Costas Levels of Questioning
Costas Levels of Questioning
Costas Levels of Questioning
1 (1 of 2)
Three-Story House
(Costa’s Levels of Questioning)
o better understand the content being presented in their core subject areas, it is essential for students to
learn to think critically and to ask higher levels of questions. By asking higher levels of questions, students
deepen their knowledge and create connections to the material being presented, which in turn prepares
them for the inquiry that occurs in tutorials. Students need to be familiar with Costa’s (and/or Bloom’s) levels of
questioning to assist them in formulating and identifying higher levels of questions.
Directions: Read the poem below and review the “Three House Story” on the next page. Both set the stage for
Costa’s Levels of Questioning.
Evaluate Generalize Imagine
Judge Predict Speculate
If/Then Hypothesize Forecast
Compare Contrast Classify
Sort Distinguish Explain (Why?)
Infer Analyze
Complete Define Describe
Identify List Observe
Recite Select
2.5: Inquiry
Use Dramatize Use Translate Interpret
Understanding Practice Compute Change Prepare
Operate Schedule Pretend Demonstrate
Imply Relate Discover Infer
Apply Illustrate Solve
Decide Judge Rate Choose Conclude
Value Justify Assess Summarize
Predict Decide Select
Evaluate Measure Estimate
Supportive Prove your answer. Give reasons for Explain your answer. Why do you feel that
Evidence Support your your answer. Why or why not? way?
2.5: Inquiry Tutor/Student Handout 2.5.2 (2 of 2)
What information is given? What additional information is Predict what will happen to _______
needed to solve this problem? as _______ is changed.
What are you being asked to
find? Can you see other relationships Using a math principle, how can we
that will help you find this find...?
What formula would you use in information?
this problem? Describe the events that might occur
How can you put your data in if...
What does _____mean? graphic form?
Design a scenario for...
What is the formula for...? What occurs when...?
Pretend you are...
List the... Does it make sense to...?
What would the world be like if...?
Name the... Compare and contrast ______ to
_______ . How can you tell if your answer is
Where did...? reasonable?
What was important about...?
What is...? What would happen to ____ if
What prior research/formulas _______ (variable) were
When did...? support your conclusions? increased/decreased?
Explain the concept of... How else could you account How would repeated trials affect
for...? your data?
Give me an example of...
Explain how you calculate... What significance is this formula to
Describe in your own words what the subject you’re learning?
________ means. What equation can you write to
solve the word problem? What type of evidence is most
What mathematical concepts compelling to you?
does this problem connect to?
Where did...? Compare and contrast ______ to What would the world be like
_______ . if...?
What is...?
Which errors most affected your What would happen to ____ if
When did...? results? _______ (variable) were
Describe in your own words what What were some sources of
________ means. variability? How would repeated trials affect
your data?
What science concepts does this How do your conclusions support
problem connect to? your hypothesis? What significance is this
experiment to the subject
Draw a diagram of... What prior research/formulas you’re learning?
support your conclusions?
Illustrate how _____ works. What type of evidence is most
How else could you account compelling to you?
Do you feel _______
Explain the concept of... (experiment) is ethical?
What information is given? What would happen to you if... Design a ______ to show...
Locate in the story where... Would you have done the same Predict what will happen to
thing as...? _______ as _______ is
When did the event take place? changed.
What occurs when...?
Point to the... Write a new ending to the story
Compare and contrast ______ to (event)...
List the... _______ .
Describe the events that might
Name the... What other ways could ____ be occur if...
Where did...? Add something new on your own
What is the main idea of the story that was not in the story...
What is...? (event)?
Pretend you are...
Who was/were...? What information supports your
explanation? What would the world be like
Illustrate the part of the story if...?
that... What was the message in this
piece (event)? Pretend you are a character in the
Make a map of... story. Rewrite the episode from
Give me an example of... your point of view.
What is the origin of the word
___________? Describe in your own words what What do you think will happen to
________ means. _______? Why?
What events led to ______?
What does __________ suggest What is most compelling to you
about ____________’s in this _______? Why?
Could this story have really
What lines of the poem express happened? Why or why not?
the poet’s feelings about
____________? If you were there, would you...?
What information is given? What would happen to you if...? Design a ______ to show...
What are you being asked to Can you see other relationships Predict what will happen to
find? that will help you find this _______ as _______ is
information? changed.
When did the event take place?
Would you have done the same What would it be like to live...?
Point to the... thing as...?
Write a new ending to the event.
List the... What occurs when...?
Describe the events that might
Name the... If you were there, would you...? occur if...?
Where did...? How would you solve this Pretend you are...
problem in your life?
What is...? What would the world be like
Compare and contrast ______ to if...?
Who was/were...? _______ .
How can you tell if your analysis
Make a map of... What other ways could ____ be is reasonable?
What do you think will happen to
What things would you have used _______? Why?
What significance is this event in
What is the main idea in this
the global perspective?
piece (event)?
What is most compelling to you
What information supports your
in this _______? Why?
Do you feel _______ is ethical?
What was the message in this
Why or why not?
Moving On Up:
Writing Higher-Level Questions
Directions: Complete the table below by writing Level 2 and 3 questions that correspond to each Level 1 question
provided for the fairy tale “Cinderella.” The first set has been completed for you as an example.
Extension Activities
1. Students may answer these questions by providing them with the fairy tale to have a text-based discussion.
2. Have students repeat this activity with a different fairy tale, subject, novel, or content area material.
3. Have students generate three level 1 questions, three level 2 questions, and three level 3 questions and fill in
questions for the corresponding levels.
4. Use this activity to have students generate questions with content level material to prepare for a test.
5. Refer to this activity when students bring lower level questions during tutorials.
QUESTIONS: B. Identify the verb QUESTIONS:
COSTA’S 1 (Costa’s COSTA’S 2 AND 3
OR vocabulary) in your OR
BLOOM’S 1 AND 2 tutorial question. BLOOM’S 4–6
E. Do you have
E. Rewrite your
resources to assist
question into a
you in finding the
higher-level question
answer to your
question? If not,
obtain resources.