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International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 46 (2013) 27–30

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International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer

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Experimental investigations on thermal performance enhancement and effect of

orientation on porous matrix filled PCM based heat sink☆
Rajesh Baby 1, C. Balaji ⁎
Heat Transfer and Thermal Power Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai 600036, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Available online 5 June 2013 Thermal performance in terms of enhancement ratios and the effect of orientation of a copper porous matrix
filled phase change material (PCM) based heat sink are experimentally studied in this paper. N-eicosane is
Keywords: used as the phase change material. A copper open cell metal foam, press fitted into an aluminium casing is
Phase change material (PCM) the thermal conductivity enhancer. In PCM based heat sinks, low thermal conductivity associated with
Thermal management PCMs makes the use of enhancement techniques inevitable for better thermal performance. A plate heater
with an overall dimension of 60 × 42 mm2 with 2 mm thickness is used to mimic the heat generation in elec-
Heat sink
Enhancement ratio
tronic chips. The effect of orientation of the heat sink on thermal performance is studied by developing a
tracking system, capable of placing the heat sink at any specified orientation.
© 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction the experimental study using metal matrix and expanded graphite as
the TCE, Zhou and Zhao [10] observed that during melting, the metal
Leapfrogging in thermal management solutions is essential in order foams can double the heat transfer rate when they used in conjunction
to achieve headway in the packing density challenges associated with with the PCMs such as paraffin wax RT 27 and calcium chloride
rapid growth of electronics. Phase change material based cooling is a hexahydrate.
passive thermal management technique with a tremendous potential The effect of orientation on the performance of PCM based heat sinks
and is important when considering the global concerns about environ- has been investigated by various researchers for finned heat sinks
mental impact. When a PCM is selected for a particular application, its [4,11]. Wang et al. [12], numerically, studied the effect of orientation
melting temperature should be below the maximum operating temper- on the thermal performance of PCM based plate fin heat sink using a
ature of the device. PCM based cooling methodology can be applied in two-dimensional physical model. Paraffin wax was used as the PCM.
many areas and also to thermal management of portable electronic The evolution of melt fraction with time for various orientation angles
equipment such as mobile phones [1], laptops, personal digital assis- was used to quantify the effect on heat transfer performance.
tants and so on. The preceding review reiterates the fact that experimental studies
In the recent past, PCM based cooling has attracted the interest on the thermal performance of porous matrix filled PCM based heat
of many researchers because of the large latent heat storage capacity of sinks are scarce and even fewer experimental studies that analyze the
the PCMs and the tremendous prospects it enjoys in terms of applica- effect of orientation on the performance of such heat sinks are reported
tions. In PCM based heat sinks, a base material with high thermal con- in literature. In this paper, we experimentally studied the effect of ori-
ductivity is used in conjunction with the PCM in order to compensate entation on heat transfer performance in terms of time to reach a set
for the very low thermal conductivity of PCMs. The use of the base mate- point temperature for a copper porous matrix filled PCM based heat
rial (also known as thermal conductivity enhancer (TCE)) can be in the sink by extensive experimentation for different orientations of the
form of different types of fins [2–6]. Fukai et al. [7] used carbon fibers dis- heat sink using a tracking system developed in house. Furthermore,
tributed in PCMs in order to enhance the thermal conductivity of energy the enhanced thermal performance of the PCM based composite heat
storage media. In order to improve the thermal energy storage, Nomura sink is quantified in terms of two enhancement ratios.
et al. [8] experimentally studied the impregnation of porous material
with PCM. Prieto et al. [9] reported the thermal properties of graphite 2. Experimental setup
flakes/ metal composites for thermal management applications. From
The heat sink is made from an aluminium slab with an overall
dimension of 80 × 62 mm2 base with height of 25 mm using the con-
☆ Communicated by A.R. Balakrishnan and T. Basak.
⁎ Corresponding author.
ventional milling process. The thickness of the side wall is 7 mm and
E-mail address: balaji@iitm.ac.in (C. Balaji). the internal cavity is available for a height of 20 mm. As the same copper
Research scholar. metal foam [13] is used in the present study, the same data is used for

0735-1933/$ – see front matter © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
28 R. Baby, C. Balaji / International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 46 (2013) 27–30

the characterization of the metal foam. For the copper metal matrix con- epoxy. All the thermocouples are connected to a PC- based data acqui-
sidered for the present study, number of pores per inch (PPI) = 10, sition unit. The power input to the plate heater is supplied from an inde-
thickness = 20 mm, porosity = 0.86, pore diameter = 4.73 mm and pendently controlled DC power unit. The uncertainties in the voltage
the fiber diameter = 0.71 mm. A photograph of the copper metal and the current measurements are ±0.1 V and ±0.01 A respectively.
foam fitted into the cavity made of aluminium used in the present The uncertainty in the temperature measurement is ±0.2 °C. The un-
study is given in Fig. 1. Because of the difficulties and high cost associat- certainty in the derived quantities is estimated, based on the uncertain-
ed with brazing the metal foams [14], only press fitting of the metal ty of primary quantities [15]. For heat input, the resulting uncertainty is
foam is employed in this study. The phase change material used is found to be ±3.2%.
n-eicosane with a melting temperature of 36.5 °C. As the porosity is
0.86, the volume fraction of the thermal conductivity enhancer i.e., the 2.1. Tracking mechanism
ratio of the total volume of copper metal foam to the empty heat sink
volume is 14%. Except the top surface of the heat sink, the other sides A tracking mechanism is designed and fabricated, in order to study
of the heat sink are insulated with cork. A perspex sheet with an overall the effect of orientation on heat transfer performance. A photograph
dimension of 80 × 62 mm2 with a thickness of 5 mm is kept at the top of the tracking mechanism used in the present study is given in Fig. 2.
of the heat sink. On all the sides of the perspex sheet and in the area of The tracking mechanism is made of aluminium. Four rubber mountings
contact between the top perspex sheet and the metal casing, a silica are used at the base for better stability and also to make the levelling
sealant is employed, in order to prevent any possible leakage of the easy. The levelling is aided by the use of a spirit level. The heat sink as-
PCM during tilting of the heat sink. The solidification and melting pat- sembly is mounted on the shaft, provided at the top of the tracking
terns of the PCM are clearly seen with the use of perspex sheet. The mechanism and two bearings are kept inside the block to enable
sheet is attached to the heat sink using six bolts, each with a diameter smooth rotation of the shaft. The rotation of the shaft is calibrated in
of 4 mm. In the 2 mm recess provided at the heat sink base, a plate heat- terms of orientation angles with the help of the angle indicator ring
er with an overall dimension of 60 × 42 mm2 with 2 mm thickness is fixed to the aluminium block. The rectangular base of the tracking
used to mimic the heat generation in electronic chips. The plate heater mechanism is made of mild steel and is fixed to the aluminium block
is made up of a standard coil-type nichrome wire wound over mica with the help of four M4 screws. The heat sink is kept at the required
sheet. Before fixing the plate heater, a thermal paste is employed, orientation with the help of a tightening screw.
in order to avoid contact resistance. A heat sink filled with PCM, without
a metal matrix and a copper porous matrix filled heat sink without any 3. Results and discussion
PCM are used for baseline comparisons. A total of 11 chromel-alumel K-
type calibrated thermocouples are used to measure the temperature at 3.1. Effect of metal foam and PCM on heat transfer performance
various locations of the heat sink and these thermocouples are fixed in
position using araldite epoxy. In order to evaluate the effect of metal foams and PCM on the heat
Two thermocouples are kept at the heat sink base near the plate transfer performance of the heat sink, two enhancement ratios are de-
heater, in order to record the temperature of the heat producing com- fined. The enhancement ratio is defined as ratio of the operation time
ponent, as the plate heater mimics the heat generation in electronic of the heat sink with metal matrix filled with PCM to that of a heat
equipment. Four thermocouples are kept at the heat sink side wall sink, without the metal matrix, but filled with PCM. The PCM
and the another four are kept inside the PCM by making suitable open-
ings in the perspex sheet and these openings are sealed with araldite

Fig. 1. A photograph of the heat sink with copper porous matrix used in the present study. Fig. 2. A photograph of the tracking mechanism used in the present study.
R. Baby, C. Balaji / International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 46 (2013) 27–30 29

8 55
Enhancement ratio 00
PCM enhancement ratio 50 5W 90 0

Temperature (0C)
Enhancement ratio

180 0
Tset = 520C 45

5 40

4 35

3 30
Heating phase Cooling phase
2 25
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 0 100 200 300 400 500
Power level (W) Time (min)

Fig. 3. Enhancement ratios of the heat sink at various power levels to reach a set point Fig. 5. Depiction of the temperature–time profile for 5 W at different orientations (0°, 90°
temperature of 52 °C. and 180°) of the heat sink.

enhancement ratio is the ratio of the operating time of the metal matrix 5 W is shown in Fig. 4. Fig. 5 depicts the temperature–time history in
filled PCM based heat sink to that of a heat sink with the metal matrix, the melting (160 min) and solidification regions at 5 W for 3 different
but without PCM. The two enhancement ratios for a power level ranging orientations (0, 90 and 180°) of the heat sink. The temperatures
from 5 to 10 W (corresponding to 1.98 and 3.97 kW/m2) for a set point recorded at the heat sink base at the end of 160 min for the orientations
temperature of 52 °C are shown in Fig. 3. The average value of the two (0, 90 and 180°) are 49.92, 50.42 and 51.19 °C respectively. Better per-
thermocouple readings kept at the heat sink base is used to quantify formance is observed when the orientation angle of the heat sink is 0°.
the heat transfer performance. From Fig. 3, it is seen that PCM enhance- The thermal stratification due to the change in the heating pattern is
ment ratio does not vary significantly with the increase in the power responsible for the slightly inferior thermal performance of the heat
level and a maximum enhancement of 3 in the operation time is sink when it is kept at at an orientation of 180°. A comparison of the
achieved for a power level of 7 W. The enhancement ratio, though, operating time to reach different set point temperatures of 40, 45 and
varies significantly with the power level and the enhancement is high 50 °C at 5 W is given in Table 1. All the experimental results corroborate
for higher power levels. An enhancement of 7.5 in operation time is the fact that the orientation of the heat sink assembly does not play a
achieved at 10 W. Similarly, experiments were also done for a 10 PPI, significant role as far as the usage of the porous matrix filled PCM
20 mm thick aluminium metal foam filled PCM based heat sink with a based heat sinks are concerned.
porosity of 0.94, and an enhancement of 15 in operation time was
obtained for a power level of 8 W when the set point temperature is
47 °C. The good thermal performance of the metal matrix at higher 4. Conclusions
power levels is significant considering the fact that the heat rejection
rate of the portable electronic devices are increasing day by day because For quantifying the heat transfer performance of a PCM based copper
of new add on features as a result of market competition. metal foam, an experimental study is carried out and the enhancement
is presented in the form of two enhancement ratios. The enhancement
3.2. Effect of orientation on heat transfer performance ratio defined as ratio of the operation time of the heat sink with metal
matrix filled with PCM to that of a heat sink, without the metal matrix,
For studying the effect of orientation on the heat transfer perfor- but filled with PCM is 7.5 at 10 W and the maximum PCM enhancement
mance of the copper metal foam filled PCM based heat sink, experi- ratio defined as the ratio of the operation duration of the metal matrix
ments were carried out for different orientations (0, 25, 45, 60, 75, 90, filled PCM based heat sink to that of a heat sink with the metal matrix,
110, 130, 150, 180 and 210°) of the heat sink at a power level of 5 W. but without PCM is 3 at 7 W for a set point temperature of 52 °C. Iden-
At the end of 90 min of operation of the heat sink, the maximum varia- tical results were also obtained for aluminium metal foam filled PCM
tion in the heat sink base temperature for all the orientations consid- based heat sink. From the extensive experimental studies for various
ered in the present study is found to be less than 0.5 °C and at the end orientations on the heat sink, it is found that (i) heat transfer perfor-
of 160 min, the variation is seen to be 1.84 °C. The temperature–time mance is comparable and (ii)orientation does not have any significant
histories at various orientations of the heat sink at a power level of impact on the heat transfer performance of the metal foam filled PCM
based heat sinks.
5W 250 Table 1
50 450 Comparison of operating time (s) to reach various set point temperatures at different
Temperature (oC)

600 orientations of the heat sink.

45 750
900 Sl Orien- Time to Time to Time to
1100 No tation reach 40 °C (s) reach 45 °C (s) reach 50 °C (s)
1500 1 0° 1640 7430 9650
35 1800 2 25° 1635 7055 9425
2100 3 45° 1485 6880 9385
30 4 60° 1565 7090 9560
5 75° 1590 7060 9590
6 90° 1520 6810 9245
0 40 80 120 160 200 7 110° 1400 6385 8645
8 130° 1505 6625 8995
Time (min)
9 150° 1390 6200 8230
10 180° 1595 6530 8570
Fig. 4. Temperature–time histories of various orientations of the heat sink at a power
11 210° 1505 6460 8605
level of 5 W.
30 R. Baby, C. Balaji / International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 46 (2013) 27–30

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