It is a pleasure to welcome you to the 15th ATRANS Annual Conference: Young Researcher’s Forum
(AYRF) 2022.
In this fifteenth year, ATRANS organized 2 days event in which AYRF 2022 Paper Presentation
Session takes place on 25 August 2022 and the annual conference, our main event take place on 26
August 2022. We received magnificent supports from reputedly well-known speakers coming from
multidisciplinary area across the continent to share their knowledge, information and valuable
experiences with the conference’s delegates and the participants during these 2 days virtual meeting
Every aspect of our lives has been affected by the pandemic of COVID-19. And it has been two
years since the pandemic even though it is endemic now. Large parts of the world have emerged
from lockdown and slowly restarted the economy. It is obvious that things are far from being back
to normal. The experience of lockdown on the other hands, has brought us some lessons learnt and
the opportunity to utilize digital technology to sustain our urban everyday life. These are among
other reasons why this year conference’s theme is upon “Transportation for a Better Life: Resiliency,
Sustainability, and Safety in Transportation System.”
On behalf of ATRANS, I wish to express my sincere gratitude to the Young Researcher’s Forum
Committee who worked relentlessly to make the Young Researcher’s Forum 2022 possible. I earnest
hope that you all, will enjoy listening to the presentations and have good times spending in our
ATRANS Annual Conference and the Young Researcher’s Forum 2022.
Transportation for A Better Life:
“Resiliency, Sustainability, and Safety in
Transportation System”
25-26 August 2022, Bangkok, Thailand
I'm honored to have the opportunity to deliver a welcome message to new generation of researchers
participating in the ATRANS Young Researcher’s Forum (AYRF) 2022. Asian Transportation
Research Society (ATRANS) plays an important role to encourage a new generation in creating and
conducting research related to road safety, traffic, and transportation.
Hence, it is a great opportunity for young researchers, including bachelor's, master's, and doctoral
students, as well as transportation scholars, to present their research results and make
recommendations for policy makers and society.
Thank you to ATRANS and the students who participate in organizing the 15th ATRANS Annual
conference tirelessly, and work together with a volunteer mind.
I sincerely hope that this event will benefit and make an impact on society and wish the conference
to be accomplished and achieve all the goals.
Thank you,
Transportation for A Better Life:
“Resiliency, Sustainability, and Safety in
Transportation System”
25-26 August 2022, Bangkok, Thailand
Allow me to warmly thank the organizers of the ATRANS young researchers’ forum (AYRF)
session, as part of the 15th ATRANS annual conference, for giving me the privilege of welcoming
and addressing you all. For me, it is a great honor and a pleasure. I would also like to thank them for
having brought us together through this wonderful event. It is very fortunate that we could finally
hold the event at the venue in Bangkok. It has been more than two years since the pandemic has kept
us apart. I am sure that we are well and healthy. As the conference is also organized in a hybrid
mode, we could also welcome colleagues from worldwide to participate during this time while
traveling is still somewhat restricted in many areas.
The AYRF sessions are dedicatedly organized along with the main conference to be a platform for
young colleagues to present their research works, either finished or on-going, to exchange ideas and
have discussion, and also to meet with the highly experienced and recognized researchers and
professionals. This year, the peer-reviewed 23 paper presentations divided in 6 sessions cover
various challenging issues within the conference theme “Transportation for a Better Life: Resiliency,
Sustainability, and Safety in Transportation System”. I am sure that you will identify subjects of
your interest and will benefit from many fruitful and enriching discussions.
I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to the keynote speaker of the
AYRF session: Professor Alexis Fillone, De la Salle University, The Philippines, and also to the
reviewers for your time reading and giving your invaluable comments to the authors, and the
organizing committee and staffs, without you we will not have this wonderful conference today.
I wish great success for the AYRF sessions and the main ATRANS conference.
Transportation for A Better Life:
“Resiliency, Sustainability, and Safety in
Transportation System”
25-26 August 2022, Bangkok, Thailand
It is a great pleasure that I welcome all of you, Every Honorable delegate to the 15th ATRANS
Annual Conference: Young Researcher’s Forum 2022
The conference’s agenda of this year is about “Resiliency, Sustainability and safety in transportation
system” It has been two years since the pandemic, our world is emerging from lockdown and slowly
restarting the economy. Nevertheless, it seems as the COVID-19 Global pandemic still continues,
according to the experience of lockdown, it is obvious that our living is far from being back to
normal. The experience of lockdown has brought the limitations to urban mobility which has
underlined a new important aspect of the issue of proximity applied to urban everyday life. the need
to access a reliable digital infrastructure become increasingly important, regional cooperation on
transport connectivity would be the key issue in helping to provide effective response in the
subsequent recovery efforts for sustainable development, building resilience, and reimaging road
traffic safety, energy, and environment to future pandemics and crises.
Thanapat T. Poolsawat
Transportation for A Better Life:
“Resiliency, Sustainability, and Safety in
Transportation System”
25-26 August 2022, Bangkok, Thailand
Transportation for A Better Life:
“Resiliency, Sustainability, and Safety in
Transportation System”
25-26 August 2022, Bangkok, Thailand
Transportation for A Better Life:
“Resiliency, Sustainability, and Safety in
Transportation System”
25-26 August 2022, Bangkok, Thailand
Transportation for A Better Life:
“Resiliency, Sustainability, and Safety in
Transportation System”
25-26 August 2022, Bangkok, Thailand
Transportation for A Better Life:
“Resiliency, Sustainability, and Safety in
Transportation System”
25-26 August 2022, Bangkok, Thailand
Transportation for A Better Life:
“Resiliency, Sustainability, and Safety in
Transportation System”
25-26 August 2022, Bangkok, Thailand
Transportation for A Better Life:
“Resiliency, Sustainability, and Safety in
Transportation System”
25-26 August 2022, Bangkok, Thailand
Transportation for A Better Life:
“Resiliency, Sustainability, and Safety in
Transportation System”
25-26 August 2022, Bangkok, Thailand
ID/ Paper entitled Presented by
Page No.
Transportation for A Better Life:
“Resiliency, Sustainability, and Safety in
Transportation System”
25-26 August 2022, Bangkok, Thailand
The improvement of the transportation services is important in the economic growth of developing
countries like the Philippines. In the pursuit of comprehensively improving the transportation in the country,
the government launched the Public Utility Vehicle Modernization Program (PUVMP). One of its
components is the Local Public Transport Route Plan (LPTRP). This gives jurisdiction to local government
units to determine the appropriate public transport routes and corresponding public transport services based
on the passenger demand of their locals. In the study, the area of interest where LPTRP was implemented is
Southern Iloilo. From LPTRP, new transport operation services and route modification were implemented.
This is to improve the transport operation in Southern Iloilo where tricycles traverse National Road, and
Public Utility Vehicles load-unload anywhere along the road without any restrictions. Data collection include
Household Interview Survey (HIS) and vehicular traffic counts which were conducted by individual LGUs
in their respective towns and city, while other secondary data collected from government agency, Department
of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) were also used. Trip generation models using category analysis
were then developed to estimate the trips generated by households. The base and proposed scenarios were
modelled using EMME/4 software. In the study, the proposed scenario recommends the following services:
feeder, local, and limited stops services. This scenario also introduced Filcab/multicab modes to replace
tricycles along National Highways. The recommended scenario was then evaluated using performance
indicators such as frequency, reliability, and utilization from LPTRP standards. Policies proposed include the
addition of loading-unloading zones and terminals and restricting public transportation modes to serve only
the route they franchised and to not go beyond what is stipulated.
Keywords: Category analysis, Local Public Transport Route Plan, Route modification, Transport operation
services, EMME/4
Transportation for A Better Life:
“Resiliency, Sustainability, and Safety in
Transportation System”
25-26 August 2022, Bangkok, Thailand
Transportation for A Better Life:
“Resiliency, Sustainability, and Safety in
Transportation System”
25-26 August 2022, Bangkok, Thailand
No. 1, Series of 2008 of DILG and DOTC which 2.3 Category Analysis and Models in
states that “Tricycle operation should only be Transportation Research
confined along city or municipal roads, not along In transportation studies, statistical analysis
national roads, and is limited only to routes not is important in showing the relationship among
traversed by higher modes of public transport.” different factors that could influence the result of the
research. In the study, the statistical analysis used
1.4 Objectives of the Study was simple category analysis (SCA) showed the
To be able to address the problems in different factors that affect the trips generated. In
Southern Iloilo, the study aims to assess the current previous studies, category analysis was used in
public transport service operation in Southern Iloilo. previous studies to determine the relationship of
This can be done by: (1) estimating the current and different household characteristics to generate trips
potential public transport demand; (2) proposing (Yang, Y., 2015; Chiou, Y. et al., 2015; Konečhy, V.
improvements in the service operation of public et al, 2021; Al-Taei, A. et al., 2006; Chang, J. et al.,
transport operation service and assessing its impact; 2014).
and (3) providing recommendations on the
improvement of the public transport operation 2.4 Network Modelling in Transportation
service in Southern Iloilo according to LPTRP Studies
standards. Previous transportation studies use software
to do their analyses. These different software (GIS-
2. Literature Review based software such as EMME/4 etc.) use OD matrix
2.1 Different Transportation Modes in the calculator to create and compare the different
Country scenarios, optimize supply, and demand, and
In a study by the Department of propose situation (Alam Q. et al., 2020; Deloukas,
Transportation and Communications (2016), the A. et al., 1997; Kanaroglou, P. et al., 2009). In the
supply of PUV in the Philippines is sufficient but are study, EMME/4 was used to model existing
not found attractive by commuters. Some of these transport operation services and proposed scenario
PUV’s are jeepneys, tricycles, and buses. Based on for improvement.
previous studies that investigated the improvement
of these modes, transportation service operation can 3. Methodology
be improved through industry consolidation, In the research, descriptive method was used
restricting tricycle service along national road; and to analyze data from the Household Interview
rationalization of supply of the different modes Survey (HIS) and secondary data. From the HIS, the
(Guillen, M. et al., 2003; Boquet, 2012). In the study, trip characteristics, household (HH) characteristics,
improvement in operation services was done by personal characteristics, and traffic counts were
modifying the existing services and routes of the collected while Average Annual Daily Traffic
transportation modes in Southern Iloilo. (AADT) was from secondary data (DPWH GIS
2020). These were used for simple category analysis
2.2 Supply and Demand in Public (SCA). This analysis was used to generate passenger
Transportation demand model. SCA was used to calculate the
In previous studies, the transport supply is number of trips per household or the Mean Trip Rate
determined by the availability of public (MTR). The MTR was used to calculate expanded
transportation, service frequency and route diversity, trips per municipality. The expanded trips was used
and service accessibility; while the demand depends to populate Origin-Destination (OD) matrix. The OD
on the socio-demographic factors such as age, status, matrix and the traffic counts from the secondary data
employment, and income (Ariyoshi et al., 2019; were modelled using EMME/4. The network
Haghshenas et al., 2019). In the research, the modelled from EMME/4 is then calibrated to
relationship between the trips made by respondents produce models with minimal error. The calibrated
based on their income and vehicle ownership model was then used to model proposed scenario
quantifies the demand while the existing services, which was evaluated using performance indicators
and transport networks show the supply side. from the LPTRP standards.
Transportation for A Better Life:
“Resiliency, Sustainability, and Safety in
Transportation System”
25-26 August 2022, Bangkok, Thailand
Table 2 Mean trip rate from SCA of every 4.2 Generated Trips from SCA
municipality based on their Household Income and The generated model from SCA was used to
vehicle ownership calculate trips for year 2020 to represent the
population per municipality. MTR per municipality
was used to calculate expanded existing trips for
Household Income
every municipality based on their population. Table
Munici- Vehicle (Php) 3 shows the number of HH per municipality, and the
palities Ownership 9520- > corresponding calculated grand MTR, and estimated
19040 19040 trips.
1.34 1.82 2.6
Vehicles Table 3 Estimated trips (2020) calculated from the
With Grand MTR
2.6 5 5
Grand MTR 1.65 Number Estimated
No Municipality of HH Trips
1.49 1.83 4 MTR
Vehicles (2020) (2020)
Igbaras Guimbal 7,839 1.65 12,934
3.13 3 3.82 Igbaras 7,322 1.97 14,425
Grand MTR 1.97 Miag-ao 15,001 2.08 27,827
No Oton 22,367 2.04 29,566
1.82 2.68 2.63 San Joaquin 11,335 2.48 28,110
Miagao Tigbauan 14,225 1.55 21,517
3.29 3.25 3
Vehicles Tubungan 4,906 1.95 9,760
Grand MTR 2.08 TOTAL 82,995 14 144,139
1.89 1.68 2.2
Vehicles 4.3 EMME/4 Modelling
2.19 2.96 3.31
4.3.1 Calibration Process
Vehicles To be able to model the data closely to the
Grand MTR 2.04 actual, the collected data was calibrated. The
No calibration process was used to get the least
2.28 1.72 2.97 error/difference between model and AADT to
San Vehicles
Joaquin With provide model closest to the actual. The value for R2
3.36 2.43 2.31 was used to evaluate calibration. Fig. 6 shows the
selected points that represented the volume for
Transportation for A Better Life:
“Resiliency, Sustainability, and Safety in
Transportation System”
25-26 August 2022, Bangkok, Thailand
comparison of AADT and expanded trip models. For Point Name of Road Estimated Model
the variables to be considered as closely related to No. Segment Peak Hour
each other, the value should be close to 1. In the ('10% of
study, we considered R2 value of at least 0.8 for the Daily)
model to be accepted and used in the scenarios 10 Tigbauan- 2423 2282
proposed. Cordova-Leon Jct
11 Iloilo-Antique Rd 2087 1964
12 Iloilo-Antique Rd 2841 1994
13 Iloilo-Antique Rd 1432 556
14 Iloilo-Antique Rd 395 749
15 Miagao Cadre Rd 613 56
16 Iloilo-Antique 2363 1758
17 Tiolas- 2423 1665
Sinugbuhan Rd
18 Iloilo-Antique Rd 2087 4399
Transportation for A Better Life:
“Resiliency, Sustainability, and Safety in
Transportation System”
25-26 August 2022, Bangkok, Thailand
Fig. 9 shows the number of units and travel 4.3.3 Proposed Scenario
time of the respondents as modelled in EMME/4. For the proposed scenario, the types of
The Fig. 9 shows the routes traversed by jeepneys or services proposed are feeder, local, and limited stops
existing modes in Southern Iloilo. Among these services (Fig. 11). The feeder service in this scenario
routes, Lawigan-Iloilo City has the longest travel exclusively serves the local/tertiary roads and
time and length of route. traversed by tricycles (Table 6). These modes can
stop anywhere along their route upon passenger’s
request. The Filcab and modernized jeepneys
operate as local service where passengers board and
alight at loading unloading zones and terminals. The
capacity of Filcabs and modernized jeepneys is 18
for both modes. Lastly, the limited stops service only
stop at municipalities and served by modernized
jeepneys with a capacity of 22.
Fig. 12 Filcab
Transportation for A Better Life:
“Resiliency, Sustainability, and Safety in
Transportation System”
25-26 August 2022, Bangkok, Thailand
Fig. 15 Boarding-Alighting of passengers when Fig. 16 Length of routes and travel time for
proposed scenario is implemented proposed local Filcab services
For the proposed scenario, RMC formula Proposed Routes and Number of Units
was used to calculate the number of units. RMC of Local Jeepney Service
formula accounts for average seating capacity (ASC) Fig. 17 shows the length of each route and
and number of round trips/hr. In preparing the travel time of the proposed local jeepney service.
guidelines for LPTRP use, RMC formula (1) from Oton to Iloilo City and vice versa routes are the
LPTRP is more recommended since it accounts for longest routes in terms of kilometers and travel time
ASC. as shown in the Fig. 17.
Fig. 18 shows the number of units using
RMC formula: ሺሻ ൌ RMC formula and passenger demand for
ୈ ୶ ୗ ୶ ୌ ୶ ୈ modernized jeepney services. Among the routes,
ୖ ୶ ୶ ୗେ ୶ ୖ
Transportation for A Better Life:
“Resiliency, Sustainability, and Safety in
Transportation System”
25-26 August 2022, Bangkok, Thailand
Fig. 18 Length of routes and travel time for 4.3.4 Comparison of Base Model to Proposed
proposed modernized jeepney services Scenario
Table 7 shows the proposed routes in Proposed Routes and Number of Units comparison with the existing. As shown, all
of Limited Stops Services proposed routes were modified by replacing
Fig. 19 shows the length of each route and jeepneys with modernized ones that operate as local
the travel time of the proposed limited stops service. and limited stops services.
Modernized jeepneys operate as limited stops Comparing the number of units existing to
services in the proposed scenario. San Joaquin to the number of units from RMC formula as shown in
Iloilo City and vice versa routes are the longest Fig. 21, it can be observed that fewer units are
routes in terms of kilometers and travel time as required for most of the routes. This is because the
shown in Fig. 19. modes have larger capacity.
Fig. 20 shows the number of units calculated Fig. 22 shows the travel time comparison
using RMC formula and passenger demand for between the existing to proposed scenarios. It can be
limited stops services. Iloilo City to San Joaquin observed that the travel time is longer for the
produced the highest passenger demand, requiring proposed scenario compared to the base scenario.
the most number of units. This is expected since the proposed scenario stops at
terminals where travel time accounts for the mode
transfers of commuters. Although this is the case, the
study emphasizes the difference in number of units,
average speed.
Transportation for A Better Life:
“Resiliency, Sustainability, and Safety in
Transportation System”
25-26 August 2022, Bangkok, Thailand
Route Description Proposed Mode
Lawigan_SanJoaquin N/A Filcab
SanJoaquin_Lawigan N/A Filcab
SanJoaquin_Miagao N/A Filcab
Miagao_SanJoaquin N/A Filcab
Miagao_Guimbal N/A Filcab
Guimbal_Miagao N/A Filcab
Guimbal_Tigbauan N/A Filcab
Tigbauan_Guimbal N/A Filcab
Fig. 21 Number of units and passenger demand for
Igbaras_Guimbal N/A Filcab
limited stops services, proposed scenario
Guimbal_Igbaras N/A Filcab
Tubungan_Guimbal N/A Filcab
Guimbal_Tubungan N/A Filcab
Guimbal_Tigbauan N/A Filcab
Tigbauan_Guimbal N/A Filcab
Tigbauan_Oton N/A Filcab
Oton_Tigbauan N/A Filcab
Oton-IloiloCity Jeep Modernized Jeep
IloiloCity-Oton Jeep Modernized Jeep
Villa-IloiloCity Jeep Modernized Jeep
IloiloCity-Villa Jeep Modernized Jeep
Modernized Jeep
Tigbauan_IloiloCity_ Ltd Jeep
(Limited stops)
Modernized Jeep
IloiloCity-Tigbauan_Ltd Jeep
(Limited stops)
San Joaquin-Iloilo
Modernized Jeep Fig. 22 Comparison of the existing number of units
City_Ltd (Limited stops) to proposed number of units from RMC formula
Iloilo City-San Modernized Jeep
Joaquin_Ltd (Limited stops) Introducing new service modes and
Modernized Jeep modified service routes affects the passenger
Miagao-IloiloCity_Ltd Jeep
(Limited stops) demands at specific areas. In the study, this
Modernized Jeep increased the demands in other municipalities as
IloiloCity_Miagao_Ltd Jeep
(Limited stops)
shown in Fig. 23. This means that the new routes and
Modernized Jeep
Guimbal_IloiloCity_Ltd Jeep
(Limited stops)
service operations modified makes neighboring
Modernized Jeep municipalities of City Proper attractive.
IloiloCity_Guimbal_Ltd Jeep In addition to the comparisons mentioned,
(Limited stops)
Modernized Jeep the proposal is evaluated through LPTRP standards.
Tubungan-IloiloCity_ Ltd Jeep The LPTRP Manual mentions different performance
(Limited stops)
Modernized Jeep indicators to determine how the different services
IloiloCity-Tubungan_ Ltd Jeep
(Limited stops) affect the transportation operation in the study area.
Existing In this study, indicators such as frequency,
Route Description Proposed Mode
Mode reliability, and utilization were investigated.
Modernized Jeep
Igbaras_IloiloCity_Ltd Jeep
(Limited stops)
Modernized Jeep
IloiloCity-Igbaras_Ltd Jeep
(Limited stops)
Transportation for A Better Life:
“Resiliency, Sustainability, and Safety in
Transportation System”
25-26 August 2022, Bangkok, Thailand
Existing Proposed
scenario scenario
Traveled (VDT), 774,231.9 753,214.63
Fig. 23 Comparison between the travel time for Veh-Hours
422,619.7 396,888.54
every route in the base model and proposed Traveled (VHT)
scenario Total Veh Volume 1,623,748.0 1,576,613.62
Average travel
21.30 21.49
speed (kph)
Average Load
0.95 0.95
Headway 4 6
5. Conclusion
The SCA was used to estimate trips
generated by households and used in developing
proposed PUV routes in Southern Iloilo. To address
the problems in public transportation in Southern
Iloilo, different types of service were introduced.
The proposed services are more efficient and will
replace tricycles operating along the national roads.
Fig. 24 Comparison between the passenger The new services will also be using new PUV modes
demands at every route for base model and to replace the traditional jeepneys. All of which
proposed scenario model addresses the problems in transportation of Southern
Iloilo. Based on the models developed in EMME4,
For frequency, number of units, and the introduction of local and limited stops services
headways were compared to show if there are any along national roads, and feeder service along local
improvements once implemented, while reliability is roads is recommended for Southern Iloilo. Proposed
dependent on the waiting time. As shown in Table 8, limited stops service routes require lesser units
the number of units required was less than the compared to the existing service since modernized
existing units. Since the required number of units is jeepneys have higher capacities. Performance
less than the existing, it is expected that the headway indicators from LPTRP was used to compare the
is greater for the proposed scenario as shown in the resulting service frequency, travel time, and
table. The waiting time component of passengers is utilization of units to show improvements in the
already incorporated in the travel time in the study. public transport service.
As observed in the table, the average speed in both
scenarios also improved although it is almost the 6. Recommendation
same at 21.30 kph for existing and 21.49 kph for Future studies can investigate industry
proposed. consolidation where the operators can form
For utilization, the load factors for existing cooperatives that can coordinate scheduling of trips,
and proposed scenarios were compared. Higher load lessening the competition among operators and
Transportation for A Better Life:
“Resiliency, Sustainability, and Safety in
Transportation System”
25-26 August 2022, Bangkok, Thailand
drivers on the road, improving further the transport [7] Haghshenas, H., Tahmasbi, B. (2019) Public
operation services, and providing connectivity transportation accessibility measure based on
among different modes and their routes. weighted door to door travel time. Computers,
Research can be further improved by Environment and Urban, 76, 163-177.
considering the different establishments existing in [8] Kanaroglou, P., Maoh, H., Newbold, P., Paez,
Southern Iloilo in proposing new or adjusted routes. A. (2009) IMPACT: An integrated GIS-based
Further studies can show how the improvement in model for simulating the consequences of
the existing services make a municipality more demographic changes and population ageing on
attractive to commuters and consequently improve transportation. Computers, Environment and
the economic growth of the municipalities. Network Urban Systems, 33, 200-210.
model can be further improved by factoring in the [9] Philippine Urban Mobility Programme (2020)
travel cost and travel time.
In addition to this, personal characteristics and
trip purpose of commuters can be further
investigated by future researchers when considering
route improvements. The acceptance of commuters
to proposed routes can then be added in proposing
new operations.
Transportation for A Better Life:
“Resiliency, Sustainability, and Safety in
Transportation System”
25-26 August 2022, Bangkok, Thailand