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Health 7

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(San Isidro School of Abatan, Inc.)
St. Paul’s Academy of Sayangan Inc.
Flory Ann T. Sabado
Subject Teacher


Cover and Title Page ………………………………………………………. 1
Table of Contents …………………………………………………………………. 2
Module 1
Chapter 1 Growth and Development 3
Stages of Growth and Development…………………………….……. 4
Learning Activity No. 1. ……... 6
Health Appraisal ………………………………….………………….. 7
Learning Activity No. 2 9

Chapter 2 Nutrition 10
Nutritional Guidelines for Adolescents ……………………………... 11
Malnutrition and Micronutrients Deficiencies …………….. 12
Learning Activity No. 3 ……………………………........................... 15

Summative Assessment ………………………………………………………….. 16

Performance Task 1 ……………………………………………………………….. 17
Performance Task 2 ……………………………………………………………….. 18

Module 2
Chapter 1 Personal Health 19
Stress …………………………………………………………... 20
Common Mental Disorders and Management ……………………… 22
Learning Activity No. 1. ……... 23

Chapter 2 Non-communicable Disease 24
Myths and Fallacies about Non-communicable Diseases ……….…... 28
Learning Activity No. 2. ……... 29

Summative Assessment …………………………………………………………….. 30

Performance Task 1 ……………………………………………………………….. 31
Performance Task 2 …………………………………………………………….. 32



A. Topics:
 Holistic Health and Health Dimensions
 Stages of Growth and Development
 Changes in the Health Dimensions During Adolescence

“When health is absent, wisdom cannot reveal itself, art cannot fight, wealth becomes useless,
and intelligence cannot be applied”- Herophilus
Am I healthy or unhealthy? Why is it important to be healthy and well? These are just some of
the questions that we can ask ourselves if we talk about health. At your age, have you noticed some
changes in your body? What do you feel as you look at yourself in the mirror?
In this chapter, you would find out the importance of health and wellness to oneself. In addition,
you will understand that changes in the different stages of a human being are just normal: from infant to
toddler, pre-schooler to grade schooler, and adolescence to adulthood.

To accomplish this chapter, you are encouraged to do the following:
1. Read and understand the concepts in this module.
2. You are given an activity after each chapter on a separate paper; follow the instructions in the
given activities diligently.
3. Answer all the given activities and summative test.
4. Do not forget to write your complete name in all your activity paper.
5. You may contact your subject teacher for questions and clarifications.


 Explains the dimensions of holistic health (physical, mental/ intellectual, emotional, social, and
 Analyses the interplay among the health dimensions in developing holistic health
 Recognizes that changes in different dimensions are normal during adolescence.


HEALTH- a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of
disease or infirmity.
WELLNESS- the quality of life that includes physical, mental, emotional, family-social, and spiritual
- A healthy balance of the mind, body, and spirit that results in an overall feeling of well-being or as
“an active process of becoming aware of and making choices towards a more successful existence.”

1. Physical Health- it serves as the foundation in achieving wellness in other dimensions of health. The
characteristics of your body size and shapes, sensory alertness, and susceptibility to disease and
disorders, determine the ability of an individual to recover.
2. Emotional Health- the ability of a person to accept his/ her own feelings and that of others. One’s
emotion affects other dimensions of health and even that of decision-making. A good emotional
health involves being able to work, study, love and be loved, and enjoy activities, which
characterizes our being.
3. Social Health- one’s ability to relate with, build and maintain harmonious relationship with his or her
family and community. Being socially accepted boosts one’s self- image and well-being.
4. Mental Health- the ability to analyse, reason, create, and make rational decisions. This includes
determination of continuous personal growth, willingness to effectively learn and use new
information for personal, family and career growth.
5. Spiritual Health- one’s faith, beliefs and values. Being spiritually healthy seeks for the meaning and
purpose of life. It is about looking within oneself and deeply understanding one’s existence and

Growth- the measurable physical changes that occurs thought out a person’s life (height, weight, body
shape, dental structure/teeth)
Development- refers to the changes in intellectual, mental, and emotional skills that occur over time
Infancy (0-1 yrs. old) - during this stage babies triple their weight
INFANCY Toddler (1-3 yrs. old) -the growth slows down but body still gains in mass and length
Childhood (4-5 yrs. old) -rapid growth is still occurring
CHILDHOOD Mid- Childhood (6-10 yrs. -in this stage, there is a stabilizing period in which a uniform
old) relationship between bone and tissue growth and development
Puberty (10-15 yrs. old) -puberty occurs when pituitary gland secretes hormones that
cause the sex organs to develop and occurs slightly earlier in
PUBERTY females.
Adolescence (11-18 yrs. -during this stage, the body adjust to rapid changes
old) experienced in puberty and this is the time of major
psychological changes.
Adulthood (18- up) -by this time, most of the bodies’ growth has taken place and
ADULTHOO many more changes will occur as adults continue to age which
D are mainly caused by external factors.


PUBERTY- the start of adolescence, which brings physical and emotional changes. Girls undergo this
stage between ages 9 and 14 while boys go through it when they are 10 to 17 years of age.
Puberty is a period of stress both physically and emotionally.
PRIMARY SEX CHARACTERISTICS- changes directly related to sexual reproduction. The
reproductive organs of both boys and girls grow and develop. The boys experience their first
release of seminal fluid or ejaculation. The girls experience the first release of blood and fluid
called menstruation.

During This Period, Secondary Sex Characteristics Begin Developing.

PHYSICAL FEMALE - breasts develop, height increases with an average of 3.5 inches, weight
increases due to fat development, hips and waist become more defined, menstruation
cycle starts, hair grows on the underarm and pubic area, fat tissues normally increases,
vocal cords get thicker and longer, acnes may develop, maturity in reproductive system

MALE- height increases with an average of 4.1 inches, weight increases due to
increased muscle development, growth of body hair in pubic area, underarms, face, and
more on legs, vocal cords get thicker, longer and voice deepens, acnes can develop,
reproductive system begins to work, the adams’ apple becomes bigger, the shoulders
become wider than the hips.
MENTAL As adolescents mature, they learn to look beyond themselves and understand others’
point of view. Many would develop new interests and begin to focus on career goals.
EMOTIONAL Many adolescents feel awkward during this stage of their life. They feel more sensitive
about many things including what others will say about them. They are very conscious
about what they consider as their “defects”.
SOCIAL The adolescent starts to identify herself/ himself to a group. Having friends’ means that
they are accepted and they belong. They do things to please others and be popular. For
them, peer group acceptance and being popular are primary concerns. They may not
want to be seen with their parents in public.
MORAL- Adolescents consistently struggle between what they know they should be doing and
SPIRITUAL what they actually do. They struggle because they want to be mature yet so often fail.


Poor eating Eat a variety of food, balance the food you eat with physical activity, choose a diet with
habits plenty of grain products, vegetable, and fruit, moderate in sugar and salt, low in fat, saturated
fat, cholesterol.
Lack of sleep Sleep for 8- 10 hours every night. Your body fights infection, repairs cells, and grows during
Lack of physical It is best to be aware not to be seated for a prolonged period of time. Stretching is advised
activities once in a while. Follow the Filipino Pyramid Activity Guide.
Body odor Shower or bathe regularly, especially after playing sports or sweating a lot, like on a hot day.
You can also use deodorant under your arms.
Dental Problems Avoid sweet snacks that stick to your teeth, choose food and beverages with vitamins and
minerals such as vitamin C, vitamin D, and calcium, brush and floss your teeth every after
meals, visit your dentist every six months for a dental check-up.
Postural problem Follow an imaginary line that passes the neck, shoulder, lower back, pelvis and hip, knee and
ankle joints when standing and walking. On a sitting position, the hips and the back of thighs
support the body weight. Use a chair with lower back support, which helps keep a good



NAME: __________________________ SECTION: ______________________

 Read and understand the instructions/questions before answering.
A. Choose one Dimension of health and explain through giving (4) ways to maintain or improve it.

B. Using Venn diagram, list FIVE changes that you have noticed in your body then if you are a boy, choose
a female friend then write FIVE changes that you have noticed in her whether physical, mental,
emotional, social or moral- spiritual. If you are a girl, choose a male friend. Then identify FIVE changes
that you have noticed that is similar with your friend.

D. Enumerate what is being asked by completing the table below.

 In 2-3 sentences, relating to the topic, explain the meaning of the phrase “The difference between who
you are and who you want to be, is what you do” by Bill Phillips. Use the back part of your paper
for your answer.

 B. Topic:
 Health Appraisal

How healthy are you? This question goes with the saying “Health is wealth”. The health condition of a
student can contribute or inhibit him or her to function satisfactorily in any activity at home, in school and in the
community. In this part, you will know a series of procedures to know our health status/ condition.

To accomplish this chapter, you are encouraged to do the following:
1. Read and understand the concepts in this module.
2. You are given an activity after each chapter on a separate paper; follow the instructions in the
given activities diligently.
3. Answer all the given activities and summative test.
4. Do not forget to write your name in all your activity paper.
5. You may contact your subject teacher for questions and clarifications.

 Explains the proper health appraisal procedures
 Demonstrate health appraisal procedures during adolescence in order to achieve holistic health
 Avails of health services in the school and community in order to appraise one’s health
 Applies coping skills in dealing with health concerns during adolescence


HEALTH APPRAISAL- a series of procedure to assess or determine the health status of the students.
These include the use of teacher’s observation, screening tests, health histories or medical records,
medical and dental inspections, and psychological tests.

1. Height and weight- it is during adolescence stage that an individual
gains half of its ideal body weight. We need to measure our
height and weight because these measurements are helpful in
determining if normal physiological growth patterns are occurring.

2. Vision screening- the Snellen chart is the commonly used,

the least expensive and the easiest to perform and a
remarkably high degree of success in identifying students
having vision problems using this procedure.
 Hyperopia (farsightedness) - this occurs when light
focuses behind the retina, thus making it difficult to
see close objects clearly.
 Myopia (near sightedness) - this occurs when light
focuses in front of the retina, thus making it difficult
to see distant objects clearly.
 Astigmatism- this is a distorted vision resulting from
an irregularly curved cornea, the clear covering of the eyeball.
 Presbyopia- this difficulty in reading or seeing at arm’s
length is linked to ageing and occurs universally.
 These conditions are diagnosed through an eye examination or vision test, and can be
corrected by wearing prescription glasses and can be treated by undergoing a refractive

3. Hearing Screening- the child who has even minor hearing

problems can develop speech problems. Hearing screening
is performed with pure-tone audiometer, which is the most
reliable procedure for detection of hearing loss.

4. Screening for scoliosis- girls have more chances of acquiring it than boys and can get it genetically. Some
indications are having disproportionate shoulders and hips. Early detection and intervention may avert
scoliosis from developing into impeding comfortable movements or activities.


NAME: __________________________ SECTION: ______________________

 Read and understand the instructions/questions before answering. For letter A, B and C, limit your
answer in 2- 4 sentences.

A. Why should a person go for a regular medical check-up?


B. Is having good health the same as not being sick? Justify your answer.

C. Is it important to know your family’s health history? Why or why not?


D. If you can go to your barangay health center, have them check and do the actual health screening and fill
the information below and if not, you can use any resources to get the information needed. Ex: you can
use the meter stick for your height. The item that is marked (*) are needed to be filled up.

Vision Screening (If Available)
Hearing Screening (If Available)
Scoliosis Test
Other Finding/S


 In 2-3 sentences, explain the meaning of the phrase” Health is wealth”.


A. Topics:
 Introduction to Nutrition
 Nutritional Guidelines for Adolescents
 Malnutrition and Micronutrients Deficiencies
 Eating Disorders

A unique Filipino way of showing their hospitality towards guests and friends is to ask them
“Kumain ka na?” which means “Have you eaten?” Part of the Filipino culture is to celebrate feast days
and other family occasions. They try new dishes and improve the old ones, mixing whatever ingredients
could tickle one’s taste buds. Filipinos from the different regions nationwide have their own unique and
interesting stories about tier eating habits. However, are the practices healthy or otherwise? As Julie
Murphy said, “You are what you eat. What would YOU like to be?”
In this chapter, you will learn how important nutrition is in our body. Furthermore, you will find
out ways on how to prevent or control malnutrition and micronutrients deficiencies.

To accomplish this chapter, you are encouraged to do the following:
1. Read and understand the concepts in this module.
2. You are given an activity after each chapter on a separate paper; follow the instructions in the
given activities diligently.
3. Answer all the given activities and summative test.
4. Do not forget to write your name in all your activity paper.
5. You may contact your subject teacher for questions and clarifications.

 Identifies the right foods during adolescence
 Follows the appropriate nutritional guidelines for adolescents for healthful eating
10 | P a g e
o Explains the need to select food based on the nutritional needs during adolescence
o Follows the Food pyramid guide for adolescents and nutritional guidelines for Filipinos in
choosing foods to eat
 Describes the characteristics, signs and symptoms of malnutrition and micronutrient deficiencies.
 Discusses ways of preventing and controlling malnutrition and micronutrients deficiencies
 Explains the characteristics, signs and symptoms of eating disorders
 Discusses ways of preventing and controlling eating disorders.


Nutrition- the intake of food in relation to the body’s dietary needs. Excess or deficient intake of same
nutrient may lead to illness.
 The physical changes during adolescence affect the body’s nutritional needs. Nutritional health during
adolescence is important to support the growth of your body and to prevent future health problems.


1. Calcium- adolescence is a crucial period for bone development. Calcium is needed to reach the largest
amount of bone tissue or what we call peak bone mass. A balanced diet including the right
amount of calcium delays or limits the chances of having osteoporosis in later life. Adolescents
have a requirement of 100mg of calcium per day
2. Iron. Girls in the onset of menstrual cycle required increase iron intake. For 13-15 years of age,
recommended iron need for boys is 20 mg/day while girls need 21 mg/day.
3. Protein- Adolescents from 13-15 years of age needs 71 grams/day for boys and 63 grams/day for girls
4. Energy- during adolescence, boys need more energy foods for increase physical activities compared
to girls. Energy needs of adolescents from 13-15 years of age are 2,800 kilocalories for 50 kg
boys while 2,250 kilocalories for 49 kg girls.




11 | P a g e
1. Eat a variety of foods every day.
2. Breastfeed infants exclusively from birth to six months, and then, give appropriate foods while
continuing breastfeeding.
3. Maintain children’s normal growth through proper diet and monitor their growth regularly.
4. Consume fish, lean meat, poultry or dried beans.
5. Eat more vegetables, fruits and root crops.
6. Eat foods cooked in edible/ cooking oil daily.
7. Consume milk, milk products, or other calcium- rich foods such as small fish and dark green leafy
vegetables daily.
8. Use iodized salt, but avoid excessive intake of salty foods.
9. Eat clean and safe foods.
10. For a healthful lifestyle and good nutrition, exercise regularly, do not smoke, and avoid drinking
alcoholic beverages.


 MALNUTRITION- a condition in which an individual’s nutrient is inadequate or unbalanced.

o Protein-energy malnutrition- a form of malnutrition where there is not enough protein-
calorie intakes.
o Underweight- a weight that is below desirable body weight
o Overweight a weight that is higher than desirable body weight.

Negative Effects of Malnutrition among Adolescents

1. Delay in growth and development
2. Poor performance in school
3. being sluggish and gets tired easily
4. Delay in the development of secondary sexual characteristics
5. Poor nutrition in adulthood

 NUTRIENTS- important food substances that help our body function properly.
 Macronutrients- required by the body in large amounts
o Water, carbohydrates, fats and proteins
 Micronutrients- only needed in very little amounts.
o Vitamins and minerals
 Micronutrient Deficiency- the lack or shortage in recommended amount or intake of vitamins
and minerals. Deficiency of nutrients leads to different health problems such as anemia,
preventable blindness, osteoporosis and goiter.
PROTEINS  Needed for growth,  Ridges or white lines in both
building and repair of body finger and toe nails; hair loss and
tissues thinning hair; muscle
CARBOHYDRATES  Main source of energy  Irritability, nausea, muscle
cramps, constipation, regular
headache, deficit in body sodium
and water
FATS  Needed for immune system  Dry skin, hair loss, cold
and helps the body store intolerance, poor infection
and use vitamins resistance and slow wound
healing, loss of menstruation
12 | P a g e
Needed for waste removal,  Dehydration, muscle cramps,
regulates body temperature nausea, slurred speech
VITAMINS  Maintains healthy skin,
bones, teeth and hair; aids
VITAMIN A vision  Anemia, painful joints,
 Aids in maintenance of red depression
VITAMIN B6 blood cells convulsions skin rashes,
VITAMIN B12  Aid in bone, teeth and skin bleeding gums, loosened teeth,
VITAMIN E & C formation and resistance to muscle degeneration and pain,
infection joint pain, failure of wounds to
 helps your blood to clot heal
(thicken to stop bleeding)
MINERALS  Helps in energy  Anemia, brittle nails, weakness,
metabolism, important in fatigue, pale appearance,
IRON transporting oxygen reduced attention span,
through the bloodstream, developmental delays in children
prevents anemia
CALCIUM  Helps build and maintain  Stunted growth
bones and teeth; nerve and
muscle function and blood
ZINC  Helps carry out body  Growth failure, slow wound
processes; plays a role in healing
wound healing

1. Food-based strategies
a. Fortification- the process of adding vitamins and minerals to regularly consumed food.
b. Dietary approaches- sustainable methods, which involves tackling social, environmental, and
cultural aspects. Promotion of breastfeeding and adequate complementary feeding is essential.
c. Dietary Supplement- a product that contains vitamins and minerals intended to add nutritional values
to the diet.
2. Public Health Approaches- education, disease control, socioeconomics and environmental aspects.

 EATING DISORDER- an abnormal eating habit, which results to insufficient or excessive food intake.
- Having a healthy body weight is very desirable, but for some people, social pressure to get
thin or be muscular may lead to negative body image and an unhealthy relation with food.


1. Anorexia Nervosa- characterized by weight loss often

due to excessive dieting and exercise, sometimes
to the point of starvation. People with anorexia
feel they can never be thin enough and continue
to see themselves as “fat” despite extreme weight loss.

2. Bulimia Nervosa- the condition is marked by cycles of extreme

overeating followed by purging, such as self- induced
vomiting, to compensate for the overeating.

13 | P a g e
3. Binge-eating Disorder- compulsive overeating in which a person
eats huge amounts of food without control. It typically lasts
around two hours. Usually done by depressed, stressed, or
nervous people instead of expressing their feeling.


Chronic dieting despite being hazardously underweight.

Constant weight fluctuations
Obsession with calories and fat contents of food
Engaging in ritualistic eating patterns, such as cutting food into tiny pieces, eating alone, and/ or
hiding food.
 Continued fixation with food, recipes or cooking; the individual may cook intricate meals for others
but refrain from partaking.
 Depression or lethargic stage
 Avoidance of social functions, family and friends. May become isolated and withdrawn.
 Switching between periods of overeating and fasting.

 Familiarize yourself about eating disorders by knowing facts against myths. Use facts to reason with
your friend about any inaccurate ideas fuelling their eating habits.
 Be honest. Responsibly and truthfully talk about worries with people having struggles with eating or
problems with appearance of their body.
 Be caring but firm. Being manipulated by your friend should not happen when you care for them. Do not
make rules, promises, or expectations that you are not willing to follow.
 Compliment. Give admiring comments on your friend’s achievements or great personality. It is worth
noting that “true beauty” is not skin deep.
 Be a good role model. Be an example of sensible eating, exercise, and self-acceptance.
 People struggling with eating disorders need professional help. Steps towards improvement happen
through communicating honest share concerns, giving support and identifying sources of information
and proper assistance.


 Miranda, Q.S.et.al (2017).MAPEH. Phoenix Building, 927 Quezon Ave., Quezon City: The Phoenix
Publishing House Inc.
 Lacia, G.C. et.al(2015). The 21st Century MAPEH in ACTION.856 Nicanor Reyes Sr. St., Sampaloc,
Manila: Rex Book Store, Inc.
 MSHMS, B. (1970, January 01). Physical Activity and the Physical Fitness Components: Basics of
Fitness. Retrieved August 10, 2020, from

 MSHMS, B. (1970, January 01). Physical Activity and the Physical Fitness Components: Basics of
Fitness. Retrieved July 28, 2020, from

14 | P a g e
 Eye examination. (2020, July 23). Retrieved August 10, 2020, from

 Lenoleum. (n.d.). Hard of hearing elderly man visiting a doctor. Vector illustrations in cartoon style.
Hearing test. Concept for hearing loss, hearing problem, deafness, medical care for hearing impaired
people. Retrieved August 10, 2020, from https://www.shutterstock.com/image-vector/hard-hearing-
 Webmaster, T. (2018, October 30). What Is Scoliosis, Causes and Treatment Options. Retrieved July 28,
2020, from https://tocamd.com/scoliosis-causes-treatment-options/
 Vegetarian Diet Pyramid. (2019, September 27). Retrieved July 28, 2020, from
 Manning, K. (2016, April 09). Anorexia Nervosa: 6 Other Health Problems It Puts You at Risk For.
Retrieved August 10, 2020, from http://ppcorn.com/us/anorexia-nervosa-6-health-problems-puts-risk/

 Eating Cartoon - Unlimited Download. cleanpng.com. (n.d.). Retrieved August 10, 2020, from
 A Powerful 5 Step Strategy To Stop Yourself Before A Binge. (n.d.). Retrieved August 10, 2020, from


NAME: __________________________ SECTION: ______________________

 Read and understand the instructions/questions before answering.


 Base on the “MY PLATE” that is shown on the picture above; make your own MY PLATE. Draw two
foods on each food group (Fruits, Vegetables, Grains, Proteins and Dairy). Use another sheet for your

B. Why is it important to follow the Nutritional Guide Pyramid and eat variety of foods? Limit your answer
in 2- 5 sentences.
15 | P a g e

C. Read and understand the following conditions then act like a young nutritionist. What appropriate
nutrient or food will you recommend if the following deficiencies or conditions are observed? Support
your recommendation.

1. Rizza’s younger sister is observed to experience profuse bleeding with her cuts and has problems with
blood clotting.

2. You’re your sister complains of bleeding gums when she brushes her teeth.

3. Your best friend has brittle nails and has anemia.


D. Choose one eating disorder and create a POEM about it. Your poem must include the following: cause
and effect of eating disorder and how to cope/ help people with eating disorders. 4 stanzas containing 4
lines per stanza. Rhyming words at the end of each line is not required, be creative in constructing your
poem. Use the back part of your paper for your poem.


 Daniel 1:12, what food was given to Daniel and his friends? Relating to our topic, how important are
those food? If the space is not enough, use the back part of your paper. Write after your poem.


NAME: __________________________ SECTION: ______________________

I. IDENTIFICTAION: Read the statement and match the items in column A with that of the items in
column B. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided.
_______ 1. It refers to the ability to analyse, reason, create, and a. Emotional Health
make rational decisions.
_______ 2. It refers to the state of the body- its compositions, b. Macronutrients
functions, maintenance, and development.
_______ 3. It refers to the ability to build and maintain c. Vitamins
harmonious and satisfying relationships.
_______ 4. It refers to one’s faith, beliefs and values. d. Physical Health
_______ 5. It refers to the ability to accept and cope with one’s e. Fats
own feeling and that of others.
_______ 6. It is the main source of energy. f. Iron
_______ 7. Needed to maintain healthy skin, bones, teeth and hair. g. Moral- spiritual health
_______ 8. Needed for immune system and helps the body store h. Social Health
and use vitamins.
_______ 9. Lack of this nutrient may cause anemia, fatigue, brittle i. Carbohydrates
nails and pale appearance.
_______ 10. Nutrients required in relatively large amounts such as j. Mental Health
carbohydrates, fats, proteins and water.

II. TRUE OR FALSE: Read and analyze the statement. Write TRUE if the idea of the statement is
correct and FALSE if it is wrong.
16 | P a g e
_____ 1. Girls’ shoulder becomes broader than hips.
_____ 2. Voice change occurs among boys.
_____ 3. Boys reach the age of puberty earlier than girls.
_____ 4. Maturity in the reproductive system is evident in both girls and boys.
_____ 5. Weight of the boys increases due to fat development.
_____ 6. Boys and girls like to be with their parents than to be with friends.
_____ 7. Girls are taller than boys during puberty stage.
_____ 8. Malnourished adolescent has delay in growth and development.
_____ 9. Malnourished adolescent has good performance in school.
_____ 10. Malnourished adolescent can be sluggish and gets tired easily.
_____ 11. Malnourished adolescent has delay in the development of secondary sexual characteristics.
_____ 12. Malnourished adolescent has poor nutrition in adulthood.
_____ 13. Fortification is the process of adding vitamins and minerals to regularly consumed food.
_____ 14. Dietary approaches are sustainable methods, which involves tackling social, environmental, and
cultural aspects.
_____ 15. Consume milk product at least once a month.
_____ 16. Eat more vegetable and less root crops.
_____ 17. Avoid too much intake of salty foods.
_____ 18. Protein- energy malnutrition is a form of malnutrition where there is not enough protein- calorie
_____ 19. Nutritional needs vary for each stage of life, but it is important to eat a healthy diet through all life
_____ 20. Micronutrient deficiency is the lack or shortage of a substance, like vitamins and minerals.


You are a student tasked to interview your parents on the problems they encountered and how they
manage the problems when they reached puberty. Make a representational diagram showing the challenges,
ways on how they manage their concerns to achieve holistic health. Your representational diagram will be
posted in your classroom for you to learn more strategies/ ways on how to manage health concerns during
puberty. Your representational diagram should be creative (use images to represent).


Content Comprehensive Complete Incomplete details

Relevant Relevant

The diagram is very The diagram is creative The diagram is somehow

Creativity creative and the images and the images used creative and the images
used have purpose and somehow have purpose used have some purpose
meaning and meaning and meaning

17 | P a g e

Your town is about to host the upcoming Palarong Bayan, an inter-school sports event to foster
camaraderie and sportsmanship among the different public and private schools within the municipality. As the
town’s young nutritionist, you are tasked to develop a 3-day menu for meals and snacks for the high school
players. The menu should be balanced and nutritious but within the low-budget allowance of the local
government. You are to present your 3-day menu proposal to the sports board and convince them of the value of
the proposal.


Format and layout The format and layout The format and The format and layout of the
of the menu are layout of the menu menu contain unwanted designs
appropriate and with a are appropriate and elements that make the
professional look appearance crowded.

Relevance of food Foods included in the Foods included in the Foods included in the menu are
choices menu are highly menu are relevant somehow relevant
relevant to the age
group and activities of

18 | P a g e

Content accuracy Comprehensive Complete Incomplete details

Accurate content Accurate content Lacks accuracy
Relevant Relevant

A. Topics:
 Mental Health and Understanding Stress
 Coping with stress and Depression
 Common Mental Disorders and Management

Have you ever felt stressed and under pressure as an adolescent? Have you ever experienced
getting angry or very worried easily? Have you grieve for a long time after a loss or death of a loved
one? Life nowadays is getting complex and demands certain coping skills and capabilities from
teenagers. In this chapter, you will find out that we do not just need a healthy body but also a mind that
is functioning properly. Good mental health allows us to live longer, achieve more, have a better family
life, more friends and contribute to a safer and more productive society.

To accomplish this chapter, you are encouraged to do the following:
1. Read and understand the concepts in this module.
2. You are given an activity after each chapter on a separate paper; follow the instructions in the
given activities diligently.
3. Answer all the given activities and summative test.
4. Do not forget to write your name in all your activity paper.
5. You may contact your subject teacher for questions and clarifications.

19 | P a g e
 Explains the factors that affect the promotion of good mental health
 Explains that stress is normal and inevitable
 Differentiates eustress from distress
 Identifies situations that cause feelings of anxiety or stress
 Identifies physical responses of the body to stress
 Identifies people who can provide support in stressful situations
 Differentiate healthful from unhealthful strategies in coping with stress
 Explains the importance of grieving
 Recognizes triggers and warning signs of common mental disorders
 Discusses the types, sign, symptoms, and prevention, treatment and professional care in
managing common mental health disorders.


 MENTAL HEALTH- the psychological well-being of an individual. It is how individual think, feel and
act to cope with life. It is the ability to function comfortably in society.


1. Heredity- Example is the bipolar disorder, which in some cases was found to be a result of genetic
2. Environment- this contributes to depressive disorder which may include death of a loved one,
separation with a partner, and financial problems. The condition of your environment
dictates how you think, feel and act.
3. Background and personality- people with certain psychological backgrounds or personality
characteristics appear to be more vulnerable to depression.
4. Biochemical Factors- depression may result from abnormal chemical activity within the brain.
5. Physical Illness- individuals with recurring illnesses are at high risk of psychiatric illness.

 STRESS- is the response of your body and mind to unpleasant or challenging events in life. It is when
you feel tensed, uncomfortable, or worried about something.

1. Eustress (positive stress) - promotes accomplishments and stimulates you to go on.
2. Distress (negative stress) - often causes poor performance.

Stressor- - it is an event or situation that causes stressful situations.
1. Major life changes. These stressful changes threaten one’s sense of security and self-esteem.
Example: loss of a love one, loss of job
2. Everyday problems. The minor but frequent, everyday events that cause stress are sometimes
called “hassles”. These stressors can be losing something, concerns of how you look, what to
wear, or doing multitasking.
3. Physical Surroundings. Crowded transportation going to school or work place, noise, rain
conflicts to people are some examples.
4. Other Stressors
 Worrying about the future
 Exams and performances
 Conflicts and tensions with family and friends and other people


20 | P a g e
Physical Signs Emotional Signs Behavioural Signs
 Muscle tension  Anger  Loss of appetite
 Headache  irritability  Overeating
 Pounding heart  Impatience  Drug abuse
 Shortness of breath  Nervousness  Sleep problems
 Increased sweating  Forgetfulness  Restlessness
 Dry mouth  Inability to concentrate  Hurrying and talking to fast
 Grinding teeth  Negative thinking  Criticizing others
 Nail biting  Excessive worrying  Reckless behaviour
 Loss of interest  fidgeting
 Self-criticism
 Frequent crying


1. Regular exercise and eating.
2. Lessen or regulate caffeine consumption
3. Discover relaxing workouts like abdominal breathing and muscle relaxation techniques
4. Acquire assertiveness training skills. Express feelings in respectful, definite and non-aggressive
approach like “Shouting at me makes me angry, please stop shouting”.
5. Train and prepare for conditions causing stress. If speaking in crowd makes you nervous, take speech
6. Lessen pessimistic self-talk and counter it with neutral or optimistic views. Those “I cannot do this”
thought can be inspired with “Practice makes perfect.”
7. Take time out from stressful conditions. Do relaxing activities like unwinding with friends and family
or listening to music.
8. Having a group of encouraging friends will help you cope in a positive way.


1. Cigarette smoking, Using of illegal drugs and alcohol.
2. Eating too much or too few
3. Too much spacing out on TV or computer for hours
4. Isolation from people and activities
5. Oversleeping
 DEPRESSION- a common but serious mental disorder that causes people to lose pleasure or interest. It
affects daily life and brings discomfort to you and those who care about you.
 GRIEF- an intense emotion from a loss, disaster or misfortune.
1. Low- grief death- a death cause by prolonged sickness or anticipated death showing little emotion
after death due to experienced grief prior to death.
2. High- grief death- unexpected death where grieving process may be more emotional and longer
because no preparation for death was done.


1. Denial- in this stage, the individual is protected from experiencing the intensity of the loss. When
you first learn of a loss, its normal to think, “ This isn’t happening.” This is a temporary way to
deal with the rush of overwhelming emotion. It’s a defense mechanism.
2. Anger- in this stage, the individual usually feels helpless and powerless. The person often directs his
or her anger on the doctor who cared for the lost loved one or directed at loved ones and
expressed through shouting, complaining, and bitterness. You will ask, “Why is this happening?
Who is to blame?”
3. Bargaining- In this stage, the individual usually becomes obsessed with thoughts of what could have

21 | P a g e
been done to prevent the loss. It seems that you will do anything if only your loved one would be
spared. You may try to strike a deal, “Make this not happen, and in return I will ______.” Or I
will never be angry at my dad again if you’ll just let him live.”
4. Depression- the individual starts to realize the extent and effect of the loss. This is not a sign of
mental illness; it is the appropriate response to a great loss. Signs of depression include crying,
sleep issues, poor appetite and lack of interest. The individual feels abandoned, isolated,
experiences self-pity, emptiness and lost. You may say, “I’m too sad to do anything.”
5. Acceptance- this stage is about accepting the reality that our loved one is physically gone and
recognizing that this new reality is the permanent reality. You can say, “I’m at peace with what


1. Give yourself time. Accept your feelings and know that grieving is a process.
2. Talk to others. Spend time with friends and family. Don’t isolate yourself.
3. Take care of yourself. Exercise regularly, eat well, and get enough sleep to stay healthy and
4. Return to your hobbies. Get back to the activities that bring you joy.
5. Join a support group. Speak with others who are also grieving. It can help you feel more

 MENTAL DISORDER- an emotional disturbance, which affects the way an individual thinks, feels and
behaves making it difficult to live a normal life.

1. Organic mental disorder- due to physical injuries and illnesses affecting the brain.
2. Functional mental disorder- due to environmental conditions or poor coping skills.


1. Life situations and experiences- these include insecurities in early life like broken homes, loss
of loved ones, marital problems, financial difficulties, unemployment and others.
2. Physical conditions- these includes fever, intoxication from alcohol or drugs, trauma like head
injuries, senility, and disturbance of the endocrine glands.


1. Disturbed sleep for a prolonged period.
2. Prolonged headache
3. Restlessness and irritability; being talkative, depressed, suspicious
4. Easily gets tired, lowering of output
5. Impaired memory
6. Isolating self from families and friends.


1. Share out- entrust worries to someone trustworthy.
2. Divert for a while- have a relaxation to have a better condition emotionally and intellectually.
3. Lose of anger- do physical activities like exercising or house beautification.
4. Do something for others- learn to help others who may be more problematic.
5. Carry tasks by steps- do most urgent tasks one at a time, set aside others for the time being.


1. Foster closer family relationship.
2, Immunization against diseases leading to physical and mental disabilities.
3. Engage in leadership training and skills training.
4. Share home for children who are abused, unwanted, abandoned, and maltreated.
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5. Provide timely guidance for untoward crisis like attempts for suicide and inflicting harm to others due
to alcoholism or drug abuse.
6. Encourage young individuals to engage in community activities.


NAME: __________________________ SECTION: ______________________

 Read and understand the instructions/ questions before answering. For letter A and B limit your
answer in 2- 4 sentences.
A. What role does the family play in helping the youth cope with stress and depression?
B. What is life without challenge?
C. List FIVE sources of stress in your life then write 1or 2 effects (positive or negative) in you.
Afterwards, write how you handled the situation then the person/ people who supported you.


Example: -I’m irritable - I talked to my aunt and ask
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I lost my best friend. -I had trouble sleeping her advice/ words of wisdom. - My Aunt






D. Read and analyse the given situation and answer the question.
 Your friend Bela lost her mother due to a car accident. After a week, you have noticed changes in her.
She rarely goes to school and if she enters, she doesn’t talk to anybody and she sleeps during class.
 As her friend, how can you help Bela? Cite steps/ ways that you will do to help her.


 Make a short prayer for your friend or parents who are stressed.


A. Topics:
 Introduction to Non communicable Diseases
 Common Non communicable Diseases
 Myths and Fallacies About Non communicable Diseases
 Prevention And Control Of Non communicable Diseases.
 Programs and Policies to Prevent And Control Non communicable Diseases.

“He who cures a disease may be the skill fullest, but he that prevents is the safest physician.” –
Thomas Fuller
Lifestyle has a big impact on one’s health and life. Stress caused by modern-day living, poor
eating habits, sedentary lifestyle, drug abuse, tobacco and cigarette smoking, lack of sleep, and alcohol
drinking contribute to most of the lifestyle disease. In this chapter, we will learn about the diseases that
cause by our own lifestyle and ways on how to prevent it.

To accomplish this chapter, you are encouraged to do the following:
1. Read and understand the concepts in this module.
2. You are given an activity after each chapter on a separate paper; follow the instructions in the
given activities diligently.
3. Answer all the given activities and summative test.
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4. Do not forget to write your name in all your activity paper.
5. You may contact your subject teacher for questions and clarifications.

 Discuss the nature of non-communicable disease
 Explains non- communicable disease based on cause and effects, signs and symptoms, risk
factors and protective factors and possible complications
 Corrects myth and fallacies about non-communicable disease
 Identifies agencies responsible for non-communicable disease prevention and control.

NONCOMMUNICABLE DISEASES- health problems and conditions that are non-infectious or

Non transmissible and come as a result of one’s modern lifestyle. Non-communicable diseases is
associated with the common risk factor of poor diet and insufficient physical activity


1. ALLERGY- an exaggerated response to an antibody-forming
substance or antigen.
 Responses may be triggered through food intake, vaccines
or blood transfusion, insect sting, skin contact, or through
nasal by smell.
 Allergies are not contagious
 Symptoms of allergies include swelling of the mucus
membrane, redness and itching of the eyes, impaired
hearing, rashes, and headaches.

2. ASTHMA- a chronic condition in which breathing becomes difficult.

a. Common asthma triggers are dust and mold, pollen, cold air,
weather change, sinus infections, stress and certain foods.
b. How to manage asthma
 Do not inhale paint fumes, insecticides
and cleaning products.
 Avoid products sold in aerosol cans.
 Drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of water a day.
 Avoid stressful situations and do not exercise
too hard.
 Do not smoke or avoid second-hand smoke
 Take all prescribed medications with filled
 Do not go outside in extremely cold weather.

3. CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE- a disease of the heart and blood vessels. This disease is the leading
cause of mortality in the Philippines. This includes:

A. Coronary Heart Disease- occurs when coronary

arteries are narrowed or blocked by waxy
substance referred to as plaque. Major risks
factors for coronary heart disease are smoking,
diabetes, hypertension, cholesterol, age, obesity
and physical inactivity.
B. Heart Attack- the death of the heart muscle due to the
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lack of blood flow to the heart. Signs include
uncomfortable pressure or pain in the center of
the chest; pain that spreads to shoulders, neck,
and jaw; light headedness, sweating, nausea
and shortness of breath.
C. Congestive Heart Failure- happens when the heart is not able or is below the normal capacity to
pump blood causing liquid to accumulate in the lungs and other areas of the body. Causes
of this disease are heart attack, atherosclerosis, birth defect, high blood pressure and
rheumatic fever. Reducing salt and salty foods help cure congestive heart failure.
D. Stroke- occurs when blood vessels in the brain are broken or blocked. The most common cause of
stroke is blood clot in an artery of the brain, which causes aneurysm, a wreaked part of
the blood vessels.

FACE DROOPING- does the face sag on one side or numb? Ask the person to smile and
examine if the smile is uneven.
ARM WEAKNESS- ask the person to lift both arms. Can the person keep arms lift up?
SPEECH DIFFICULTY- is the person’s speech slurred? Do you understand what the
person is saying?
TIME TO CALL- if the person shows any indication of the following signs call for
emergency and get immediate hospitalization. Remember the time when
the first signs occurred.


1. Maintain a healthy blood cholesterol level and choose a heart-friendly diet.
2. Avoid smoking and second-hand smoke.
3. Maintain a healthy blood pressure.
4. Maintain a normal body weight
5. Participate in regular physical activities.

4. CANCER- a generic term for a large group of diseases that can affect any part of the body.
- it is not contagious and is not caused by injuries or accidents. Anyone can have cancer.
- Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in male and female seconded by prostate cancer
for male, and breast cancer for female. Lung cancer is the leading cause of deaths for male and
- Abnormally dividing cells can form a tumor, an abnormal growth of tissue, which can be benign
or malignant.
 BENIGN- is not cancerous and typically harmless unless they are in a position where
they block normal tissues or organs. It may increase in size but do not infect other body
 MALIGNANT- it is cancerous. It can spread infection and destruction of nearby tissues
and other body parts.


1. Radiation Therapy- uses high-energy radiation to kill or damage cancer cells.
2. Chemotherapy- treatment using anti-cancer drugs which kill cancer inside the body. Anti-
cancer drugs target mainly cancer cells although they may harm healthy cells as well.
3. Immunotherapy- treatment where the immune system is stimulated to fight cancer cells.


1. Identify the signs and symptoms of cancer. The acronym C.A.U.T.I.O.N is recommended by the
American Cancer Society. These are the signs and symptoms that you should look out for:
26 | P a g e
C- Change in bowel or bladder habits
A- A sore that does not heal
U- Unusual bleeding or discharge
T- Thickening or lump in a breast or elsewhere
I- Indigestion or difficulty in swallowing
O- Obvious change in a wart or mole
N- Nagging cough or hoarseness
2. Have regular check-ups
3. Avoid smoking and second-hand smoke
4. Avoid too much sun exposure
5. Eat your fruits and vegetables
6. Observe the meat you eat
7. Exercise and have the right weight
8. be aware of family’s history of cancer
9. Avoid drinking alcohol
10. Avoid being exposed to dangerous chemicals and airborne fibers
11. Practice abstinence or safe sex.


- a disease in which the body produces little or no insulin. This happens when the pancreas does
not produce enough insulin or produces insulin but does not help cells breakdown sugar.
Diabetes cannot be cured but can be controlled.

1. TYPE 1 DIABETES- also known as childhood-onset diabetes. It occurs when the body
produces little or no insulin.
2. TYPE 2 DIABETES- also known as adult-onset diabetes. It occurs when the body
produces insulin but cells cannot use it.
3. Gestational Diabetes- occurs in certain females during pregnancies. It is when the body
does not respond to the produced insulin, which is caused by hormones.


- Certain factors that increase the risks for diabetes include the four F’s: being Fat or
overweight, being Female, Family history, and being Forty years of age or older. The
following tips can help in preventing diabetes.
1. Get more physical activities
2. Include fiber and whole grains in your diet
3. Lose the extra weight
4. Make healthier food choices.
6. ARTHRITIS- a painful inflammation of joints that affects the muscles, tendons and ligaments
surrounding the joints. People can develop arthritis due to genetic factors and lifestyle like work
and diet. Some foods appear to make arthritis worse. Common symptoms of arthritis
include joint pains, swelling, stiffness
and inflammation.
1. Osteoarthritis- normally affects the hips,
knees, and hands with pain, stiffness, or
inflammation. It is caused by normal wear
and tear as we age and may be worsened by
infection or injury to joints.
2. Rheumatoid arthritis- frequently appears on
hands, wrists and feet, and can also affect
other body parts besides the joints. It is
27 | P a g e
caused by the body’s immune system attacking
the tissues of the body that leads to destruction of both bone and cartilage inside the joints.
1. Perform physical exercises that help in strengthening the muscles around the joint.
2. Lose and keep a healthy weight.
3. Take medicines, like aspirin and some prescription medicines that will help alleviate the pain and
other symptoms.
4. Take hot baths that can help reduce swelling and pain.

7. RENAL FAILURE- also known as kidney failure. It is a condition where the kidney stops to
function properly causing renal insufficiency.


1. Changes in urination- foamy or bubbly urine, urinating more often in greater amount with pale
urine, urinating less often in smaller amounts with dark-colored urine, urine with blood,
difficulty in urinating.
2. Swelling in legs, ankles, feet, face, or hands.
3. Extreme skin rashes and itching
4. Nausea and vomiting
5. Shortness of breath, feeling cold, dizziness and concentration problems brought about anemia
related to kidney failure.


- It can be diagnosed through urinalysis, urine measurements, blood samples, imaging and
kidney tissue samples


1. Keep the blood pressure below 130/ 80
2. If you have diabetes, keep your blood sugar within target range.
3. Talk with your doctor how often to check your blood sugar
4. Maintain a healthy weight.
5. Control your cholesterol levels
6. Stop smoking.


1. “I’m too young to worry about heart disease.”
2. A diabetes diagnosis means you automatically need insulin.
3. Eating too much sugar causes diabetes.
4. Only women get breast cancer.
5. If breast cancer does not run in your family, you will not get it.
6. Arthritis is just aches and pains.
7. Living in a cold climate causes arthritis.
8. Asthma is a psychological condition
9. Asthma medicine is addictive.


1. Engage regularly in physical activities or exercise.
2. Practice healthful eating.
3. Avoid smoking and second-hand smoke.
4. Manage and maintain a normal weight.
5. Have a routine medical check-up.
6. Learn to manage stress.


28 | P a g e
1. The Department of Health (DOH) - believes that health promotion strategies are best done
at the level of the community and the family. It delivers the key message on healthy lifestyles:
avoid tobacco smoking and excessive alcohol use, have a balanced diet, and do regular exercise.
2. The Department of Education (DepEd) - includes in the curriculum topics and activities
that promote school health and nutrition, and the control and prevention of NCDs.
3. The Philippine Medical Association (PMA) - in collaboration with the DOH addresses the rising
epidemic of chronic non-communicable diseases through healthy promotion campaign in all
forms of media.
4. The Philippine Coalition for the Prevention and Control of Non-communicable Diseases (PCPCNCD)
- a national coalition composed of forty organizations working for the prevention and control of
5. The Department of Social Welfare And Development (DSWD) - started mobilizing the community
health teams to provide comprehensive public health service such as family planning counselling
at the doorsteps of families.
6. The Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) - advocates the “perfect 10” lifestyle
program to prevent NCDs and urges all local chief executives to support the campaign.

 Miranda, Q.S.et.al (2017).MAPEH. Phoenix Building, 927 Quezon Ave., Quezon City: The
Phoenix Publishing House Inc.
 Lacia, G.C. et.al(2015). The 21st Century MAPEH in ACTION.856 Nicanor Reyes Sr. St., Sampaloc,
Manila: Rex Book Store, Inc.

 Vector illustration of a sneezing man with germs. (n.d.). Retrieved August 10, 2020, from
 Chin, A., Taher, A., Thomas, A., Bigham, B., Thoma, B., & Woods, R. (2017, July 19). Approach to
Asthma in the ED. Retrieved July 29, 2020, from https://canadiem.org/approach-asthma-ed/
 (n.d.). Retrieved August 10, 2020, from https://zavaromd.com/faq/cad
 Thomas, D. (2019, December 16). Osteoarthritis vs. Rheumatoid Arthritis – Understanding the
Differences. Retrieved August 10, 2020, from https://www.news-medical.net/health/Osteoarthritis-vs-


NAME: __________________________ SECTION: ______________________

 Read and understand the instruction/questions before answering.

A. Answer the following questions by checking the corresponding column. Justify your answers.


Can you acquire cancer from

another person?

Can you acquire non-communicable

disease by sneezing?

Do you think arthritis is caused by

living in a cold climate?

Do you think exercise is good for

29 | P a g e
B. Choose one Myth and Fallacy about Non-communicable disease then write what is true.


Example: Only women get breast cancer. Men having breast tissue can also develop breast cancer.

C. How does the Department of Education (DepEd) help in promoting a healthy lifestyle?



 Do you agree in the saying “Prevention is better than cure”? Why or why not?



NAME: __________________________ SECTION: ______________________

I. IDENTIFICATION: Read each statement then choose the correct word/phrase in the box as described in
the statement. Write the letter of your answer in the space provided before each number.

A. Depression B. Stress C. Asthma D. Bargaining E. Congestive Heart Failure

F. Radiation Therapy G. Grief H. Gestational Diabetes I. Distress J. DILG
K. Heart attack L. DOH M. Coronary Heart Disease N. Stressor O. Diabetes
P. Anger Q. Organic R.Mental Health S. Functional T. Stroke

_______ 1. It is a reaction of the body and mind to cruel or challenging life incidents.
_______ 2. Type of stress that often causes poor performance.
_______ 3. It is an event or situation that causes stressful situations.
_______ 4. It is how individual think, feel and act to cope with life.
_______ 5. It is an intense emotion from a loss, disaster or misfortune.
_______ 6. It is the death of the heart muscle due to lack of blood flow to the heart.
_______ 7. It is a chronic condition in which breathing becomes difficult.
_______ 8. It occurs when blood vessels in brain are blocked or broken.
_______ 9. It is a heart failure where liquid accumulate in the lungs and other areas of the body.

30 | P a g e
_______ 10. Therapy that uses high-energy radiation to kill cancer cells
_______ 11. Type of diabetes, which occurs in certain female pregnancies.
_______ 12. It is a disease where little or no insulin is produced by the body.
_______ 13. It is a heart disease, which occurs when arteries are narrowed or blocked.
_______ 14. It is the agency that advocates the “perfect 10” lifestyle program to prevent NCDs and urges all
local chief executives to support the campaign.
_______ 15. It is the agency that believes that health promotion strategies are best done at the level of the
community and the family.
_______ 16. The stage of grief in which the person can do anything if only your loved one would be spared.
_______ 17. The stage of grief where the individual feels abandoned, isolated and lost.
_______ 18. The stage where you will ask, “Why is this happening? Who is to blame?”
_______ 19. It is a mental disorder due to physical injuries and illnesses affecting the brain.
_______ 20. It is a mental disorder- due to environmental conditions or poor coping skills.

II. Indicate whether the given INDICATORS of stress is falls either Physical Sign, Emotional Sign or
Behavioral Sign. Write PS (Physical Sign), ES (Emotional sign) and BS (Behavioral Sign).

________ 1. Headache
________ 2.Nervousness
________ 3. Overeating
________ 4. Dry mouth
________ 5. Talking too fast
________ 6. Nail biting
________ 7. Self- criticism
________ 8. Irritability
________ 9. Restlessness
________ 10. Criticizing others


Your school is preparing for the celebration of the Family day and your principal plan to promote a
better life habits and practices for good mental health and better family relationships. As the School Body
Organization Coordinator, you are tasked to make an activity plan on the activities that will be executed by the
parents with their child during the said event. Your activity plan will be presented to the principal and some
PTCA officers for their approval.


Relevance of activities/ The activities/ strategies Some of the activities/ Only a few of the
strategies used used are highly relevant strategies used are activities/ strategies used
to the scenario and the relevant to the scenario are relevant to the
participants and the participants scenario and the
31 | P a g e
The plan of activities Some of the activities / Most of the
Sequencing of events from start to finish is events in the plan are events/activities in the
logically sequenced and organized somehow plan are not organized.
The plan in general is not
Feasibility The activities are One or two of the practical in a real-life
practical and attainable. activities in the plan setting.
needs a little


You have observed in your school that many students are in the clinic with headache, upset stomach,
and other reasons. As the coordinator of the Student Body Organization, you are tasked to make a poster to
promote a healthy lifestyle through sport. The poster will be distributed to the students. The poster should be
informative and interesting to teenagers.


The poster is very The poster is creative and The poster is somehow
Creativity creative and the images the images somehow creative and the images
have purpose and have purpose and have some purpose and
meaning meaning meaning

32 | P a g e
Originality The poster is very The poster is original The poster is common
original with one-of-a- with its images and style.
kind images and style.

Message Conveyed And The poster conveys a The poster’s message is The poster’s message is
Impact strong message. evident. somehow evident.

33 | P a g e

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