1-DD-Akron-CORA-9519705-PROP-60 Months Commercial Paint Delivery 2018-07-18 PDF
1-DD-Akron-CORA-9519705-PROP-60 Months Commercial Paint Delivery 2018-07-18 PDF
1-DD-Akron-CORA-9519705-PROP-60 Months Commercial Paint Delivery 2018-07-18 PDF
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Paint delivery report
Project DD-Akron-CORA-9519705-PROP-60 months Prepared by Mohamed Ehab - Jotun U.A.E. Ltd. (L.L.C.)
Customer AKRON Approved by Version 1
Location DryDocks World - Dubai Date 7/18/2018
All prices in AED
Part No Product Tins Tin size Price Litres full can Litres theoretical Net sales
0UV099WVAK10 HARDTOP XP,BLACK 8 20.0 LT 23.50 160 148 3760
0UV001WVAK10 HARDTOP XP,WHITE 1 20.0 LT 24.79 20 0 496
0ARARTUNAK10 JOTAMASTIC 80,ALUMINIUM RED TONED 12 18.3 LT 18.70 220 217 4107
0ARREDUNAK10 JOTAMASTIC 80,RED 4 18.3 LT 17.85 73 58 1307
0FV001WVA PIONER TOPCOAT,WHITE 1 20.0 LT 17.00 20 0 340
0YSBRWWVA SEAFORCE 30 M,BROWN 24 20.0 LT 41.00 480 482 19680
0YTREDWVA SEAFORCE 60 M,RED 29 20.0 LT 52.53 580 582 30466
0YTBRWWVA SEAFORCE 60 M,BROWN 29 20.0 LT 52.53 580 582 30466
092207WVA JOTUN THINNER NO. 07,CLEAR 9 20.0 LT 0.00 180 165 0
092210WVA JOTUN THINNER NO. 10,CLEAR 1 20.0 LT 0.00 20 15 0
092217WVA JOTUN THINNER NO. 17,CLEAR 2 20.0 LT 0.00 40 39 0
Total 93015
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No. Remarks
1 A/F thicknesses shown for vessel trading at approx. 13 knots sailing approx. 70 days per year (%) for 60 months under normal trading conditions in an average
seawater temperature of approx. 30 °c and assumes the existing coatings are in a sound condition.
2 A/F thicknesses shown for vessel trading at approx. 13 knots sailing approx. 70 days per year (%) for 60 months under normal trading conditions in an average
seawater temperature of approx. 30 °c and assumes the existing coatings are in a sound condition.
* Please refer to relevant Technical Data Sheets (TDS) for recoating and curing conditions
Prices may change for colours different from those given in the above specification
Unless otherwise agreed in writing, all product supplied and technical advice given by us are subject to our standard terms and conditions of sale. In the event that supplies are made and
technical advice is given by one of our associated companies or dealers, then such supplies and technical advice shall be subject to the standard terms of sale of that company, a copy of
which is available upon request. The given data must be considered as guidelines only, the figures in some columns may be rounded. Drying times and paint consumptions may vary
depending on actual conditions.
For updated information about our products please refer to our web site at www.jotun.com
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