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Analysis of Mathematical Representation Skills Based On Student Learning Activities in Hands On Activity Assisted PBL Learning Model

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UJMER 8 (2) (2019) 213 – 219

Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education Research


Analysis of Mathematical Representation Skills Based on Student

Learning Activities in Hands on Activity Assisted PBL Learning

Beny Meilon 1 Scolastika Mariani2, Isnarto2

SMA N 1 Wonotunggal, Batang, Indonesia


.Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia
Article Info Abstract
________________ ___________________________________________________________________
Article History: Mathematical representation is an important aspect in learning mathematics.
Received 15August Problem based learning, one of the learning models that can be applied to
2018 improve the ability of mathematical representation and student learning
Accepted 15 January activities. The objectives of this study were (1) to test and analyze the
2019 effectiveness of PBL learning assisted by hands on activity on students
Published 23 'mathematical representation abilities, (2) to describe the ability of students'
December 2019
mathematical representation based on learning activities. This research uses
mixed method research with concurrent embedded design. Quantitative
research and qualitative research go hand in hand with quantitative research as
Representation Skill; the primary method. The research subjects were class X students of SMA 1
Learning Activity; Wonotunggal. The results of the study show that the class with PBL learning
Problem Based assisted by hands on activity achieves an average, and complete classics
Learning; Hands on reaching more than 75%. The mean difference test shows the students'
Activity mathematical representation of classes with PBL learning assisted hands on
___________________ activity better than classes with expository learning methods. Subjects who
have high and moderate activities are able to fulfill all indicators of
mathematical representation ability. Subjects who have less activity have not
been able to meet the indicators of mathematical representation ability.
Indicators that have not been fulfilled are symbolic and verbal representations.

© 2019 Universitas Negeri Semarang

Alamat korespondensi:
p-ISSN 2252-6455
Siwagu, Wates, Wonotunggal, Kabupaten Batang, Jawa Tengah
51253 e-ISSN 2502-4507
E-mail: benymeilon@gmail.com
Beny Meilon, Scolastika Mariani, Isnarto/

Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education Research 8 (2) (2019) 213 - 219

INTRODUCTION representation for model and interpret physical,

social and mathematical phenomena.
Mathematics has an important role in According to Sabirin (2014: 33) that
advancing human thinking. Therefore, representation is expressions of an idea
mathematics subjects need to be given to all displayed by students as a model or substitute
students starting from elementary school to for a problem situation used to find a solution or
equip students with the ability to think logically, interpretation of his mind. For example, a
analytically, systematically, critically, and problem can be represented by objects, pictures,
creatively, and the ability to cooperate. words, or mathematical symbols. The same
Competence is needed so that students can have thing Flores , et al (2015) states that students
the ability to obtain, manage, and use engage in mathematics through representation to
information to survive in an ever-changing, visualize, simplify and communicate
competitive situation (BSNP, 2006). mathematics, such as diagrams, tables, images,
NCTM (2000) also explained the goals graphics, mathematical statements, written texts,
of mathematics learning, including developing or a combination of all of them.
abilities: (1) mathematical communication, (2) Every students have way that different for
mathematical reasoning, (3) mathematical construct his knowledge. In this case, very make
problem solving, (4) mathematical connections, it possible for students for try various kinds of
and (5) mathematical representations. In line representations in understanding a concept.
with the objectives of mathematics learning, it Besides it's representation too play a role
cannot be denied that to understand a inprocess settlement problem mathematical. As
mathematical concept and solve mathematical stated Brenner that process solving problem that
problems requires an ability that can express success depend on to skills representation
mathematical ideas or ideas in finding solutions problem as construct and use representation
related to mathematical problems faced. The mathematics in in words, chart, table, and
ability in question is the ability of mathematical equations, completion and manipulation of
representation. symbols (Neria & Amit, 2004: 409).
NCTM (2000) explains that The learning process in each primary
representation is needed by students in and secondary education unit must be
understanding mathematical concepts and interactive, inspiring, fun, challenging, and
relationships between mathematical concepts. motivating students to actively participate and
Representation allows students to communicate provide sufficient space for initiatives, creativity
mathematical approaches, arguments, and and independence in accordance with the
understandings to themselves and others. talents, interests and physical and psychological
Representation also allows students to recognize development of students (Permendiknas RI No.
connections between related concepts and apply 41, 2007: 6). If examined what is stated in the
mathematics to realistic problems through Permen shows that the active role of students in
modeling. NCTM also explains the standard of learning is a must. This shows that learning
representation ability for pre-kindergarten to activities designed by teachers must be oriented
12th grade student learning programs. The to student activities.
standard of mathematical representation ability To develop students' mathematical
is to enable students to: (1) create and use abilities, the learning environment must be
representations to organize, record and arranged so that students can be actively
communicate ideas mathematics; (2) choose, involved in many useful mathematical activities
apply and translate mathematical (Henningsen & Stein, 1997). The role of the
representations to solve problems, and (3) use teacher is very valuable in designing a learning

Beny Meilon, Scolastika Mariani, Isnarto/

Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education Research 8 (2) (2019) 213 - 219

process that can guide students to construct their two, the researcher conducts quantitative and
knowledge so that the resulting representation is qualitative research simultaneously.
in line with what is expected by the teacher and Quantitative research to determine the
is able to condition students to be active in effectivenessof hand on activity assisted PBL
learning mathematics. models against mathematical representation
One effort to develop students' ability while qualitative research to determine
representational abilities is to improve the the ability of students' mathematical
learning process. The learning process can be representation based on student learning
improved using learning models recommended activities.The population in this study was 10th
by experts and researchers. The learning model grades students of SMA N 1 Wonotunggal.
that can be used is the problem of base learning. There are five classes of 10th grades students.
Problem base learning helps students to One of them was selected as an experimental
apply the understanding of a concept, by first class which was given a problem based learning
being given problems at the beginning of learning model and one class another was
learning to be discussed and resolved together. selected as a control class which was given
The problem given is adjusted to the range of learning ekspositori. In qualitative research, the
thoughts and needs. research subject used was only the class that
Students' activities in learning are received the intervention model of learning
expected to be optimal when equipped with problem based learning, namely the
hands on activity students. Kartono (2011: 23) experimental class. Qualitative data analysis is
states that the hands on activity is designed to carried out to describe mathematical
involve child in explore information and ask representation ability students during
questions, move and find, collect data and mathematics learning with learning models
analyze and make conclusions on their own. problem based learning assisted hands on
Through hands on activity student learning activity on 6 selected students in the
activities will increase. Students obtain this experimental class selected based on the results
knowledge directly through their own of student learning activities (high, medium,
experience. Everystudents have chance for low), with each criteria is represented by two
presenting own representation. So that the students.
ability of students' mathematical representation The data sources in this study were
can develop. students where they were obtained from the
results of student representation ability tests , the
METHODS results of the scale of learning activities ,
interview results sheets, mathematical
The type of research used is mixed representationabilities. The research instrument
method with concurrent embedded design. This consisted of test and non-test research
design can also be characterized as a mixed instruments. The test instrument was a test of
method strategy that applies one stage of mathematical representation ability. Non-test
quantitative and qualitative data collection at research instruments included the scale of
one time (Creswell, 2004). Quantitative research learning activities , theinterview guidelines for
as a primary method while qualitative research students' mathematical representation abilities.
as a secondary method. There are two stages of Each - each instrument feasibility analysis
research where research begins preliminary which conducted the test instrument construct
studies in order to identify problems in the field validity, content validity and piloting. The
by conducting studies on data, interviews with interview guideline instrument is only construct
teachers, and studies in the literature. In stage validation and content validation. Data analysis

Beny Meilon, Scolastika Mariani, Isnarto/

Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education Research 8 (2) (2019) 213 - 219

in quantitative research there are two analyzes, concluded that the proportion of students in
namely initial data analysis and final data class experiment reaches more than 75%. Based
analysis. Preliminary data analysis included on the result of difference mean test, it is
normality tests, homogeneity tests and two obtained that while
average similarity tests. Final data analysis thus , thus it
includes normality test, homogeneity test, can be seen that the average of mathematical
precision test n. Qualitative data analysis follows representation ability of class experiment is
the concept given by Milles & Huberman (2007), better than that of class control. Learning from
namely data reduction (data reduction), data the Hands on Activity Assisted PBL Model has
display (data presentation), and conclusions : delivered the ability of students' mathematical
drawing /verification. representation to achieve learning completeness.
This is because the learning model of problem
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION based learning provides learning experiences for
students to learn through problems given by the
From 32 students in the experimental teacher where through problem solving activities
class,each category of learning activity is students build new knowledge by linking the
selected 2 students to be analyzed in her knowledge that he had before. This is in line
mathematical representation skills. The selection with Sastrawati et al. (2011) who said that
of low category students was obtained from 2 problem -assisted learning is a learning model
students with the lowest learning activity score , that is implemented by giving meaningful
the selection of students in the medium learning problems to students where the problem will be
activity category obtained from 2 students with a used as an investigation material so students can
learning activity score in the middle, and the develop their own knowledge, develop higher
selection of high learning activitystudents skills, improve students and increase student
obtained from 2 students with a learning activity confidence. The ability of students'
score highest. mathematical representation in learning the
Based on initial data analysis showed that problem based learning model is more than the
the two groups of samples come from ability of students' mathematical representation
populations with normal distribution, having in ekspositori learning. Students in learning
variances homogeneous, and no different of the problem based learning models have the
average - average between the two groups. This opportunity to practice the ability of
means that the sample comes from the same mathematical representation where students are
conditions or conditions. required to represent problems so that they
become more active in the learning process.
Table 1. Mathematical Representation Ability Many active students ask the teacher to get
Test Results information about the process of representing
Average RM the problem. Many students clash with their
kindergarten grades friends about the representation process.
Experiment Class 82.44 Students who get learning problems based
Control Class 78.25
learning models can represent problems better
than students with ekspositori learning.
Statistically, it is analysed by using
The results of the research obtained
classical completeness test. From the
indicate that the ability of mathematical
calculation, it is obtained that
representation in the class using PBL learning
, while by using significance level of 5% it
models with emphasis hands on activity and
is obtained . It can be known that
classes that use different expository learning
. Therefore, it can be

Beny Meilon, Scolastika Mariani, Isnarto/

Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education Research 8 (2) (2019) 213 - 219

methods. Then the results of the follow-up test High activity subjects it is seen that it is
show that the class uses the PBL learning model very capable of using representations to
with emphasis hands on activity is better than organize, record and communicate
classes that use expository learning methods. mathematical ideas. subjects were able to
There are differences in the ability of students' present problems in the form of visual
mathematical representation in both classes representations in the form of cubes, beams and
because of differences in the treatment or pyramid as well as fields. The subjects were able
implementation of learning in both classes. to choose, apply and make equations using the
Learning activities in classes taught using PBL Pythagorean theorem. At the time of interview
learning models more interactive because in the subject is able to explain the answers that are
learning students are involved in the concept less clear on the answer sheet correctly. The
formation process. In this class students also subject is able to write steps to solve
carry out media activities themselves and mathematical problems according to the
demonstrate them. This is an added value in command questions. At the end of each answer
improving students' mathematical representation the subject always writes the conclusions of the
skills. According to the research of Pape & complete calculation with the unit correctly.
Tchosanov (2001: 126) which concludes four Medium activity subjects it is seen that
implications for the practice of representation in subjects are able to use representations to
class. First, students must be given the organize, record and communicate
opportunity to practice representation both in mathematical ideas. the subject was able to
producing external representations and the present the problem in the form of a visual
internalization of mathematical ideas through representation of cubes, blocks and pyramid as
social activities covering a variety of external well as fields. Subjects have been able to choose,
representations. Second, inherent importance is apply and make equations using the Pythagoras
social activity. Students come to understand theorem. However, Subjects faced difficulty
both the process of representation and the results when finding the angle between plane on the
through social activities. Third, in order for pyramid. At the time of interview the subject is
students to be more competent in mathematics, able to explain the answers that are less clear on
instructions from the teacher must use various the answer sheet correctly. Subjects have not
techniques. Finally, representation must be been able to write steps to solve mathematical
considered a tool for thinking, explaining and problems according to the command
deciding. questions.At the end of each answer the subject
The results of this study indicate that the has not written the conclusions of the complete
subject in solving the problem to find out the calculation with the unit correctly.
ability of mathematical representation produces Low activity subjects it appears that the
answers with diverse representations. The subject hasn't able to use representations to
diverse representation is a manifestation of the organize, record and communicate
strategy of solving the subject in completing the mathematical ideas. Subject has not been able to
test questions of the mathematical representation restate the problem in the form of visual
ability given. Based on the table about the results representation in the form of cubes, beams and
of the percentage of the ability of the pyramid as well as fields. Subjects have not been
mathematical representation of the subjects, it able to choose, apply and make equations using
shows that the ability of mathematical the Pythagoras theorem. Subjects faced
representation of subjects is in different difficulties when finding the angle between plane
categories. on the pyramid. At the time of interview the
subject has not been able to explain the answers

Beny Meilon, Scolastika Mariani, Isnarto/

Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education Research 8 (2) (2019) 213 - 219

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