Students Book - Cap 6
Students Book - Cap 6
Students Book - Cap 6
How much do you know ôbout your haôin? Decidê if lhê stôtêmênts arê truê or Íôlsê.
The Human Brain
On avêrôge, the brain welghs 2.8k9 ln a màn and 2.2k9 in ô woman.
I Work with a partíêr. Lâbêl thê gamas in the picturês. Ordêr them Írom the oldest to thê lnost
rêcênt. What is thê aim of êach qamê? Which do you likê playing?
5 -ra
a 1_..---"' -::
2_ L4_ 5_
a erllmar: Verbs of the senses. PaÍticiple
Ebt ses
. bcabulary: Verbs of seeing. Collocations with
a L-rquôqe ior Lirê: lúaking âppropriâte rêquests
decay dec ine flt gro\ryth inactivity ack oss stretching iralnlng
2 Use six of thê words in the box in Exêrcisê 1 to compÍêtê the article about bràin trôining.
n recent yeôrs there hôs beên à bàrr.qÊ of new studies functlon. Furthermore sleep s ô key pêrt oÍ the process
êbout how to ma ntain coqnlilve Íunctlon as yo! qet o deL of.onso datin! learning ênd memory, so ô chron. ack
(l) n cognitive function s ê natura process and oÍ s eep .dn àctuê y prevent yoL Írom earninq.
Êvêryone Experieni-es deterioratlon in memory and motor A th rd Íôcior assol]iated w th lmproved bÍa n íunct on
sk s as we qÍour o der HowÊvÊr by t.klng act on now, ls (6) the brain lhrouqh cha lenging dct vitles ike
theÍe are th nqs you côn do to ôme oraiê the pro.ess of earnlng a new anguaqe, sk l, or rnusicôl instrurnent.
êg nq. First ênd foremost,leepinq phys ca V (2) hôs When doinq these.ctivitles we go beyond what we cdn
been shown to lmprove cognit on. [xercise is associêied a ready do ônd we force our brd n to lle acilve.
wlih thÊ (:) oÍ blood vessek in the brain and Theíe are a host oí oiher deês Íor pr€venting the
thÊrÊÍore àn incrÊ.se in the srrviva rête of new braln ce s red!ct on oÍ braln function ÍÍorn rned têtion to diet.
(41 , on the other hand c.n the oppos;te êffÊct sorne proven and otlrers stll to be ratiÍ ed by resê.rch,
^'ote [r,lo' 'e.p but ês pÊople live onger incÍeasing tlre qua lty oÍ liÍe
oÍ sleep has been t ed to reduced qray matter n the throuqh beiter brêin ÍLrnci on prornlses to becorne a
brêin and probiems rrith worklnq memor! and execut ve qrowth iie d.
3 Rêâd lhê ôrticlê àgnin. Woak with your pêÉneí. Dlscuss the questions,
a Whàt happened immediatêly aítêa the accident? How did Phineês reêct?
b What treatment did thê doctor providê Phineas? How would his injury be treated nowadays?
c Whât were the physicàl efÍects, both short'term and long-têrm, of his injury?
d \ryhat did science leêrn about the human braln âs a result of thls case?
e Now did Phlneas' later lifê cêst doubt on some oÍ the siories about hls'new' personê ity?
f Do you believe that his personality permanently ahanged? Why / Why not?
1 Look ât thê highlightêd verbs in the extrôct. Try to quess thê meaning lrom context ônd completê
the glossary.
-verb recognlae,
2 Obsatye, and 5êê have morê than one meôning. Look at the sentêncês (ô"Í) and match
the vêrbs in itallcs with thê meanings (1-6).
a I recoqnlzê L'm not peíêct. I undêrstênd
b I sêe whôt you mean. 2 datê someone
c You should observe the customs oÍ the 3 admit
country you are visiting. 4 Ío lowobey a Laúrule
d Arê you still sêêing Pêtêr? 5 hâvê àn opinion
ê "That wasn't vêry clever," he obseryêd. 6 comment
Í As I see lt, she's making a big mistàke.
How would you trânslate observe, rccoqnize, ênd sêê into t
your own lônguàgê? Do the trânslations hôvê multiple
1 "'o.Íi9 Íi'o'oírê o"ro'i rê
RemaÍkab e though the accident was, perhaps
story oÍ Phinêas Gage Onêday,inl848,Phnêas, 5. lf his stoÍy had ended here, he would not
ikê Írany otheÍ young men, was work ng n VeÍmont have mainta ned the fame that he does today.
íor the Íailroad con.,pany. As part oí hisjob, he Equa y êmêzing as his survlva s actua ly whãt
wou d getthê gro!nd readyto bLrild thê ra lroad by transplred next, ênd what would fascinatê doctors,
b ast n9 the Íock. To do so, he had to put b asting psycho ogists, and the pubL c irnaginat ôn for
powdeÍ into a hole, covêr twth sand, and thên
pack it â down wilh a big iron rod. As egend has
",,d-"d-,o or -. .addi o'orl-.obio,
physicaL damage, the destÍuction of hls êít
It, Phlneas was monrentar y dlstÍacted when hê fronta lôbe appearêd to hâvê impaded Phineas'
rêcognized the oiher workers' voices nearby, and pêEona ty in very notlceable ways. Described ês
r. ","s dated a*a, 'o " , -o .êê ê- hêl
. do q -h"- .plr
| .. o ^o'l
d "r ^'
id.-." .o" a hea thy, hardworking mân before his accident,
^" "
it the b asinq powd;Í, and Phineaí fewouLdnever6D
aftêÍwaÍds his fÍiênds famous y said that he was
"no lonseÍ câse". As the lesend soes, Phineas
was observed to become very rude, wlth a ack of
Propeled by the exp oslon, the iron rod hu.rled self conlrol ênd no sens-. of embarrassment. whats
up andthroush hisjaw, through hls eft eye, and more, he staÉed to mêke immedlate, lmpulsivê
t "l, ôrr ,L - opo'l l.r Á dt-. r"..lorl,
' p êns, only to just as qu ck y abandôn thêm.
even walkwthoLt asslstarce.
"bie.o G l " d
Thê other worke,s Overa l, the imp icat ons ôfsuch changes were
20 must hãvê surêly gazêd in amazement asthls scene momêrtôus, píovldlng êvldencê thár specfic parls
unfôldêd, shockêd thât hê hadn't bêen lmmediate y ofthe brain afiect aspects of peÍsonality.
led Hê rà( hê-ro I -.ê.o h .,.d 1" " b" t ro
rhê-o*1 ,.rêrc.ê .êt.1 rr. o"
w"ired 'o ,l -doror-o"-r." ti bra. para
visihlê íor a lihê wôrld rô sêê
So how much are we to be ieve ôf Phineas story?
ln some ways it shardtote , ànd in the l50years
slnce i happened, rumors and exaggerations havê
2 spread Íegãrdless ofrhe facts. To gile ãn êxãmp e,
Nowyou mlrst remenrber thêt this wês in'1848 it has bêen said that hê m slreatêd h s w íê and
when'medica p,actlces were not as soph st caiecl as chlld. One problem thoLrgh - hê nêvêr mêrr êd
thôse today. Sô t sho! C .ômê ãs io s!rprise thêt or had chlldreir To comp cête mêtters further
therê was no oppo.iu.lty for brain s!rgery to repê r .-.r1, -,é | p
the damage. nsteãd, the dôctor dld what any of !s accident, so comparlsôns :re tr .ky Aso, a ilrôugh
wou d do,,!lth a minor \,!oLrnd frst,heexamined his personality may have been tempôrãr l, e iered
"ro o"r o"9.o' lob- "
t overtin-re hê sêêÍr'red to hale n-rost of h s
thls scenêrlo, he a so pLrt back some pieces oÍ sku ,
ôst social and persoia sk lLs, 'egained
becom rg a ski ed
and fnlshed oÍfthe procedLre wth a n qhtcãp to and Íesponsiblê stagecoâch driver r Ch e unt
od--r ,9 ÂppÇ.- êof <.ê íor êd Lií o < op ôrê ê.pê1
toid the do.tor that wou d be back êt work in oi yâ theor ze thât h s structured prôfêss on and rout ne
i./ o"r "rr o.9 ôdor. .ô o.ôô | ,ê o durlng this peíiod oÍ hls lfe Ínêy have been êractly
As it tLrrns oul, Ph nêãs was a lttle ôver y Lrhat he needed to prov de him wlth thê stabi lty he
oveÍoptim st c in h s pro.rnos;s, but ieverthe ess he
did mênage ê remarkab e Íecovery. On y ten weeks Ultlmately, howevêr, he coL d not overcome the
afier h s traumê1ic .jury, he wôs heê thy ênou9h to ong têrm effects oIh s trauma, and in 18ó0, twelle
return home One cên only lmagine what he must " - , d", " ,-" p" -d"."
mother! hôme in San Franc sco after numerous
1 Work with a pàrtner. Discuss thê quêstions,
a How many senses do we have?
b Which sense do you think is the most irnportant to you in your
everyday llÍe?
c Which would you be êble to cope bêst withoLrt?
d Which sense triqqers the most memories?
ê Fâve you evêÍ losl Ihê use o'o1e of your senses temporarily? ü
I ii#,:H;;;'-ÍJ::l;Ti:J::jff":i','-e
Listen to Mike, Maria, Helen, Nick, and Petra ônswering some of lhe quêstions in Exêrcise l.
_-f t
Which question is eôch pêrson ânswering? lllhich senses do they mention? Comparê your notes with
your pârtner. were the spêâkers'answers similar to youls?
I Work with your partnêi Look at lhê vêrbs in thê box, Whlch can ô) only
be usêd with a stâtlve meaning (rêtering to an âbility or â sensatlon)?
b) only bê dynâÍtlic (reíêrrlng to an action)? c) bê usêd wlth eithêa a
statlve or a dynamic mêâninq? sêê, feel, tôstô, smell,
feel heàí listen look see sense smell taste touch watch I càn't sêê without my
work.with your partner. Look át ihê pairs of 9êntences bêlow nnd dlscuss thê differencê ln mêaning
oÍ the vêrbs ln ltalics.
lA Ican see John. He's right ovea therê, standinq next to thê bãt
'lB lm seêlnq John tomorrow. 'l let hlm know what we've decided.
2A I could heár strênge sounds coming from downstâlrs, so I decjded to go ênd investigâte.
28 l've been hearing great thinqs about you recently. You must be doing really well.
3A l'm not íee/inq very wel . I think I'm going to go and ie down for a whi e.
3B Thêt heôter's reêlly goodl cên feel the heat lrom here.
4A lmjust tastinq the soup to see iÍ I need to add any more salt.
48 reôlly can't fasfe the differênce between b!rtter and mêrgarine.
Pay cârcful attention to what's golng on around you, both in§ide and oulside thê classÍoom. write
doún what you can hêôr, smell, and touch- ComParê yoúr answers t lth the cla5s.
1 work in smôll groups. Discuss thê quêstions.
a Fl.,re you ever h.d. pet? l4lhôt ü,,ô5lt? Hor! onq did you havÊ i Íor?
b \{hy do you think peop e keep pets? Do \rou th nk pets ser!e a Lrsefu
ÍLrnci on? Í so. ürhat function?
Do yo! th nk some peop e qei too atia.hed to ihe r pets?
d \ /hêt s t that d íÍÊrentiêtes hLrmêns Írom tfre an mê s aro!nai us?
3 Rêad ihis article and idenlify the facuÍtiês that ônimals demonstratê. Do you think animals rêally
have thêsê capacitiês, or is it a case oí proiecting human quâ{itiês onto non"human obiects or
bêings (ánthropomorphlsm)?
rlrlrg hr hod to orc rde. S.ooLr\ m,e\ rr rii. \ ith úrt rluizzrtrl.
Do Animals Llurstionng look oflis I crn rlnost hcrr hnr rrkjrg,rri tô re|..rr tr\rfli
''Ye\- 1 )\Led \ôü ii rou \rrnr to go lor r §rLk.'Sprnignrg to hii tio,r L,\
Think and doggrc bcd. irc nus to gcr hL I(r!h rnd (tui.kl\ rcrln§ rrd blk\.
Feel? 5 Whrr r gonrg oD iD hi. h.iLl? \l lut \r i' drc rliought poccs |or her rrg Lhe
\\or1l-$rlk ro iat.hllle rle le:nr? lr Scoobv hrpp\'; l. ir §1ong tor mc ú rrtrllr.
human ticiuigs rnd tliorght\ to fr! fer:
Wt rll knos úrt rnruuls dilliJ l-rom hlnarns. ror rr k,rd. but u degrce I le- hle Lht
srllre licllkie\: but tlrese tl. lile\ xk nrotu or 1.$ dctlopc.1 comprrctl to humrn L.crngs. rrLl prool
r0 ..,i b. hird ro coDr. [r): We cannor uDequro.]llr k|o\ Nhrt ur |er\ot ii dri|king. nru.h 1.\ \Íbrt
u annnrl »right bc thnkurg. though rnrul behlior gre !s r \\n1do\r jr«) trfi,r.rl th.rshL rr,1
1àeljrs lll cite iusr t!!o.r\es:
Hr\ug be.n iid b! huDrrr\ tur rel6. \ il(l ( ,r resort ir Âu{râl[ rhrô\, r r- i],
lrturans.rhc! rvcrc not r(t..tmg lirod b!t oitlrlrg it ro rhe hlnnrDs.U/r .r,, ,t.L.l thr l .h.ú Lor irl
15 severâl vilsr {e .ân s.. rnrpàrlt\: g.ntrositll reciprocl§. rnd pcrhap: c\cn hu,u o, ,rir\ 1
re believe thri the gitt \.r\ r!Íi!:rL-(l l1\ ónr n).ôrnt.r.n.e âs iish.rnrenl
Aiier losng hr urate to r por.her. a Lrull .lephrnr \rof\ eitirg ,r)id, ( rlir{
copiousLl slunpr to thc gnnid. D.!cr to rs. asrxr Oth.r .lcph rts rttempt tcr
conúõÍl the p.ostrute elefhJr)t. but to no rlril. H:s dre elÊthrnr Ilierilh .lie.l
20 oi r brokcn hcart? WiÚrclsins this sc cDc. it is d rtll cu lt not to conclu de that
eleplÚrs arel .oúrpâ\shi xnd h.iÍdrirk.
No !,rtter l,ow vou tusüri rher bel,nior. ue h,rve to ..,,.1, e rhrt rhere
* somc degrce oílichrgs rn thcur tbrt crn be relned o r cer.rirr extcrr to
|lniân beilgs.I'erhtrpi, (e íDuld fiuse rn.l drink ibout rh. §r! nnnktrrd
2s hâs tre;rted.nrnr.rls ô!e. rhe rnillerrru ltistlrreto\eerlirnnD.n\,r)ôiju{
Scoob,rl rs livng bcingl caprble oltielng rnd thnking. rnd nrost rrportantJv
rs creamrcs dur dcsdvt' rll ouÍ lov. rnd r.sp..r.
4 Work with ô pàrtneÍ ônd discuss th€ meônings of thêsê êxprêssions in thê câs€ history.
â tiltinq his head ( ine 1) d
hard to come by (line 10)
b springing to life ( ines 3) e
s umps to the ground (line 18)
c noi in kind, bui in degree (line 8) Í
to no avail (line 19)
5 Whôt are thê ôuthor's viêws on what animals think ônd Íêêl? Do you àgrêê or disagrce wlth the
I Môke thrêê sentences uslng onê clause Írom êach box A, B, and C.
â Hâving lêft his tausty companion to keep an eye on the shiny new van,
A b Waking up with a jump, Present participle
c Numbed by the efficiency of his new air-conditioning systêm,
d hê's often spottêd scouring the strêets between deliveries, S.elng thê dog, she
B e Willy sat up to grêet his owner
Í Mi X returned from dinner to find Pâst participle clause
Encour.ged to write
g and bârkêd with êxcitêmênt. trom an eârly age, she
C h that his new mode of tÍansportation had been completely remodeled. published hêr iirst book
i under the protection of a warm blanket. when she was twelve.
PerÍect participle
Now check youa tnswêrs.
Hàvlng sêên thê
2 Work wlth a pàrtnên Look at the ,artlclple clauses in Box A in Exêrclse 1
wasn't worth the pri.e
and answer the question5.
they were êskinq. /
a Which contains: â p.esent participle? a pêst particip e? a perfect
b Whât is the subjêct of êach pàrticiplê clause?
c Look at ihe sentences below and answer the q!restions.
1 Havinl b e e n f e à by hrnarto f a t ye aÉ, wilà àolphit s ...
2 vlilà àal?hins have b een teà by hurnans Íot yeats ...
. Which sentênce,l or 2, is more likely to be spoken?
. Which was used in lhê pêt casê history on page 65?
. What has been added to sentencê 2 to replêcê the participle clause?
3 Rewdtê thê sentêncês usinq participlê clausê3,
a When I graduôted from col eqe, I went on a ong vacation.
b Becausê | live ãlone, I don't really do a lot oÍ cookinq.
c I don't eat candy because l'm on ô diet.
d I likê to spend thê weekends relaxing when l'm tired after a long wêek at worfi.
Arê thêse sêntêncês true íor you, tor anyonê you know, or €nyonê ln your clâss?
Reieat inO faoà, ber offerinq t to ?eople, àolphins showeà enpathy anà ge\erosilty lowaràb hurnans
work with your partnêí Loo* at thê
sentences ãnd add rroÍ iÍ necessary.
a Discourêqed by the onq c irnb ahead of
them, they set off at dâwn.
b Wênting to offend people, thêy decided
to extend the guest list to lnclude both
íômiy and friends.
c Hàüng completed the Íorm, please
sênd it, with a photoqraph, to the
addrêss be ow.
d Knowlng thôt êl"rlving on tlme !ryou d
make a very bad impression, he lêlt
with plenty oí time to spare.
Rephrasê your ãnswers to Exercisê 5
without using paaticlplê clauses. You
may nêed to ôdd llnkinq wods.
a 1ne\ wêrc noÍ. àÉcauraqdàby íhe lan.t
clifib aheàd of íhem. and lhey set, ofr at àdwn.
paqe 146. Reêd the explanations and do Exercise 2.
Woík with â partnêr. How many collocâtions with thê word mind do you knoyú?
2 Look at the collocôtions in the sentences (a-i). How many oÍ your coÍlocations írom Erercisê I ôre
in the list? Look at the collocôtions agàin. ls mind a vêrb or ô noun in each one?
a She can't mâkê up hêr mind whether to buy those shoes
or not.
b They pay reôlly well. Thêy cên aÍÍord to, mind.
c I wish Bi! wou d lnind hls own businêss. He's always
_ B-
asklng pe.sonôl questions. ll
d Jen s invited me to go on vacation with he[ but l'm oÍ two
mlnds âbout goinq. I
e A good naght out will help you take yoúr mind otf youÍ exams.
f I'll go out oÍ my mind !rylth boredom f havê to stay in thjs
g Great mlnds thlnk âlike! 'I
h Do you bê ieve that heâlinq is ê question of mind ovêr
i A vacation is thê lôst thing on my mlnd right now
Match thê collocations (a-i) in Exercise 2 with thê dêÍinitlohs (1-9).
í the 1êast important problem to deal with rlght now
2 mâke you stop worrying or thinking about somêthing
3 mâkê à dê.ision
4 to add a comment ihat makes somêthing you'vê alrêady sêid less strong, or general
5 (humorous) used for saying thêt you âre both very clever when you and another person have the
same idea
6 to be uncertain about someihing or to have difficulty in making a decision
7 not inteíerê in other pêople's affairs
a crâzY, insane
9 the belief that our minds are stronger than our boclies and that we can control pain or other
unpleasant situôtions through mind power
Which of the collocations would you like to lêôrn? Wdte a sentencê for êâch oÍ them to help you
1O Listen to ô convêÍsation betweeh three people and answer
thê quêstions.
a Whát do you think the relationship is betwêên them?
b Whêt do you think they're talking about?
2 Look at thê sentêncês from thê conversation in Exêrcisê 1.
complete them wlth collocations with mrnd.
à scootlng over ê little?
b not sitting therê?
c - your o!ryn businessl
d -lhaven't_yet-
Listên again and check your answers,
3 How do thê spêikêrs pronouncê the underllnêd sectlons?
a Woul4gq mlnd ...
b qgfq! mind ...
4 work with your pàrtnêr !nd dlscuss thê gueltions. Íhink cêrefully
about the pronunciôtion oÍ the undêrlined sections.
â !9199 mlnd lf peop e keep you waltlnq?
b Woullfgg mind lf someone borrowed something of yours w thout asking?
c When wês the lâst time you spokê your mind? Did vou offend anyone?
d p9l9! Íind it difflcult to mâke up your mind?
1 Work with ê partner Look at thê rêquests (l-8). order thêm from thê
most polite to the most lntormôI. I
I Do vou mind if I lie down here for a while? 6 Give me a pen!
2 ls ii OK if we pick you up at six? 7 Pleâsê sign herê.
3 Would you mind lending me ien dollêrs? I Would you mind il I
4 Can I copy your homework? asked you to write
5 l',4ay I have my book back, please? that report again?
2 Match thê requests (1-6) in Exêrcisê l with thê most ôppropriôtê rêsponse
(a-h). Notê that somê oí the rêsponses côn be môtchêd with morê thân
one request.
ô l'm cool with that. Í Anything else?
b I hope you're kiddingl g t dêpênds.
c Whât book? h Wel, to têl the
d I don't think you can do that here. truth,l'm not realy
e Whât do you mean, sign? comÍortable with that.
O -: Listên and check your ánswêrs. Did âny of the responsês seêm
3O , Listen to the complete conversations. Do the spêôkêrs know eôch
othêr wêll? Are they iust acquâinlôncês or ôre they complete stranger§?
what is the request in êôch?
4 Work with your partnêr. Look ât ihê pictures (a-c). Act out onê of thê
Chângê pàrtners. Choosê ênothêr sltuation and chanqe thê rêlationship
between thê spêakers. Act out thê convêrsation ln fÍont of thê class. Can
they guess ihê rêlâtionship bêtweên you?
5 work in small qroups.0iscuss thê questions.
a what other useful phrâses do you know for replying to requests?
b Do yo!r find lt difficult to say no? Whêt tactics do you Lrse to avoid saying no outright? Whêt tactics
were used in the conversations?
c What excuses have you made to get out of doing somethinq?
d What sorts of requests get on your nerves?
6 Write down ô rêquest. Íhink of at least six wàys ol makinq thls requêst. Ask êvêryonê ln the class
your requêst, but vary the wày you make it.
"Nevet do torldy what you can put oíÍ úntil can customizê thê lênqth oÍ yoor Pomodoao3
tofiottow". lJse the Pomodoro Têchnique to fit you. pace. The diíÍêrence, êspecially lor
to make optimal use oÍ time and rêduce the hardcore procrastlnators, can bê stunning!
dêsirê to put things ofí. lt is a cinch to leàrn! . Think oí the advôntagês to the techniquê., divide your study timê into chunks oÍ work rvlth a pôrtnê. to explain the
thirty minutes. Turn oíí all distracting devicês bênêllt3 bêlow.
and focus entirêly on thê tôsk at hând for 25 . lnstênt success
minutês, followêd by â 5_minutê rêst pêriod. . Timê flies
You just dld onê Pomodoro! whên you havê . Customizable
done four Pomodoros, thôt is, two hours, take ô . Keeping fresh
lonqer rêst ol up to 30 minútes. Then you can . EÍÍiciency
keep qoing. Once you qêt the hanq oÍ it, you . Accomplishment
f--.rl. l
I Work wlth a partnêr. Read the emâlls bêlow and dêcidê...
â whô thê s-êndêr mioht bê. b whêt requests \,!ere mêdê oÍ them.
You've gotta bê kdd ngl I'vêtLrsl had nêw carpet
down and you know what my apartmênt§ like I
a evên havê â backyâd. Why dont you try asking lzzy?
Thank yoú for your etuilor 9/23/18. wlile Ne make every.llon to ensurc thât your
trip k tÍouble-lre, $ne delays ar€ beymd our.onrol. On rhe day in qucíion, Ioods
ií Missoúri resulied inthe cúcellation ol all rail sdvices. RegreÍably, we are unêble to
reimbü& úe expenses you incured âs â Esuh of these cancellatioús. However. it may
b. possible for us to íêiúhtrMthe côstofyourrick€t. Pleâsc ellinto yout lGâlstation
âód fillin a Éqúeí iom.
we hope rhar rhis q.1l rot d.,courâse )ou trom u\.nts ouÍ cc^,ce. ogain.
4 Work with your pãrtner. Wítê a rêply to one oÍ the two êmôils rêfusing the reguest ând 6xplâining
why. Use thê êxpressions you undêrllned in Exercise 2 to help you.
Exchange youí êtnail with othêr students in thê class and answêr thê guestions.
a Which emal êre they replyinq to?
b Which rep y was the most inventive?
c Which excuses were the most unbelievab e ênd which were the írost Like y?
Review B
4 Á, some, and fâe hôve bêen íemovêd from the
ôriicle, Put them back In.
!rse of my time.
I found ê real bêrgâjn that /
slip throug h my Íinqers.
who cou dn't let
ab 7,.-,
Arê any of these sêntencês truê íor you? Têll
your partner. =§, -E
| @
VOCABt.'LARY 4 Complete the questions with a preposition.
I Complete the expressions with slory or a How rnuch rnoney do yoLr need a month to
tale(s). gei ?