HIS (8) WEEK 4 and 5
HIS (8) WEEK 4 and 5
HIS (8) WEEK 4 and 5
SUB-TOPICS: 1.Ife/Benin
2.Kanem Bornu/Hausa States
3.Igbo/ Niger Delta City States
Ife people and the good people of Benin empire related very well in the
following areas before the coming of the Europeans.
1. Marriage
2. Traditional relationship
3. Economy and trade relations.
4. Cordial relationship.
1. Marriage:
The marriage between Oranmiyan and a daughter of a noble Benin chief
sealed a permanent relationship between Ife kingdom and Benin empire.
From Eweka 1, the son of Oranmiyan and the first Oba of Benin, to the
present Oba of Benin, the lineage and linkage of Ife had remained
unbroken.The Oba of Benin as well as the Oni of Ife have the Are’ which is
a symbol of authority and of descendancy from Oduduwa of Ile Ife.
2. Traditional Relationship:
Through traditional affinity, Benin came in contact with some cultural
practices of Ife, administrative patterns and some religious beliefs. To
maintain this relationship, the severed head of a dead Benin Monarch
(Oba) was carried to Ife for burial. Oba of Benin was among those who got
a share of the disposable personal effects of a dead Ooni of Ife, because
he belongs to the Oduduwa dynasty or line of Kings.
4. Cordial Relationship:
The bond between Ife and Benin still exists. Benin relationship with Ife
kingdom was very cordial. It gave birth to trans cultural integration,
booming trade relations, inter-tribal marriages, peace accords and inter-
ethnic assistance at various times. Ife has always played a fatherly role
particularly as regards the recognition of a new Oba, shown tolerance with
a reigning Oba and respect for a dead Oba.
The fourteen Hausa states and Kanem Bornu empire related very well in
the following areas before the coming of Europeans.
1. Trade
2. Political organization.
3. Islam and origin of the two states.
4. Unification of the two states.
1. Trade
Kanem-Borno had some cultural similarities with the Hausa states,
particularly in language and Islamic religion. These helped to create good
trade relations.
The Hausa states and Kanem Bornu empire enjoyed trade relations
through the famous trans saharan trade which went through West Africa
states to the sahara desert down to Tripoli ( Libya ) in North Africa.
2. Political Organization
Through the Kanem Bornu, the Hausa states learnt centralized political
organization, where an absolute monarch with a council was in charge.
3. Islam and Origin of the two states: (Kanem-Borno and Hausa
states). The kingdom (Kanem-Borno) as early as the 11th century AD
embraced Islam through Mai Umme Jilme ( 1085-1097 AD).
The Hausa states which emerged around 800 AD have a lot of it’s historical
origin attached to Kanem Bornu.
It was believed that Bayajidda , a prince from Baghdad in the far east,
came to east of Borno from where he migrated to Daura and later founded
the Hausa states.