1. Considering the basic principles of ethics and morality, what basic principle/s shape your
As a person who value truthfulness and fairness, self-determination, kindness, and goodness. I
can say That The basic principle of ethics and morality that shape my decisions are justice,
autonomy, beneficence, and non-maleficence. These are the things that shape my decisions
whenever I am facing a problem, trials, or an opportunity in life. These is what my parents
taught me, and these basic principles really help me to think critically about the decisions that
I’m going to make and view things in a wide variations so that I can make a decision that will not
break this basic principles that my parents has taught me.
2. Give an example for ethical theory Utilitarianism? Justify
Soldiers was sent to Marawi to fight for the NPA for them to save greatest number of people.
This is an example of utilitarianism because the best action is the one that leads to the greatest
amount of happiness for the greatest number of people. Utilitarianism is an ethical philosophy
that an action is right if it promotes happiness for the majority of people. Soldiers will fight for
the NPA to end the war and give peace and promotes happiness for the majority of the people
especially to marawi people and the rest of the Philippines despites or regardless of the
consequences that might happened
3. Give an example for ethical theory Deontology? Justify
A nurse needs to tell the truth to the patient regardless of what the information it is since its
part of their duty and obligation as a nurse. This is an example of deontological ethics since its is
stated to the patents bill of rights that patient has a right to information regardless of what it is.
a nurse must fallow his/her duty since its his/her obligation. Deontology is an ethical theory that
uses rules to distinguish right from wrong. Deontology advises not to violate this rule so
following the rules makes deontology easy to apply.
4. Why does ethical dilemma occur?
Ethical dilemma occurs because people have different culture, religion, custom and belief which
can cause ethical dilemma. People have their ethical philosophy and perspective which may
differ from other people.
5. In your own idea, what may be the qualities needed by a nurse in the practice of nursing
I think that would be knowledgeable, compassionate, hardworking, critical thinking,
communicator and respectful. As a person who’s always been in hospital before, I encountered
nurses who has bad attitude, a nurse who just worked for money without sincereness and heart
for the patient. one of the qualities of good nurses is willingness to put in the hard work it takes
to meet their goals. At times, lengthy shifts spent on one’s feet make this career physically
demanding. Yet, fueled by their passion and desire to help others, exceptional nurses put in the
necessary effort. Ultimately, they value the job satisfaction that rewards their commitment and
unsparing effort to do their work well. Second, Nurses must possess extensive knowledge to
care effectively for their patients. Third is One of the most important qualities of a good nurse is
compassion. Nurses will see patients suffer. Beyond simply offering a solution, they must be able
to express compassion for patients and their families. This allows them to form meaningful
relationships with their patients. Fourth, Nurses must know how to respect one another
Jan Vincent F. Ballesteros
regardless of ethnicity, gender, race, custom and should be treated equally and fairly. Fifth is a
nurse must know how to handle things through critical thinking skills and that person must
communicate effectively so that misunderstanding can avoid and patients will truly understand
any information. After all these qualities strengthen the trust people place in nurses and make
all proud to say A nurse I am.