Nature 00869
Nature 00869
Nature 00869
304 2002 Nature Publishing Group NATURE | VOL 418 | 18 JULY 2002 |
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photons travel along two beam lines defined by pinholes, pass removed in our set-up by the compensating crystals C, which act as
through polarizers P1 and P2, and are detected by single-photon quantum erasers.
counters. The photodetectors act as bucket detectorsthat is, they Placement of the two hole arrays in the two beam lines leads
impose no further transverse mode selection (this is only done by naturally to a marked reduction of single and coincidence counts.
pinholes). To provide the two-photon coincidence rate, the signals Coincidence count rates are typically 55 s21 at the optimum setting
from the two detectors are combined electronically in a coincidence of the detecting polarizers, which is consistent with the trans-
circuit with a time window of 2 ns. missions of the arrays given above 3% 5% 3:2 104 s21 <
In a simplified picture, the generated polarization-entangled state 50 s21 : We again measured the purity of the entangled state, and
is found that the visibilities were now V 08 97.1% and
1 V 458 97.2%, respectively. In Fig. 3 the corresponding fourth-
jWl pffiffi jH1 V2 l eiv jV1 H2 l 1 order quantum interference fringes are shown for polarizer P2 fixed
at 08 and 458, and P1 varying in steps of 108. These measurements
where the state jH1V2l represents the simultaneous emission and show convincingly that the quantum entanglement almost com-
propagation of an H-polarized photon in beam 1 and a V-polarized pletely survives the transition from photon to SP and back. As a
photon in beam 2. The H- and V-directions are defined by the further confirmation, we performed a measurement of the so-called
orthogonal birefringent axes of the BBO (b barium borate) crystal S-parameter, as described in ref. 11, on a singlet Bell state (v p in
generating the twin photons, and all spatial information is equation (1)). This experiment, which took 16 runs of 100 seconds
implicitly contained in the beam labelling. By tilting one of the each, gave a value of jSj 2:71 ^ 0:02; which is a violation of the
compensating crystals (C in Fig. 2), the quantum phase v can be set. classical inequality jSj # 2; ref. 13) by 35 standard deviations.
In the absence of the hole arrays, our set-up produces typically Further experiments were done on a set-up with only a single
3.2 104 coincidence counts per second, which is ,25% of the array in one of the beams. The results for this case look very similar
single count rate. A measure for the purity of the quantum to those for the experiment with two arrays; again the entanglement
entangled state is the so-called visibility of the biphoton fringe11,12. was practically unaffected (see Table 1). This is to be expected, as the
This visibility was typically V 08 99.3% and V 458 97.0% at two-photon wavefunction of equation (1) is perturbed by changes
polarization angles of 08 and 458, respectively (see Table 1). The in either of its single-photon components; in principle, a single
high value at 458 shows that the natural preference of the BBO array could have removed all entanglement. The difference between
crystal for its birefringent axes (08 and 908) was almost completely the two single-array experiments (Table 1) is due to imperfections in
array 2, which are also observable in its (single-photon) polariz-
ation-dependent transmission. As the measurements using only
array 2 gave results very similar to the situation with both arrays in
place, these imperfections must have caused the somewhat limited
visibilities in the two-array experiment.
The most intriguing results of our single-array experiment are
obtained when we focus one of the beam lines onto its hole array,
using a confocal telescope (close to lens L) of two f 15 mm lenses
symmetrically positioned around the array, as shown inside the
large dotted rectangle in Fig. 2. Under these conditions, we observe a
notable reduction of the degree of quantum entanglement: when the
intra-telescope focus has a numerical aperture of 0.13, we observe
visibilities of V 08 73% and V 458 87% (Table 1).
The observed reduction in visibility on focusing can be explained
as a consequence of the non-local relation between the electronic
excitation in the metal film and the incident optical field; SPs are not
at all local, but instead propagate along the dielectricmetal inter-
face at nearly the speed of light over distances of many optical
wavelengths3,9,10. As a result of this propagation, the near-field
distribution of the photons that are reradiated at the back of the
Figure 2 Experimental set-up. A 240-mW continuous-wave krypton-ion laser beam at a hole array differs from the spatial profile of the polarization-
wavelength of 406.7 nm is directed onto a 1-mm-thick BBO nonlinear crystal, where the isotropic incident photons. Because we use the (^1,^1) SP
beam diameter is ,0.50 mm (full width at 1/e2 points). Inside the nonlinear crystal, a resonance (at 809 nm) we expectfor unpolarized incident light
small fraction of the pump photons is down-converted into twin photons at the doubled a near-field pattern consisting of two orthogonal ellipses at the
wavelength (813 nm); these are emitted along two intersecting cones. Polarization- back of the hole array (Fig. 2 inset). The unpolarized overlap region
entangled photon pairs are selected with pinholes at the crossings of these cones; the size of these ellipses correspond to the focused incident light, whereas
of the pinholes (far-field diameter 5 mrad) was chosen as a compromise between high the polarized protuberances introduce the possibility of dis-
yield and good quantum entanglement. Lenses L of 40 cm focal length produce a one-to- tinguishing the polarization of the photons on the basis of their
one intermediate image of the pumped area, which is used in some experiments to
accommodate the hole arrays A1 and A2. After passing through polarizers P1 and P2, the
entangled twin photons are focused through interference filters IF (10-nm bandwidth
centred at 813 nm) onto single-photon counting modules (Perkin Elmer SPCM-AQR-14).
Table 1 Biphoton fringe visibilities
Beam walkoff is compensated by the standard quantum eraser comprising a half-wave
Experiment R (s21) V 08 (%) V 458 (%)
plate HWP at 458 and compensating crystals C with a thickness equal to half of that of the .............................................................................................................................................................................
generating crystal11,12. The dotted objects are present only in some experiments; they No arrays 32 103 99.3 97.0
show the hole arrays A1 and A2 at the image positions created by lenses L, or, Both arrays 55 97.1 97.2
Only array 1 1.6 103 99.4 97.1
alternatively, in the focus of the confocal telescope TEL (15 mm focal length lenses). Inset, Only array 2 1.0 103 97.5 96.8
schematic picture of the near field at the back of array A1 when this is positioned inside Array 1, focussed 1.1 103 73 87
the telescope. The arrows indicate the polarization direction of the optical electric field; the R, measured coincidence count rate; V 08 and V 458, measured visibility for one of the polarizers
centre region is unpolarized. fixed at 08 and 458, respectively.
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Figure 3 Biphoton fringes. These fringes correspond to fourth-order quantum interference, and were measured with the two hole arrays in place, for P2 fixed at 08 (solid curve) and 458
(dashed curve), and P1 varying in steps of 108.
spatial near-field coordinates. This will then automatically remove instead waveguide effects. Our arrays are apparently thin enough
part of the polarization entanglement, just as any which way (thickness/period < 0.3) for waveguide effects not to play an
information will do. Note that the observed reduction in visibility important role. This conclusion is supported by experiments in
is much stronger for V 08 than for V 458, contrary to what is generally which the thickness of such a thin array has been varied6.
found without using hole arrays11,12. This observation is consistent By addressing the topic of plasmon-assisted transmission of
with the fact that we excite SPs propagating in the diagonal (458) quantum entangled photons, we have combined two fields of
directions. research, namely quantum information and nanostructured metal
The non-local nature of the electronic response is equivalent to optics. We hope that our work will stimulate other studies of the
an explicit wavevector dependence of the dielectric function transfer of entanglement to condensed-matter degrees of
(spatial dispersion; ref. 14). The latter description highlights the freedom. A
far-field aspects of a non-local dielectric response, and is related by Received 11 March; accepted 23 May 2002; doi:10.1038/nature00869.
way of a Fourier transform to the near-field picture given above.
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We thank A. van Zuuk and E. van der Drift for the production of the hole arrays, and
very macroscopic, in the sense that they involve some 1010 electrons. G. Nienhuis for theoretical discussions. This work was supported by the Stichting voor
Our experiment proves that this macroscopic nature does not Fundamenteel Onderzoek der Materie (FOM), and the European Union under the
impede the quantum behaviour of SPs, because they can act as IST-ATESIT contract.
intermediates in transmitting entangled photons to yield the
expected fourth-order interference.
A theory for our experiments based only on locally induced Competing interests statement
surface currents is clearly inadequate. We stress this point because The authors declare that they have no competing financial interests.
some recent theoretical models for one-dimensional gratings in Correspondence and requests for material should be addressed to E.A.
thick metal films have questioned the role of SPs, emphasizing (e-mail:
306 2002 Nature Publishing Group NATURE | VOL 418 | 18 JULY 2002 |