Science Aba1136
Science Aba1136
Science Aba1136
plane. To achieve a signal-to-noise ratio suf-
hanges in the normal mode frequencies response of materials at a spatial resolution ficient for resolving the phonon loss spectrum
of dynamical systems that arise from that is superior to that of other experimental fine structure, the electron beam is scanned
the presence of impurities have been techniques (9, 10). Tip-enhanced Raman spec- repeatedly over a small window, tightly de-
studied since the 19th century, which has troscopy (TERS) (11) and inelastic electron fined around the impurity of interest, while
resulted in the set of classical theorems tunneling spectroscopy (IETS) (12, 13) provide the spectrum intensity is accumulated (25).
now referred to as the Rayleigh theorems (1, 2). high spatial and energy resolution alternatives, Figure 1B shows a dark-field EEL spectrum
However, the modern theory of defect modes but they are strictly limited to surface exper- from a single Si atom impurity in graphene
in crystals was established in the 1940s with iments and, therefore, present challenges for a (labeled Si) alongside that acquired from a
the pioneering work of Lifschitz (3). Many range of applications. Vibrational STEM-EELS, comparably sized region of pristine graphene
studies followed, mainly based on optical spec- on the other hand, takes advantage of versatile (labeled C), located only a few atoms away
troscopies (4), which identified two types of probe-forming optics to offer ground-breaking from the Si impurity. The relative positions of
nontrivial defect-induced modes known as lo- capabilities: nanometer-scale thermometry the two scanned regions are indicated by red
calized and resonant modes. Resonant modes (14), mapping of bulk and surface-phonon- (Si) and blue (C) boxes on the high-angle an-
are also called quasi- or pseudo-localized modes polariton modes (15), establishing phonon dis- nular dark-field (HAADF) image in Fig. 1C. A
because, despite being spatially extended, they persion diagrams from nano-objects (16), and close-up of the probed Si atom (Fig. 1D) and
involve a large-amplitude vibration of the im- site-specific isotopic labeling in molecular the corresponding fine structure of the Si L2,3
purity itself. Defect modes can control ma- aggregates (17). These reports highlight the ionization edge (fig. S3C) confirm that the
terials’ properties such as electric and heat complementarity of STEM-EELS with con- brighter-contrast Si atom is trivalently substi-
transport or, more generally, processes that ventional vibrational spectroscopies whose tuted into the graphene lattice. Asymmetric
are affected by the scattering of electrons or energy resolutions remain unmatched. How- annular dark-field (aADF, thus denoted be-
phonons. This can be exploited, for example, ever, the ultimate promise of vibrational STEM- cause of the off-axis geometry) movies were
to suppress heat propagation in thermoelec- EELS is the ability to reach the single-atom recorded during spectrum acquisition to mon-
trics using rattler modes (5), to tune the super- or molecular level, in the same way that modern itor possible beam-induced structure modifi-
conductivity in two-dimensional films (6), or to microscopes have enabled electronic structure cations, while ensuring that the probed atom
affect the optoelectronic properties of conduct- analysis (18), plasmonic (19) and UV-optical re- remained centered within the scanned region.
ing polymers (7). Although the existence of an sponse fingerprinting (20), and energy-dispersive Averaged aADF movies are shown as insets in
atomically localized spectroscopic signature of x-ray spectroscopy (21) from single atoms. Atom- Fig. 1B, with individual frames shown in the
single-atom defects has long been discussed (8), ically resolved phonon maps of bulk systems supplementary materials.
conventional vibrational spectroscopies typi- are preliminary steps in this direction (22). The Si and C spectra in Fig. 1B are normal-
cally average information over much larger In this work, we use STEM-EELS to mea- ized to the maximum of their respective zero-
length scales. sure the localized vibrational signature of a loss peaks (ZLPs). As a result, the tails of the
Vibrational electron energy-loss spectroscopy single trivalent substitutional Si atom in single- ZLPs closely overlap immediately before the
(EELS) in the scanning transmission electron layer graphene (Si@Gr). From ab initio simu- first observable loss features, which allows for
microscope (STEM) has recently emerged as lations, we attribute the measured atomic-scale a straightforward visual comparison of rela-
a powerful means of probing the vibrational spectroscopic response to scattering by pseudo- tive changes in energy loss caused by inelastic
localized vibrational modes arising from a scattering by phonons. Any change in spec-
SuperSTEM Laboratory, SciTech Daresbury Campus,
resonance between the Si impurity–specific trum intensity above the coinciding ZLP tails
Daresbury WA4 4AD, UK. 2Sorbonne Université, Muséum modes and the bulk continuum. should be representative of differences in rela-
National d'Histoire Naturelle, UMR CNRS 7590, Institut de Figure 1A illustrates how electron beam tive phonon scattering probability. The fine
Minéralogie, de Physique des Matériaux et de Cosmochimie,
deflectors are adjusted to displace the EEL structure in the phonon energy range of the
75005 Paris, France. 3York Nanocentre and Department
of Physics, University of York, Heslington, York YO10 5DD, spectrometer entrance aperture by 69 mrad two recorded spectra is strikingly different.
UK. 4School of Chemical and Process Engineering and (or an 8.87-Å−1 momentum transfer) with re- Although the C spectrum is consistent with
School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Leeds, spect to the bright field (BF) disc so that that of nondoped bulk graphene (24), the Si
Leeds LS2 9JT, UK.
*Corresponding author. Email: these no longer overlap. Further details of the spectrum comprises phonon loss features at
(Q.M.R.); (G.R.) experimental geometry are provided in the different energies.
Fig. 1. Experimental geometry and vibrational STEM-EEL spectrum of a Si spectra, respectively, were acquired. (D) HAADF close-up of the (bright) trivalent
impurity in graphene. (A) Beam deflectors shift the BF disc away from the EEL Si impurity. (E) Detail of the normalized Si and C EEL spectra shown in (B) and
spectrometer entrance aperture (Ap.) in the diffraction plane. (B) Normalized the difference spectrum. L, longitudinal; T, transverse; A, acoustic; O, optical.
vibrational EEL spectra of a substitutional Si impurity and of defect-free (F) Comparison of the calculated differential PPDOS (broadened to match the
graphene. Insets show aADF images of the repeatedly scanned sample regions. experimental resolution) and the experimental difference spectrum. The blue and
Smoothed spectra (thin lines) are superimposed on the raw data (shading red shaded areas highlight energy ranges where the contributions of the Si
around the lines). (C) HAADF overview of the experimental region. Red and blue impurity and its three nearest neighbors, or that of bulk graphene, are
boxes indicate the positions of the sub-scan regions from which the Si and C comparatively stronger. au, arbitrary units.
Figure 1E shows, in greater detail, the pho- ability induced by the presence of the single plane perpendicular to the electron beam
non loss region of the spectra. The C spec- Si atom impurity. Virtually identical results trajectory in our experiments, only the com-
trum exhibits two distinct loss peaks at 85 meV (detailed in the supplementary materials) were ponents of the phonon polarization that are
(685 cm−1) and 170 meV (1371 cm−1). Following obtained from complementary measurements parallel to the graphene plane are relevant. A
(24), we attribute these peaks to scatter- carried out in a different area of the sample. tentative comparison to the experimental dif-
ing by transverse (T) or longitudinal (L), These experimental results lead to the remark- ference spectrum is then provided by combin-
acoustic (A) or optical (O) modes in graphene, able conclusion that the single Si atom impurity ing the PPDOS projected on the Si atom, nSi;
respectively (the graphene-phonon dispersion in graphene possesses a characteristic vibra- the PPDOS projected on its three C neighbors,
diagram is presented for reference in fig. S10). tional signature localized at the atomic scale. nC1; and the bulk phonon DOS per atom, nbulk:
Spectral contributions of out-of-plane phonon To gain insights into the physics associated ~ ðwÞ ¼ ½nSi ðwÞ þ 3nC1 ðwÞ 4nbulk ðwÞ=4. This
modes are expected to be negligible, as the in- with these results, we have calculated, within differential PPDOS reflects the experimen-
cident electron beam is normal to the graphene the framework of density functional theory tal spectrum averaging over the scanning
plane. Despite stemming from a position only (DFT) (26) and using periodic boundary con- window, which is expected to include con-
a few atoms away, the Si spectrum shows a ditions, the vibrational spectrum of a large tributions from the impurity’s neighboring
remarkably different phonon fine structure 96×96 supercell of graphene (96 unit cells by C atoms. The resulting differential PPDOS is
comprising a prominent loss peak at about 96 unit cells) containing one substitutional shown in Fig. 1F, after broadening to match
55 meV (443 cm−1) and weaker structures at Si atom. The structure of the defect and com- the experimental resolution. It predicts all the
125 and 150 meV (1008 and 1209 cm−1). To putational details are presented in the sup- main features of the experimental difference
enhance the differences between the spectra, plementary materials. As discussed therein, spectrum, including a single peak at ~55 meV
we subtracted the C from the Si spectrum, and the important features observed in the vibra- (443 cm−1), two overlapping peaks at 125
the resulting difference spectrum is shown in tional EEL spectra of graphene can be safely and 150 meV (1008 and 1209 cm−1), and dips
Fig. 1, E and F. This has the additional benefit interpreted in terms of the phonon density centered around 100 and 180 meV (807 and
of effectively subtracting the elastic scattering of states (DOS) of the bulk. The local be- 1452 cm−1).
ZLP tail (making the reasonable assumption havior of the DOS can be quantified by the The physical origin of these spectral fea-
that the tail contribution, before any expected projectedX phonon DOS (PPDOS), defined as tures can be understood by considering the in-
loss contribution, is similar between spectra) nk ðwÞ ¼ jek j2 dðw wn Þ, where k denotes
n n
dividual in-plane PPDOS employed to construct
without possible errors associated with com- a specific atom, wn and en are the phonon an- the differential PPDOS, ñ, and the PPDOS of
mon background removal techniques, as dis- gular frequency and normalized polarization, C atoms located at increasing distances away
cussed in the supplementary materials (fig. and the sum is carried over all the phonon from the Si impurity (Fig. 2A). The Si PPDOS
S4). Thus, the difference can be interpreted as modes, n, of the supercell. Because the momen- is dominated by an intense peak at 55 meV,
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