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Lesson Plan #1

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M.T. Villanueva Avenue, Liboton, Naga City

2nd Semester, AY 2021-2022



APRIL 18, 2022

Name: Jelo V. Clavel Subject: Mathematics 7

Course: BSED MATHEMATICS Section: 3A

A. Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of the key
concepts of measurement.
B. Performance Standard: The learner is able to formulate real-life
problems involving measurements and solve these using a variety of
C. Learning Competency/Objectives: The learner solves problems
involving conversion of units of measurement. (M7ME-IIb-2)

Specific Objectives: At the end of sixty minutes discussion, the students are
expected to:

a. Review the Table of Conversion for length, area, and volume

b. Analyze a problem and identify what is asked
c. Apply formulas such as perimeter, area, and volume
d. Solves real life problems involving conversion of units of measurement.

II. CONTENT: Measurements

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages: K to 12 Curriculum Guide
2. Learner’s Guide pages: Mathematics Quarter 2-Module 2
B. Other Learning Resources: laptop, projector, chalk and board, Tape
measure, ruler, task card

IV. Procedure Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary

Orderliness/Cleanliness *Ask to arrange the chairs *Arranged the chair and

of Classroom and clean the room clean the room

Prayer *Ask a student to lead the *Stand and a student will

Prayer lead the prayer

Checking of Attendance *Check the seat plan, *Sit in their proper seat
vacant seat meant absent assigned by the teacher
B. Lesson Proper
Review Review the steps on How to The student will raise their
Convert a Unit of hand and recite their
Measurement to Another answer
*Present in ppt

1. Compare the two

2. Find the __________
that gives the
appropriate ratio to the
given unit.
3. Write the conversion as Answer:
a __________ where 1. Units
the denominator is in 2. Conversion Factor
the same unit as the 3. Fraction
given unit. 4. Original
4. Write a multiplication 5. Similar
problem with the
__________ number
and the fraction.
5. Cancel out __________
units that appears on
the numerator and
denominator. Solve.

Motivation Present a problem;

Darwin and his friends

plan to go swimming. They
have two beach resort to
decide on and they want to
go to the nearest one.
Option 1 is 13 miles away
from them and option 2 is Read the Problem
16 kilometers away from
them. One of his friends
suggest to go to option 1
because he thinks it is
nearer since 13 is lesser
than 16.

Guide Question:
1. Do you think option (Yes or no)
1 is nearer than
option 2?
2. Is his friend right (Yes or no) (Answer varies)
about choosing
option 1? Why?
3. How do you solve (thinking)
this kind of

In this session we will

learn how to solve
problems including units of
conversion. We must now
apply what we learn from
the previous discussion in
various real-life situation.
C. Discussion
Activity Activity title: Measurement • Group by combing
scavenger hunt! novice and expert
learners for each
* Group the student into 3 group

* Give 1 task card for each

group (activity in the task • Perform the
card as well as the scoring scavenger hunt
rubrics are written at the
end of this paper)

*Follow up (Question)
1. How did you find the
activity? Is it hard?
• Answer the question
2. in a scale of 1-5, 5 as the 1. (Answer varies)
highest and 1 as the lowest, 2. (Answer varies)
how would you rate
yourself in converting

Analysis Connecting the activity to

the lesson
* What we have done is
some application of (The student listen)
conversion of units in real
life situation. Now, let’s
solve word problems about
conversion of units that
may transpires in our day-
to-day life

Presenting the new

concepts, terms
*Knowledge of
measurement and
problem-solving strategies
are necessary in solving (The student listen)
routine and nonroutine
word problems. Many
problems can be solved
using arithmetic or
algebraic processes. There
are problems, however,
that can be solved by
simply drawing a diagram.

Present a Problem: A tamaraw calf was 2 foot

Please read the problem and 5 inches long. Fully
grown, it is 3 times as long.
How long is the fully grown
* Ask the student what is (The task is to find how
asked and the given long is a fully grown
tamaraw. We have a given
of initial size of the
tamaraw calf as 2ft and 5

* The problem says that it (We will first multiply the

would be 3 times larger as size of the calf to 3,
an adult tamaraw, what do because it will be thrice as
you think we will do? big as the original size)

The student will solve:

3 (2ft and 5 in)
=6ft and 15 in

*What did you notice about (Since we have a unit of

the answer? Is that our feet combined with inches,
final answer? Is there and 15 inches is larger
something else that we than 1 foot, we have to
should do? convert 15 inches into its
corresponding feet and
inches value, therefore we
need to apply units of
conversion to find the final

*Very good, now, what The student will raise their

conversion factor should hands
we use? (Sir, we will use 1ft = 12 in
as our conversion factor)

*Nice, now who can try to The student will raise their
convert 6ft and 15 in? hands, and solve in the
6ft 15in = 6ft + (15in x
(1 𝑓𝑡 12 𝑖𝑛))
= 6ft + 1 ft + 3 in
= 7ft 3 in.

*Very good, Now, is 7ft and (Yes sir)

3in is our final answer?

*What conclusion can we The student will raise their

make hands and wait to be
(Therefore, a fully grown
tamaraw will be 7ft and 3
in long)

*Present other problems

and help the students
answer like the first
*Now answer the
Additional activity item no. (The student will answer
3 and 5 of the LM, for the activity)
guidance and assistant you
can work in pairs
Abstraction and Checking of the activity (Raised hands)
Generalization Ask for 2 volunteers to (Solved and explain in the
answer item no. 3 and 5 front)
(Review the answer of the
students and check errors)
Ask: The student will recite:
1. What is the first step 1. Analyze the problem
in solving word and determine what
problems? is asked
2. How about the 2. Apply existing
second step? formulas, solve, and
3. And finally, after we convert. We can also
are done solving or start by converting
converting the units, first before solving.
what should we do? 3. Draw conclusion
Application Go back to the Darwin’s
situational problem and ask Raised hand and recite
again the guide question.

Guide Question:
1. Do you think option (No, option 2 is nearer)
1 is nearer than
option 2?
(No, he’s friend is wrong,
2. Is his friend right 13mi is 21km, and 16km is
about choosing 9 miles, therefore, if we
option 1? Why? compare it, option 2 is

3. How do you solve (Solve the problem by

this kind of problems applying problem solving
strategies and converting
the units)

D. Evaluation Give the students the

prepared evaluation sheet.

Please answer (PART 1) Answer the evaluation


Checking: Raised their hands and

Call for volunteers solve in the board

Records the score: tell their scores as they

Call student’s surname hear their surnames

E. Assignment For your homework, please

answer Part 2 of the (Yes sir)
evaluation, you may refer
to your answer in part 1 as
your guide.

Name: _____________________________ Date: ______________

Grade & Section: _____________________ Score: _____________

Knowledge of measurement and problem-solving strategies are necessary in

solving routine and nonroutine word problems. Many problems can be solved using
arithmetic or algebraic processes. There are problems, however, that can be solved by
simply drawing a diagram.

Part 1 Read the following problems carefully then fill in the blanks with the correct
1. Joel measured their classroom to be 10 meters long and 7 meters wide. What is
the area of their classroom in square centimeters(cm2)?
a. What is asked? __________________________________________________
b. Solution:
A = LW
A = ___m x ___m
A = ___m2
c. Convert:
𝐴 = _____𝑚 ( )
𝐴 = ____𝑐𝑚2
d. Conclusion:
Therefore, the area of the classroom in square centimeters is _____.

2. The distance from school to Ella’s house is trice the distance of Megan’s house
which is 5.36 km. How far is Ella’s house from school in miles?
a. What is asked? __________________________________________________
b. Solution:
Let x be the distance of Megan’s house from school
Let y be the distance of Ella’s house from school
𝑦 = 3𝑥
𝑦 = 3 (____𝑘𝑚)
𝑦 = ____𝑘𝑚
c. Convert:
𝑦 = ___𝑘𝑚 ( )
𝑦 = ____𝑚𝑖𝑙𝑒𝑠
d. Conclusion:
Therefore, Ella’s house is ___mi from school.

3. Alexa is 165 cm tall. She is planning to enroll in a Maritime School with a minimum
height requirement of 5 ft. and 4 inches. Do you think she can pass the height
requirement? Justify your answer.
a. What is asked? __________________________________________________
b. Convert:
1𝑖𝑛 1𝑓𝑡
Alexa’s height = ____𝑐𝑚 (2.54𝑐𝑚) (12𝑖𝑛)
Alexa’s height = _______________𝑓𝑡
Alexa’s height = ___ft and ___ in
c. Conclusion:
Since Alexa’s height is ___ft and ___ in, therefore, She _________ the height
Part 2 Read each problem carefully and solve for what is asked.

1. Gumball plans to put tiles in his room. His room has an area of 9 square meters.
If each tile is 6 centimeters by 6 centimeters, how many tiles will it take to cover
his room?

2. Jordan and Joey wake up in the morning and jog in different way. Jordan jogged
2000 meter while Joey jogged 23 miles. Who between two jog a longer distance?
By how many kilometers?

3. Althea wants to put a barb wire fence in her backyard which has a total length of
49 feet. The price of the barb wire is P12.00 per meter. How much will Althea
spend buying enough barb wire?
Tasks in the measurement scavenger hunt

Group 1
• Find an object that is about 1.5 ft write your object measurement as inches
The object_________
Actual length ________ ft
_________ inches

• Find an object that is 40 inches long, convert the measure in ft and the remaining
into inches
The object_________
Actual length ________ in
____ feet and _____ inches

Group 2
• Measure the length of your classroom in feet, then convert the measure into yards
Classroom length: _____ feet
Classroom length in yards _____

• Measure the width of your classroom in feet, then convert the measure into yards
Classroom width: _____ feet
Classroom width in yards _____

• Using the formula, A = LW, compute the area of your classroom in yards

Group 3
• Find the length of the classroom board in feet then convert it into meters
Board length _____ ft
Board length in meters ____m

• Using the length of your shoes (1 shoe = 1 feet), find the distance of the door
from the furthest corner of your room then convert it into meters and kilometers
____ feet
____ meters
____ kilometers
Which has the least number value?

Scoring rubrics:

Criteria 3 2 1

Teamwork All students have Some There had been a

parts in achieving students are quarrel among
the activity not helping the group

Accuracy The group was able The group The group got
to complete has 1 or 2 errors higher
correctly the tasks errors than 2

Timeliness The group was able The group The group was
to finish the was late for not able to finish
activity on time about 1 their activity after
minute 1 minute

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