Unit Plan Project Spring 23
Unit Plan Project Spring 23
Unit Plan Project Spring 23
Spring 23’
Jacob Capalbo
Community/School Demographics
East Paulding High School is located in Paulding county in the city of Dallas, GA and as of
2021 just under 174k people live in this county. There are just under 1900 students
currently enrolled in EPHS with 566, 417, 461, 449 students in 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th
grade respectively. A majority of the school's population is white (61%) followed by black
(23%), Hispanic (10%) and others (6%). Though the school was founded in 1991, we have
relatively modern classrooms with touch screen interactive white boards and laptops
available for students. The weight room is new, within the last 5 years so it is very nice and
up to date. Also the main gym is in good condition, though it lacks in overall size. East
Paulding also doesn’t have a wide selection of equipment for physical education so I’ve
found myself having to get creative with the equipment we do have in order to create
classes we have a mix of all ages but for my Health Education course, it is mostly freshmen
with a few sophomores, juniors, and seniors as well. East Paulding's students are primarily
white (61%), black (23%) and Hispanic (10%). For students who need it there are IEPs
developed to help them succeed both academically and physically. The students' test scores
are right in line with the national average. English is the dominant language spoken at
EPHS but there is also a small percentage of EL students. The students have a wide variety
of interests, such as social media, music and athletics. Since we are in High School, the
students have a basic understanding of physical education skills and health education
principals. Their learning styles range but most tend to be a blend of all three primary
styles of visual, auditory and kinesthetic. The students' skill levels in physical education are
mostly lacking, I find myself having to teach fundamentals before getting into tactics and
Dribble - Pass and Score. Sportplan. (n.d.). Retrieved March 11, 2023, from
Wartalowicz, M. (2008, October 28). Lesson plans for Physical Education. PEC.
Retrieved March 11, 2023, from
1. https://www.shapeamerica.org/standards/pe/upload/Grade-Level-Outcomes-for-
2. https://www.georgiastandards.org/Georgia-Standards/Documents/Physical-
3. https://www.pecentral.org/lessonideas/ViewLesson.asp?ID=8661
4. https://teamhandballnews.com/?faq-group=handball-tactics
5. https://www.sportplan.net/drills/Handball/115-ballskill-activities/Passing-game-
6. https://www.sportplan.net/sp/app/drills/Handball/116-passing-intercepting-
Date of Lesson: 1/23/2023 Class Time: 8:35am - 10:09am
School Name and Grade: East Paulding High School, 9-12 Class Ability Level: Utilization
Length of Lesson: 90min Number of Students: 45
Equipment/Supplies (be complete): gator skin balls, cones (dome, Description of Facility:
small, large), jerseys, dodgeballs Hardwood full basketball court
Teacher will ask questions at the end of every
TSWBAT understand the basic offensive strategies
activity to ensure that students’ understanding
of handball by moving into open space, with
of moving to open space and type of pass to use
effective passes, as observed by tactical gameplay.
(see questions in lesson plan below).
Teacher will ask questions at the end of every
TSWBAT participate in a variety of games to help
activity to ensure that students’ understanding
them begin to understand how offense works in
of the type of pass to use and how to make an
handball, by making effective passes (long vs. short)
effective shot (see questions in lesson plan
and shots (where to aim).
Affective: Informal assessment by teacher observation
TSWBAT become motivated to participate in (teacher will emphasize teamwork by having
activities by understanding the aspects of teamwork games where every student must touch the ball
and communicate well with teammates. to win and by explaining that it's easier to find
open space when the whole team is involved).
(Specific and detailed plan to modify lesson to meet learning needs of all students; Use back of paper if need
1. What did YOU do WELL and why was it important?
2. What can YOU do BETTER, how do you know, and why does it need to be better?
3. HOW will YOU do it the next time and what are your specific changes in behavior?
Handball/Ring Fit Lesson 2 EPHS LESSON PLAN Teacher Name Jacob Capalbo
Date of Lesson: 1/24/2023 Class Time:8:35am - 10:09am
School Name and Grade: East Paulding High School, 9-12 Class Ability Level: Utilization
Length of Lesson: 90min Number of Students: 45
Equipment/Supplies (be complete): gator skin balls, cones (dome, Description of Facility:
small, large), jerseys, scarves, goals Hardwood full basketball court
Cognitive: Cognitive:
TSWBAT understand the basic offensive strategies Teacher will ask questions at the end of every
from the last lesson in addition to the new concepts activity to ensure that students’ understand the
of positioning, dribbling, and using different passing purpose of dribbling and what type of pass is most
(overhead, shovel, bounce) as observed by tactical effective for each situation.
Psychomotor: Psychomotor:
TSWBAT participate in a variety of games to Teacher will ask questions at the end of every
continue to understand offensive strategies in activity to ensure that students’ understanding of
handball, by incorporating dribbling and multiple the type of pass to use and why dribbling is
types of passing. important in handball.
Affective: Informal assessment by teacher observation
TSWBAT become motivated to participate in (teacher will emphasize teamwork by having
activities by understanding the aspects of teamwork games where every student must touch the ball to
and communicate well with teammates. win and by explaining that it's easier to find open
space when the whole team is involved).
D. Lucky Ducky
Tactical Focus: Offensive strategy to
score points - in the form of passing,
handling, being in open space, directional
ball movement
Skill Focus: Dribbling, passing (short,
long, bounce, overhead, shovel)
● Students will remain in their teams
and each receive a number 1-5
● Teachers will call out a number or
a set of numbers that will indicate
which students (ducks) will enter D.
the “pond” (court) and attempt for Transition:
points After
● Students will score points by completion
30-35 scoring into their opponents goal of the
min set up in their end zones activity,
with 7 ● Each student in the “pond” must students
min handle the ball at least one time will gather
F. Ring Fit games prior to scoring around
Games followe ● Teachers will call out a type of pass teacher for
d by they must use throughout the discussion
team entire possession - they cannot of what
rotatio deviate from this type of pass worked well
n (either short, long, bounce, and what
overhead, shovel) did not,
● Teachers will encourage the use of then the
dribbling next game
● Ball will be turned over to the will be
other team if it is dropped, pass is explained
made out of bounds, or student
maintains possession for more
than 5 seconds
Modifications: call more numbers so
more students participate; if a certain
pass isn’t working we will not incorporate
it in the game
Check for Understanding: What
challenges did you face using only one
type of pass? Why do you think it is
beneficial to incorporate multiple passing
E. Pin Handball
Tactical Focus: incorporation of rules
such as boundaries, 3 steps, 5 second
possession, offensive/defensive strategy,
teamwork/communication, maximum
Skill Focus: dribbling, passing, accuracy
while shooting, moving into open space
● Students will remain in their
original teams from instant activity E.
and end zone and play a modified Transition:
version of handball After
● Teams will move forward and pass completion
a ball with the intention of of the
knocking down the other teams pin activity,
(a large cone with a large ball students
balancing on top of it) that is will gather
behind the crease line around
● Students cannot cross crease line teacher for
or the point is null and void discussion
● Each member of the team must of what
have possession of the ball at least worked well
once and what
● Ball will be turned over to the did not,
other team if it is dropped, pass is then the
made out of bounds, or student next game
maintains possession for more will be
than 5 seconds explained
Modifications: Move pin closer
Check for Understanding: What
strategies worked best to gain points?
How did you ensure each team member
had possession of the ball at least once?
(Specific and detailed plan to modify lesson to meet learning needs of all students; Use back of paper if need be)
1. What did YOU do WELL and why was it important?
2. What can YOU do BETTER, how do you know, and why does it need to be better?
3. HOW will YOU do it the next time and what are your specific changes in behavior?
Date of Lesson: 1/25/2023 Class Time: 8:35am - 10:09am
School Name and Grade: East Paulding High School, 9-12 Class Ability Level: Utilization
Length of Lesson: 90min Number of Students: 45
Equipment/Supplies (be complete): gator skin balls, cones Description of Facility:
(dome, small, large), jerseys, goals, tape Hardwood full basketball court
Cognitive: Teacher will ask questions at the end of every
TSWBAT recall and apply previously learned activity to ensure that students’ understand the
offensive strategies and be able learn and apply one rules and various strategies of team handball.
new defensive tactic (2-3 zone), observed by During the round robin, the teacher will
authentic gameplay of round robin/lucky ducky. emphasize the zone defense and incentivize
students to use zone.
Teacher will ask questions at the end of every
TSWBAT participate in various games in relation to
activity to ensure that students’ understand why
team handball to better understand strategies,
we practice different strategies and participate
concepts, and fundamentals in the sport.
in certain games to improve our understanding
Affective: Affective:
TSWBAT be motivated to participate in team Informal assessment by teacher observation
(teacher will emphasize teamwork by having
handball and understand that the sport is an games where every student must touch the ball
enjoyable way to maintain effective and regular to win and by explaining that it's easier to find
physical activity. open space when the whole team is involved).
A. 5 A) Dynamic Warmup
Dynamic Warmup min A) Students
Students will form lines of 10 and
form 8
complete the dynamic warm up. Select
equal lines
students will lead the warmup for the
for dynamic
class and the rest will follow their lead.
warmup at
There are eight exercises they will
baseline of
complete before the lesson. They will
use the basketball court as the warmup
space, completing each exercise by
starting at the baseline, traveling to
half court then jogging from half court
to the other baseline.
1. Arm Swings across the body
2. Knee Pulls to chest
3. Frankensteins
4. Ankle Pulls to chest
5. Side to side inner leg stretch
6. Lunges
7. High Knees
B. 8. Butt Kicks
Review of Rules in Transition:
Handball Students will
2- B) Rules have 15s to
3mi Teacher will ask the students questions gather around
n about the rules and regulations of teacher to go B.
handball to review and prepare for over rules Students
test: will gather
1. How many people are on the around
court in handball? (6v6 with one teacher
of the being a goalie)
2. How long can you hold the ball
without passing or dribbling?
3. Who is the only player allowed
within the crease line?
4. Are you allowed to steal the ball
from an offensive player like in
C. Lucky Ducky
Tactical Focus: Offensive strategy to
score points - in the form of passing,
handling, being in open space,
directional ball movement
Skill Focus: Dribbling, passing (short,
long, bounce, overhead, shovel)
30-35 ● Students will remain in their
min teams and each receive a number
D.Ring Fit 1-5
Games ● Teachers will call out a number
or a set of numbers that will
indicate which students (ducks)
will enter the “pond” (court) and
attempt for points
● Students will score points by
scoring into their opponents goal
set up in their end zones
● Each student in the “pond” must
handle the ball at least one time
prior to scoring D. Transition:
● Teachers will call out a type of After Lucky
pass they must use throughout Ducky, students
the entire possession - they will come back
cannot deviate from this type of together for
pass (either short, long, bounce, instruction on
overhead, shovel) continued ring
● Teachers will encourage the use fit game play.
of dribbling
● Ball will be turned over to the
other team if it is dropped, pass is
made out of bounds, or student
maintains possession for more
than 5 seconds
Modifications: call more numbers so
more students participate; if a certain
pass isn’t working we will not
incorporate it in the game
Check for Understanding: What
challenges did you face using only one
type of pass? Why do you think it is
beneficial to incorporate multiple
passing strategies?
-What are the advantages
of the different types of
passes and What
challenges do you face
using only one type of
- How does having more
offensive players by the
crease line change the way
you played defense?
-What are some strategies
for scoring when you’re on
offense and facing a heavy
(Specific and detailed plan to modify lesson to meet learning needs of all students; Use back of paper if
need be)
1. What did YOU do WELL and why was it important?
2. What can YOU do BETTER, how do you know, and why does it need to be better?
3. HOW will YOU do it the next time and what are your specific changes in behavior?
Transition: Great job! Now I think we are ready for Time Allocations: 1-2
gameplay! minutes
Why should you learn multiple pass styles in ring fit? (to hit teammates in 5 P1,P2,C
stride and avoid defenders.) minutes 1,C2,A1
How should I pass a ball to my teammate if their defender is in front of
them? (Lob pass over and away from defender)
Why is it important to keep your eyes up when you are moving to open
space without the ball? ( Avoid running into defenders and ready to receive
a pass at any time)
Can one team demonstrate for the class what a successful passing and
scoring looks like?
Student Exceptionalities
(Specific and detailed plan to modify lesson to meet learning needs of all students)
Physical Conditions: Paraprofessional will assist
Behavioral Conditions: Para Pro will help handle behavioral issues with deescalation tactics
Ring Fit Lesson Journal Entry QR code
Journal Entry
Identifies sequences of individual motor skills and movement patterns for body
movement in general space, and the use of manipulatives in various team sports.
GPS Standards Assessed:
1. PETSTRO.1b - Demonstrates competencies in the motor skills and movement
patterns needed to
2. participate in sports and games involving throwing and catching.
3. PETSTRO.2d - Identifies the principles and concepts of offensive and defensive
player positions and applies correct positioning to game situations.
4. PETSTRO.4f - Exhibits proper etiquette, respect for others, and teamwork in a
given team sport.
Passing variations :
Transition: Great job! Now I think we are ready for Time Allocations: 1-2
gameplay! minutes
Where should you pass the ball if all of the defenders are playing deep 5 minutes P1,P2,C
protecting the goal? (short, quick passes to retain possession) 1,C2,A1
Why is it important to utilize all three pass styles (chest, bounce, lob) in
gameplay? (move the ball down the court efficiently and keep away from
Why should you be constantly moving without the ball? (create space for
teammates to pass the ball)
Can one team demonstrate for the class what a successful passing and
scoring looks like?
Student Exceptionalities
(Specific and detailed plan to modify lesson to meet learning needs of all students)
Physical Conditions: Paraprofessional will assist
Behavioral Conditions: Para Pro will help handle behavioral issues with deescalation tactics
Passing Game Drill
Collect Data
and understanding of the game improve with each lesson. I incorporated a variety of small
sided games for understanding as we led up to our final game of the unit, which I called
Ring Fit. I made up this game and used many elements from my favorite games, such as
handball and tchoukball. I saw a positive impact on the students' skill levels and tactics
used as we progressed through each lesson. We are supposed to focus on tactics and
strategies at the high school level but I have found that many of my students never learned
the fundamental skills necessary to succeed in gameplay. For this reason I had to spend
time during each of my lessons focusing on skill development, so they could put those skills
to the test when incorporating the tactics and strategies we stressed such as incorporating
short, quick passes and taking advantage of the scoring rules. I also noticed an increase of
student participation with each lesson. The more we played and the more the students
were exposed to the game, the more interested it made the students who were not initially
I believe I experienced a great deal of growth in multiple areas regarding CAPS standards
improve with each lesson I teach! I am also becoming more efficient in my instructional
strategies. I have been able to cut down on instruction time with each lesson, only having to
explain the lesson once as a group before we get started. I will go around and assist any
students who may still be confused but as a whole I am getting my message across well! I
am also learning how effective differentiated instruction really is. The teachers I work with
and also the students are really enjoying all the different activities that I plan for each
lesson. It helps to get more students engaged and interested in the lesson!
I also do my best to bring excitement and energy to each lesson and I believe this is a huge
influence in student engagement and excitement. This semester I’ve had many students
approach me and tell me how fun and exciting I’ve made PE for them this semester and
they hope that I’ll be back in the fall to continue teaching them! All the positive comments
I’ve gotten from my students and the other teachers around me tells me I’m doing a good
job of creating a positive learning environment and making an impact on the students each