier.com
E manager@bendigotramways.com Transport Users Association
W www.bendigotramways.com
PO Box 339
Bennett+Bennett Blackheath NSW 2785 Australia
P 61 4 2359 6240 Bradken
95 Upton Street E bluemountainstransport@gmail.com
Blundall QLD 4217 Australia W infobluemountains.net.au/commuters/ PO Box 105
P 07 5574 0733 Waratah NSW 2298 Australia
E mail@bennettandbennett.com.au Bluefield AMS P 61 2 4926 8200
W www.bennettandbennett.com.au E sboyd@bradken.com
Level 8 410 Queen St W www.bradken.com
Brisbane QLD 4000 Australia
Bexon Crane Rail Pty Ltd P 61 7 3051 4300 Braemac Engineering Pty Ltd
F 61 7 3051 4399
PO Box 640 E accounts@bluefield.com.au 1/59-61 Burrows Road
Miranda NSW 1490 Australia W www.bluefield.com.au Alexandria NSW 2015 Australia
P 02 9522 9437 P 61 2 9550 6600
E julie@bexon.com.au Bluegum Communication F 61 2 9550 6377
W www.bexon.com.au E info@braemac.com.au
Suite 3 Level 27 1 Farrer Place W www.braemac.com.au
BHP Billiton Iron Ore Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
P 02 8958 2140 M:410894187 Bridging The Gap
2 Wilson Street F 61 7 3051 4399
Port Hedland WA 6721 Australia E oliver@bluegumcommunication.com 1st Floor Darius Wells Library and Resource
P 08 6224 4444 W www.bluegumcommunication.com Cntr 2 Robbos Way Kwinana WA 6167
F 08 9173 6789 Australia
E info@bisoxfordeconomics.com.au BlueScope P 61 8 9419 2553
W www.bhpbilliton.com F 61 8 9592 8217
Level 3 Altair Building Five Islands Road E mailbox@bridgingthegap.org.au
Port Kembla NSW 2505 Australia W www.bridgingthegap.org.au
P 61 2 42401630
E jeff.moore@bluescopesteel.com British Steel
BIS Oxford Economics W www.bluescopesteel.com
PO Box 1 Brigg Road
Level 8 99 Walker Street BlueScope Steel Ltd Scunthorpe DN16 1BP UK
North Sydney NSW 2060 Australia P 44 01724 404040
P 02 8458 4200 Level 11 120 Collins Street E daniel.pyke@britishsteel.co.uk
F 02 9959 5795 Melbourne VIC 3000 Australia W www.britishsteel.co.uk/rail



BriX Projects Pymble NSW 2073 Australia important challenges that cities must face.
P 02 9497 1800 The CAF Group, with more than 100 years
122a Belmore Road E thomas.wong@busways.com.au of experience, is aware of this and offers
Randwick NSW 2031 Australia W www.busways.com.au its customers a wide range of Products
P 1800 621 066 and Services with high added value. Our
E info@brixprojects.com.au C-Mac Industries capabilities include rollingstock design,
W brixprojects.com.au supply and maintenance, and operations
72 - 74 Mandoon Road systems design and integration, civil
Broadspectrum Girraween NSW 2145 Australia works, signaling, electrification and other
P 02 9631 6000 electromechanical systems, and systems
Lvl 8 80 Pacific Highway F 02 9688 4679 maintenance.
North Sydney NSW 2060 Australia E aaronc@cmac.com.au
P 02 9464 1000 W www.cmac.com.au
F 02 9464 1111
W www.broadspectrum.com C.A.T.E.R Centre for Advanced
Transport Engineering and Research CAF Signalling

Unit 1 / 6 Bombardier Road C/- Sepulveda 7

Wangara WA 6065 Australia Alcobendas 28108 Spain
Brole Pty Ltd P 08 9300 9697 P 34 638 945 328
E nicholas.kish@cater-au.com E aportillo@cafsignalling.com
325 Pullenvale Road W www.cater-au.com W cafsignalling.com
Pullenvale QLD 4069 Australia
E broletrading@bigpond.com C5Solutions Pty Ltd CAF Wheels Axles and Gearboxes

BST Group Pty Ltd PO Box 256 26 J.M. Iturrioz

Peregian Beach QLD 4573 Australia Beasain 20200 Spain
500 Dowling Street P 61 7 5448 3237 P 34 943 88 01 00
Wendouree VIC 3355 Australia E rcomber@aapt.net.au F 34 943 18 91 20
P 03 5332 5332 W www.lairdtech.com E ventas@caf.net
F 03 5332 5331 W www.cafwheelsets.com
E sales@bstgroup.com.au Cadden Crowe
W www.bstgroup.com.au/rail.html Caldis Cook Group
Level 11 1 Alfred Street
Building Careers Australia Sydney NSW 2000 Australia Level 2 45 Chippen Street
P 61 2 9957 5466 Chippendale NSW 2008 Australia
Suite 2 Level 9 213 Miller Street F 61 2 9957 5499 E projects@caldiscook.com
North Sydney NSW 2060 Australia E sydney@caddencrowe.com.au W www.caldiscook.com/
P 1300 365 078 W www.caddencrowe.com.au
E matt@buildingcareers.com.au
W www.buildingcareers.com.au CADwalk Global Pty Ltd Calibre Professonal Services Pty Ltd

Branches: 2 Discovery Way Level 13/ 54 Miller Street

QLD Brisbane 1300 365 078 Mawson Lakes SA 5095 Australia North Sydney NSW 2060 Australia
VIC Melbourne 1300 365 078 P 8359 6083 P 02 9004 8855
WA Perth 1300 365 078 E info@cadwalk.global F 029004 8858
W www.cadwalk.global E Tony.Kean@calibregroup.com
Bull Head Services Pty Limited W www.calibregroup.com
PO Box 158 WA Forrestfield 08 9353 6200
Cherrybrook NSW 2126 Australia Munich Germany 089 38 15 16 87 0
P 61 2 9980 5211 | 61 412 408 611
E david@bullhead.com.au Cambridge Technologies
W www.bullhead.com.au
No 17 85-91 Keilor Park Drive
Bureau Veritas Australia Pty Ltd Tullamarine VIC 3043 Australia
P 61 3 8336 1000
3 435 Williamstown Road F 61 3 8336 1166
Port Melbourne VIC 3207 Australia E linton@cambridge-technologies.com
P 03 9922 0700 CAF Rail Australia W www.cambridge-technologies.com
F 03 9922 0710
W www.bureauveritas.com.au Level 20 321 Kent Street Canberra Metro Operations
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
P 61 2 8084 5119 Light Rail Depot 9 Sandford Street
E jzitoun@caf.net Mitchell ACT 2911 Australia
W www.caf.net P 6147 3028
Busways Group E sally.coyle@cbrmetro.com.au
Profile: W www.cmet.com.au
5 Bridge Street Sustainable mobility is one of the most



CDI AndersElite Australia

Unit 3 12-20 Railway Road

Cardno Pty Ltd Subiaco WA 6008 Australia
P 08 9468 2045
Level 11 515 St Paul’s Terrace E contactus@anderselite.com.au
Fortitude Valley QLD 4006 Australia W www.anderselite.com.au
P 073369 9822 Celtec Rail Pty Ltd
F 07 3369 9722
W www.cardno.com.au Suite 7 200 Toorak Road
South Yarra VIC 3141 Australia
Carson Signs P 61 3 98275755
E helene.raab@celtec.com.au TRAINING
23 Milton Parade W www.celtec.com.au
Malvern VIC 3144 Australia
P 61 3 9827 4417 Profile: Centre for Excellence in Rail Training
F 61 3 9832 0610 Our products are inspired by our customers
E info@carsonsigns.com.au and reflect our passion for technology 1/1 Clelland Rd B
W www.carsonsigns.com.au function and reliability. Our commitment rooklyn VIC 3012
to R&D and technology innovation is P 1300 042 378
Caspian Technology paramount to our product solutions.Our P 1300 042 378
mission is to secure containers automatically E michael.arthur@cert.edu.au
Units 15-16 378 Parramatta Road during road and rail transport providing W www.cert.edu.au
Homebush NSW 2140 Australia a safe environment increased productivity
P 61 2 9764 6555 and eliminating all manual handling. Profile:
F 61 2 9764 6566 CERT, an Engenco Group company, is a
E sales@caspian.com.au Central Japan Railway Company Registered Training Organisation (51333)
W www.caspian.com.au that provides responsive flexible and
Suite 501 Level 5 20 Hunter Street innovative training assessment and
Cat 5 Rail Sydney NSW 2000 Australia recertification services to the Australian rail
P 02 9221 6922 industry. CERT delivers nationally accredited
44 Lakeviw Drive F 02 9221 6933 and industry-based training programs on a
Scoresby VIC 3179 Australia W www.jr-central.co.jp regular basis but can also customise courses
P 1300 002 285 to suit business needs.
E al@catfive.com.au
W catfive.com.au CF Asia Pacific Group Pty Ltd

Branches: Centre for Railway Engineering Level 5 8 Windmill Street

WA Perth 1300 002 285 Millers Point NSW 2000 Australia
WA Port Hedland 1300 002 285 Building 70 CQUniversity Australia P 61 2 8965 0000
North Rockhampton QLD 4702 Australia F 61 2 8965 0011
Catops P 61 7 4923 2277 E manda.jantsan@cfasiapacific.com.au
E cre@cqu.edu.au W www.cfasiapacific.com.au
27-31 London Road W www.cqu.edu.au/cre
Mile End South SA 5031 Australia Branches:
P 08 7324 0825 NSW Goulburn 02 4822 8710 02 4822 8379
F 08 8252 4141 SA Kilburn 08 8344 3322
E recruitment@catops.com.au
W www.catops.com.au

One twistlock system, loading various size

containers, eliminating all manual handling


www.celtec.com.au 45

CFCL Australia Pty Ltd P 02 9353 4000 P 61 3 9546 7500

F 02 8220 6700 F 61 3 9547 3131
Level 5 8 Windmill Street E jshirbin@claytonutz.com E icrampton@competitiveadvantage.net.au
Millers Point NSW 2000 Australia W www.claytonutz.com W www.competitiveadvantage.net.au
P 61 2 8965 0000
F 61 2 8965 0011 CNC Project Management Commonwealth Bank of Australia
E manda.jantsan@cfasiapacific.com.au
W www.cfcla.com.au Units 10-12 247 David Low Way Darling Park Tower 1 201 Sussex Street
Peregian Beach QLD 4573 Australia Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
CGC Recruitment P 1300 123 262 P 61 2 9118 783761 499 772710
F 07 5471 2999 E richard.bowden@cba.com.au
Level 4 52 Phillip Street E info@cncprojects.com.au W www.cba.com.au
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia W www.cncprojects.com.au
P 02 9247 7251
F 02 9241 3454 Branches:
E nick@cgcrecruitment.com VIC Melbourne CBD 1300 123 262
W www.cgcrecruitment.com QLD Brisbane 1300 123 262 Complete Personnel Recruitment
NSW North Sydney 1300 123 262
Branches: NT Darwin 1300 123 262 1/183 Melbourne Street
QLD Brisbane 07 3236 4551 North Adelaide SA 5006 Australia
CNE Custom Cables Pty Ltd P 08 8367 0000
Chelgrave Rail F 08 8367 0700
Factory 2 40 Jellico Drive E adelaide@complete-personnel.com.au
5/2 Fiveways Boulevard Scoresby VIC 3179 Australia
Keysborough VIC 3173 Australia P 03 9763 5502 Computer Empire
P 1300 331010 F 03 9764 8719
F 03 9776 9010 E info@customcables.com.au 743 Stanley Street
E sales@chelgrave.com.au W www.customcables.com.au Woolloongabba QLD 4102 Australia
W www.chelgrave.com.au P 07 3891 3200
Coffey A Tetra Tech Company F 07 3891 3166
Chemetall Australasia E sales@computerempire.com.au
Level 19 Tower B 799 Pacific Highway W www.computerempire.com.au
17 Turbo Drive Chatswood NSW 2067 Australia
Bayswater North VIC 3153 Australia P 02 9406 1000
P 61 3 9729 6253 E contactus@coffey.com
F 61 3 9720 1711
E info.aus@chemetall.com Coleman Rail Pty Ltd
W www.chemetall.com.au
174 Turner Street
Chieftain Trailers Ltd Port Melbourne VIC 3207 Australia
P 03 9624 4210 Comsteel
207 Coalisland Road F 03 9624 4230
Dungannon County Tyrone BT71 4DP W www.colemanrail.com.au 2-32 Maud Street
United Kingdom E jesseca.kaleycoleman@colliers.com Waratah NSW 2298 Australia
P 44 2887 747531 P 61 2 4974 0411
F 44 2887 747530 Jodie Perkins
E sales@chieftaintrailers.com E comsteelsales@molycop.com
W www.chieftaintrailers.com W comsteel.com
Columbus Group
Clark Corporate Consulting P/L Profile:
10 Thompson Road Manufactured at Waratah NSW Australia
PO Box 363 Bassendean WA 6054 Australia the Comsteel product range includes forged
Warrandyte VIC 3113 Australia P 61 08 9379 9479 and rolled railway wheels forged railway
P 61 0412 392 518 E columbusgroup@iinet.net.au axles and fully assembled wheelsets to
F 61 3 9844 2531 International Standards for all classes of
E dennis@clarkcorp.com.au Comet Electronics rolling stock. Comsteel is at the forefront
W www.clarkcorp.com.au in developing products for higher axle
2405 Nicholson Avenue loading. New materials and designs for
Clark Equipment Kansas City Missouri 64120 United States specific applications such as high hardness
P 816 245 5400 and wear resistant wheels have been
152-158 South Gippsland Highway F 816 245 9505 developed by Comsteel. These wheels
Dandenong South VIC 3175 Australia E jbkillian@cometind.com deliver improved performance in heavy
P 0417 771 605 W www.cometind.com haul applications.
E mark.denny@clarkequipment.com
Competitive Advantage International Brands:
Clayton Utz Pty Ltd Comsteel

Level 15 1 Bligh Street S Unit 10 / 820 Princes Highway

ydney NSW 2000 Australia Springvale VIC 3171 Australia



Connector-Tech ALS Pty Ltd P 61 8 8346 2705 SA Adelaide 08 8238 5000

F 61 8 8346 7443 VIC Melbourne 03 9228 7700
Unit 1 18 Sudbury Street E cfsadelaide@cfs.cgl.com.au WA Perth 08 6436 6000
Darra QLD 4076 Australia W www.cooperfluidsystems.com.au NZ 64 9 362 1800
P 07 3376 4900
F 07 3376 4900 Copernicus Technology Ltd
E info@connector-techals.com.au
52 Bastings Street
Constraint Technologies International Northcote VIC 3070 Australia CQ University Australia
(CTI) P 61 412 831 410
E john.baker@copernicustechnology.com Building 77 Room 1.10 - CQ University
Level 7 224 Queen Street W www.copernicustechnology.com/ Rockhampton QLD 4702 Australia
Melbourne VIC 3000 Australia E a.ponton@cqu.edu.au
P 61 3 9604 9800 CoreMac
F 61 3 9602 2124 CR Rail
E info@constrainttec.com 20 Praed Street
W www.constrainttec.com Red Hill QLD 4059 Australia 3 Mallee Road
P 07 3369 6066 Dubbo NSW 2830 Australia
Constructive Media E sales@coremac.com.au P 02 6882 9275
F 02 6882 9275
366 Scarborough Beach Rd Cortexia E admin@crrail.com.au
Osborne Park WA 6017 Australia W www.crrail.com.au
P 08 9461 7380 167 Eagle St
F 08 9461 7381 Brisbane QLD 4000 Australia Branches:
E darren.kam@constructivemedia.com.au P 1300907103 QLD Yatala 07 32872091 QLD Rockhampton
W www.constructivemedia.com.au E admin@cortexia.com.au 439081784
W www.cortexia.com.au
Consultant Engineering Pty Ltd Cribbing and Matting Co. Pty Ltd
Cortexia | Human Factors & Safety
Level 1 234 George Street Unit 9 12 Abbott Road
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia PO Box 140 Seven Hills NSW 2147 Australia
P 61 2 9089 8794 Coorparoo QLD 4151 Australia P 61 2 9674 7428
F 61 2 9770 4496 P 1300 907 103 F 61 2 9674 2724
E enquiries@consultantengineering.com.au E accomplish@cortexia.com.au E info@cribandmatco.com.au
W www.consultantengineering.com.au W www.cortexia.com.au W www.cribandmatco.com.au

Consultant Engineering Pty Ltd Coulter Engineering Crimp-Tech Australia Pty Ltd

Level 1 234 George Street 36 Elgee Road Unit 2 35 Neon Street

Sydney NSW 2000 Australia Bellevue WA 6056 Sumner Park QLD 4074 Australia
P 61 2 9095 4269 P 61 8 9274 0726 P 61 7 3376 0110
E laurence@consultantengineering.com.au F 61 8 9274 0726 F 61 7 3279 5828
W www.consultantengineering.com.au E coulterengineering@westnet.com.au E sales@crimptech.com.au
W www.coulterengineering.com.au W www.crimptech.com.au
Contract Control International Pty Ltd
COVA Thinking Pty Ltd Critical Room Solutions Pty Ltd
Level 5 345 Ann Street
Brisbane QLD 4000 Australia E shanti.latupeirissa@semf.com.au 2 Discovery Way
P 07 3236 1936 Mawson Lakes SA 5095 Australia
F 07 3236 2046 Covestro P 08 8359 6083
E reception@ccintl.com.au E info@criticalrs.com.au
W www.ccintl.com.au/ 17 -19 Wangara Road W www.criticalroomsolutions.com.au
Cheltenham VIC 3192 Australia
Coolshield International Pty Ltd P 03 9581 9888 Branches:
F 1800 670 545 WA Forrestfield 08 9353 6200
PO Box 882 E matthew.ellis@covestro.com
Ocean Grove VIC 3226 Australia W www.covestro.com.au CRRC Australia Pty Ltd
P 61 3 5255 2063
F 61 3 5256 3029 CPB Contractors Pty Limited PO Box 1079
E wendy@coolshield.com.au Parramatta CBD PARRAMATTA NSW 2121
W www.solacoat.com.au Level 2 177 Pacific Highway Australia
North Sydney NSW 2060 Australia P 02 9893 7008
Branches: P 61 2 9414 3333 E crrc@crrcgc.cc
WA Bunbury 4 3244 3135 E conrad.winter@cpbcon.com.au W www.crrcgc.cc
W www.cpbcon.com.au
Cooper Fluid Systems
19 Richard Street NT Darwin 08 8980 6300
Hindmarsh SA 5009 Australia QLD Brisbane 07 3215 4600



CRRC Changchun Railway Vehicles Co Curtin Monash Accident Research Danobat Australia
Ltd Centre
P 61 400 793 192
No.435 Qingyin Road Changchun City Jilin GPO Box U1987 E ubilbao@danobat.com
Province Other 130062 China Perth WA 6845 Australia W www.railways.danobatgroup.com
P 86 431 8783 1612 E brett.hughes@curtin.edu.au
F 86 431 8783 2984 W c-marc.curtin.edu.au/ Dassault Systemes Australia
E zqhcccar@126.com
W www.crrcgc.cc/ckgfen CVW Engineering Pty Ltd Level 8 417 St Kilda Road
Melbourne VIC 3004 Australia
Cryonomic 10 Verrell Street P 03 9274 2299
Wetherill Park SW 2165 Australia E chad.lim@quintiq.com
PO Box 478 P 61 2 9609 6977
Penrith NSW 2750 Australia F 61 2 9609 3147 Branches:
P 61 2 4722 9133 E ingrid@cvwengineering.com.au WA 08 9420 1383
E quickenkleen@bigpond.com W www.cvwengineering.com.au
W www.cryonomic.com.au
Cyient Australia Pty Ltd
CSE Crosscom
Level 1 350 Collins Street David Brown Gear Industries
3/59-63 Mark Street Melbourne VIC 3000 Australia
North Melbourne VIC 3051 Australia P 61 3 8605 4815 13-19 Franklin Avenue (Manufacturing HO
P 03 9322 1500 F 61 3 8601 1180 Bulli NSW) Bulli NSW 2516 Australia
F 03 9328 3737 E tvishee.kumar@cyient.com P 02 4283 0300
E frank.macaluso@cse-crosscom.com.au W www.cyient.com/ F 02 4283 0333
W www.cse-crosscom.com.au E australia@davidbrown.com
Branches: W www.davidbrown.com
Branches: NZ Auckland 9 277 8278
WA Osborne Park 08 9204 8001 QLD Brisbane 3 8605 4815 DAVID BROWN SANTASALO
NT Winnellie 08 8942 0644 NSW Sydney 2 8887 8600
SA Daw Park 08 8273 9555 WA West Perth 61 8 9429 8812 18B Westside Drive
Laverton North VIC 3026 Australia
CUBIS Systems P 1300324327
E mcaswell@davidbrown.com
73 Ballarat-Carngham Road W www.dbsantasalo.com
Winter Valley VIC 3358 Australia Dakar Risk Management Services Pty Ltd
P 03 5335 8741 Branches:
F 03 5336 1118 204 President Street QLD Paget 1300 324 327
E bworland@cubis-systems.com.au Kewdale WA 6105 Australia NSW Bulli 1300324327
W www.cubis-systems.com.au P 61 408853176 WA Kewdale 1300324327
E dakar.risk@bigpond.com
Branches: W dakarrisk.com David Christie Geotechnical and Civil
QLD Brisbane 07 3714 0444 07 3714 0445 Engineer
NSW Smeaton Grange 1800065356 Dali Wireless
74 Railway Pde
Cult Creative Pty Ltd 535 Middlefield Road Suite 280 Hazelbrook NSW 2779 Australia
Menlo Park CA 94025 P 429642847
41 Mackie Street P 480 481 9400 F 61 2 4758 7128
Victoria Park WA 6100 Australia E clopushinsky@daliwireless.com E david.christie@bigpond.com
P 0422 476 474 W www.daliwireless.com
E jessica@cultcreative.com.au Davidson
W www.cultcreative.com.au Branches:
Burnaby BC 604-420-7760 604-420-7730 L10 295 Ann Street
Cummins Inc Brisbane QLD 4000 Australia
Dangerous Goods Engineering P 07 3023 1000
2 Caribbean Drive F 07 3221 5810
Scoresby VIC 3179 Australia 87 Wortley St E stephen.veness@davidsonwp.com
P 417118015 Kalgoorlie WA 6430 Australia W www.davidsonwp.com/
E victor.lekhtman@cummins.com P 0400 302 966
W cummins.com.au E jared@dgeng.com.au Davidson Transport Consulting
W www.dgeng.com.au
Cummins South Pacific P 0412 148 898
DANOBAT E ken@davidsontech.com.au
2 Caribbean Drive
Scoresby VIC 3179 Australia Arriaga kalea 21 Davies & Metcalfe - o.e.m. Brake
P 61 3 9765 3222 Elgoibar Gipuzkoa 20780 Spain Equipment
F 61 3 9763 0079 P 34 943 74 80 44
E victor.lekhtman@cummins.com E danobat@danobat.com Unit 8 7-13 Dover Road
W www.cummins.com.au W railways.danobatgroup.com Rose Bay NSW 2029 Australia



P 61 450 375 241 New Gisborne VIC 3438 Australia Doc Frank Rail Services
F 02 9371 2079 P 61 3 5420 7732
E ivanflannery@bigpond.com F 61 3 5420 7735 PO Box 878
E robert.king@dellner.com Strawberry Hills NSW 2012 Australia
DB Engineering & Consulting GMBH W www.dellner.com P 488922362
E info@docfrank.com.au
Level 40 100 Miller Street W www.docfrank.com.au
North Sydney NSW 2060 Australia
P 02 9931 6862
E mbu@thenewbase.com Deluxe Taxis Donald Cant Watts Corke
W www.db-engineering-consulting.com
12 Atkin Street Upper Level 3 GPO Building 350 Bourke
North Melbourne VIC 3051 Street Melbourne VIC 3000 Australia
P 402963440 P 61 03 8662 1111
E mytaxibookings@gmail.com F 61 03 8662 1122
DCL Engineering Group W www.deluxetaxiservices.com.au E marketing@dcwc.com.au
W www.dcwc.com.au
27 Malta Street Brands:
Fairfield East NSW 2165 Australia Deluxe Taxi & Hire Car Services Branches:
P 61 2 9754 1300 ACT 02 6257 3400
F 61 2 9754 1400 Department of Transport and Main NSW 02 9922 4500
E greggreen@dcleng.com.au Roads (Translink) NT 0478 322 080
W www.dcleng.com.au QLD 07 3049 7000
Level 1 61 Mary Street SA 08 7002 8020
Deanquip Powertrans & Hydraulics BRISBANE QLD 4000 Australia WA 08 9324 1950

Factory 2 1570 Centre Road Dotmar EPP Pty Ltd

Springvale VIC 3171 Australia
P 397290201 25 Loyalty Rd North Rocks
E daniel@deanquip.com Department of Planning Transport and Dingley NSW 2151 Australia
W deanquip.com Infrastructure P 61 02 8848 5000
F 8848 5050
Deccan Electricals GPO BOX 1533 E steven.creed@dotmar.com.au
Adelaide SA 5001 Australia W www.dotmar.com.au
4 R & D Defence Colony Sikh Village P 1300 872 677
Secunderabad Hyderabad 500009 E narelle.kirby@sa.gov.au Branches:
Telangana INDIA W www.dpti.sa.gov.au/ SA Adelaide 08 8346 0011 08 8346 0022 VIC
P 9.19E+11 Melbourne 03 9552 4444 03 9552 4400
E info@deccancorp.com WA Perth 08 9456 4700 08 9456 4711 NSW
W www.deccancorp.com Sydney 02 8848 5000 02 8848 5050 QLD
Brisbane 07 3727 0900 07 3727 0173
Degnan Constructions DEUTA-WERKE GmbH NZ Cloverlea Palmerston North 64 6 354
4250 64 6 354 4228
50 Barry Avenue Paffrather Str. 140 Bergisch Gladbach NRW NZ Middleton Christchurch 64 3 338 0525
Mortdale NSW 2223 Australia D-51465 Germany 64 3 338 0522
P 02 9584 0277 P 49 2202 958 100
E carly.degnan@degnan.com.au F 49 2202 958 145 Downer Group
W www.degnan.com.au E support@deuta.de
W www.deuta.com T1 Triniti Business Campus 39 Delhi Road
DEJAVU CONTRACTORS North Ryde NSW 2113 Australia
Digga Excavations P 61 2 9468 9700
Suite 8 105 Crown Street F 61 2 9813 8915
Wollongong NSW 2501 Australia 299 Relbia Road R E laura.may@downergroup.com
P 0408 292 104 elbia TAS 7258 Australia W www.downergroup.com
E jenny@rubyfox.guru P 61 417700110
W www.dejavucontractors.com F 61 363435083
E simon@diggaexcavations.com.au
Delkor Rail Pty Ltd W www.diggaexcavations.com.au
Doyle Transport Consulting
74 Harley Crescent DNV GL Business Assurance Australia
Condell Park NSW 2200 Australia & New Zealand PO Box 284
P 61 2 9709 2918 Forster NSW 2428 Australia
F 61 2 9709 5934 Level 7 124 Walker Street P 0408 885 245
E george@delkorrail.com North Sydney NSW 2060 Australia E mick@doyletransportconsulting.com
W www.delkorrail.com P 61 2 9922 1966
F 61 2 9929 8792 DR Hercock and Associates
Dellner Couplers Australia Pty Ltd E certificationanz@dnvgl.com
W www.dnvba.com.au 48 Marsengo Road
2/8 Newry Drive Bateman WA 6150 Australia




P 61 4 4842 2534 Drivetrain Power and Propulsion Ecofab Australasia Pty Ltd
F 61 8 9332 4225 (NSW)
E dhercock@gmail.com Shop 9 59 Brisbane Road
W www.corys.fr 17 Amax Avenue Redbank QLD 4301 Australia
Global Manufacturing Group Helios Power
Girraween Solutions
NSW 2145 Australia Hyundai
P 61 07Rotem Company
3356 5826
92 Kent Trailers
Street, Maryborough, Unit P6 / 61
8838 5500
Street 231, PYangjae-Dong,
1800 682 200Seocho-Gu
QLD, 4650 Australia F 61 2NSW,
Rydalmere, 8838 2116
5501 F 137-938
Seoul, 3352 6590
19 Formation
PO Box 744 Street E dtppsales@engenco.com.au
Australia E jrc@ecofab.com
Ph: +82 2 3464 7273
Wacol QLD
Maryborough, 40764650
QLD, Australia W www.drivetrainpower.com
Ph: +61 2 7200 9200 Fax: W
+82 www.ecofab.com
2 3464 7588
P 4122
Ph: 07 07 3271 5888
4244 Email: sales@heliosps.com.au Email: youngjin.chang@hyundai-rotem.co.kr
07 3271
4123 5888
1389 DSHhttp://www.heliosps.com.au
Website: Systems Ltd edilon
Website: sedra
E phil@gmqld.com.au
Email: sales@draketrailers.com
W draketrailers.com/
Website: http://www.gmqld.com.au 3/41
Helios Lansford
Power Crescent
Solutions (formerly Amtex) Jasmin Oel
haveAvondale Auckland NZdc/dc
been manufacturing 600 New Zealand E j.oel@edilonsedra.com
P 64 9 inverters
828 8012 and battery chargers W www.edilonsedra.com
for the
E rail industry since 1995.
Hancock Sheetmetal
W www.dshsystems.com Elphinstone Pty Ltd
63 Griffiths Road We specialise in the design of dc products
Lambton, NSW, 2299 to customer
DTI Group specifications
Ltd for large or 83 Terra Nova Drive
Australia small projects with both local and Wynyard TAS 7325 Australia
Ph: 02 49 523166 international
50 Affleckmanufacturing
Road facilities. P 03 6442 7777
02 49 529427 Engineering Pty Ltd Perth Airport WA 6105 Australia IXLEMetal Castings Pty Ltd
Email: rholloway@hancockspeedway.com.au One Pof
our first 1195
08 9479 projects was the upgrade W www.elphinstone.com
Website: www.hancockspeedway.com.au/
32 Goodyear Drive of the MTR Hong Kong in 1996 supplying
E alex.pegrum@dti.com.au 1-15 Wood Street
Thomastown VIC 3074 Australia 3500W units. A more recent project was the
www.dti.com.au SouthEgis
Geelong, VIC, 3219
Rail S.A.
Downer EDI (PPP Project) supplying over Australia
P 03 9466 3365
4000 special dc/dc converters. Battery Ph: +61 3 5225 2287
F 03 9465
Hepworth 7423
Rail International DVB Bank SE - Land Transport Finance Suite 701 50 Clarence Street
chargers, dc converters and small dc-ac Fax:
John Marmo Sydney NSW6234
+61 3 5222 2000 Australia
inverters for Kiwi Rail, Auckland Email:
E john@dressageengineering.com.au
4 Merse Road 100 Park Avenue Suite 1301 Wfoundry@ixl.com.au
electrification upgrade. Website: http://www.ixlfoundry.com.au
North www.dressageengineering.com.au
Moat, Redditch New York City 10017 United States
Contact: Sean Boswell, Business Develop-
Worcestershire, B98 9HL UK WithPoffices
1 212in 858 2618 Auckland and
Sydney, ment Manager
Ph: +44 (0)
Profile: 1527 61243 F 1 212
Singapore 858 2660
please consider Helios for
+44 (0) 1527 66836
Engineering was established yourEnext
Rail project that may need IXL Metal Castings is a flexible iron & steel
John Marmo in 1996.We specialise in W dc
quality www.dvbbank.com
power products. Electromek Pty Ltd
foundry producing medium to low volume
Website: http://www.b-hepworth.com
the repairs and service of Tram and Train railway consumable components for
brakeAlastair Timmisalso
systems.We – Rail Account
supply the large Dymax Rail Unit 2 32 Simper Crs service operations.
Tourist and Commercial
rangeIan Lockett
Bosch – RailHydac,
Rexroth, Technical
Stauff, Ryco, Mount Barker SA 5251 Australia
Hyundai Australia Pty Ltd IXL employs innovation where 3D printed
Sales Manager
Hansa Flex and IFM components. Dressage 402 Miller Drive Wamego Other KS 66547 sandPmoulds
61 8 71271039
are interfaced with Quikcast
Engineering conduct Hydraulic oil analysis, LevelP 5,785 815456 2081
Pacific Highway E mnadge@electromek.com.au
simulation technology to enable quality
Laser particle counter. Manufacturing of F 785 456
Chatswood, 8328
NSW, 2067 W www.electromek.com.au
casting outcomes in short lead-times at
wiring looms Equipment
and 600V DC Pty Ltd
Inverters. E michelejohnson464@yahoo.com
Australia reduced capital cost.
W www.dymaxrail.com
Ph: +61 2 9413 2314 Brands:
9 ILMA Street Australia Pty Ltd
DRYSYS Fax: +61 2 9413 1985 Grau Elektronik
IXL successfully produces for PBL,
Condell Park, NSW, 2200 E Tax
Email: Depreciation Schedule
justin@hyundaicorp.com TTR and contributed towards Glenn
Level 3 369 Royal Parade Website: http://www.hyundaicorp.com Eltek
Smyth’s Australia
Z-Class Pty Ltdbuild (refer
Ph: 02 97722555
Parkville VIC 3052 Australia 104/108 Albert Street http://australiansteam.com/Z%20199.htm
8060 0475 Brisbane City QLD 4000 Australia and Railway
Unit 1 22Digest May Way
Narabang 2017).
Email: sales@hiimpulse.com.au
E info@drysys.com.au P 1300 783 472 Belrose NSW 2085 Australia
W drysys.com.au E aiden.ordell@yandex.com P 02 9479 4200
W www.etaxdepreciationschedules.com.au/ F 02 9479 4290

ABOUT US Dressage Engineering was founded 16 years ago by John Marmo, starting
operations in a small factory in Thomastown, Melbourne, Australia. John built
his company up from a small player, to major player in the Transport industry.
Dressage Engineering is a quality endorsed company, accredited to IS0 9001,
which started their certification 12 years ago.
Dressage Engineering repair mostly all of Melbourne’s, Adelaide and Sydney’s
Trams Braking systems. The Brake systems include Hanning and Kahl, Knorr
Bremse, and Dako.
Dressage Engineering can also manufacture a large range of Electrical compo-
nents, from Pressure Switches to wiring looms.
Dressage Engineering can source and supply mostly all OEM components for the
Transport industry, if you need any equipment please contact us for a quotation.

E ausales@eltek.com E info@endurasim.com.au Kukatpally 500072 Hyderabad

W www.eltek.com W www.endurasim.com.au/ P 91 98490 70402
E enlightenedit@gmail.com
Elsafe Pty Ltd Enersys Australia W www.enlighteneditdevelopment.com

PO Box 6002 PO Box 6989 ENSCO Rail

Frenchs Forest NSW 2086 Australia Silverwater NSW 1811 Australia
P 02 9454 7500 P 61 2 9739 9999 Unit 5 158 Francisco Street
F 02 9454 7505 F 61 2 9739 9900 Belmont WA 6104 Australia
E railways@elsafe.com.au E lorry.gatt@enersys.com.au P 61 8 9479 7208
W railways.elsafe.com.au W www.enersys.com.au E pennington.michele@ensco.com
W www.enscorail.com
Engcomm Services Pty Ltd
Era Polymers
33 Lyndhurst Road
Kalamunda WA 6076 Australia 2-4 Green St
P 61 408 428 519 Banksmeadow NSW 2019 Australia
E david@engcomm.com.au P 02 9666 3788
W www.engcomm.com.au F 02 96666 4805
EMRAILS E marketing@erapol.com.au
Engcon Australia W www.erapol.com.au
1257 - 1259 Ferntree Gully Road
Scoresby VIC 3179 Australia 2009/1 Freshwater Place Branches:
P 1800 804 276 Southbank VIC 3006 Australia QLD Meadowbank 07 3299 7135 07 3200
F 1300 735 348 P 61 4 6706 5404 3663
E charlie.agius@emrails.com E info@engcon.com VIC Dandenong South 03 9548 3966 03
W www.emrails.com.au W www.australia.engcon.com 9583 9979
NZ Takanini 64 9 269 0710 64 9 269 4140
Profile: Engenium Pty Ltd
EMRAILS an Australian rall stockist for ESSESSE Pty Ltd
over 25 years holds the largest and most Level 2 88 William Street
comprehensive range of rails ex stock Perth WA 6000 Australia 12 Yaldwyn Street West
available for immediate delivery in P 08 6460 0300 Kyneton VIC 3444 Australia
Australia New Zealand and Export markets. Greg O’Rourke P 0428 912 444
We provide an excellent level of service in E info@engenium.com.au F 03 5422 2142
stocking and distribution of rail railway W www.engenium.com.au/ E simon@essesse.com.au
supply and crane rail supply. Our aim is to W essesse.com.au
have sufficient rails available from stock to Branches:
fulfil all customer requirements. Light Rail: Karratha Western Australian ETS Vegetation Management
10Kg - 30Kg Standard Rail: 41Kg - 68Kg Shop #6 High Street Dampier WA 6713 Tel
Crane Rail: A45 - A150 Heavy Crane Rail: 61 0408 218 031 62 Industrial Park Road
73Kg 86Kg and 87Kg. Other rail sizes are Newcastle West New South Wales Lilydale VIC 3140 Australia
available by enquiry. EMRAILS also can 796 Hunter Street Newcastle West NSW P 1300 387 337
supply full range of fishplates clips pads 2302 Tel 61 02 4940 4100 E rwarner@easterntrees.com
and other fastening systems for rails. Brisbane Queensland Level 2 52 McDougall W www.easterntrees.com
Street Milton QLD 4064 AustralianTel 61 07
Encanta Event Management 2101 3673 Branches:
QLD Narangba 07 3884 1600
P 9863 7606 Engineered Solutions Asia Pacific Pty NSW Penrith 02 4721 8577
E michelleb@encanta.com.au Ltd (ESAP) WA 03 9399 9274
W www.encanta.com.au TAS Hobart 03 6263 3378
28 - 32 Arctic Court
Endeavour Mutual Bank Keysborough VIC 3173 Australia Ettamogah Rail Hub
P 61 3 9700 9900
59 Buckingham Street F 61 3 9706 6158 160 Hub Road
Surry Hills NSW 2010 Australia E garyk@esap.net.au Ettamogah NSW 2640 Australia
P 1300 13 14 20 0410 626 053 W www.esap.net.au P 02 6025 0133
E info@secul.com.au F 02 6025 0131
W www.secul.com.au Engineering Advice Pty Ltd E ontrack@ettamogah-hub.com.au
W www.ettamogah-hub.com.au
Level 27 1 Farrer Place
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia Euro Power Australia Pty Ltd
P 0415 562 365
EnDuraSim E neil.watson2009@gmail.com 32-36 Victoria Street
W www.EngineeringAdvice.com.au Riverstone NSW 2765 Australia
11 Spring Street P 61 2 9838 1118
Beecroft NSW 2119 Australia Enlightened IT Development F 61 2 9838 1335
P 1800 367 332 E info@europower.com.au
F 02 9475 4442 #502 D364Road No-4 S.R Towers KPHB W www.europower.com.au



Everlast Tarping Systems Pty Ltd Andrew Marriott P 0407 431 865
E andrew@falconeng95.com.au F 02 9633 1701
Unit 2 / 20 McPherson Road W www.falconeng95.com.au E jason-whyte@live.com.au
Smeaton Grange NSW 2567 Australia W www.fsol.com.au
P 1300 795 112 Fast Track Welding Pty Ltd
F 1300 553 237 Finlease
E sales@everlasttarps.com.au 56 Slater Parade
W www.everlasttarps.com.au Keilor East VIC 3033 Australia Ground Floor 1 James Place
P 03 9336 06690427 862 085 North Sydney NSW 2060 Australia
eWelders F 03 9331 7334 P 1800358658
E info@fast-trackwelding.com F 284042063
34 Windermere Avenue W www.fast-trackwelding.com E finlease@finlease.com.au
Clapham SA 5062 Australia W finlease.com.au
P 1300 554 685 Fatigue Management Technologies
E ewelderscom@gmail.com Branches:
W www.ewelders.com.au 200 Kurraba Road VIC Blackburn 03 9878 4633 03 9878 4677
Neutral Bay NSW 2089 Australia TAS Sandy Bay 0419 350 933 03 6224 8476
Exectronics Pty Ltd P 61 452 457 030 QLD Milton 07 3324 2655 07 3324 2822 NT
E macmedia@bigpond.net.au Humpty Doo 0448 481 335 08 9361 1908 SA
Unit 30 30 Barcoo Street W icasaustralia.com.au Adelaide 08 8223 1212 08 8223 1001 WA
Roseville NSW 2069 Australia Victoria Park 08 9472 3133 08 9361 1908
P 61 2 9417 0188 Feddersen Consulting Group
F 61 2 9882 3061
E sales@exectronics.com.au PO Box 221
W www.exectronics.com.au Isle of Capri QLD 4217 Australia
P 61418469041 Firecone
Eye Lighting Australia Pty Ltd E andrewfeddersen@gmail.com
W feddersenconsulting.com Lvl 43 80 Collins Street
15 Industrial Avenue Melbourne VIC 3000 Australia
Wacol QLD n4076 Australia Branches: P 03 9664 0600
P 61 0 7 3335 3555 QLD 61447845007 E chad.pappas@firecone.com.au
E info@eli.com.au W www.firecone.com.au
W eyelighting.com.au/
Flinders Ports
Wacol Queensland FEMOL International Pty Ltd 296 St Vincent Street
Port Adelaide SA 5015 Australia
F.I.P. Pty Ltd T/A FIP Brakes 41 Pymore Crescent P 61 8 8447 0611
International Butler WA 6036 Australia F 61 8 8447 0606
P 0412 660021 E flindersports@flindersports.com.au
6 Wenban Place E femol.international@gmail.com W www.flindersports.com.au
Wetherill Park NSW 2164 Australia W www.femol-international.com
P 61 2 8784 8400 Flip Screen Australia
F 61 2 8784 8490 Fenix Rail Systems
E fipbrakes-enquiries@wabtec.com 235 Copland Street
W wabtec.com Levels 20 & 21 Tower 2 Darling Park 201 Wagga Wagga NSW 2650 Australia
Sussex Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia P 61 2 6931 8002
Faiveley Transport Australia P 44 7525 177307 E info@flipscreen.net
P 03300 580180 W www.flipscreen.net
Unit 1 2-8 South Street Craig Purcell
Rydalmere NSW 2116 (HEAD OFFICE) E natalie.hermer@fenixrailsystems.com Fluor Australia Pty Ltd
P 61 0 2 9680 0200 W www.fenixrailsystems.com
F 61 0 2 8863 4799 Level 9 167
Shannon Wolff Branches: St Georges Terrace Perth WA 6000
E info.au@Wabtec.com QLD Melbourne 02 9006 1190 P 61 8 9278 7105
W www.wabteccorp.com/ E daniel.lee@fluor.com
Fielden Management Services Pty Ltd W www.fluor.com.au
19 Southern Court Keysborough VIC 3173 Level 3 55 Exhibition Street Fluor Rail Services
28 Links Avenue North Eagle Farm QLD Melbourne VIC 3000 Australia
4009 16 Ballantyne Road Kewdale WA 6105 P 61 3 9654 6789 PO Box 53 Warrawong NSW 2502 Australia
6c Cashew St Grenada North Wellington NZ F 61 3 9654 6917 P 61 2 4275 7199
E ngd@fielden.com.au F 61 2 4275 7819
Falcon Engineering 95 Pty Ltd W www.fielden.com.au E john.gullick@fluor.com
W www.fluor.com
42 Cocos Drive Financial Solutions
Bibra Lake WA 6163 Australia
P 08 9393 0095 42/1 Macquarie St
P 08 9393 0095 Parramatta NSW 2150 Australia



Forensic Pest Management Services Freightquip Pty Ltd F 61 7 3877 2295

Pty Ltd E george_hart@gjames.com.au
Unit 32 Cargo Park International Drive W www.gjames.com.au
PO Box 800 Westmeadows VIC 3049 Australia
Kings Langley NSW 2147 Australia P 0431 463 608 G13 and Associates Pty Ltd
P 1300 360 457 E neil.mcdonell@freightquip.com
E info@forensicpest.com.au W www.freightquip.com 28 Wakefield Street
W www.forensicpestcontrol.com.au Kent Town SA 5067 Australia
P 61 8 8331 8023
Fortescue Metals Group Limited E jackie@g13.com.au
W www.g13.com.au
Level 2 87 Adelaide Terrace Fremantle Ports
East Perth WA 6004 Australia Galen & Gray
P 61 8 6218 8888 PO Box 95
F 61 8 6218 8879 Fremantle WA 6959 Australia 6/4 Brunker Road
E bpemberton@fmgl.com.au P 61 8 9430 3555 Chullora NSW 2190 Australia
W www.fmgl.com.au F 61 8 9336 1391 P 61 2 9709 5802
E mail@fremantleports.com.au F 61 2 9709 5823
W www.fremantleports.com.au E admin@galengray.com
W www.galengray.com
Fuchs Lubricants (Australasia)
Foundation (Agent only) Gangways & Bellows
49 McIntyre Road
P 8093 8054 Sunshine VIC 3020 Australia 51 Post Office Road
E nicholas.noel@foundation-aus.com P 61 3 9300 6400 Glenorie NSW 2157 Australia
W www.pickles.com.au/ F 61 3 9300 6401 P 02 96520017
E scott.oliver@fuchs.com.au F 02 96521768
FRANKISCHE W www.fuchs.com.au E mp@gangwaysbellows.com.au
W www.gangwaysbellows.com.au
PO Box 7227
Geelong West VIC 3018 Australia Garland
P 457646858
E stephen.herd@fraenkische.com 61 Metroplex Ave
W www.railpipe.com Murarrie QLD 4172 Australia
P 1800 66 99 99
Frauscher Sensor Technology Australia E marlena.russo@madisontechnologies.
Pty Ltd Frequentis Australasia com.au
W www.garlandcables.com.au
Level 19 31 Queen Street 1/425 Nudgee Road
Melbourne VIC 3000 Australia Hendra QLD 4011 Australia Branches:
W www.frauscher.com.au/ P 61 7 3188 1111 NSW Silverwater 1800 66 99 99 VIC
E jennifer.mclellan@frequentis.com Derrimut 1800 66 99 99 WA Bayswater 1800
W www.frequentis.com 66 99 99 NZ Auckland 0508 78 88 89

Profile: Garland Cables

Frazer-Nash Consultancy Ltd Frequentis Public Transport solutions
leverage over seventy years of safety- See below for your nearest branch
Level 11 385 Bourke Street critical communications and applications P 1800 66 99 99
Melbourne VIC 3000 Australia experience. Cross-industry expertise F 1800 66 99 90
P 61 3 9037 2200 underpins industry-leading railway and E Marlena.Russo@madisontech.com.au
F 08 8231 2507 urban transport solutions. With its strong W www.madisontech.com.au/garland-rail
E c.baker@fncaustralia.com.au position in operations communication and
W www.fncaustralia.com.au incident and crisis management, Frequentis Branches:
is also number one in GSM-R dispatcher NSW 1800 66 99 99 1800 66 99 90 NZ 0508
terminals, with over 8,000 units in over 25 78 88 89 QLD 1802 66 99 99 1802 66 99 90
countries. VIC 1803 66 99 99 1803 66 99 90 WA 1804
66 99 99 1804 66 99 90
Freightliner Australia Pty Ltd Branches:
NSW Sydney VIC Melbourne WA Perth 7 Garrandale Australia Pty Ltd
Suite 1 Building 1 Pymble Corporate Centre 3188 1111 7 3188 1111
20 Bridge Street Bradmarsh Business Park
Pymble NSW 2073 Australia Bow Bridge Close Rotherham S60 1BY UK
P 02 9449 6222 P 44 0 800 949 9575
F 02 9449 6022 E ginny.truslove@btinternet.com
E corpcomm@gwrr.com G. James Safety Glass QLD Pty Ltd W www.gbr-rail.com
W www.freightlineraustralia.com.au
1007 Kingsford Smith Drive
Eagle Farm QLD 4009 Australia
P 61 7 3815 4439



GBG Australia P/L P 02 8514 7005

E john.botica@glassprotech.com.au
18 Fennell St North W www.glassprotech.com.au
Parramatta NSW 2151 Australia
P 61 2 9890 2122 Glen Innes Severn Council
F 61 2 9890 2922
E info@gbgoz.com.au 265 Grey Street
W www.gbgoz.com.au Geofabrics Australasia Pty Ltd Glen Innes NSW 2370 Australia
P 02 6730 2300
GE Transportation – a Wabtec 83-93 Canterbury Road F 02 6732 3764
Company Braeside VIC 3195 Australia E council@gisc.nsw.gov.au
P 61 03 85869102 W www.gisc.nsw.gov.au/
51 Barry Alexander Drive P 1300 60 60 20
Springfield Central QLD 4300 Australia E r.bhavsar@geofabrics.com.au GLH Rail and Civil - George’s Loader
P 07 3001 4301 W www.geofabrics.co Hire
W www.getransportation.com
Profile: 262 Bowhill Road
our clients deliver and maintain their F 61 7 3879 1950
Genesee & Wyoming Australia Pty Ltd infrastructure by minimising their risk E kelly@glh.net.au
and increasing their value through the W www.loaderhire.com.au
Level 3 33 Richmond Road innovative use of geosynthetic products.
Keswick SA 5035 Australia For over 35 years we have supported the Global Locomotive Pty Ltd
P 61 8 8343 5455 rail sector with a singular focus: to provide
F 61 8 8343 5454 smarter infrastructure solutions for our 91 Redfern Street Unit 1/2
E guida.coutinho@gwrr.com clients. Wetherill Park NSW 2164 Australia
W www.gwrr.com P 61 2 8003 5964
Branches: E solutions@globallocomotive.com.au
QLD 07 3713 4613 QLD 07 5594 8600 NSW W www.globallocomotive.com.au
02 8785 8800 SA 08 8219 2900 WA 08 9406
5900 TAS 03 6273 0511 NZ AUCK 64 9 634 Golder Associates Pty Ltd
6495 CH 64 3 349 5600
Building 7 Botanicca Corporate Park 570-588 Sw
GHD Pty Ltd Richmond VIC 3121 Australia
P 61 3 8862 3500
133 Castlereagh Street Sydney NSW 2000 F 61 3 8862 3501
Australia E faitkins@golder.com.au
P 61 2 9239 7100 W www.golder.com.au
E neil.holt@ghd.com
Gemco Rail W www.ghd.com Go-Ahead Group

Level 1 198 Turner Street First Floor 4 Matthew Parker Street

Port Melbourne VIC 3207 London UK SW1H 9NP.
P 61 08 9365 6901 E communications@go-ahead.com
F 61 08 9365 9777 Gilgandra Shire Council W www.go-ahead.com/
E sales@gemcorail.com.au
W www.gemcorail.com.au 15 Warren Road
Gilgandra NSW 2827 Australia
Profile: P 02 68178800
Gemco Rail, an Engenco Group company, E council@gilgandra.nsw.gov.au GoldlinQ
is a leading independent supplier of W www.gilgandra.nsw.gov.au
rolling stock products and services to the Level 1 3240 Surfers Paradise Boulevard
Australian and New Zealand rail industry Surfers Paradise QLD 4217 Australia
specialising in the supply maintenance and P 07 5588 6800
overhaul of locomotives wagons passenger F 075657 7999
cars and rolling stock components and track GIRO E customerservice@ridetheg.com.au
maintenance equipment. W goldlinq.com.au
75 rue de Port-Royal Est
Montréal (Québec) H3L3T1 Canada
P 1 514.383.0404
E myrtille.guillet@giro.ca
Genton W www.giro.ca GoTrain Industry Pty Ltd

P 61 433 537 577 Glass and Surface Protection Unit 1/10 Pioneer Avenue
Zak Barry Technologies Australia Pty Limited Tuggerah NSW 2259 Australia
E Zak.Barry@genton.com.au P 02 4355 4595
W genton.com.au Suite 502 Level 5 267 Castlereagh Street E enquiries@gotrain.com.au
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia W www.gotrain.com.au



Branches: GTE Rail Australia Pty Ltd F 61 3 9872 6627

QLD Salisbury 245554595 NSW Dubbo E gwatson@hanoverdisplays.com
243554595 Head Office A5 Level 1 1-13 The Gateway W www.hanoverdisplays.com
Broadmeadows VIC 3047 Australia
GrainCorp Operations Limited P 03 9358 4300 Harbinger Infrastructure
F 03 9359 3400
Level 28 175 Liverpool Street E rail@gteaustralia.com 37 Spitfire Place
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia W www.gteaustralia.com Rutherford NSW 2320 Australia
P 02 9325 9100 P 02 4932 1178
F 02 9325 9181 GTE Welding Pty Ltd W harbingergroup.com.au
E raildesk@graincorp.com.au
W www.graincorp.com.au Level 1 1-13 The Gateway Broadmeadows
VIC 3047 Australia
Granite Consulting P 03 9358 4300
F 03 9359 3400 Hardface Technologys
Level 7 50 Queen Street E welding@gteaustralia.com
Melbourne VIC 3000 Australia W www.gteaustralia.com PO Box 635
P 61 3 9094 0900 Penrith NSW 2750 Australia
F 61 3 9094 0909 Gulf Western Oil P 61 2 4721 4088
E info@graniteconsulting.com.au F 61 2 4732 4988
W www.graniteconsulting.com.au/ 92 - 96 Links Rd St Marys NSW 2760 E hardface@netspace.net.au
P 02 9673 9600 W www.hardface.com.au
GRC&C P 1800 248 919
F 02 9673 9696 Harrybilt Engineering
Unit 11 67 Depot Street E michaelk@gulfwestern.com.au
Banyo QLD 4014 Australia W www.gulfwestern.com.au 10 Golden Crescent
P 0418 437 902 Wendouree VIC 3355 Australia
F 61 7 3630 4711 Brands: P 353394859
E graham.russell@optusnet.com.au Gulf Western Oil E bmartino@harrybilt.com.au

Greater Wellington Regional Council Branches: HARTING Pty Ltd

Main Branch Warehouse / Blending facility
PO Box 11646 Manners Street - St Marys NSW QLD Warehouse - Clontarf Suite 11/2 Enterprise Drive
Wellington 6142 New Zealand 07 3284 1687 VIC Warehouse - Shepparton Bundoora VIC 3083 Australia
P 0800 496 734 03 5831 3121 VIC Warehouse - Croydon 03 P 61 3 9466 7088
F 64 4 385 6960 9725 6006 nNewcastle Warehouse - 1800 F 61 3 9466 7099
E info@gw.govt.nz 248 919 E jackie.wong@harting.com
W www.gw.govt.nz W www.HARTING.com.au
GRMS Media HASCOM International Pty Ltd
660 Somerville Road
PO Box 595 Sunshine West VIC 3020 Australia 4 Lacrosse Rise
Prospect East SA 5082 Australia P 61 3 9312 6633 Sorrento WA 6020 Australia
P 61 408 800903 F 61 3 9312 6433 P 61 8 9415 1311
F 61 8 8261 2219 E sales@gvk.com.au F 61 8 9415 1312
E grms@bigpond.com W www.gvk.com.au E hascom@hascom.com.au
W www.hascom.com.au
Groundmaster Engineering Hamey Vision Systems Pty Ltd
67 Calarco Drive PO Box 6132
Derrimut VIC 3030 Australia North Ryde NSW 2113 Australia 61 Petrie Terrace
P 61 3 9394 0800 P 0408 473933 Brisbane QLD 4000 Australia
F 61 3 9394 1278 E queryemail@hameyvision.com.au P 61 7 3166 7777
E tpedwell@groundmaster.com.au W www.hameyvision.com.au F 61 7 3368 3754
W www.groundmaster.com.au/ E shane.liddle@hatch.com
Hancock Sheetmetal W www.hatch.com
GS1 Australia
63 Griffiths Road Havas People Pty Ltdd
8 Nexus Court Lambton NSW 2299 Australia
Mulgrave VIC 3170 Australia P 02 49 523166 E sheree.campagna@havaspeople.com
P 1300 227 263 F 02 49 529427
E rjones@gs1au.org E rholloway@hancockspeedway.com.au Hawkins Infrastructure
W www.gs1au.org W www.hancockspeedway.com.au/
Private Bag 93214
Hanover Displays Pty Ltd Parnell Auckland 1151 New Zealand
P 64 09 918 8100
2/25 Redland Drive F 64 09 918 8143
Mitcham VIC 3132 Australia E b.fitzgerald@hawkins.co.nz
P 61 3 9872 6673 W www.hawkins.co.nz



Hays Recruitment HMA Materials Handling - Techniplan Ian King Local Pest Control

Level 13 Chifley Tower 2 Chifley Square Building 107.3B 2-6 Leonardo Drive PO Box 84
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia Brisbane Airport QLD 4007 Australia Hornsby NSW 2077 Australia
P 02 8226 9600 P 07 3859 6800 P 0419 422 460
E scpeng@hays.com.au F 07 3859 6899 E iankingpestcontrol@gmail.com
W www.hays.com.au E ahughes@hmagroup.com.au W www.iankinglocalpestcontrol.com.au/
W www.hmagrp.com
Helios Power Solutions IBIS Computer Pty Ltd
House of IT
Unit 6 2-8 South Street Unit 8 / 40 Leonard Crescent
Rydalmere NSW 2116 Australia Suite 214 Level 2 343 Little Collins Street Brendale QLD 4500 Australia
P 61 2 7200 9200 Melbourne VIC 3000 Australia P 07 3889 9881
Ace Hassan P 1300 791 219 F 07 3889 9884
E rconsiglio@heliosps.com.au F 1300 791 219 E ian.turner@ibiscomputer.com.au
W www.heliosps.com.au E annb@houseofit.com.au W www.ibiscomputer.com.au
W houseofit.com.au/
Branches: Icepower Industrial Cleaning
NZ Auckland 64 9 835 0700 Other HUBER+SUHNER Australia Pty Ltd
Singapore 65 6871 4140 PO Box 7515
Unit 6 4 Skyline Place Geelong West VIC 3218 Australia
HF Integration Frenchs Forest NSW 2086 Australia P 1300 884 841
P 61 2 8977 1200 E tim@icepower.com.au
15 Second Avenue F 61 2 9972 7549 W icepower.com.au
Perth WA 6054 Australia E sales.au@hubersuhner.com
P 61 447 329 672 W www.hubersuhner.com.au Icomera
E info@hfintegration.com
W www.hfintegration.com Humanomics 171 Grange Road
Fairfield VIC 3078 Australia
Hi-Tech Metrology 2/13 Arnott Street P 03 94903966
Edgeworth NSW 2285 Australia E arthur.koulianos@engie.com
2 Carl Court E business@humanomics.com.au W www.icomera.com
Hallam VIC 3803 Australia W www.humanomics.com.au
P 61 3 9702 3911 IMI Precision Engineering
F 61 3 9702 3933 Hunan Great Steel Pipe Co. Ltd
E info@hitechmetrology.com.au 4/175-179 James Ruse Drive
W www.hitechmetrology.com.au Hunan Steel Industrial Zone Rosehill NSW 2142 Australia
Tianxin Special Distr Changsha Hunan P 0418 448 918
Hifab Welding 410001 China. E peter.raemers@imi-precision.com
P 86 731 88706031 W www.imi-precision.com
40 Adderley Street F 86 731 88706031
East Lidcombe NSW 2141 Australia E echo@hunantube.com Branches:
P 02 9737 9911 W www.hnssd.com QLD Coopers Plains 07 3275 9600 VIC
E alankelly@hifab.com.au Rowville 03 9213 0800 WA Welshpool 08
W www.hifab.com.au Hunter Transport Consulting Pty Ltd 9478 2900

Highgate Management 3 Chadworth Place Imtram Pty Ltd

Baulkham Hills NSW 2153 Australia C

Level 5 52 Phillip Street P 61 2 9686 6556 37 Bond Street M

Sydney NSW 2000 Australia E glen@h-t-c.com.au Ringwood VIC 3134 Australia
P 02 9377 1077 W www.h-t-c.com.au P 61 3 9879 5200 Y

F 02 9377 1070 F 61 3 9879 5250 CM

E mjessett@highgatemanagement.com.au Hybrid Electronics Australia Pty Ltd E imtram@imtram.com
W www.highgatemanagement.com.au W www.imtram.com MY

6 / 56 Smith Road CY
Hitachi Rail Springvale VIC 3171 Australia Incite Fire
P 03 9574 2232 CMY

11 Viola Place E hybrid@hybrid-electronics.com Block Y Unit 1 391 Park Road K

Eagle Farm QLD 4009 Australia W www.hybrid-electronics.com Regents Park NSW 2143 Australia
P 61 7 3868 9333 P 1300INCITE
P 61 7 3868 9333 Hyundai Rotem Company E aliggins@incitefire.com.au
Michele Golda W www.incitefire.com.au
E info.australia@hitachirail.com 231 Yangjae-Dong
W www.hitachirail.com Seocho-Gu Seoul 137-938 South Korea Branches:
P 82 2 3464 7273 QLD Brisbane 07 3252 5366 VIC Melbourne
F 82 2 3464 7588 03 9544 2211 WA Perth 08 9349 2972
E youngjin.chang@hyundai-rotem.co.kr
W www.hyundai-rotem.co.kr



Indec Branches:
VIC MELBOURNE 03 9602 2288
Level 7 60 Collins Street
Melbourne VIC 3000 Australia Industrial Guarding and Safety
P 61 3 9650 4644
E info@indec.com.au Unit 5 57 Crescent Road
W indec.com.au Waratah NSW 2298 Australia
Ikon Lifting Equipment Pty Ltd P 02 4952 5200
F 02 4952 9337
15 Mayfield Street E sales@pdcgroup.com.au
Coburg VIC 3058 Australia W www.safetyguard.com.au
P 61 433 139 047 Indra Australia Pty Ltd
Cameron Thomas General Manager Industrial Recruitment Partners
E sales@ikonlifiting.com.au Unit 1 145 Arthur Street
W www.ikonlifting.com.au Homebush West NSW 2140 Australia Level 1 44 Belmont Ave
P 02 9898 8700 Belmont WA 6104 Australia
Profile: F 02 9898 8799 P 08 9477 7999
Ikon Lifting Equipment is an innovative E indra@indracompany.com F 08 9277 7760
rolling stock maintenance equipment W indracompany.com E service@irp.net.au
provider for passenger rail, light rail, W www.IRP.net.au
freight and coal wagons, crew vans, ballast
tampers and some locos, active in all states Industrial Truck
with world renowned mobile battery
powered lifting systems with no need for Industrial Design (Baxter IP) 65 Manton Street
interconnecting cables. Set capacity from Hindmarsh SA 5007 Australia
17 tonnes to 280 tonnes with outdoor use Suite 2 Level 3a 1 Bligh St P 08 8340 4111
capability now proven in Australia for 16 Sydney NSW 2000 Australia E ranjanratnam@hotmail.com
years. Local service technicians are available P 02 9264 6716 W www.industrialtruck.com.au/
at all locations with critical parts stock and E mail@baxterip.com.au
1-2 page Rail Mag [RESIZED}.pdf 1 9/10/2019 12:20:32 PM
all OEM parts stocked in Melbourne W www.baxterip.com.au

Capacity 8,200 to 17,500kg wagon
and bogie lifting

Versatility with unique bogie

supporting anvil
• Wireless, no trip hazard
• Easy to manoeuvre and posi�on
• Overload safety device
• Independent mechanical locking
• Several hydraulic safety systems
• Li� can be lowered onto locks
• No slings
• No axle stands
• No overhead cranes
• No unnecessary moving of wheels,
bogies or other heavy components P: 0433 139 047
across workshop floor. E: sales@ikonlifting.com.au
Lifting Equipment
THE AUSTRALASIAN RAIL DIRECTORY 2021 www.ikonlifting.com.au57

InEight innovec controls

332 St Kilda Road Suite 5 56-62 Chandos street

Melbourne VIC 3006 Australia P 61299067158
P 61 03 9291 0800 P 61 2 9906 7158
E samantha.marsilla@ineight.com Rob Newman
Industrial Design Alliance W ineight.com E robert@innovec.com
W www.innovec.com
Suite 5 Level 1 50 Atchison St Infastech Engineered Fastening
St Leonards NSW 2065 Australia Brands:
P 61 2 8041 1718 92 Logis Boulevard Innovec
Tim Rugendyke Dandenong South VIC 3175 Australia
E trugendyke@id-alliance.com.au P 1800 062 355 Branches:
W www.id-alliance.com.au P 1800 062 355 Suite 5 56-62 Chandos Street St. Leonards
E carly.stone@iefast.com.au NSW 2065 Australia
Profile: W www.stanleyengineeredfastening.com
IDA is Australia’s leading Passenger Rolling Institute for Infrastructure Engineering
Stock Industrial Design specialists. Our design Informa Australia
and development services integrate seamlessly University of Western Sydney
with our clients marketing and engineering Level 4 24 York St Locked Bag 1797
teams. Our services include: Concept Design, Sydney NSW 2000 Australia Penrith NSW 2751 Australia
Interior and Exterior Styling, Livery Design, P 61 2 9080 4307 P 02 47360132
3D Surface Modelling and Documentation, E anthony.anemogiannis@informa.com.au F 02 4736 0054
3D Visualisation Rendering, Colour and Finish W www.informa.com.au E h.ronagh@westernsydney.edu.au
Specification, Ergonomics Design, DSAPT. W www.uws.edu.au/iie
Infraworks Rail
Industroquip Safety & Signage Institute for Intelligent Systems
PO Box 454 Research and Innovation
56 - 58 Gardiners Road Ingleburn NSW 1890 Australia
Rutherford NSW 2320 Australia P 61 2 9733 3600 Deakin University 75 Pigdons Road
P 1300 554 192 F 61 2 8324 6403 Waurn Ponds VIC 3216 Australia
E brendan@industroquip.com.au E info@inrail.com.au P 61 3 5227 1352
W www.industroquip.com.au W www.inrail.com.au F 61 3 5227 1046
E saeid.nahavandi@deakin.edu.au
Industry Capability Network InnoTrans
Institute of Railway Technology -
PO Box 130 20/ 27-33 Judd Street Monash University
Deakin ACT 2600 Australia Sydney NSW 2230 Australia
P 61 2 6285 2033 P 61 4164 28 561 Building 31 17 College Walk Monash
E info@icn.org.au E alexandra@fruitnet.com University VIC 3800 Australia
W www.icn.org.au W www.innotrans.de/en/ P 61 3 9905 1880
F 61 3 9905 1972
Industry Capability Network (Vic) Inspired Systems Pty Ltd E irt.enquiries@monash.edu
W www.irt.monash.edu
Level 11 10 Queens Road 70 Mordaunt Circuit
Melbourne VIC 3004 Australia Canning Vale WA 6155 Australia
P 61 3 9864 6700 P 61 8 9456 5666
E pdavrain@icnvic.org.au F 61 8 9456 5778
W www.incvic.org.au E enquiries@inspiredsystems.com.au

Credit: Transport for NSW



Insulect Australia Interflon Australia International Railway Journal (IRJ)

3 Coates Place 13 Sigvard Blvd 46 Killigrew Street

Wetherill Park NSW 2164 Australia Hallam VIC 3803 Australia Falmouth Cornwall TR11 3PP United
P 1300 446 565 P 03 8786 3753 Kingdom
F 07 3716 6798 F 03 8786 3753 P 44 1326 313945
E sales@akpowersolutions.com E krishdaya@interflonaustralia.com.au E db@railjournal.co.uk
W www.insulect.com W www.interflon.com W www.railjournal.com

Branches: InterLinkSQ International Transport Training &

QLD Seventeen Mile Rocks 1300 446 565 07 Development
3716 6798 VIC Dandenong South 1300 446 Incorporating the InterLink Global Logistics
565 07 3716 6798 Centr 167 Draper Road Charlton QLD 4350 PO Box 328
Australia North Melbourne VIC 3051 Australia
Insyte Solutions P 61 7 4699 3887 P 61 3 9619 0121
E alil@interlinksq.com.au F 61 3 9607 8543
44B Wood Street W www.interlinksq.com.au E info@ittd.com.au
Emu Park QLD 4710 Australia W www.ittd.com.au
P 61 4 0764 4601 Intermodal Group
E insyte@insyte-solutions.com Intertech Engineering
W www.insyte-solutions.com 700 Abernathy Road
Forrestfield WA 6058 Australia 15 Sir Laurence Drive
Integrail P 61 0 8 9358 7700 Seaford VIC 3198 Australia
F 61 0 8 9358 7760 P 8770 5500
PO Box 3070 E accounts@intermodal.net.au F 9773 5666
North Mackay QLD 4740 Australia W www.intermodal.net.au/ E sales@intertecheng.com.au
P 61 0427 853 773 W intertech-eng.com.au/
E jaron@integrail.com.au International Cleaning Services
Intex Connect
Integrated Rail Engineering Services 27 King Street
Pty Ltd Norwood SA 5067 Australia Unit 2 17 Hook Street
P 08 8362 1600 Capalaba QLD 4157 Australia
Suite K-111 63 Turner Street E enquiries@internationalcleaning.com P 0488 300 347
Port Melbourne VIC 3207 Australia W www.internationalcleaning.com/ E nick.cumming@intexconnect.com
P 1300 966 936 W www.intexconnect.com
F 61 3 8672 6630 International Electronic Machine
E office@integratedrail.com.au Company Intrex Pty Ltd
W www.linkedin.com/company/integrated-
rail-engineering-services 41/72 Glendower Street 83 Boardwalk Boulevard
Gilead NSW 2560 Australia Halls Head VIC 6210 Australia
Integrated Recycling Pty Ltd P 02 4622 5041 P 61 0 411 887 889
E terry_fcoleman@viceroygilead.com E bruce@intrex.com.au
83-85 Banbury Road W www.intrex.com.au
Reservoir VIC 3073 Australia International Engineering
P 1300 729 253 Inver Engineering Pty Ltd
P 1300 729 253 314W Pitkin Avenue Pueblo
E swebster@integratedrecycling.com.au Colorado 81004 United States. PO Box 190
W www.integratedrecycling.com.au P 1 719 337 5852 Altona VIC 3016 Australia
F 1 719 404 0221 P 61 3 9399 2166
Branches: E info@intl-engr.com F 61 3 9399 1922
VIC Mildura 1300 729 253 W international-engineering.com/ E graeme@inver.com.au
W www.inver.com.au
Inteplan Pty Ltd International Paint
Investment Casting
2 Linden Avenue 8 Kellaway Place
Eleebana NSW 2282 Australia Wetherill Park NSW 2164 Australia Zhongshan East Road
P 0409 209 111 P 61 2 9616 6900 Ningbo 315000 China
E info@inteplan.com F 61 2 9609 3910 P 0086 574 27682916
W www.inteplan.com E pc-australasia@akzonobel.com E cathy.fly02@gmail.com
W www.international-pc.com W www.china-investmentcastings.com
Interface Rail Engineering
International Quality & Productivity iPRO Solutions Pty Ltd
Level 5 470 Collins Street Centre (IQPC)
Melbourne VIC 3000 Australia Sky Level 301 Coronation Drive
P 61 3 9998 1921 Level 6 25 Bligh Street Milton QLD 4064 Australia
E simic@interfacerail.com.au Sydney NSW 2000 Australia P 1300 477 654
W www.interfacerail.com.au P 61 2 9229 1000 E tthompson@iprosolutions.com
E allan.eir@iqpc.com.au W www.iprosolutions.com



iris Asia-Pacific Pty Ltd JCG Aviation Services F 02 9914 8798

E nalpert@jsg.com.au
121 Exhibition Street 7 Coronet Court W www.jsgindustrial.com
Melbourne VIC 3000 Australia North Rocks NSW 2151 Australia
P 61414957019 P 61 419 015 684 Jury and Jury Technologies
Joel Westerheide E jguselli@bigpond.net.au
E Joel.Westerheide@iris-sensing.com 158 Mahoetahi Road RD 42
W www.iris-sensing.com John Hearsch Consulting Pty Ltd Waitara New Plymouth NZ 4382 New Zealand
P 64 6 754 8684
Brands: 3 Range Avenue E dstresen@yahoo.com
IRMA MATRIX Heathcote Junction VIC 3758 Australia W www.dstresen@yahoo.com
P 03 5787 2182 or 0419 736 816
Ironcore Transformers Pty Ltd E johnhearsch@bigpond.com Branches:
QLD THE GAP 448109878
20-22 Quinn Street John Holland
Preston VIC 3072 Australia K and G Machinery Pty Ltd
P 03 9480 6044 L3 65 Pirrama Road
E info@ironcore.com.au Pyrmont NSW 2009 Australia 9 May Road
W www.ironcore.com.au/index.htm P 02 9552 4288 Wamuran QLD 4512 Australia
F 02 9660 0410 P 0429 541 117
ISS First Response E claire.bridges@jhg.com.au E info@kandgmachinery.com.au
W www.kandgmachinery.com.au
10-14 Tower Court Branches:
Noble Park VIC 3174 Australia VIC St. Kilda 03 86989400 WA Perth 08 Kachink Communications
P 1300 131 001 94822700 (Graphic Design & Photography)
F 61 3 8769 0229
E anthony.pospisil@iss-solutions.com.au 7 Yass Close
W www.iss-solutions.com.au Frenchs Forest NSW 2086 Australia
P 61 4 0481 2017
IXL Metal Castings John Kirk Photography & Beyond Images F 61 2 8901 0409
E mk@kachink.com.au
1 Wood Street 169 Fullerton Rd W www.kachink.com.au
Geelong South VIC 3220 Australia Dulwich SA 5065 Australia
P 400496729 P 61 0419209735 KaRaTec Power Supplies Pty Ltd
F 03 5222 6234 E johnkirk2006@gmail.com
E sean.boswell@ixl.com.au Upper Unit 6 269 Victoria Road
W www.ixl.com.au John Linde Consulting Rydalmere NSW 2116 Australia
P 61 2 8677 7745
J Steel Australasia Pty Ltd 30 Wagtail Drive E ram@karatec.com.au
Glenore Grove QLD 4342 Australia W karatec.com.au
Level 23 207 Kent Street P 61 408 195 638
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia E johnlindeconsulting@gmail.com Karmot Pty Ltd
P 61 2 8198 9500
F 61 2 8198 9599 Johnstaff Projects Pty Ltd Unit D 26 Penny Place
E jcommins@jsteel.com.au Arndell Park NSW 2148 Australia
W www.jsteel.com.au 8th Floor 21 Victoria Street P 61 2 9622 7388
Melbourne VIC 3000 Australia F 61 2 9622 3922
Branches: P 61 3 9663 4044 E karmot@karmot.com
WA 08 9278 4800 F 61 3 9639 4118 W www.karmot.com
E jpl@johnstaff.com.au
Jacobs Group (Australia) W www.johnstaff.com.au Kathy Jones and Associates

Level 11 452 Flinders Street Journey Beyond Rail Expeditions Level 9 2 Elizabeth Plaza
Melbourne VIC 8009 Australia North Sydney NSW 2059 Australia
P 02 9928 2100 Richmond Road P 02 9955 5040
F 02 9928 2444 Keswick SA 5035 Australia F 02 9955 5901
E wendy.cuttance@jacobs.com P 08 8213 4444 E info@kjassoc.com.au
W www.jacobs.com F 08 8213 4480 W www.kjassoc.com.au
E kirsty.gunn@journeybeyond.com
W journeybeyondrail.com.au Katrina Lawrence Pty Ltd

P.O.Box 756
Jaquet - A part of TE Connectivity Port Melbourne VIC 3207 Australia
P 61 4 0808 0732
Tahnnerstr. 15 Basel 4009 Switzerland JSG Industrial Systems E contact@katrinalawrence.com
E eleanor.low@te.com W www.katrinalawrence.com/
W www.jaquet.com U1/21 Amour Street
Revesby NSW 2212 Australia
P 02 9914 8720



KBR - Kellogg Brown Root Pty Ltd Seven Hills NSW 2147 Australia KiwiRail
P 135135
Level 3 441 St. Kilda Road E likhitasomani@kennards.com.au Level 3 8-14 Stanley Street
Melbourne VIC 3004 Australia W www.kennards.com.au Parnell Auckland NZ 1142 Australia
P 61 3 9828 5245 P 64 4 498 3000
F 61 3 9820 0136 Branches: F 64 4 498 1589
Ray Mahony NZ 800470370 NSW Dubbo 02 6887 4800 E kiwirail@kiwirail.co.nz
E ray.mahony@kbr.com QLD Brendale 07 3490 6800 VIC Brooklyn 03 W www.kiwirail.co.nz
W www.kbr.com 8346 9400 WA Karratha 08 9144 2207

VIC Melbourne 03 9828 5333 NSW Sydney
02 8284 2000 QLD Brisbane 07 3721 6555 Knorr-Bremse Australia Pty Ltd
SA Adelaide 08 8301 1234 WA Perth 08 Keolis Downer
6444 3000 23-29 Factory Street
Level 3 / T1 Triniti Buinsess Park 39 Delhi Rd Granville NSW 2142 Australia
KCPM Consulting Pty Ltd North Ryde NSW 2113 Australia P 02 8863 6191
P 02 8073 4068 F 02 9897 9980
39/48 Lemke Road E segolene.deeley@keolisdowner.com.au E eran.kam@knorr-bremse.com
Taigum QLD 4018 Australia W www.keolisdowner.com.au W www.knorr-bremse.com
P 61 4 6677 9419
E martin.murray@kcpmconsulting.com Branches:
W www.kcpmconsulting.com QLD Darra 0 7 3713 7411 07 3713 7422 QLD
Mackay 07 3713 7411 07 3713 7422 VIC
Keech Australia Kineco Alte Train Technologies Pvt Ltd Derrimut 03 8353 6400 03 9311 1135 WA
Weslshpool 08 9350 2400 08 9350 2401 WA
30 Powell Street 60 Pilerne Industrial Estate Port Hedland 08 9350 2400 08 9350 2401
Bendigo VIC 3550 Australia Bardez Goa 403511 India.
P 03 5443 8233 E ravi.shrivastava@katt.co.in
E rkeech@keech.com.au W www.katt.co.in
W www.keech.com.au
KH1 Pty Ltd Kraus & Naimer Pty Ltd
Keltbray International
114 National Blvd 379 Liverpool Road
11 Kirkwood Chase Campbellfield VIC 3061 Australia Ashfield NSW 2131 Australia
Wilton Sydney NSW 2571 Australia P 03 9357 5400 P 61 2 9797 7333
P 61448802804 E sales@kh1.com.au F 61 2 9797 0092
F 61448802804 W www.kh1.com.au E salesaus@krausnaimer.com
E mark.thomas@wentworth-house.co.uk W www.krausnaimer.com.au
W Railelectrification.com
L.E.K Consulting
Keltbray International Pty Limited
Kinexus Level 26 Aurora Place 88 Phillip Street
30 Cadman Crescent Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
Castle Hill NSW 2154 Lvl 2 261 George Street P 61 2 9323 0700
P 61448802804 Sydney NSW 2000 Australia F 61 2 9323 0600
P 61448802804 P 61 2 9492 7500 E d.eggers@lek.com
Mark Thomas F 61 2 9251 4800 W www.lek.com
E mark.thomas@keltbrayinternational.com E enquiries@kinexus.com.au
W www.keltbray.com W www.kinexus.com.au Branches:
NSW Sydney 439037399 VIC Melbourne
Brands: Kingfield Galvanizing 439037399
Keltbray International Pty Limited
35 Oherns Rd Laing O’Rourke
Branches: Somerton VIC 3062 Australia
Sydney Australia P 03 9305 3902 Level 4 100 Arthur Street
F 03 9305 3016 North Sydney NSW 2234 Australia
Kemet Australia Pty Ltd E sales@kingfield.com.au P 61 2 9903 0300
W www.kingfield.com.au F 02 9903 0641
4/11 Turbo Road E drobotham@laingorourke.com.au
Kings Park NSW 2148 Australia Konnect W www.laingorourke.com.au
P 02 9831 4922
F 02 9671 3516 13 Rosberg Road
E info@kemet.com.au Wingfield SA 5013 Australia
W www.kemet.com.au P 08 8300 8700
F 08 8300 8777 Lakes Flora Pty Ltd
Kennards Hire E wingfield@konnectshop.com
W www.konnectshop.com PO Box 20
U1 Building I 22 Powers Road Langhorne Creek SA 5255 Australia



P 0457 597 594 E sales@leroy-autom.com Limmat Group

F 08 8536 3863 W www.leroy-automation.com
E enquiries@lakesflora.com.au Edificio VicamCtra. CL-601 Km7 Segovia
W www.lakesflora.com.au LH Marthinusen Other 40194 Spain
P 34 644 121 775
Landmark Rail Solutions 338 Main Reef Road F 34 644 121 774
Denver Johannesburg South Africa E info@limmat-group.com
Level 7 91 Phillip Street 6A Ella St P 27 11 615 6722 W www.limmat-group.com
Parramatta NSW 2150 Australia F 27 11 616 6808
P 0490 832 910 E kgashanem@lhm.co.za Linklite Systems
E dmacdonald@caf.net W marthinusen.co.za/
Unit 11/65-75 Captain Cook Drive
Layer 2 Intelligence. Liberty Primary Steel (Rail & Steel Caringbah NSW 2229 Australia
Sleepers) P 1300 853 860
41C Rowland Ave E info@linklite.com.au
Wollongong NSW 2500 Australia Port Augusta Road W www.linklite.com.au
P 488998662 Whyalla SA 5600 Australia
E sarah.moody@layer2intelligence.com.au P 1800 178 335 Linmag Australia Pty Ltd
W www.layer2intelligence.com.au E brenton.marcinkowski@libertygfg.com
W www.libertygfg.com 132 Cremorne Street
LB Wire Ropes Cremorne VIC 3121 Australia
P 61 3 9988 2355
3 Amax Avenue E r.schwarzenberger@linmag.com.au
Girraween NSW 2145 Australia W www.linmag.com
P 02 9631 8833
F 02 9688 4503 Linsinger Maschinenbau GmbH
E sales@lbwireropes.com.au
W www.lbwireropes.com.au/ Dr. Linsinger-Strasse 23-24
Steyrermuehl 4662 Austria
Legend Power Systems Liebherr-Australia Pty Ltd P 43 7613 8840
E maschinenbau@linsinger.com
8 Distribution Place 1-15 James Erskine Drive W www.linsinger.com
Seven Hills NSW 2147 Australia Erskine Park NSW 2759 Australia
P 1800 769 370 P 02 9852 1800 Linx Equipment Finance
F 1800 769 379 F 02 9670 1085
E arthur.jones@hendonsemiconductors.com E em-sales.las@liebherr.com PO Box 324
W www.legendpower.com.au W www.liebherr.com.au Dromana VIC 3936 Australia
P 61 3 9857 0633
Branches: Profile: F 61 3 9857 0622
NSW Sydney QLD Brisbane SA Adelaide VIC The Liebherr Group comprises more than E ron@linxfinance.com.au
Melbourne WA Perth 140 companies on every continent of the W www.linxfinance.com.au
world and employs a workforce of over
Legion Ltd 48,000 people. The family business is one Livetools
of the world’s leading manufacturers of
Hamilton House Mabledon Place construction machinery and is also an 115 Young Street
London WC1H9BB UK acknowledged supplier of technically Carrington NSW 2294 Australia
P 44 0 20 7793 0200 innovative user-oriented products and P 61 2 4017 0198
E rnetto@legion.com services in numerous other industries. E info@livetools.com.au
W www.legion.com Liebherr-Australia Pty Ltd was first W www.livetools.com.au
incorporated as a company in 1981 and
Branches: since then, the company has expanded Lochiel
USA New York 1 212 590 2552 considerably with numerous offices
throughout the country. Liebherr-Australia 7079/7 Parklands Blvd
Lendlease Engineering Pty Ltd supplies and supports a range of Liebherr Brisbane QLD 4000 Australia
products in Australia and New Zealand P 0418 212 614
Lvl 14 Tower Three 300 Barangaroo Avenue including cranes, mining, earthmoving and E david.newport@lochiel.com.au
Barangaroo NSW 2000 Australia material handling equipment. The current W www.lochiel.com.au
P 612 9236 6111 earthmoving equipment range includes
E Belinda.Crampton@lendlease.com wheel loaders, crawler loaders, dozers, Lock Focus Pty Ltd
W www.lendlease.com material handlers, as well as a large range
of wheeled, crawler and rail excavators. 15-17 Futura Road
Support services are underpinned by a Keysborough VIC 3173 Australia
significant parts inventory and distribution P 61 3 97981322
infrastructure for all products. Proven F 61 3 9706 3201
Leroy Automation worldwide, Liebherr is at the forefront of E sales@lockfocus.com.au
engineering and design. W www.lockfocus.com.au
35 boulevard du Libre _change Saint Orens
de Gameville Haute-Garonne 31650 France Brands:
P 33 562 240 550 Liebherr



Locomotive Parts Solutions Pty Ltd P 295332000

F 295333500
Unit 4 3 Samantha Place E leigh@mobitec.com.au
Smeaton Grange NSW 2567 Australia W www.ltgglobal.com
P 6102 4647 2810
F 6102 4648 2810 Branches:
E sales@locomotiveparts.com.au NSW Mortdale 2 9533 2000 2 9533 3500
W www.locomotiveparts.com.au M. Brodribb Pty Ltd
Lycopodium Infrastructure Pty Ltd
Lone Worker Safety 15 Carroll Crescent
Level 1 20 Newton Street Glen Iris VIC 3146 Australia
7/1 Warrangi Street Broadmeadow NSW 2292 Australia P 61 3 9832 0222
Turramurra NSW 2074 Australia P 02 4920 5800 Allan Brodribb
P 61 2 9188 0820 Scott Campbell - General Manager, Rail E sales@brodribb.com.au
E bob@loneworkersafety.org E rail@lycopodium.com W www.brodribb.com.au/
W www.loneworkersafety.org W www.lycopodium.com/rail
Loram Maintenance of Way Inc Branches: M. Brodribb are an Australian ISO
NSW Newcastle 02 4920 5800 VIC Mulgrave 9001:2015 certified manufacturer of
3900 Arrowhead Drive 03 9566 3700 QLD Brisbane 07 3244 7777 battery chargers, cathodic protection
Hamel Minnesota 55340 United States. WA East Perth 08 9429 6250 systems and low voltage transformers for
P 17634786014 rail applications. We have over 60 years
E sales@loram.com Lynxrail experience in the manufacture and supply
W www.loram.com/ of equipment for rail, for car, trackside and
30 Brown Street substation applications. Our clients include
Branches: East Perth WA 6004 Australia MTM, Aurizon, TfNSW and Queensland
Chicago Illinois 6305809602 6305809605 P 61 8 9486 9311 Rail. We are also an approved supplier for
F 61 8 6143 2102 TfNSW for type tested substation chargers.
Loram Pty Ltd E vmazur@lynx.com.au We also manufacture cathodic protection
W www.lynxrail.com rectifier systems used for mitigation of stray
Level 27 480 Queen Street currents in DC systems and a wide range
Brisbane QLD 4000 Australia Mac Smart of low voltage transformers to Australian
P 07 3011 6306 Standards. Call us and speak to our
E alexis.b.nubbe@loram.com Murarrie Brisbane QLD 4172 Australia experienced electrical engineers.
W www.loram.com/ P 1300 622 762
E support@macsmart.net.au Brands:
W mactechnicalsupport.com.au/ Klaschka
Mackay Consolidated Industries Pty Brodribb
Lubricon Hydrive Pty Ltd Ltd
42 Horne Street 260 Chesterville Rd BrodribbLanka Sri Lanka
Hoppers Crossing Melbourne VIC 3029 Moorabbin VIC 3189 Australia
Australia P 0437 712 546 Magnetic Automation Pty Ltd
P 1800 645 764 E michael.morgan@mackayrubber.com.au
F 1300 302 361 W www.mackayrubber.com.au 38 Metrolink Circuit
E lubricon1@gmail.com Campbellfield VIC 3061 Australia
W www.lubricon.com.au/ MadePartners P 1300 364 864
P 1300 364 864
Lucius Pitkin Inc House 35 E mzeffiro@magnetic-oz.com
Ng Fai Tin Village Clearwater Way W www.magnetic-access.com.au
Unit 2E1 1-1 Unwins Bridge Road Hong Kong
St Peters NSW 2044 Australia P 85293069145 Branches:
P 61 2 9516 0000 F 852 2522 8117 NSW Regents Park 1300 364 864 QLD
E dbaxter@lpiny.com E paul.belcher@madepartners.com Loganholm 1300 364 864 WA Malaga 1300
W www.lpiny.com W www.madepartners.com 364 864

Lumara Timber Sales Madrigal Communications Major Projects Canberra

16/33 Ryde Rd 84 Queen Street Callam Offices 50 Easty St

Pymble NSW 2073 Australia Croydon NSW 2132 Australia Phillip ACT 2606 Australia
P 294818333 P 02 9016 4589 P 61 2 6205 3842
E lumara@bigpond.net.au E info@madrigal.com.au E duncan.edghill@act.gov.au
W www.lumara.com.au W www.madrigal.com.au W www.act.gov.au/majorprojectscanberra

Luminator Technology Group Manco Engineering Australia Pty Ltd

10/83-85 Boundary Road 20 Hargraves Drive

Mortdale NSW 2223 Australia Wetherill Park NSW 2164 Australia



P 61 2 9756 6592 F 61 2 9748 2525 Matnick Security Services

E rblack@mancoeng.com.au E salesmg@grogangroup.com
W www.mancoeng.com.au W www.grogangroup.com 14 Adams Court
Sunshine VIC 3020 Australia
Manildra Group Mastrak Sendirian Berhad P 03 9300 8899
F 03 9310 1866
6 Frank Street KTMB Batang Benar Land Reserves Mantin E matnickseo@gmail.com
Gladesville NSW 2111 Australia NEGERI SEMBILAN Other 71700 Malaysia W www.matnicksecurity.com.au/
P 029879 9800 P 60 6 799 1116
F 02 9879 5579 F 606 799 2362 Maxcool Workwear
E mark.owens@manildra.com.au E info@mastrak.my
W www.manildra.com.au W www.Mastrak.my 7 Mary Parade
Rydalmere NSW 2116 Australia
Branches: P 0419 220 635
Kuala Lumpur 60392029822 60392832322 E bill@maxcoolworkwear.com.au
W www.maxcoolworkwear.com.au
MANN+HUMMEL Australia GmbH
MBMpl Pty Ltd
Holbeche Road Unit 24 70
Arndell Park NSW 2148 Germany Level 7 68 Pitt Street
P 61 404 243 030 Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
E ralph.neumann@mann-hummel.com P 61 2 9270 1000
W www.mann-hummel.com F 61 2 9223 4688
Martinus E mike.oshea@mbmpl.com.au
MAPAL Australia Pty Ltd W www.mbmpl.com.au
1/23-27 Waratah Street
9/26 Grandlee Drive Kirrawee NSW 2232 Australia McArthur
Wendouree VIC 3355 Australia P 02 9526 5009
P 1300 825 267 F 02 8078 6010 Level 2 1 York Street
F 1300 655 453 E enquiries@martinus.com.au Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
E sales@mapal.com.au W www.martinus.com.au/ P 61 2 9277 7028
W mapal.com.au F 61 2 9277 7001
Profile: E sydney@mcarthur.com.au
Marchment Hill Consulting We are an Australian owned and operated W www.mcarthur.com.au
family business, specialising in the delivery
Level 4 530 Lonsdale Street of rail infrastructure projects. With an McConnell Dowell Pty Ltd
Melbourne VIC 3000 Australia experienced civil, track, overhead wiring
P 61 3 9602 5604 and signalling team, we are delivering Level 3 109 Burwood Road
F 61 3 9642 5626 complete rail infrastructure solutions Hawthorn VIC 3122 Australia
E enquiries@marchmenthill.com supported by an extensive range of P 03 9816 2400
W www.marchmenthill.com.au specialised plant and equipment. F 03 9818 3553
E mcdgroup@mcdgroup.com
Marciano Industries W www.mcconnelldowell.com

15 Lady Penrhyn Drive

Unanderra NSW 2526 Australia
P 1300 787 077
F 02 4271 8089 McLeod Rail Pty Ltd
E sales@marcianoindustries.com.au
W www.marcianoindustries.com.au 702 Footscray Road
West Melbourne VIC 3003 Australia
Maritime Container Services & P 61 3 9687 3955
Intermodal Terminal MATISA Australia F 61 3 9687 3944
E admin@mcleodrail.com.au
Cooks River Intermodal Terminal 20 Canal Rd Level 6 100 Walker Street W www.mcleodrail.com.au
St.Peters NSW 2044 Australia North Sydney NSW 2059 Australia
P 131 627 P 61 0 2 906 29 760 MCS Digital
F 61 2 8512 8930 Steven Johnson
E mcsreception@mcs-aus.com E steven.johnson@matisa.com.au 80-82 Bell St
W www.mcs-aus.com/ W matisa.com.au Heidelberg Heights VIC 3081 Australia
P 61 3 9450 4444
Branches: Profile: F 61 3 9457 6354
NSW Banksmeadow MATISA strives to be a 100% reliable E info@mcsdigital.com.au
partner to our customers our personnel and W www.mcsdigital.com.au
Mason Grogan Industrial our suppliers in order to deliver products
which fully meet the rail networks’ Meaney Bros Timber (Grafton) Pty Ltd
108-110 Carnarvon Street requirements.
Silverwater NSW 2128 Australia PO Box 699
P 61 2 9748 3838 Grafton NSW 2460 Australia



P 61 2 6642 3566 Meridian Engineers Pty Ltd

F 61 2 6642 3677
E enquiries@meaneybrostimber.com.au Unit 9 50 Howe Street
W www.meaneybrostimber.com.au/ Osborne Park WA 6017 Australia
P 61 8 9278 6000
Meinhardt E admin@meridianengineers.com.au
W www.meridianengineers.com.au
501 Swanston Street Metromatics
Melbourne VIC 3000 Australia Branches:
P 61 3 8676 1200 QLD Mansfield 07 3422 0996 07 3848 5673 25 Flinders Parade
F 61 3 8676 1201 North Lakes QLD 4509 Australia
E janos.baranyai@meinhardtgroup.com MET OPTIX P 61738684255
W www.meinhardtgroup.com E jmeade@metromatics.com.au
89 High Street W www.metrospec.com.au
Melbourne Tramcar Preservation Kew VIC 3101 Australia
Association Inc P 1300 363 409 Profile:
E info@metoptix.com.au Metromatics is a manufacturer of LCD
324 Sago Hill Road W www.metoptix.com.au Passenger Information Displays Hearing
Haddon VIC 3351 Australia Loop Systems Public Information Displays
P 03 5342 4642 Metcalfe Rail Safety Limited and other Display Technology branded
E mtpa@vtown.com.au under our trademark name MetroSpec.
W www.mtpa.com.au 29 Lansdowne Crescent Installed at most Major Railway Stations;
Derry Hill Calne Wiltshire SN11 9NT Tramways; Light Rail and Ferry Networks in
Melfast United Kingdom Australia as our products are weatherproof
P 44 1249 248935 sunlight readable fully sealed and designed
18 Passaic Avenue E ray@metcalferailsafety.com to an IP65 rating.
Fairfield New Jersey 7004 United States W www.metcalferailsafety.com
P 800 486 0045 Brands:
F 973 227 4024 Metro Trains Australia MetroSpec
E victoria@melfast.com
W www.melfast.com/ 16/700 Collins Street Branches:
Docklands VIC 3008 Australia VIC Mitcham 61398724592 NSW
Melvelle Equipment Corp Pty Ltd P 61 3 9610 2400 Nowra 61294604355 SA Mawson Lakes
E leah.waymark@metrotrains.com.au 61883438516
10 Rogilla Close W www.metrotrainsau.com
Maryland NSW 2287 Australia MFL Maschinenfabrik Liezen und
P 61 2 4951 5244 Giesserei GmbH
F 61 2 4950 1291
E sales@melvelle.com.au Fabriksplatz 1 Steyrermuehl
W www.melvelle.com.au Mettler Toledo Oberoesterreich 4662 Austria.
P 43 3612 270 800
Mercedes-Benz Special Trucks 220 Turner Street E saegen.fraesen@mfl.at
Port Melbourne VIC 3207 Australia W www.mfl.at
41 Lexia Place P 03 9644 5700
Mulgrave VIC 3170 Australia F 03 9645 3935 Middys Rail Infrastructure
P 61 3 9566 9144 E info.mtaus@mt.com
E philip.leslie@daimler.com W www.mt.com 1609 Dandenong Road
W www.daimlertrucks.com.au Oakleigh VIC 3166 Australia
P 61 395688619
F 61 395680121

E rail@middys.com.au Monadelphous Engineering Associates MOVE Bank

W www.middys.com.au Pty Ltd
1/179 Ann Street
Mid West Ports Authority 59 Abany Highway Brisbane QLD 4000 Australia
Victoria Park WA 6100 Australia P 733297804
298 Marine Terrace P 08 9316 1255 F 07 3221 1672
Geraldton WA 6530 Australia E monadel@monadel.com.au E rbeling@movebank.com.au
P 61 0 8 9964 0520 W www.monadelphous.com.au W www.movebank.com.au
F 61 0 8 61 029 166
E mail@midwestports.com.au Branches:
W www.midwestports.com.au/ QLD Brisbane 1300 362 216

Mills Ormiston Rubber Pty Ltd MPower Products Pty Ltd

44-80 Sinclair Road 9 Mosrael Place

Dandenong VIC 3175 Australia Rowville VIC 3178 Australia
P 61 3 9706 7399 Momentum Rail P 1300 733 004
F 61 3 9706 7114 F 1300 733 005
E phil.strickland@infrastructure.gov.au 13 Firebrick Drive E craig.alexander@mpower.com.au
W www.millsormistonrubber.com.au Thornton NSW 2322 W www.mpower.com.au
P 1300 117 778
Milspec Manufacturing Pty Ltd E info@momentumrail.com MRX Technologies
W www.momentumrail.com
161 -169 Fallon Street 24 Drummond Place
Albury NSW 2640 Australia Profile: West Perth WA 6005 Australia
P 02 6022 7100 Momentum, an Engenco Group company, P 61 8 9227 4588
F 02 6040 9866 is a leading provider of contract labour F 61 8 9328 4589
E alexdampier@milspec-mfg.com.au solutions and outsourced workforce E mrx@mrxtech.com.au
W www.milspec-mfg.com.au/ management to the Australian Rail Industry. W www.mrxtech.com.au
With offices strategically placed nationally,
Miner Enterprises Momentum is ready to deliver a customised Multislide Industries
pipeline of skilled staff, job ready
1200 E. State St candidates or a fully integrated workforce 15 to 21 Coongie Avenue
Geneva Illinois 60134 United States solution tailored to your business. Edwardstown SA 5039 Australia
P 630 232 3124 P 61 8 8374 1422
E wodonnell@minerent.com F 61 8 8276 5763
W www.minerent.com E info@multislide.com.au
W www.multislide.com
Mitsui Rail Capital LLC Mornington Railway Preservation
Society Inc Murray King & Francis Small
71 S. Wacker Drive Suite 1800 Consultancy Ltd
Chicago Illinois 60606 United States 460 Moorooduc Highway
P 1 312 803 8855 Moorooduc VIC 3933 Australia Lvl 5 1 Willeston St
F 1 312 803 8890 P 1300 767 274 Wellington 6011 New Zealand
E pljones@mrc-rail.com E Secretary@morningtonrailway.org P 64 4 473 3364
W www.mrc-rail.com W morningtonrailway.org.au F 64 4 472 8620
E murray.king@xtra.co.nz
MNG Motovated Design & Analysis Ltd. W www.king-small.co.nz

Level 1 2 Sabre Crescent Unit 32 105 Bamford Street Woolston National Freight Management
Jandakot WA 6164 Australia Christchurch 8023 New Zealand
P 61 8 6436 1599 P 64 3 982 5283 PO Box 6034
F 61 8 6436 1500 E greg@motovated.co.nz Wantirna VIC 3152 Australia
E reception@mngsurvey.com.au W www.motovated.co.nz P 03 9800 1444
W www.mngsurvey.com.au F 03 9800 1199
Moxon Industries E info@nationalfreightmanagement.com.au
Monitor Industires Pty Ltd W www.nationalfreightmanagement.com.au
E con.z@moxon.com.au
1/9 Brumby Street S National Railway Equipment Co.
even Hills NSW 2147 Australia Mr Lift It
P 612 6755 6000 104 Mitchell Road
E patsy@monitor.net.au 20 Norwich Road Cardiff NSW 2285 Australia
W www.monitor.net.au Ingleburn NSW 2565 Australia P 61 2 4956 6441
P 02 9755 2225 E l.martin@nre.com
E sales@mrliftit.com.au W www.nre.com
W www.mrliftit.com.au



National Railway Museum P 03 9205 8400 Northern Iron and Brass Foundry Pty Ltd
E george@australmold.com.au
76 Lipson Street W www.australmold.com.au 22 Meyer Avenue
Port Adelaide SA 5015 Australia Innisfail QLD 4860 Australia
P 08 8341 1690 Branches: P 61 7 4064 2344
F 08 8341 1626 WA Forrestfield 0409 910 146 QLD Geebung F 61 7 4064 2681
E exec@nrm.org.au 0439 032 151 E joe.vecchio@crevet.com.au
W www.nrm.org.au W www.nibf.com.au
Nayla Pty Limited North Queensland Bulk Ports
12/55 Erceg Road Corporation
PO Box 252 Yangebup WA 6164 Australia
Blacktown NSW 2148 Australia P 08 9418 4952 Level 1 50 Mulherin Drive
P 61 2 9678 9200 F 08 9317 2724 Mackay Harbour QLD 4740 Australia
F 61 2 9678 9755 E admin@nexxis.com.au P 61 7 4969 0700
E nayla@nayla.com W nexxis.com.au/ F 61 7 4969 0799
W www.nayla.com E info@nqbp.com.au
NGR Project Company Pty Ltd aft NGR W www.nqbp.com.au
NECALL Voice & Data Project Trust t/a Qtectic
Unit 3 3 Mallaig Way Level 2 10 Finchley Street QLD Brisbane 07 3011 7999
Canning Vale WA 6155 Australia Milton QLD 4064 Australia
P 61 8 9455 3122 P 07 3858 2404 North Star Rail Operations
F 61 8 9455 3101 W www.qtectic.com/ Consultancy Pty Ltd
E enquiries@necall.com.au
W www.necall.com.au/ Level 12 60 Castlereagh Street
SYDNEY NSW 2000 Australia
Network Rail Consulting Pty
Niksar Australia Pty Ltd
Level 4 62 Pitt Street
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia PO Box 1311 Waverley Gardens
P 02 8249 4975 Mulgrave VIC 3170 Australia Northern Fencing Specialists Pty Ltd
F 02 8249 4001 P 61 0412 183 231
E joanne.delafuente@ E jpp@niksar.com.au 44 Preston Street
networkrailconsulting.com W www.niksar.com.au Penrith NSW 2750 Australia
W www.networkrailconsulting.com P 61 2 9972 5800
Nitto Kohki Australia Pty Ltd E jd@dunnandfarrugia.com.au
W www.northernfencing.com.au
P.O Box 2676
Logan City DC QLD 4114 Australia Branches:
New Era Electrical Services P 61 7 3340 4600 NSW Queanbeyan 02 9972 5800 NSW West
F 61 7 3340 4640 Gosford 02 9972 5800 NSW South Nowra 02
U28 / 7-9 Production Road E sales@nitto-australia.com.au 9972 5800 NSW Albion Park 02 9972 5800
Taren Point NSW 2229 Australia W www.nitto-australia.com.au NSW Smeaton Grange 02 9972 5800 NSW
P 61 417 437 845 Minchinbury 02 9972 5800
E scott.darke@neweragroup.com.au Nokia Solutions and Networks
Australia Pty Ltd Noske-Kaeser Rail & Vehicle New
Branches: Zealand Ltd
NSW Taren Point 1300 136 922 111 Pacific Hwy
Kangy Angy Sydney NSW 2258 Australia 20 Noel Rodgers Place
New Touch Industries Pty Ltd P 61409800448 Palmerston North 4414 New Zealand
E rory.r.mcdonnell@nokia.com P 64 6 353 0350
31 Edelmaier Street W www.nokia.com/en_int/for-business F 64 6 353 0355
Bayswater VIC 3153 Australia E sales@nkrvnz.com
Winterton Road Branches: W www.lloydrailsystems.com
Clayton VIC 3168 Australia VIC Level 4 - 215 Spring Street Melbourne
P 03 9720 8248 Victoria 3000 61294299100 NSK Australia Pty Ltd
F 03 9720 9852
Simone McDonald Nomad Digital Pty Ltd P O Box 488
E simone@ntiv1.com.au Ferntree Gully MDC VIC 3156 Australia
W www.newtouchind.com.au Level 12 Septimus Roe Square P 61 3 9765 4400
256 Adelaide Terrace F 61 3 9764 8304
Perth WA 6000 Australia E aus-nskenquiries@nsk.com
P 61 8 6231 1440 W www.au.nsk.com
F 61 8 6231 1450
Nexans Australmold E moin.majid@nomadrail.com Nova Systems

Building 2 69 Dalton Road 27 - 31 London Road

Thomastown VIC 3074 Australia Mile End South SA 5031 Australia



P 08 8252 7100 Office of the National Rail Safety E sales@osd.com.au

F 08 8252 4141 Regulator W www.osd.com.au
E transport@novasystems.com
W www.novasystems.com PO Box 3461 Rundle Mall Opus Rail Pty Ltd
Adelaide SA 5000 Australia
Branches: P 61 8 8406 1500 Level 2 60 Collins Street
NSW Woolloomooloo 02 9043 2512 02 9011 F 61 8 8406 1501 Melbourne VIC 3000 Australia
1033 VIC South Melbourne 03 9024 1851 03 E contact@onrsr.com.au P 61 3 9911 6400
9686 2692 QLD Newstead 07 3129 2237 07 W www.onrsr.com.au E rail.enquiries@opus.com.au
3862 6199 WA Fremantle 08 9414 7011 08 W opus.com.au
8252 4141 ACT Fyshwick 02 6239 2666 02 Office of Transport Safety
6239 2366 NSW Newcastle 02 9043 2484 08 Investigations OSR Pty Ltd
8252 4141
PO Box A2616 4 Mataro Avenue
Sydney South NSW 1235 Australia McLaren Vale SA 5171 Australia
P 61 2 9322 9200 P 61 8 8323 0824
F 61 2 9322 9299 F 61 417 978 324
NSW TrainLink E info@otsi.nsw.gov.au E osrkrab@gmail.com
W www.otsi.nsw.gov.au
PO Box K349 OzLinc Industries
Haymarket NSW 1238 Australia Olympus Australia
P 13 22 32 Unit 3/34 Hines Road
E amelia.barrett@transport.nsw.gov.au 3 Acacia Place O’Connor WA 6163 Australia
W transportnsw.info/regional Notting Hill VIC 3168 Australia P 08 9314 5556
P 1300 132 992 F 08 9314 5557
NTR Rail Equipment Pty Ltd F 03 9562 6438 E wasales@ozlinc.com.au
E ibdinfo@olympus.com.au W www.ozlinc.com.au/
4/1009 Canley Vale Road Wetherill Park
NSW 2164 Australia Omada Rail Systems P&R Electrical Wholesalers
P 0402 925 951
F 61 2 8860 9569 120 Wicham Street PO Box 295
E steven.sun@ntrrailequipment.com.au Fortitude Valley QLD 4006 Australia Greenacres SA 5086 Australia
P 07 3705 8511 P 08 8369 9000
O’Halloran Management Services E james.lewis@omadarail.com F 08 8369 9001
W www.omadarail.com E kelly@stenhouse.com.au
PO Box 102 W www.electrical.com.au
Summer Hill NSW 2130 Australia Omni Rail Group Pty Ltd
P 02 9648 2244 Pacific Hoists Pty Ltd
F 02 9647 2547 Suite 502 Level 2 2 Grosvenor Street
E admin@ohms.net.au Bondi Junction NSW 2022 Australia 24 Foundry Road
W www.ohms.net.au P 61 0 2 9387 5900 Seven Hills Sydney NSW 2147 Australia
P 61 0475 470 962 P 02 8825 6900
Occupational Skills Centre Australia E john.ivkovic@omnirailgroup.com F 02 8825 6999
(OCC) E rlawson@pacifichoists.com.au
Onesafe Integrated Risk Management W www.pacifichoists.com.au
E gavin@occskills.com.au Pty Ltd
Pacific National
Oceania Rail Road Solutions Suite 3 7 Wongala Crescent
Beecroft NSW 2119 Australia Level 16 15 Blue Street
PO Box 254 P 61 2 9481 4440 North Sydney NSW 2060 Australia
Rockhampton QLD 4700 Australia F 61 2 9980 7715 P 02 8484 8000
P 61 418 712 436 E info@1safe.com.au E melinda_hawkins@pacificnational.com.au
E info@oceaniarrs.com.au W www.1safe.com.au W www.pacificnational.com.au
W www.oceaniarrs.com.au
OnSiteCameras Pty Ltd
OEM Technology Solutions Pty Ltd
PO Box 138
Unit 13 82 Reserve Road South Yarra VIC 3141 Australia Pandrol Australia Pty Ltd
Artarmon NSW 2064 Australia P 1300 320 091
P 61 2 9966 9424 F 03 9827 6733 PO Box 653 Seven Hills NSW 1730 Australia
F 61 2 9966 9429 E enquire@onsitecameras.com
E sales@oem.net.au W www.onsitecameras.com
W www.oem.net.au/
Optical Systems Design Pty Ltd
Paperless Warehousing Group
7/1 Vuko Place
Warriewood NSW 2102 Australia C9 391 Park Rd.
P 418474273 Regents Park NSW 2143 Australia
F 612 9913 8735 P 1300 967 000



E Darcher@paperlesswarehousing.com.au P 61 3 9243 9292 E feedback@pilbaraports.com.au

W www.paperlesswarehousing.com.au F 61 3 9243 9264 W www.pilbaraports.com.au
E contactus@penskeps.com
Parker Hannifin (Australia) Pty Ltd W www.penskeps.com Pivot Electronics Pty Ltd

9 Carrington Road 17/3 Apollo Street

Castle Hill NSW 2154 Australia Warriewood NSW 2102 Australia
P 02 9634 7777 P 61 2 99792106
F 02 9842 5111 Perfect Hire E chris.hall@pivotelectronics.com.au
E customer.service.au@parker.com W www.pivotelectronics.com.au
W www.parker.com 4/8 Lilian Fowler Place
Marrickville NSW 2204 Australia PJ White & Co
Parkes Shire Council P 414240081
E info@perfecthire.com.au 6 Cord Street
PO Box 337 W perfecthire.com.au/ Dudley Park SA 5008 Australia
Parkes NSW 2870 Australia P 1300 253 306
P 02 6861 2333 Performance iN Lighting Australasia F 1300 014 209
E emily.brotherton@parkes.nsw.gov.au Pty Ltd E lamps@pjwhite.com.au
W www.parkes.nsw.gov.au/ W www.pjwhite.com.au
15 Industrial Avenue
Wacol QLD 4076 Australia Plant Assessor - Machinery Safety
P 61 0 7 3335 3555 Solutions
F 61 0 7 3335 3522
Patentes Talgo S.L. E info@performanceinlighting.com.au 1/45 Bonville Avenue
W www.performanceinlighting.com/au/en/ Thornton NSW 2322 Australia
Paseo del Tren Talgo 2 LAS MATAS MADRID P 61 2 4966 4700
28290 Spain Branches: F 61 2 4028 6031
Wacol Queensland E info@assessor.com.au
W www.assessor.com.au
Plasma Cutter Inc
Pathtech Pty Ltd 390 Princesway
Gateshead Tyne and Wear NE11 0TU 129 Tonka Ave
46 Swanston St England Colorado Springs Colorado 80904 United
Preston VIC 3072 Australia P 44 1914203000 States
P 1800069161 E sales@petards.com P 1 719 698 3849
E drugwipe@pathtech.com.au W www.petards.com F 1 719 698 7375
W www.pathtech.com.ai E support@plasma-cutter.org
Peter Olsen & Associates Pty Ltd W www.plasma-cutter.org
PCS Power Converter Solutions GmbH
PO Box 924 Plasser & Theurer Export von
Am Borsigturm 100 Gymea NSW 2227 Australia Bahnbaumaschinen GmbH
Berlin 13507 Germany P 0414 316 241
P 49 30 297725 0 F Peter Olsen Johannesgasse 3
F 49 30 297725 102 E peter.olsen@optusnet.com.au Vienna 1010 Austria
E jens.hirschmann@pcs-converter.com W www.olsenassociates.com.au P 43 1 51572 0
W www.pcs-converter.com E export@plassertheurer.com
PHOENIX AG AUSTRALIA PTY LTD W www.plassertheurer.com
PDC Group (Australia)
26 Mockridge st Plateway Pty Ltd
8/11 McIntosh Drive Steel River Estate Wantirna South VIC 3152 Australia
Mayfield West NSW 2304 Australia P 61411244970 Unit 6 3 Sutherland Street
P 4952 5200 E jeff@phoenix-ag.com.au Clyde NSW 2142 Australia
F 4952 9337 W www.strail.de P 61 2 9637 5830
E spullen@pdcgroup.com.au F 61 2 9637 6350
W www.pdcgroup.com.au Pilbara Iron Company Services E enquire@plateway.com.au
W www.plateway.com.au
Pemberton Tramway Company Pty Ltd 152-158 St George’s Terrace
Railway Crescent Perth WA 6000 Australia QLD Spring Hill 07 3036 0644
Pemberton WA 6260 Australia
P 61 8 9776 1322 Platipus Anchors
F 61 8 9777 1634
E pemtram@wn.com.au Kingsfield Business Centre Philanthropic
W www.pemtram.com.au Pilbara Ports Authority Road Redhill RH1 4DP United Kingdom
P 44 0 1737 762300
Penske Power Systems PO Box 84 F 44 0 1737 773395
West Perth WA 6872 Australia E info@platipus-anchors.com.au
103 - 107 West Avenue P 61 8 6217 7112 W www.platipus-anchors.com.au/
Edinburgh SA 5111 Australia F 61 8 9226 2196



PMRT Consultants Port of Townsville Limited Pro-Visual Publishing

704 / 60 Park Street PO Box 1031 Townsville QLD 4810 Australia Level 1 73 Walker Street
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia P 61 7 4781 1500 North Sydney NSW 2060 Australia
P 61 2 8283 6906 F 61 7 4781 1525 P 02 8272 2611
E issa.shaweesh@pmrt.com.au E info@townsville-port.com.au F 02 8272 2622
W www.pmrt.com.au W www.townsville-port.com.au E marketing@provisual.com.au
W www.provisual.com.au/rail.html
Polycorp Ltd. Powerbox

33 York Street 4 Beaumont Road

Elora Ontario N0B1S0 Canada Mount Kuring-gai NSW 2080 Australia
P 1 519 846 2075 P 1800 251 380
E bbedford@poly-corp.com F 02 9457 2255
W www.poly-corp.com E sales@powerbox.com.au
W www.powerbox.com.au
Polyfabrics Australasia Preston Hire Australia
PowerCom Solutions
200 Kingsgrove Rd Preston Hire Australia Unit 8 9 - 11
Kingsgrove NSW 2208 Australia Unit 18 10-20 Depot Street South Street Rydalmere NSW 2116 Australia
P 02 9577 1800 Banyo QLD 4014 Australia P 1800 440 550
F 02 9577 1899 P 1800 626 161 P 1800 440 550
E egeorge@polyfabrics.com.au F 1800 626 060 Mike Thomas
W www.polyfabrics.com.au E sales@powercomsolutions.com.au E mike.thomas@prestonhire.com.au
W www.powercomsolutions.com.au W www.prestonhire.com.au/rail/
QLD Staplyton 07 3451 0500 07 3804 6511 Powerlite Australia Profile:
VIC Campbellfield 03 9305 0300 03 9305 Preston Hire are a national supplier of
9288 SA Greenfields 0432 161 180 03 9305 2 Binney Road innovative, industry-leading hire equipment
9288 WA Welshpool 08 9367 2666 Kings Park NSW 2148 Australia for rail projects across Australia. All industry
P 299125000 specific equipment is compliant with
Port Authority of New South Wales E marketing@powerlite.com.au Australian Rail Safety standards, design
regulations, state and territory statutory
PO Box 25 PowerRail Australia Pty Ltd requirements and AS7502. With both wet
Millers Point NSW 2000 Australia and dry hire options available to meet
P 61 2 9296 4999 12-16 Oxley Street project-specific requirements, the team are
F 61 2 9296 4742 Goulburn NSW 2580 Australia dedicated to ensuring rail teams are trained
E enquiries@portauthoritynsw.com.au P 1800 773 280 and skilled in the rail services provided
W www.sydneyports.com.au E mick@epowerrail.com.au to clients. Preston Hire offer services
W www.epowerrail.com.au focused on, but not limited to, Power Pole
Port of Brisbane Pty Ltd Installation, Drainage Works, Overhead
Precise Machining and Manufacturing Wire Maintenance, Signal Installation, and
Locked Bag 1818 Port of Brisbane QLD 4178 / Precise Tooling Australia Tunnel Construction. You can COUNT ON
Australia Preston Hire to keep you on track.
9 Deloraine Road
Edwardstown SA 5039 Australia PROCECO LTD
P 61 8 8277 2899
E ttinney@precisemfg.com.au 7300 Tellier Street
Port of Melbourne Operations Pty Ltd W www.precisemfg.com.au Montreal QC H1N 3T7 Canada
ATF the Port of Melbourne Unit Trust P 1 514 254 8494
Predator Trailers F 1 514 254 6922
Level 4 530 Collins Street Yoly Ramos
Melbourne VIC 3000 Australia 113a Milltown Road E cleaning@proceco.com
P 61 1300 857 662 Benburb Dungannon Tyrone BT71 7LZ W www.proceco.com/
F 61 3 9683 1570 P 4.48E+11
E information@portofmelbourne.com E sales@predator100.com Brands:
W www.portofmelbourne.com W www.predator100.com ACCU-JET®
Premier Steel Technologies - Roll RDB-700

Port of Newcastle 229 Newton Road Progress Rail

Wetherill Park NSW 2164 Australia
Level 4 251 Wharf Road P 02 9756 0602 PO Box 3653
Newcastle NSW 2300 Australia F 02 9756 0612 Rhodes NSW 2138 Australia
P 61 2 4908 8200 E info@pstech.com.au
E info@portofnewcastle.com.au W www.pstech.com.au/
W www.portofnewcastle.com.au



Projex Electrix Pty Ltd Public Transport Authority of Western Branches:

Australia(PTAWA) Fairfield California USA 1 707 428 9336 1
67 Steel Street 707 428 9337
Capalaba QLD 4157 Australia PO Box 8125
P 61 7 3245 1739 Perth Business Centre WA 6849 Australia Qube Logistics
F 61 7 3245 1743
E sales@projexelectrix.com.au 19-43 Enterprize Road
W www.projexelectrix.com.au West Melbourne VIC 6159 Australia
P 61 3 9680 1200
Projex Group Pty. Ltd. PTronik Pty Ltd F 61 3 9680 1299
E paul.white@qube.com.au
2/1 Military Road 17 Windsor Street W www.qube.com.au
Matraville NSW 2036 Australia Richmond NSW 2753 Australia
P 61 2 8336 1666 P 02 4578 9611 Queensland Rail
P 1800001114 E sales@ptronik.com
F Jeffrey Tindall W www.ptronik.com 305 Edward Street
E marie@projex.com.au Brisbane QLD 4000 Australia
W www.projex.com.au Public Transport Victoria P 61 7 3072 8555
E kylie.tait@qr.com.au
Level 10 750 Collins Street W queenslandrail.com.au
Docklands VIC 3008 Australia
P 1800 800 007
E josephine.simpson@ptv.vic.gov.au
W www.ptv.vic.gov.au
Quingson Railteck Corp.

PT Hydraulics Australia Pty Ltd P.O. BOX 37-91 Taipei Other 10465 Taiwan
P 886 2 2523 6561
19 Ricketts Road Puffing Billy Railway F 886 2 2561 7999
Mt Waverley VIC 3149 Australia E quingson@ms3.hinet.net
P 61 3 9562 8800 PO Box 451 W www.quingson.com.tw
F 61 3 9562 8080 Belgrave VIC 3160 Australia
F Sam Singham P 61 3 9757 0700 Rail & Maritime Transport Union Inc
E sams@ptha.com.au F 61 3 9757 0705
W www.pthydraulics.com.au E info@pbr.org.au PO Box 1103
W www.puffingbilly.com.au Wellington NZ 6140 New Zealand
​PT Rail is a division of PT Hydraulics
Australia, providing world class hydraulic
equipment to the rail industry in Australia
for over 35 years. Our extensive portfolio of PwC Strategy & (Australia) Pty Ltd Rail Academy
brands includes SPX RAIL Clamplock point
operating equipment; LUKAS re-railing Level 7 7 Macquarie Place Level 9 121 Exhibition Street
equipment; HYWEMA mobile lifting jacks Sydney NSW 2000 Australia Melbourne VIC 3000 Australia
& rotating devices; VETTER Lifting Bags and P 61 2 9321 1900 P 1800 105 105
TURTLE Cribbing. PT Rail has experienced E anzsea.public.sector.tenders@ W levelcrossings.vic.gov.au/
steady growth since inception and is strategyand.pwc.com
synonymous with offering exceptional W www.strategyand.pwc.com/anzsea
products and customer service. With the
backing of our internationally recognised Qld Survey Pegs
manufacturing partners and our local Rail Advisory Services
operational support, you can be assured of 36 Burrows St
maximum return on your investment. Wondai QLD 4606 Australia 32 Douro Road
P 07 41690584 South Fremantle WA 6162 Australia
Brands: E barry@qldsurveypegs.com.au E contact@levelcrossings.vic.gov.au

PT Rail Branches:
QLD Sunshine Coast 741690584 QLD
19 Ricketts Road Mount Waverley VIC 3145 Bundaberg 421582082 Rail Confidence
P 03 9562 8800 Quality Technical Services LLC 408/55 Holt Street
F 03 9562 8080 Surry Hills NSW 2010 Australia
E samsingam@pthydraulics.com.au No. 488 Yaohua Road Room 603 The Xin P 02 9211 7661
W www.ptrail.com.au Jian Building Shanghai 200126 China E stephenmuscat@railconfidence.com
P 3221 0140 W www.railconfidence.com
F 3221 0141
E fred@qtsinspect.com
W www.qtsinspect.com W



P 07 5445 7623 Rail Personnel

F 07 5636 1098
E enquiries@railfutures.com.au 119 Willoughby Road
W www.railfutures.com.au Crows Nest NSW 2065 Australia
P 02 9291 4444
Rail Express David Hyland
E info@railpersonnel.com
R2P Asia-Pacific Pty Ltd Level 3 1-9 Chandos Street W www.railpersonnel.com
St. Leonards NSW 2065 Australia
5/18 Lexington Drive P 61 2 9439 7227 Rail Planning Services
Bella Vista NSW 2153 E oliver.probert@primecreative.com.au
P 02 9978 7000 E www.railexpress.com.au PO Box 624
Arthur Constantinou - Head of Sales Sutherland NSW 1499 Australia
E salesAU@r2p.com Rail Geometry Pty Ltd P 61 4 2357 1267
W www.r2p.com E info@railplanning.com.au
650 Wildwood Road W www.railplanning.com.au
Profile: Wildwood VIC 3429 Australia
R2P designs and manufactures under our P 0417 566 181 Rail Safeworking Solutions Pty Ltd
‘NETSPIRE’ brand including Passenger E BRUCE@MAPLELEAF.COM.AU
Announcement, Passenger Information W www.railgeometry.com.au 1 Keith Campbell Court
Displays, Crew Communications, Help Points Scoresby VIC 3179 Australia
with integrated Hearing Loops and CCTV Rail Industry Safety and Standards Board P 1300 720 934
solutions for Rollingstock and Wayside. We F 1300 720 935
have paved the way with our ‘world class’ Level 4 15 Astor Terrace E jim.talbot@railsws.com.au
technology offering superior audio and Spring Hill QLD 4000 Australia W www.railsws.com.au/
visual clarity built across state-of-the-art P 61 7 3724 0000
VOIP and PoE backbone networks.R2P is E jwillcock@rissb.com.au Rail Systems Australia
proudly an Australian employer, comprising W www.rissb.com.au
around 50 people including in-house Level 7 507 Murray Street
software and hardware engineers, Sales Branches: Perth WA 6000 Australia
and project management teams across NSW VIC Melbourne 07 3724 0000 P 61 8 6145 2288
and Victoria. Our Australian headquarters E pmo@railsystemsaustralia.com.au
is located at Bella Vista, in our new purpose Rail Industry Supplies W railsystemsaustralia.com.au
built 2200sqm ‘Centre for Excellence’
factory - ISO9001 and 45001 certified. With Unit 2 18 Turbo Drive Branches:
over 220 staff across the world, we are Bayswater North VIC 3153 Australia QLD Brisbane 61 7 3360 4949 NSW Sydney
part of the R2P Group headquartered in P 421874661 61 2 8379 4999 VIC Melbourne 61 3 9113
Germany, with offices located throughout E markkimpton@ris.net.au 6500
Europe, UK, Malaysia and affiliates in W www.RailIndustrySupplies.com
Canada & USA.For more than 20 years, Rail Systems Consulting Pty Ltd
R2P has significantly contributed to the Rail Maintenance Services Pty Ltd
global rail and bus industry with NETSPIRE 6 Johnson Place
technology that has provided a benchmark 6-10 Maria Street Ruse NSW 2560 Australia
ensuring confidence in performance and Laverton North VIC 3026 Australia P 61 408 009607
quality. Our capabilities include crystal clear P 03 9369 2288 E david.ellis@railsystemsconsulting.com.au
PA announcements, hearing loop solutions F 03 9360 0116
and bespoke information displays, all E info@rmsrail.com.au Rail Technology Australia Pty Ltd
built to meet stringent rail, engineering, W rmsrail.com.au/
safety and compliance standards such as 51 Government Road
EN50155, EN45545, EN60849, EN60118-4, Rail Management Consultants Weston NSW 2326 Australia
EN50128 and EN50121-4. Our products Australia Pty Ltd P 61 408202447
are proudly made in Australia.Reference E railtechaus@bigpond.com
projects include: Sydney Growth Trains 1 541 Kent Street
& 2, Regional Rail NSW, Queensland Rail, Sydney NSW 2000 Australia Rail Track Association Australia
Melbourne Metro Trains, Parramatta, P 61 2 9266 0072
Sydney, Newcastle and Adelaide LRV, Stadler E uli.mohr@rmcon-australia.com PO Box 576
Slovenia, Toronto Transit, Bangkok Airport W www.rmcon-australia.com Crows Nest NSW 1585
plus numerous others. P 02 9160 8101
Rail Manufacturing Cooperative E BusinessManager@rtaa.org.au
Brands: Research Centre W www.rtaa.org.au
Suite 16 70 Racecourse Road
North Melbourne VIC 3051 Australia
P 61 3 8589 7112
E katie@rmcrc.com.au Rail Technology International Pty Ltd
Rail Futures Pty Ltd W rmcrc.com.au/
9 Commercial Drive
PO Box 421 Lynbrook VIC 3975 Australia
Mapleton QLD 4560 Australia P 61 3 8768 6000



F 61 3 8787 8000 P 9470 4999 Randstad

E sradanov@rti-group.com F 9470 4666
W www.rti-group.com E admin@railtrain.com.au Level 7 123 Pitt Street
W www.railtrain.com.au Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
RailCom Pty Ltd P 02 9233 9900
Railtrak Systems pty ltd E paul.pannu@randstad.com.au
PO Box 421 W www.randstad.com.au
Mapleton QLD 4560 Australia PO Box 143
P 07 5445 7623 Epping NSW 1710 Australia Railway Radio Communications Pty Ltd
F 07 5636 1098 P 61 2 9874 0682
E enquiries@railcom.com.au F 61 2 9874 0239 10 Boffin Place
W www.railcom.com.au E mail@railtraksystems.com.au Ambarvale NSW 2560 Australia
W www.railtraksystems.com.au P 61 449 113751
RailGallery - Creative Transport and F 61 2 4627 1459
Industrial Marketing Railway Museum Victoria E sales@railwayradio.com.au
W www.railwayradio.com.au
28/12 Challis Street 26 Champion Rd
Dickson ACT 2602 Australia Newport VIC 3015 Australia Rauscher & Stocklin AG
P 61 2 6100 8360 P 1300 220 220
P 61 4 09035161 E secretary@arhsvic.org.au Reuslistrasse 32
Andrew Leung W www.arhsvic.org.au Sissach CH-4450 Switzerland
E andrew.leung@railgallery.com.au P 41 61 97 63 400
W www.railgallery.com.au Railway Technical Society of F 41 61 97 63 422
Australasia E info@raustoc.ch
Brands: W www.raustoc.ch
RailGallery 11 National Circuit
Barton ACT 2600 Australia Raymax Applications Pty Ltd
Canberra ACT Sydney NSW including Unit 37 5 Ponderosa Pde
regional Dubbo NSW Melbourne VIC Warriewood NSW 2102 Australia
including regional P 61 2 9979 7646
F 61 2 9979 8207
Railpage E info@raymax.com.au
W www.raymax.com.au
PO Box 338
Fairfield VIC 3078 Australia recruitaustralia.com Pty Ltd
P 03 8370 7022
E michelle@railpage.org.au Ranbury Management Group Suite 104 Level 1 1 Queens Road
W www.railpage.com.au Melbourne VIC 3004 Australia
Level 18 270 Adelaide Street P 03 9696 6520
RailPower Brisbane QLD 4000 Australia E edwardb@recruitaustralia.com
P 07 3211 2300 W www.recruitaustralia.com
PO Box 84 F 07 3211 2913
Blayney NSW 2799 Australia Stacey Sinclair Branches:
P 61 408 470800 E ssinclair@ranbury.com.au NSW Parramatta 298914080
E charlie.stevenson@railpower.com.au W www.ranbury.com.au
W www.railpower.com.au Reliance Rail Pty Ltd
Railquip Pty Ltd Ranbury is an independent management Level 11 46 Market Street
consultancy providing project advisory Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
8 Blackman Crescent South and delivery services to the Australian rail
Windsor NSW 2756 Australia industry. We provide a complimentary
P 02 4577 8788 and flexible suite of services with ‘end-
F 02 4577 8799 to-end’ capability from project definition
E admin@railquip.com.au through to execution and operations. Our REX Rail
key service capability areas include project
Railtech Australia Limited delivery, property strategy, infrastructure 5/12 Cardigan Avenue
advisory, and projects controls. Our Felixstow SA 5070 Australia
52 Lysaght Street people bring a commercial focus through P 0403 383 280
Acacia Ridge QLD 4110 Australia rail industry backgrounds with real E rex-rail@westnet.com.au
P 61 7 3344 5444 operations construction manufacturing and
F 61 7 3344 5377 engineering design experience. RGB Assurance Pty Ltd
E sales@railtech.com.au
W www.railtech.com.au Branches: RGB House 236 Montague Road
NSW Sydney 02 8039 4500 QLD Mackay 07 West End QLD 4101 Australia
Railtrain Pty Ltd 4944 0555 07 3211 2913 QLD Townsville 07 P 61 417 626515
4721 0843 07 3211 2913 VIC Melbourne 03 E info@rgbassurance.com.au
5/87 President Street 8672 5626 W www.rgbassurance.com.au
Welshpool WA 6106 Australia



Branches: P 61 3 9587 8233 North Rocks NSW 2151 Australia

WA Perth 0403 134 246 F 61 3 9587 8244 P 61 2 9708 0055
E info@rosenbergaustralia.com.au E info@roxtec.com.au
Rieckenberg International Railway W www.rosenbergaustralia.com.au W www.roxtec.com.au
Technology Consulting
Royal Infraconstru Limited
Heerstrasse 92a
Berlin 14055 Germany Godrej Waterside Building DP Block Salt
P 49.152.2929 8973 Lake Sec Kolkata 700091 India
Dr. Thomas Rieckenberg P 91 33 40188200
E info@railway-consulting.com F 91 33 4018 8237
W www.railway-consulting.com E sales@royaltrack.com
Ross Equipment Australia Pty Ltd W www.royaltrack.com
Ries Rail Services Australia
Unit 3/1 - 3 Jubilee Avenue Royal Wolf Trading Australia Pty
Suite 1003 70 Longland St Warriewood NSW 2102 Australia Limited
Newstead QLD 4006 Australia P 02 9979 7089
P 61417615093 P 61 2 9979 7089 level 3 1-3 Merriwa Street
E riesgeoff@gmail.com F 02 9979 8843 Gordon NSW 2072 Australia
W www.riesrailservices.com.au Matt Ross P 02 9482 3466
E admin@rossequip.com.au F 02 9482 3477
RMAus Pty Ltd W www.rossequip.com.au E mgonzalez@royalwolf.com.au
W www.royalwolf.com.au
GPO Box 2445 Profile:
Melbourne VIC 3001 Australia Ross Equipment Australia are global leaders RPEng Pty Ltd
P 61 419 017220 in the design, manufacture and supply of
E rmaus@rmaus.com.au innovative technical polymer rolling stock PO Box 5161
W www.rmaus.com.au components to the rail and mining industry Hallidays Point NSW 2430 Australia
worldwide. Rostuf TM technical products P 61 2 6559 3400
RMC Rail continue to offer rail operators extended F 61 2 6559 3411
service life on all types of rail vehicles, E rpes@bigpond.net.au
5/87 President Street based on the high performance material
Welshpool 6106 Australia uniquely utilised for each customer’s RPS Advisory Services Pty Ltd
P 9470 4999 specific application.
F 9470 4666 Rolling Stock Provider For: Level 13 255 Pitt Street
E admin@rmcrail.com.au • OEM Parts Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
• Overhaul Replacement Parts
RMS Mors Smitt • New Product Design Specialist
• Bogie / Wagon / Locomotive
6 Anzed Court • Passenger Car / Track Vehicles / Trams
Mulgrave VIC 3123 Australia • Rail Safety Equipment RTS Solutions
P 03 8544 1200
F 03 8544 1201 Brands: Level 8 350 Collins Street
E ASullivan@Wabtec.com Rostuf TM Melbourne VIC 3000 Australia
W www.rmspl.com.au P 61 3 8605 4807
ROV Railway Industry Inc. F 61 3 8601 1180
RoadRail Port E enquiries@rts-solutions.net
55 King Street W W www.rts-solutions.net/
23 Fernberg Road Ontario N2G 4W1 Australia
Paddington QLD 4066 Australia P 519 772 7569 Ruby Fox
P 61418873570 F 519 772 7501
E helen.stehbens@roadrailport.com E joris.briand@rovrailwayindustry.com Suite 7 104 Crown Street
W www.roadrailport.com W www.rovrailwayindustry.com Wollongong NSW 2500 Australia
P 0404 343 092
Roy Hill Infrastructure Pty Ltd E jenny@rubyfox.guru
W www.rubyfox.guru
Locked Bag 42
Ronane International Trading Welshpool DC WA 6986 Australia Russell McVeagh
P 61 8 6143 1500
Suite 27 30 Albany Street F 61 8 6143 1600 PO Box 10-214
St Leonards NSW 2065 Australia E katherine.savage@royhill.com.au Wellington 6143 New Zealand
P 61 2 9419 2799 W www.royhill.com.au P 64 4 819 7378
E sales@ronane.com.au F 64 4 819 7557
W www.ronane.com.au E joanna.comerford@russellmcveagh.com
W www.russellmcveagh.com
Rosenberg Australia Pty Ltd
Roxtec Australia Pty Ltd Sadleirs Logistics
87-89 Woodlands Drive
Braeside VIC 3195 Australia Unit 114 14 Loyalty Road 470 Belmont Avenue



Kewdale WA 6105 Australia Sammode Lighting Australasia Pty Ltd W www.schaffler.com

P 08 9333 2444
F 08 9333 2412 15 Industrial Avenue Schenck Process Australia Pty Limited
E perth@sadleirs.com.au Wacol QLD 4076 Australia
W www.sadleirs.com.au P 61 0 7 3335 3504 Ground Floor 65 Epping Road
P 61 07 3335 3504 North Ryde NSW 2113 Australia
Sabre Rail Australia Ltd F 61 0 7 3335 3522 P 61 2 9886 6800
E info@sammode.com.au F 61 2 9878 4400
PO Box 67 W www.sammode.com.au/ E sales@schenckprocess.com.au
Casula Mall NSW 2170 Australia W www.schenckprocess.com
Sammode Lighting Australasia Scientific Devices Australia

Branches: 118 Atkinson Street

Wacol Queensland Oakleigh VIC 3166 Australia
P 03 95691366
F 03 95634728
E mlotter@scientific-devices.com.au
W www.scientific-devices.com.au

Scott Shorter
SafeMate Antislip Pty Ltd
649 Beaufort Street
4 Boileau Street Keysborough VIC 3173 Salix Mount Lawley WA 6050 Australia
Australia P 08 9227 1872
P 03 9798 7450 E enquires@salixproducts.com.au E info@scottshorter.com.au
F 03 9798 7100 W www.salixproducts.com.au W www.scottshorter.com.au/
Pauline Beswick
E pauline@safemate.com Profile: SCT Logistics
W www.safemate.com We are an Australian owned and operated
family business, specialising in rail products. 7 Westlink Court
Profile: We deliver the highest standard in quality Altona VIC 3018 Australia
SafeMate Antislip is an Australian owned products and service to Australia, New P 61 3 9931 5333
manufacturer of anti-slip products. Zealand and LATAM for all types of F 61 3 9369 9746
SafeMate design and manufacture railways – light rail, metro rail, passenger E information@sctlogistics.com.au
customised anti-slip solutions for rolling rail, freight, heavy haul rail and specialised W www.sctlogistics.com.au
stock train stations footbridges and other crane rail.
rail infrastructure. Our range includes Sealed Air
nonslip stair cappings ladder rung covers Salta Properties
and plates. We can also direct coat our Suite 2.01B Level 2 5 Eden Park Road
anti-slip onto customer supplied parts. We GPO Box 1700 Macquarie Park NSW 2113 Australia
have a proven track record for over 43 Melbourne VIC 3001 Australia P 1800612604
years providing solutions to rail and related E aseka.kandaaddara@sealedair.com
industries. W sealedair.com.au/

Brands: Branches:
SafeMate GlowMate SB Engineering Pty Ltd NZ Glendene Auckland 800324252

Saft Batteries Pty Ltd Unit 4 / 18 Victoria Street Sekisui Foam Australia
Elsternwick VIC 3185 Australia
9/167 Prospect Highway P 040 1716 232 1-5 Parraweena Road
E steve.boshier@gmail.com Taren Point NSW 2229 Australia
Seven Hills NSW 2147 Australia W www.linkedin.com/in/steveboshier P 61295259880
E joesilverwood@sekisuifoam.com.au
Schaeffler Australia
10 Melissa Street QLD Northgate 07 3267 7100
SAM Technology Engineers Pty Ltd Auburn NSW 2144 Australia
P 02 8717 8111 SEM Pro (A Division of SEM Fire and
130 Woodpark Road E railway.au@schaeffler.com Rescue Pty Ltd)
Smithfield Dandenong South NSW 2164 W www.schaeffler.com.au
Australia 17 Trewin Street
P 61 02 8811 5155 Schaffler Wendouree VIC 3355 Australia
F 9681 3187 P 03 5339 0222
E sales@samtechnology.com.au PO Box 1437 F 03 5339 2691
W www.samtechnology.com.au Mona Vale NSW 2102 Australia E sales@semfr.com.au
P 61 2 9997 1010 W www.semfirerescue.com.au
F 61 2 9997 8996
E chall@schaffler.com



Shoal Group Pty Ltd Lindfield NSW 2070 Australia EC1N 8JG
P 61 417 457 105 P 44 207 045 0916
309 Angas Street E peter.hill@simcon-services.com.au F 44 207 045 0901
Adelaide SA 5000 Australia W www.simcon-services.com.au E stephen@smartrailworld.com
W www.smartrailworld.com/
Simplex Engineering & Foundry Works
Pvt. Ltd.

Shovlin Plant Hire (Australia) Pty Ltd MIG 71 VAISHALI NAGAR Chhattisgarh
490026 India
15 South Trees Drive P 9229170103
Gladstone QLD 4680 Australia E simplex@simplexengg.in
P 0408 273 9015 W www.simplexengg.in
E phil@shovlin.com.au SMC Corporation
Slattery Australia
SICK Pty Ltd 14-18 Hudson Avenue
Level 10 14 Martin Place Castle Hill New South Wales 2154
5 Helen Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia P 61 29354 8222
Heidelberg West VIC 3081 Australia P 61 2 9423 8850 P 61 29354 8222
P 61 3 9457 0600 F 61 2 9423 8855 William Lebihan
E jeff.walker@sick.com.au E gillian.cottle@slattery.com.au E AUSales@smcanz.com
W www.sick.com.au W www.slattery.com.au W www.smcanz.com

Branches: Profile:
VIC Melbourne 03 9602 1313 QLD Brisbane SMC Corporation are the world leaders
07 3041 7373 WA Perth 08 9221 4444 in pneumatic technology and experts in
Siemens Mobility automation control. Through a national
Smale Rail footprint and local manufacturing
Level 7 380 Docklands Drive facilities, SMC has been supporting
Docklands VIC 3008 Australia 11 Commercial Road business for more than 50 years. The
P 137 222 Notting Hill VIC 3168 Australia company offers over 12,000 basic products
F 1300 360 222 P 61 3 9544 7188 with 700,000 variants. SMC has made it
E carina.obrien@siemens.com F 61 3 9543 7927 onto the Forbes list of most innovative
W www.mobility.siemens.com/au/ E jcs@jcsmale.com companies for good reason.
en.htmlSiemens Mobility Australia & New W jcsmale.com
Zealand Branches:
SmartChem Industries Pty Ltd National HQ

4/74 Mileham St Sonaray Australia

South Windsor Sydney NSW 2756 Australia
Signal and Asset Engineering Group P 61 02 4776 2320 7/21 Westside Drive
E david@smartchemind.com.au Laverton North VIC 3026 Australia
PO Box 871 W www.smartchem.com.au P 61 3 9315 13770414 154 000
Gladesville NSW 1675 Australia E alex@sonaray.com.au
P 61 419 181853 Branches: W www.sonaray.com.au
F 61 2 4739 4889 WA Canning Vale 08 9256 5200 08 9256 5222
E david.sweeney@saeg.com.au Soundblock Solutions
Snap-on Tools Australia Pty Ltd
Sigra Rollingstock Components 87-103 Epsom Rd
80 Holbech Road Rosebery NSW 2033 Australia
32 Jack Williams Drive Arndell Park NSW 2148 Australia P 409938606
Penrith NSW 2750 Australia E michael@soundblock.com.au
P 61 2 4732 1433 W soundblock.com.au
F 61 2 4731 4141
E info@sigrail.com Soundlabs Group Pty Ltd
W www.sigrail.com SNC-Lavalin Rail & Transit Pty Limited
PO Box 921
Sigra Technology Australia Pty Ltd Level 17 55 Clarence Street Mittagong NSW 2575 Australia
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia P 02 4872 1553
PO Box 816 P 61 2 8239 8700 E info@soundlabsgroup.com.au
Kingswood NSW 2747 Australia E railandtransit.au@snclavalin.com W www.soundlabsgroup.com.au
P 61 2 4732 1433 W www.snclavalin-railandtransit.com/en-au
F 61 2 4731 4141 Branches:
E info@sigrail.com VIC Balwyn 03 9859-0388
W www.sigrail.com
SoundSmart Interactives
Simcon Services Pty Ltd SmartRail World
Suite 2 451 Nepean Highway
PO Box 226 57A Hatton Garden Greater London Other Brighton VIC 3186 Australia



P 0412 318 016 P 1 800 525 8913 STUG AUSTRALIA PTY LTD
E enquiries@soundsmart.com.au E kristen@repositioninc.com
W soundsmart.com.au/ W www.sperryrail.com 1457 Centre Road
Clayton VIC 3168 Australia
South Australian Freight Council Inc StaySafe Lone Worker Safety P 03 9543 5044
F 03 9543 6520
296 St Vincent Street 7/1 Warrangi Street E brett@stug.com
Port Adelaide SA 5015 Australia Turramurra NSW 2074 Australia W www.stug.com
P 61 8 8447 0635 P 61 415 566273
F 61 8 8447 0606 E bob.barrington@staysafeapp.com Sulzer Dowding & Mills
E admin@safreightcouncil.com.au W www.staysafeapp.com/business/
342 South Pine Road
South West Power Pty Ltd Steelrod Pty Ltd Brendale QLD 4500 Australia
P 61 07 3881 0083
Unit 5 30 Argyle Street PO Box 442 F 61 07 3881 0485
Camden NSW 2570 Australia Narangba QLD 4504 Australia E trent.langham@sulzer.com
P 02 4655 1813 P 61 7 3888 2341 W www.sulzer.com
E southwestpowerptyltd@gmail.com F 61 7 3888 2514
W southwestpower.com.au/ E enquiries@steelrod.com.au Sunlec International Pty Ltd
W www.steelrod.com.au
Southern Shorthaul Railroad Pty Ltd PO Box 1017
Step Global Bibra Lake WA 6965 Australia
175 Murphy Street P 61 8 9434 1933
East Bendigo VIC 3550 Australia Unit 7 444 Warrigal Road F 61 8 9418 4800
P 61 3 5434 7777 Heatherton VIC 3202 Australia E dean@sunlec.com.au
E aaron.cassidy@bendigorailworkshops.com.au P 61 3 9551 7334 W www.sunlec.com.au
W www.southernshorthaulrailroad.com.au/ E Ian.johonson@stepglobal.com
W www.stepglobal.com Surgetech Systems
Sterling Group PO Box 5
131 Woids Ave Federal NSW 2480 Australia
Carlton NSW 2218 Australia 66 Jolimont Street P 0424 430 440
P 02 9547 1844 East Melbourne VIC 3002 Australia F 08 8178 0046
E kharrold@specialisedforce.com.au P 61 3 9329 9370 E sales@kgagencies.com.au
W www.specialisedforce.com.au/ E info@sterling.com.au W www.novaris.com.au
W www.sterling.com.au
Branches: Swift Metal Services Pty Ltd
VIC Melbourne 03 9761 4199 vicsales@ Strategic Connections Group Pty Ltd
specialisedforce.com.au TAS Hobart 0427 Head Office & Manufacturing - 88 Oakes
423 217 tassales@specialisedforce.com. Suite 8 50 Upper Heidelberg Road Road
au SA Adelaide 08 8352 8866 sasales@ Ivanhoe VIC 3079 Australia Griffith NSW 2680 Australia
specialisedforce.com.au WA Perth 08 9354 P 1800 626 525
8544 wasales@specialisedforce.com.au F 1300 799 373
WA Port Hedland 08 9172 1113 phsales@ E sales@swiftmetal.com.au
specialisedforce.com.au NT Darwin 08 W www.swiftmetal.com.au
8984 4453 ntsales@specialisedforce.com. Strategic Marine
au QLD Townsville 07 4728 8756 nqldsales@ Switchmode Power Supplies Pty Ltd
specialisedforce.com.au QLD Brisbane 07 Lot 5 Clarence Beach Road
3256 6011 qldsales@specialisedforce.com.au Henderson WA 6166 Australia U1 / 37 Leighton Place
Cable Services Telecommunications Services P 61 8 9437 4840 Hornsby NSW 2077 Australia
Telecommunication Equipment Supply F 61 8 9437 4838 P 02 9476 0300
Installation & Maintenance E chadg@strategicmarine.com F 02 9476 0479
W www.strategicmarine.com E service@switchmode.com.au
Speno Rail Maintenance Australia Pty Ltd W www.switchmode.com.au
Strukton Rail Australia Pty Ltd
168 Campbell Street Sydney Trains
Belmont WA 6104 Australia L4 / 55 St Georges Terrace
P 61 8 9471 5000 Perth WA 6000 Australia PO Box K349
F 61 8 9479 1349 P 08 6149 4000 Haymarket NSW 1238 Australia
E reception@speno.com.au E marije.potter@strukton.com
W www.speno.com.au W www.strukton.com.au

NSW 08 6149 4000 Symonite Pty Ltd

Sperry Rail Inc Head Office - 2 Wella Way

Somersby NSW 2250 Australia
46 Shelter Rock Road P 1300 300 641
Danbury 6810 Australia F 1300 300 642



E sales@symonite.com.au E admin@systemix.com.au t|b|h

W www.symonite.com.au W www.systemix.com.au
Level 18 225 St. Georges Terrace
Synergy Signalling Pty Ltd Perth WA 6000 Australia
P 61 8 6462 3200
P.O. Box 276 E amanda.crosby@tbh.com.au
St Leonards NSW 1590 Australia W www.tbh.com.au
P 61 401 710 457
E synsig@bigpond.com Branches:
SA 08 8312 5300 NSW 02 9922 2511 ACT 02
Syskim International Pty Ltd SYSTRA Scott Lister Australia Pty Ltd 6181 2950 QLD 07 3368 3799 VIC 03 8692
Unit 10 9 Hoyle Avenue Level 15 Chifley Tower 2 Chifley Square
Castle Hill NSW 2154 Australia Sydney NSW 2000 Australia T6 Rail Specialists Pty Ltd
P 02 9659 2900 P 61 2 9229 8100
E sue@syskim.com F 61 2 9232 5279 1 / 13 Pease Street
W www.syskim.com E anz@systra.com Manoora QLD 4870 Australia
W www.systra.com.au P 07 4032 9700
System 7 Australia F 07 4032 5382
Profile: E info@t6rail.com.au
E sam@s7australia.com SYSTRA Scott Lister is the Australian W www.t6rail.com.au
consulting and engineering arm of SYSTRA
Group, a world leading engineering and TasRail
consulting group specialising in public
transport and mobility solutions. With close PO Box 335 Kings Meadows TAS 7249
to 7,500 staff working on more than 3,500 Australia
transport projects in 80 countries for over E kirsten.woolley@tasrail.com.au
60 years, the Group has been involved with
cities and regions contributing to their
Systematiq Pty Ltd development by creating, improving and
modernising their transport infrastructures.
Level 4 95 Queen Street Melbourne VIC Our mission is to connect people and bring Tawfik - Materials & Forensic
3000 Australia territories closer together, our challenge Engineers
P 4672 44813 is to design and implement the safest and
P 1300 093 812 most efficient transport solutions. We PO Box 9095
David Lamb work on all stages of projects throughout GCMC QLD 9726 Australia
E david.lamb@systematiq.com.au their life cycle: Early Initiation, Transport P 61 07 3040 0876
W www.systematiq.com.au/what-we-do/ Planning and Business Case Development, E tawfikd@tawfikgroup.com.au
rail-transport-consulting/Systematiq Rail Design & Engineering, Project W www.tawfikgroup.com.au
Consultants Management in Construction, Test and
Commissioning, as well as Operation and Taylor Rail Australia Pty Ltd
Profile: Maintenance within Asset Management.
Systematiq’s team are experts in Rail and Within ANZ, our services are unique and 10 Luso Drive
Transport Consulting. Our expertise is highly valued by our clients and focus Unanderra NSW 2526 Australia
primarily in Rail and Transport Tender on Advisory (Transport Planning, Asset P 242721586
Writing and Project Procurement, Light Rail Management, Management Advisory and F 242721576
Consulting, Transport & Asset Management, New Mobility Services), Civil & Structure E peter.kessler@taylorrail.com.au
and Rail Consulting. Our business services (underground and elevated), Rail & Road W www.taylorrail.com.au
include Engineering Management Delivery & Systems (Signalling & Train
including testing, Project Management, Control, Communication Systems, Track, TBH - Tracey Brunstrom & Hammond
Safety Assurance and Training Support. Traction Power, OHLE, Rolling Stock & Pty Ltd
Our services are flexible and scalable to Maintenance facilities, Operation Control
suit your specific requirements and our Centres and ITS). Level 12 15 Blue Street
attention to detail combined with industry North Sydney NSW 2060 Australia
best practice ensures that your organisation Branches:
achieves success. QLD Brisbane 07 3505 4600 - VIC Melbourne
03 8527 0700 - ACT 02 9229 8132 - SA
Brands: Adelaide 02 9229 8100
Rail Asset Management TECH SOURCE
Rail Consulting
Rail Safety Assurance 182 Rutland Avenue
Systems Engineering Carlisle WA 6101 Australia
Training Design and Delivery T & S Bates Pty Ltd P 08 9472 1999
F 08 9472 3838
Systemix Pty Ltd Shop 5/17 Station St E sales@tech-source.com.au
Engadine NSW 2233 Australia W www.tech-source.com.au
Suite 301 15-87 Gladstone Street South P 9548 1349
Melbourne VIC 3205 Australia F 9520 6711
P 1300 551 835 E terry@tsbates.com.au



Technica Engineering Teksol International Pty Ltd F 03 8689 7112

E shannan@ssgroup.com.au
31-35 Drake Boulevard 26/17 Lorraine Street W http:www.ssgroup.com.au
Altona VIC 3018 Australia Peakhurst NSW 2210 Australia
P 03 9399 2166 P 61 2 9584 3400 Branches:
F 03 9399 1922 F 61 2 9584 0766 NSW 3A Alexander St Auburn NSW 2144 02
E mpayne@technicaengineering.com.au E info@teksol.net.au 9645 4955 02 9194 4335
W www.technicaengineering.com.au
Tesmec S.p.A. Theta International
Technical Resources Pty Ltd
Via Zanica 17/O Grassobbio (BG) 24050 Italy Level 2 Finchley House 18 Finchley Street
434 St Kilda Road P 39 035 4232911 Milton QLD 4064 Australia
Melbourne VIC 3004 Australia F 39 035 4522444
P 03 8842 6000 E info@tesmec.it
F 08 6382 7088 W www.tesmec.com
E alex@techresources.com.au
W www.techresources.com.au The Australian Trade Commission - Think Sustainability
Technofast Industries Think Sustainability 34 Huntingdon Place
GPO Box 5301 Berowra NSW 2081
2-4 Calcium Court Sydney NSW 2001 Australia P 492909892
Crestmead QLD 4132 Australia P 13 28 78 E paul@thinksustainability.com.au
P 07 3803 6550 E rail@austrade.gov.au W thinksustainability.com.au/Think
F 07 3803 4843 W www.austrade.gov.au Sustainability website
E sales@technofast.com
W www.technofast.com The PAC Group Tisca Tischhauser AG

Tehnika Pty Ltd Suite 20 3 Westside Avenue 74 Parklands Circuit

Port Melbourne VIC 3207 Australia Rochedale QLD 4123 Australia
Unit 3 37 Manilla Street P 61 03 9645 6625 P 61 0466 842288
East Brisbane QLD 4169 Australia F 61 03 9645 6977 E S.Keast@tiscatiara.com
E richard.ward@tehnika.com.au E stephen.martin@pacgroup.com
W www.pacgroup.com

The Trustee for the Port Botany Bay

Unit Trust - NSW Ports

PO Box 297 bringing technology together

Thales Botany NSW 1455 Australia tm stagetec systems

Level 1 274 Victoria Road Unit 6 476 Gardeners Road

Rydalmere NSW 2116 Australia Alexandria NSW 2015 Australia
P 61 2 9848 3500 P 02 8011 0500
F 61 2 9848 3896 The Welfare Fund Ltd F 02 8072 1858
E justin.graham@thalesgroup.com.au E n.vandermeer@tm-systems.com.au
W www.thalesgroup.com 42/1 Macquarie Street W www.tm-systems.com.au
Parramatta NSW 2150 Australia
Profile: P 02 9633 1670 Profile:
Thales is a prime contractor, system F 02 9633 1701 tm stagetec systems provides seamlessly
integrator and partner of choice delivering E frank@rewf.com.au integrated ICT, passenger information
smarter safer solutions for Australasia’s W www.welfarefund.com.au systems and technology services for the
transport networks. Thales delivers transport industry. Key areas of expertise
advanced signalling systems integrated are Realtime Network Audio, Public
secure communications systems and Address, EWIS Integration, Ground Based
operational control centres enabling Warning Systems, Hearing Loops and
operators to grow capacity and optimise Thermit Australia Pty Ltd Help Points, PID, Mobile PA, Centralised
traffic flows. Thales transport solutions Monitoring and Asset Management and
enhance the safety and reliability of PO Box 76 Network Infrastructure.
services maximise return on investment Kariong NSW 2250 Australia
and deliver long-term savings on the Brands:
maintenance of trackside equipment. Smart pi
Safety Equipment – General Materials and
Safety Product Supplies. TJM Rail Solutions Qld Pty Ltd
Thermo King Rail Australia
Brands: 30 Wivenhoe Close
Pro-Vis AR 4-6 Burns Road Clinton QLD 4680 Australia
Altona VIC 3018 Australia P 0409 764 033
P 03 8689 7111 E murphyst1@bigpond.com



TK Distributors E JDowie@Wabtec.com Transdev Australasia Pty Ltd

W www.trackiq.com.au
4 Callistemon Close Level 12 114 William Street
Warabrook VIC 2304 Australia Track Protection Australia Melbourne VIC 3000 Australia
P 1300 853 405 P 03 8681 7500
F 02 4968 4277 8 Slaone Street E martin.stern@transdev.com.au
E grant@tkdistributors.com.au Maribrynong VIC 3032 Australia W www.transdev.com.au
P 1300 355 800
TODO HUGO THOMAS GMBH E bookings@trainingahead.com.au
W www.trackprotection.com.au
Industriestr. 33 42327
Wuppertal Germany Track11 Transdev Wellington
P 49 202 75812 0
F 49 202 75812 29 32 Dutchman Drive Level 3 17-21 Whitmore Street
Peter Kleinen Hallett Cove SA 5158 Australia Wellington NZ 6140 New Zealand
E kleinen@todo-export.com E aidan@track11.com.au P 64 4 472 6119
W www.todo-export.com W www.track11.com.au E mark.jackaman@transdevnz.co.nz
W www.transdevwellington.co.nz/
Brands: Traction Motor Repairs Pty.Ltd
FRENSCH Interior Lighting Transit Vision
GEREP Dampers 11 Churchill Street
MEKRA Mirrors & Cameras Williamstown VIC 3016 Australia 95-99 Rodeo Drive
VALEO Wiper Kits & Electric Components P 61 3 9397 6846 Dandenong South VIC 3175 Australia
F 61 3 9397 6847 P 61 3 9792 0083
Branches: E admin@tractionmotors.com.au F 61 3 9792 0087
TODO SYDNEY OFFICE Mr. Ronald D’Silvan E info@nulinewindows.com.au
Seven Hills NSW 2147 Phone 61 2 86784337 Tractive Effort Solutions Pty Ltd W www.nulinewindows.com.au
Email todoanz@gmail.com
30 Hayes Terrace Transport for NSW
Top Rail Services Mosman Park WA 6012 Australia
P 61 417 668 432 18 Lee Street
8 Staples Way E rbosworth@tesolutions.net.au Chippendale NSW 2008 Australia
Seabrook VIC 3028 Australia P 02 8202 2200
P 0422 264 700 Trakblaze Pty Ltd F 02 8202 2209
F 03 9395 7881 E natalie.farrell@transport.nsw.gov.au
E emma.mao@toprailservices.com.au 5 Mareno Road W www.transport.nsw.gov.au
W www.toprailservices.com.au Tullamarine VIC 3043 Australia
P 61 3 9318 9277
Toyo Tyre & Rubber Australia Limited F 61 3 9318 9533
E scott@trakblaze.com
137-149 Airds Road W www.trakblaze.com Transport for Victoria
Minto NSW 2566 Australia
P 02 8796 0222 Training Ahead Australia 1 Spring Street
F 02 8796 0220 Melbourne VIC 3000 Australia
E ysano@toyo.com.au 8 Slaone Street P 61 3 9651 9999
W www.toyo-rubber.co.jp/english/product/cp/ Maribrynong VIC 3032 Australia E transport.projects@ecodev.vic.gov.au
P 1300 355 900 W www.transport.vic.gov.au
TPD Systems Asia Ltd E bookings@trainingahead.com.au
W www.trainingahead.com.au Transport Heritage NSW Ltd
17-19 Chatham Road South Empress Plaza
TST Kowloon Hong Kong SAR China PO Box K37
P 44 0 7775 631033 Haymarket NSW 1240 Australia
E paul.cheeseman@tpdsystems.asia
W www.tpd.uk.com & www.intesm.org Tramway Museum St Kilda

Track & Signal Magazine 300 St Kilda Road

St Kilda SA 5110 Australia Transport System Solutions
PO Box 3404 C P 08 8280 8188
aroline Springs VIC 3023 Australia E aetmsainc@gmail.com Level 5 24 Hunter Street
P 61 3 5983 1360 W www.trammusueumadelaide.com/ Parramatta NSW 2150 Australia
E editor@trackandsignal.com P 61 2 9893 1860
W www.trackandsignal.com Transdev Auckland E info@transport-ss.com
W www.transport-ss.com
Track IQ - A Wabtec Company Level 6 HSBC Building 1 Queen St
Auckland NZ 1010 New Zealand Transtech Melbourne Pty Ltd
PO Box 2419 P 64 9 969 7777
Kent Town SA 5071 Australia E office@transdev.co.nz 111 Miller Street
P 61 8 7099 4600 W www.transdev.co.nz/ Epping VIC 3076 Australia
F 61 8 8132 0543 P 61 3 9408 3722



F 61 3 9408 3822 Branches: TTruSafety Solutions

E sales@transtechmelbourne.com.au NSW Sydney Ph 02 9907 1788 Fax 02 9907
W www.transtechmelbourne.com.au 1778 QLD Geebung Ph 07 3633 0010 Fax 07 PO Box 3062
3633 0025 VIC Moorabbin Ph 03 9555 4890 Mentone East VIC 3194 Australia
TransVolution (Aust) Pty Ltd Fax 03 9555 6825 WA Wangara Ph 08 9303 P 0407 306 147
2347 Fax 08 9303 2348 E kwillistrusafety@gmail.com
Level 2 707 Collins Street W www.trusafetysolutions.com.au
Docklands VIC 3008 Australia Trimble Beena Vision Solutions
P 1800872678 urfmaster Facility Management
F 1300662776 Level 1 23 Peel St
E aaron.hore@transvolution.com.au Adelaide SA 5000 Australia. PO Box 1093
W www.transvolution.com.au P 61 435 844 409 Morley WA 6943 Australia
E grainne_woods@trimble.com P 08 93719700
Trapeze Group Asia Pacific Pty Ltd W rail.trimble.comrail.trimble.com F 08 93719001
E sfew@turfmaster.com.au
Level 26 288 Edward Street Trimble Nexala Solutions
Brisbane QLD 4000 Australia Turner & Townsend Pty Ltd
Level 1 23 Peel St
Adelaide SA 5000 Australia. One Wharf Lane Level 19 171 Sussex Street
P 61 435 844 409 Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
E grainne_woods@trimble.com P 61 2 8245 0000
Trapeze Networks W rail.trimble.comrail.trimble.com E darren.munton@turntown.com
W www.turnerandtownsend.com
Level 1 810 Pacific Highway Trimble Rail Solutions
Gordon NSW 2072 Australia TUV SUD Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd.
P 61 03 9416 0693 Level 1 23 Peel St A
F 9499 8756 delaide SA 5000 Australia 1 Science Park Drive
E info@trapezegroup.com.au P 61 435 844 409 Singapore 118221 Singapore
W www.trapezegroup.com.au E grainne_woods@trimble.com P 65 6262 1795
W rail.trimble.comrail.trimble.com E sven.nowak@tuv-sud.sg
Branches: W www.tuv-sud.com/industry/rail
NSW Sydney 0413 185 770 02 9499 8756 True Blue Trains Pty Ltd
Trelleborg Engineered Systems Australian & Overseas Railway Videos.
Australia Pty Ltd P.O.A. 64 Killarney Ave Level 20 350 Queen Street
Blacktown NSW 2148 Australia Melbourne VIC 3000 Australia
515 Zillmere Rd P 61 0 433812781 P 03 8488 7610
Zillmere QLD 4034 Australia E jking465@ymail.com E australia@ubimet.com
P 61 0 7 3866 7444 W www.ubimet.com/en_AU/
F 61 0 7 3263 2547
E cuan.stanley@trelleborg.com Ultra Electronics Australia
W www.trelleborg.com.au
12 Douglas Drive
TriFlex Automation and Controls Mawson Lakes SA 5095 Australia
P 61 08 8169 1224
Unit 4 20 Tucks Road E info@ultra-avalon.com
Seven Hills NSW 2147 Australia TTG Transportation Technology W www.ultra-avalon.com
P 02 9674 5344
F 02 9674 5037 Level 3/225 Clarence Street UGL Rail
E sales@triflex.com.au Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
W www.triflex.com.au P 61 2 9249 0100 Level 5 40 Miller Street
Dale Coleman North Sydney NSW 2060 Australia
Treotham Automation E dale.coleman@ttgtt.com.au P 61 2 8925 8925
W www.ttgtransportationtechnology.com F 61 2 8925 8926
14 Sydenham Road E uglinfo@ugllimited.com
Brookvale NSW 2100 Australia Profile: W www.ugllimited.com
P 1300 65 75 64 TTG is an Australian rail technology
P 1300 65 75 64 company operating globally providing
F 61 2 9907 1778 real time Products & Services that improve
Mikael Paltoft railway operations by optimizing train
E info@treotham.com.au schedules and driving advice. Our world Ultrahawke
W www.treotham.com.au leading Energymiser driving advice system
is used on +10,000 trains and driver Unit 2 9 Production Drive
Brands: applications, +60,000 Track kms, + 11 Campbellfield VIC 3061 Australia
igus Countries and +20 Long Term Customers. P 03 9357 7470
ILME F 03 9357 7450
Lapp E precision@ultrahawke.com.au
PMA W www.weighbridge.com.au/



Unex - Halogen Free Cable UQ Materials Performance V/Line

Level 5 Building 49 Staff House Road The Level 9 750 Collins Street
603/46 Market Street University of Queensland Docklands VIC 3008 Australia
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia St Lucia QLD 4072 Australia P 61 3 9619 5000
P 414580651 P 6107 3365 6123 F 61 3 9619 5000
E sales@unex.net.au E uqmp@uq.edu.au E david.glover@vline.com.au
W www.unex.net.au/railway W www.uqmp.com.au/ W www.vline.com.au

Brands: Urban Circus Pty Ltd

Level 22 215 Adelaide Street
Unified Security Group (Australia) Pty Ltd Brisbane QLD 4000 Australia VEC Civil Engineering Pty Ltd
P 1300 16 16 33
534 Parramatta Road E studio@u-c.com.au 10b Industrial Drive
Ashfield NSW 2131 Australia W urbancircus.com.au/ Ulverstone TAS 7315 Australia
P 1300 658 657 P 03 6425 6530
E stef@unifiedsecurity.com.au Branches: F 03 6425 6112
W www.unifiedsecurity.com.au VIC 1300 16 16 33 E info@vec.com.au
W www.vec.com.au
Unipart Group Australia Pty Ltd Uromac Australia
Vector Lifting
111-113 Newton Road 35/60 Bellevue Avenue Enoggera Industrial
Wetherill Park NSW 2164 Australia Estate, Gaythorne QLD 4051 43 Spencer Street
P 61 2 8787 5910 P 414746181 Cockburn Central WA 6164 Australia
F 61 2 8787 5951 P 07 38558868 P 61 8 9417 9128
E warren.ashton@unipart.com Peter de Ryk E info@vectorlifting.com.au
W www.unipartrail.com E peter@uromacaustralia.com.au W www.vectorlifting.com.au
W uromacaustralia.com.au/
Victory Aerospace & Military Spares
Brands: Pty Ltd
Uniqco Special Vehicles PO Box 119
Branches: Helensvale QLD 4212 Australia
PO Box A366 Brisbane P 61 7 5667 8220
Australind WA 6233 Australia F 61 7 5522 9357
P 61 8 9797 0700 Uromac Australia E sales@victoryaerospace.com.au
E grant@uniqco.com.au W www.victoryaerospace.com.au
W www.uniqco.com.au/ 36/60 Bellevue Avenue ENOGGERA QLD
4051 Australia VicTrack
UniQuest Pty Limited P 414746181
E peter@forkliftfinder.com.au Level 9 121 Exhibition Street
Level 7 General Purpose South Building The W www.uromacaustralia.com.au
University of Queensland Melbourne VIC 3000 Australia
St Lucia QLD 4072 Australia Utilicom
P 6107 3365 4037
E enquiries@uniquest.com.au PO Box 941
W www.uniquest.com.au/ Albury NSW 2640 Australia
P 61 2 6021 2208 VIRTUE TALENT PTY LTD
United Fasteners Australia E sales@utilicom.com.au
W www.utilicom.com.au 50 Clarence Street
3/679 Boundary Road Sydney NSW 2000.
Richlands QLD 4077 Australia UXC Eclipse P 0483 038 780
P 61 7 3375 7011 P 02 8880 0242
F 61 7 3375 7022 Level 20 135 King Street Daniel Martin
E sales.brisbane@unitedfasteners.com.au Sydney NSW 2000 Australia E search@virtuetalent.com
W www.unitedfasteners.com.au P 61 2 9279 3000 W www.virtuetalent.com/VIRTUE TALENT
E uxceclipse.com@gmail.com PTY LTD
Unitronix W www.uxceclipse.com/advisory-center/
Pages/home.aspx Brands:
13759 Currans Road VIRTUE TALENT PTY LTD | www.
Cooranbong NSW 2265 Australia Varley Group RefereeCheck.com
P 02 4977 3511
E rpatmore@unitronix.com.au 156 Young Street Branches:
W www.unitronix.com.au Carrington NSW 2294 Australia Sydney - Australia wide.
P 02 4940 8515
F 02 4969 5925
E enquiries@varleygroup.com
W www.varleygroup.com



VisioStack Inc Danny Dolzadelli E info@wavetrain.no

E ddolzadelli@wabtec.com W www.wavetrain.no
1521 Laurens Road W www.wabtec.com/business-units/wabtec-
Greenville SC 29606 United States australia Wear Parts Services Pty Ltd
P 1 864 214 5883
E zggarner@visiostack.com Brands: 25 Thomas Mitchell Drive
W www.visiostack.com Wabtec Corporation Muswellbrook NSW 2333 Australia
P 61 2 6543 1277
Branches: F 61 2 6543 1401
France Paris 33 633 660 374 E m.kelly@wearparts.com.au
W www.wearparts.com.au
Vitruvius Ltd Wabtec Control Systems
265 Oropi Road RD3 Ground Floor Building A The Garden Office WA Bibra Lake 08 9418 8477 08 9418 8499
Tauranga 3173 New Zealand Park
P 0064 7218 1220 Osborne Park WA 6017 Australia Web Rail
F 0064 7218 1220 P 61 8 6141 9200
E neil.mason@vitruvius.co.nz F 61 8 9444 5876 15 Jean Street
E jgordon@wabtec.com Aberfeldie VIC 3040 Australia
VIZIONX Pty Limited W www.wabteccorp.com P 0419 386 056
E leon@webrail.com.au
Suite 219 Lv2 Quay West 111 Harrington Branches: W www.webrail.com.au/
Street QLD Eagle Farm 61 7 3177 4226 NSW
The Rocks Sydney NSW 2000 Australia Rydalmere 61 2 9680 0200 Newcastle 61 439 Web Wire Mesh CO
100 261 VIC South Melbourne 61 3 9279
Brands: 4800 SA Kent Town 61 8 7099 4600 WA East Zone of Industry Park
Caterpillar Karratha 61 8 6141 9200 Port Headland 61 Melbourne VIC 3033 Australia
409 689 771 Other Birmingham 44 121 222 P 03 8925 5081
5762 E sales1@webwirecloth.com
W www.webwirecloth.com
WAGO Pty Ltd
Voestalpine SIGNALING Siershahn Webbair Prolec
GmbH 2-4 Overseas Drive
Noble Park North VIC 3174 Australia 12 Lieber Grove
Unit 4 160 Hartley Road P 8791 6300 Carrum Downs VIC 3201 Australia
Smeaton Grange NSW 2567 Australia E sales.anz@wago.com P 61 3 9775 1803
P 61 2 4648 1407 W www.wago.com.au E chris@webbair.com.au
E info.siershahn@voestalpine.com W www.webbair.com.au
W www.voestalpine.com/signaling Wallenius Wilhelmsen Logistics
Weidmuller Australia
Voestalpine VAE Railway Systems Pty 1 - 7 Link Way
Ltd Laverton North VIC 3026 Australia 43 Huntingwood Drive
P 61 3 8605 8000 Huntingwood NSW 2148 Australia
PO Box 391 F 61 3 9614 1233 P 02 9671 9999
Mackay QLD 4740 Australia E matthew.jackson@2wglobal.com F 02 9671 9900
W www.2wglobal.com E express@weidmuller.com.au
W weidmuller.com.au
Warringah Plastics
Weighwell Engineering Ltd
Voith Turbo Pty Ltd 4 Grosvenor Place
Brookvale NSW 2100 Australia Weighwell House Woolley Colliery Road
Building 2 1-47 Percival Street P 02 9939 2900 Darton Barnsley S75 5JA United Kingdom
Smithfield NSW 2164 Australia E sales@warringah-plastics.com.au P 44 0 114 269 9955
W warringah-plastics.com.au E sales@weighwell.com
W www.weighwell.com
Watco Companies Western Australia
West Crane Services
Vossloh Cogifer Australia PO Box 1643
West Perth WA 6872 Australia 41 Triholm Avenue
361 Barker Street P 61 8 9416 6382 Laverton VIC 2028 Australia
Castlemaine VIC 3450 Australia F 61 8 9226 0309 P 393691154
E glenn.lorenz@vossloh.com E kpotts@watcocompanies.com E ian@westcranes.com.au
W www.watcocompanies.com W www.westcranes.com.au
Wabtec Australia
Wavetrain Systems Pty Limited Branches:
Unit 1 2 - 8 South Street VIC Ballarat 393691154 393691093
Rydalmere NSW 2116 Australia 102 Dunning Avenue
P 02 9680 0200 Rosebery NSW 2018 Australia
F 02 9680 0222 P 61 2 8338 5208



Westermo Data Communications Pty Ltd Equipment. WAPL are Australia’s oldest Xtralis Pty Ltd
Caterpillar Dealer and the 6th oldest in
Suite 8B 277 Lane Cove Road the world. Proudly, we hold both a long 236-262 East Boundary Road
Macquarie Park NSW 2113 Australia history and strong track record of dealing Bentleigh East VIC 3165 Australia
with local Govt. for over 100 years (William P 61 4 1705 1540
Adams was first est. 1884 before becoming E mhe@xtralis.com
a Caterpillar dealer in 1926). W www.xtralis.com

Westkon Precast Pty Ltd Brands: Yarra Trams

133-199 Ferris Road Railmax GPO Box 5231
Cobblebank VIC 3338 Australia Melbourne VIC 3001 Australia
P 61 3 8746 1300 Branches: P 61 3 9619 3200
F 61 3 9747 3088 Fourteen 14 dedicated branches in both E diane.page@unipart.com
E info@westkon.com.au Metro and Regional locations throughout W yarratrams.com.au
W www.westkon.com.au Victoria and Tasmania.
YHI Power
Wi-Tronix LLC WMC Public Relations Pty Ltd
24 Ernest Clark Road
631 Boughton Rd Suite 240 5A Hartnett Close Canning Vale WA 6155 Australia
Bolingbrook IL 60440 United States Mulgrave VIC 3170 Australia P 08 9456 2224
P 1 630 679 9927 P 61398032588 E rbennetts@yhipower.com.au
F 1 630 679 9954 E wendy@wmcpr.com.au W www.yhipower.com.au
E sales@wi-tronix.com W wmcpr.com.au
W www.wi-tronix.com Zetron Australasia Pty Ltd
Work Gear Plus
4/87 Webster Road
E sales@workgearplus.com.au Stafford QLD 4053 Australia
P 07 3856 4888
William Adams Pty Ltd Workforce International Pty Ltd E ausales@zetron.com
W www.zetron.com
17-55 Nantilla Road Clayton VIC 3168 Level 1 601 Botany Road
Australia Rosebery NSW 2018 Australia
P 61 3 9566 0666 P 02 9310 6900
F 61 3 9561 6273 F 02 9310 6972
E glenslocombe@wadams.com.au E rail@workforce.com.au ZOELLNER Australia Pty Ltd
W www.williamadams.com.au W www.workforce.com.au
Suite 12 Level 12 37 Bligh Street
WMC Public Relations Pty Limited Worthington Industries Pty Ltd Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
P 61 451 922382
PO Box 1339 Glen Waverley VIC 3150 15 Enterprise Way E christian.jung@zoellner.com.au
Australia Bayswater VIC 3153 Australia
P 61 3 9803 2588 P 61 3 9729 1277 ZOELLNER Signal GmbH
E info@wmcpr.com.au F 61 3 9729 8664
W www.wmcpr.com.au E enquiries@worthingtonindustries.com.au Radewisch 40
W www.worthingtonindustries.com.au Kiel Schleswig-Holstein 24145 Germany
William Adams Pty Ltd P 49 431 7027 128
WS Atkins International Limited E christian.jung@zoellner.de
17-55 Nantilla Road W www.zoellner.de
Clayton VIC 3168 Level 12 Suite 12.02 50 Berry Street
P 437855414 North Sydney NSW 2060 Australia Zonegreen
P 1800 WADAMS P 61 2 8002 0300
Sam Badcock F 61 2 8920 8322 Sir John Brown Building Davy Industrial Park
E sambadcock@wadams.com.au E info.au@atkinsglobal.com P 44 114 230 0822
W www.williamadams.com.au/ W www.atkinsglobal.com E info@zonegreen.co.uk
W www.zonegreen.co.uk
Profile: WSP Australia Pty Ltd
William Adams supplies CAT® products and
services to the Rail, Construction, Mining, Level 27 680 George Street
Quarrying, On-Highway Truck and Marine Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
industries in Victoria and Tasmania.William
Adams has been a Caterpillar dealer in
Australia since 1926, specialising in the
sales and support of Heavy Plant Machinery



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