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5 ‘Austral AS 4100:2020 ® Atte oy con “= Steel structuresAS 41002020, This Australian Standard ® was prepared by BD-001, Stee! Structures. It was approved ‘on behalf of the Counc of Standards Australia on 31 July 2020. ‘This Standard was published on 21 August 2020. The following are represented on Committee BD-001 ‘Australian Building Codes Board ‘Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Australian Industry Group Australian Steel Asscciation Australian Steel Institute Austroads Bureau of Steel Manufacturers of Australia, Consult Australia Engineers Australia Rail Industry Safety and Standards Board University of New South Wales University of Sydney Weld Australia Western Sydney University ‘This Standard was issued in draft form for comment as DR AS 4100:2019. Keeping Standards up-to-date Ensure you have the latest versions of our publications and keep up-to-date about ‘Amendments, Rulings, Withdrawals, and new projects by visiting: wu. standariis.org.au ISBN 978 1 76072 947 9AS 4100:2020 Steel structures Originated in part as SAA INT 351-1956. Previous edition AS 4100—1998, Third edition 2020. © Standards Austialia Limited 2020 All rights are reserved No part ofthis work may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, without the vntten permission of the publisher, unless otherwise permitted under the Copyright ct 1968 (Cin).AS 4100:2020 ii Preface This Standard was prepared by the Standards Australia Committee BD-001, Steel Structures, to supersede AS 4100—1998, The objective of this Standard is to provide designers of steel structures with specifications for steel structural members used for load-carrying purposes in buildings and other structures. Major changes to the 1998 edition include the following: @) (o) @) o (a) (hy @ Oo Reference to the “construction specification” (as the document containing the particular design data and details to be provided) as one deliverable from the design process. A definition of the construction specification consistent with that in AS/NZS 5131 has also been provided (Clauses 1.3.16 and 1.6.2). Introduction of the definition of “construction category” and an informative appendix providing guidance on selection of the appropriate construction category, both consistent with AS/NZS 5131 (Clauses 1.3.15 and 1.7.2, and Appendix l). Definition and description of ‘architecturally exposed structural steelwork” (AES) (Clauses 1.3.3 and 1.7.3) Definition and treatment of “lamellar tearing” consistent with AS/NZS 1554.1 (Clauses 1.3.40 and 3.8, and Appendix M). Alignment with AS/NZS 5100.6:2017 (various clauses). Referencing of AS/NZS 5131:2016 for the majority of requirements in the fabrication and erection sections of this Standard (Sections 14 and 15), Alignment with AS/NZS 1252.1:2016, which includes introduction of an “alternative bolt assembly type” to EN 14399-3 System HR for grade 8.8 bolts and an “additional bolt assembly type’ to EN 14399-3 System HR for grade 10.9 bolts, The Australian Stee! Institute (ASI), ‘Technical Note TN-001, High strength structural bale assemblies ta AS/NZS 1252:2016, provides background and basis for the revision to AS/NZS 1252:1996 (Clauses 9.1.6, 9.3, 15.2). New specification of geometrical tolerances for fabrication and erection aligned with AS/NZS 5131 (Clauses 144 and 15.3) New Appendix Kk "Statistical data’, aligned with AS/NZS $100.6. Inclusion of shear modulus G at elevated temperature in Clause 12.4.2 and anew Clause 12.4.3, Slenderness at elevated temperature ‘Table M.2, Criteria affecting the target value of Zza, was adapted with permission from Table 3.2 of EN 1993-1-10. Copyright © 2005. CEN, Belgium. www.cen.cu ‘The terms “normative” and “informative” are used in Standards to define the application of the appendices to which they apply. A "normative" appendix is an integral part of a Standard, whereas an “informative ” appendix is only for information and guidance, {© Standards Australia Limited 2020i Contents Preface Section 1 4d 17 Section 2 21 22 23 24 Section 3 a4 32 Scope and general... oon Scope and exclusions HT: (Scopesssascmmasema . 112 Exclusions on Normative references Terms and definitions.--.-vennnmnennn Notation. Use of alternative materials or methods US. GeMeLal samen nnn 15.2 Existing structures Delhi neces 1.6.1 Design data 1.62 Design details. Workmanship a = 17.1 General 1.7.2 Construction category... 1.73. Architecturally exposed structural steelwork 1.7.4 Fabrication and ereetion. Materials si aati Yield stress and tensile strength used in design Bld “Yield Brees racenanaminccinac 2.1.2 Tensile strength Structural steel anon - 2.2.1 Australian Standards 2.2.2 Acceptance of steels 2.2.3 Unidentified steel... 22.4 Properties of steel 2.25 Through-thickness deformation properties. Fasteners. 2.3.1 Steel bolts, nuts and washers 2.3.2 Equivalent high strength fasteners. 233 Welds 234 Welded Studs nnn 2.3.5. Explosive fasteners 2.3.6 Anchor bolts. 2.3.7 Mechanical and chemical anchors Steel castings General design requirements... . Design 3.11 Aim 3.1.2 Requirements, Loads and other actions 321, Losdywceenaneecannau “ 3.2.2 Other actions, 3.2.3 Design load combinations........... 3.24 Notional horizontal forces... 3.2.5 Structural robustness Stability limit state ..oncnnienewnnunsnnn Strength limit state Serviceability limit state. 3.5.1 General... 3.5.2 Method 3.5.3 Deflection li AS 4100-2020AS 4100:2020 w 43 44 4S 46 47 Section 5 SL 52 5A 3.5.4 Vibration of beams 3.5.5 Bolt serviceability limit state 3.5.6 Corrosion protection Strength and serviceability limit states by load testing Brittle fracture Lamellar tearing Fatigue Fire Earthquake. Other design requirements. Reliability management Methods of structural analysis. Methods of determining action effects. 4.11 General - 4.1.2 Definitions Forms of construction assumed for structural analysis 4.2.1 General 4.2.2 Rigid construction. 4.2.3. Semicrigid construction 4.2.4 Simple construction 4.2.5 Design of connections Assumptions for analysis. 43.1 General 43.2. Spanlength 4.3.3. Arrangements of live loads for buildings. 43.4 Simple construction Elastic analysis, 44.1 General 4.4.2 First-order elastic analysis. Plastic analysis. 45.1 Application 45.2. Limitations = 4.5.3 Assumptions of analysis 45.4 Second order effects... Member buckling analysts 46.1 General 4.6.2 Member elastic buckling load... 4.6.3. Member effective length factor. Frame buckling analysis 4.7.4 General 47.2 In-plane frame buckling Members subject to bending........ Design for bending moment Section moment capacity for bending about a principal axis. 5.2.1 General . 5.2.2 Section slenderness 5.2.3 Compact sections. - 5.2.4 Non-compact sections 5.25. Slender sections 5.26 Blasticand plastic section moduli Member capacity of segments with full lateral restraint 5.3.1 Member capacity. 5.3.2 Segments with full lateral restraint 533. Critical section Restraints 5.4.1 General 5.4.2 Restraints ata cross-section55 56 5.40 Sal 52 5.43 Sat sas 5.4.3 Restraining elements, Critical flange . = 5.5.1 General... eat 5.5.2 Segments with both ends restrained 5.53. Segments with one end unrestrained Member capacity of segments without full lateral restrain 5.6.1 Segments fully or partially restrained at both ends 5.6.2 Segments unrestrained at one end 5.6.3 Effective length 5.6.4 Design by buckling analysis. ai Bending in a non-principal plane 5.7.1 Deflections constrained! to a non-principal plane 5.7.2 Deflections unconstrained. Separators and diaphragms... si - Design of webs... - 5.9.1 General 5.9.2 Definition of web panel... - 5.9.3. Minimum thickness of web panel Arrangement of webs 5.10.1 Unstiffened Webs... 5.10.2 Load bearing stiffeners 5.10.3 Side reinforcing plates 5.104 Transversely stiffened webs 5.10.5 Webs with longitudinal and transverse stiffeners 5.10.6 Webs of members designed plastically... 5.10.7 Openings in webs Shear capacity of webs... “ 5.11.1 Shear capacity 5.112. Approximately uniform shear stress distribution 5.11.3 Non-uniform shear stress distribution... 5.114 Shear yield capacity S.115 Shear buckling capacity ..o.-e.-n-— Interaction of shear and bending 5.12.1 General... - - 5.12.2 Proportioning method... a 5.123 Shearand bending interaction method Compressive bearing action on the edge of a web ... 5.13.1 Dispersion of force to web, 5.13.2 Bearing capacity... 5.13.3 Bearing yield capacity .wemnnnnnnnem 5.134 Bearing buckling capacity AS 4100-2020 5.135 Combined bending and bearing of rectangular and square hollow sections. Design of load bearing stiffeners. 5.141 Yield capacity. 5.14.2 Buekding capacity... 5.143 Outstand of stiffeners 5.144 Fitting of load bearing stiffener... 5.14.5 Design for torsional end restraint. = Design of intermediate transverse web stiffeners. 5.15.1 General... oo 5.15.2 Spacing 5.15.3. Minimum area... = 5.154 Buckling capacity 5.15.5 Minimum stiffness. 5.15.6 Outstand of stiffeners... co 5.15.7 External forces 5.158 Connection of intermediate stiffeners to web 5.15.9 End postsAS 4100:2020 vi 5.16 Design of longitudinal web stiffeners Section 6 61 62 63 64 65 84 Section 9 5.16.1 General 5.16.2 Minimum stiffness. Members subject to axial compression Design for axial compression Nominal section capacity. 6.2.1 General 6.2.2 Form factor 6.2.3. Plate element slenderness.. 6.2.4 Effective width... a Nominal member capacity 6.3.1 Definitions 6.3.2 Bffective length 63.3 Nominal capacity of a member of constant cross-section subject to flexural buckling. 6.3.4 Nominal capacity of a member of varying cross-section Laced and battened compression members oo 64.1 Design forces: 64.2 Laced compression members 6.4.3 Battened compression member Compression members back to back 6.5.1 Components separated. 6.5.2 Components in contact Restraints 6.6.1 Restraint systems 6.6.2 Restraining members and connections. 6.6.3 Parallel braced compression members Members subject to axial tension Design for axial tension Nominal section capacity. Distribution of forces 7.3.1 End connections providing uniform force distribution. 73.2. End connections providing non-uniform force distribution ‘Tension members with two or more main components = 7441 General 742 Design forces for connections 7.43 Tension member composed of two components back-to-back. 7.44 Laced tension member. 7.45 Battened tension member Members with pin connections. Members subject to combined actions General Design actions Section capacity 83.1 General 83.2 Uniaxial bending about the major principal x-axis 8.3.3 Uniaxial bending about the minor principal y-axis. 8.3.4 Biaxial bending, Member capacity. 841 General 84.2 In-plane capacity — Elastic analysis 8.43 In-plane capacity — Plastic analysis, 844 Ontof-plane capacity 8.4.5 Biaxial bending capacity... 8.4.6 Eecentrically loaded double bolted or welded single angles in trusses Connections 104, 104 105 105 105 106 107 109 110 it 113oO 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 Section 10 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 105 Section 11 AS 4100-2020 General 113 9.1.1 Requirements for connections... 13 9.1.2 Classification of connections... 113 9.1.3 Design of connections 113 9.1.4 Minimum design actions on connections... 14 9.1.5 Intersections 115 9.1.6 Choice of fasteners... - ne LAS 9.1.7 Combined connections 115 9.1.8 Prying forces 15 9.1.9 Connection components - 115 9.1.10 Deductions for fastener holes 116 9.1.11 Hollow section connections 17 Design of bolts 117 9.2.1 Bolts and bolting category... on. 17 9.2.2 Bolt strength limit states. - 118 9.2.3 Bolt serviceability limit state 421 Assessment of the strength of a bolt group. 122 9.3.1. Bolt group subject to in-plane loading 122 9.3.2 Bolt group subject to out-of-plane loading. 123 9.3.3 Bolt group subject to combinations of in-plane and out-of-plane loadings.......123 Design of a pin connection 123 94.1 Pinin shear 123 9.4.2. Pinin bearing, 123 9.4.3 Pinin bending 124 944A Ply in BEATING oem nme 7 nna 24 Design details for bolts and pins 124 9.5.1 Minimum pitch...» . . 124 9.5.2 Minimum edge distance 128 9.5.3 Maximum pitch 125 9.5.4 Maximum edge distance Sasa 125 955 Holes 125 Design of welds... mene . 125 9.6.1 Scope 125 9462 Complete and incomplete penetration butt weds 126 S63 Mlletwelds oe 129 9.6.4 Plugand slot welds 135 9.6.5 Compound Weld. ommn ea mane 136 Assessment of the strength ofa weld group 137 9.7.1 Weld group suidject to in-plane loading 137 9.7.2 Weld group subject to out-of-plane loading... 137 97.3 Weld group subject to nplane and out-of pane loading. 138 9.7.4 Combination of weld types. 138 Packing in construction, 138 Brittle fracture 139 Methods. = 139 Notch-ductile range method 139 Design service temperature... co - 139 103.1 General 139 103.2 Basic design temperature - 139 10.3.3 Modifications to the basic design temperature 140 Material selection 140 10.4.1 Selection of steel type... co 140 10.4.2. Limitations. 1 10.4.3 Modification for certain applications... 141 1044 Selection of steel grade cee 142 Fracture assessment 144 Fatigue oon one M45,AS 4100:2020 111 General 111 1.12 1.13 114 ALL 1116 Requirements. Notation, Limitation. Designation of weld category. Method. ‘Thickness effect 11.2. Fatigue loading 113 Design spectrum 11.3.1 113.2 Stress determination Design spectrum calculation 11.4 Exemption from assessment. 115 Detail category. 15.1 11.5.2 Detail categories for normal stress Detail categories for shear stress, 116 Fatigue strength. 1.6.1 11.6.2 Definition of fatigue strength for normal stress. co Definition of fatigue strength for shear stress. 11.7 _ Exemption from further assessment. 118 Fatigue assessment, 1181 11.8.2 Constant stress range Variable stress range. 11.9 Punching limitation, Section 12 Fire 12.1 Requirements 12.2 Definition: 123. Determination of period of structural adequacy 124 Variation of mechanical properties of steel with temperature 124.1 12.4.2 Variation of modulus of elasticity and shear modulus with temperature. 124.3 Variation of yield stress with temperature Slenderness at elevated temperature 125 Determination of limiting steel temperature... 12.6 Determination of time at which limiting temperature is attained for protected members. 12.6.1 12.6.2 12.6.3 Methods. ‘Temperature based on test series “Temperature based on single test... zs 412.7 Determination of time at which limiting temperature is attained for unprotected members 12.8 Determination of PSA from a single test. 129 Three-sided fire exposure condition 12.10 Special considerations. 12.10.1 12,102 Connections Web penetrations Section 13 Earthquake 13.1 General 13.2 Definitions. 13.3. Design and detailing requirements 13.3.1 13.3.2 1333 13.3.4 13.35 13.3.6 13.3.7 General Stiff elements Non-structural elements Structural ductility factor and structural performance factor Requirements for “limited ductile" steel structures (1 = 2) Requirements for “moderately ductile” steel structures ( Requirements for “fully ductile” structures (> 3). Section 14. Fabrication. 14.1 General. Boon 145 145 145 146 146 146 147 147 148 148 148 149 149 149 149 158 158 159 160 160 160 161 161 162 162 162 163 163 163 163 164 164 165 165 166, 167 167 168 168 169 169 169 171 a7. a7. 71 a7. 171 172 172 172 172 173 4174 17414.2 Material 1421 General = 14.2.2 Identification 143. Fabrication procedures. 143.1 General 1432. Hole size. 1433 _Bolting 14.4 Geometrical tolerances. 144.1 General 14.4.2 Nonconformance of tolerances Section 15. Erection 15.1 General 15.1.1 Rejection of an erected item 15.12. Safety during erection 15.2 Erection procedures 1521 General 15.2.2 Assembly of a connection involving bolts 15.3. Geometrical tolerances. 153.1 General 15.3.2 Nonconformance of tolerances Section 16 Modification of existing structures 16.1 General 16.2 Materials Section 17. Testing of structures or elements. 17.1 General 17.1 Scope of Section 17.1.2 Circumstances requiring tests, 17.2 Definitions 17.3. Test requirements. 17.4 Prooftesting 17.4.1 Application. a 174.2. Testload 1743 Criteria for acceptance 17.5 Prototype testing 175.1 Test specimen 1752. Test load 1753 Criteria for acceptance. 1754 Acceptance of production units 17.6 Report of tests. a Appendix A (normative) Not used Appendix B (informative) Suggested deflection limits. Appendix € (informative) Selection of corrosion protection requirements Appendix D (normative) Advanced structural analysis Appendix E (normative) Second order elastic analysis. Appendix F (normative) Moment amplification for a sway member Appendix G (normative) Braced member buckling in frames Appendix H (informative) Elastic resistance to lateral buckling Appendix I (informative) Strength of stiffened web panels under combined actions. Appendix J (normative) Standard test for evaluation of slip factor Appendix K (normative) Statistical data. Appendix L (informative) Guidance on determination of the construction category AS 4100-2020 174 174 174 174 174 174 176 176 176 177 178 178 178 178 178 178 178 179 179 179 180 180 180 181 181 181 181 181 181 181 181 182 182 182 182 182 182 182, 184 185 187 189 190 191 192 194, 200 203 207 209AS 4100:2020 x Appendix M (informative) Selection of materials for the avoidance of lamellar tearing 212 Bibliography. 2151 AS 4100:2020 Australian Standard® Steel structures Section 1 Scope and general 1.1 Scope and exclusions 14.1 Scope ‘This Standard sets out minimum requirements for the design and the engineering aspects of fabrication and erection, and modification of steelwork in structures in accordance with the limit states, design method. This Standard applies to buildings, structures and cranes constructed of steel. NOTE Fordesign of box and longitudinally stiffened girders, refer to AS/NZS 5100.6. 1.1.2 Exclusions ‘This Standard does not apply to the following structures and materials: (a) _ Steel elements less than 3 mm thick, with the exception of sections in accordance with AS/NZS 1163 and packers. (0) Steel members for which the value of the yield stress used in design (/j) exceeds 690 MPa (9 Cold-formed members, other than those in accordance with AS/NZS 1163, which are designed in accordance with AS/NZS 4600. (4) Composite steel-concrete members, which are designed in accordance with AS/NZS 2327. © Road, railway and pedestrian bridges, which are designed in accordance with AS 5100.1, ‘AS 5100.2 and AS/NZS 5100.6. NOTE ‘The general principles of design, fabrication, erection, and modification embodied in this Standard may be applied to steel|-framed structures or members not specifically mentioned herein. 1.2 Normative references ‘The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes requirements of this document. NOTE Documents for informative purposes are listed inthe Bibliography. AS 1101.3, Graphical symbols for general engineering, Part 3: Welding and non-destructive examination AS 1110.1, 180 metric hexagon bolts and screws—Product grades A and B, Part 1: Bales AS 1110.2, 150 metric hexagon bolts and screws—Product grades A and B, Part 2: Screws AS 1111.1, [SO metric hexagon bolts and screws—Product grade C, Part 1: Bolts AS 1111.2, 1SO metric hexagon bolts and screws—Product grade C, Part 2: Screws AS 1112.1, 150 metric hexagon nuts, Part 1: Style 1—Product grades A and B AS 1112.2, 180 metric hexagon nuts, Part 2: Style 2—Product grades A and B AS 1112.3, ISO metric hexagon nuts, Part 3: Product grade C AS 11124, ISO metric hexagon nuts, Part 4: Chamfered thin nuts—Product grades A and B ‘© Standards Australia Limited 2020AS 4100:2020 2 AS 11704, Structural design actions, Part 4: Earthquake actions in Australia AS 12374, Plain washers for metric holts, screws and nuts for general purposes, Part 1: General plan AS 1275, Metric screw threads for fasteners AS 1391, Metallic materials—Tensile testing at ambient temperature AS 1418.1, Cranes, hoists and winches, Part 1: General requirements AS 1418.3, Cranes, hoists and winches, Part 3: Bridge, gantry and portal (including container cranes) and jib cranes AS 1418.5, Cranes, hoists and winches, Part 5: Mobile cranes AS 1418.18, Cranes, hoists and winches, Part 18: Crane runways and monorails AS 1530.4, Methods for fire tests on building materials, components and structures, Part 4: Fire-resistance test ofelements of construction AS 1657, Fixed platforms, walkways, stairways and ladders—Design, construction and installation AS 1735, Lifts, escalators and moving watks (series) AS 1858.1, Electrodes and fluxes for submerged-are welding, Part 1: Carbon steels and carbon manganese steels AS 1958.2, Electrodes and fluxes for submerged-are welding, Part 2: Low and intermediate alloy steels AS 2074, Cast steels AS 2670, Evaluation of human exposure to whole-body vibration (series) AS 3597, Structural and pressure vessel steel—Quenched and tempered plate AS 5100.1, Bridge design, Part 1: Scope and general principles AS 5100.2, Bridge design, Part 2: Design loads AS 5216, Design of post-installed and cast-in fastenings in concrete AS/NZS 1170.0, Structural design actions, Part 0: General principles AS/NZS 1170.1, Structural design actions, Part 1: Permanent, imposed and other actions AS/NZS 1170.2, Structural design actions, Part 2: Wind actions AS/NZS 1170.3, Structural design actions, Part 3: Snow and ice actions AS/NZS 1252.1, High strength steel fastener assemblies for structural engineering—Bolts, nuts and washer, Part 1: Technical requirements AS/NZS 1163,Cold-formed structural steel hollow sections AS/NZS 1554.1, Structural steel welding, Part 1: Welding of steel structures AS/NZS 1554.2, Structural steel welding, Part 2: Stud welding (steel studs to steel) AS/NZS 1554.4, Structural steel welding, Part 4: Welding of high strength quenched and tempered steels AS/NZS 1554.5, Structural steel welding, Part 5: Welding of steel structures subject to high levels of fatigue loading AS/NZS 1559, Hot-dip galvanized steel bolts with assoctated nuts and washers for tower construction (© Standards Australia Limited 20203 AS 4100-2020 AS/NZS 1594, Hor-rolled steel flat products AS/NZS 1873, Powder-actuated (PA) hand-held fastening tools (All parts) AS/NZS 2327, Composite structures— Composite steel-concrete construction in buildings AS/NZS 2717.1, Welding—tlectrodes—Gas metal arc, Part I: Ferritic steel electrodes AS/NZS 3678, Structural steel—Hot-rolled plates, floorplates and slabs AS/NZS 3679.1, Structural steel, Part 1: Hot-rolled bars and sections AS/NZS 3679.2, Structural steel, Part 2: Welded I sections AS/NZS 4600, Cold-formed steel structures AS/NZS 4855, Welding consumables—Covered electrodes for manual metal are welding of non-alloy and fine grain steels—Classification AS/NZS 4857, Welding consumables—Covered electrodes for manual metal arc welding of high-strength steels— Classification AS/NZS 5100.6, Bridge design, Part 6: Steel and composite construction AS/NZS 5131, Structural steelwork—Fabrication and erection AS ISO/IEC 17025, General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories AS/NZS 1SO 17632, Welding consumables—Tubular cored electrodes for gas shielded and non-gas shielded ‘metal are welding of non-alloy and fine grain steels—Classification AS/NZS ISO 18276, Welding consumabies—Tubular cored electrodes for gas shielded and non-gas-shielded ‘metal are welding of high-strength steels—Classification NZS 1170.5, Structural design actions—Part 5: Earthquake actions—New Zealand NZS 3404, Steel structures standard—Parts 1 and 2 180 636, Welding consumables — Rods, wires and deposits for tungsten inert gas welding of non-alloy and fine-grain steels — Classification 150 13918, Welding — Studs and ceramic ferrules for arc stud welding 150 14341, Welding consumables — Wire electrodes and weld deposits for gas shielded metal arc welding of non alloy and fine grain steels — Classification 150 16834, Welding consumables — Wire electrodes, wires, rods and deposits for gas shielded arc welding of high strength steels — Classification EN 13381-4, Test methods for determining the contribution to the fire resistance of structural members — Part 4: Applied passive protection products to steel members EN 13381-8, Test methods for determining the contribution to the fire resistance of structural members — Part 8: Applied reactive protection to steel members: 1.3. Terms and definitions For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. Definitions peculiar to a particular Clause or Section are given in that Clause or Section. 134 action cause of stress or deformations in a structure (© Standards Australia Limited 2020AS 4100:2020 4 1.3.2 action effect or load effect internal force or bending moment due to actions or loads 1.3.3 architecturally exposed structural steelwork. AESS structural steelwork that is exposed to view and considered a fundamental component of the architectural intent of the structure 1.34 authority body having statutory powers to control the design and erection ofa structure 13.5 bearing-type connection connection effected using either snug-tight bolts, or high-strength bolts tightened to induce a specified minimum bolt tension, in which the design action is transferred by shear in the bolts and bearing on the connected parts at the strength limit state 1.3.6 bearing-wall system see AS 11704 1.3.7 braced frame see AS 1170.4 1.3.8 braced frame, concentric see AS 11704 1.3.9 braced frame, eccentric see AS 11704 1.3.10 braced member one for which the transverse displacement of one end of the member relative to the other is effectively prevented 13.11 capacity factor factor used to multiply the nominal capacity to obtain the design capaci 1.3.12 complete penetration butt weld butt weld in which fusion exists between the weld and parent metal throughout the complete depth of the joint 1.3.13 connection joint between components of a structural member or a joint between separate structural members, including splices 1.3.14 constant stress range fatigue limit highest constant stress range for each detail category at which fatigue cracks are not expected to propagate (see Figure 11.6.1) 19 Standards Australia Limited 20205 AS 4100-2020 1.3.45 construction category Classified set of requirements specified for construction of the works as a whole, of an individual component or of a detail of a component Note 1 to entry: Hoth 10 2394 and European Standards use the term “execution” to describe all activities performed for the physical completion of the works (ie. procurement, fabrication, welding, mechanical fastening, transportation, erection, surface treatment and the inspection and documentation) and this term may be assumed to be equivalent to "fabrication and erection’. "Execution Class” (EXC) is the term used in European Standards to refer to a risk-based categorization of a structure, similar in intent to the construction category adopted in this Standard. It should be noted, however, that the two categorizations are not based on the same risk matrix assessment and cannot be used interchangeably. 1.3.16 construction specification set of documents covering technical data and other requirements for a particular steel structure, including those specified to supplement and qualify the provisions ofthis Standard 1.3.47 cut-offlimit for each detail category, the highest variable stress range which does not require consideration when carrying out cumulative damage calculations (see Figures 11.6.1 and 11.6.2) 1.3.18 design action effect design load effect action or load effect computed from the design actions or design loads. 1.3.19 design action design load combination of the nominal actions or loads and the load factors specified in AS/NZS 1170.0, AS/NZS 1170.1, AS/NZS 1170.2, AS/NZS 1170.3, AS 1170.4 or other standards referenced in Clause 3.2.1 1.3.20 design capacity product of the nominal capacity and the capacity factor 1.3.21 design life period over which a structure or structural element is expected to fulfil its intended function 1.3.22 design resistance effect resistance effect computed from the loads and design capacities contributing towards the stability limit state resistance 1.3.23 design spectrum sum of the stress spectra from all of the nominal loading events expected during the design life 1.3.24 detail category designation given to a particular detail to indicate which of the S-N curves is to be used in the fatigue assessment Note 1 to entry: The detail category takes into consideration the local stress concentration at the detail, the size and shape of the maximum aeceptable discontinuity, the loading condition, metallurgical effects, residual stresses, the welding process and any post weld improvement. Note 2 to entry: The detail category number is defined by the fatigue strength at 2 x 108 cycles on the S-N curve (Gee Figures 11.6.1 and 11.6.2), (© Standards Australia Limited 2020AS 4100:2020 6 1.3.25 discontinuity absence of material, catisinga stress concentration Note 1 to entry: Typical discontinuities Include cracks, scratches, corresion pits, lack of penetration, slag inclusions, cold laps, porosity and undercut. 1.3.26 ductility
see AS 11704 1.3.27 exposed surface area to mass ratio ratio of the surface area exposed to the fire to the mass of steel 1.3.28 fatigue damage caused by repeated fluctuations of stress leading to gradual cracking ofa structural element 1.3.29 fatigue loading set of nominal loading events described by the distribution of the loads, their magnitudes and the numbers of applications of each nominal loading event 1.3.30 fatigue strength stress range defined in Clause 11.6 for each detail category (see Figuri the number of stress cycles 16 11.6.1 and 11.6.2) varying with 1.3.31 ire exposure condition extent of exposure of member surfaces to the fire three-sided fire exposure condition steel member incorporated in or in contact with a concrete or masonry floor or wall 13.312 four-sided fire exposure condition steel member exposed to fire on all sides 1.3.32 fire protection system fire protection material and its method of attachment to the steel member 1.3.33 ire-resistance level FRL fire-resistance grading period for structural adequacy only, in minutes, which is required to be attained In the standard fire test, 1.3.34 firm contact condition that exists between plies in a bolted connection where the plies are solidly seated against each other, but may not be in continuous contact. 19 Standards Australia Limited 20207 AS 4100-2020 1.3.35 friction-type connection connection effected using high-strength bolts tightened to induce a specified minimum bolt tension such that the resultant clamping action transfers the design shear forces at the serviceability limit state acting in the plane of the common contact surfaces by the friction developed between the contact surfaces 1.3.36 full tensioning ‘method of installing and tensioning a bolt in accordance with AS/NZS 5131 1.3.37 geometrical slenderness ratio heir ratio taken as the effective length ([.), specified in Clause 6.3.2, divided by the radius of gyration (r) computed for the gross section about the relevant axis 1.3.38 incomplete penetration butt weld butt weld in which the depth of penetration is less than the complete depth of the joint 1.3.39 in-plane loading loading for which the design forces and bending moments are in the plane of the connection, so that the design action effects induced in the connection components are shear forces only 1.3.40 lamellar tearing cracking in the parent metal adjacent to the weld and arising from weld stresses in the through thickness direction of the plate. The cracking occurs in a stepped configuration, associated with lamellar non- metallic inclusions in the plate, parallel to the fusion boundary [SOURCE: As 2012—2005, 8.043] 1.3.41 Tength
actual length (1) of an axially loaded compression member, taken as the length centre-to-centre of intersections with supporting members, or the cantilevered length in the case ofa free-standing member 1.3.42 mit state any limiting condition beyond which the structure ceases to fulfil it intended function 1.3.43 load externally applied force 1.3.44 miner's summation cumulative damage calculation based on the Palmgren-Miner summation or equivalent 1.3.45 moment-resisting frame seeAS 11704 1.3.46 moment-resisting frame, intermediate see AS 11704 (© Standards Australia Limited 2020AS 4100:2020 8 1.3.47 moment-resi see AS 11704 ing frame, ordinary 1.3.48 moment-resisting frame, special see AS 11704 action or load, as specified in Clause 3.2.1 or 3.2.2 1.3.50 nominal capacity capacity of a member or connection computed using the parameters specified in this Standard 13.51 nominal loading event loading sequence for the structure or structural element Note 1 to entry: One nominal loading event may produce one or more stress cycles depending on the type of load and the point in the structure under consideration, 1.3.52 non-slip fasteners. fasteners that do not allow slip to occur between connected plates or members at the serviceability limit state so that the original alignment and relative positions are maintained, 1.3.53 out-of-plane loading loading for which the design forces or bending moments result in design action effects normal to the plane of the connection 1.3.54 period of structural adequacy PSA sfire> time (8), in minutes, for the member to reach the limit state of structural adequacy in the standard fire test 1.3.55 pin unthreaded fastener manufactured out of round bar 1.3.56 plastic hinge yielding zone with inelastic rotation which forms in a member when the plastic moment is reached 1.3.57 ply plate that forms part ofa bolted connection 1.3.58 prequalified weld preparation joint preparation prequalified in terms of AS/NZS 1554.1 1.3.59 proof testing application of test loads to a structure, sub-structure, member or connection to ascertain the structural characteristics of only that one unit under test (© Standards Australia Limited 2020,9 AS 4100:2020 1.3.60 prototype
test specimen representing a steel member and its fire protection system which is subjected to the standard fire test 1.3.61 prototype testing application of test loads to one or more structures, sub-structures, members or connections to ascertain the structural characteristics of that class of structures, sub-structures, members or connections which, are nominally identical to the units tested 1.3.62 prying force additional tensile force developed as a result of the flexing of a connection component in a connection subjected to tensile force, External tension force reduces the contact pressure between the component and the base, and bending in part of the component develops a prying force near the edge of the connection component 1.3.63 quenched and tempered steel high strength steel manufactured by heating, quenching, tempering and levelling steel plate 1.3.64 segment
length between adjacent cross-sections which are fully or partially restrained, or the length between an unrestrained end and the adjacent cross-section which is fully or partially restrained 1.3.65 serviceability limit state ttstate of acceptable in-service condition 1.3.66 shall indicates that a statement is mandatory 1.3.67 should indicates a recommendation 1.3.68 shear wall wall designed to resist lateral forces parallel to the plane of the wall 1.3.69 S-Neurve curve defining the limiting relationship between the number of stress cycles and stress range for a detail category 1.3.70 snug tight tightness in the bolts in a bolted connection attained by a few impacts of an impact wrench or by the full effort of a person using a standard podger spanner to bring the plies into firm contact, 1.3.71 space frame see AS 11704 1.3.72 splice connection between two parts of a structural member. ‘© Standards Australia Limited 2020AS 4100:2020 10 1.3.73 stability limit state limit state corresponding to the loss of static equilibrium of a structure considered asa rigid body 1.3.74 standard fire test fire-resistance test specified in AS 15304 1.3.75 stickability ability of the fire protection system toremain in place asthe member deflects under load duringafiretest 1.3.76 strength limit state limit state of collapse or loss of structural integrity 1.3.77 stress cycle one cycle of stress defined by stress eycle counting 13.78 stress cycle counting method any rational method used to identify individual stress cycles from the stress history 1.3.79 stress range algebraic difference between two extremes of stress 1.3.80 stress spectrum histogram of the stress cycles produced by a nominal loading event 1.3.81 structural adequacy
ability of the member exposed to the standard fire test to carry the test load specified in AS 1530.4 1.3.82 structural ductility factor see AS 11704 1.3.83 structural performance factor see AS 11704 1.3.84 sway member one for which the transverse displacement of one end of the member relative to the other is not effectively prevented 1.3.85 tensile strength minimum ultimate strength in tension specified for the grade of steel in the appropriate Australian Standard 1.3.86 yield stress minimum yield stress in tension specified for the grade of steel in the appropriate Australian Standard 1.4 Notation Symbols used in this Standard are listed below. 16 Standards Australia Limited 2020,u AS 4100:2020 Where non-dimensional ratios are involved, both the numerator and denominator are expressed in identical units. ‘The dimensional units for length and stress in all expressions or equations are to be taken as millimetres (mm) and megapascals (MPa) respectively, unless specifically noted otherwise. An asterisk “*" placed after a symbol denotes a design action effect due to the design load for the strength limit state. 4 = area of cross-section Ac = minor diameter area ofa bolt, as defined in AS 1275 Ae = effective sectional area of a hollow section in shear; or = effective area of a compression member Aep = area ofan end post Ate = flange area at critical cross-section Aig = grossarea ofa flange Atm = flange area at minimum cross-section; or = lesser of the Flange effective areas Ary = netarea ofa flange As = grossarea ofa cross-section Agy = grossarea subject to shear at rupture Ay = netareaofa cross-section Ane = netarea subject to tension at rupture Aa = netarea subject to shear at rupture Ay = nominal plain shank area ofa bolt Ay = cross-sectional area of a pin As = tensile stress area ofa bolt as defined in AS 1275; or = area ofa stiffener or stiffeners in contact with a flange; or = area of an intermediate web stiffener Aw = gross sectional area of a web; or = effective shear area of a plug or slot weld ae = minimum distance from the edge of a hole to the edge of a ply measured in the direction of the component of a force plus half the bolt diameter ay = _ length of unthreaded portion of the bolt shank contained within the grip a = length of threaded portion of the bolt contained within the grip 0,01 = out-of square dimensions of flanges ‘© Standards Australia Limited 2020AS 4100:2020 2,03 bi bot bow bo ba be bes be bro bs be by by Ca, Ca, Car om dy de de de dey do 12 diagonal dimensions of a box section, wide dimension ofa web panel; or lear width of an element outstand from the face ofa supporting plate element; clear width of a supported element between faces of supporting plate elements bearing widths defined in Clause 5.13 distance from the stiffbearing to the end of the member effective width of a plate element stiffener outstand from the face ofa web width ofa flange half the clear distance between the webs; or least of 3 dimensions defined in Clause stiff bearing length web depth greater and lesser leg lengths of an angle section. factors given in Table H.3 and Clause U.S perpendicular distance to centroid of an angle section from the face of the loaded leg of the angle factor for unequal end moments depth of a section; or depth of preparation for incomplete penetration butt wel maximum cross-sectional dimension of a built-up compression member lateral distance between centroids of the welds or fasteners connecting battens tomain components depth ofa section at a critical cross-section effective outside diameter ofa circular hollow section; or factor defined in Appendix | diameter of a fastener (bolt or pin); or distance between flange centroids depth ofa section at minimum cross-section overall section depth including out-of square dimensions; or overall section depth of a segment; or (© Standards Australia Limited 2020E(T), E20) e feo five free fis fi fic far hip fiw fy fee B AS 4100-2020 outside diameter ofa circular hollow section clear transverse dimension ofa web panel; or depth of deepest web panel ina length distances of the extreme fibres from the neutral axes clear depth between flanges ignoring fillets or welds twice the clear distance from the neutral axis to the compression flange depths of preparation for incomplete penetration butt welds flat width of web of hollow sections Young's modulus of elasticity Eat temperature 7, and 20°C, respectively eccentricity; or web off-centre dimension; or distance between an end plate and a load-bearing stiffener eccentricities of compression and tension angles (Clause 8.4.6) action in general, force or load total design load on a member between supports design force normal to a web panel design force parallel to a web panel fatigue strength corrected for thickness of material uncorrected fatigue strength detail category reference fatigue strength at m cycles — normal stress corrected detail category reference fatigue strength — normal stress corrected detail category reference fatigue strength — shear stress detail category reference fatigue strength at m, cycles — shear stress tensile strength used in design minimum tensile strength of connection element ‘minimum tensile strength of a bolt tensile strength of ply nominal tensile strength of weld metal yield stress used in design yield stress of connection element (© Standards Australia Limited 2020AS 4100:2020 IML 2O Jip Sys f fae fs Sec a) u vyield stresses of steel at temperature 7, and 20 °C, respectively yield stress of a pin used in design Yleld stress of a stiffener used in design detail category fatigue strength at constant amplitude fatigue limit corrected detail category fatigue strength at constant amplitude fatigue limit detail category fatigue strength at cut-off limit corrected detail category fatigue strength at cut-off limit design stress range design stress range for loading event i average design shear stress ina web ‘maximum design shear stress in a web equivalent design stress on a web panel (Appendix 1) shear modulus of elasticity; or nominal dead load shear modulus of steel at T degrees Celsius rectangular centroidal axis for angle parallel to the loaded leg vertical distance between tops of beams effective thickness of fire protection material thickness of fire protection material storey height second moment af area of a cross-section second moment of area of compression flange about the section minor principal Jranis Tofa restraining member ofa pair of stiffeners ora single stiffener warping constant for a cross-section about the cross-section major principal x-axis about the cross-section minor principal y-axis number of loading event (Section 11) torsion constant for a cross-section (© Standards Australia Limited 2020Ka ky hoe ky Kea ky ein I ky ho-ke 8 AS 4100-2020 a) deflection amplification factor coefficient used in Appendix elastic buckling coefficient for a plate element. basic value of ky a factor to account for the effect of eccentricity on the block shear capacity member effective length factor form factor for members subject to axial compression factor for different hole types effective length factor for load height factor for pin rotation effective length factor for restraint against lateral rotation; or effective length factor fora restraining member; or reduction factor to account for the length ofa bolted or welded lap splice connection reduction factor to account for the reduced ductility of grade 10.9 bolts when subjected to shear where threads intercept the shear plane ratio used to calculate ap and dpm exposed surface area to mass ratio effective length factor for twistrestraints; or correction factor for distribution of forces in a tension member ratio of flat width of web (ds) to thickness (@) of hollow section regression coefficients (Section 12) span; or ‘member length; or member length from centre to centre of its intersections with supporting members; or segment or sub-segment length length between points of effective bracing or restraint distance between adjacent column centres effective length of a compression member; or effective length of a laterally unrestrained member (© Standards Australia Limited 2020AS 4100:2020 Ib Ww Moxo Mex Moa Mob Move Moo 16 geometrical slenderness ratio slenderness ratio of a battened compression member about the axis normal to the plane of the battens slenderness ratio ofa battened compression member about the axis parrallel to the plane of the battens slenderness ratio of the main component in a laced or battened compression member slenderness ratio of the whole battened compression member length of a bolted lap splice connection length of the member under consideration length ofa restraining member; or length of a segment over which the cross-section is reduced, stance between points of effective lateral support greatest internal dimension of an opening in a web; ar length ofa fillet weld in a welded lap splice connection distance between partial or full torsional restraints nominal member moment capacity ‘Mp about major principal x-axis Mos fora uniform distribution of moment lesser of Mix and Mox nominal moment capacity of flanges alone nominal in-plane member moment capacity M about major principal x-axis (M, about minor principal y-axis nominal out-of:plane member moment capacity; or ‘reference elastic buckling moment for a member subject to bending amended elastic buckling moment for a member subject to bending elastic bucking moment determined using an elastic buckling analysis ‘Mob decreased for elastic torsional end restraint reference elastic buckling moment obtained using le (© Standards Australia Limited 2020Mpry Mr M3M; wv AS 4100-2020 ‘Moi for a segment, fully restrained at both ends, unrestrained against lateral rotation and loaded at shear centre nominal out-of-plane member moment capacity about major principal x-axis nominal moment capacity of a pin nominal plastic moment capacity reduced for axial force ‘Myr about major principal x-axis ‘Mpr about minor principal y-axis ‘M, about major principal x-axis reduced by axial force ‘Mc about minor principal y-axis reduced by axial force nominal section moment capacity ‘Mz about major principal x-axis, ‘M, about minor principal y-axis lesser of Mrcand Mox nominal section moment capacity of a web panel design bending moment second-order or amplified end bending moment design end bending moment braced component of M; obtained from a first-order clastic analysis of a frame with sway prevented sway component of M; obtained from (My - My,) design bending momenton an angle, acting about the rectangular h-axis parallel tothe loaded leg ‘maximum calculated design bending moment along the length of a member or ina segment design bending moment acting on a web panel design bending moment about major principal x-axis design bending moment about minor principal y-axis, design bending moments at quarter and mid points of a segment nominal member capacity in axial compression (Ne for angle buckling about h-axis, parallel to the loaded leg Ne for member buckling about minor principal y-axis (© Standards Australia Limited 2020AS 4100:2020 Not Nats Nom Nom Noms Nox Ns Me Ner 1m 0 a Dw 18 elastic buckling load Nom fora braced member Nom for asway member nominal elastic torsional buckling capacity of a member nominal section capacity of a compression member; or nominal section capacity for axial load nominal section capacity in tension nominal tension capacity of a bolt ‘minimum bolt tension at installation; or tension induced in a bolt during installation nominal axial load capacity of a web panel design axial force, tensile or compressive design axial force in a restraining member design tensile force ona bolt design axial force acting on a web panel ‘number of specimens tested number of parallel planes of battens number of effective interfaces number of cycles of nominal loading event number of shear planes with threads intercepting the shear plane — bolted connections reference number of stress cycles number of shear planes number of stress cycles number of webs number of shear planes without threads connections nominal live load (© Standards Australia Limited 2020o Ry Row Ros. rn rs n 9 AS 4100-2020 design transverse force; or design live load nominal bearing capacity of a web nominal bearing buckling capacity of a web nominal design capacity in block shear nominal bearing yield capacity of a web nominal buckling capacity ofa stiffened web nominal yield capacity of a stiffened web nominal capacity design bearing force; or design reaction design reaction design bearing force or reaction on a web panel radius of gyration outside radius of hollow section rratio of design action on the member under design load for fire to the design capacity of the member at room temperature ratio defined in Clause ratio defined in Clause radius of gyration about minor principal y-axis plastic section modulus structural performance factor design action effect spacing of stiffeners; or width ofa web panel longitudinal centre-to-centre distance between battens, gauge of bolts staggered pitch of bolts steel temperature in degrees Celsius limiting steel temperature in degrees Celsius thickness; or (© Standards Australia Limited 2020AS 4100:2020 t tn ts fe fete fia fiw fin tor Eve Yb Vr Vor Va YW Ww Yom Vo ve 20 element thickness; or thickness of thinner part joined; or wall thickness of a circular hollow section; or thickness of an angle sectioi time thickness of a flange; or thickness of the critical flange thickness of a nut thickness of a ply; or thickness of thinner ply connected: or thickness of a plate; or connecting plate thickness(es) ata pin thickness of a stiffener design throat thickness of a weld thickness of a web or web panel leg lengths of a fillet weld used to define the size of a fillet weld. nominal bearing capacity ofa ply or a pin; or nominal shear buckling capacity of a web nominal shear capacity ofa bolt or pin— strength limit state nominal shear capacity of a bolt — serviceability limit state measured slip-load at the ith bolt nominal shear capacity of a web with a uniform shear stress distribution nominal shear capacity ofa web nominal web shear capacity in the presence of bending moment nominal shear yield capacity of a web; or nominal shear capacity of a plug or slot weld design shear force; or design horizontal storey shear force at column ends; or design transverse shear force design bearing force on a ply at a bolt or pin location design shear force on a bolt or a pin — strength limit state (© Standards Australia Limited 2020he Ze Zone ay aye a a ay M1 ate Hime Ae 2 AS 4100-2020 design longitudinal shear force design shear force on a holt — serviceability limit state design shear force acting on a web panel; or design shear force on a plug or slot weld nominal capacity of a fillet weld per unit length design force per unit length on a fillet weld ‘major principal axis coordinate minor principal axis coordinate distance of the gravity loading helow the centroid coordinate of shear centre elastic section modulus Z_ for a compact section effective section modulus elastic section modulus of a web panel angle between x- and h-axes for an angle section compression member factor, as defined in Clause 6.3.3 compression member section constant, as defined in Clause 6.3.3, ‘moment modification factor for bending and compression compression member slenderness reduction factor tension field coefficient for web shear buckling flange restraint factor for web shear buckling factors for bending defined in Clauses [1.2 and H.3 ‘moment modification factor for bending coefficient used to calculate the nominal bearing yield capacity (Ry) for square and rectangular hollow sections to AS/NZS 1163, coefficient used to calculate ap elastic stiffness of a flexural end restraint elastic stiffness of a torsional end restraint slenderness reduction factor; or inverse of the slope of the $-N curve for fatigue stability function multiplier (© Standards Australia Limited 2020AS 4100:2020 as or a ay Be Ben Be Bee Be Bu HIV Sew 4 hy Ale Ms > on 8mm 2 reduction factor for members of varying cross-section coefficient of thermal expansion for steel factor for torsional end restraint defined in Clause 5.14.5, shear buckling coefficient for a web factor defined in Appendix | ‘modifying factor to account for conditions at the far ends of beam members ratio of smaller to larger bending moment at the ends of a member; or ratio of end moment to fixed end moment measure of elastic stiffness of torsional end restraint used in Appendix H -kness correction factor for fatigue ‘monosymmetry section constant factor defined in Appendix | index used in Clause 8.3.4: or factor for transverse stiffener arrangement in stiffened web (Clause 5.15.3) ratios of compression member stiffness to end restraint stiffness used in Clause, deflection; or deviation from nominated dimension; or measured total extension of a bolt when tightened mid-span deflection of a member resulting from transverse loading together with both end bending moments span deflection of a member resulting from transverse loading together with only those end bending moments which produce a mid-span deflection in the same direction as the transverse load ‘outof-flatness of a flange plate deviation from fy deviation from ie translational displacement of the top relative to the bottom for a storey height deviation from verticality of a web at a support out-of flatness of a web standard deviation ‘moment amplification factor for a braced member ‘moment amplification factor, taken as the greater of dy and dy (© Standards Australia Limited 2020Aavdew Hn 4 Ry 2 AS 4100-2020 ‘moment amplification factor for plastic design ‘moment amplification factor for a sway member: compression member factor defined in Clause 6.3.3 compression member imperfection factor defined in Clause 6.3.3 angle of preparation of an incomplete penetration butt weld pi (approximately 3.14159) slenderness ratio; or elastic buckling load factor elastic buckling load factor plate element slenderness plate element deformation slenderness limit plate element plasticity slenderness limit plate clement yield slenderness limit elastic buckling load factor for a member elastic buckling load factor for the storey under consideration modified compression member stenderness section slenderness section plasticity slenderness limit section yield slenderness limit values of Ae and Aey for the web slip factor structural ductility factor ‘mean value ofthe slip factor individual test result from test for slip factor Poisson's ratio ratio of design axial force in a restrai for a member of length / (Appendix G) eyfly capacity factor ing member to the elastic buckling load i design capacity (© Standards Australia Limited 2020AS 4100:2020 2 1.5. Use of alternative materials or methods 1.5.1 General ‘This Standard shall not be interpreted so as to prevent the use of materials or methods of design or construction not specifically referred to herein, provided that the requirements of Section 3 are conformed to. 1.5.2 Existing structures Where the strength or serviceability of an existing structure is to be evaluated, the general principles of this Standard may be applied. The actual properties of the materials in the structure shall be used. NOTE1 AS 5104 (150 2394) covers design by testing and may be utilized or assessment of existing structures. NOTE 2 AS 5100.7 and AS 5100.8 cover assessment and rehabilitation of existing structures. 1.6 Design 1.6.1 Design data ‘The following design data shall he shown in the drawings: @ —__Therreference number and date of issue of applicable design Standards used. (b) The nominal loads. (The corrosion protection, if applicable. (@ The fire-resistance level, if applicable. (©) Thessteel grades used. 1.6.2 Design details The drawings or construction specification, or both, for steel members and structures shall include, as appropriate, the following @) The size and designation of each member. (b) The number, sizes and categories of bolts used in the connections. ( _ The sizes, types, strength and categories of welds used in the connections, together with the level of visual examination and other non-destructive examination required. (@ The sizes of the connection components. (€) The locations and details of planned joints, connections and splices. () ——Anyconstraint on construction assumed in the design (g) The camber of any members. (h) _ Details of the construction category or categories required (Clause 1.7.2) 0 Details of the corrosion protection required (Clause 3.5.6). (1) Anyrrequirement for architecturally exposed structural steelwork (AESS) (Clause 1.7.3) (K) Any specific tolerances if different to those specified in AS/NZS 5131 (Clauses 14.4, 15.3), including selection of the functional tolerance class if different to Class 1. (© Standards Australia Limited 202025 AS 4100-2020 oO Any requirement for selection of materials to avoid lamellar tearing (Clause 2.2.5). (m) Any other requirements for fabrication, erection and oper: 1.7. Workmanship 4.7.1 General shall be constructed to ensure that ig and construction specification, All steel structures, designed in accordance with this Standar‘ all the requirements of the design, as contained in the dra are satisfied. Requirements relating to fabricationand erection are a function of the nominated construction category. 7.2 Construction category Four construction categories denoted CC1, CC2, CC3, CC4 are nominated in this Standard, for which requirements increase in strictness from CCI to CCA, NOTE 1 The requirements for CC4 are additional to CC3. CC4 applies to unusual or special structures for which, itis expected that requirements additional to those far CC3 will be defined at a project specific level or by a particular organization, agency or business. A construction category shall apply to either the whole structure or to parts of the structure or to specific details. A structure may therefore have multiple construction categories, provided thatall parts ofthe structure are categorized. A detail or group of details shall be ascribed one construction category. NOTE2 The choice of construction category does not necessarily have to be the same for all components. ‘The construction category shall be nominated in the construction specification. If no construction category is specified, then CC?2 shall apply. ‘The list of requirements for fabrication and erection and related to cot in AS/NZS 5131. ruction categories is specified NOTE 3 Guidance on the selection of construction category is given in Appendix 1. The choice of construction category is related to the importance factor, the service category and the fabrication category as set out in Appendix L. 1.7.3 Architecturally exposed structural steelwork Any requirement for architecturally exposed structural steelwork (AESS) shall be designated in the construction specification. The requirements for AESS are defined in AS/NZS 5131 based on five categories: @ AESS 1 — Basic elements which require enhanced workmanship. (0) AES 2 — Feature elements viewed at a distance greater than 6 m requiring good fabrication practices with enhanced treatment of weld, connection, fabrication detail, tolerances for gaps and copes. (9 AES 3 — Feature elements viewed at a distance of less than 6 m requiring welds that are generally smooth but visible, some grind marks are acceptable. Tolerances are tighter than normal standards. (@) ABS 4 — Showcase or dominant elements used where the form is the only feature showing in an element. All welds which have ground and filled edges are ground smooth and true. All surfaces are sanded and filled to be smooth to the touch, Tolerances of fabricated items are more stringent, @ AESS C — Custom elements. (© Standards Australia Limited 2020AS 4100:2020 26 1.74 Fabrication and erection The minimum requirements for fabrication and erection of structural steelwork shall be in accordance with Sections 14 and 15 respectively. NOTE Minimum required standards of workmanship ensure that the design assumptions remain valid. (© Standards Australia Limited 2020a7 AS 4100-2020 Section2 Materials 2.1. Yield stress and tensile strength used in design 211 Yield stress The yield stress used in design (f,) shall not exceed that given in Table 2.1. 2.4.2 Tensile strength The tensile strength used in design (f,) shall not exceed that given in Table 2.1 Table 2.1 — Strengths of steels in accordance with AS/NZS 1163, AS/NZS 1594, AS/NZS 3678, ‘AS/NZS 3679.1, AS/NZS 3679.2 ( see Note) and AS 3597 Thicknessof] Yield] Tensile steel | material’ | stress | strength Steel Standard Form = ie asl we mm mpa_| MPa JAS/NZS 1163, ‘Hollow sections C450 AL 450 500 (see Note) 350 All 350 | 430 250 Al 250 | 320 ASNas 594 Plate, strip, sheet floorplate | Ha800 | Al a0 | 460 Hw3so |All 340 450 wa3s0_ | _All 350 | 430 wAs00/1| all 300 [430 Hu300/1 Ha300 | All 300 [400 u300 wazso | All 350 | 350 «au2so wAz00 | _Al 200__| 300 Plate and strip xF500 | _¢s8 480) 570 xr4o0 | 28 300 | 460 xF300_| All 300 | 440 AS/NZS 3678 Plate and floorplate 450) _t<20 430__| 520 (See requirement and Note 450, 20
) Where the nominal live load (@) is variable and not greater than three-quarters of the nominal dead load (G), the design live load (Q*) on all spans. (Where the nominal live load (0) is variable and exceeds three-quarters of the nominal dead load (G), arrangements for the floor under consideration consisting of — o the design live load (Q*) on alternate spans; (it) the design live load (@*) on two adjacent spans; and Git) the design live load (Q*) on all spans. 4.3.4 Simple construct Bending members may be assumed to have their ends connected for shear only and to be free to rotate. In triangulated structures, axial forces may be determined by assuming that all members are pin connected. (© Standards Australia Limited 2020AS 4100:2020 40 Abeam reaction ora similarload ona column shall be taken as acting at aminimum distance of 100 mm from the face of the column towards the span or at the centre of bearing, whichever gives the greater eccentricity, except that for a column cap, the load shall be taken as acting at the face of the column, or ‘edge of packing if used, towards the span For a continuous column, the design bending moment (Mf*) due to eccentricity of loading at any one oor or horizontal frame level shall be taken as — @ ineffective at the floor or frame levels above and below that floor; and (b) divided between the column lengths above and below that floor or frame level in proportion to the values of I//of the column lengths. 44 Elastic analysis 441 General 4y 1 Assumptions Individual members shall be assumed to remain elasti limit states. under the action of the design loads for all The effect of haunching or any variation of the cross-section along the axis of a member shall be taken into account in the determination of the member stiffness. 4 .2 Second-order effects The analysis shall allow for the effects of the design loads acting on the structure and its members in their displaced and deformed configuration, These second-order effects shall be taken into account by using either — @ a firstorder elastic analysis with moment amplification in accordance with Clause 4.4.2, provided the moment amplification factors (6) or (6,) are not greater than 1.4; or (6) second-order elastic analysis in accordance with Appendix t-order elastic analysit 44.2.1 Goneral In a first-order elastic analysis, changes in the geometry are not accounted for, and changes in the effective stiffinesses of the members due to axial force are neglected. The effects of these on the first- order bending moments shall be allowed for by using one of the methods of moment amplification of Clause or Clause as appropriate, except that where the moment amplification factor (64) or (6;), calculated in accordance with Clause or Clause 44.2.3 is greater than 1.4, a second-order elastic analysis in accordance with Appendix E shall be carried out. The maximum calculated bending moment (.M;, ,) shall be taken as the maximum bending moment along the length ofa member obtained by superposition of the simple beam bending moments resulting From any transverse loading on the member with the end hending moments determined by the analysis. 19 Standards Australia Limited 2020“4 AS 4100-2020, Moment amplification for a braced member For a braced member with zero axial force or a braced member subject to axial tension, the design bending moment (M*) shall be calculated as follows: oom, M For a braced member with a design axial compressive force (N*) as determined by the analysts, the design bending moment (M*) shall be calculated as follows: where 6, is a moment amplification factor for a braced member calculated as follows ¢ mp4 GE) and Nomp is the elastic buckling load, determined in accordance with Clause 4.6.2, for the braced ‘member buckling about the same axis as that about which the design bending moment (#*) is applied. Fora braced member subject to end bending moments only, the factor ¢,, shall be calculated as follows: 06-046, $1.0 Where fim is the ratio of the smaller to the larger bending moment at the ends of the member, taken as positive when the member is bent in reverse curvature, ‘The same expression for cm shall be used for a braced member with transverse load applied to it, provided that fim is determined by one of the following methods: @ Buy = ~1.0; (0) Bris approximated by the value obtained by matching the distribution of bending moment along the member with one of the typical distributions of bending moment shown in Figures and 44.2.2(B); or o for(i am 1.0 fim $1.0 (© Standards Australia Limited 2020AS 4100:2020 2 Moment distribution ° Moment gistibution A we A |a0 1 fao u we v0.2 fos ue we uP = 40.6 +10 we " we - 0s 208 Tt u vo2 + |-o we ue 102 +05 where (© Standards Australia Limited 2020,43 AS 4100:2020 4c: = mid-span deflection of the member resulting from the transverse loading together with both end bending moments, if any, as determined by the analysis ‘ew = mid-span deflection of the member resulting from the transverse loading together with only those end bending moments which produce a mid-span deflection in the same direction as the transverse load Figure — Values of fm for various distributions of bending moment — Part A ‘© Standards Australia Limited 2020AS 4100:2020 “ Moment distribution Py Moment distribution ~Srt~“—t~S ue “08 os t we aos 4 fos ” we 1 rie 2 soz 108 we ~ + 4 w | |e f ' te |] 12 TH L wf fe w | 4] t T w a a a we e s0 Figure — Values of fm for various distributions of bending moment — Part B (© Standards Australia Limited 2020,45 AS 4100-2020 44.2.3 Moment amplification for a sway member Fora sway member, the design bending moment (M*) shall be calculated using either the method given in this Clause, or the method given in Appendix E For this Clause, the design bending moment (1¥*) shall be calculated as follows: ‘The moment amplification factor (6, shall be taken as the greater of — & = ™omentamplification factor for a braced member determined in accordance with Clause, and 6, = moment amplification factor for a sway member determined as follows: (2) Sway members in rectangular frames: For all sway columns in a storey of a rectangular frame, the amplification factor (8,) shall be calculated from — Oo 1 (420 xv" where As is the translational displacement of the top relative to the bottom in the storey of height (Fr), caused by the design horizontal storey shears (V*) at the column ends, N* is the design axial force in a column of the storey, and the summations include all the columns of the storey: ) where the elastic buckling load factor (Ams) for the storey under consideration is determined in accordance with Clause 47.2.2; or au) where the elastic buckling load factor (24) is determined from a rational buckling analysis of the whole frame (see Clause 4.7.2). (b) Sway members in non-rectangular frames — The amplification factor (63) for each sway ‘member shall be taken as the value for the frame calculated as follows: 1 1 1-[4 de where the elastic buckling load factor (2.) is determined from a rational buckling analysis of the whole frame (see Clause 47.2), 4, (© Standards Australia Limited 2020AS 4100:2020 46 4.5 Plastic analysis 4.5.1 Application ‘The design action effects throughout all or part of a structure may be determined by a plastic analysis provided that the limitations of Clause 4.5.2 are observed. The distribution of design action effects shall satisfy equilibrium and the boundary conditions. 4.5.2 Limitations When a plastic method of analysis is used, all of the following conditions shall be satisfied unless adequate ductility of the structure and plastic rotation capacity of its members and connections are established for the design loading conditions: @ ‘The minimum yield stress specified for the grade of the steel shall not exceed 450 MPa, (b) _ The stress-strain characteristics of the steel shall be in accordance with AS/NZS 3678 or AS/NZS 3679.1, and shall be such as to ensure moment redistribution. ‘This requirement may be deemed to be satisfied if — @ the stress-strain diagram has a plateau at the yield stress extending for at least six times the yield strain; (i —_the ratio of the tensile strength to the yield stress specified for the grade of the steel (See Table 2.1) is not less than 1.2; the elongation on a gauge length in accordance with AS 1391 is not less than 15 %; and (iv) the steel exhibits a strain-hardening capability (The members used shall be hot-formed, (€) The members used shall be doubly symmetric [-sections, (©) The geometry of the member sections shall conform to the requirements specified for a ‘compact section in Clause 5.2.3. () The members shall not be subject to impact loading or fluctuating loading requiring a fatigue assessment (see Section 11). 4.5.3 Assumptions of analysis ‘The design action effects shall be determined using a rigid plastic analysis. It shall be permissible to assume full strength or partial strength connections, provided the capacities of these are used in the analysis, and provided that — (@ —_for a Full strength connection, for which the moment capacity of the connection shall be not less than that of the member being connected, the behaviour of the connection shall be such that the rotation capacity at none of the hinges in the collapse mechanism is exceeded; and (b) for a partial strength connection, for which the moment capacity of the connection may be less than that of the member being connected, the behaviour of the connection shall be such as to allow all plastic hinges necessary for the collapse mechanism to develop, and shall be such that the rotation capacity at none of the plastic hinges is exceeded. 19 Standards Australia Limited 2020a7 AS 4100-2020 4.5.4 Second order effects Any second-order effects of the loads acting on the structure in its deformed configuration may be neglected where the elastic buckling load factor (2<) (see Clause 4.7) satisfies — 10
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