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Making The Connection: A Guide For Parents

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A Guide for SuperCamp Parents


Parenting may be the most rewarding and challenging job you will ever have. And the challenge, as you well know, is always worth
it as you see your child progress toward a happy, fulfilled life with your guidance. Another step in your parenting process is upon
you now as you welcome your child home from SuperCamp.
We believe all children have wonderful qualities that are enhanced through nurturing environments and positive experiences. This
is our focus at SuperCamp as we teach students a combination of life skills and learning strategies that benefit them in all areas of
their lives.
Making the Connection gives parents a resource for connecting with their children through a better
understanding of their SuperCamp experience. As you browse through the guide youll find many ways to
support your child as he or she assimilates the SuperCamp experience into life at home, as well as many
pieces that can be used to strengthen relationships with the whole family.
We encourage you to practice these skills together. The more you use them the stronger they become.

Bobbi DePorter

From the President.............................................................. 1
What Is Quantum Learning?............................................... 2
Life Skills..............................................................................................................3
The 8 Keys of Excellence (Senior/Junior)............................ 4
Comfort Zones (Senior/Junior)........................................... 5
Living Above the Line (Senior)............................................ 5
OTFD (Senior/Junior)......................................................... 6
Four-Part Apology (Senior/Junior)..................................... 7
Affinity Activity (Senior)...................................................... 8
Active Listening (Senior/Junior).......................................... 8
Academic Skills.................................................................................................9
VAK Strategies (Senior/Junior)......................................... 10
The Excellent Learner (Senior).......................................... 11
Mind Mapping and Notes:TM (Senior/Junior)................ 12
Circuit Learning (Senior)................................................... 13
Memory Techniques (Senior/Junior)................................ 14
Memory Techniques Example (Senior/Junior)................. 15
Creative Thinking (Senior)................................................ 16
SLANT (Senior/Junior)...................................................... 17

Quantum Writing (Senior)................................................. 18

Quantum Writing (Junior)................................................ 19
Quantum Reading (Senior/Junior).................................... 20
Vocabulary Mystery Words (Junior)................................. 21
Making the Connection.........................................................................22
Solid Relationships............................................................. 22
SuperCamp Beliefs............................................................. 22
Positive Study Environment.............................................. 22
SuperCamp Graduate and Parent Support..............................23
Quantum Learning and SuperCamp Resources..........................24
Books.................................................................................. 24
Music to Study By.............................................................. 25
Posters................................................................................ 25
Apparel............................................................................... 25
SuperCamp Programs.........................................................................26
A Cycle of Learning and Growth....................................... 26
Quantum Learning Programs.............................................................27
Bring SuperCamp Methods to
Your School or Organization............................................ 27


Quantum Learning the teaching methodology used at SuperCamp is a synergistic approach to the learning process. Its
an engaging and exciting learning experience for students. Its the best ways of teaching all put together in a fast and fun way
to help students learn and succeed. (Please see page 27 for more about Quantum Learning.)
The Quantum Learning Success Sequence Builds Competence, Confidence, and Motivation
We orchestrate every academic, life skill, communication, team and leadership experience through our Quantum Learning
Success Sequence. Based on the most effective and well-researched behavior transformation techniques, these experiences are
designed to create success moments.
When adolescents experience these success moments over and over, as they do at SuperCamp, they develop higher levels of
competence that yield greater levels of confidence. This systematic progression is the basis of the intrinsic motivation you
want your child to have to be an independent, self-directed, and successful individual.

Quantum Learning Directives

Quantum Learning teachers consistently apply a set of guidelines called the Quantum Learning Directives. Applicable across all
subjects, classes, activities, and circumstancesincluding SuperCampQL considers these directives to be essential standards for
excellence in teaching and learning and critical considerations in student achievement.
Build Character: Character promotes academic and personal excellence.
Send Intentional Messages: Everything speaks. Everything we say and do
sends a message that is either positive or negativethere is no neutral.
Know Their World: Becoming familiar with their world is an authentic and
effective way to build rapport with students, leading them to be receptive to
new learning.
Acknowledge Effort: Student effort and perseverance demonstrate
commitment to learning and are worthy of recognition.
Be Purposeful: Being deliberate in everything we say and do leads to
achieving desired outcomes.
Create an Experience: Providing a content-related experience prior to the
introduction of new material creates a common platform for connections to
new content.
Cultivate Thinking: Engaging students in high levels of thinking empowers
them to make meaning and apply their existing knowledge to new
Celebrate Learning: Celebrating growth and accomplishment connects
learning with positivity.

Life Skills
In this section youll find some of the highlights of SuperCamp from
our life-skills curriculum including:
our guide for personal excellence the 8 Keys of Excellence
valuable communication skills to help convey needs and
feelings in a positive manner
relationship and problem-solving tools to help resolve conflicts
the value of venturing out of comfort zones
the importance of Living Above the Line

Weve discovered that whats at the heart of each of these [teen] problems is a lack of self-awareness and a desire to be understood, combined with a need for social, thinking, and learning skills. At
SuperCamp weve seen that when teens enter a uniquely positive environment of individual trust and
acceptance, they begin to move beyond these problems. They feel safe to express themselves, explore
who they are, and connect with one another.
from The 7 Biggest Teen Problems and How to Turn Them Into Strengths

Bobbi DePorter


Senior / Junior


SuperCamps 8 Keys of Excellence provide a basic framework for personal effectiveness and for living life successfully. When
we hold ourselves accountable for how we apply the Keys, everyone is more willing to be held accountable for their choices
and actions. Together we build the positive, supportive environment necessary for learning and growing.

The Eight Keys of Excellence:


 atch behavior with values. Demonstrate your positive personal values in all you do
and say. Be sincere and real.

Failure Leads
to Success

Learn from mistakes. View failures as feedback that provides you with the information
you need to learn, grow, and succeed.

Speak with
Good Purpose

Speak honestly and kindly. Think before you speak. Make sure your intention is
positive and your words are sincere.

This Is It! 
Make the most of every moment. Focus your attention on the present moment.
Keep a positive attitude.

Make your dreams happen. Take positive action. Follow your vision without wavering.


 ake responsibility for actions. Be responsible for your thoughts, feelings, words, and
actions. Own the choices you make and the results that follow.

Be willing to do things differently. Recognize whats not working and be willing to
change what youre doing to achieve your goal.

Live your best life. Be mindful of self and others while focusing on whats meaningful
and important in your life.


Senior / Junior

At SuperCamp students are encouraged and empowered to take the risk of moving out of their comfort zones. We all have
a comfort zone that includes the things we feel comfortable with: activities, people, foods, places, and ways of being. Most
students tend to want to stay in their comfort zone because its easy, familiar, and yes, comfortable. Everything outside may
seem too risky, shaky, or dangerous.
Yet, as with anything too comfortable, our comfort zone can become boring and stagnant and if we stay in there long
enough we run the risk of getting stuck in a rut. Slowly we peek out and finally venture out of our comfort zone, in spite of
our internal voice screaming, Dont go out there stay here where its comfy! Initially that first step makes us feel weird and
shaky, but soon the discomfort subsides and eventually we find that our comfort zone has expanded. By moving out of our
comfort zone we have experienced something new, we have learned, we have grown.



As a foundation for communication and personal interaction, living above the line highlights and puts into practice one of
the 8 Keys of Excellence Ownership: take responsibility for actions. Students learn there are two ways to live: above the line
and below the line.
Living above the line is about taking responsibility for our actions. Those who live above the line have greater control and
therefore greater success because they take ownership for their current situation. They take ownership of their education,
of their relationships, and of their attitudes, affecting all areas of their lives.
Living below the line is about laying blame, justifying, denying, and quitting.

Communication is important: its the universal relationship fuel. Communication grows relationships
relationships grow success.
from Quantum Success: 8 Key Catalysts to Shift Your Energy Into Dynamic Focus

Bobbi DePorter


Senior / Junior

A SuperCamp technique thats effective for resolving relationship problems or giving praise is OTFD. OTFD stands for the
steps in this communication process. The goal behind this tool is to articulate feelings in a positive and direct manner.
People feel more comfortable when they dont have to guess what another is feeling or thinking OTFD facilitates clear and
visible communication. By practicing this technique regularly you and your son or daughter can build a safe environment
to resolve differences, and maintain a strong relationship.



Something you observed with your senses that anyone else can observe.
Example: I noticed you came home 20 minutes after your curfew last night.

A thought or opinion about what you observed.
Example: My thought is that you dont respect the rules we agreed on about a curfew.

A feeling you had about what you observed.
Example: I feel disappointed because you didnt uphold your side of our agreement.

What you want (your desire).
Example: My desire is for you to be responsible enough to get yourself home on time.
If you are going to be late, I would like to have an agreement that you will call
before your curfew.

Speaking with Good Purpose is the

cornerstone of healthy relationships.
Communicate with:
positive intent


from The 8 Keys of Excellence: Principles to Live By

Bobbi DePorter


Senior / Junior

When an apology is necessary, we suggest the Four-Part Apology. This technique allows the person to look beyond the actual
incident to consequences of behavior. By defining those consequences and choosing a different behavior, both individuals
remain thoughtful and supportive rather than angry or defensive. If you and your child practice this tool with each other,
apologies will be easier and more meaningful.

1. Acknowledge

Take responsibility for your actions and behaviors. Use I statements.

Example: I acknowledge that I changed our plans about babysitting without checking in with you,
and I only told you at the last minute.

2. Apologize

Acknowledge the cost to others. If unaware of cost, ask.

Example: I apologize for not respecting you and for not checking in with you before changing
my plans. I know it was hard for you to give up the plans you made with your friends
because I needed you to babysit.

3. Make It Right

 eal with the consequences of behavior. Ask the person,

Is there anything I can do to make it right?

Example: I want to do something to help maintain our

relationship. What can I do to make it right?

4. Recommit

 ake a commitment to appropriate behavior.

Commit to not having the same behavior again.

Example: I agree to always respect you and to

always check in with you before
making any plans that involve you.



One of the communication tools we use at SuperCamp to build or enhance relationships is called the Affinity Activity.
All ages benefit from sharing an aspect of themselves and learning more about the thoughts and feelings of others. To
enhance communication with your child, we recommend trying this exercise. Heres how it works:
Ask each question once and respond to the reply with thank you. Each person has an opportunity to ask the series of
questions three times. From this base of experience further conversation can occur.

Step 1:

Tell me something I dont know about you.

Step 2:

Tell me something you like about me.

Step 3:

Tell me something we may have in common.


Senior / Junior

One communication tool taught at SuperCamp has nothing to do with talking, yet it is a key to building and enhancing
relationships. Active listening will improve any relationship by building mutual understanding and trust. Use these listening
skills to improve communication with your child.
A good listener ...
sits facing the person with an open, available posture
maintains good eye contact
gives encouragement (nods, u-huhs, etc.)
reflects feelings and content
shows empathy

Academic Skills
In this section youll find highlights of some of the academic skills curriculum at SuperCamp.
Your child has learned many valuable academic strategies. He or she will be able to apply these skills including memory,
reading, writing, and note-taking techniques to any subject. Your child, in fact, learned how to learn!
The following pages offer summaries of some of
the strategies we cover. Its only a starting point, a
way to introduce you to what we do and familiarize you with the terms we use. We suggest you ask
your child to show you his or her SuperCamp
playbook and teach you some of the strategies
and activities. Its a great way to share your childs
accomplishments and experiences and learn more
about our program.

Remember: T
 he degree to which we enter our students world is the degree of
influence we have in their lives.
from Quantum Teaching: Orchestrating Student Success

Bobbi DePorter, Mark Reardon, and Sarah Singer-Nourie


Senior / Junior


Every one of us takes in information through visual, auditory, and kinesthetic sensory input channels. Visual information
is processed and stored in our visual cortex, auditory information is processed and stored in our temporal lobes, and
kinesthetic information from movement and touch is processed and stored in our motor cortex. Although each of us learns
using all three of these dominant sensory input channels, we can build a preference for one over the others when it comes to
learning and studying habits.
Incorporating all three of our dominant sensory input channels is a tremendous advantage in learning. At SuperCamp, we
identify which sensory input channel we prefer and build strength through adding strategies to it that incorporate the other
two input channels. The key is to match the right strategy to the right learning situation. (Please note that in Junior Forum
we refer to our sensory input channels as See-Say-Do. They are not covered in the same depth as in Senior Forum but the
essence of each is the same.)
Visual I f you have a strong visual preference, pictures, graphs, charts, and other organizational tools are
most helpful.
Visual strategies help learners to see the information to be learned and visually represent it with ease.
Visual strategies include:
- Use a variety of colors when taking notes
- Add pictures and symbols to notes
- Ask for feedback from teachers in writing
Auditory I f you have an auditory preference, you learn most efficiently when you hear or say
the information aloud.
Auditory strategies help learners to recite information and remember what was discussed based on how they originally heard
the information.
Auditory strategies include:
- Set time aside every day to talk about what was learned
- Read notes aloud when reviewing or studying
- Ask to speak with teachers for feedback
Kinesthetic If you have a kinesthetic preference, you learn best with physical manipulation of information.
Kinesthetic strategies help learners use hands-on experience and memorize through actions related to the content.
Kinesthetic strategies include:
- Make learning tangible by creating models or diagrams
- Connect meaningful body motions to learning
- Ask for feedback by having teachers walk me
through examples




Before learning new information, what would happen if we first learned how to prepare our environment, our mind and
body, and our brain for maximum results? Excellent learners understand that taking a small amount of time to prepare
before learning saves time and allows focused attention to be placed on the new content they wish to learn.
There are five simple strategies that excellent learners take advantage of to get the results they desire in any learning situation.
By applying these simple strategies at both school and home, any learner can accelerate their results and view learning as not
just an event but rather as a continuous process.

1. PREPARE my space

5. CELEBRATE my progress

I prepare my space by creating a clean, distraction-free


I celebrate my progress by acknowledging my effort as well as

my end result.

Example: Keep any unnecessary technology, media, noise, and

clutter out of my work space.

Example: Reward yourself and find joy in the learning


2. FOCUS my mind
I focus my mind by taking deep cleansing breaths and getting
straight to work.
Example: Sit up straight. Close your eyes. Take a deep
cleansing breath. Slowly open your eyes.
3. QUANTUMIZE my learning
I quantumize my learning when I match the strategy to my
learning situation.
Example: Select the study or learning strategy that will
produce the desired result.
4. REVIEW my knowledge
I review my knowledge when I consistently review my content.
I also reflect on the strategies I used and their effectiveness in
getting me the outcome I desire.
Example: Chunk material into related parts and review using
multiple strategies repeatedly.


Senior / Junior


Effective note-taking skills make studying easier, faster, and more enjoyable. Mind Mapping and Notes:TM are valuable
methods for taking notes that resemble how the brain stores and processes information, giving students a system that is
easier and more natural than lists or outlines.

Mind Mapping
A brain-friendly way to take notes, Mind Mapping employs
a two-dimensional structure and uses colors, symbols, and
pictures to help students make mental associations that
facilitate learning.

A method for maximizing class time and reducing study time, Notes:TM is a
whole-brain approach to note-taking that sparks creativity.

T = Taking notes where important information provided by the teacher

is recorded.

 aking notes where students thoughts, feelings, and questions


are recorded.




Another study skill discussed in the academic strategies section of SuperCamp is Circuit Learning, a strategy developed by
John Parks Le Tellier. Based on the premise of electricitys systematic travel within a circuit, this brain-friendly method of
studying is a valuable asset for encoding information into long-term memory and ensures optimal learning.





Use Notes:TM during
class for new learning.

Use Notes:TM during
class for new learning.

Use Notes:TM during
class for new learning.

Use Notes:TM during
class for new learning.

At home or during free
period, begin your Mind
Map (MM) of this topic.

Review Mondays notes
and then review todays
new learning. Add to
your MM.

Review Mondays and
Tuesdays notes. Review
todays new learning. Add
to your MM.

Continue reviewing notes
and add to your MM.



Use Notes:TM during
class for new learning.

Review your MM from
Monday to Friday to jog
your memory.

Continue your circuit!

You are learning and
remembering easily!

Dress Rehearsal
Simulate test
 ecreate MM from
Check your knowledge!

Take a look at your MM

one more time.
Test Day
You are ready, refreshed,
and confident.

Hot Tip: T
 he playing of Mozart coordinates breathing, cardiovascular rhythms, and brainwave rhythm ...
it acts on the unconscious, stimulating receptivity and perception.
from Quantum Teaching: Orchestrating Student Success

Bobbi DePorter, Mark Reardon, and Sarah Singer-Nourie



Senior / Junior

During SuperCamps memory course, students learn new skills to improve retention and information recall. All our memory
techniques utilize visual, auditory, and kinesthetic associations to promote stronger recall. Here are some of the methods we
teach students:

Storying (Senior/Junior)
Involves making up a story. Information is associated with characters and other elements of the story that are memorized in
sequence, linking one item to the next.

Location Memory (Senior/Junior)

Used in attaching information to locations, such as parts of a room or around an object. The information is readily accessible when the locations are revisited.

Peg System (Senior)

The peg system entails memorizing a list of 20 items attached to the numbers 1 to 20. We can then memorize any list of items
by associating them with our original peg list.

1. sun (theres only one)

11. goal posts (looks like 11)

2. eyes (mammals have two)

12. eggs (a dozen eggs)

3. triangle (three sides and angles)

13. black cat (bad luck number 13)

4. floor (four sides and rhymes)

14. heart (Feb. 14 Valentines Day)

5. fingers (five fingers)

15. tennis (15 points)

6. sticks (rhymes with six)

16. car (16 to get license)

7. 7-Up (7-Up soda)

17. magazine (Seventeen Magazine)

8. octopus (8 tentacles)

18. graduation (graduate when 18)

9. baseball (9 players/9 innings)

19. TV (19-inch TV and remote)

10. hen (rhymes with ten)


20. bucks ($20/bucks)


Senior / Junior

Here is an example of the storying memory technique. As you will see, the story has been created by linking facts with wild
and crazy sights, sounds, and actions.
What do you think you can learn from this story?

Lunch at the Deli (Junior)

You walk into a deli and order a sandwich and it comes to you with pens stuck in it. You say, Uuugh! and throw it
out the window where it lands on a mans bright orange jersey. You go outside to apologize and the angry man yells,
By George, youve ruined my jersey! You run away quickly and he cant come after you because his feet are connected to the cuts in the sidewalk. To be sure you have escaped, you duck into a nearby Catholic church during a mass.
You duck back out and go to the store next door to the church, a music store owned by Marilyn. You walk in and hear
a southern carol playing loudly on the stereo. Suddenly, out of the floor come hundreds of baby new hamsters. They
pick you up and carry you off to a Virginia forest full of girls named Virginia playing harps. Its peaceful in the Virginia
Forest until the New York Yankees come out from behind the trees swinging. A ball is hit. You are hit by the ball. You
are taken to the hospital where you have to wait in the north care line. When you feel better, you jump out into traffic
and barely make it to the road island. On that island you look down to see a bunch of disgusting vermin oozing up
from the ground, sticking to your bare feet. You scream, Oh, rats!

Memory skills involve imagination and association.

Imagination: The ability to see, hear and sense things in your mind
Association: The ability to take one familiar object and connect
it with something youre trying to remember
from Quantum Memory: Working Magic With Your Memory

Bobbi DePorter with Mike Hernacki

This story is an easy way to memorize the first fourteen states to ratify the U.S. Constitution, in the order in which they ratified it:
Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Georgia, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maryland, South Carolina, New Hampshire, Virginia,
New York, North Carolina, Rhode Island, Vermont.




This area of the SuperCamp curriculum provides students with ways to think laterally or outside the box. The Creative
Thinking curriculum is based on the following principles:
There is always another way of looking at a challenge.
Look to the world around you and borrow from its treasures.
Creative thinkers are curious and take risks.
The best way to get good ideas is to get lots of ideas.
Keep focused on who you are, what you want, and what it will take to get there.
These principles serve as a springboard for students to dive into the world of creativity. At SuperCamp, students also learn
about divergent and convergent thinking to generate lots of ideas and then focus on the best ones. We refer to this as the
Creative Thinking Process, which consists of the following steps:
1. Understand the problem
2. Generate ideas
3. Plan for action

A paradigm is a set of rules or a frame of reference.

As paradigm-busters, creative thinkers ask, What do I believe impossible
that viewed from another angle might be possible?
from Quantum Thinking: Creative Thinking, Planning, and Problem-Solving


Bobbi DePorter with Mike Hernacki


Senior / Junior


Believe it or not, we are able to teach students how to pay attention in class by showing them how to manage their own states.
Your child has learned the power of state (a combination of thoughts, feelings, and breathing) and physiology (body posture).
For example, slouching, casting eyes downward, taking deep breaths, and thinking this is boring make it very hard to be
interested and receptive to information. However, by sitting up with eyes focused, taking shallow breaths, and thinking this
is amazing! its easy to catch every word and even enjoy the learning process.
Learning and absorbing information is a skill just like reading and writing, and once students master the art of paying
attention they absorb much more material. We gave students a new SLANT on learning a strategy (adapted from the work
of Dr. Ed Ellis) to help them achieve higher grades without spending additional time studying.


Sit up in your chair.

Lean forward as if you are hanging

on the teachers every word.

Ask questions, even if its only

for clarification.

Nod your head to let the teacher know that

you are interested.

Talk to your teacher to establish a relationship

with him or her.





The Senior Forum Quantum Writing course centers around a straightforward process: Diverge, Converge, and Emerge. This
process enables students to gain confidence about their writing ability. In this way, writing becomes a freeing experience
rather than a chore.

In step one, students learn how to overcome writers

block with a combination of clustering and fastwriting.

Step two is about taking ideas generated in step one

and putting them into a purposeful frame. Students also
consider voice, organization, and clarity.





In the final step, students learn to take a writing

assignment and make it their own. They learn tools to
write effectively in high-pressure timed writing situations
like standardized exams.



The Junior Forum Quantum Writing course POWER Writing gives students a clear framework for organizing their
approach to a writing assignment.



Were all natural writers at heart.

As young children, we were truly uninhibited writers, eager to express ourselves using vivid,
creative thoughts and language. As we grew older, we became critical of our writing and
began to dread having to do anything that involved putting words on paper.
What we need now is to get back in touch with that child in us who was eager to write down thoughts and
ideas. And the way to do that is to not worry about the finished product when were just starting the process.
Stop worrying about the finished product just start writing!
from Quantum Writing: Write Like a Pro

Bobbi DePorter with Mike Hernacki



Senior / Junior


As you know, reading well is a valuable skill that your child will use throughout life. Yet many students find reading a
chore and put it off until the last minute. The result: incomplete assignments and/or limited comprehension and retention.
With the increased speed and comprehension of Quantum Reading, students complete their studying in less time and get
higher grades.
By using a combination of enhanced interest, highly focused concentration, and specific reading strategies, Quantum
Reading capitalizes on the brains ability to grasp several words at once.

Your child has learned the following five steps to become a Quantum Reader:

1. Prepare
Attitudes, beliefs, commitment
(ABCs), and physical space.

2. Get into State

Close eyes, breathe deep, peaceful
place, look up, look down, open eyes,
and begin.

3. SuperScan
Quickly expose your eyes and brain to
every page. Move fast!

4. Read
Use the power of your eyes. Let your
hands guide the way down the page.

5. Review
Mind Map and tell back.





The Mystery Words strategy is designed to empower students with a skill to easily learn new vocabulary words. Its fun to
practice this technique at home. Try creating mystery-word skits as a family its a great way to improve everyones
vocabulary while letting imaginations run wild. Your child will be able to guide the family, but here are the basics:
Get the definition
The first step in creating a great mystery-word skit is to find out what the word means.
Create sounds like words
The next step in building an amazing mystery-word skit is to come up with some sounds like words for your mystery
Associate the definition to the sounds like word
The last step is to associate the definition to the sounds like word. Remember that our brains love crazy and outrageous

Heres an example to get you started.

Mitigate: ( verb) to lessen the severity of something.
Sample sentence: Wearing mittens, a hat, and a parka will mitigate the icy cold wind.
Scene: You and a friend approach an iron gate in a freezing blizzard. On the other side of the gate is
a warm house with a roaring fire in the fireplace. You try desperately to open the gate, but it
is so cold you cannot bear to touch it. You get the bright idea to put on mittens to open the
gate. With mittens, gates open easily in the cold. Mittens-gate lessens the
severity of the cold iron.


Making the Connection

In our thirty years of producing SuperCamp programs and supporting the continued personal growth of both
children and parents, we have found the following to be worthwhile elements in building rapport with children:
Know what they like, how they think, and how they feel about whats happening in their lives.
Imagine what they say to themselves, about themselves.
Know what keeps them from getting what they truly want. If you dont know, ask.
Speak the truth to them in a way they can hear it, clearly and gently.
Have fun with them.
Treat them as equals.

Many of the beliefs that we teach and practice at SuperCamp are worth sharing with SuperCamp families. We strongly believe that:
Respect and caring for ourselves and for others is vitally important.
Every person is gifted and capable of learning.
There are no failures, only learning experiences through which we gain greater self-understanding.
Positive support, a nurturing environment, and good communication are essential for learning and for life.


You can support and encourage your childs successful learning by helping him or her to create a positive study
environment. Here are some suggestions.
Furniture, lighting, etc.
Help your child to establish a study area that is conducive to productive learning. A comfy chair (but not too comfy),
adequate space for text books and writing materials, etc., good indirect lighting (natural if possible), plants, cool temperature,
and even music (see below) all help to maximize learning.
Some classical music is brain friendly and enhances the study environment. Baroque music helps students to focus and to
access their most resourceful learning state. Selections may include:
Affirmative Signs
Positive signs have the ability to remind your childs subconscious of his or her potential to learn. You and your child could
make some signs or use the Affirmation Posters referred to on page 25.


SuperCamp Resources
SuperCamp is committed to lifelong learning and the ongoing success of your child. Our student and parent support is an
extension of SuperCamp where alumni can interact and reinforce their newly acquired learning and life skills and parents get
tools to support their childs growth.

This exclusive section of our website provides all the resources you and your student will need to stay connected after camp.
Photos & Videos
Your child can share their SuperCamp experience with your family, pointing out their friends in the pictures, telling you the
stories behind the videos, and explaining what they learned from the different activities. This digital documentation will be
available for six months after camp.
SuperCamp Social Networking
SuperCamp is committed to helping parents keep their children motivated and inspired when they come home and return
to school. Please join us on our Facebook page, www.facebook.com/supercamp, and follow us on Twitter: @supercamp
and Instagram: @qlsupercamp. One SuperCamp graduate said, Staying in touch with teammates and having a network of
people who experienced your summer is so important in finding your groove back at home.
SuperCamp Graduate Coaching Program
Your grad can further leverage the SuperCamp experience with our SuperCamp professional coach. With direct application
to your childs home/school/personal environment, our coach will mentor your child on how best to apply SuperCamp skills
in relationships, academics, and home life. This is a paid service. Go to www.supercamp.com/parent and click on the
Grad Coaching link.
Expert Resources
When you go to SuperCamp Resources, www.supercamp.com/parent, youll find tips, articles, and videos on topics ranging
from academic success to bullying to improving your childs self-esteem. You and your child will receive a special username
and password via email to unlock this information. Bookmark this page for later reference.


Quantum Learning and SuperCamp Resources

If you are looking for reinforcement of SuperCamps curriculum, we offer a wide range of products including books, DVDs,
CDs, posters, and toys/games. Following are some suggestions. For more information and/or other ideas check our
website: www.shop.QLN.com.


Over the last 30 years of SuperCamp we have received numerous requests for written material regarding the strategies we
teach at SuperCamp as well as our Quantum Learning teaching methods. Following is a list of the books we have published
in answer to those requests.
Excellence in Teaching and Learning: The Quantum Learning System
Demonstrates that the integration of the brains natural learning systems and the Quantum Learning System creates an
impact that transforms the way teachers teach and students learn.
The Seven Biggest Teen Problems and How to Turn Them Into Strengths
An inside look at what works with teens from the experiences of Bobbi DePorter and SuperCamp facilitators. Useful for
parents who are searching for better ways to help their kids through the challenges typically faced by teens.
Quantum Success: 8 Key Catalysts to Shift Your Energy into Dynamic Focus
Tools, strategies, and stories to speed your life in your own unique direction and create the energy shift and enhanced results
you desire the antidote for the fast and fragmented pace of twenty-first-century living.
Quantum Learning: Unleashing the Genius in You
Includes many of the powerful learning skills we teach at SuperCamp memory techniques, power reading and writing,
learning styles, and more that increase learning capacity.
Quantum Teaching: Orchestrating Student Success
Aimed at educators, this book is the essential handbook on Quantum Learning, the methodology we utilize at SuperCamp. There
are many topics about learning covered in depth that parents find interesting and helpful.
The 8 Keys of Excellence: Principles to Live By
The 8 Keys of Excellence are the keys to successful living. Wherever they are followed at SuperCamp, in homes, in schools,
in businesses they help create a place where each person is valued and respected. This book includes inspiring true stories
from students and adults about how the Keys have influenced their lives.
The Quantum Upgrade Series Written Just for Students
The following six books cover the learning skills we focus on at SuperCamp. This series helps students take charge of how
they feel, think, and learn so they can focus their energy on getting what they want in school and life.
Quantum Learner: Focus Your Energy, Get What You Want
Quantum Reader: Read Fast, Comprehend More, Move on
Quantum Writer: Write Easily, Less Stress, Better Results
Quantum Memorizer: Remember Anything, Anytime
Quantum Thinker: Think Bigger, Make Things Happen
Quantum Note-Taker: Make It Meaningful, Make It Memorable


Music has a powerful effect on the learning environment, influencing pace, mood, and energy level. Research substantiates
the use of baroque and other classical music to stimulate and maintain optimal learning.
Quantum Learning Music: To enhance focus, memory, and retention
Research shows that relaxation induced by specific music played softly in the background keeps the mind alert and focused
it relaxes muscles, lowers blood pressure, and slows down brain waves. The selections from Bach, Handel, Pachelbel, Vivaldi,
and others included on these two CDs were carefully chosen to induce this optimum state.


Affirmation Posters
This set of eight inspiring and supportive posters can be used selectively depending on the present needs of your child or
your family. Hang them in the study area or the family room.
Everyone Has the Resources to Be Successful
Everything I Do Deserves My Best Effort
I Believe in Myself
I Respect Individual Differences
Every Challenge Offers A Gift
I Am Responsible For What I Create
I Am Unique and Valuable
That Was Then, This Is WOW
8 Keys of Excellence
These posters are cut in the shape of keys (11 x 5) and each has one of the 8 Keys of Excellence used at SuperCamp to
provide a basic framework for personal effectiveness and for living life successfully. When followed by a family, these shared
principles create a sense of alignment and mutual respect and support.
Integrity Commitment
Failure Leads to Success
Speak with Good Purpose
This Is It! Balance


Maintaining confidence and motivation, and learning and practicing academic and life skills is an ongoing pursuit in a
students educational lifetimeand beyond. At SuperCamp we believe that every new positive perception about oneself and
every new academic or life skill acquired and practiced increases a students confidence, competence, and motivation.
Each of the six SuperCamp summer programs builds on the content of the previous program and includes valuable new
skills designed specifically for the relevant age group and learning level. They create a cycle of learning and growth, and
returning students add to their knowledge, deepen their understanding of learning and life skills, and strengthen their
foundation of excellence.
Junior Forum (ages 11 to 13): Early adolescence is a pivotal time when children are beginning to develop higher order
thinking skills, establish healthy social interactions, and define a sense of self and personal values. Junior Forum focuses on
establishing positive character traits, cultivating a mature sense of self, and building effective learning skills.
Junior Forum Leadership Track (ages 12 to 13): Former Junior Forum participants go deeper into the curriculum and add
leadership skills to the mix. Students are given opportunities to mentor other students by modeling essential elements of the
curriculum, and receive focused coaching, opportunities to practice leadership, and feedback on their progress.
Senior Forum (ages 14 to 18): Teenage adolescence is a critical time of self-development in the face of many external
influences. Components of Senior Forum include positive communication, effective listening, self-reflection, habit formation,
self-expression, relationships, goal setting, team building, and collaboration.
Senior Forum Leadership Track (ages 15 to 18): Former Senior Forum participants go deeper into the curriculum
and gain leadership skills through mentoring other students in the core elements of the curriculum. Focused coaching,
opportunities to practice leadership, and feedback on their progress guide them in their leadership growth.
Leadership Forum (ages 15 to 19): Teenage adolescents often find themselves in positions of leadership with little or no
exposure to the basics of leading others. Student leaders are set up for success in Leadership Forum, where they gain valuable
tools for communicating, collaborating, and thinking creatively and critically, all essential for leading others.
Quantum U (ages 18 to 20): College students need a level of independence that is not addressed in high school. Time
management, balancing work and school, making healthy social choices, and managing finances are just a few of the important
aspects of college life addressed at Quantum U.
Many students return to SuperCamp year after year. In fact, many of our staff members (team leaders and facilitators) were
originally SuperCamp participants, and continue to come back for many summers in their leadership roles.
For more information about SuperCamp programs and how they can help your child excel, call (800) 228-5327 or visit



For more than 30 years, Quantum Learning has been at the heart of SuperCamp. Every year the methods are updated to
respond to new research and feedback received from students, teachers, and parents. What feels like a fast, fun way to learn
to SuperCamp participants is actually a carefully researched and proven methodology called Quantum Learning and it
works! It works at SuperCamp and with students outside the camp environment.
Noting that SuperCamp graduates have increased self-confidence and a desire to achieve, parents and teachers over the years
expressed their interest in the strategies that produce those attributes. As a result, Quantum Learning spread to schools,
companies, foundations, and associations throughout the country.
Quantum Learning programs result in engaging teachers and motivated students! Now there are more than 100,000
Quantum Learning classrooms in 50 states in the U.S. and abroad. We offer the following programs for student achievement
and educator development:
Excellence in Learning
Delivered in an engaging style similar to SuperCamp, our student programs provide the skills, self-confidence, and motivation
K-12 students need to excel. The course gives students an overview of the Quantum Learning System and sets the foundation
for their success as 21st century learners. The Excellent Leader: Character, Confidence, Grit & Leadership and The
Excellenct Learner: Skills & Strategies for Learning courses take students deeper into Quantum Learning as they discover
their potential and prepare for success in every subject.
Excellence in Teaching
Discover how to foster higher levels of thinking while making todays educational standards relevant to students. The
Essentials course introduces teachers to the Quantum Learning System, including the neuroscience behind our methods.
The Classroom Culture and Management and Design and Delivery for Learning courses take teachers deeper into
Quantum Learning, so they return to their classrooms ready to create intellectually engaging, focused, and cognitive-rich
learning experiences.
For more information about Quantum Learning and how it can help your school or district, call (800) 527-5321
or visit www.quantumlearning.com.



Balancing the 8 Keys

by Ryan Day

The 8 Keys of Excellence are my life. Every Key flows into the
other to support me every day in living the fullest life possible.
My Failure Leads to Success: When I fail, I look for the learning
and remain Committed to the goal. When the first attempt
doesnt work, I become Flexible. I change direction and move
forward. Giving up is not an option I am too Committed. My
actions and behaviors are mine to Own. When they are on
target I feel proud and when I miss the mark I acknowledge
that and try something different. I Speak with Good Purpose.
I think about the words I say and how they will be heard,
understood, and interpreted. Is my communication open,
honest, direct, and clear? I remember, as I am going through
my day, that my attitude affects my results. This Is It, after all
Ill never have this time again am I making the best use of
my time, energy, and efforts? The Keys have become my values
and my behaviors demonstrate them. When I follow the 8 Keys
of Excellence I have Integrity, Balance, and joy.
from The 8 Keys of Excellence: Principles to Live By

Bobbi DePorter

1938 Avenida del Oro, Oceanside, CA 92056

800-228-5327 info@SuperCamp.com www.SuperCamp.com

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