5.management of Electronic Board Temperature Using Heat Sink Containing
5.management of Electronic Board Temperature Using Heat Sink Containing
5.management of Electronic Board Temperature Using Heat Sink Containing
Keywords: In this study, the electronic board temperature management using heat sinks containing pure and micro
Electronic board cooling encapsulated phase change materials (PCMs) was investigated experimentally. PCMs were selected based on the
Temperature management board critical temperature (80 ◦ C). Effect of heat sink configurations, pure and microencapsulated PCMs, volume
Heat sink
fractions of PCMs, and a wide range of electric power (5-18 W) in two states of fixed and pulsed power was
Phase change materials
Microencapsulated PCM
examined on the board temperature behavior. Results showed that the square 7fins heat sink has the best per
Heating-cooling cycles formance compared to square 3fins and circular 12fins heat sinks. Duration times to reach the critical temper
ature for stearic acid, lauric acid, paraffin as pure PCMs, and PX52 and GR42 as commercial microencapsulated
PCMs were 33, 31, 36, 32, and 26 min, respectively. It reveals that PX52 could be a comparable candidate to pure
PCMs. Results showed that the operating time increases with volume fraction of PX52, proportionally.
Consecutive heating-cooling cycles presented that the peak temperature for PX52 after heating range was lower
than that for pure PCMs in the same conditions due to the higher heat transfer rate, although PX52 had less latent
heat. Microencapsulated PCMs with many advantages can be good options to control the temperature of elec
tronic components.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: netesami@iut.ac.ir (N. Etesami).
F. Rostamian et al. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 126 (2021) 105407
with pin fins. The results showed that PCM with a higher melting point The heat sinks used in this research are made of aluminum (Al-
provided better control of temperature below the critical temperature. T6–6061) with the specifications mentioned in Table 1, which has 3
Increasing the volume fraction of PCM also increased the operating time. different configurations, including square arrangement with7 fins,
A review of the previous research reveals some limitations in using square arrangement with 3fins and a special circular arrangement
PCMs in controlling the temperature of electronic components, with12 fins. Fig. 2 shows the configurations and dimensions of the heat
including volume enhancement during the melting process, leakage and sinks. In each experiment, these heat sinks were filled with different
damage to the electronic component. The thermal stability of PCMs in volume fractions of PCM (The PCMs were pre-melted, then the molten
continuous and long-term usage is also essential. In this study, for the PCM was poured into the heat sink and was allowed to solidify freely at
first time, the possibility of using microencapsulated PCM in controlling ambient temperature for avoiding porosity) and the temperature
the board temperature is investigated and compared with pure PCMs. In behavior of hot plate and the heat sink was investigated. In this study,
microencapsulated PCMs, melting and freezing of PCM occurs inside a several PCM types were used [37,38] that characteristics of them have
shell, so no leakage is observed. been listed in Table 1.
Previous studies also show that paraffin has been used as PCMs for The PCM volume fraction, denoted by ѱ and defined as the ratio of
cooling the electronic board temperature in most research. In this study, PCM volume to total heat sink capacity, is calculated through Eq. 1:
lauric acid (LA) and stearic acid (SA) as fatty acids are used in temper
ature management due to the advantages of fatty acids such as ѱ= (1)
Vs − Vf
compatible melting/freezing behavior, the low supercooling, low vapor
pressure at operating temperature, thermal stability, non-toxicity, easy where Vs is the volume of the heat sink, Vf is the volume of the fins, and
access and high ability to store energy [31–36]. Also, the performance of VPCM is the volume of PCM.
commercial microencapsulated PCM (PX52 and GR42) is compared with In the experimental setup, the heat sink was fixed on the hot plate
pure PCMs. Furthermore, most of the research has studied the effect of using a silicone adhesive with high thermal conductivity so that the
the geometric parameters of the heat sink and fins and the behavior of generated heat is transferred to the heat sink with the lowest heat
heat sink in controlling the board temperature under constant electric resistance. The hot plate and heat sink were insulated using Teflon with
power conditions with low power levels (especially in experimental very low thermal conductivity to prevent heat loss. In order to study the
studies due to limitation in practical). However, many electronic com temperature behavior of the system, seven K-type thermocouples
ponents in actual conditions are permanently subjected to heating/ (temperature range of − 40 to 250 ◦ C) have been used in various posi
cooling cycles, with on/off periods, so it is necessary to study the com tions of the system such as hot plate, floor, and walls of the heat sink.
ponent's temperature behavior in consecutive cycles using PCMs based The position of the thermocouples is presented in Table 2 and Fig. 3 for
heat sink. Therefore, in this study, in addition to constant power, pulsed 7fins heat sink. In order to have more accuracy in the experiments, four
electric power and heating/ cooling cycles of the board at high powers thermocouples T1 to T4, are used in the hot plate, and the average
up to 15 W have been investigated. In the present study, the scenario of temperature of these four thermocouples is reported as the temperature
on/off electric power has been selected according to a real electronic of the hot plate. Also, T5 to T7 thermocouples are installed inside the
device. In the following, the effect of type of PCM, volume fraction, heat sink to analyze the heat sink behavior. The temperatures measured
applied electric power level, and heat sink configuration on the man
agement of board temperature in two modes of constant and pulsed
Table 1
electric power loads are investigated and compared.
Characteristics of materials used in experiments.
Experiments related to cooling the electronic board using the heat Aluminum – 180 963 289 660.4 2700
Stearic Merck 0.173 1.76 191.4 61–67 940
sinks containing PCM are performed through an experimental setup
according to Fig. 1. This setup includes a DC power supply, hot plate Lauric acid Merck 0.147 2.018 182.52 43–45 870
(simulated with the electronic board), K-type thermocouples, heat sink, Paraffin Merck 0.167 2.8 173.6 56–58 900
PCM, temperature data logger, and a computer to read the information PX52 Rubitherm 0.2 2 100 49–53 650
sent from the data logger. GR42 Rubitherm 0.2 2 55 37–43 800
F. Rostamian et al. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 126 (2021) 105407
Fig. 2. Types of the heat sink used in experiments, (a) 7fins heat sink, (b) 3fins heat sink, (c) 12fins circular heat sink (all dimensions in mm).
Fig. 3. Position of thermocouples in 7fins heat sink. where P is input electric power, V is voltage, and I is electric current.
Based on Eq. (3), the maximum uncertainty for power measurement was
by the thermocouples are recorded and sent to a computer using a data ±3.9%. Also, the maximum uncertainty for the measured parameters is
logger (Simex-MultiCon CMC-99) at an interval time of 1 s. Also, by a reported in Table 4. According to Table 4, the maximum uncertainty for
power supply (Unity DC Power Supply 30 V, 5A), various powers in the
range of 5 to 18 W were applied to the hot plate. Table 3
Total resistance between the hot plate and the heat sink can be Contact resistance between the hot plate and 7fins heat sink.
calculated by Eq. 2: Tavg (◦ C) T5(◦ C) Power (W) R"(◦ C.m2/W)
F. Rostamian et al. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 126 (2021) 105407
Table 4
Accuracy and uncertainty analysis.
Temperature (T) ±0.5◦ C
Voltage (V) ±0.01 V
Current (I) ±0.02 A
Input power (P) ±3.9%
all parameters was less than 5%, which implies the reliability of the
measured data.
Fig. 4. Temperature behavior of hot plate with 7fins heat sink without PCM for Fig. 6. Duration time to reach critical temperature for different configurations
different powers. of PCM-based heat sinks at different electric powers.
F. Rostamian et al. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 126 (2021) 105407
Fig. 7. Transient temperature behavior of 7fins heat sink, (a) without PCM and (b) with PCM (lauric acid) at the power of 6 W.
Fig. 8. Temperature behavior of hot plate using a 7fins heat sink containing
various PCMs at different powers for a volume fraction of 30% of PCMs.
F. Rostamian et al. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 126 (2021) 105407
Fig. 12. Duration time to reach critical temperatures for different PCMs at
Fig. 10. The trend of PCM temperature variations relative to the distance from
different volume fractions.
the heat sink floor.
Fig. 13. Temperature behavior of hot plate with 7fins heat sink containing
Fig. 11. The effect of volume fraction of microencapsulated PCM, PX52, on hot microencapsulated PCM, PX52, in 4 consecutive cycles at the power of 10 W in
plate temperature behavior with using of 7fins heat sink at the power of 8 W. two different volume fractions.
F. Rostamian et al. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 126 (2021) 105407
entirely solidified, and some lauric acid is still liquid). The plateau
temperature-time profile at the end of each cooling cycle indicates this
fact. This behavior is further problematic at higher heat loads (Fig. 14
(b)). According to these results, it can be postulated that high enthalpy
and low melting temperature PCM cannot be suitable for this type of
heating-cooling cycle. The PCMs with high melting temperature and
high enthalpies like stearic acid and paraffin will be more successful in
the heating-cooling cycle.
5. Conclusion
In the present study, the cooling of the hot plate simulated with an
electronic board was investigated experimentally by using PCMs-based
heat sinks. Different pure PCMs and microencapsulated PCMs were
used and compared with the heat sink without PCM. The results showed
that PCM selection depends on melting temperature and enthalpy, could
significantly control the board temperature below the critical tempera
ture, and provides safe performance for the system. Duration time to
reach the critical temperature in the same volume fraction for stearic
acid, lauric acid, paraffin, PX52, and GR42, was 33, 31, 36, 32, and 26
min respectively for 7fin heat sink and 6 W heat load. It is postulated
that PCM with lower difference temperature between melting point and
critical temperature and higher latent heat has better behavior in con
trolling board temperature. Results showed that microencapsulated
Fig. 14. Temperature behavior of hot plate with 7fins heat sink containing
PCM of PX52 could be a good option to control the temperature of
different PCM in a volume fraction of 55%, in 4 consecutive cycles at the power electronic components because of higher thermal conductivity, no
of (a) 10 W and (b) 15 W. leakage, no waste of PCM, less volume change, and no damage to the
component during the phase change period.
the latent cooling has increased. It caused a temperature difference of Investigation the effect of volume fraction of microencapsulated
1–3 ◦ C in the hot plate compared to the volume fraction of 30%. How PCM on the temperature behavior of 7fins heat sink in three powers of 6,
ever, these minor temperature differences did not affect the overall cy 8, and 10 W showed that with increasing volume fraction, the melting
clic performance as the microencapsulated PX52 in both volume area becomes extended, and the safe operating time increases. At the
fractions provided safe operating conditions for the electronic board and power of 8 W, the percentage of increase in operating time for the vol
controlled the operating conditions below the critical temperature ume fraction of 55% of PX52 compared to 30 vol% and 15 vol% was
(80 ◦ C). 27% and 45%, respectively. Also, it was observed that with increasing
The transient temperature behavior of pure PCMs (stearic acid, lauric electric power, the melting region of PCM and operating time decreased.
acid, and paraffin) in consecutive cycles with the same scenario is Therefore, the volume fraction of PCM needs to increase with the
illustrated in Fig. 14. increased heat load.
As shown in Fig. 14, the temperature-time diagram for stearic acid The effect of different heat sink configurations on the temperature
and paraffin is close to each other during the heating cycles due to no behavior of the system showed that the number of fins and geometry of
considerable difference between enthalpies and melting temperatures. sinks has an essential effect on heat transfer rate and heat sink perfor
The maximum peak temperature for these two PCMs is 65 ◦ C at 10 W mance, consequently.
and 76 ◦ C at 15 W, which in both cases was lower than the critical Experiments of consecutive heating-cooling cycles with a specific
temperature. scenario of 10 min of heating and 80 min of cooling showed that the
Comparing Figs. 13 with 14(a) shows that the peak temperature of microencapsulated PX52 as a new PCM candidate in this work had good
microencapsulated PX52 is 2 ◦ C lower than stearic acid and paraffin at thermal stability and good performance in controlling the board tem
the same volume fraction and heat load. Even though the enthalpy of perature. The cyclic behavior of other PCMs used in this study (stearic
stearic acid and paraffin is much more than the microencapsulated acid, lauric acid, and paraffin) showed that thermal conductivity in
sample. It can be due to the silica material as the shell of micro addition to the PCM melting temperature and latent heat enthalpy could
encapsulated PCM, which has a higher thermal conductivity than the have a significant on the temperature-time diagram and board temper
organic PCMs and higher surface area of microencapsulated that en ature management. Furthermore, the results showed that high enthalpy
hances heat transfer rate, consequently. This result is a great advantage and low melting temperature PCM like lauric acid could not be suitable
for using microencapsulated PCM in electronic board cooling because it for the heating-cooling cycle, especially for high electric power and a
has no leakage and has acceptable temperature behavior to manage the short period of cycles.
board temperature.
Fig. 14(a) shows that lauric acid had a lower melting point than Declaration of Competing Interest
stearic acid and paraffin. Therefore, lauric acid shows a much lower
peak temperature. However, with the increase in the number of cycles, The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
this peak temperature has increased about 6 ◦ C. Increment in peak interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
temperature for Fig. 14(b) reaches 16 ◦ C under 15 W heat load. Due to the work reported in this paper.
the high enthalpy of lauric acid and its low melting point, this PCM
cannot reach ambient temperature (33 ◦ C) during the cooling period (80
min) when the hot plate is off, and in some cooling cycles, the temper
ature of the PCM is 6 ◦ C higher than ambient temperature. In fact, lauric
The partial financial support from the Iran Space Institute (ISI)
acid is still in its latent cooling zone as the next cycle begins (PCM is not
during the research is gratefully acknowledged.
F. Rostamian et al. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 126 (2021) 105407
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