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Class-VIII-week1-Week 01

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Online Support Program

Class 8
Week 1 Assignment

Army Public Schools & Colleges System Secretariat

APSACS Online Support Program
Class: VIII Week 1

Guidelines for Parents:

1. Please read and understand the comprehensive guidelines/ instructions
given in the Concept Paper for the Online Support Program.

2. The weekly work assigned will be split over the week days according to
the timetable set by parents.

3. Parents will monitor and supervise their ward’s work.

4. Any videos/ research work suggested in the assignments will be strictly

monitored by parents.

5. Written work to be done on loose sheets with clear mention of Student’s

name, class/section, subject/topic and date.

Subject: English Language /Literature

Textbooks English Ahead Student Book 3

English Ahead Workbook 3
Novel: Moby Dick
Student Book 3 Reading: A powerful family- The Ming Dynasty(pg 17)

Unit 1: My family and  The Ming Dynasty


 Parents to allow their child to read the passage on their

own or they can be helped to read.
 Encourage loud reading, assisting where required.
 Students to read OR listen to Track 1.3 from the CD
provided with the Student Book.
 Parents to ask their child what they have understood
after reading the passage.

Student Book 3 Reading: A powerful family- The Ming Dynasty(pgs 16- 17)

Unit 1: My family and  The Ming Dynasty

me Written Exercise

 Qs 2, 3 and 4 (Written work to be done on loose sheets

of paper.
1. Read the passage again before attempting the
exercises. Students to answer in their own words.

Student Book 3 Vocabulary 1: Families (pgs 14-15)

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APSACS Online Support Program
Class: VIII Week 1

Unit 1: My family and

 Read OR listen to Audio Track 1.2 (Student Book Pg
and Workbook (Pg 5) 14). Then answer the Qs given in EX 1.
 Draw your family tree (Ask an adult in your family for
help) Take help from Student Book Pg 15 Ex 3.
 English Ahead Workbook 3 Pg 5: Q1. (Write the
answers on loose sheets)
Student Book 3 Language focus 1: just, already, still,yet(Pg18)

Unit 1: My family and Ref to links: https://www.youtube.com/watch?

me v=DJc4CUYScME

1. The grammar concept of just, already, still ,yet can

be understood from the weblink provided.
2. Strict parental guidance is advised when surfing the
internet for research work or watching videos.
3. Make sentences using the four words just, already,
still ,yet

Moby Dick Chapter 1 Novel: Chapter 1 (Pgs 4-11)

 Look at the pictures and predict the story.
 What do you think is happening in the pictures?
 Read and discuss with an adult what you have read
 Write the sequence of events in Chapter 1

 Parents to allow their child to read the passage on their

own or listen to Chapter 1 track on CD.
 In case loud reading is encouraged, assist where
 Parents to ask their child what they have understood
after reading the Chapter.

‫ہدایات برائے والدین‬

‫تف‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ئ‬
‫ی‬ ‫ص‬ ‫ئ‬
‫ می ں دی گ ی لی‬Concept Paper ‫ کے ب ارے می ں‬Online Support Program ‫براے مہرب اغ ی‬ 
‫ہ دای ات کو ب ور پڑھی ں۔‬
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APSACS Online Support Program
Class: VIII Week 1
‫تق‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ٹئ ٹ‬
‫فت‬ ‫ن‬ ‫دے ئ ف ت‬
‫ے ت یئار کردہ ا م ی ب ل کے م طابق ہے کے د وں پر سی م کری ں۔‬ ‫ے ہ ہ وار کام کو والدی ن اپ‬ ‫ی گ‬ 
‫ہن‬ ‫ب‬ ‫ت‬
‫دوران چ وں کی ر ما نی کری ں۔‬ ‫والدی ن کام کے حق ق‬ 
‫ئ‬ ‫پن ن‬
‫کام کو ا ی گرا ی می ں کروا ی فں۔‬ ‫ف‬ ‫والدی تن وی ڈیوز اور ی ی‬ 
‫ش‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ئ‬ ‫ت مام حر ری کام الگ ص‬
‫ے اور ہ ر ص ح‬
،‫سی ک ن‬/‫ ج ماعت‬، ‫ے پر طالب علم کا ام‬ ‫حات پر ک ی ا ج ا ئ‬ 
‫ت‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ض ی ن‬
‫ع وان اور اری خ ب ھی حریر کی ج اے۔‬/‫م مون‬

‫اردو‬ ‫مضمون‬‫ئ‬
۳‫صریر امہ ۔‬ ‫ذرا ع‬
)۱،۲ ‫صریر خامہ صفحات‬
ِ ( ‫نظم ربِّ کائنات‬  ‫نظم کا‬/ ‫سبق کا نام‬
‫ نظم اور نظم کے اخالقی پہلو (ہللا سے محبت اور‬،‫نظم کی پڑھائی‬  ‫تبادلہ خیال‬، ‫پڑھائی‬
‫نعمتوں کا شکر ) پر تبادلہ خیال‬
۲،۳ ‫سوال نمبر‬  ‫تحریر ی کام‬
‫نظم کا نخالصہ‬ ‫ض‬ 
‫ش‬ ‫ی‬ ‫م‬
‫ت‬ ‫ض‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ش‬
‫کردار‬ ‫کا‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ڈ‬ ‫م‬
‫ی یی‬ ‫ں‬ ‫م‬ ‫رے‬ ‫عا‬‫م‬ : ‫سی‬ ‫و‬ ‫مون‬  ‫تخلیقی لکھائی‬
‫ ال اظ پر م مل م مون حریر‬۳۵۰ – ۳۰۰ ‫ پر‬7‫٭ دیے گئے موضوع‬
‫ن‬ ‫کری ں ن۔‬
‫ب‬ ‫ص‬ ‫مف ث‬ ‫ث‬
) ‫ ی ا رات اور حا ِل حث‬، ‫٭ اہ م کات( مث ب ت ا رات‬

Subject: Mathematics
Text book New Syllabus Mathematics Teacher’s Resource Book 2 (7th Ed)
Chapter 4: Further Expansion & Factorisation of Algebraic Expressions
Exercise 4.1 Expansion & Factorisation of Algebraic Expressions

Text Book Expanding algebraic expressions

(pg 115-120)
 Go over Textbook page 115 Worked Example 1 to understand
how product of multi variable algebraic terms is carried out.
Expansion & Simplification of Simple Algebraic Expressions
Remind the student of the distributive law to simplify
expressions (multiplying two terms involving brackets)
a (b + c) = ab + ac
a (b - c) = ab – ac

 Go over Textbook page 16 Worked Example 2.

 Go over Textbook page 116 Worked Example 3.

Written Work The following work to be done on loose sheets:

 Practise Now 1.
 Textbook page 120 Exercise 4A Q1a&b, Q5c&d.
 Practise Now 2.
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Class: VIII Week 1

 Textbook page 120 Ex 4A Q2a,c,e & Q6a&c.

 Practise Now 3.
 Textbook page 120 Exercise 4A Q3a,b &Q7c-d.

Subject: Physics

Unit 1: Physical Quantities and Measurement

Topic/s 1.1 Introduction to Physics

1.2 Physical Quantities
1.3 International System of Units
Reading  Read 1.1 Introduction to Physics given on pg 3-4. It explains
how Physics is divided into branches based on the kind of
quantities being studied, observed etc.

The following link may prove useful in explaining the concept


 Read 1.2 Physical Quantities given on pg 4-5. It outlines

different types of physical quantities and explains their
classification into base and derived quantities.
The following link may prove useful in explaining the concept

 Read 1.3 International System of Units given on pg 5-7. It

explains how seven base quantities are further used in derived
quantities i.e. units of derived quantities are composed of base
units. Go through tables 1.1 and 1.2 that provide examples of
such quantities
The following link may prove useful in explaining the concept

Written Work  Solve the mini exercise given on pg 5.

 Draw the tables given on pg 6 for Base quantities and Derived

quantities along with their symbols and units.

 Solve the quick quiz given on pg 7.

 Question 1.1 (i,ii & iii), 1.2, 1.3,1.4 & 1.6

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APSACS Online Support Program
Class: VIII Week 1

Subject: Chemistry

Chapter 1 Fundamental of Chemistry

e-support Please visit following links for video tutorials

 https://www.khanacademy.org/science/chemistry/atomic-
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=izeuGr0lbN0
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ekf0J-W5k0
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65dDZulPhtg
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NuSzMIsir0
Reading:  Introduction to Chemistry
Text Book  Branches of Chemistry
(page 6-11)  Differentiation between branches
 Basic Definitions:
- Elements
- Compounds
- Mixtures
- Atomic numbers
- Mass Numbers
 Society, Technology & Science

Written work:  Definitions of chemistry, elements, compounds, mixtures,

(Loose Sheets) atomic numbers, mass numbers.
 Diagram of an atom with electron, proton and neutron
Write brief answers (not more than 3-4 lines):

 What was the belief of ancient Greek Philosophers?

 What were the proposals of John Dalton?
 Name some main branches of Chemistry?
 What do you know about Archimedes Principal?
 Differentiate between Mixtures and compounds.
 Compare homogenous mixtures with heterogeneous

 Determine the number of protons and neutrons in given


Atomic Atomic Atomic Atomic

number = 17 number = 11 number = 6 number = 15
Mass number Mass Mass Mass
= 35 number = 23 number = 12 number = 31

Subject: Biology

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APSACS Online Support Program
Class: VIII Week 1

Textbook Biology 9, PLD Publishers, Lahore

Chapter 1:  Introduction to Biology

introduction to  Divisions and branches of Biology
pg 2,3
Reading & The reading with understanding (of each topic) by the student to be
Discussion: ensured by the helper (i.e. parents, elder sibling, peer etc.)
Textbook (Ask the child what he/she knows about the concept being taught
(pg 2,3) by asking short relevant questions and then elaborate/explain the
topic with examples).
 Introduction to Biology
 Divisions and branches of Biology
 Extra information boxes

Written work:  Draw a web of branches of biology

Textbook  Ex Q 2,3 (understanding the concept) &
Q 1 (Short Questions )

Subject History

Text Book Window To World History

Chapter 1 The Modern World

Reading  Read the following:

 Key features of the book (pg. VI)
 Age of Exploration (pg. 2)
 Reasons for Exploration (pg. 3)
 Portuguese Expeditions (pg. 3)
 Famous Explorers (pg. 3-4)
 Study the Cantino world Map (pg. 4) and pics with titles
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APSACS Online Support Program
Class: VIII Week 1

Vocabulary  Write the meanings of any 5 difficult words other than the words
given in glossary.(pg. 2-4)

Digital Literacy  Research and gather more information about The Cantino
World Map

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