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Parkinson Handbook May13_Parkinson Handbook 09.

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Parkinson’s Disease

A Guide for Patients and Their Families

American Parkinson Disease Association, Inc.

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Lawrence I. Golbe, MD Professor

Lawrence I. Golbe, MD
Professor and Director, Division of Movement Disorders and
The Richard
Margery H.E.Mark,
MDAPDA Advanced Center
Associate for Parkinson’s Disease Research
Rutgers – Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
Jacob I. Sage, MD Former Professor and Director, Division of Movement
Margery H. Mark, MD Disorders and The Richard E. Heikkila APDA Advanced
Center forDisorders
Associate Professor, Division of Movement Parkinson’s
andDisease Research
The Richard E. Heikkila APDA Advanced Center for Parkinson’s Disease Research
Rutgers – Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
edited by Margery H. Mark, MD
Jacob I. Sage, MD
Professor, Division of Movement Disorders and
The Richard E.
The Richard E. Heikkila
Heikkila APDA
APDA Advanced
Advanced Center
Center for
for Parkinson’s
Parkinson’s Disease
Rutgers – Robert of Neurology,
Wood Johnson Division
Medical Schoolof Movement Disorders
University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey-
Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
Edited By
New Brunswick, New Jersey
Margery H. Mark, MD

© The Parkinson
American Disease
Parkinson Association,
Disease Inc.Inc.
Revised 2009
Reprinted 2014

This handbook is a guide

This handbook is afor Parkinson’s
guide disease
for patients and patients and their
their families and families
and is
is not
not intended
intended toassubstitute forfor
a substitute medical diagnosis
medical diagnosisor treatment.
and treatment.
A Note to the Reader

If you or someone you care for has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease (PD),
I am glad you have turned to the American Parkinson Disease Association (APDA)
and this booklet for information. Understanding PD and how to most effectively
manage it is critically important. APDA developed this booklet in order to provide
people with PD, their loved ones and healthcare providers with a credible source of
introductory information about the disease.

To some extent, this booklet is a dictionary, one that provides a thorough

explanation of the terminology you will encounter as you continue to research
the disease. Keep in mind that there are many motor and non-motor symptoms
associated with Parkinson’s disease. The disease also manifests a bit differently in
each person; symptoms and the extent to which they respond to medication can
be highly variable. Disease management is key to living a longer and healthier life
with PD. As such, consulting with a neurologist who specializes in diagnosing and
treating PD or a movement disorder specialists is advisable.

A diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease can take time for an individual and family
to process. Reading this booklet is a good first step. I hope you will continue
educating yourself and will take advantage of the many other FREE booklets and
supplements APDA publishes on various aspects of Parkinson’s disease and how
to live well with it. If you have not yet done so, consider contacting the APDA
Information & Referral Center closest to you. These Centers can provide local
referrals and offer community education and support (see geographic listing at

As the largest grassroots Parkinson’s disease organization in the country, APDA

works diligently to Ease the Burden – Find the Cure for Parkinson’s disease through
research, patient and family support, and education for the 1 million Americans
facing this disease. I hope you will visit our website, apdaparkinson.org, for
additional information about how APDA can assist you and that you will consider
APDA your partner in managing this disease and living life with hope and optimism.


Leslie A. Chambers
President and CEO
American Parkinson Disease Association
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I. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................1

II. SIgNS AND SYMPTOMS ..................................................................3

A. Initial Symptoms
B. Primary Symptoms
C. Symptoms Related to Treatment
D. Secondary Symptoms
E. Symptoms Related to Mentation, Behavior, and Mood

III. OTHER PARkINSONISMS ..............................................................10

IV. THE CAUSE OF PARkINSON’S DISEASE ......................................14

A. Etiology (How PD is Acquired):
B. Pathogenesis (Abnormal Processes in the Body
that Produce PD)

V. TREATMENT.....................................................................................21
A. Initial Treatment of Early Disease
B. Medications for Parkinson’s Disease
C. Surgery
D. Treatment of Motor Complications: End-of-Dose Failure,
Dyskinesias, and Freezing
E. Treatment of Secondary Symptoms or of Symptoms Related
to Treatment with Antiparkinson Drugs
F. Treatment of Symptoms Related to Mentation, Behavior, and
g. Treatments of No Value or of Unproven Value
H. Treatments to Avoid
I. Diet
J. Exercise

VI. SOCIAl ISSUES AND PATIENT SUPPORT ....................................32

VII. glOSSARY ...................................................................................33

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Parkinson’s disease (PD) was first described by Dr. James Parkinson in a
little book entitled An Essay on the Shaking Palsy, published in 1817. For the
next century, the condition was known popularly as the shaking palsy and in the
medical community by its latin equivalent, paralysis agitans. These terms are
misleading, however, implying that people are paralyzed with this disorder,
which is not the case. It is sometimes called idiopathic parkinsonism (the term
idiopathic means that the cause is unknown), but more commonly today it is
simply called Parkinson’s disease, to honor the physician who first described it.

What is PD? PD is a disorder of the central nervous system, involving

primarily a degeneration of certain nerve cells in deep parts of the brain called
the basal ganglia, and in particular a loss of nerve cells (or neurons) in a part of
the brainstem called the substantia nigra. These cells make the neurochemical
messenger dopamine, which is partly responsible for starting a circuit of
messages that coordinate normal movement. In the absence (or with
substantial reduction, more than 80% of the normal level) of dopamine, the
neurons in the receiving area (called dopamine receptors) in the next part of the
basal ganglia circuit called the striatum are not adequately stimulated, and the
result is impairment of movement with tremor, slowness, stiffness, or balance
problems, among other symptoms, which will be discussed in the next section.
Under the microscope, the damaged and dying neurons in the substantia nigra
show a round inclusion called a Lewy body, which is considered to be specific
to PD. Because of this, the disorder is sometimes called Lewy body PD, Lewy
body parkinsonism, or simply Lewy body disease.

PD occurs in roughly the same proportions in men and women (although

there may be a slight preponderance of affected men) throughout the world.
Initial symptoms may appear at any age, although under 40 is uncommon and
under 20 is very rare (but it happens!). Most commonly, the first symptoms are
noted in the 60’s or 70’s. The average age of onset of PD is about 59.

Why do these neurons degenerate? The exact reason is not yet known;
this topic is a target of significant research, and is discussed further in the
section on the cause of PD (Chapter IV).

PD is just one type of parkinsonian syndrome, or parkinsonism.

Parkinsonism can be thought of as a general term, encompassing PD and
related syndromes. We will discuss these other conditions in the section on the
other syndromes related to PD (Chapter III).

PD is a chronic, usually slowly progressive illness, but the rate of

progression will vary from person to person. Although there are many features
of PD that most patients will share, exactly how it affects any given patient is
very individual, and precisely what happens to one patient in the course of the

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illness may not necessarily follow suit in another. Symptoms in some people
will remain very mild and will not restrict the day-to-day activities for many
years, whereas symptoms in others will progress to disability much faster.

Diagnosis is based almost exclusively on the history of the person’s illness

and the physician’s clinical examination. There are no really adequate nor
specific blood or radiologic tests in common usage to make an absolute
diagnosis of PD. Although there is at present no cure for PD (one can only cure
a disease when one knows the cause), there is a large and growing number of
treatments (Chapter V) for the disorder that can improve or even normalize the
quality of life for a very long time.

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A large number of signs (what the doctor sees) and symptoms (what the
patient experiences) define PD. The classic trio, tremor, muscle rigidity, and
bradykinesia (slowness), are joined by other primary symptoms (balance,
posture, and walking problems) and an excess of secondary or associated
difficulties. Italicized words indicate the medical terms to describe some of the

A. Initial Symptoms
The first symptoms of PD may vary from patient to patient, but commonly
a feeling of “weakness” or fatigue may occur, although it should be noted that,
if tested, all individual muscles would be strong. The “weakness” is more a
vague problem with getting started, initiating movement, and carrying out the
movement at the previous level of speed and accuracy. Initial symptoms
generally begin on one side of the body and remain on one side (unilateral) for
some time. Shaking or trembling, usually of the hands, and usually on one side
(right and left are affected equally, and do not depend on which hand is
dominant), may also occur very early in the condition. The shaking is generally
at rest, when the hand is just lying in the lap, or upon walking. Dragging of one
leg (if there is a tremor, it is usually on the same side) is also a common
complaint early on. Changes in handwriting (getting smaller), voice (softer,
sometimes a bit hoarse), facial expression (the so-called Parkinsonian mask),
and trouble with initiating movement (getting out of a chair, a car, or a bathtub,
for instance) or walking may also be present. Also seen in the early stages are
drooling, particularly at night, and mild depression or anxiety.

When early symptoms begin to interfere with work or activities of daily

living, initiation of antiparkinson therapy is indicated. Another important point
to remember is that the symptoms of PD, most prominently tremor, may be
uncovered or aggravated temporarily by stress or stressful situations. Stress,
however, does not cause PD.

A bit later on in typical, “garden-variety” PD, one may encounter problems

with posture (becoming stooped; patients are frequently told by family members
to stand up straight) and maintaining balance, which may be quite disabling.
When these occur very early in the disease, especially in the absence of tremor,
we must consider other atypical forms of parkinsonism (see next section).

B. Primary Symptoms
Tremor at rest is the characteristic feature of PD that earned it the earlier
name of the shaking palsy. Rest tremor occurs rarely in any other condition.
The tremor is slow and rhythmic. It usually begins in one hand and only later
spreads to involve the other side. Occasionally, the feet or legs may also exhibit
a tremor, again usually greater on the side of initial involvement. The lips and
jaw may also shake. less commonly, the head and neck may shake as well.

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The rest tremor is the predominant type seen in PD, and the tremor usually
reduces or disappears upon performing a purposeful movement. In some
patients, however, the tremor may be present when holding up the outstretched
arms (postural or sustention tremor) or when performing various movements
(action tremor). Rest tremor, especially when mild, is rarely functionally limiting,
although many people feel self-conscious about the shaking, whereas action
tremor may interfere with certain functions, such as eating soup or drinking from
a full cup.
Another type of tremor experienced by some people with PD is internal
tremor; this can usually only be felt by the patient and not seen by the examiner.
It may be very disturbing to the patient.

Rigidity is a term meaning a tightness or increase in muscle tone at rest or

throughout the entire range of motion of a limb. It may be felt as a stiffness in
the limbs, the neck, and even the trunk. This stiffness is often mistaken for
arthritis (a common condition, and one that may also be present). Improvement
in rigidity, however, occurs with antiparkinson medications. Arthritis
medications (such as anti-inflammatories) do not help the parkinsonian

Bradykinesia is greek meaning “slow movement,” and the feature which

characterizes all forms of parkinsonism. It manifests in a variety of ways,
including the mask-like expression (hypomimia) with decreased eye blinks,
slowness in arising or initiating movement, and decrease in fine motor
coordination (manifested by the inability to button a shirt, cut meat, etc.).
Difficulty with turning over in bed is a mark of bradykinesia, as are problems
with handwriting becoming slow and small (micrographia). Many of the
manifestations of bradykinesia may be very disabling as they progress, although
they respond well to treatment.
Gait (walking) may be very slightly impaired early on, but usually is not
disabling. Decrease in the natural arm swing is seen first, and only later do
problems with slow, small steps and shuffling (festination) occur. Patients may
begin to propel themselves forward as they accelerate with rapid, short steps
(propulsion). In advanced PD (and sometimes as a side-effect of treatment),
there may be episodes of freezing in which the feet appear to be glued to the
floor. This phenomenon usually happens at doorways, curbs, elevators, etc. It
may sometimes be overcome by visualizing an obstruction to step over,
marching to verbal commands, or actually stepping over lines placed on the
floor, among other tricks.

Balance problems and impairment of posture usually occur late in the

course of typical PD, and are unquestionably the most disabling of all the
symptoms. Patients occasionally complain of “dizziness” when they mean that
their balance or equilibrium is off. Inability to maintain a steady, upright posture

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or to take a corrective action to prevent a fall often results in just that—falling.

Patients tend to go backwards as well (retropulsion), and a light shove may
cause the patient to continue taking many steps backwards or to fall. The use
of balance aids (canes or walkers) becomes necessary, and patients may
eventually require a wheelchair.

C. Symptoms Related to Treatment

End-of-dose failure and the on-off phenomenon: When symptomatic

antiparkinson therapy is instituted (especially with the mainstay of treatment,
levodopa), patients usually have a smooth response for a long time. After years
of treatment, however, there may be a wearing-off of the beneficial effect of a
medication before the next dose is taken; that is, the patient may respond and
feel good (“on”) for a period of time and then the effect of the medication wears
off, causing the parkinsonian symptoms to return (“off”). This is a common
situation in the PD patient, and end-of-dose failure may be corrected by
shortening the interval between doses, or by adding additional medications. As
these motor fluctuations progress, however, the interval between doses may be
very short. In severe, advanced patients, there occasionally arises a
complication of long-term therapy where the response to medication is
unpredictable; this is termed the on-off phenomenon, in which the patient may
cycle from on to off or back again during one dosage interval, or the medication
may never kick in at all. The on-off phenomenon is very difficult to treat.

Dyskinesias: Usually seen as a peak-dose phenomenon (when a dose of

levodopa is at its highest point in its dosing interval, also called high-dopa
dyskinesias), abnormal involuntary movements (dyskinesias) with irregular,
flowing, dance-like or jerky motions may occur in any or all parts of the body;
these are called choreic or choreiform movements or simply chorea (from the
greek word for “dance”). less commonly, dyskinesias may occur as the dose
is wearing off (which we call wearing-off or low-dopa dyskinesias). Dyskinesias
may be choreic or dystonic in nature. Dystonia may also occur as high-dopa
(usually above the neck) or low-dopa (usually in the lower part of the body)

D. Secondary Symptoms
Speech: Speech problems are not uncommon in PD. Initially, the voice
may merely become softer, but may also start off strong and fade away. There
may be a loss of the normal variation in volume and emotion in the voice, and
the patient may talk in a monotone, like a computer. Speaking rapidly, with the
words crowded together, similar to the short, shuffling, propelling steps when
walking, is also characteristic of parkinsonian speech. Sometimes hoarseness
is a problem, and occasionally the patient may slur words. In more advanced
disease, a type of stuttering (palilalia), likened to the freezing phenomenon, can

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Swallowing: Problems with swallowing (dysphagia), when they occur in

PD, happen late in the course of the disease. Swallowing is an automatic but
complex act, and the inability of the tongue and throat muscles in PD to
coordinate the movement of food to the back of the mouth and down the upper
part of the esophagus may result in pooling of food in the throat. The patient
may feel as if food is getting stuck. Both solids and liquids are a problem, while
soft or puréed food goes down more easily.

Drooling: Drooling (sialorrhea) is similar to the problems experienced with

swallowing, in that saliva pools in the back of the throat. When enough is
accumulated in the mouth, it may spill out and the patient may drool. Drooling
is probably related to a decrease in the swallowing of saliva, not excess
production of saliva.

Seborrheic dermatitis: A common skin disorder in many people,

excessive oily secretions, particularly on the forehead and scalp, may be a
problem in PD. It may cause the skin to be greasy, and the skin becomes red,
itchy, and flaky. On the scalp, it results in dandruff.

Ankle Swelling: Another common problem in the general population as

people age, swelling (edema) of the feet and ankles may occur frequently in PD,
and occasionally is a side effect of some antiparkinson medications. It probably
is a result of pooling of fluid in the lowest part of the body when there is reduced
muscle movement to squeeze the veins and propel fluid back to the heart.

Visual problems: Many people have problems with their eyes.

Nearsightedness, farsightedness, and cataracts are not related to PD.
Sometimes, however, people may complain of some mild double vision or
problems with the eyes “bouncing” around, that is, they may have difficulty
reading (especially small print) because they lose the line. These situations may
be related to PD.

Weight loss: loss of weight, sometimes considerable, is a common

occurrence in PD, and should trigger an evaluation for some other serious
medical problem. In the absence of other disorders, severe weight loss may
easily be attributed to PD, and although it may be of concern, the weight loss
usually levels off. It may result from a generally decreased appetite in PD,
swallowing difficulties, other gastrointestinal disturbances, or excessive
movement (either severe tremor or, in the advanced, treated patient, severe
abnormal involuntary movements).

Constipation and other gastrointestinal (GI) problems: Constipation is a

very common problem, and may occur more in older people and in a generation
taught from an early age that one must move one’s bowels daily. This is not
necessarily true. PD, however, may slow the bowels down (just as the rest of
the body is slowed down), and the side effects of antiparkinson treatment may
also contribute to this problem.

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Abdominal distention or bloating may also occur in PD, and occasionally

may cause significant discomfort. Nausea and vomiting may occur in untreated
PD, but are more common as an adverse effect of medications used to treat PD,
especially in the early stages.

Urinary problems: Urinary frequency (urinating very often because the

bladder does not empty fully each time) and urgency (the feeling that one must
void right away, even if the bladder is not full) are not uncommon in PD. The
normal reflex mechanisms controlling the bladder may be impaired in PD, and
is a problem mostly at night. There may also be difficulties with hesitancy in
beginning to void, slowness in voiding, and overfill of the bladder; the latter may
result in accidents if the patient cannot make it to the toilet in time. It should
be remembered that other conditions can cause or worsen these situations,
particularly urinary tract infections, prostate problems in men and, in women
(especially those who have given birth), a “dropped” bladder or uterus.

Sexual dysfunction: Sexual desire (libido) may be reduced in PD; in some

cases, there may be complex psychological issues (combining sexual desire
and performance with a medical condition), and in others it may be a direct,
neurochemical effect of the disorder. Treatment of PD with antiparkinson drugs
frequently improves libido, and occasionally exaggerates it (which may likewise
also create problems). Physical problems, particularly in men with inability to
achieve erections (impotence), inability to maintain erections, or incomplete
erections may be part of the PD, or may result from other causes.

Dizziness and lightheadedness: “Dizziness” is a very vague term to the

physician. It could mean imbalance, lightheadedness (probably the most
common description), or actual spinning (vertigo). Vertigo is probably a result
of other conditions and should be addressed accordingly. lightheadedness,
however, may be related to PD, and, when it is severe, may result in actual
black-outs or fainting. This usually results from a drop in blood pressure upon
change of position (from lying to sitting or sitting to standing) (orthostatic or
postural hypotension). Again, sometimes another medical condition is present
(such as dehydration), but it may be part of the PD or a complication of the
medical treatment of PD.

Aches, pains, and dystonia: Nonspecific discomfort may be a part of PD.

Numbness and tingling (paresthesias) may occur in limbs; occasionally, they
may result from other medical conditions, such as pinched nerves from arthritis
in the neck or low back, but in the absence of these problems, they may be
attributed to PD. Tightness and cramping in muscles (dystonia or dystonic
cramps), particularly in the feet and legs, may be common occurrences, and
may occur early in the disease, even before treatment is instituted. The pain in
the legs may be so severe as to cause patients to have back surgery for
presumed sciatica! Dystonia may also involve twisting or torsioning of muscles.

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Any muscle may be affected by dystonia or dystonic cramping, including the

neck (cervical dystonia), eyelids (blepharospasm), jaw, arms, legs and feet.
Blepharospasm, where the eyes are forced closed or are unable to be opened
normally, occurs more often from too much antiparkinson medication, whereas
toe or calf dystonia more commonly happens in the untreated or undertreated
state. Rarely, dystonia can affect the chest wall muscles and other muscles
involved in breathing (respiratory dystonia), and shortness of breath may result.
This can be very frightening. If lung and heart disease are ruled out, however,
it should be remembered that respiratory dystonia, although disturbing, is not

Sweating: As with problems of bowel and bladder, impotence, and blood

pressure, sweating in PD may result from disturbances in the part of the nervous
system (autonomic nervous system) that control these automatic functions.
Disorders of the autonomic nervous system are called dysautonomia. When
dysautonomia is acute, we may be dealing with one of the atypical
parkinsonisms called Shy-Drager syndrome (see next chapter). Still,
dysautonomia is compatible with a diagnosis of PD, and abnormalities of
sweating, particularly excessive sweating, are not uncommon in PD. It
frequently involves the upper part of the body more than the lower, and may be
a sign of untreated or undertreated parkinsonism. Profuse, drenching sweats
may occur infrequently but may be very bothersome, and may be associated
with the wearing-off of medication in the advanced patient.

E. Symptoms Related to Mentation, Behavior, or Mood

Depression, anxiety, and panic attacks: Depression and anxiety occur in

as many as 50% of PD patients. Sometimes, they may be among the first
symptoms of PD, and in a small number of patients, the initial symptom may be
frank panic attacks, with full-blown palpitations, hyperventilation, sweating,
pallor, and a feeling of impending doom. Depression may lead to loss of
motivation, and the patient may not want to do anything all day. These
disorders of mood may be in small part a reaction to the disease itself, but more
often result from biochemical deficiencies in the brain of neurochemicals related
to dopamine (called norepinephrine and serotonin) which are responsible for
mood regulation and are reduced (like dopamine, although not as drastically) in
PD. Rarely, the depression may be so severe as to require significant
psychiatric intervention. More commonly, anxiety and depression are mild; they
sometimes improve with antiparkinson therapy, but frequently require additional
medications (see Chapter V, “Treatment”).

Disturbances of sleep: All humans must go through a normal sleep cycle

in the regular rhythm of the day, but the sleep cycle is frequently abnormal in
those with PD (insomnia). Inability to fall asleep (primary insomnia) is less
common in PD than the inability to stay asleep (secondary insomnia); that is,
patients fall asleep with no problem, but wake up frequently throughout the

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night. More problematic is the individual who catnaps throughout the day and
cannot sleep at night, reversing the normal sleep cycle. Some people have very
vivid dreams (usually from too much antiparkinson medication) and may talk or
thrash in their sleep; this condition is common in PD and called REM sleep
behavior disorder (RBD). It rarely bothers the patient, but may have a strong
effect on the patient’s bed partner. kicking and jerking of the limbs (nocturnal
myoclonus) during sleep may also occur. If one wakes up, instead of getting up
and wandering through the house, it is important to try to go back to sleep to
get a good night’s rest, if possible.

Dementia, memory loss, and confusion: Problems with thinking, word-

finding, judgment, and other features of cognitive function (dementia) may
occur in up to 40-50% of PD patients, especially late in the disease and in older
patients. These problems are often milder than the dysfunction seen in
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and are part of the pathology of PD. Problems with
memory, for instance, are very prominent in AD but less common in PD. When
these problems occur early in the course, along with hallucinations and other
symptoms, there may be more extensive involvement of the brain with
degenerating neurons demonstrating lewy bodies (see Introduction), and this
related disorder, demonstrating lewy bodies throughout the brain, has been
termed dementia with Lewy bodies (DlB) (see next section). PD patients who
develop similar symptoms late in the course are said to have PD-dementia
(PDD). Pathologically, a similar picture is seen throughout the brain in both DlB
and PDD, labeled diffuse Lewy body disease. Although occasionally AD may
occur together with PD, it is important to realize that mental dysfunction may be
attributed to the PD (or DlB) alone, without AD. Confusion may become a
problem; it is frequently worsened by antiparkinson medications.

Hallucinations and psychosis: One complication of antiparkinson

medication may be disturbances of perception, with hallucinations (seeing
people or things that aren’t really there. They are usually visual, rarely auditory
[hearing]). Delusions (a fixed but erroneous idea or notion) or paranoia (feeling
that people are out to get them, for example) may also occur. These symptoms
constitute drug-induced psychosis, although sometimes, especially in DlB,
they may occur without any antiparkinson medications at all. Frequently,
psychotic symptoms, especially when severe, may indicate an underlying
complication of dementia.

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PD is not related to other neurological conditions such as Huntington’s
disease, multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (AlS or lou gehrig’s
disease), polio, or muscular dystrophy, and the signs and symptoms of PD are
entirely different from this collection of nervous system diseases. There are,
however, a large number of related parkinsonian syndromes or atypical
parkinsonisms, also called Parkinson-plus syndromes, which look like PD but
have other clinical features and other pathology. In general, PD is much more
treatable than most of its atypical cousins; many of the latter have a shorter,
more disabling course. Some are inherited and some are not; some occur in
children and some rarely if ever arise before late middle age. Differentiating PD
from these other disorders is important for issues of treatment and long-term
planning. The list is quite long, so we will only discuss the major parkinsonian
syndromes, along with related disorders commonly misdiagnosed as PD.

Dementia with Lewy Bodies: As mentioned in the previous section,

dementia with Lewy bodies (DlB) is closely related to PD as the pathology
consists of the pathologic hallmark of PD, the lewy body, seen extensively
throughout the brain. It differs in that the cognitive problems occur before the
parkinsonism or within one year of the the motor symptoms. In addition,
patients with DlB also have visual hallucinations (usually without medication)
and “fluctuations” in level of consciousness, which are also described as “zone-
out periods.” During these periods (which may last minutes or hours, rarely up
to a couple of days), the patients are essentially unresponsive. All tests
(neurological, cardiac, general medical, blood tests) are negative and they come
out of them spontaneously. While the actual reason for these periods is
unknown, they appear to be benign and do not cause the patient any harm. The
parkinsonism may improve with medications used in PD, and the cognitive and
psychiatric symptoms respond to medications directed at those features.

Progressive Supranuclear Palsy: The most common of the atypical

parkinsonisms is a disorder called progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP), also
known in England as Steele-Richardson-Olszewski syndrome for the doctors
who first described it. PSP may appear initially like typical PD, or patients may
complain more of gait disorder and frequent falls, visual abnormalities, or
speech or swallowing problems. Tremor is usually absent. Falling, imbalance,
and problems with walking occur much earlier than in PD, and the disease
course is shorter. The neck may be very rigid, with hyperextension. Patients
assume a "wide-eyed, astonished, staring" expression. The hallmark of the
disease is the inability to look down voluntarily (supranuclear gaze palsy); later,
other eye movement abnormalities may occur. No medications have been
found to be consistently useful for more advanced cases of PSP.

Multiple Systems Atrophy: Multiple system atrophy (MSA) is a "lumper's"

term for the three main disorders called olivopontocerebellar atrophy (OPCA),
Shy-Drager syndrome (or primary or progressive autonomic failure with MSA)

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(SDS), and striatonigral degeneration (SND). All of them may be characterized

by parkinsonism, although rest tremor is slight or absent. Again, the course is
more rapid than PD and treatment is not as effective, because more areas of the
brain are affected than in PD. Distinguishing features of these disorders
OPCA: an unsteadiness or imbalance called ataxia, where the impairments
of balance, stability, and coordinated movements are out of proportion to other
signs and symptoms.
SDS: parkinsonism with dysautonomia (see Signs and Symptoms), where
the dysautonomia precedes or dwarfs the parkinsonism. These patients often
have severe orthostatic hypotension (a decrease in blood pressure upon
standing up).
SND: may appear clinically identical to PD, although tremor tends to be
less prominent, and gait and balance problems may occur earlier. Diagnosis is
usually considered in patients with parkinsonism in whom there is no response
at all to levodopa or other antiparkinson drugs, and in fact some patients get a
paradoxical worsening on levodopa and many will have dyskinesias even
though they have no effective improvement from the medication.

Cortical-Basal Ganglionic Degeneration: The least common of the four

main Parkinson-plus syndromes, corticobasal degeneration (CBD) is
characterized by very asymmetric involvement of one arm (before eventually
involving the other side) with extreme rigidity, a foreign feeling or involuntary
positioning of the limb (alien limb phenomenon), a loss of knowing what to do
with the hand (for example, forgetting how to brush one’s teeth, snap one’s
fingers, or show the “V” for victory sign) (apraxia), and loss of some sensations
on that side. There is infrequent rest tremor and, again, early problems with gait
and balance. Dementia may occur early. CBD, like PSP, almost never occurs
before age 50 and the course is relatively short. No treatments have been found
to be effective.

Vascular Diseases: Strokes due to hardening of the arteries or small blood

vessels (arteriosclerosis) usually come on suddenly, causing paralysis of one
side of the body. Rarely, multiple little strokes in deep parts of the brain, each
too small to be noticed or causing only brief weakness, may eventually result in
cumulative damage to the circuit that causes the symptoms of parkinsonism.
Vascular parkinsonism is generally considered to be a “lower-body”
parkinsonism, causing problems with gait and balance, but rare tremor.
Sometimes, impairment of mental function may be seen. Patients tend to be
older with a history of high blood pressure (hypertension), diabetes, or heart
conditions. Treatment should be aimed at correcting the heart problems, blood
pressure, cholesterol, and/or blood sugar.

Drugs and Toxins: A variety of drugs and toxins have been found to be
responsible for the development of parkinsonian syndromes. Most cause only

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temporary problems, but one toxin has resulted in permanent parkinsonism.

This toxin is MPTP, a “designer drug” similar to heroin. In humans and
laboratory animals, it has caused an irreversible, very rapidly developing
parkinsonism, clinically indistinguishable from PD except for the speed of
development following exposure (drug addicts and organic chemists have been
the highest risk groups). Severity appears to relate to degree of exposure, and
so far MPTP parkinsonism has not appeared to be a progressive disorder.
Patients respond well to antiparkinson medications. It has proved valuable in
providing animal models of PD for research. Also, poisoning with manganese
has been reported to cause parkinsonism.
Reversible cases of drug-induced parkinsonism have been associated with
a number of drugs: antipsychotic medications, used largely to treat
schizophrenics, such as haloperidol (Haldol®), fluphenazine (Prolixin®), and
chlorpromazine (Thorazine®); certain anti-nausea drugs that are chemically
related to the antipsychotic drugs, such as prochlorperazine (Compazine®);
metoclopramide (Reglan®), a highly prescribed medication for improving
stomach and bowel movement; and alpha-methyl dopa (Aldomet®), a formerly
popular antihypertensive, although now used rarely. Any patient showing signs
of parkinsonism should be asked about medication history, and all patients
should be aware of the medications that they take or previously took.

Post-Encephalitic Parkinsonism: A consequence of Von Economo's or

epidemic encephalitis or encephalitis lethargica (not the post-World War I
influenza epidemic) that occurred worldwide in the second and third decades of
the 20th century, post-encephalitic parkinsonism (PEP) accounted for about
12% of parkinsonism seen at major centers in the first half of the century; there
are now very few patients left with this disorder. The cause was almost certainly
a virus, but it has never been identified. Of people affected with encephalitis
lethargica, not all developed parkinsonism; development of this condition
ranged from weeks or months to years following the encephalitis exposure. The
parkinsonism is quite typical, with tremor being as prominent as in PD. Other
features, however, distinguish PEP from PD, the most dramatic being a dystonic
deviation of the eyes (oculogyric crisis). Other features include young onset,
bizarre personality and other behavioral changes, paralysis, and extreme fatigue
or sleepiness. When levodopa was introduced, a population of PEP patients
was started on this drug, but few could tolerate the briskly developing side
effects. A fascinating and poetic description of this condition is to be found in
the popular book, and later movie, Awakenings by Dr. Oliver Sacks.

Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus: Normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH)

is uncommon but potentially reversible and rarely may appear to have a
parkinsonian syndrome; it may be distinguished by its classic trio of gait
disorder, urinary incontinence, and dementia. It is caused by enlargement of
the fluid cavities of the brain called the ventricles, and there is compression of
the centers that control walking, voiding, and thinking. It may sometimes be

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improved by removing the fluid from the brain, most effectively done by
insertion of a tube called a shunt from the brain to another part of the body
(often the abdomen) to drain the fluid away. A not infrequent side effect of
shunting, however, particularly in elderly people, is the development of subdural
hematomas, a collection of blood and fluid between the brain and the hard
lining of the brain under the skull; these can cause more problems and need
further neurosurgical intervention.

Essential Tremor: Because the tremor is the hallmark of this (often

inherited) condition, essential tremor (ET) is commonly mistaken for PD. It has
also been called benign or familial ET. The tremor, however, is different: it is
primarily a tremor that is at its worst on action, less severe on posture-holding,
and rare at rest. The hands are most often affected, and there may be a tremor
of the head and neck, usually a head nod (“yes-yes” tremor) or shake (“no-no”
tremor). The voice has a tremulous quality (and, when mild, may sound like a
vibrato in singing) which is not seen in PD. The legs are rarely affected, and
there is no slowness, stiffness, or other features of PD. Some patients with
presumed ET may eventually develop PD, however.

Dystonia: Primary, or idiopathic, dystonia may occur in individuals of any

age. In childhood, it tends to start in the foot and gradually involve the entire
body. Adult-onset dystonia tends to be in one body location (focal dystonia)
and remain there. Most frequent areas of involvement are the neck (cervical
dystonia), eyelids (blepharospasm), lower face (Meige syndrome), or hand
(writer’s cramp dystonia). As previously mentioned, dystonia as a secondary
feature may occur as part of PD. Occasionally, a patient with what appears to
be primary focal dystonia may later develop PD.

Dopa-Responsive Dystonia: Dopa-responsive dystonia (DRD) is a

disorder that usually begins in childhood, is more common in girls than in boys,
is characterized by mild parkinsonism with more pronounced dystonia,
worsening as the day wears on, and dramatic, prolonged response to low-dose
levodopa. It may be confused with juvenile-onset PD.

Alzheimer’s disease: Occasionally, some patients with Alzheimer’s

disease (AD) may demonstrate features of parkinsonism. Also occasionally, the
pathology of PD and AD may occur in the same person. As previously
discussed, PD-D and DlB are characterized by parkinsonism and mental
dysfunction and may be mistaken for AD. Nevertheless, PD is not AD, and does
not lead to AD. Since there are currently no tests to determine what the exact
diagnosis is (or diagnoses are), only post-mortem examination of the brain is
the “gold-standard” for precise diagnosis.

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The cause of any disease is two separate issues. One, the etiology, concerns
how the individual acquired the illness and the pathogenesis concerns the abnormal
processes in the body that produce the signs and symptoms of the disease. For
example, the etiology of acne is skin oil and bacteria, while its pathogenesis is
blockage of pores with resulting infection and inflammation. For PD, our
understanding of the etiology is poor to fair and our knowledge of the pathogenesis
is fair to good.

A. Etiology (How PD is Acquired)

Genetics Versus Environment: Most experts believe that the etiology of PD is

an exposure to an as-yet unidentified chemical in the food, air or water in a person
with a genetic (inherited) vulnerability to that chemical. The experts disagree on
whether the exposure (environment) or the vulnerability (genetics) is more important.
Those in the environmental camp say that most people in the population have the
inherited susceptibility just by virtue of being human and that the factor critical to the
development of PD is the degree of exposure to the environmental factor. Those in
the genetic camp say that most people have the environmental exposure just by
virtue of living in the world and the critical factor is an inherited susceptibility. Time
will tell who is right and just what the genetic and environmental factors are. Most
experts think this will be worked out in the coming decades.

The Environmental Hypothesis: The idea that PD is mostly the result of

exposure to a poisonous chemical became popular in the early 1980's. At that time,
there appeared a report of several young intravenous drug users in California who
developed a severe and sudden illness that looked just like PD. A team of
researchers led by Dr. J. William langston discovered, by a remarkable piece of
medical detective work, that the drug users had all injected themselves with a
homemade chemical that they thought was a legal form of heroin, a "designer drug."
The basement chemist who sold them the drug had attempted a shortcut in the
recipe, producing an unintended byproduct, methyl-phenyl-tetrahydropyridine
(MPTP). Dr. langston and others eventually found, through animal experiments, that
the most important action of MPTP is to damage the substantia nigra, which is the
part of the brain affected in PD.
MPTP is a simple chemical similar to naturally-occurring components of many
plants. Its chemical structure is similar to that of some commonly-used weed killers,
such as paraquat. Furthermore, it poisons the chemical systems of brain cells in the
same way as does rotenone, a popular garden and farm insecticide found in your
local hardware store. These insights have prompted speculation that the etiology of
PD may be a long-term, low-level exposure to MPTP or some similar chemical in our
food, water, air or other aspect of our environment.
Support for the environmental hypothesis has also come from surveys of PD
patients and controls (that is, people without PD but with the same sex, age,
socioeconomic group and area of residence as the patients). These surveys have

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shown that early in life, PD patients are more likely than controls to have lived in rural
areas, to have worked at farming, to have consumed well water, and to have been
exposed to pesticides and herbicides. More recent surveys have found that the last
factor—pesticides and herbicides—is the only strong "independent" risk factor
among these. In other words, the two survey groups (PD patients and controls)
differed with regard to rural living, farming and well water use only because those
factors tended to occur in the same people who had been exposed to pesticides and
The failing of the environmental hypothesis is that no one has been able to
connect any specific pesticide or herbicide to PD. People participating in surveys of
early-life exposures are usually unable to recall names of specific chemicals, if they
ever knew them at all. There are no "clusters" of PD cases among workers in
factories manufacturing specific pesticides/herbicides or among workers who apply
the chemicals to crops. Furthermore, no one has succeeded in producing PD in
animals by exposing them to commonly-used pesticides or herbicides. These
problems do not disprove the environmental hypothesis. They just suggest that the
answer is more complicated.

The Genetic Hypothesis: The environmental hypothesis must contend with

another obstacle: If PD is caused by a chemical in the food, air or water, why does
the disease occur in only 2% of the population some time during life? This dilemma
of the "pure" environmental hypothesis has convinced most experts that there is
some factor inborn to the individual, probably genetic in origin, that makes some
people, but not most, susceptible to the toxic effect of the suspected environmental
factor(s). After all, most human diseases, including cancer, arteriosclerosis, and
infections are caused by some combination of exposure plus inborn susceptibility.
Most genetic brain disorders occur during infancy or childhood, but some do
not. A prime example among the movement disorders is Huntington's disease, a
degenerative disorder far less common than PD, usually starting in the 30's, 40's or
50's and producing dementia and violent, involuntary movements. Huntington's
runs in families in an autosomal dominant hereditary pattern. That means that each
child of an affected individual has a 50% (one chance out of two) risk of developing
the disease and that the disease occurs with equal frequency in the two sexes.

Evidence for a Genetic Etiology: In a survey at Robert Wood Johnson Medical

School, 53% of PD patients who had full information about all of their grandparents,
aunts, uncles and parents reported at least one such relative with the disease.
Furthermore, surveys of patients and controls have shown that parents and siblings
(brothers and sisters) of the patients are anywhere from two to ten times as likely to
have PD as parents and siblings of controls. This does not prove a genetic cause,
however—relatives usually share environmental exposures, too!
Stronger evidence for a genetic contribution to the cause of PD comes in
several forms. One is that when a PD patient reports having two relatives with PD in
previous generations, it is very rare for one of the affected relatives to be on the

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patient's mother's side and one to be on the father's side, as would often occur in
an environmentally caused disease.
Another line of evidence is that some families have an especially strong and
obvious autosomal dominant pattern causing PD in many members and other
families living in the same places have no PD. The largest such family known, the
Contursi kindred, originated in a town by that name in southern Italy. It includes 60
members with PD over five generations. Its inheritance pattern, and that of many
smaller such families, is autosomal dominant with an approximately 50% risk to
offspring of affected individuals, as in Huntington's disease. The variation in the
disease within the Contursi kindred, ranging in age of symptom onset from 20 to 85,
with some members having tremor and others not, is similar to that of PD in general.
This suggests that differing intensities of environmental exposures need not be
invoked to explain the wide symptom range of PD in general.
Families like the Contursi kindred are extremely rare, however. One reason is
that PD tends to occur later in life, when its symptoms may be mistaken for those of
arthritis, strokes, normal aging, and many other conditions. Or affected individuals
may have died before the symptoms or signs of PD appeared at all. In any case, by
the time someone participating in a present-day research survey acquires PD,
his/her parents, not to mention grandparents, are likely to be long-deceased, their
medical conditions a dim memory. Yet another problem is that PD may display only
a single symptom, such as forgetfulness, muscle stiffness, poor balance, or shuffling
gait. Such isolated symptoms may not suggest a diagnosis of PD. A family history
of a late-life-onset, difficult-to-diagnose condition like PD may, for all these reasons,
be obscured.

The Nature of the PD Gene: The gene causing Huntington's disease has been
found. genes causing some cases of other neurodegenerative diseases (that is,
conditions that involve progressive loss of brain cells, such as Alzheimer’s disease
and lou gehrig’s disease) have also been found. It seems likely that a gene or genes
accounting for some or most cases of PD will also be found. It may be a gene
necessary to rid the body of a toxic environmental chemical, as suggested by the
environmental hypothesis, or, as is the case for Huntington's disease and the
Contursi kindred, it may be a gene apparently unrelated to environmental factors.
The greatest likelihood is that PD will be found to be a mixture of diseases, some
mostly genetic, some mostly environmental, but all producing a similar set of
changes in the brain.

B. Pathogensis (Abnormal Processes in the Body that Produce PD)

Even if we never find the etiology of PD, we could stop or even reverse the
damage of the disease through an understanding of the abnormal sequence of steps
that take place inside the brain that lead to cell loss.

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Loss of Dopamine-Producing Brain Cells: We do not yet know whether PD is

caused by a genetic or an environmental factor, but we do know that the symptoms
are caused by loss of certain clusters of brain cells. The most important of these are
clusters that make a chemical called dopamine. The cells transport the dopamine
through long, thin tubes called axons from the cell body, where most of the cell's vital
machinery is located, to the terminals, which contact other brain cells. The terminals
send messages to neighboring brain cells in the form of minute droplets of dopamine
that float across the narrow gap (synapse) between the terminals of one brain cell to
the receptors of an adjacent cell. Each brain cell uses only one kind of chemical
messenger, or neurotransmitter. In PD, those cells that make dopamine gradually die
But the situation is more complicated. In PD, not all of the dopamine-producing
brain cell clusters die off. In addition, a few brain cell clusters that use other
neurotransmitters such as acetylcholine, serotonin and norepinephrine also die off.
No one is sure just what all of these cells have in common that makes only them—
and not most other areas of the brain—vulnerable to whatever causes PD.
PD even affects nerve cells outside the brain. loss of nerve cells in oil glands
in the skin produces an oily complexion and often, a red, blotchy rash as a result.
loss of nerve cells in other organs can cause, in some patients, heartburn,
constipation, poor urinary bladder control, and impotence.
As the brain cells (and dopamine-producing nerve cells in the intestines and
elsewhere) in PD sicken, they develop unusual spherical blobs, called lewy bodies
(pronounced in English, "louie") after the german pathologist who discovered them.
There is something unique to PD that produces lewy bodies, as they are rare or
absent in other neurodegenerative diseases, even in those affecting the dopamine-
producing brain cells.

The Substantia Nigra: The dopamine-producing brain cell cluster that dies off
first in PD and accounts for most of its symptoms is the substantia nigra, meaning
“dark substance." What makes it dark is grains of a dark pigment, melanin, in some
of the cells. A slightly different type of melanin colors skin and hair. Dark people and
fair people, however, have the same amounts of melanin in their substantia nigras.
The substantia nigra is located in the midbrain, the uppermost third of the brainstem,
which is the roughly cylindrical portion that connects the brain to the spinal cord.
The brainstem is jam-packed with many cell clusters with functions as vital as that
of the substantia nigra. The dopamine-producing cells of the substantia nigra send
their projections (axons) upward into the bottom portion of the brain (cerebrum),
connecting with dopamine receptors in the next part of the circuit, the striatum.

The Connections of the Dopamine-Producing Cells: The cerebrum, the

large, wrinkled part of the brain, is where thought processes occur. The part of the
cerebrum, however, that receives the dopamine-encoded messages from the
substantia nigra is not directly involved in mental functions, but in control of
movement. located near the base of the cerebrum, this part is called the basal

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ganglia and it does not degenerate in PD. ("ganglia" are large clusters of brain cells.)
The various parts of the basal ganglia are interconnected in a complicated way that
has been partially worked out only recently. When the substantia nigra fails to
provide adequate input to the striatum because of the damage from PD, the function
of the various parts of the circuit is not balanced.
The net effect is that the last two stations in the complicated circuitry of the
basal ganglia, the subthalmic nucleus and the internal globus pallidus, become
overactive. This overstimulates another part of the cerebrum called the thalamus.
When this situation is partly corrected by surgical procedures called subthalamotomy
or pallidotomy which destroy parts of the subthalamic nucleus and the internal
globus pallidus, or by electrical stimulation of those structures to interrupt signals,
some PD symptoms improve. This will be discussed further in the chapter on
treatment of PD.

The 80% Threshold: Patients with PD often wonder what activities or

exposures in the few weeks before their first symptoms appeared could have caused
the disease. If there was such an etiologic event, it would have occurred years or
even decades, not weeks, before. The first symptoms of PD do not appear until 80%
of the dopamine at the terminals of the substantia nigra neurons, in the striatum, is
lost. (This occurs when about half of the neurons themselves are lost.) Apparently,
the brain can compensate for lesser degrees of dopamine loss, but eventually the
passage of time is “the straw that breaks the camel's back" and symptoms appear.
That last straw is sometimes a stressful emotional event or a non-neurological
medical event such as a limb injury, a heart attack or major surgery. How these
stresses knock out the way the brain compensates is not understood. We do know
that these events are not the "cause" of PD, but it is clear that they can reveal the
disease a few months or years sooner than it would have revealed itself.

The Parkinson Iceberg: If you have to lose 80% of your dopamine before
showing signs of PD, and if this process occurs gradually over many years, there
must be many people who are on their way to developing PD but have not reached
the 80% threshold. In fact, more than 10% of elderly people who die of non-
neurological illnesses do not have signs of PD but do have lewy bodies in their
brains as determined at autopsy. These brains also show loss of substantia nigra
neurons in the same pattern (although in fewer numbers) as occurs in full-blown PD.
Had these people lived longer, they presumably would have started to show signs of
PD. It has been calculated that among the living population, such pre-symptomatic
PD is 10 to 20 times as common as symptomatic PD. The latter, therefore,
represents the small, exposed portion of a very large iceberg. If there are about half
a million patients with PD in the US, there must be another 5 to 10 million with
presymptomatic PD. As we make in-roads against killers like cancer and heart
disease, more and more of the presymptomatic group will live to show signs of PD.

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Are the Mitochondria Involved?: Brain cells are rich in mitochondria, the
structures inside cells that use oxygen to turn food into energy for the cell's use. For
this task, mitochondria have their own set of chemical tools (enzymes) and even have
their own genes carrying the genetic code for some of these enzymes. If there is
damage to mitochondria, to any of their enzymes, or to any of the genes that encode
the instructions for making those enzymes, the whole cell will malfunction and
possibly die. In PD, a certain group of mitochondrial enzymes called Complex I is
not working properly.
One possible cause of this malfunction in Complex I may be a poison from the
environment. We know that MPTP damages dopamine-producing brain cells by
impairing the function of their Complex I. Furthermore, the popular garden
insecticide rotenone acts in the same way.
Another possibility is that one or more of the genes directing the cell's
manufacture of Complex I are malfunctioning. But no such genetic defect has been
found for sure in patients.

Are Free Radicals Involved?: Free radicals are chemicals produced as by-
products of many normal chemical reactions in the body, especially the manufacture
of dopamine. Radicals are fragments of molecules that are usually found only as
parts of larger molecules, where they are harmless. But sometimes, these fragments
are produced in an unattached state. They then try to attach themselves to any
molecules that happen to be nearby. In so doing, they cause oxidation, which
damages normal proteins and other chemicals in cells. Healthy cells have enzymes
that act as free-radical scavengers, mopping up free radicals before they can do
much oxidative damage. (Nevertheless, free radicals are suspected as causes of
many illnesses, including arthritis, cancer and hardening of the arteries.)
In brain cells of people with PD, there are more free radicals than normal and
there is clear evidence of excessive oxidation. One popular theory is that this
oxidation causes the damage to the dopamine brain cells. An alternative theory
states the opposite: that the brain cell damage (whatever its cause) causes the
increase in free radicals by depriving the cells of their normal free radical-scavenging
enzymes. Despite our ignorance on this point, Vitamin E, which mops up free
radicals, has been tested as a prevention and treatment for PD. Unfortunately, it was
ineffective, and there is no evidence that other antioxidants such as Vitamin C or
coenzyme Q10 help PD either, but other drugs that combat the action of free radicals
in different ways may yet work (see “Treatment,” Chapter V).

Some New Ideas, Some Old Ideas: In the near future, you may begin to hear
about other theories of the etiology and pathogenesis of PD. One involves growth
factors, which are proteins produced by brain cells that maintain their normal
structure and repair damage. Another involves nitric oxide, a very simple molecule
(one nitrogen atom and one oxygen atom) that is starting to be implicated in many
types of normal body functions and in some disease processes.

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You may also hear about the epidemic of encephalitis (inflammation of the brain
caused by a virus) in the years after World War I, or even of the worldwide flu
epidemic that preceded it as the cause of PD. These notions have been discredited.
Similarly, there is no evidence that PD is caused by prions, the infectious
particles thought to cause "mad cow disease" and a few types of degenerative
human brain disease.
Repeated minor head trauma such as that suffered by boxers has long been
known to cause a PD-like condition in some cases, but lewy bodies and other
features of PD are absent. Nevertheless, several careful surveys have found that
patients with PD are more likely to have had minor head injuries in the years before
their PD began than did controls. We do not know whether this result was biased by
a greater tendency of PD patients to recall such details or whether a little trauma can
actually accelerate the degenerative process of PD somehow.
A similar problem faces us in interpreting the finding that patients with PD are
less likely to have been cigarette smokers (during the years before the symptoms
began) than controls. Most researchers think that people who have a mild (pre-
symptomatic) deficiency of dopamine fail to experience the satisfaction provided by
a potentially addictive habit, thereby avoiding becoming addicted. A few
researchers think that something in cigarette smoke may actually reduce one's risk
of developing PD. No one, however, recommends smoking to avoid PD.
Those with PD now should be encouraged by the speed with which we are
coming to understand the etiology and pathogenesis of the condition. There is every
reason to believe that these efforts will produce a way of arresting the progress of
the disease well within the lifetime of a patient diagnosed in the early part of the new

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There is as yet no cure for PD and no medication that slows or stops the
progression. Treatment is, therefore, aimed at suppressing or reducing the
symptoms of disease with the least amount of adverse effects from the drugs.
All of the strategies outlined in this chapter are intended to inform patients and
their families about some of the options available to them. This information is
meant to be discussed with the treating physician. Patients should not attempt
any of these suggestions without consulting their physician since these
strategies may not be applicable in every case and there may be more
appropriate advice for any given individual situation.

A. Initial Treatment of Early Disease

Since, as noted above, there is no medication to cure or slow down the
disease process, a major question that faces patients and physicians is when to
start treatment and with what drug in a patient newly-diagnosed with PD. Most
PD experts agree that treatment should not be started until a patient is
experiencing some “functional disability” from the disease. The key concept
here is the definition of the word “functional” because functional disability may
be different for different people. In general, it means that the patient is having
difficulty or is unable to do something that is important to his or her well-being
or interests. For example, a surgeon with a little bit of difficulty manipulating
objects with his dominant hand may be functionally disabled by this problem. A
retired accountant may not be functionally disabled by the very same
symptoms. Whether or not a patient is functionally disabled is a decision that
should be made by both patient and physician together and appropriate
treatment begun at that time. Functional disability, however, should not be
measured only in relation to work. Hobbies or sports activities can be very
important to people and should enter into the consideration of whether or not a
patient is functionally impaired. Many patients’ symptoms begin with tremor.
As a rule, resting tremor is rarely disabling for most patients.

B. Medications for Parkinson’s Disease

Levodopa: The most important and most effective drug to treat the
symptoms of PD is levodopa and almost every patient will eventually be taking
this medication. levodopa is an amino acid similar to those derived from the
protein in food and crosses from the intestinal tract to the blood and eventually
from the blood to the brain. Once in the brain, it is converted to dopamine, the
neurochemical that is reduced in patients with PD. Taking levodopa restores the
amount of dopamine in the substantia nigra and striatum to near normal levels
and thereby reduces the symptoms and signs of the disease. levodopa helps
all the major signs and symptoms in the majority of patients. In fact, if a patient
is not helped by levodopa, this is often evidence that the patient may be
suffering from one of the other forms of parkinsonism described earlier. Nausea
is the most common side-effect experienced by patients who take levodopa.
With persistence, most patients can overcome this problem. Because
approximately 50% of patients taking levodopa eventually develop motor

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fluctuations and dyskinesias, and because dopamine metabolism results in free

radical production, the idea that levodopa is toxic to dopamine producing
neurons has persisted despite multiple human studies to the contrary. To date,
there is no solid evidence from studies in PD patients that levodopa
administration increases the rate of disease progression.

Levodopa/carbidopa (Sinemet ® ): Because of the nausea many patients

experience when taking levodopa alone, it is invariably taken in combination
with carbidopa (trade name: Sinemet®). This nausea is caused by the
conversion of levodopa to dopamine in the intestine and blood before levodopa
reaches the brain, and by direct stimulation by levodopa of the vomiting center
in the brain. Carbidopa blocks the conversion of levodopa to dopamine only in
the intestine and blood (not in the brain) and thereby markedly reduces the
incidence of nausea and vomiting. It also ensures that more levodopa goes into
the brain and is not wasted by conversion to dopamine in the blood or intestine.
Patients taking the combination, therefore, require less levodopa per dose than
if they were to take levodopa alone. For these reasons it is the most common
form in which patients take levodopa. levodopa/carbidopa comes in two forms,
standard or immediate-release and controlled-release (CR). The standard form
is absorbed quickly while the CR form is absorbed over several hours. Many
patients who develop end-of-dose wearing-off symptoms are helped by
switching from the regular to the CR form of levodopa.

Monamine oxidase inhibitors: selegiline (Deprenyl®, Eldepryl®,

Zelapar®) and rasagiline (Azilect®): By interfering with one of the enzymes
that break down dopamine (monoamine oxidase, or MAO-B), selegiline or
rasagiline can enhance and prolong the effect of each dopamine molecule. It
was once hoped that selegiline might slow the progression of PD but few
physicians still believe this to be the case. Whether or not rasagiline slows the
progression of disease is still under investigation: a recent study suggests that
it may, but this is not proven. Both drugs may be used as a first drug for the
treatment of early PD and seem to be of moderate help to about 60% of such
patients. This benefit is sufficient to satisfy most patients for approximately one
year, after which they may elect to start levodopa treatment, either by adding
levodopa to selegiline or rasagiline or by switching to a levodopa preparation.
Some patients encounter difficulty sleeping when they take selegiline.
Therefore, it is usually given at breakfast and lunch but not bedtime. In patients
with more advanced disease, adding selegiline or rasagiline to levodopa may
help patients who are experiencing end-of-dose failure using levodopa alone.
In these patients, adding selegiline or rasagiline may worsen or bring on high
dopa or peak-dose dyskinesias. As of this writing, the FDA still requires that
patients taking rasagiline be aware that they should adhere to a low tyramine
diet because of the theoretical possibility that MAO inhibition and elevated
tyramine intake may cause uncontrolled increases in blood pressure that may
lead to stroke. Foods that should be avoided included aged cheeses, beer, red
wine, liver, pickled products, salami, sausage, sauerkraut and all aged and
fermented products. This list is not comprehensive and patients taking

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rasagiline should refer to a more complete list before starting the drug. The FDA
also recommends that patients starting rasagiline should not be on SSRI

Dopamine agonists: There are currently two approved dopamine agonists

in use today: pramipexole (Mirapex®) and ropinirole (Requip®). These are
synthetic compounds that mimic the action of dopamine at the dopamine
receptor (the message receiver) in the striatum. These agents are not as
powerful as levodopa and are usually used in addition to levodopa for patients
who experience end-of-dose failure using levodopa alone. They can also be
used early in the disease to delay the use of levodopa. Major side-effects of all
agonists include nausea, nightmares, and hallucinations. More problematic is
more recent recognition of sleepiness and sleep attacks as well as obsessive-
compulsive behaviors; these are seen with all the agonists. Recent evidence
suggests that dopamine agonist-induced obsessions and compulsive behaviors
are not rare. Major reported compulsions include gambling, sexual obsessions,
excessive spending, hobbies out of control, and eating disorders, among
others. All patients on dopamine agonists should be asked about any change in
behaviors at each doctor visit.
Another agonist used for many years, pergolide (Permax®), was withdrawn
from the market because of concerns about heart valve abnormalities. Another
older agonist, bromocriptine (Parlodel®), has not been withdrawn, but is in the
same family as pergolide and should be avoided. Patients who have recently
been on these drugs should continue to have an echocardiogram regularly to
examine their heart valves.
A newer agonist, rotigotine (Neupro®), is the first transdermal (skin) patch
for PD, which is applied once daily and continuously releases the drug through
the skin into the body for 24 hours. After a day, the old patch should be
removed before applying the new one. Its actions are similar to pramipexole and
In addition, there is an injectable form of a dopamine agonist called
apomorphine (Apokyn®). This may be useful as a “rescue” for patients who
have “on-off” phenomena.

Anticholinergics: Anticholinergic drugs were among the earliest used to

treat PD even before the era of levodopa. Members of this class of drugs
include trihexyphenidyl (Artane®), benztropine (Cogentin®), and biperiden
(Akineton®). Another one, ethopropazine (Parsidol® or Parsitan® in Canada) is
no longer available in the US, but still available in Canada. Anticholinergics do
not act directly on the dopamine system but act to block the effect of another
neurotransmitter, acetylcholine. Acetylcholine interacts with dopamine
receptors in the striatum. Blocking acetylcholine serves to reduce the inequality
that results from the loss of dopamine. These drugs are really only effective
against tremor and are often used in younger patients whose tremor does not
respond to levodopa. They should be used with great care in older patients.
Major side-effects from these drugs include dry mouth, decreased memory,
confusion, blurred vision, difficulty with urination, and worsening constipation.
The risk:benefit ratio of these drugs make them less commonly used today to
treat PD.

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Amantadine (Symmetrel ® ): Amantadine may have a number of chemical

actions in the brain. It has anticholinergic activity, may help release dopamine,
and may even have an effect on excitatory neurotransmitters in the basal
ganglia. All three of these actions help relieve the symptoms of PD. It is
sometimes used early in the course of the illness even before institution of
levodopa therapy. It may be added to levodopa, particularly in patients with
tremor that is not entirely relieved by levodopa. More recently, amantadine has
been recognized to reduce dyskinesias in patients with motor fluctuations. The
main side-effect of amantadine includes a benign skin discoloration, usually in
the lower legs, called livedo reticularis. Ankle swelling is also seen. Some
patients may have increasing confusion or hallucinations.

Beta-blocking agents: Beta-blockers such as propranolol (Inderal®) are

infrequently used in PD patients. Although the most characteristic tremor
associated with PD is a resting tremor, many patients have tremors that worsen
with posture or action. Beta-blockers may help these tremors somewhat.
Major side-effects include low blood pressure, slow heart rate, and depression.

COMT Inhibitors: Two drugs, tolcapone (Tasmar®) and entacapone

(Comtan®), are catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) inhibitors. Stalevo® is a
combination of carbidopa/levodopa and entacapone. COMT inhibitors work in
conjunction with levodopa preparations (Sinemet®) to prevent the breakdown
of levodopa in the intestine. By blocking the COMT enzyme, COMT inhibitors
help more levodopa reach the brain, where it is converted into dopamine,
improving control of PD symptoms. While both agents are COMT inhibitors,
they are not the same. Entacapone is a mild adjunctive drug, whereas tolcapone
is longer-acting and works well in more advanced fluctuators. Because of the
rare risk of liver injury associated with use of tolcapone, the FDA advises all
patients taking tolcapone to have liver function tests performed every two to
four weeks during the first six months after starting the drug.

C. Surgery
All the major surgical procedures performed to relieve symptoms of PD are
done stereotactically. This means that the target cells in the brain, which have
been selected either for destruction or stimulation, are reached with the aid of
a computerized guidance system through a small hole in the skull. A needle is
guided to the appropriately-chosen target and the cells in the targeted nucleus
(group of cells) are then either destroyed or stimulated electrically. Virtually all
procedures done at the present time are stimulations, more commonly known
as deep brain stimulation, rather than ablation or destruction of cells.
Stimulation parameters can be adjusted for maximum benefit after surgery while
the destructive procedure, once done, cannot be changed afterwards to
enhance benefit. Furthermore, if complications occur, the stimulator can be
turned off or the wire can be removed. An ablative procedure cannot be
reversed. It is also safer to reach deep targets like the subthalamic nucleus
(STN) with the stimulation procedure. The three chief targets of both destructive

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and stimulation therapies are the thalamus, the internal globus pallidus, and the
subthalamic nucleus.
Thalamotomy destroys a small group of cells in the thalamus, a major area
that receives information from the basal ganglia. Thalamic stimulation affects
the same group of cells. These procedures are used only to abolish tremor on
the side of the body opposite to the surgery.
Pallidotomy destroys a group of cells in the internal globus pallidus, the
major area from which information leaves the basal ganglia. Pallidal stimulation
affects the same group of cells. These procedures are most effective in relieving
dyskinesias and tremor but also helps some of the other symptoms of advanced PD.

Subthalamic stimulation differs from the previous two targets in that

destroying the target is almost never done. The cells are stimulated electrically
and thereby stop functioning. The advantage of stimulation, especially in this
nucleus, is that it is not permanent and can be more safely done on both sides
of the brain if necessary. This is the current preferred target and procedure for
the surgical treatment of PD.
Much more needs to be learned about the effectiveness of all these
procedures and also about the relative effectiveness of one procedure over
another. At present, they should be reserved for patients with advanced
disease that is not adequately or smoothly responding to medications or with
very complicated treatment regimens and severe dyskinesias or motor
fluctuations (severe cycling from “on” to “off”). Patients need to understand
that they cannot expect symptoms not responsive to levodopa to be helped by
deep brain stimulation. For example, gait disturbances such as falling related
to postural instability or freezing during the “on” state will not improve with
deep brain stimulation. Major symptoms that may be helped by surgery are
stiffness, slowness, fine motor coordination, tremor, and dyskinesias.
Dyskinesias benefit because stimulation allows patients to reduce their
levodopa and other PD medication intake. The bottom line is that surgery for PD
is not a cure, and it does not allow the elimination of all medication. In the right
hands, it is a very effective additional treatment for appropriate patients with
advanced PD.

D. Treatment of Motor Complications: End-of-dose “Wearing-Off,”

Dyskinesias, and Freezing

As PD progresses, patients begin to notice that the beneficial effect from

each dose of levodopa begins to wear off several hours after a dose. There are
many different approaches to alleviate these problems and we will only mention
a few of them. Patients on standard levodopa preparations can often be
switched to a controlled-release formulation with improvement. On the other
hand, shortening the interval between doses of levodopa may help some
patients. Another useful strategy is to add a dopamine agonist, a COMT

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inhibitor, or MAO-B inhibitor to levodopa. Patients who have difficulties with the
levodopa dose “kicking in” in the morning can take a standard levodopa dose
somewhat earlier than usual. Other patients with “kick in” problems can crush
their standard levodopa pills or dissolve them and take the medication in liquid
form (liquid levodopa).
With disease progression, dyskinesias (usually peak-dose or high-dopa
chorea) develop in many patients. Most patients do not mind mild choreiform
movements and consider it a small price to pay for good mobility. If the
dyskinesias become troublesome, however, strategies to cope with this problem
usually are aimed at reducing the amount of levodopa at each dose. If patients
are already on an MAO-B inhibitor, this drug can be reduced or discontinued.
Reducing levod opa may worsen some of the symptoms of PD. Dopamine
receptor agonists can then be added to the lower doses of levodopa since they
have less of a tendency to worsen dyskinesias than does levodopa itself.
Freezing of gait is one of the most frustrating problems a PD patient can
encounter, and one of the most difficult to treat. Tricks such as marching in
place, swaying from side to side, or stepping over an object or series of parallel
lines may help get patients going. One should remember to stop and “regroup”
if freezing prevents proceeding on in a smooth fashion. Sometimes reducing
the dose of levodopa helps to decrease freezing.

E. Treatment of Secondary Symptoms or of Symptoms Related to

Treatment with Antiparkinson Drugs
Speech: Speech therapy may help patients articulate more clearly and with
more force. Most patients can learn the basics in one or two sessions.
Prolonged traditional speech therapy is rarely of value. A special program,
called the lee Silverman Voice Therapy (lSVT), is often effective for many
patients. Sometimes increasing antiparkinson drugs can help soft speech
although many times the price paid in additional side effects is not worth the
Swallowing: Difficulty in swallowing (dysphagia) should be attended to
immediately because it can cause food to go into the lungs (aspiration), which
can cause pneumonia. A formal dysphagia evaluation by a speech therapist is
important. Soft or puréed foods are more easily swallowed than chunks or
liquids. Slowing down, chewing food well, and taking smaller bites are all useful
strategies. Patients should eat only when they are “on” (when the levodopa is
working) since the likelihood of food getting into the lungs is much greater if a
patient attempts to eat at times when the levodopa dose is not fully effective.
Some patients may benefit from an increase in the antiparkinson medications.
Drooling: Antiparkinson medications frequently dry the mouth and reduce
drooling. This is especially true of the anticholinergic drugs, although side-
effects from these agents may preclude their use in many patients, especially
the elderly. Carrying a handkerchief, sucking on candies or chewing gum are

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Seborrheic dermatitis: Antiparkinson medications, skin lotions and

dandruff shampoos help this problem. Tar-based shampoos are most effective
when used twice weekly but should not be overused.

Ankle Swelling: Ankle swelling should be evaluated by the patient’s

primary care doctor for an indication of problems with the heart, blood vessels
or kidneys. If there are no medical problems causing ankle swelling and it is
thought due to the relative immobility caused by PD, exercising the feet and
sitting with the legs elevated may help. Ankle swelling can also be caused by
anti-parkinson medications, particularly amantadine and dopamine agonists.
Compressive stockings and reducing salt intake are often of benefit. Some
patients may need mild diuretics (water pills).

Visual problems: Patients need to consult an eye doctor to ascertain if

there is any correctable problem intrinsic to the eye. If the eye problems are
related to PD, properly fitted prism glasses may help for double vision.
Alternatively, one can use a magnifying lens and a straight edge under each line,
following it down as one reads, for the problem of losing lines with small type.

Weight loss: Many PD patients have some degree of weight loss, but it
should still be evaluated by a primary care physician to exclude causes other
than PD. Adding dietary supplements high in calories, fat and carbohydrates
can help stem the loss of weight. These additional calories should be taken
after meals so as not to decrease the appetite at mealtime for a normal,
balanced diet. Ice cream, commercial supplements, or anything the patient
particularly favors provide a good source of additional calories.

Constipation and other gastrointestinal problems: Almost every patient

with PD suffers from constipation. Anticholinergic medications worsen this
symptom; sometimes, these drugs can be reduced or discontinued with
resultant benefit. Increasing exercise and fluid intake are very helpful. Intake
of high fiber food such as vegetables, high fiber cereal, and fruits should be
increased. Bananas, however, must be avoided as they increase constipation.
Intake of low fiber foods such as cakes and bread should be reduced. Stool
softeners, when prescribed by the physician, must be taken regularly, but they
only soften stool but do not reduce constipation. Finally, laxatives can be used
judiciously but regularly with the consultation of a physician.
Nausea is frequently related to antiparkinson medications (levodopa or the
dopamine agonists). When increasing the dosage of these drugs, going very
slowly and gently may eliminate nausea over time; reduction in medications may
also help the nausea, but may result in the patient being more “off.” Adding
extra carbidopa (lodosyn®) to the Sinemet® (carbidopa-levodopa) is often
helpful. Severe abdominal or bowel pain, blood in the stool, or severe difficulty
moving the bowels warrants a medical evaluation.

Urinary problems: Once it is determined that urinary problems are not due
to a medical condition or a bladder or a prostate problem, there are several

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approaches to alleviate urinary frequency, the most common urinary problem in

PD patients. Urgency and frequency at night can be decreased by reducing fluid
intake after dinner. Anticholinergic medications can be prescribed in some
patients. There are a number of specific medications in this and other
categories that are useful for this condition in PD patients. The use of all these
drugs needs to be discussed with a physician since they have side effects. In
case of severe problems, evaluation by an experienced urologist is in order.

Sexual dysfunction: Sexual dysfunction may be the result of problems

other than PD and a medical/urologic work-up should be done. Physical
problems related to PD are often best handled by open communication between
partners and health care professionals. A urologist experienced in treating
impotence or difficulties with erection can offer remedies that help many
patients including medications that enhance erectile function in men.
Depression can often be the cause of sexual problems and should be treated
when present.

Dizziness and lightheadedness: lightheadedness due to a sharp drop in

blood pressure when assuming the erect posture (orthostatic hypotension) may
indicate that antihypertensive (blood pressure) medications should be reduced
or discontinued, if patients are taking them. Patients should learn to rise slowly
from the lying or sitting position and “regroup” when first standing to give the
body a chance to adjust to the changes in blood pressure. Compressive
stockings may help, as may additional fluid and salt intake. Finally, specific
medications to reduce the drop in blood pressure can be prescribed by a

Aches, pains and dystonia: Nonspecific aches and pains often respond to
mild over- the-counter pain medications (aspirin, acetaminophen (Tylenol®), or
anti-inflammatories like ibuprofen). Dystonia (severe cramping) may need the
addition or readjustment of antiparkinson medications. Some patients with
severe cramps can get injection of botulinum toxin (Botox®) to the affected
muscles with excellent but temporary relief.

Sweating: Profuse sweating that drenches the body and clothes may
respond to an adjustment of antiparkinson medications. With time, it
sometimes disappears on its own.

F. Treatment of Symptoms Related to Mentation, Behavior and Mood

Depression, anxiety, and panic attacks: These symptoms, when severe,

are related to biochemical changes in the brain and are not simply a
“psychological” reaction to having PD. They should be diagnosed carefully by
the treating physician and treated with appropriate medications. There are many
different medications available to treat depression, anxiety, and panic attacks.
Both the older antidepressants: tricyclics; examples are amitriptyline (Elavil®),
nortriptyline (Pamelor®), or imipramine (Tofranil®) and the newer ones:

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serotonin reuptake inhibitors, like escitalopram (lexapro®), sertraline (Zoloft®),

or paroxetine (Paxil®), may be effective for depression. Some newer drugs have
anti-anxiety effects. A newly published study examining the treatment of
depression in people with PD showed that nortriptyline was more helpful than
paroxetine. Anti-anxiety agents: benzodiazepines; examples are diazepam
(Valium®), lorazepam (Ativan®), or alprazolam (Xanax®) may also be
considered for anxiety and panic. They need to be chosen carefully and tailored
to the individual complaints with due respect for their potential side-effects and

Disturbances of sleep: If sleeplessness is due to vivid dreams,

nightmares, or thrashing around in bed, reduction or elimination of nighttime
antiparkinson medications can help. If patients have trouble falling asleep or if
they awaken early in the morning, there is likely a biochemical disturbance of
the sleep-wake cycle. Specific medications to help this condition include some
of the same drugs used to treat depression. They should be used under the
careful supervision of a physician experienced with these agents. Excessive
daytime sleepiness is often caused by poor sleep during the night and may be
corrected by improving nighttime sleep. A specific sleep disturbance called
REM sleep behavior disorder is characterized by the patient thrashing (running,
fighting) in his sleep, often with talking or yelling; the patient is dreaming but is
unaware of the activity. The condition responds very well to low doses of
clonazepam at bedtime.

Dementia, cognitive dysfunction, confusion: There are no specific

treatments for these symptoms often associated with PD. Since these
problems may be worsened by antiparkinson medications, slow reduction and
elimination of the worst offenders should be instituted even at the cost of
increasing some of the PD symptoms. Drugs most likely to worsen memory loss
and confusion include anticholinergics, amantadine, selegiline, and the
dopamine agonists, but even levodopa can play a role. One of the medications
used to treat Alzheimer’s disease, rivastigmine (Exelon®) has been approved by
the FDA for dementia associated with PD, and is now available in patch form.

Hallucinations and psychosis: This very debilitating problem should be

addressed as soon as it arises since severe hallucinations and psychosis often
lead to the need for nursing home placement. The drugs most likely to
aggravate this condition are the same as those that worsen cognition and
confusion listed above and should be reduced and eventually eliminated.
Hallucinations usually consist of seeing people or animals but all types of
hallucinations have been reported. Paranoia, particularly about monetary and
sexual subjects, are frequent. If drug reduction is ineffective or inappropriate,
the newer dopamine-blocking agents can be used to treat hallucinations and
psychosis. Quetiapine (Seroquel®) is often the treatment of first choice. The
dose needs to be increased slowly until benefit is achieved. Clozapine
(Clozaril®) is another drug that can be used to block hallucinations and

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psychosis in PD patients. Because a small number of patients lose their white

blood cells on this medication, using clozapine requires a weekly blood test. To
many patients and families, this risk and bother is worth the great benefit of
keeping a patient functioning at home and avoiding nursing home placement.

G. Treatments of No Value or of Unproven Value

There are theoretical reasons that have been put forth over the years
suggesting that dozens of different medicines may help PD patients. A large
National Institutes of Health (NIH)-sponsored study of Vitamin E in PD did not
show that it was of any value. Other medications of unproven value include
Vitamin C, NADH, glutathione, melatonin, and coenzyme Q10, just to name a
few of the most popular or commercially-driven candidates. Megavitamins also
have no role. Some of these drugs are quite expensive and are no substitute
for a healthy, well-balanced diet and medications of proven value.

H. Treatments to Avoid

PD patients must avoid medications that block the dopamine receptors

since this action will worsen the symptoms of PD. Such drugs include the
typical antipsychotic drugs (also called major tranquilizers) like haloperidol
(Haldol®) and chlorpromazine (Thorazine®), drugs to stop nausea such as
prochlorperazine (Compazine®), and drugs for gastrointestinal complaints such
as metoclopramide (Reglan®). Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) in extremely large doses
should be avoided by patients taking levodopa. The reason is that this vitamin
increases the conversion of levodopa to dopamine before it gets to the brain
and, therefore, interferes with the antiparkinson effect of levodopa; the amounts
found in regular multivitamins, however, are not a problem. Patients on
selegiline or rasagiline should not get meperidine (Demerol®), (a powerful
narcotic pain killer), since adverse interactions between these two drugs have
been reported. Ephedrine-like drugs found in some cold remedies also should
be avoided; when in doubt, ask your pharmacist or physician. Every physician
that one sees should be aware of all the medications, even over-the-counter
drugs that a patient takes, to avoid any serious drug interactions.

I. Diet
All patients should eat a balanced diet to maintain good physical and
mental health. In some patients, protein ingestion interferes with levodopa
absorption and thereby prevents some doses of levodopa from “kicking in”
properly. This is never a problem if a patient is not on levodopa or early in the
treatment of PD, but may affect more advanced patients with end-of-dose
failure or “on-off” difficulties. Rearranging the protein-containing meals to
nighttime may help, as can reduction of total protein. Patients not experiencing
these problems with levodopa should not worry about their protein intake.

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J. Exercise

A number of studies has shown that patients with PD who exercise

regularly do better than those who do not. A recent study in rats showed that
exercised animals produced more dopamine in their brains than the non-
exercised control rats, suggesting that exercise in general may help to keep the
brain producing more dopamine in everyone, even people with PD. In humans,
all sorts of exercise have been looked at, and most patients recognize the
benefit of staying active, regardless of their physical limitations. Even patients
confined to wheelchairs can maintain some degree of exercise. Tai chi, Qi
gong, yoga and other related methods can help with balance and well-being.
Strength training and aerobic exercise should also be included in an exercise
regimen. Above all, it has been demonstrated that the beneficial effects of
exercise are only maintained with ongoing activity. Patients should be
encouraged to be active and participate in various exercise regimens regularly.

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When patients are first diagnosed with PD, the issue may arise about when
to tell others and whom to tell about the diagnosis. Many patients are reluctant
to tell friends or even family members. This concealment often causes anxiety
in social situations which may worsen symptoms like tremor. Other patients are
afraid to tell their boss or co-workers for fear of being fired. This can lead to a
situation where co-workers suspect that something is wrong and may jump to
the erroneous conclusion that the patient has been drinking or is on drugs. All
situations such as those outlined above need to be considered on an individual
basis. Most times, the employer and co-workers are very helpful and non-
discriminatory once the diagnosis is known. Occasionally the opposite is the
case. Discussing these issues with a physician is important since sometimes
issues of job safety may be involved. The same goes for driving a car, although
most PD patients have no problem driving and continue to work as efficiently as
before the disease was diagnosed, until the disease is quite advanced.
Decisions about what and how much a patient can do should be made as a
team by the patient, the family, and the physician.
It is important to remember that PD affects both patients and families,
particularly the spouse. The spouse is the major support for the patient, both
physically and psychologically. Spouses need to have time to relax and need a
good night’s sleep. They need to take time to have hobbies and interests of
their own. Providing support for the patient should not be a full-time job. If the
spouse gets sick or becomes emotionally and physically worn down, it does no
one any good, least of all the patient.
Most areas of the country have support groups to help patients and their
families. These groups can provide help with day-to-day issues, provide a
forum for gathering information about PD, and serve as a place to make new
friends who share similar problems. There are even separate support groups for
young or newly-diagnosed patients and for caretakers. Many support groups
are affiliated with the American Parkinson Disease Association, Inc. (APDA).
The APDA funds a number of Information and Referral Centers (see back cover
for names and addresses) which can assist patients with referrals to physicians
and other local resources, including support groups, and provide literature on
PD. The APDA also provides funds for research grants and awards george C.
Cotzias research fellowships to promising young researchers in PD. The APDA
is a resource for every patient with PD.

The APDA offers several valuable educational booklets and educational

supplements for PD patients and their caregivers. Single copies of each of
these publications are available without charge from both the APDA national office
at 1-800-223-2732 and from the Information and Referral Centers.

Parkinson Handbook May13_Parkinson Handbook 09.qxd 6/12/14 3:05 PM Page 38

Italicized words are cross-referenced in the glossary.
acetylcholine - a neurotransmitter.
amantadine - an antiparkinson medication; it may be used early in the disease or
added to levodopa.
anticholinergics - a class of antiparkinson medications that are mostly useful for
apomorphine - a dopamine agonist administered by injection.
atypical parkinsonisms - disorders related to PD in that they are characterized by
bradykinesia and sometimes rigidity, and balance problems, but have other clinical
features and other pathology. Tremor is less common in these disorders.
autonomic nervous system - a part of the nervous system responsible for control
of bodily functions that are not consciously directed; for example, heart rate, blood
pressure, sweating, intestinal movements, temperature control.
basal ganglia - The interconnected cluster of nerve cells that coordinate normal
movement, made up in part by the substantia nigra, striatum, subthalamic nucleus,
and globus pallidus.
blepharospasm - forced closure of the eyelids.
bradykinesia - literally, “slow movement”; one of the main symptoms of PD.
bromocriptine - a dopamine agonist.
carbidopa - a drug, used with levodopa, to block the breakdown of levodopa to
dopamine in the intestinal tract and in the blood.
catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) - an enzyme that breaks down dopamine
at the dopamine receptor in the brain and that breaks down levodopa in the
intestinal tract.
catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) inhibitors - a class of antiparkinson
drugs that blocks the enzyme COMT preventing the breakdown of levodopa in the
intestinal tract by blocking intestinal COMT, thus allowing more levodopa to cross
into the blood and then into the brain.
cervical dystonia - torsioning or twisting of the neck.
chorea - jerky, random, dance-like, involuntary movements, usually seen in PD
from too much medication.
cognitive function - the ability to think, to remember, to plan, and to organize
COMT - see catechol-O-methyltransferase

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deep brain stimulation - electrical stimulation of certain parts of the brain (the
current preferred target is the subthalamic nucleus) to treat PD.
delusions - erroneous beliefs that cannot be altered by rational argument.

dementia - a progressive decline in mental functions.

diffuse Lewy body disease - PD pathology that has spread to include many parts
of the brain and usually is characterized by both parkinsonism and dementia.

dopamine - the primary chemical messenger of the basal ganglia; it is reduced in


dopamine agonists - synthetic compounds that mimic the action of dopamine at

the dopamine receptor in the striatum; examples are pergolide, pramipexole, and

dopamine receptor - the area of the nerve cell in the striatum that receives the
dopamine message from the substantia nigra.

dysautonomia - abnormalities of the autonomic nervous system, which include

such automatic functions as sweating, temperature regulation, blood pressure,
urination, bowel movements, and penile erection.

dyskinesias - abnormal involuntary movements associated with use of

antiparkinson medication.

dysphagia - difficulty with or abnormality of swallowing.

dystonia - in PD, tightness, spasm, or cramping of muscles; may also involve

twisting or posturing of muscles.

end-of-dose failure - a loss of benefit from a dose of levodopa, typically at the

end of a few hours.
entacapone - a COMT inhibitor.
enzyme - a protein or chemical tool that speeds up the rate of a biological
reaction; MAO-B and COMT are enzymes that break down dopamine.
etiology - the cause of a disease, or how it is acquired.
festination - slow, small, shuffling steps.
freezing - inability to move or getting “stuck”, as with the feet appearing to be
glued to the floor.
gait - the manner in which a person walks.
globus pallidus - a part of the basal ganglia; the internal part of the globus
pallidus is what is targeted by pallidotomy to treat PD.

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hallucinations - false perception of something that is not really there. In PD, they
are usually things or people patients see (visual hallucinations), but occasionally
things they may hear (auditory hallucinations) or feel (tactile hallucinations).
high-dopa dyskinesias - abnormal movements that occur when the levodopa in
the blood is at its highest level.
hypomima - the mask-like expression typical of PD.
levodopa - the chemical precursor of dopamine and the most effective treatment
for PD.
Lewy body - the spherical inclusion seen in the dopamine-producing nerve cells of
the substantia nigra indicating a damaged and dying cell; the pathologic hallmark
of PD.
low-dopa dyskinesias - abnormal movements that occur when doses of levodopa
are wearing off, or when the levodopa in the blood is at a low or falling level.
MAO-B - see monoamine oxidase-B
mentation - mental or cognitive function.
micrographia - the very small handwriting seen in PD.
monoamine oxidase-B (MAO-B) - an enzyme that breaks down dopamine in the
area of the dopamine receptor.
monoamine oxidase-B (MAO-B) inhibitors - a class of antiparkinson drugs (for
example, selegiline and rasagiline) that blocks the enzyme MAO-B, preventing the
breakdown of dopamine in the area of the dopamine receptor.
motor fluctuations - the complications of the treatment of PD affecting ability to
move; examples are wearing-off of dose, on-off phenomenon, and dyskinesias.
neuroprotective - a strategy (for example, a drug) that protects the nerve cells
from further degeneration or dying; an agent that may slow the progression of
neurotransmitter - a chemical messenger; dopamine is a neurotransmitter.
norepinephrine - a neurotransmitter.
off - the state of re-emergence of parkinsonian signs and symptoms when the
medication’s effect has waned.
on - improvement in parkinsonian signs and symptoms when the medication is
working optimally.
on-off phenomenon - unpredictable, usually abrupt oscillations in motor state.
orthostatic hypotension - a significant drop in blood pressure on changing
position (going from lying to sitting to standing), often accompanied by
lightheadedness or passing out.

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pallalia - stuttering or stammering speech in PD.

pallidal stimulation - electrical stimulation rather than destruction of cells in the
the internal globus pallidus to treat the symptoms of PD.
pallidotomy - surgical destruction of a small group of cells in the internal globus
pallidus, the major area from which information leaves the basal ganglia, most
effective in relieving dyskinesias and other symptoms of advanced PD.
paranoia - an irrational belief that others are “out to get” an individual, making the
patient suspicious and untrusting.
parkinsonian syndromes - disorders related to PD in that they are characterized
by bradykinesia and sometimes rigidity, and balance problems, but have other
clinical features and other pathology. Tremor is less common in these disorders.
parkinsonism - the motor picture that makes up PD: bradykinesia, rigidity, tremor,
balance and gait problems.
pathogensis - the abnormal processes in the body that produce the signs and
symptoms of a disease.
pathology - the study of a disease process, including what is affected and what it
looks like under a microscope.
peak-dose dyskinesias - abnormal movements that occur when the levodopa in
the blood is at its highest level.
pramipexole - a dopamine agonist.
propulsion - propelling forward as the patient accelerates with rapid, short steps.
psychosis - a mental syndrome in which the patient loses contact with reality;
psychotic manifestations include delusions, hallucinations, and paranoia.
rasagiline - an antiparkinson medication, it inhibits one of the enzymes
(monoamine oxidase, or MAO-B) that breaks down dopamine; it may be used alone
as a first-line treatment or in addition to levodopa.
retropulsion - stumbling or falling backwards.
rigidity - a tightness or increase in muscle tone at rest or throughout the entire
range of motion of a limb; it may be felt as a stiffness by the patient.
ropinirole - a dopamine agonist.
seborrhea - excessive oily secretions of the skin, particularly on the forehead and
scalp, causing a flaky, red, itchy condition.
selegiline (deprenyl) - an antiparkinson medication, it inhibits one of the enzymes
(monoamine oxidase, or MAO-B) that breaks down dopamine; it may be used alone
as a first-line treatment or in addition to levodopa.

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serotonin - a neurotransmitter.

sialorrhea - drooling.

striatum - part of the basal ganglia circuit; it receives connections from the
substantia nigra and contains the dopamine receptors.

substantia nigra - meaning “dark substance,” the part of the brainstem that
produces dopamine and that degenerates in PD.

subthalamic nucleusea - a part of the basal ganglia; the primary target of deep
brain stimulation to treat PD.

subthalamic stimulation - electrical stimulation rather than destruction of cells in

the subthalamic nucleus to treat the symptoms of PD.

thalamic stimulation - electrical stimulation rather than destruction of cells in the

thalamus to treat tremor.

thalamotomy - surgical destruction of a small group of cells in the thalamus, a

major area of the brain that receives information from the basal ganglia, to abolish
tremor on the side of the body opposite the surgery.

thalamus - a part of the brain that receives information from the basal ganglia.

tolcapone - a COMT inhibitor.

tremor - rhythmic shaking, usually of the hand (but also may affect the leg, lips, or
jaw), that occurs at rest in PD. In PD, It may occur less commonly on holding up
the hands (postural or sustention tremor) or when moving a limb (action tremor).

wearing off - a loss of benefit from a dose of levodopa, typically at the end of a
few hours.

wearing-off dyskinesias - abnormal movements that occur when doses of

levodopa are wearing off, or when the levodopa in the blood is at a low or falling

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Parkinson Handbook May13_Parkinson Handbook 09.qxd 6/12/14 3:06 PM Page 44

American Parkinson Disease Association, Inc.

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135 Parkinson Ave.
Staten Island, NY 10305-1946

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25 N. Winfield Road
Winfield, IL 60190

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Boston University College of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences - Sargent College
635 Commonwealth Avenue
Boston. MA 02215

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