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Applied Sciences: Archetypal Use of Artificial Intelligence For Bridge Structural Monitoring

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Archetypal Use of Artificial Intelligence for Bridge
Structural Monitoring
Bernardino Chiaia 1,2 and Valerio De Biagi 1,2, *
1 DISEG, Department of Structural, Geotechnical and Building Engineering, Politecnico di Torino,
10129 Torino, Italy; bernardino.chiaia@polito.it
2 SISCON, Center for Safety of Infrastructures and Constructions, Politecnico di Torino, 10129 Torino, Italy
* Correspondence: valerio.debiagi@polito.it; Tel.: +39-011-0904842

Received: 31 August 2020; Accepted: 12 October 2020; Published: 14 October 2020 

Abstract: Structural monitoring is a research topic that is receiving more and more attention, especially
in light of the fact that a large part our infrastructural heritage was built in the Sixties and is aging
and approaching the end of its design working life. The detection of damage is usually performed
through artificial intelligence techniques. In contrast, tools for the localization and the estimation of
the extent of the damage are limited, mainly due to the complete datasets of damages needed for
training the system. The proposed approach consists in numerically generating datasets of damaged
structures on the basis of random variables representing the actions and the possible damages.
Neural networks were trained to perform the main structural monitoring tasks: damage detection,
localization, and estimation. The artificial intelligence tool interpreted the measurements on a real
structure. To simulate real measurements more accurately, noise was added to the synthetic dataset.
The results indicate that the accuracy of the measurement devices plays a relevant role in the quality
of the monitoring.

Keywords: structural health monitoring; damage detection; damage localization; hybrid approach;
neural network

1. Introduction
Modern society makes large use of civil infrastructures. Hydroelectric power generation
presupposes that dams are built along mountain valleys to store water. River and valleys are
crossed by bridges and viaducts, tunnels are built under mountains. Any engineered product, in
particular a structure such as a dam or a bridge, has a finite design working life. This means that
after a certain amount of time (e.g., half a century), large maintenance works are required, otherwise,
the structural safety reduces to unacceptable levels and the infrastructure must be destroyed or
abandoned [1]. Large efforts have been made by researchers to understand the phenomena that occur
on the infrastructures and the ageing processes acting on the structures, which reduce their bearing
capacity [2]. After decades of tests and a larger and solid knowledge base, modern structural design
philosophies account for the variability of the loads, the environmental effects on the structure, and the
possibility of accidental phenomena (such as earthquakes or fire) and impose strict prescription in
construction works to avoid the need of large maintenance works during the expected working life.
Nevertheless, it must be remembered that the larger part of the actual infrastructural heritage was
built in the Sixties, and it has had more than fifty years of service. Such structures suffer from two
major problems. First, it must be considered that loading and environmental scenarios not accounted
for during the design phase could have occurred, thus, the infrastructures can have experienced a
quicker ageing process. In fact, this results in costly maintenance or in abandonment before the end of
the design working life. Second, the infrastructures cannot be replaced in an economical manner since

Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 7157; doi:10.3390/app10207157 www.mdpi.com/journal/applsci

Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 7157 2 of 11

service inconveniences and high construction costs must be considered before planning the demolition
and the subsequent reconstruction [3]. Therefore, to lengthen the working period, a structural health
monitoring (SHM) framework must be implemented to detect the location and the extent of damage
on structures [3,4].
Briefly, SHM can be implemented through non-destructive or destructive techniques. The former
presupposes that continuous or discrete measurements are carried out during a time period and
modification of the trends are interpreted as the evolution of the damage. The latter implies that
samples of material (concrete, steel, reinforcement bars) are taken from the structure and tested in in
laboratories to determine the residual mechanical properties (uniaxial compression strength in concrete,
tensile strength in steel) [5]. The resulting information is implemented in numerical finite element
(FE) models of the structure, and the structural safety is assessed. Destructive investigations are also
required when there is the possibility that components buried in the structure, e.g., post-tensioned
tendons, are damaged. Referring to non-destructive methods, many approaches have been formulated,
mainly based on the study of the evolution of the dynamical properties (vibration frequencies and
damping) of the structure [6,7]. Details on the possible analysis techniques and their pros and cons can
be found in the specific literature (see, e.g., [7–9]).
As reported by Farrar and Worden [3], machine learning is a useful tool in SHM as it can
provide interesting insights into the following five hierarchical points: (i) detection of the damage,
(ii) localization of the damage, (iii) classification of the type of damage, (iv) evaluation of the extent of
the damage, and (v) prediction about the residual safety of the structure. Supervised and unsupervised
learning approaches can be implemented into a machine learning framework. Referring to the former,
it is mandatory that data from every conceivable damage situation should be available. In this sense,
all the five points previously enumerated can be implemented into an artificial intelligence framework.
In contrast, unsupervised learning can only be adopted for the detection of damage and, sometimes,
for the localization of the damage.
The comparison between statistical patterns of recorded data provides information about
the structural condition [10,11], provided that a calibration phase on an undamaged structure is
performed [12]. Pattern recognition of extracted features has been found effective for detecting
damages: various artificial intelligence techniques have been proposed, e.g., autoregressive models [13],
artificial neural networks [14], or support vector machines [15]. Novelty detection or anomaly detection
methods have been also largely adopted; some examples are provided in [16–19].
A recent review paper on the emerging artificial intelligence methods applied in structural
engineering was written by Salehi and Burgueno [20]; it concluded that the use of artificial intelligence
in feature extraction is a powerful tool in SHM [21].
The current approaches reveal that large datasets are needed to monitor a structure. In particular,
to detect a damage, structural information from when the damage was not present is required.
This reflects that the knowledge of at least one previous state of the system is needed to check for a
change in structural behavior, which can be interpreted through the approaches previously illustrated.
Obviously, this is not always possible since, usually, monitoring starts after the appearance of a defect
on a structure. This evidence suggests two major problems. On one side, to encompass all the possible
types of damage (location, type, and extent), a consistent amount of information related to a large
number of monitored structures is required. On the other, adopting unsupervised learning approaches
requires long time records on a single structure. The present paper proposes a hybrid approach that
helps to address these problems. The method allows for numerical modeling to simulate all the
possible damage configurations on a structure and for supervised learning to interpret the records of
sensors on a structure. Exploiting just a small part of the power of machine learning algorithms, in the
present paper, shallow neural networks (NN) [22] are adopted as learning machines for the analysis.
To be implemented in a real case, the fact that the measurements can be affected by errors must be
included in the analysis. Thus, random errors are included in the analysis.
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 7157 3 of 11

2. Methods
The current investigation involved, first, the generation of a synthetic dataset in which all the
parameters are known and, then, the training of learning tools to determine whether a structure is
damaged and where the damage is located.

2.1. Generation of the Synthetic Dataset

The numerical evaluation of displacements and vibration frequencies of undamaged and damaged
structural members onto which a moving load is acting was first performed. Such data served as
information for the training of neural networks devoted to the identification and the localization
of the damage. To this aim, a simple supported beam served as the reference structure for the test.
The choice of this scheme was based on the fact that this type of support was largely adopted in
historical bridge building and because of its inherent low damage tolerance as a statically determinate
structure. The beam was 30 m long, had a rectangular cross section (0.4 m × 1.5 m), and was constituted
by a material having elastic modulus E0 and density equal to 30 GPa and 2500 kg/m3 , respectively.
A moving load, namely P, whose position was identified through the variable xP , acted on the beam.
The magnitude of the load was not constant across the performed simulations: A uniform distribution
between 50 kN and 100 kN was attributed to P to simulate a real scenario of heterogeneous traffic.
A set of 30k simulations with moving load were performed using Matlab (MathWorks, Natick,
MA, USA) coupled to OpenSees solver [23]. A first subset of 10k simulations, namely Subset A,
related to an undamaged beam: In each simulation, the position and the magnitude of the load were
randomly modified. In the second subset of 10k simulations, Subset B, the damage was inserted.
To this purpose, the beam was split into 20 parts (elements) of equal length (1.5 m each). For beams
with stronger flexural resistance mechanisms, the parameter that rules the behavior of the system is
the flexural inertia, which is the product between the inertia moment around the flexural axis and the
elastic modulus of the material composing the cross section. Obviously, for elements made of materials
with different mechanical properties, such as reinforced concrete, it is possible to determine equivalent
inertia and elastic modulus values. Thus, the reduction of the cross section of the material, for example,
due to corrosion, can be simulated with a reduction of either the moment of inertia or the elastic
modulus [24]. A Lemaitre-Chaboche model [25] was adopted to simulate the damage. The damage
model is herein intended as a reduction of the elastic modulus of the cross section. The elastic modulus
of the damaged element is
Ed = (1 − d) E0 , (1)

where d is the damage parameter (d = 0 for undamaged, d = 1 for complete damage). For d = 1,
a mechanism forms and, thus, the equilibrium cannot be guaranteed. The possible range of the
damage parameter was set at [0;0.2]. Larger values are out of the scope of the present analysis since
our interest is in incipient damage rather than on already evolved damage. For each simulation,
the damaged element and the damage magnitude (parameter d) were randomly identified. The adopted
approach encompasses all the possible damages that can occur on reinforced concrete elements and
concrete elements with pretensioned tendons, which represent the major structural types of road
bridge infrastructures.
The third subset of data (Subset C, 10k entries) was represented by five simulations in which the
load P was located at different positions along the length of the damaged element once a damage was
assigned. In detail, for each entry of the dataset, the damaged element and the damage magnitude
were randomly identified, and the structure was solved for the load P at 1/5, 2/5, 3/5, and 4/5 of the
beam length. An additional extra simulation accounting for the beam with just a gravity load was
performed, and this condition is subsequently referred to as unloaded.
The structure was modeled as planar and discretized with 21 nodes and 20 beam-elements with
6 degrees-of-freedom each (3 for each end). The cross section and material properties were associated
to the elements. The mass of the beam was attributed to each node considering its tributary length.
An eigenvalue analysis was performed to determine the vibration modes, while a static analysis
served for the vertical displacements. For each simulation, the frequencies associated to the first three
vibration modes, namely f1, f2, and f3, and the rotations at the beam ends, at midspan, and at quarter
lengths were recorded (red points in Figure 1). The choice of measuring the rotations instead of the
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, follows
displacements 7157 the fact that on real structures inclinometers can be installed more easily4than
of 11
can displacement sensors. The presence (or not) of the damage, the position and the magnitude of
the moving load, the location and the intensity (d) of the damage, and the recorded frequencies and
The mass associated to the moving load was not considered at this stage. Figure 1 illustrates the beam
rotation constitute the synthetic dataset.
with its discretization.

Figure 1. Sketch of the reference beam structure. The bottom scheme illustrates the discretization. Red
Figure 1. Sketch of the reference beam structure. The bottom scheme illustrates the discretization. Red
nodes refer to the location of the inclinometers; green nodes refer to the location of the load P in the
nodes refer to the location of the inclinometers; green nodes refer to the location of the load P in the
third simulations subset (Subset C).
third simulations subset (Subset C).
An eigenvalue analysis was performed to determine the vibration modes, while a static analysis
2.2. Supervised Learning
served for the vertical displacements. For each simulation, the frequencies associated to the first three
vibration modes,the
To simulate namely f1 , f2 , andand
instrumental f3 , and the rotations
post-process at theinbeam
accuracy ends, at midspan,
real measurements, and at
a white quarter
noise was
applied to the data recorded in the simulations. It is supposed that the accuracy related to the
lengths were recorded (red points in Figure 1). The choice of measuring the rotations instead of
frequency followsdiffers
estimation the factfrom that the
on real structures
accuracy in the inclinometers can be installed
measured rotations. more
In detail, afreq easily
is the than
can displacement
amplitude sensors. The
of the accuracy appliedpresence
to each (orfrequency
not) of theanddamage, the half
arot is the position and theofmagnitude
amplitude the accuracy of
the moving
applied load,
to each the location
measured and the
rotation. Theintensity
modified (d)frequencies
of the damage, and the recorded
and rotations frequencies and
are, respectively,
rotation constitute the synthetic dataset.
fi n = fi + rnd(-afreq; +afreq) i=1,2,3
2.2. Supervised Learning φ n = φ + rnd(-arot; +arot) i=1,2,3
where Tofi simulate the instrumental
is a vibration frequency andand φ a post-process accuracy
rotation, rnd(l; in real number
u) is a random measurements,
generator a white noise
in the range
was applied
[l; u]. to the data recorded in the simulations. It is supposed that the accuracy related to the
frequency estimation differs from the accuracy in the measured rotations.
The obtained datasets served for the supervised learning of the neural networks In detail, a is the half
freq (NN). The
current of the accuracy
investigation applied
involved the to each frequency
training of three and arot isneural
different the halfnetworks
amplitude to of the accuracy
solve different
applied to each measured rotation. The modified frequencies and rotations are, respectively,
problems in damage identification. The number of hidden neurons reflects the size of the input and
output dataset [26], avoiding ann excessive number of hidden units. The three considered networks
fi = fi + rnd(−afreq ; + afreq ) i = 1,2,3
were: (2)
ϕ = ϕ + rnd(−arot ; + arot )
n i = 1,2,3
• Step 1: understanding whether the system is damaged or not. To this aim, a two-layers feed
where fi is a vibration frequency and ϕa rotation, rnd(l; u) is a random number generator in the range [l; u].
forward neural network-based classifier with 10 sigmoid hidden neurons and a softmax output
The obtained datasets served for the supervised learning of the neural networks (NN). The current
neuron was built. Subset A and Subset B were used to train the neural network. In detail, the
investigation involved the training of three different neural networks to solve different problems
datasets were merged and shuffled. A two-variables state vector with values {−1; +1} identifies
in damage identification. The number of hidden neurons reflects the size of the input and output
if the system is undamaged (−1) or damaged (+1). The supervised learning consisted in splitting
dataset [26], avoiding an excessive number of hidden units. The three considered networks were:
the entire dataset (20k entries) into three groups: 14k served for training, 3k for validation, and
• 3k for1:testing.
Step The Levenberg–Marquardt
understanding whether the system with Bayesian or
is damaged regularization
not. To thisalgorithm was adopted
aim, a two-layers feed
to train the
forward neural
neural network [27].classifier with 10 sigmoid hidden neurons and a softmax output
neuron was built. Subset A and Subset B were used to train the neural network. In detail,
the datasets were merged and shuffled. A two-variables state vector with values {−1; +1} identifies
if the system is undamaged (−1) or damaged (+1). The supervised learning consisted in splitting
the entire dataset (20k entries) into three groups: 14k served for training, 3k for validation, and 3k
for testing. The Levenberg–Marquardt with Bayesian regularization algorithm was adopted to
train the neural network [27].
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 7157 5 of 11
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, x 5 of 11

•• Step 2: identifying
identifying the
the location
location ofof the damage. To To this aim, a two-layers
two-layers feed forward neural
network with 16 sigmoid hidden neurons and a linear output network network was was built.
built. Subset
was used to train the network. In detail, the subset was offset in such a way that the contribution
of the imposed strains (due, for example, to thermal effects) was compensated for: The measured
rotations when load P acts are
rotations are subtracted
subtracted fromfrom thethe rotations
rotations in
in the
the unloaded
unloaded case.
case. The input
training dataset
training dataset consisted
consisted of of 7k entries, while
while the output consisted
consisted of a vector
vector containing the
location of themidpoint
midpoint of of
thethe damaged
damaged element.
element. TheThe supervised
supervised training
training was validated
was validated and
and tested
with with the remaining
remaining 3k entries3k(1.5k
for (1.5k for validation
validation andtesting).
and 1.5k for 1.5k forThe testing). The Levenberg–
with with
Bayesian Bayesian regularization
regularization algorithm was algorithm
adoptedwas adopted
to train to trainnetwork.
the neural the neural network.
•• Step 3: identifying
magnitudeofofthe damage.
the damage. ToTo
aim, a neural
aim, a neuralnetwork
networksimilar to the
similar to one
one for Step
adopted 2 was
for Step builtbuilt
2 was and and
trained. The The
trained. offset Subset
offset C was
Subset C wassplitsplit
three groups
three andand
groups the
the consisted
training of fitting
consisted thethe
of fitting output,
output, i.e., the
i.e., themagnitude
magnitudeofofthe thedamage,
damage,withwith the
the measured
inputs (frequencies
(frequencies and
and rotations).
Figure 22 summarizes
summarizes the the subsets
subsets and
and the
the performed
performed analyses.
analyses. The The shallow
shallow neural
neural networks
networks werewere
built and trained
built and trained in
in aa MATLAB
adoptingthe thebuilt-in
functions.ToTo highlight
highlight thethe effects
effects of
of the accuracy of the inputs, various half amplitudes, i.e., a freq and arot, were tested. In detail, the term
the accuracy of the inputs, various half amplitudes, i.e., afreq and arot , were tested. In detail, the term
related to
to the
the vibration
vibration frequencies
frequencies ranged
ranged between
between 0.001
0.001 HzHz and and 11 Hz,
Hz, while
while the
the term
term related
related toto the
measured inclination ranged between 0.001°
measured inclination ranged between 0.001 and 1 . ◦ and 1°.

Figure 2. Scheme of the datasets adopted for the training of the neural networks for each step of the
Figure 2. Scheme of the datasets adopted for the training of the neural networks for each step of the
structural monitoring.
structural monitoring.
3. Results
3. Results
The analyses showed a large variety of trends and dependencies on the accuracy of the estimated
frequenciesanalyses showed a rotations.
and measured large variety The of proposed
trends andparametric
dependencies on theonly
analysis accuracy
relates of to
frequencies and measured rotations.
dataset of each neural network training process. The proposed parametric analysis only relates to the testing
dataset of each neural network training process.
Referring to the identification of the presence of damage, the quality of the classification between
Referring to the identification
damaged and undamaged of thethrough
was measured presencethe ofmisclassification
damage, the qualityerror.ofFigure
the classification between
3 plots the confusion
damaged and undamaged was measured through the misclassification error.
matrix for afreq = 0.01 Hz and arot = 0.1 . The testing dataset was constituted by 1455 undamaged and
◦ Figure 3 plots the
1545 damaged matrix for afor
beams, freq = 0.01 Hz and arot = 0.1°. The testing dataset was constituted by 1455
a total of 3000 structures. In the green cells, the number of true positives
undamaged and 1545 damaged
(the NN predicts damage on a structure beams, that
for aistotal of damaged)
really 3000 structures. In the
and true green cells,
negatives (the NN the predicts
number no of
true positives (the NN predicts damage on a structure that is really damaged) and
damage on a structure that is really undamaged) are reported. The red cells highlight the false positivestrue negatives (the
(the predicts
NN no damage
NN predicts damage onona structure
a structurethatthat,
is really undamaged)
on the contrary, isareundamaged)
reported. The andredfalse
the false positives (the NN predicts damage on a structure that, on the contrary,
(the NN predicts no damage on a structure that, on the contrary, is damaged). The misclassification is undamaged) and
false negatives (the NN predicts no damage on a structure that, on the contrary,
error, i.e., the percentage of false values (199) with the respect to the number of tested cases (3000), is damaged). The
was error, i.e.,
6.63% and is reported in the
red percentage of falsecell.
in the bottom-right values
The(199) with the respect
misclassification to the
error was number
adopted of
as an
tested cases (3000), was 6.63% and is reported in red in the bottom-right cell.
indicator of the performance of the capacity of the system to identify whether the beam is damaged. The misclassification
error was adopted as an indicator of the performance of the capacity of the system to identify whether
the beam is damaged.
The misclassification error was evaluated for various accuracies of the vibration frequencies and
rotations. Figure 4 depicts a contour plot of the error for the considered ranges of variables. Contour
lines, which identify an equal amount of error, parallel to one axis denote that the variable
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, x 6 of 11

represented in the axis does not influence the performance of the classification. That is, for precise
rotation measurements
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 7157 or for definite vibration frequencies estimation, the influence of the accuracy
6 of 11
of the other data is negligible, as the contour lines are parallel to the X and Y axes, respectively.
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, x 6 of 11

represented in the axis does not influence the performance of the classification. That is, for precise
rotation measurements or for definite vibration frequencies estimation, the influence of the accuracy
of the other data is negligible, as the contour lines are parallel to the X and Y axes, respectively.

Figure 3. Example of a confusion matrix for afreq = 0.01 Hz and arot = 0.1◦ . Dam and Undam refer to the
Figure and undamaged
3. Example structure,
of a confusion respectively.
matrix TheHz
for afreq = 0.01 percentages in theDam
and arot = 0.1°. greyand
can be refer
to the
as “precision”, “specificity”, and so forth (check [28] for each single term).
damaged and undamaged structure, respectively. The percentages in the grey cells can be interpreted
as “precision”, “specificity”, and so forth (check [28] for each single term).
The misclassification error was evaluated for various accuracies of the vibration frequencies
and rotations. Figure 4 depicts a contour plot of the error for the considered ranges of variables.
Contour lines,
Figure which identify
3. Example an equal
of a confusion amount
matrix for afreqof= error,
0.01 Hzparallel
and arot =to0.1°.
Undam thatrefer
the to
damaged in and
the undamaged
axis does not influence
structure, the performance
respectively. of theinclassification.
The percentages That
the grey cells can is, for precise
be interpreted
as measurements or for definite
“precision”, “specificity”, and sovibration frequencies
forth (check estimation,
[28] for each single term).the influence of the accuracy of
the other data is negligible, as the contour lines are parallel to the X and Y axes, respectively.

Figure 4. Misclassification error (in percentage) as a function of the accuracy in the estimation of the
vibration frequency and in the measure of the rotation on log-log axes.

Referring to Step 2 and Step 3 simulations, the root-mean-squared error (RMSE) is the parameter
that describes the precision in the location of the damage and its magnitude. The RMSE is defined as
Figure Misclassificationerror
percentage)asasa afunction
vibration frequency and in the measure RMSE
of the= ∑
rotation 𝑂
on − 𝑇
vibration frequency and in the measure of the rotation on log-log axes. ,axes. (3)

where N is the number2 of

Referring testing3entries (3k for theroot-mean-squared
present case), T is the target value, and O is the
Step 2and
Step 3simulations,
simulations,the the root-mean-squarederror error(RMSE)
that value fromprecision
the trained neural network. Figure 5 illustrates the regression plot related to afreq =
describesthethe precisionininthe
damageand anditsitsmagnitude.
0.001 Hz and arot = 0.001°. Each circle corresponds to a couple (T;O)i. The dashed red line relates to the
perfect fitting, i.e., the output equals the RMSE
target. 1= Psquared
∑ 𝑂 − 𝑇2 ,tends to reduce for damage located
RMSE = The N error
i=1 (Oi − Ti ) ,
at the midspan (target). N
where N is the number of testing entries (3k for the present case), T is the target value, and O is the
where N is the number of testing entries (3k for the present case), T is the target value, and O is the output
output value from the trained neural network. Figure 5 illustrates the regression plot related to afreq =
value from the trained neural network. Figure 5 illustrates the regression plot related to afreq = 0.001 Hz
0.001 Hz and arot = 0.001°. Each circle corresponds to a couple (T;O)i. The dashed red line relates to the
perfect fitting, i.e., the output equals the target. The squared error tends to reduce for damage located
at the midspan (target).
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 7157 7 of 11

and arot = 0.001◦ . Each circle corresponds to a couple (T;O)i . The dashed red line relates to the perfect
fitting, i.e.,
Appl. Sci.the
10, x equals the target. The squared error tends to reduce for damage located
7 of 11at the
Appl. Sci. 2020,
midspan (target). 10, x 7 of 11

Figure 5. Regression plot related to afreq = 0.001 Hz and arot = 0.001°. RMSE: root-mean-squared error.

The same analysis was repeated, varying the accuracy variables in the aforementioned range.
As can 5. beRegression plot related
seen from Equation (2),to afreq
the = 0.001 Hz and arot
root-mean-squared = 0.001
◦ . RMSE: root-mean-squared error.
for damage location is a quantity with
Figure 5. Regression plot related to afreq = 0.001 Hz and arot = 0.001°. RMSE: root-mean-squared error.
a physical dimension. The parameter related to damage location is in meters, while the parameter
related same analysis
to damage was repeated,
magnitude varying
has the same the accuracy
physical dimensionvariables
as d, i.e., itinis the aforementioned
dimensionless. Figure 6range.
As can The same analysis was repeated, varying the accuracy variables in the aforementioned range.
reports the values of the errors for damage location and damage magnitude. It can be noted that with
be seen from Equation (2), the root-mean-squared error for damage location is a quantity
aAs can be seen
damage fromlargely
location Equation
Thedepends(2), the
parameter on root-mean-squared
the to damage
accuracy error for
in the measure damage
of theis in location
rotation while
of the is athe
beam, quantity it with
a physical
is roughly
related dimension.
to damage unaffected The parameter
by thehas
magnitude accuracy
the samerelated to
in thephysicaldamage
frequency location
dimension is in meters,
d, i.e., while the parameter
consideration canFigure
it is dimensionless. be 6
reports to
for damage
values magnitude
of the errorshasforthe same physical
damage locationdimension
and damage as d,magnitude.
i.e., it is dimensionless.
It can be noted Figure
reports location
damage the values
It should beof
largelythe errors
depends for
on damage
the accuracylocation
datasets and
in thewithout damage
measure any magnitude.
the = 0It
i.e., afreqof
rotation can
the be= noted
beam, 0, the it
while that
misclassification errordepends
drops to on 2%,thetheaccuracy
root-mean-squared errors of related to damage location and
roughly unaffected by the accuracy in the frequency estimation. The opposite consideration can beit
damage location largely in the measure the rotation of the beam, while
is roughly are 0.47by
unaffected m and 0.001, respectively.
the accuracy in the frequency estimation. The opposite consideration can be
drawn for damage magnitude.
drawn for damage magnitude.
It should be mentioned that considering datasets without any errors, i.e., afreq = 0 and arot = 0, the
misclassification error drops to 2%, the root-mean-squared errors related to damage location and
magnitude are 0.47 m and 0.001, respectively.

(a) (b)
Figure 6. Root-mean-squarederrors
6. Root-mean-squared errors for
accuracy of the
of thefrequency in theinrange
frequency the 0.001
rangeHz to 1 Hz
0.001 Hz to 1
Hz and the accuracy
accuracy ofofthe rotation
the in the
rotation in range 0.001°0.001
the range to 1°.◦Into(a)1◦the root-mean-squared
. In error, in meters,
(a) the root-mean-squared error, in
meters, to damage
related to damage location is proposed.
location In (b)
is proposed. the the
In (b) root-mean-squared
root-mean-squared errorerror
related to damage
related to damage
magnitude is reported.
magnitude is reported.

(a) (b)
Figure 6. Root-mean-squared errors for the accuracy of the frequency in the range 0.001 Hz to 1 Hz
and the accuracy of the rotation in the range 0.001° to 1°. In (a) the root-mean-squared error, in meters,
related to damage location is proposed. In (b) the root-mean-squared error related to damage
magnitude is reported.
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 7157 8 of 11

It should be mentioned that considering datasets without any errors, i.e., afreq = 0 and arot = 0,
the misclassification error drops to 2%, the root-mean-squared errors related to damage location and
magnitude are 0.47 m and 0.001, respectively.

4. Discussions and Conclusions

Tests on a simply supported beam subjected to damage provided interesting insights into the
possibility of implementing a hybrid method consisting of numerical simulations and real measurements
for monitoring the state of conservation of a structure. Real measures can be, for example, recorded
during the motion of a vehicle over the beam.
Referring to the detection of damage, Figure 4 details the relative importance between precision
in the estimation of the vibration frequencies and the accuracy in the measured inclinations. In this
sense, the performed analyses highlight that the most relevant information is provided by the dynamic
properties of the system, i.e., the vibration frequencies if the accuracy in their evaluation is smaller
than 5 × 10−2 Hz, otherwise both static (inclination) and dynamic information are needed.
With reference to the localization of the damage, the precision in the measurements of the inclination
of the beam represents the key aspect for the determination of the position of the damage. For accurate
measurements (around 1 × 10−3 degrees), it is expected that the accuracy of the localization is around
6 m, independent from the precision in the evaluation of the vibration frequencies. The accuracy
is more or less 30% of the beam length. For more rough measurements, i.e., an accuracy of about
1 × 10−2 degrees or larger, the expected precision is around 40% of the beam length. This appears to be
sufficient for a rough localization of the damage and a good input for other traditional techniques,
say material sampling.
Referring to the extent of the damage, the finer the evaluation of the frequencies, the more precise
the amount of damage. The accuracy of inclination measurements does not undermine the estimation
of the extent of the damage.
Interesting comparisons can be drawn between the results of the present investigation with
those of other studies found in the literature. The obtained results are in agreement with the studies
performed by Neves and colleagues [24] on a numerical model of a railway bridge subjected to damage.
In their case, they found that the accuracy of the trained classification neural network is very high if
the damage extends along the beam for 3.5% of the beam length, roughly similar to the case herein
analyzed (5%). The results, although applied to different structures, are similar. The dependency of the
results on the dynamic properties is in accordance with Rageh et al. [29], who trained a neural network
using a dataset of numerical time series solutions of a damaged bridge structure.
The importance of training the artificial intelligence system with processed data is a key aspect
in damaged/undamaged classification. Cury et al. [30] determined an increase of the quality of the
classification process by adopting modal data, i.e., processed information rather than raw accelerations.
The same results were found in the present analysis: The classification error depicted in Figure 4 shows
that the accuracy of the system was sensitive to the precision of the estimated frequencies, which are
processed data, rather than to the measured inclinations, which are raw measures. The importance of a
full analysis of the influence of sensors precision on the accuracy of the system improved the results of
Yan et al. [31], who limited their analysis to 1% and 3% noise relative amplitude.
The possibility of using computational mechanics methods for building datasets for training
the artificial intelligence system aims at overcoming the problem of having sets of measures on
damaged structures. This point was precisely pointed out by Cheung et al. [21], who showed that the
autoregressive algorithm provides precise indication, provided that the system previously experienced
damage. In civil engineering structures, this is not possible, since there is no possibility of damaging
a structure without causing its destruction. An example of modelling the damage on a recoverable
structural element is proposed by Shahsavari et al. [32]. Although interesting and a harbinger of
suggestions, their experimental campaign is tailored for the single tested steel element, rather than to
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 7157 9 of 11

a complete frame structure. Hence, the present approach is a tentative implementation of existing
techniques for wider use of artificial intelligence for structural health monitoring.
Appl. highlighted
2020, 10, x by Salehi and Burgueno [20], the majority of the studies focusing on the use
9 of 11 of
pattern recognition for SHM serve to detect damage. The localization of the damage and its extent are
possible This
the result ofonthethe
that the structural behavior
of the damage is directly
is not known adependent
priori on onthedamage
location. In this sense, artificial intelligence can play an integrated role with
This is the result of the fact that the structural behavior is directly dependent on damage location. structural numerical
In modeling.
this sense, artificial intelligence can play an integrated role with structural numerical modeling.
TheThe noveltyof
novelty of the
the proposed
approach consists in the
consists infact
the that servers
dataset thatforservers
the learning algorithm comes from numerical analyses, rather than from observations on the
training the learning algorithm comes from numerical analyses, rather than from observations on
structure. A set of damage configurations (location and extent) are modelled and the resulting
the structure. A set of damage configurations (location and extent) are modelled and the resulting
structural displacements and dynamical properties are used for supervised training, in the present
structural displacements and dynamical properties are used for supervised training, in the present
case, of a shallow neural network. In this sense, the use of machine learning can be enlarged to
case, of a shallow neural network. In this sense, the use of machine learning can be enlarged to damage
damage location and damage extent. The proposed approach was aimed at overcoming the
location and damage extent. The proposed approach was aimed at overcoming the limitations that
limitations that emerged in the previous studies. Although theoretical, the approach can be applied
emerged in thestructures
for studying previous thatstudies. Although
are very similar theoretical, the approach
(in construction engineering cantwobestructures
applied for studying
cannot be
structures that are very similar (in construction engineering two structures cannot
identical since there is always human intervention in the construction process). This is the case, for be identical since
there is always
example, human
of the intervention
overpasses in the A21
of Highway construction process). This is the
“Torino-Piacenza-Brescia” case,
in the for example,
Northwest of the
of Italy.
overpasses of Highway A21 “Torino-Piacenza-Brescia” in the Northwest of Italy.
Here, there are several overpasses that are coeval and have the same structural scheme, details, and Here, there are several
techniques that are coeval
(Figure 7). Theand have
design of the
suchsame structural was
infrastructures scheme, details,byand
performed Dott.techniques
Ing. Gervaso(Figure
[33]. 7).
hybridof approach
such infrastructures was performed
herein proposed fits well with bymonitoring
Dott. Ing. such
Gervaso types[33]. The hybrid
of structures, forapproach
herein proposed
an in-depth fits well with
preliminary studymonitoring
and a detailedsuchnumerical
types of structures,
modeling can for which an in-depth
be performed. preliminary
The simulated
study dataset can
and a detailed be considered
numerical modelingfor a can
largebenumber of similar
performed. The real structures.
simulated Future dataset
structural studies oncana be
real monitored
considered structure
for a large numberare planned,
of similar asreal
as tests on more
Future complex
on a real types, for example,
monitored structure
areportal frames.
planned, as well as tests on more complex structural types, for example, portal frames.

Figure Street
7. 7.
Figure Streetview
overpasses of the Italian
of the ItalianHighway
Google Maps).

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, B.C. and V.D.B.; methodology, software, validation, formal analysis,
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, B.C. and V.D.B.; methodology, software, validation, formal analysis,
writing—original draft
draft preparation,V.D.B.;
preparation, V.D.B.;writing—review
writing—review and
and editing,
authorshave read
have read
and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This
This research
research receivedno
received noexternal

Conflicts of of
Interest: The
Interest: authors
The authorsdeclare
of interest.

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