Induction Heating Process
Induction Heating Process
Induction Heating Process
During the thixoforming process, it is very important to obtain a uniform temperature, which affects the uniformity of
the solid fraction, throughout the billet. Consequently, a heating method that can provide a suitable temperature profile
throughout the billet must be chosen. Other parameters that must be considered include heating time (in order to
minimize the total processing time), the level of control, and temperature consistency. An optimal design of the
induction coil has been identified that best meets these criteria. In a previous study, the theoretical optimal coil design
was verified through the FEM simulation of the induction heating process by using a general purpose finite element
analysis code, ANSYS. So, in this study, the suitability of the coil design was also demonstrated by conducting
induction-heating experiments. The optimal reheating conditions to apply the thixoforming (thixoforging and semisolid die
casting) process were investigated by varying the reheating time, the holding time, the reheating temperatures, the
capacity of the induction heating system, and the size of the adiabatic material. The final holding time was observed
to be the most important factor in obtaining a fine globular microstructure and to prevent coarsening in the three-step
reheating process.
Table III. Designed Dimensions of Induction Heating (mm).[20,21] Thermocouple holes (2-mm diameter) to mea-
Device ( f 5 60 Hz, d 5 10.7 mm,[18] l 5 70 mm, and k sure the temperature are accurately machined at 45 mm from
5 0.58) the surface of the billet and at 10 mm from the lateral of
Minimum the billet. To accurately control the temperature of the SSM,
Billet Coil Inner Heating Optimal K-type CA thermocouples (sheath type) of w 1.6 mm are
Diameter Diameter Length Coil Length inserted into the billet. Thermocouples are calibrated by
(d, mm) (Di , mm) (lw , mm) (H, mm) means of being inserted into water of 100 8C. The accuracy
76 100 141 166 to 216 of thermocouples is approximately 0.2 pct. Data logger TDS-
302 (Tokyo Sokki Kenkyuio Co., Ltd.) was used to receive
the data, and the heating temperature was set to the datum
at thermocouple position (b) in Figure 1.
Table IV. Chemical Compositions of ALTHIX 86S To determine the optimal reheating conditions, the follow-
ing parameters were used for the globularization of the
Si Fe Cu Mn Mg Cr Zn Ti Pb microstructure and a small temperature gradient: the capacity
Minimum (pct) 5.5 — 2.5 — 0.30 — — — — of the induction heating system (Q), the reheating time (ta),
Maximum (pct) 6.5 0.15 3.5 0.03 0.40 — 0.05 0.20 0.03 the holding temperature (Th), the holding time (th), the reheat-
ing step, and the adiabatic material size. The reheating exper-
iments were performed under the conditions in Table V. The
meanings of the symbols used in Table V are the same as
those shown in Figure 3.
Fig. 8—(a) through (c) Microstructure in three-step reheating process of semisolid aluminum alloy (86S, fS 5 55 pct, ta1 5 4 min, ta2 5 3 min, ta3 5 1
min, Th1 5 350 8C, Th2 5 567 8C, Th3 5 578 8C, th1 5 1 min, th2 5 3 min, and Q 5 5.544 kW).
Fig. 9—(a) through (c) Microstructure in three-step reheating process of Fig. 10—Temperature distributions in three-step reheating process of semi-
semisolid aluminum alloy (experiment 18, 86S, fS 5 55 pct, ta1 5 4 min, solid aluminum alloy ( fS 5 50 pct, ta1 5 4 min, ta2 5 3 min, ta3 5 1 min
ta2 5 3 min, ta3 5 2 min, Th1 5 350 8C, Th2 5 567 8C, Th3 5 578 8C, th1 Th1 5 350 8C, Th2 5 572 8C, Th3 5 582 8C, th1 5 1 min, th2 5 3 min, th3
5 1 min, th2 5 3 min, th3 5 2 min, and Q 5 5.544 kW). 5 3 min, and Q 5 5.544 kW).
growth and coalescence due to longer holding time than that is not a good condition because the size of the solid grain
of experiment 28. is small, but the globularization of the microstructure is not
obtained. As shown in Figure 6, two-step reheating also is
not relevant due to the lack of sufficient holding time to
allow for the separation between solid and liquid before
and after phase change and for globularization of a small
Through reheating experiments for fs 5 50 and 55 pct, it Si particle.
was found that the higher the solid fraction, the worse the The holding time of the final step is very important in
accuracy of globularization, but the boundary between the the three-step reheating process. As shown in Figures 8(a)
solid regions and the liquid regions is clear. and (b), if the holding time of the final step is short, the
Figure 12 shows the micrographs magnified to the scale microstructure of the globularization is not obtained or not
of 1000 to observe the eutectic microstructure of experiments accurate due to the lack of sufficient holding time for the
17 and 28, which obtained the finest globular microstructure separation between a solid and a liquid, before and after
for fs 5 55 and 50 pct. Figures 12(a) and (b) show that the phase change, and for globularization by the growth of a
eutectic is melted completely. Therefore, it was found that small Si primary crystal. On the other hand, if the holding
the eutectic must be melted completely at over 572 8C (com-
time of the final step is too long, the microstructure becomes
plete eutectic melting temperature of ALTHIX 86S alloy),
coarse due to the growth and coalescence of solid regions
and the reheating time for the complete eutectic melting is
necessary to obtain a fine globular microstructure. The rise rather than the refining of globular Si primary crystal,[22] as
in temperature does not occur until a sufficient amount of shown in Figure 11(a). Therefore, the optimal holding time
thermal energy to melt the eutectic is provided because so of the final step to obtain a fine globular microstructure
much thermal energy and time are necessary to melt the without agglomeration is 3 minutes.
eutectic.[14,15] Before and after the melting of the eutectic, Figure 13 shows the optimal reheating conditions to obtain
the solid fraction changes rapidly, and a rapid temperature a fine globular microstructure that is available for thixoform-
rise occurs when the eutectic is melted. Due to this tempera- ing according to the alloys and specimen sizes. Compared
ture rise, controlling the reheating temperature is difficult. to the reheating conditions performed by using A356 alloys
Therefore, to homogeneously control the temperature distri- with d 3 l 5 39 3 85 (mm) and d 3 l 5 76 3 60 (mm)
bution and the solid fraction of the SSM, the billet must be by Kang et al.[14] by whom the finest globular microstructure
reheated in three steps. is obtained in one-step reheating conditions (ta1 5 10 min,
It was found that in the case of the ALTHIX 86S alloy th1 5 2 min, Th1 5 5738C, Q 5 3.3 kW) for d 3 l 5 39 3
with d 3 l 5 76 3 70 (mm) (Figure 5), one-step reheating 85 (mm) and in two-step reheating conditions (ta1 5 8 min,
Fig. 13—Input data diagram of optimal reheating conditions to obtain the globular microstructure for variation of alloys and specimen size.