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Department : Electronics and Communication Programme : B.Tech.

Semester : Seventh Course Category Code: PCC Semester Exam Type: TY
Periods / Week Credit Maximum Marks
Course Code Course
EC225 Embedded System 3 - - 3 40 60 100
Prerequisite -
CO1 Enumerating the different types of I/O devices and explain the protocols used for the buses.
CO2 Applying the programming concepts and write programs in C for embedded systems.
Course Knowledge to describe the concepts of embedded system design and real time operating
Outcome CO3
CO4 Knowledge to evaluate the embedded system by performing reliability analysis.
CO5 Knowledge to apply the power reductions techniques in embedded design.
UNIT-I Introduction Periods: 9
Introduction to Embedded Systems - Design Metrics – Challenges in Embedded system Design - Design flow -
Embedded Processors – IC Terminology – Full-Custom/VLSI – Semi-Custom ASIC - PLD Introduction to RISC
architecture, VLIW and DSP processors. Introduction to I/O Devices – Types - Synchronous, Iso-synchronous CO1
and Asynchronous Communications – Serial Communication – I2C, USB, CAN – Wireless Communication –
UNIT-II Programming for Embedded Systems Periods: 9
Programming in assembly language (ALP) vs High Level Language - C Program Elements:- Macros and
functions, Use of Date Types, Structure, Pointers, Function Calls – Program Modeling Concepts – Program CO2
Models- DFG Models – FSM Models – Modeling of Multiprocessor Systems.
UNIT-III Real-time Operating Systems Periods: 9
Real Time Operating Systems – Structure of a RTOS – Process – Task – Threads – Task Scheduling –
Classification of Scheduling Algorithms – Event Driven Scheduling –Rate monotonic scheduling – Earliest
deadline first scheduling. Inter Process Communication:- Shared data problem, Use of Semaphore(s), Priority CO3
Inversion Problem and Deadlock Situations - Evaluating operating system performance – Power
optimization strategies for processes.
UNIT-IV Reliability Evaluation Techniques Periods: 9
Introduction to Reliability Evaluation Techniques – Reliability Models for Hardware Redundancy –
Permanent faults only - Transient faults. Introduction to clock synchronization – A Non-Fault-Tolerant
Synchronization Algorithm - Fault-Tolerant Synchronization in Hardware – Completely connected zero CO4
propagation time system – Sparse interconnection zero propagation time system –Fault tolerant analysis
with Signal Propagation delays.
UNIT-V Low Power Design Periods: 9
Sources of Power Dissipation–Power Reduction Techniques–Algorithmic Power Minimization–Architectural
Power Minimization– Logic and Circuit Level Power Minimization – Control Logic Power Minimization –
System Level Power Management. Internet of Things – Requirements, Characteristics and Applications –
Smart Lighting – Smart Traffic Light Control – Smart Parking and Smart Irrigation.
Lecture Periods: 45 Tutorial Periods: - Practical Periods: - Total Periods: 45
Note : Every student should carry out a mini project for this course and submit the report instead of assignment.
Reference Books:
1. Rajkamal, “Embedded Systems Architecture”, Programming and Design, TATA McGraw Hill, Second reprint,
2. C.M.Krishna and Kang G. Shin, “Real Time Systems”, TATA McGraw-Hill, Third reprint, 2010.
3. Wayne Wolf, “Computers as Components: Principles of Embedded Computing System Design”, Morgan
Kaufmann Publishers, Third reprint, Harcourt India, 2012.
4. Santanu Chattopadhyay, “Embedded System Design”, Prentice Hall of India Learning, 2013.
5. David E.Simon, “An Embedded Software Primer”, Pearson Education Asia, First Indian Reprint, 2000.

Department : Electronics and Communication Programme : B.Tech. (EC)
Semester : Seventh Course Category Code: PCC Semester Exam Type: TY
Periods / Week Credit Maximum Marks
Course Code Course
EC224 Information Theory and Coding 3 - - 3 40 60 100
Prerequisite -
CO1 Understanding the concepts of information theory.
CO2 Knowledge to identify the errors using block codes.
Course CO3 Understanding the detection of errors using convolutional codes.
Outcome Knowledgeable to detect the errors using concatenated codes and the concepts of turbo
CO5 Understanding the concepts of hypothesis testing.
UNIT-I Introduction to Information Theory Periods: 9
Measure of information- Entropy of symbols –Continuous and discrete cases, Conditional entropies- Mutual
information and Trans information. Discrete memoryless channels-Channel representations-noiseless
channel, lossless channel, deterministic, Binary Symmetric channel, Binary Erasure channel and their
capacities. Continuous and discrete channels with noise- Shannon Hartley theorem and its implications.
UNIT-II Error Control Coding: Block Codes, BCH and RS Codes Periods: 9
Definitions and Principles: Hamming weight, Hamming distance, Minimum distance decoding.
Single parity codes, Hamming codes, Repetition codes - Linear block codes, Cyclic codes. Syndrome CO2
calculation, Encoder and decoder. Basic principle of BCH and RS codes
UNIT-III Error Control Coding: Convolutional Codes Periods: 9
Encoding of Convolutional codes, Structural properties, Distance properties, Viterbi Decoding Algorithm for
decoding, Soft–output Viterbi Algorithm, Stack and Fano sequential decoding Algorithms, Majority logic CO3
UNIT-IV Error Control Coding: Concatenated Codes & Turbo
Periods: 9
Single level Concatenated codes, Multilevel Concatenated codes, Soft decision Multistage decoding,
Concatenated coding schemes with Convolutional Inner codes, Introduction to Turbo coding and their CO4
distance properties, Design of Turbo codes.
UNIT-V Detection of Signals and Channels With Noise Periods: 9
Hypothesis testing- Baye’s criterion Minimum error probability criterion, Neyman Pearson
criterion, Min-max criterion Maximum likelihood detector- Wiener filter.
Lecture Periods: 45 Tutorial Periods: - Practical Periods: - Total Periods: 45
Reference Books:
1. Das, S.K.Mullick and P.K.Chatterjee, “Principles of Digital Communication”, Wiley Eastern Limited, 1986.
2. Shu Lin &Daniel J. Costello, Jr, “Error Control Coding”, Pearson / Prentice Hall, Second Edition, 2004.
3. R Bose, “Information Theory, Coding and Cryptography”, TMH 2007. (For units-3,4&5)
4. K.SamShanmugam, “Digital and Analog Communication Systems”, John Wiley and Sons, 1985.
5. Simon Haykin, “Communication Systems”, John Wiley and Sons, Fourth Edition.

Department : Electronics and Communication Programme : B.Tech. (EC)
Semester : Seventh Course Category Code: PEC Semester Exam Type: TY
Periods / Week Credit Maximum Marks
Course Code Course
ECY12 Mobile Adhoc and Wireless
3 - - 3 40 60 100
Sensor Networks
Prerequisite Knowledge in communication Engineering
CO1 Understanding the basic concepts of Ad hoc and Sensor network and their related issues.
Knowledge to describe the various layers of Ad hoc Network, challenges, classification and
design of MAC protocols.
Course Understanding the design issues and requirements of routing protocols with energy
Outcome CO3
Knowledge to analyse the importance of Data dissemination with security, integrity with
cost effective and compact design architectures.
CO5 Knowledge to describe the Standards adopted, future trends and its applications.
UNIT-I Basic Concepts of MANETS Periods: 9
Generations in Wireless Systems, Cellular and Adhoc Networks - Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETS),
Characteristics of MANETs -Classification of Mobile Data Networks- Heterogeneity in Mobile devices – Types CO1
of Mobile Host movements – Challenges in Ad hoc Mobile Networks – Ad hoc wireless Internet.
UNIT-II Challenges and MAC Protocols Periods: 9
Challenges in Providing QoS in Ad hoc Wireless Networks - Issues in designing a MAC Protocol for Ad Hoc CO2
Wireless Networks, Classifications of MAC Protocols - Contention-based protocols – CSMA protocol -
Schedule-based protocols – LEACH protocol.
UNIT-III Routing Protocols Periods: 9
Issues in designing a Routing Protocol for Ad Hoc Wireless Networks – Classifications of Routing protocols – CO3
Table–Driven Routing Protocols – Destination Sequenced Distance Vector (DSDV)– Ad hoc On–Demand
Distance Vector Routing (AODV) – Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) – Location Aided Routing (LAR).
UNIT-IV Wireless Sensor Networks Periods: 9
Need for Wireless Sensor Networks- Characteristic requirements for WSN - Challenges for WSNs – WSN vs CO4
Ad hoc Networks - Sensor node architecture –Physical layer and transceiver design considerations in WSNs –
Energy scavenging - Data Gathering and Dissemination.
UNIT-V Advanced Technologies and its Applications Periods: 9
Basic wireless sensor technologies–Hardware and Software - Advanced Radio concepts –The IEEE Standard
802.15.4 –Operating Environment - Energy usage profile-Commercially available sensor nodes.
Lecture Periods: 45 Tutorial Periods: - Practical Periods: - Total Periods: 45
Reference Books:
1. C. K. Toh, “Ad Hoc Mobile Wireless Networks Protocols and Systems”, Prentice Hall, PTR, 2001.
2. Charles E. Perkins, “Ad Hoc Networking”, Addison Wesley, 2000.
3. Holger Karl, Andreas Willig, “Protocol and Architecture for Wireless Sensor Networks”, John Wiley Publication,

Department : Electronics and Communication Programme : B.Tech. (EC)
Semester : Seventh Course Category Code: PEC Semester Exam Type: TY
Periods / Week Credit Maximum Marks
Course Code Course
ECY14 Cryptography and Network
3 - - 3 40 60 100
Prerequisite Wireless Communication
CO1 Understanding the design and development of cryptography algorithms.
Knowledge to analyse the PKC algorithms and to design and provide Confidentiality,
Integrity and Authenticity for secured communication.
Course CO3 Knowledge to analyze Network Security Protocols.
Outcome Knowledge to describe/determine the threats and notable attacks for LAN and Cellular
Network and to provide security solutions.
Knowledge to investigate the vulnerabilities across any Wireless Systems and provide
Security solutions.
UNIT-I Basics of Cryptography and Finite Fields Periods: 9
The OSI Security Architecture, Security Attacks, Services and Mechanisms-Symmetric Key Cryptography-
Block and Stream Ciphers, Block Cipher Principles, DES Algorithm-Basic Concepts of Finite Fields, Euclidean
Algorithm, Modular Arithmetic, Groups, Rings and Fields, Polynomial Arithmetic-AES Algorithm- Block Cipher
Modes and its Operation-Basics of hardware design for Security algorithms
UNIT-II Number Theory, PKC, Data Integrity and Periods: 9
Introduction to Number Theory, Fermat’s and Euler’s Theorems, Chinese Remainder Theorem, Discrete CO2
Logarithms-Public Key cryptography, Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange, RSA and ECC algorithms-Data Integrity
Algorithms, Hash and MAC Functions-Digital Signatures-Protocols for Key management and Distribution-
Authentication, Kerberos V4.
UNIT-III Network Security Periods: 9
Secure Sockets Layer and Transport Layer Security- Electronic Mail Security, Pretty Good Privacy,-IP Security- CO3
Overview, IP security Architecture, ESP and Authentication Header Formats-Intruders, Intrusion Detection
System, Password Management- Viruses, Worms-Firewalls and its types -Trusted Systems-Basics of Cloud
UNIT-IV Security of Mobile Communications-Part I Periods: 9
WLAN Vulnerabilities and Threats-IEEE 802.11i Wireless LAN security, Wireless Transport Layer Security, CO4
WAP End- to-End Security-Vulnerabilities, Threats and Attacks in Cellular Systems-Mobile Malware-
Prevention Techniques in Cellular Systems-Intrusion Detection in Wireless Communications-GSM, UMTS and
LTE-Security Architecture, Attacks and Security Model, LTE- AKA (Authentication and Key Agreement)
UNIT-V Security of Mobile Communications-Part II Periods: 9
Security and Authentication in Ad Hoc Networks- Secure Electronic Transaction, Security of Mobile
Payments, Privacy and Anonymity in Electronic Payment, Mobile Payment Systems-Securing Copyright in
Mobile Networks-Heterogeneous architecture- Authentication and Cryptography in heterogeneous
Lecture Periods: 45 Tutorial Periods: - Practical Periods: - Total Periods: 45
Reference Books:
1. William Stallings, “Cryptography and Network Security-Principles and Practice”, Pearson, 7th Edition, 2017.
2. Noureddine Boudriga, “Security of Mobile Communications”, CRC Press, Taylor& Francis Group, 2010.
3. T. S. Rappaport, “Wireless and Mobile Communication”, Pearson Education, 2008.
4. Bruce Schneier, “Applied Cryptography”, John Wiley & Sons, 2nd Edition, 1996.
5. Charles P. P fleeger, Shari Lawrence, “Security in computing”, Prentice Hall of India, Third Edition, 2006.

Department : Electronics and Communication Programme : B.Tech. (EC)
Semester : Seventh Course Category Code: PCC Semester Exam Type: TY
Periods / Week Credit Maximum Marks
Course Code Course
EC223 Wireless Communication 3 - - 3 40 60 100
Prerequisite -
CO1 Understanding the practical application of wireless communication in real-time networks.
Knowledge to analyse the large scale radio loss and shadowing concepts in wireless
Course CO3 Knowledge to analyse small scale fading issues.
Outcome Knowledge to determine the BER performance of digital modulation schemes and to
perform capacity analysis in fading environment.
Acquiring the capability to apply Diversity, equalisation and MIMO concepts in designing
advanced wireless systems.
UNIT-I Wireless services Periods: 9
Applications and Requirements for wireless services - Types of Wireless services, Requirements for services,
Technical Challenges. Trend in Cellular radio and personal communication. Second generation Cellular
Networks, Third Generation (3G) Wireless Networks, LTE, LTE-A, Wi-Max, Wireless Local Loop(WLL),
Wireless Local Area network(WLAN), Bluetooth and Personal Area Networks.
UNIT-II Large Scale Mutipath Propagation Periods: 9
Large scale Path loss and shadowing: Wireless communication Environment, Radio Wave Propagation,
Transmit and Receive Signal Models, Free-Space Path Loss, Ray Tracing, Empirical Path Loss Models, CO2
Simplified Path Loss Model, Shadow Fading, Combined Path Loss and Shadowing.
UNIT-III Small Scale Mutipath Propagation Periods: 9
Small Scale Multipath propagation: Impulse response of a multipath model, Multipath Parameters- Time
dispersion, Coherence bandwidth, Doppler spread and coherence time. Types of small scale fading - Fading
effects due to Delay and Doppler spread. Statistical Multipath Channel Models: Rayleigh and Rician
UNIT-IV Performance and Capacity Analysis Periods: 9
 Block diagram of wireless Communication system. Demodulation: Demodulator structure, error probability
in AWGN channels, Error Probability in flat fading channels, Error Probability in Delay and Frequency
Dispersive fading Channels. Capacity Analysis: Capacity of Flat fading Channels, Channel and system model,
Channel State Information at transmitter and receiver, Capacity of frequency selective fading Channels.
UNIT-V Performance Enhancement Techniques
Periods: 9
(Qualitative Treatment only)
Diversity – Micro and Macro diversity, Transmit Diversity with and without Channel state Information.
Diversity combining techniques. Equalisation – Adaptive equalization, Linear and Non-Linear equalization,
Zero forcing and LMS Algorithms. Introduction to MIMO Wireless Communications, MIMO System Model,
SVD of MIMO, MIMO Capacity Analysis for static and fading channels. Introduction to Multiuser MIMO.
Lecture Periods: 45 Tutorial Periods: - Practical Periods: - Total Periods: 45
Reference Books:
1. Andreas F.Molisch,” Wireless Communications”, John Wiley Press, second Edition,2011.
2. Andrea Goldsmith, “ Wireless Communications”, Cambridge University Press, 2005
3. Theodore S.Rappaport, “Wireless Communication: Principles and Practice”, PHI, Second Edition, 2006.
4. David Tse and Pramod Viswanath, “Fundamentals of Wireless Communications”, Cambridge University Press,
5. Aditya.K.Jegannathan, “Principles of Modern Wireless Communication Systems”,Tata McGraw Hill, 2016.

Department : Electronics and Communication Programme : B.Tech. (EC)
Semester : Seventh Course Category Code: PCC Semester Exam Type: LB
Periods / Week Credit Maximum Marks
Course Code Course
EC226 Wireless Communication
- - 3 1.5 40 60 100
Prerequisite -
Practically understand the components of transmitter and receiver of a wireless
communication link
Analyse the error performance of mobile radio links for digital modulation schemes and
Course CO2
error correction codes.
CO3 Practically assess the working of GSM, CDMA, WLAN and Wireless sensor networks.
CO4 Able to analyse the parameters of a RF network using Vector Network Analyser .
CO5 Able to process speech and images for applications related to wireless communication.
List of Experiments
1. Establishment and study of Wireless Communication Link at X band to transmit voice.
2. Design and testing of GMSK Modulator and study its spectrum using Spectrum analyser.
3. Simulate the effect of noise on Quadrature Phase Shift Keying and Quadrature Amplitude Modulation,
and compute symbol error rate, bit error rate and a scatter plot of the modulated signal using MATLAB
4. Simulate and study the performance of error detection and correction codes:
a) Cyclic redundancy check and b) Hamming codes using MATLAB SIMULINK for a Binary symmetry
channel with varying error probabilities.
5. Performance analysis of Wireless Networks using QualNet:
a) GSM Network.
b) WLAN Network.
c) Heterogeneous network of GSM and WLAN. CO3
6. a) Simulation of Hand off mechanisms in Cellular Mobile Communications using NETSIM.
7. b) Design and implementation of PAN Networks using NETSIM.
8. Establish and study a Prototype Wireless Sensor Network using NI Labview.
9. Design and testing of Yagi antenna using Vector Network Analyzer.
10. Study the characteristics of MIC components using Vector Network Analyser.
11. Simulate and study algorithms for Speech signal processing.
12. Simulate and study algorithms for Image processing.
Lecture Periods: - Tutorial Periods: - Practical Periods: 45 Total Periods: 45
Reference Books:
1. Laboratory Manual Prepared by the Department of ECE, PEC.
2. Andrea Goldsmith, “Wireless Communications”,Cambridge University Press (2005)
3. Frank Gustrau, “RF and Microwave Engineering- Fundamentals of Wireless Communications”, Wiley (2012).pdf

Department : Electronics and Communication Programme : B.Tech. (EC)
Semester : Seventh Course Category Code: PCC Semester Exam Type: LB
Periods / Week Credit Maximum Marks
Course Code Course
EC227 Embedded System Laboratory - - 3 1.5 40 60 100
Prerequisite -
CO1 Understanding the issues involved in embedded system design.
CO2 Acquiring and applying microcontroller programming and interfacing skills.
CO3 Knowledge on the design and testing of embedded systems.
CO4 Knowledge to program, debug and analyse codes using an IDE.
CO5 Knowledge to implement and test small scale embedded systems.
List of Experiments
1. Introduction to the development environment - Blinking LEDs
2. Serial Communication between the microcontroller and PC
3. Digital Clock
4. Digital Voltmeter
5. Automatic Intensity Controlled Light
6. Irrigation controller using Moisture Sensor
7. Temperature Measurement and Display
8. Hot Chamber Temperature Controller
9. Obstacle Detector
10. Password based Security Lock
Lecture Periods: - Tutorial Periods: - Practical Periods: 45 Total Periods: 45
Reference Books:
1. Laboratory Manual Prepared by the Department of ECE, PEC.
2. Jonathan. W. Valvano, “Embedded Microcomputer Systems Real Time Interfacing”, Third Edition, Cengage
Learning, 2012.

Department : Electronics and Communication Programme : B.Tech. (EC)
Semester : Seventh Course Category Code: PAC Semester Exam Type: -
Periods / Week Credit Maximum Marks
Course Code Course
EC228 Mini Project - - 2 1 100 - 100
Prerequisite -
CO1 Knowledge to apply computing technologies and techniques.
CO2 Knowledge acquired to function in a multidisciplinary team.
Outcome CO3 Knowledge acquired to carry out a part of research work.
CO4 Knowledge to extend the project to find an application for society.
CO5 Knowledge gained to communicate effectively.
Mini Project
The students will carry out a project in one of the following Electronics and communication engineering
areas but with substantial multidisciplinary component involving Electrical Engineering, Computer Science
Engineering, Information Technology, Mechanical Engineering and Bio-Medical Engineering.
i) Communication
ii) Signal Processing
iii) Image Processing
iv) Bio-Medical Electronics
v) Data Communication
vi) VLSI
vii) Embedded Systems
viii) Robotics
ix) Internet of Things
x) Artificial Intelligence
xi) Cryptography and Security
In the course of the degree programme each group of not more than three students has to identify a mini
project work in the area of their specialization and the mini project will be implemented under the
supervision of a faculty. The progress of the work will be monitored and assessed internally. A project report
has to be submitted at the end of the semester after completion of the project work.
Lecture Periods: - Tutorial Periods: - Practical Periods: 30 Total Periods: 30

Department : Electronics and Communication Programme : B.Tech. (EC)
Semester : Seventh Course Category Code: MCC Semester Exam Type: -
Periods / Week Credit Maximum Marks
Course Code Course
EC229 Professional Ethics 2 - - Non-Credit - - -
Prerequisite -
CO1 Knowledge in ethical and moral principles.
CO2 Understanding the ethical problems and analyze them.
CO3 Knowledge and skills to confront moral issues and dilemmas.
CO4 Knowledge in major ethical theories.
CO5 Knowledge to apply the ethical theories to resolve moral issues.
UNIT-I Ethics and Moral Principles Periods: 6
Profession – Morals – Ethics and Moral – Professional Ethics – Ethics and Science. Types of Ethics –
Normative Ethics, Meta-Ethics and Applied Ethics.
UNIT-II Analysis of Ethical Problems Periods: 6
Ethical problems and analysis – Engineering Ethics – Micro-Ethics, Macro-Ethics. Ethical analysis – Normative
Inquiry, Conceptual Inquiry and Factual Inquiry – Case Study.
UNIT-III Moral Dilemmas Periods: 6
Moral Dilemmas – definition – examples of moral dilemmas – methodology for resolving moral dilemmas.
Kohlberg’s theory of moral development – Heinz’s dilemma – Gilligan’s theory – Case study. Consensus and CO3
Controversy – Authority and Autonomy – Multiple Motives – Safety in Engineering.
UNIT-IV Ethical Theories Periods: 6
Ethical Theories – Virtue Ethics: Aristotle and MacIntyre, Utilitarian Ethics: Act Utilitarian and Rule
Utilitarian, Duty Ethics and Rights Ethics - Case Study.
UNIT-V Application of Ethical Theories Periods: 6
Engineering as Social Experimentation. CO5
Lecture Periods: 30 Tutorial Periods: - Practical Periods: - Total Periods: 30
Reference Books:
1. Mike W. Martin and Roland Schinzinger, “Ethics in Engineering”, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2003.
2. Charles B. Fleddermann, “Engineering Ethics”, Pearson Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2004.
3. Charles E. Harris, Michael S. Pritchard and Michael J. Rabins, “Engineering Ethics – Concepts and Cases”,
Thompson Wadsworth, A Division of Thomson Learning Inc., United States, 2000.
4. John R Boatright, “Ethics and the Conduct of Business”, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2003.
5. Edmund G Seebauer and Robert L Barry, “Fundametals of Ethics for Scientists and Engineers”, Oxford University
Press, Oxford, 2001.


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