Muscle Physiology 2023
Muscle Physiology 2023
Muscle Physiology 2023
Dr Onyango k
Understand the organization of muscle fibers and fibrils in
skeletal muscle.
Name the contractile proteins in the skeletal muscle and give
their functions.
Draw the labeled diagram of sarcomere.
a mechanical response.
The trigger for muscle contraction is the rise in free cytosolic
Ca++ concentration.
On the basis of structure, metabolism, control mechanisms
and contractile properties like rate and duration of
contraction, fatigability and the ability to regulate contractile
strength, muscles can be classified into three types:
Skeletal muscle
Smooth muscle
Cardiac muscle.
A typical skeletal muscle contains many muscle bundles or
Each fascicle consists of large number of muscle fibers
The blood vessels and nerves supplying the muscle fibers are
present within the perimysium.
All the three layers are made up of collagen and elastin that
known as tendons.
The structural unit of muscle is muscle fiber that is a single
skeletal muscle cell (myocyte).
The cell membrane of myocyte is known as sarcolemma and
cm in length.
In embryonic fibers, the nuclei are centrally placed; but
fibers is complete.
These differentiated fibers continue to increase in size during
to polarized light.
The light band is known as I band because it is isotropic to
polarized light .
Each myofibril is made up of units called sarcomere that
for ATP .
The ATP binding site functions as an ATPase (hydrolyzes ATP).
Arrangement of myosin molecules: The myosin molecules
aggregate with a definite directional arrangement, such that
their tail-ends are directed toward the center of the thick
filaments creating a bare region in the middle consisting of
myosin tails only, while the globular heads point away from
both sides of the tail.
The site of the reversal of polarity of myosin molecules is the
M line where slender cross connections preserve the
organization and alignment of the thick filaments in the
Besides titin, proteins like myomesin and C-protein
of G-actin.
G-actin is a globular protein with a diameter of 4–5 nm and
MW 42,000.
G-actin molecules (monomers) are joined from front to back
into long chains that wind about each other forming a double
stranded alpha helical filament known as F-actin (or
filamentous actin) that forms the backbone of the thin
The cytoskeletal protein nebulin extends along the length of
60 tropomyosin molecules.
Tropomyosin is a rod-shaped molecule (MW 70,000)
composed of two strands of polypeptides intertwined in an
alpha helical configuration with a length approximately equal
to seven actin monomers.
It is located in the groove between two chains of actin .
complex to tropomyosin.
Troponin I (MW 22,000) binds the troponin complex to actin.
Troponin is known as the regulatory protein in the
remains unchanged .
Thus, sarcomeric length is decided by the length of I band.
H band (H zone) is a narrow, light band in the center of A
This is the portion of A band showing no overlap (represented
The T-tubules, also called sarcotubules are tubular extensions
of the sarcolemma, about 0.03 µm in diameter.
They penetrate to the center of the muscle fiber and
The T-tubules are separated from the terminal cisternae by a
narrow space of about 12–14 nm that contains areas of
densities known as feet.
The junctional feet involve two integral membrane proteins,
The DHP receptors are L-type calcium channels and they are
clustered in groups of four called tetrads.
Primarily the receptor acts as a voltage sensor rather than a
calcium channel.
The portion of the terminal cisternae membrane that faces
calcium entry from the ECF into the cytoplasm through the
DHP receptor channel and this increase in calcium level
inside the cell can as well activate the ryanodine receptors
resulting in calcium release.
This mechanism is known as calcium-induced calcium release
However, this pathway has a much lesser role in contraction
of skeletal muscle.
CICR plays an important role in cardiac muscle contraction.
Increase in Ca2+ concentration near the sarcoplasmic
from the sarcoplasm to the SR, from where the calcium ions
are moved to their storage sites in the terminal cisternae.
The pump relocates two molecules of Ca2+ into the SR for
each molecule of ATP hydrolyzed.
It becomes active as soon as the Ca2+ concentration in