Reading 1
Reading 1
Reading 1
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ut six mo nth s of age , bab ies can recognize all the sou nds tha t ma ke
ability to do tha t shows tha t [babies]
all the Janguages in the world. "Th eir call the m
35 are pre par ed to lea rn any
lan gua ge; ' Kuhl says. "That's wh y we
'citizens of the world:"
guages spo ken aro und the globe,
Ab out 6,000 sou nds ma ke up the lan
nd. For example, wh ile the Swedish
bu t no t eve ry lan gua ge uses eve ry sou
gua ge dis tin gui she s am ong 16 vow el sou nds , English uses onl y eig ht
1an y the sou nds
40 vowel sou nds , and Jap ane
se uses jus t five. Adults can hea r onl
ntly. To a native Japanese speaker,
use d in the lan gua ges the y spe ak flue
sou nd identical. So, unl ike som eon e
for ins tan ce, the lett ers "R" and ''L''
Japanese spe ake r can not tel1 "row"
wh ose nat ive Ian gua ge is English, a
fro m "Iow" or "rake" fro m "lake."
rtin g at aro und six mo nth s old , Kuhl says, a baby's bra in focuses on
45 Sta y
Then, chi ldr en beg ip res pon din g onl
the mo st com mo n sou nds it hears. z
hea r the most. In a sim ilar way, Go me
to the sou nds of the Ianguage the y
recognizing the pat ter ns tha t ma ke
has fou nd, slightly old er babies sta rt
In English, for example, kid s wh o
up the rul es of the ir native Ianguage. g" or
are abo ut 18 mo nth s old sta rt to figure out tha t wo rds end ing in "-in
bs are action words.
"-e d" are usu ally verbs, and tha t ver
La ngu age on the Brain
ent ists are par ticu lar ly inte res ted in the bra~ns of peo ple wh o spe ak
n one Ian gua ge flu ent ly bec aus e tha t skill is har d to acq uir e after
mo re tha
dies, for example, native Ma nda rin
55 abo ut age seven. In one of Kuhl's stu
nin e-m ont h-o ld Am eri can babies for
Ch ine se spe ake rs spo ke Ch ine se to
h session lasted abo ut 25 minutes. At
twelve sessions ove r fou r weeks. Eac
babies res pon ded to Ma nda rin sou nds
the end of the study, the Am eri can
as wel l as did Ch ine se bab ies wh o had bee n hea rin g the language the ir
jus t
ers and adults wo uld not per for m
60 ent ire lives. (En glis h-s pea kin g teenag
nea rly as well.)
, her bra in forms a ditferent
If a chi ld regularly hea rs two languages
, onc e the bra in solidifies those
pat hw ay for each Ianguage. However
und age seven, it gets har der to for m
electrical language p·athways by aro
dis pos ed of, 3 or pru ned , all the
65 new ones. By the n, a baby's bra in has
ece ssa ry con nec tio ns tha t the inf ant was bor n with. So, if you don't
stu dyi ng Spa nis h or Ru ssia n unt il mid dle school, you mu st struggle
sta rt
and progress can be frustrating.
aga ins t years of bra in dev elo pm ent ,
rk mu ch har der to forge la~guage
A twelve-year-old's bra in has to wo
s. "We oug ht to be learnıng new
70 con nec tio ns tha n an infant's bra in doe '
en, wh en the bra in does it nat ura lly;
languages bet we en ages zero and sev
Kuhl says.
After You Read
Understanding the Text
A. Comprehension
For each item below, fili in the correct circle.
1. Scanning for Details Patricia Kuhl calls babies "citizens of the world"
because _.
® all babies are alike
® we are beginning to learn more about the brains ofbabies
© babies can hear the sounds of all languages
® b~bies can tel1 the difference between simple sounds and actual words
2. Scanning for Details According to the reading, which of the following
statements is not true about babies?
® They have the ability to learn any language.
® Their brains create a different pathway for each language they hear.
© They learn languages by listening to and watching people.
® By the time they are nine months old, they can no longer hear the
sounds of all languages.
1. tlexibility tlex
2. development developmental
3. differ
4. response responsive
S. grammar
6. experiment experiment
7. connect connected
2. In what order do these events happen in the lives ofbabies? Number them
from 1 to 4.
_ They start to recognize grammatical patterns in the languages they hear.
_ The brain solidifies the language pathways in the brain.
_ _ They can recognize all the sounds in all the languages in the world.
Their brains start to foc us on the most common sounds they hear.
3. Some parents play foreign language CDs to their young children. Based
on the information in this reading, do you think this is useful?