Module 1 6 Hour
Internet of Things – Hardware / System Design
Introduction to IoT fundamentals, Introduction to sensors, Difference between analog
and Digital sensors, Interfacing Temperature, Light and Humidity sensor with Arduino,
Interfacing Motors with Arduino, A simple program to control actuator based on the
analog sensor.
Module 2 6 Hours
Internet of Things
Networking in IoT:
Introduction to wireless communication, Wifi Module ESP8266 interface with Arduino,
Machine to Machine (M2M) communication using WiFi module. A simple
demonstration of sensing temperature from one device and control actuator on a
second device (M2M)
IoT in Web/ Cloud Platform:
Introduction to a web server - XAMPP(windows), A simple interactive web page using
HTML5, Bootstrap (or CSS), and Javascript. Interfacing ESP8266 with webserver,
ThingSpeak API, and MQTT protocol, A simple project to demonstrate the status of two
IoT devices communicating with a Web Server.
Module 3 6 Hours
Project Planning and Management
Project initiation, Project charter, Project planning, and implementation, Scheduling
and costing, Project monitoring and control, Project closure and reports.
Module 4 6 Hours
Intellectual Property Rights
Introduction and the need for intellectual property right (IPR) – Kinds of Intellectual
Property Rights, Elements of Patentability: Novelty, Non-Obviousness (Inventive
Steps), Industrial Application, Non - Patentable Subject Matter, Registration Procedure,
Patentability search methods, Patent landscape, Freedom-to-market, National IPR
Policy, Govt. initiatives and scheme in promoting IPR.
Course Project
Develop IoT-based prototypes (solutions) to solve any industrial or societal problems.
The prototype building is teamwork of 3-5 students. The goals should be clearly defined
and should use robust technologies and rigorous testing.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
21AEC308.1 Analyze the basics of IoT and protocols
21AEC308.2 Develop IoT-based prototypes to solve industrial and societal problems
21AEC308.3 Apply appropriate approaches to plan a new project and develop a project
21AEC308.4 Discuss the ethical aspects in IPR, Govt. policies on IPR, and conducting
patentability searches
21AEC308.5 Inculcate the teamwork and communication skills