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Basketball is a sport in which two
teams of five players compete against each
other on a rectangular court, generally indoors.
The goal of the game is to put the ball in the
hoop. It is one of the world's most popular and
extensively watched team sports.

Shooting, passing, dribbling, and

rebounding are the commonly used techniques
used in the game, as well as different positions
(player positioning) defensive and offensive
structure and techniques; the “center,”
“power forward” or “small forward are the
tallest players of the team, while “point guard”
or “shooting guard” are the shorter players of
the team that possess the best ball handling
skills and speed play.
It was invented by the Canadian
clergyman, educator and physician James
Naismith on or about December 1891, at the
International Young Men’s Christian Association
(YMCA) Training School (now Springfield
College) in Springfield Massachusetts. It was
Luther Halsey Gulick, Naismith’s supervisor and
the College’s first physical education director,
who challenged Naismith to invent a new
indoor game for the school’s students to play
during the long New England winter.


This skill will allow you to move up The goal is to effectively reclaim

1 and down the court, maneuver past

defenders and execute plays.
4 possession of the basketball after it
rebounds off the hoop or backboard
following a missed field goal or free throw.


2 5
Throwing the ball through the hoop As the game swiftly shifts between attack
in an attempt to score points. and defense, you'll find yourself sprinting
back and forth a lot in basketball.


When one player throws the ball to
another for the goal of setting up a
play or taking a shot, it is called a
It is an important skill for all basketball players. This skill will allow
you to move up and down the court, maneuver past defenders and execute
plays. This involves bouncing the ball off the floor with your hands. Proper
DRIBBLING dribbling requires ball-handling skills and knowledge of how to spread your
fingers for ball control. It is also best if you know how to dribble equally
well with both hands.
• Use your fingertips to dribble, never the

• Dribble on the side of your body, never

bounce the ball in front repeatedly.

• Get used to bouncing the ball off the ground.

• Lower your body slightly so that the ball is

bouncing rapidly at waist level.

• Look up when you are dribbling, not on the

ground or on the floor.

• When switching the ball from one hand to

another, bounce the ball across hard and

• When changing direction, shift the

momentum of your body towards that
Throwing the ball through the hoop in an attempt to score points. It
SHOOTING necessitates the ability to handle the ball properly and send it toward the
basket while evading opponents.
• Half-bent your knees before shooting a
basketball for more potential power.

• Your dominant hand should have its fingers

spread out.

• Only the fingertips should be gripping onto the


• Your other hand supports the ball on the side.

• The ball should be brought above the head in

one motion.

• At this point, the angles at your armpit, elbow,

and wrist are at 90 degrees.

• While extending your knees, extend your

forearm and your wrist.

• Make sure you follow through with your wrist

movement. It feels natural to jump upon
• Always keep track of the distance between
you and the hoop.

• Tuck your elbows inward towards each other

when shooting.

• Shoot the basketball at an arc. It increases


• Aim at the part inside the rim farthest from

your standpoint.

• Use screens and offensive plays to get open.

• Square up your shooting hand with the

basketball hoop.

• Grip the basketball tightly with only your

thumb and little finger.

• Aim with your index finger or middle finger


• Never hesitate due to the fear of a block shot.

Another ability that, if learned, may assist you in becoming a
PASSING complete basketball player. When one player throws the ball to another for
the goal of setting up a play or taking a shot, it is called a pass.
• A good pass is a pass a teammate can catch.

• When passing, step toward your receiver.

• When catching, step toward the pass.

• Like shooting, the ball should have a

backspin to it. This is accomplished by
following through on every pass.

The pass originates from the chest. It
is thrown by gripping the ball on the sides with
the thumbs directly behind the ball. When the
pass is thrown, the fingers are rotated behind
the ball and the thumbs are turned down.

Is thrown with the same motion

however it is aimed at the floor. It should be
thrown far enough out that the ball bounces
waist high to the receiver.


Is often used as an outlet pass. Bring

the ball directly above your forehead with both
hands on the side of the ball and follow
through. Do not bring the ball behind your
head, because it can get stolen, and it takes a
split-second longer throw the pass.
The goal is to effectively reclaim possession of the basketball after
it rebounds off the hoop or backboard following a missed field goal or free
REBOUNDING throw. This is important in the game since most possessions come to an
end when a team misses a shot. The side with the most possessions is
more likely to win.

• Find a good position on the court.

• Get low to the ground.

• Spread your arms.

• Box out your opponent, if necessary.

• Jump towards the ball.

• Grasp the ball with both hands, if possible.

• Have a plan to pass the ball.

• Learn to anticipate missed shots.

As the game swiftly shifts between attack and defense, you'll find
yourself sprinting back and forth a lot in basketball. Running helps you
RUNNING escape opponents and get to the hoop faster when you have the ball. On
defense, you'll frequently have to chase down your opponent, especially
during rapid breakouts.
• Lean forward

• Run on the balls of your feet

• Swing your arms and hands from cheek to

cheek (that is butt cheek to face cheek)
alongside your body, don’t allow your arms
to cross-over in front of your body.

• Always do a combination of dynamic

stretching and warm-up activities.
Equipment and Facilities
Basketball is a sport that every
Filipino enjoys. Basketball courts
may be found across the Philippines,
even in tiny communities and
provinces. As a result, we should be
familiar with the various basketball
equipment and facilities .
Most basketball balls are made of
leather and have an official
circumference of 29.5 to 30
inches for men's games and 28.5
inches for women's games. It
should be 18 to 22 ounces in
weight. A well-inflated ball should
bounce 49 to 54 inches high when
bounced from 6 feet off the
When it comes to coaching a
basketball team, having a uniform
is the most significant necessity.
This aids in distinguishing one
team from another. A uniform
comprises of a jersey (shirt),
shorts, and identifying numbers
on the front and back of the
Basketball shoes help avoid
injuries by providing proper ankle
support, among other things.
High-top sneakers give the finest
ankle support; they should also be
laced all the way up to the top to
ensure a secure fit.
Is a container for holding water, drinks,
or other beverages to be consumed. A
water bottle allows a person to drink
while also transporting a beverage from
one location to another. Plastic, glass,
or metal are the most common
materials used to make water bottles.
The court measures 28m long and 15m broad, measured from the
inner edge of the boundary line, and is flat, hard, and free of obstructions. The
team’s own basket inbounds portion of the backboard, and the portion of the

FACILIT Y playing court confined by their own end line, side lines, and center line are all
located in the backcourt. The front court is defined by the opponents' basket,
the inbounds portion of the backboard, and the portion of the playing court
bordered by the end lines behind the opponents' hoop, side lines, and the
inside edge of the center line closest to the opponents' basket.
Basic Rules
1. Only five players per team on the court.
Each club in the NBA, WNBA, and NCAA
basketball can only have five players on the floor at
a time. A side will lose possession of the ball if
they breach this key rule. When substitute players
check into the game and others do not leave the
court in time, this might happen accidently,
especially at lower levels of the game.

2. Score more than your opponent to win.

A team must score more field goals than
the opposing team to win the game. A field goal is
any basket scored by a player during a game. Two
or three points can be scored on a field goal. Two
points are awarded for field goals made inside the
arc that marks the three-point line on the floor.
Three points are awarded for field goals made from
beyond the arc. Jump shots, layups, slam dunks,
and tip-ins are all examples of field goals.
3. Score within the shot clock.
During each possession, teams have a limited
amount of time to shoot the ball. Teams in the NBA
and WNBA have 24 seconds of possession before
having to shoot, whereas NCAA teams have 30
seconds. On either side of the court, a shot clock
positioned above the hoop displays and counts down
the time permitted. The opposing team forfeits the
ball and becomes the defensive team if the shot clock
runs out.
4 . D r i b b l i n g a d va n c e s t h e b a l l .
Basketball players can only move the ball up
and down the court by passing or dribbling (bouncing
the ball on the floor). If a player stops dribbling, he or
she must pass or shoot the ball. The referee will call a
"double dribble" if an offensive player in possession of
the ball stops then resumes dribbling before passing
or shooting, and the opposition team will receive the
ball. Furthermore, players can only move the ball
forward by dribbling it. They are traveling if they run
while holding the ball. A traveling call will be made,
and control of the ball will be given to the opposing
5. The offence has five seconds to inbound the
After the offense makes a basket, the ball
is passed to the opposition team. To resume play,
one of their players must inbound the ball from a
predetermined position on the court's sidelines. If
the player does not pass the ball to another
member of his team within five seconds, the team
loses possession. When an offensive player tries to
inbound the ball, the defender cannot touch it, or
the referee will call a technical foul.

6 . T h e o f f e n c e m u s t a d va n c e t h e b a l l .
Once an offensive team has advanced the
ball across the half-court line, the ballhandler may
not cross it again, otherwise the ball will be
awarded to the opposing team.
7. B a l l a n d b a l l h a n d l e r m u s t r e m a i n i n b o u n d s .
During play, the person with the ball must
stay within the inbounds lines on the court. The
referee will give control to the other side if a player
walks out of bounds or touches this line with his
foot while holding the ball. Furthermore, if a player
shoots the ball when their foot is on the line and
the shot is successful, the shot is not counted.

8. Defenders can’t interfere with a shot that on a

d o w n wa r d t r a j e c t o r y.
It is forbidden for a defensive player to
interfere with the ball once it has started its
descent toward the rim after the offensive player
has shot it. This interference is called a goaltend
and will result in an automatic field goal for the
9. Defenders can legally block or steal the ball.
The purpose of the defensive team is to
keep the offensive team from scoring by stealing
the ball, stopping the ball from entering the hoop,
or utilizing defensive techniques to keep an
offensive player from shooting and scoring.

10. Defenders must leave the paint af ter 3

The area directly in front of the basket is
known as "the paint" or "inside the key," and
offensive players are not permitted to camp out
there waiting for the ball or an offensive rebound.
Each player can stay in the space for a maximum of
three seconds before being forced to relocate.
They might return after stepping out of the paint.
The team will incur a three-second violation if a
player hovers in the paint for more than three
11 . E a c h t e a m i s a l l o t t e d a c e r t a i n n o . o f f o u l s .
Each team is allowed five fouls every quarter in
the NBA. When a team goes over its allocation, they
move "into the bonus," which means the referees will
give free throws to the other team for every extra foul
committed in that quarter. These foul shots are classified
as "one and one" shots in the NCAA, which means that if
a player makes the first free throw, they get a second
one. If they miss the first free throw, any side can claim
possession by rebounding the errant attempt. After ten
team fouls, the opposing team receives a "double bonus,"
meaning they earn two free throws.

12. Illegal contact results in a foul.

The officials will issue a personal foul when a
basketball player makes illegal physical contact with
another player. Most player fouls include contact that
obstructs the opponent's game. When a player on an
opposing team fouls another player while shooting, the
referee gives the fouled player unguarded free shots from
the foul line. One point is awarded for every successful
free throw. Coaches can be penalized by referees if they
engage in unsportsmanlike behavior, such as using
profanity to contest a missed call.
13. Illegal foul results in a personal foul.
A personal foul is a rule violation. When a player
pushes, blocks, or strikes another player while shooting,
he or she will be called for a personal foul. When a player
is fouled while shooting, he or she is awarded a free
throw attempt. A shooter who is fouled while attempting
a two-point shot is awarded two free throws. A shooter
will earn three free throws if they are fouled while
attempting a three-point shot.

14 . E x c e s s i v e c o n t a c t r e s u l t s i n f l a g r a n t f o u l .
A personal foul that has the potential to hurt the
opponent is referred to as a flagrant foul. Fines, instant
expulsion, and even suspension can be imposed for
certain fouls. There are two categories of flagrant fouls:
penalty (1) and penalty (2). (2). Flagrant 1 fouls are those
that involve unnecessary contact. This foul results in an
opponent's free throw and possession of the ball. Any
offense involving excessive and unnecessary contact is
classified as flagrant 2. To assess if an act qualifies for
the flagrant 2 punishment, officials conduct an instant-
play review. If it does, the player who committed the foul
is fined and ejected from the game, and the other side is
awarded free throws and control of the ball.
15 . C h a r g e s a n d i l l e g a l s c r e e n s r e s u l t i n a n
offensive foul.
When their team has possession of the ball,
offensive players commit an offensive foul. Charging
and illegal ball screens are the two most common
offensive fouls. When an offensive player collides with
a defensive player who has placed their feet in a
locked posture, it is known as charging. When a non-
ball-handling offensive player advances while
establishing a screen for their teammate, the defense
is unable to move across the court.
16 . C e r t a i n r u l e v i o l a t i o n s r e s u l t i n t e c h n i c a l
The penalty for breaking the game's
administrative regulations is a technical foul. Technical
fouls are frequently assessed by officials for fighting
and verbal abuse, and coaches are also given this
punishment if they are excessively harsh when
challenging a call. The referee will dismiss a player or
coach who earns two technical fouls in the same
game. Technical fouls are punishable by a suspension
from the regular season and even the playoffs for
players who have a long history of them.

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