Ch-3 Muscle Physiology - Class Notes
Ch-3 Muscle Physiology - Class Notes
Ch-3 Muscle Physiology - Class Notes
Note: This is a brief notes so you may add more points referring to lectures, text book and other
web resources.
Muscle functions (general):
Ability to use chemical energy to produce force and movement is present to a limited
extent in most cells, but in muscle cells it has become dominant (the effector).
1. Movements: Muscles make things happen. They supply force for movement and
together with the skeletal system are the movers and levers that make an act. Just as
importantly, muscle restraint motion. During a strong cough to clear the throat, 253
named muscles contract.
a) Purposeful movement of whole body or parts of body e.g. walking or waving
b) Manipulation of external objects e.g. speech, artistic expression, driving a car etc
c) Propulsion of contents through various hollow internal organs e.g. circulation of
blood, movement of materials through digestive tract
d) Emptying contents of certain organs to external environment e.g. urination,
defecation or giving birth.
2. Heat production : When muscles contract not all the energy is used for work, heat is
also produced. This heat constitutes an important part of maintaining body
temperature (homeostasis).
3. Posture: Partial contraction of skeletal help to maintain positions of body. When we
stand comfortably or sit reflectively, muscles hold our body in position to keep
it from toppling over.
Two by products of muscle contraction that usually go unnoticed are noise and very low
voltage of electricity. However, many shark and some other predaceous fishes have
sensory receptors that detect these stray noise and electric signals at close range. Even
when preys are hidden or buried their muscles contract to pump water across their gills
during regular breath. The electric noise from these contracting muscles can betray their
position to predators.
Modes of locomotion in animals:
Fossorial: digging
Arboreal (grip): climbing
Scansorial (claws): climbing
Saltatorial: jumping
Aerial: flying
Cursorial: rapid running, running long
Muscle composition:
About 50% of body weight is muscles i.e. largest group of tissue.
Skeletal muscle alone makes up about 40% of body weight in man and 32% in
Smooth muscle and cardiac muscles contribute another 10%.
Muscle classification: Because muscles have many functions and many scientists from
diverse fields study them, muscles are classified with different criteria. Most commonly
used criteria are (fig 8-1)-
BI309 2
1) Based on striations:
a) Striated muscles : Skeletal and Cardiac
b) Unstriated muscles : Smooth muscles
2) Based on control:
a) Voluntary muscles : Skeletal muscles
b) Involuntary muscles : Cardiac and smooth muscles
Although there are significant differences between these three types of muscles, the
force generating mechanism is similar in all of them.
3) Based Biochemistry:
(i) Slow oxidative (ii) Fast oxidative and (iii) Fast glycolytic
According to this model, myosin filament and actin filaments link together by
molecular cross-bridges in presence of Ca++ and energy ATP.
Step 1: Energized
ATP split by myosin ATPase; ADP and Pi remain attached to myosin; energy stored
in cross bridge. (If no excitation; no Ca released; actin and myosin prevented from
binding; no cross-bridge cycle; muscle fibers remains at rest).
Step-2: Binding
Ca++ released on excitation; removes inhibitory influence from actin, enabling it to
bind with cross bridge.
Step-3 : Power stroke (bending)
Power stroke of cross bridge triggered on contact between myosin and actin; Pi
released during and ADP released after power stroke.
Step 4: New ATP binds & Detachment
Linkage between actin and myosin broken as fresh molecule of ATP binds to myosin
cross bridge; cross bridge assumes original conformation; ATP hydrolyzed (cycle
starts again at step-1). (if no fresh ATP available, after death, actin and myosin
remain bound in rigor complex).
Role of tropomyosin, troponin & calcium in muscle contraction: (Fig. 8-5 & 8-6)
Tropomyosin is a rod shaped molecule composed of intertwined polypeptides with a
length approximately equal to that of 7 actin molecules. Tropomyosin partially
covers the myosin binding site on each actin molecule, thereby preventing the cross-
bridges from making contact with actin. Each tropomyosin molecule is held in this
blocking position by the smaller globular protein troponin.
Troponin, which interacts with both actin & tropomyosin. Troponin binds to
tropomyosin and regulates the access to myosin binding sites on actin molecules.
Calcium binds to a specific binding site on the troponin. The binding of calcium
produces a change in shape of troponin, which drags tropomyosin away from the
myosin binding site on actin molecules. Conversely, the removal of calcium from
troponin reverses the process, turning off contractile activity.
Its role is to release of acetylcholine from nerve terminal to generates end plate
potential (action potential of muscle, a type of graded potential- recall previous
lectures!) at motor end plate (part of sarcolemma)
2) Acetylcholine (Ach) neurotransmitter produced at neuromuscular junction
Ach binds to end plate receptors and generate end plate potential to initiate
muscle action potential
3) Transverse (T) tubule: At each junction of A- and I- band, surface membrane dips into
muscle fiber to form transverse tubule (T-tubule, fig 8-9)
Provide a means of rapidly transmitting surface electric activity into central
portion of fiber
Presence of local action potential in T-tubules induces calcium release from the
lateral sacs of sarcoplasmic reticulum through dihydropyridine receptors and
ryanodine receptors (fig 8-10).
4) Sarcoplasmic reticulum: Modified endoplasmic reticulum (fig 8-9).
Stores Ca++. Spreading of action potential down a T tubule, triggers release of
Ca++ from lateral sacs of sarcoplasmic reticulum into cytosol
5) Calcium ions :
Calcium is the link between excitation and contraction.
1. Ach released from terminal of motor neuron initiates action potential at motor end
plate of muscle cell that is propagated over entire surface of sarcolemma
2. Surface electrical activity is carried into central portions of muscle fibers by T-
3. This event induces dihydropyridine receptors to pull open ryanodine receptor
channels (p266; fig 8-10), allowing release of calcium from lateral sacs of
sarcoplasmic reticulum
4. Released Ca++ binds to troponin on thin filaments causing tropomyosin to move
away from the blocking position to expose actin binding sites
5. Energized myosin cross-bridge on the thick filaments bind to actin molecule
6. Angular movement of cross bridges produces power stroke that pulls thin filament
inward (muscle contraction)
7. ADP and Pi are released from cross bridge during power stroke
8. Fresh ATP molecule binding to myosin permits detachment of cross bridge,
which returns to original conformation
9. Splitting of new ATP molecule by myosin ATPase energizes cross-bridge once
10. If Ca++ is still present, cross bridges go through another cycle of binding and
bending, pulling thin filaments even further
11. Cytosolic calcium concentration decreases as calcium-ATPase actively transports
calcium into sarcoplasmic reticulum.
12. Removal of calcium from troponin restores blocking actions of tropomyosin, the
cross-bridge cycle ceases, and the muscle fiber relaxes.
AP on Sarcolemma
Depolarization of T-tubules S
Facilitates C
Caffeine Release of Ca++ from SR U
cytoplasmic Ca++ conc. E
Dis-inhibition of troponin-tropomyosin
For stronger and stronger contractions, more and more units are recruited or stimulated to
contract, a phenomenon known as motor unit recruitment.
Asynchronous recruitment of motor unit- The body alternates motor activity to give
motor units that have been active an opportunity to rest while others take rest. This is
possible only for submaximal contractions, during which only some of the motor
units maintain the desired level of tension. During maximal contractions, when all
muscle fibers must participate, it is impossible to alternate motor unit activity to
prevent fatigue. This is one reason why you cannot support a heavy object as long as
a light one.
Muscle Twitch:
The graphical picture of mechanical response of a single muscle fiber to a single AP is
known as a twitch or simple muscle curve (SMC) fig 8-13. The onset of the resulting
contractile response lags behind the AP because of its propagation of in the motor nerve
and the entire excitation-contraction coupling mechanism occur before cross-bridge
activity begins. This time delay of a few milliseconds between stimulation and the onset
of contraction is known as latent period The time interval from the beginning of tension
development to the peak of tension is the contraction time- the active phase. The curve
passively assumes the base line is the relaxation period. In this phase, the transfer of
calcium ions to the sarcoplasmic reticulum inhibits the cross-bridge activities followed by
actin and myosin return to their normal position and length. The duration of entire twitch
is upto 100msec or more which is longer than the duration of AP (1-2msec). Normally
twitch contraction (SMC) is not occurring in skeletal muscles of the body.
Study the phenomenon of summation and tetanus; page no. 8-20
Fatigue: Decrease in muscle tension with prolonged activity.
Muscle tension
Muscle tension is transmitted to bones as the contractile component tightens the series-
elastic component (a stretchy spring placed between the internal tension generating
elements and the bones that is moved against an external load (fig 8-14, 8-17).
Muscle fatigue:
Three types of skeletal muscles based on differences in ATP hydrolysis & synthesis
Skeletal muscle fibers do not all have the same mechanical and metabolic characteristics.
Different types of fibers can be identified on the basis of (1) their speed of shortening-
fast or slow- and (2) the major pathway they use to form ATP- oxidative or glycolytic
(table 8-1; 8-23a & b). Thus biochemically there are 3 types of muscle fibers (do not
confuse with three types of muscles that is given at the beginning of this note!).
a. Slow-oxidative (type-I) fibers are specialized for slow, sustained contraction
without fatigue (eg posture muscles of back)
Slow fibers constitute red muscles because they contain a rich blood supply, a
high density of mitochondria, and abundant stored myoglobin oxygen reserves
b. Two kinds of fast fibers provide fast, powerful contractions
c. One type of fast fiber- Fast-oxidative (type IIA) fiber- has extensive blood supply,
mitochondria and myoglobin and functions aerobically and can sustain exercise
for long periods of time
Dogs and ungulates have limb muscles with a high percentage of fast aerobic
d. Second kind of fiber Fast-glycolytic (Type-IIX)- lacks efficient blood supply and
high density of mitochondria and myoglobin; they are pale in colour and, function
anaerobically and fatigue rapidly
White meat of chicken is an example of this fast fiber muscle
The canine (cat family) has running muscles made up almost entirely of fast
fibers that operate anaerobically.
Such muscles rapidly build up an oxygen debt; cheetah must rest 30-40
minutes after a chase.
Tetanus toxins and Botulinum toxins: bacterial products that cause paralysis by
preventing synaptic transmission at neuromuscular junction (recall last chapter
Neurotoxins function as protease (protein digesting enzyme) digesting
component of fusion complex thus prevents release of neurotransmitters.
Botulinum toxin is used as treatment to relieve muscle spasm due to excessive
nerve stimulation. e.g. injected into affected extraocular muscle in order to
help correct strabismus (deviation of eye).
Comparative physiology of smooth and cardiac muscles (table 8-3):
Cardiac Muscle:
Found only in the heart wall (fig 9-6), shares structural and functional similarities
with both skeletal and smooth muscles.
Smooth Muscle:
Actin and myosin filaments are not arranged in an orderly pattern (fig 8-28). Activation
of smooth muscle contraction pathways leading from increased cytosolic calcium to
cross-bridge cycle are illustrated in fig 8-29 & 8-30.
Smooth muscle is slow and economical:
Contraction period is longest among all 3 muscles - is about 3 seconds.
Rate of ATP splitting is slow, so cross-bridge and sliding occur more slowly.
Also smooth muscle relaxes more slowly because a slower rate of Ca++ removal.
Because of low rate of cross-bridge cycles, cross-bridges are maintained in the
attached state for longer period of time during each cycle.
This latch phenomenon enables smooth muscle to maintain tension with
comparatively less ATP consumption.
Thus, smooth muscles are economical contractile tissue, found in walls of hollow
organs (blood vessels, digestive tract etc) where long term sustained contractions are
going on with little energy consumption and without fatigue.