Advanced Java Programming
Advanced Java Programming
Advanced Java Programming
1. What is Multithreading?
2. Differentiate final, finally and Finalize with reference to java.
3. State about HOP protocol.
4. What are the uses of RMI Registry and Security Manager?
5. What is meant by Naming services?
6. What are the differences between java bean and EJB?
7. What is a cookie?
8. What is the difference between doGet() and doPost() methods used in servlet?
9. What are Midlets?
10. How do you deploy Mobile Objects?
ii) Write a Java program to copy one file to another file with the help of byte stream
classes. (6)
12 b) ii) Write a program to retrieve and display port number and host name of an
URL. (6)
13 a) i) What is Distributed application architecture? What is RMI? List the steps for
13 b) i) What are the applications CORBA? How is it related to RMI? What are the
differences between CORBA and RMI? (10)
13 b) ii) How to create a JAR file? Explain the jar command with it's all option in
detail with suitable example. (6)
14 a) ii) Explain the life cycle of a Servlet with the help of an example. (6)