Kitchen Ventilation Improvement R1
Kitchen Ventilation Improvement R1
Kitchen Ventilation Improvement R1
P: (877) 322-5800
Design Guide
Improving Commercial Kitchen
Ventilation System Performance
If the replacement air doesn’t come in, that means it doesn’t go out the ex-
haust hood and problems begin. Not only will the building pressure become too
Introduction 1
“negative,” the hood may not capture and contain (C&C) cooking effluents due to
Background 1 reduced exhaust flow. We have all experienced the “can’t-open-the-door” syndrome
Kitchen Ventilation Fundamentals 2 because the exhaust fan is sucking too hard on the inside of the restaurant. The me-
Influence of Makeup Air 5 chanical design may call for 8000 cubic feet per minute (cfm) of air to be exhausted
MUA Recommendations 6 through the hood. But if only 6000 cfm of outdoor air is able to squeeze in through
makeup air supply, the operator is going to save money (in both first cost and oper-
ating cost) is short sighted. It may be okay if, by design, all of the makeup air can be
provided through the rooftop HVAC units (this strategy has been adopted success-
fully by several leading quick-service restaurant chains). However, in full-service and
institutional kitchens with larger exhaust requirements, it may not be practical (or
energy efficient) to supply 100% of the replacement (makeup) air through the build-
ing HVAC system.
The solution is to specify an independent makeup air supply. But, once
dedicated MUA has been added to the system, the challenge becomes introducing
this air into the kitchen without disrupting the ability of the hood to capture and/or
without causing discomfort for the kitchen staff. Kitchens are not large and dump-
ing 7000 cfm of MUA, for example, in front of a cook line does not go as smoothly
in practice as it does on the air balance schedule! Not only can makeup air velocities
impact the ability of the hood to capture and contain cooking effluent, locally sup-
plied makeup air that is too cold or too hot can create an uncomfortable working
environment. This design guide presents strategies that can minimize the impact
that the makeup air introduction will have on hood performance and energy con-
as underfired broilers and open top ranges, exhibit strong steady plumes. Thermo-
statically controlled appliances, such as griddles and fryers have weaker plumes that
fluctuate in sequence with thermostat cycling (particularly gas-fired equipment). As
the plume rises by natural convection, it is captured by the hood and removed by
the suction of the exhaust fan. Air in the proximity of the appliances and hood
moves in to replace it. This replacement air, which originates as outside air, is re-
ferred to as makeup air.
The design exhaust rate also depends on the hood style and design features.
Island Canopy Wall-mounted canopy hoods, island (single or double) canopy hoods, and proximity
(backshelf, pass-over, or eyebrow) hoods all have different capture areas and are
mounted at different heights relative to the cooking equipment (see Figure 1). Gen-
erally, a single-island canopy hood requires more exhaust than a wall-mounted hood,
and a wall-mounted hood requires more exhaust than a proximity hood. The per-
formance of a double-island canopy tends to emulate the performance of two back-
to-back wall-canopy hoods, although the lack of a physical barrier between the two
hood sections makes the configuration more susceptible to cross drafts.
Double-Island Canopy Lastly, the layout of the HVAC and MUA distribution points can affect
hood performance. These can be sources that disrupt thermal plumes and hinder
capture and containment. Location of delivery doors, service doors, pass-through
openings and drive-through windows can also be sources of cross drafts. Safety fac-
tors are typically applied to the design exhaust rate to compensate for the effect that
undesired air movement within the kitchen has on hood performance.
Wall-Mounted Canopy
The phrase "hood capture and containment" is defined in ASTM F-1704
Standard Test Method for the Performance of Commercial Kitchen Ventilation Systems as "the
ability of the hood to capture and contain grease-laden cooking vapors, convective
heat and other products of cooking processes.” Hood capture refers to these prod-
ucts entering the hood reservoir from the area under the hood, while containment
refers to these products staying in the hood reservoir and not spilling out into the
adjacent space. The phrase "minimum capture and containment" is defined as "the
conditions of hood operation in which minimum exhaust flow rates are just suffi-
Proximity (Backshelf) cient to capture and contain the products generated by the appliance in idle or
heavy-load cooking conditions, and at any intermediate prescribed load condition."
Figure 1. CKV Hood Types. The abbreviation “C&C” refers to the “minimum capture and containment” flow
rate as defined in ASTM F-1704.
Hood Hood
Capture and
Spillage at 220 cfm/lf
of Plume
at 165cfm/lf
the kitchen. For example, if 2400 cfm of outdoor air that is being supplied to a 160-
seat dining room can be transferred to the kitchen, the local makeup air requirement
can be reduced accordingly.
Rather than supplying 80 to 90% of the exhaust rate through one makeup
air strategy, designers should make an effort to keep this ratio below 60% (obvi-
ously, the other 40% of the replacement air must be derived from another source
such as transfer air , another local strategy, or HVAC supply). Although this may
contradict past practice, it will be effective! Not only will hood performance be su-
perior, the kitchen environment will benefit from the cooling contribution of the
“recycled” dining room air. It is important to realize that the outdoor air required by
code is usually conditioned before it is introduced into the dining room. So… why
not use this outdoor air as a makeup air credit?
The third step in reducing MUA flow is to select a configuration for intro-
ducing this local makeup air into the kitchen that compliments the style and size of
hood. If transfer air is not an option, consider a combination of makeup air strate-
gies (e.g., backwall supply and perforated ceiling diffusers). This reduces the velocity
of air being supplied through each local pathway, mitigating potential problems with
hood capture. Effective options (at 60% or less) include front face supply, backwall
supply, and perforated perimeter supply. Short-circuit supply is not recommended,
and air-curtains should be used with extreme caution. The pros and cons of the dif-
ferent configurations are discussed below. Note a frequent theme minimizing
MUA discharge velocity is key to avoiding detrimental impacts on hood capture and
ing effluent with the internal MUA makes it hard to visualize spillage (even using a
schlieren system), but a degraded kitchen environment is confirmation that hood
performance has been compromised. If the design exhaust rate is significantly
higher than the threshold for C&C(i.e., includes a large safety factor), the percentage
of short-circuit air can be increased accordingly, creating a condition of apparent
Short-circuit hoods are simply not recommended. This recommendation is
endorsed by leading hood manufacturers, even though they may still include short-
circuit hoods in their catalogue.
Figure 5. Schlieren image
shows the thermal plume
being displaced by short
circuit supply causing hood
Air Curtain Supply
to spill. Introducing MUA through an air curtain is a risky design option and most
hood manufacturers recommend limiting the percentage of MUA supplied through
an air-curtain to less than 20% of the hood’s exhaust flow. The negative impact of
an air curtain is clearly illustrated in Figure 6 by the schlieren flow visualization re-
corded during a test of a wall-mounted canopy hood operating over two underfired
An air curtain (by itself, or in combination with another pathway) is not
recommended, unless velocities are kept to a minimum and the designer has access
to performance data on the actual air-curtain configuration being specified. It is too
easy for the as-installed system to oversupply, creating higher discharge velocities
Figure 6. Schlieren image
shows the thermal plume
that cause cooking effluent to spill into the kitchen.
being pulled outside the
hood by the air curtain.
Front Face Supply
Supplying air through the front face of the hood is a configuration that has
been recommended by many hood manufacturers. However, a front face discharge,
with louvers or perforated face, can perform poorly if its design does not consider
discharge air velocity and direction. Not all face discharge systems share the same
design; internal baffling and/or a double layer of perforated plates improve the uni-
formity of flow. Face discharge velocities should not exceed 150 fpm and should
exit the front face in a horizontal direction. Greater distance between the lower cap-
ture edge of the hood and the bottom of the face discharge area may decrease the
Figure 10. Schlieren im- diffuser face should be set at a design value such that the terminal velocity does not
age shows the thermal
exceed 50 fpm at the edge of the hood capture area. It is recommended that only
plume being pulled out-
side the hood by the air perforated plate ceiling diffusers be used in the vicinity of the hood, and to reduce
discharged from a 4-way
diffuser. air velocities from the diffusers at a given supply rate, the more diffusers the better!
Displacement Diffusers
Supplying makeup air through displacement diffusers at a good distance
away from the hood as illustrated in Figure 11 is an effective strategy for introducing
replacement air. It is analogous to low-velocity “transfer air” from the dining room.
However, the diffusers require floor or wall space that is usually a premium in the
commercial kitchen. A couple of remote displacement diffusers (built into a corner)
could help diversify the introduction of makeup air into the kitchen when transfer
air is not viable.
Hood Geometry
Interior angles close to, or at, the capture edge of the hood improve C&C
performance, allowing reduced exhaust by directing effluent back towards the filters.
Hoods designed with these better geometric features require as much as 20% less
exhaust rate compared to hoods identical in size and shape without these features.
Capture and containment performance may also be enhanced with active “low-flow,
high-velocity air jets” along the perimeter of the hood.
Energy Perspective
The exhaust ventilation system can be a major energy user in a commercial
kitchen – but it doesn’t need to be in temperate climates like California. Mild cli-
mates, such as San Diego, may require no heating or cooling. Some facilities may
cool replacement air to improve kitchen comfort. Combined heating and cooling
costs for MUA range from $0.00 to $0.60 per cfm in California climates, assuming
16 hours per day for 360 days per year. California climates are mild compared to
other areas in North America so heating and mechanical cooling of MUA often is
not necessary. Evaporative cooling can be very effective in desert climates.
Rule-of-thumb figures are useful, but how can designers calculate the costs
based on a specific kitchen design and operation? The Outdoor Airload Calculator
(OAC) software, freely available for download ( , is
the best tool for quickly estimating the energy use for different CKV design and op-
erating strategies. Figure 13 illustrates the OAC program interface and output.
Off-the-Shelf Approach
Engineered Approach
1 Hoods designed to meet exhaust levels required by building codes, but not listed by a certified laboratory in accordance with a recognized test standard. For identical
cooking equipment unlisted hoods typically require higher exhaust flows than listed hoods.
Research Team
Architectural Energy Corporation Fisher Nickel, inc.
2540 Frontier Ave, Suite 201 12949 Alcosta Boulevard, Suite 101
Boulder, CO 80301 San Ramon, CA 94583
(800) 450-4454 (925) 838-7561
Research Labs
Commercial Kitchen Ventilation Laboratory Food Service Technology Center
955 North Lively Blvd. 12949 Alcosta Boulevard, Suite 101
Wood Dale, IL 60191 San Ramon, CA 94583
(630) 860-1439 (925) 866-2864
Legal Notice
This design guide was prepared as a result of work sponsored by the California Energy Commission. It does not necessarily
represent the views of the Commission, its employees, or the State of California. The Commission, the State of California, its
employees, contractors, and subcontractors make no warranty, express or implied, and assume no legal liability for the infor-
mation in this report; nor does any party represent that the use of this information will not infringe upon privately owned rights.
This guide has not been approved or disapproved by the Commission nor has the Commission passed upon the accuracy or
adequacy of this information in this guide.
Architectural Energy Corporation, Boulder, CO, and Fisher-Nickel, inc., San Ramon, CA, prepared this design guide. The first
edition of this design guide was included as an attachment in the Energy Commission report titled Makeup Air Effects on the
Performance of Kitchen Exhaust Systems (publication P500-03-007F, December 2002). Updated editions of this design guide
may be downloaded from or
2002 by the California Energy Commission. Permission is granted to reproduce this document in its entirely provided that this
copyright notice is included.